Il -~ j&*~rn~~t,.~y t'. PAGE SIX £A. ' R14ÊIJAN iTATESMAL2N, n w IVAN VILLE. ONTAj&MO TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Don Drury and family, Mr. and Mns. Hugh Mur- doch and family , Lindsay, were quests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Tabb, bunday. Several from here attended Trinity United Church Sunday evening when Rev. A. E. Cress- well, Lindsay, wau guest speak- ir. The Sunday School has been practislng for the Anniversary services which are May 24th. Mrs. Florence Scott attended the Smith - Fowler wedding at Everyday Menace! TE£ DANGER of tire attacking your home in ever present . .. no initter what pracaution. you take. 0f course, you can prevant mîny tires merely by being careful and obeyinm' tire prevention ruies. But your very bout protection against financial lons to any .and &Ul tires la STRONG AND AD- XQUATE INSURANCE. Stuart R. James INSURANCE Phoues: Office 681 Rint Street -.18 REAL ESTATEI Reg. 493 Dowmanvllle Columbua. Mn. and Mn.. A. Geimbengen, Oshawa, were racent guests o! Mn. and Mn.. Walter Park, Sr. Mr. and M. F. L. Byam vie- ited Mn. and Mn.. J. Murdoch, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wright, Grant and Bevenly, Bowman- ville, visited Mrs. A. Yallowlees and girls. Mn.. J. A. Rosevear with Mr. I. W. Larmer, Millbrook, and Mn. E. A. Rosevear, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rcdsbaw, Jimmie and Billia, Whitby, ware guaste Sunday of Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park, Jr. Mise Graca Murdoch, Toronto, F.O. Bill Murdoch Prinlce Bd- ward Island, visiteci their sistar, Mrs. M. Tabb. Flowers werc placad in the church Sunday monning by the Yellowlees family In lovlng mcm- ony o! Neil Yellowlees. Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett ylsited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, En- niskillen. Thera was a vcny good tumnout to Mission Band Sunday morn- ing. Bruce Stainton and Shirley Coombes preslded.' Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtuc and John, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Wonnacott, New Toronto. Glad to know Doug Miller je able to ha out again after a bad attmck of the 'flu. Lawrence Tabb, Oshawa, and Roy Prascott, Bowmanville, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb. Mn. and Mne. Walter Park Sr., were ta gueste o! Mr. and Mns. Auguet Geisberger, when Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gelsbergen were presented with an occasional chair and a walnut coffea table by the Zion community. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cowling opancd thein home to a numben of people Frlday nlght, May let, to entertain Unity Lodga and fniends. Progressive auchra was played and pnizes wera given by Mrs. Helen White, Mrs. Lii Den- by, Mre. Ian Virtue, Mn. Jas. De- lancy and Mn. Les. Brook. lodge members, and were won by Mrs. Elva Beckett, Mns. Helen White, Miss Ann White, Mn. Jas. Dalanay and Mn. Stan Cowling. Durlng the evenlng Happy Blnthday was sung to Mns. Ethel Byam and wedding congratulations to Mn. and Mns. E. A. Virtua. A vary deliclous lunch was served and the evening enjoycd by ahl. t t's dangenous to drive ln a log -especlly if It's mental. ENNISKILLEN W. A. met at the home of Mr John Griffin. Mn.. Floyd Becke nead the scniptuna. Leafletc love was nead by Mrs. Arthi Brunt, closing with a hynin ar prayen. Roll was called and:mei anal members paid amail fine Agnccd to have baklng mile en of May. Contributions were hanÉ ed in fnom Hobo teas held durn this month. Watch out they me callon you. Foilowlng prograi was presentad by Mns. Arthu Brunt. Report from W.A. Pnasb: tenial Convention was well give by Mns. Laurence Wearn. Read ing on life in Finland as told b, a girl living thare was readb: Mrs. T. M. Siemon. Humorou readlng by Mrs. Howard Steveni Mns. Seymour roumed the ladie wlth a sing-song. A votec thanks was axtended to the host os. for opening her home. Lunc] was scrved by the gnoup i charge. Mr. and Mnm. Arthur Brun wlth Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bnad lcy, Maple Grove. Mn. and Mns. A. Leadbaater an( cbldren, vîsitcd Mr. L. Wlliham son, Pontypool. Mns. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grove spent the weekend wlth Mr. anc Mns. O. C. Ashton. Mn. Murray Barrie, Pont Hope visited his aunt, Mro. Marthi Wright. Mn. and Mrs. E. Stainton anc Jean, Mr. S. Mutton, Bowman villa, at Mn. and Mn.. L. Stamn ton'. Mr..and Mn.. Percy Westlake Solina, wlth Mn. and Mns. Car. Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. Alex Potten, Sol. Ina, wara Sunday visitons witi Mn. and Mn.. Albert 0k. Mn. and Mns. Russell Spincs Purple Hill. vlsited Mr..and Mr Walter Oka. Mrs. Maude Ballay, Blackstocli at Mn. and Mrs. R. McLaughlin's Miss Joan Boune and Mr Gea. Hoopen, Richmond Hill and Buttonvilla, wene visitons wltl Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Svancfelts. .Mn.and Mrs. Eugena Hackett, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. E. Mc- Nain. Misses Lavenaand Elva On. chard, Bowmanville, wene Sun. day visitons with Mn. and Mns. M, Stainton. Mn. and Mn.. K. Mosuay anc family, Oshawa, wene Saturday avening visitors at Mr..and Mn. W. Howchl's. Mna. E. Masters and childrn visited inToronto. Mn. Glan Hodgson, Bowmnan- ville. wlth Mn. Ralph Lamb. Mr. and Mns. Jack Pinson and daughter, Picton; Mr..and Mrs. Roland Pinson, Enniekillen; with ý&. and Mn.. Norman Wright. Mn. and Mns. Carl Ferguson and family wcre Sunday evoning callers at Mn. and Mrà. Norvie Prescott's. Mr..and Mn.. P. P. Bradley, Bowmanvilla, at Mn. and Mns. S. R. Pethick's. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, Lor- na and Susan, with Mr..and Mrs. H. Western, Guelph. Mr. and'Mn.. Bud Thompson, and Russell, Blackstock, wene ;unday avcning visitons with Mn. and Mrs. E. MeNair. Mn. and Mns. Lorne Lamb, Ruth and Ralph. at Mr..and Mns. Don- ild Lamb's, Bowmanvillc. Mn. and Mn.. Reg. Wearing and Rickey, Thornhill, with Mr. and Mra. W. H. Moore. 1NATIONAL HOSPITAL DAY MAY 12j prWA ICE CREAN or SUNDAES Now ail One Price 15C We specializ i FISH AND CHIPS Frylng hours 5-7 and 9-11 p.m. Please phone i and orders wiIl be remdy for pick-up. Frank's Snack Bar M2 SCUGOG ST. PHONE 3231 OBITUARIES Irs. :tt oin idr av- ks. id- 'y lm 'en td- 'y 'y rs. les of ch in nt d- id j- la The death occurrcd at the home of her daughtar in Godenich on May 1, of Blanche Alma Cole, be- loved wife of the late F. M. Lee, In her 9th ycar. Mrs. Lac had been i failng health for several months. A daughter o! the late Edward Cole and Martha Coutts, the de- ceased was bonn at Columbus and spent ber entire lifa in the Colum- bus and Kedron arca. She was a member of Kedron United Cburch and a very active memben o! the Womcn's Association of the church. The last member of ber family she was prcdeceased by her husband in 1948 and leaves to mourn han passlng two daugh- tenu, Mrs. A. R. Scott (Rhcta) of Goderich and Mns. M. Ballard (Hermia) of Moose - Jaw, Sask., an dtwo sons, Frank and Rose Lee o! Oshawa. §he was predcceased by a son, John Lee. Also surviving are sevan grand- childrcn and seven great grand- ehildren. The funenal was held from the Luke-MeIntosh Funeral Home, Oshawa, May 4. Rev. Roy Rickard of Columbus conducted the ser- vice and interment was in the Oshawa Union Cemetery. PaIlbearers were E. Mountjoy, C. Werry, W. Davis, H. Crossman, H. Pascoc and H. Werry. E X PER1T WATCH aREPA IRS by Certified Watchmaker as authorized by the Canadian Jewellers' Institute Ail Work Guranteed One Year NAER'IS JEWELLERY e, Alec LtlTrotwshon ,rl or te wek-en andattende teOvery - Jilisen nuptials. 4- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass an th Ronnie, visited Mr. and Mrs Noray Goheen at Port Hope. s, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Moore ar 'family, Toronto, were guestsc kher brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eddi :Couroux. Congratulations to Mr. ani ýdMrs. John Thompson on the ar rival of their son on Saturdaya SPort Hope. ;t Mns. Luxon and Marion accom .'nied by Mn. and Mrs. Ra, Hiughes, spent the weekend a -thein summer lcottage. 1- Bill Mercer and other member 1. of their hunt club gathered at thq home of Shuter Haskill, Thurs d day evening for a birthday cele y bration in his honon. He le 85 bu s. stili looks forward to the huntini season. n Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Wm. Overy, nee Christina iii *sen. who were married in St John's Anglican church, Bow. manville, Saturday, with recep. *tion held in the Legion Hall. h Mrs. Percy Burley and JoycE rattended the wedding and remain. ed in Bowmanville with Mrs 9Vannato and Cecil, e Mise Katie Stewart, Neil Stew. art and Mrs. W. Jackson, attend- cd the Ray Dudley recital in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Foster, Mr and Mrs. Roy Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott, Mr. and Mrs iWm. Mercer and Miss' IrenE eInch attended the Masonie Ladies night at Orono. There was a good crowd anda good time at the shower held in »the Orange Hall, Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Lang- 1staff, nec Alta Farrow. Lorne 1Paedcn was master of ceremon- les and after calling Ariel and Alta to the place of honor reac the address presenting them with 9many lovely and useful gifts. Aniel and Alta very nicely ex- pressed their appreciation to theix many friands. After a tasty lunch2 dancing was resumed to music supplied by Percy and Brenton Farrow. The ladies of Kendal W. 1. are being pnivileged to have Mrs. Leon Dumas, a former night su- perintendent of Bowmanville hos- pital, give a demonstration on home nursing, Wednesday after- noon, May 13 in the Sunday Sehool noom. Rev. Lancaster will instal the officers. AUl ladies in- terested are cordially invited, W. A. met Wednesday evening with the president, Mrs. Garland Cathcart in charge. Mr. Lane of Oshawa conducted a song service of favorite hymas. It was decided to donate $42 to the Deaconees training. The meeting was then turned over to Mr. Lane. Mrs. Lane, who prior to bier marriage, had been a missionary ini Nigeria, gave a very interesting account of lier work there. Mr. Vernon Wright, Oshawa, sang two vcry pleasing solos, "The Preciaus Healing Fountain" and "The Un- veiled Christ". Mr. Lane gave a very thougbt-providing discourse on how Christ bas been rejected througbout history and that we can be saved only by accepting Christ into our lives. He also read a number of ideals upon which the Knights of Columbus are founded. A collectionu was taken for missions. After a tasty lunch, Mr. Wright pleased bis hlsteners by singing a number of old favorite songs. A hearty vote of tbanks was extended to the Oshawa guests. The beef ring meeting was held in the Orange Hall Monday even- ing. Roy Mercer is again president and John Patton secretary. Sev- eral dropped out but they are cxpecting to secure enough new members to carry on again this year. S. S. No. 9, Clarke Home and Scbool Club will be held next Tuesday evening. Also keep in mind the iManvers-Ponty- pool play sponsored by our H. & Mrs. Alice Fisk spent hast week with ber son, Mr. and Mrs. Cal- -cnt Barchard, Bihl and Ken, V,ýhitby. Master John and -Miss Margar- et Ghenney had their tonsils ne- rnoved 'n Memorial Hospital, Boxvmanvilhc. two w0eks ugo. Due' ta complications Margaret haci to rpturn for treatinent. 'Ve are glad tu report s:he ý doing nicely and] able ta be out again. WEDDING me BURLEY - BOSWELL The marriage took place April 4, id in Trinity United Church, Co- rs. bourg, of Phyllis Genevieve Bos- well and Ccixl Keitb Burley, with nd Rev. E. C. Kelloway officiating. ofThe bride is a daughter of Mr. leFrederîck Boswell, Cobourg, and lthe late Mrs. Boswell. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bun- ad ley, Newtonville. Wm. Ramsay tr played the wedding music and at Mrs. S. Guy sang. Given in manriage by ber father n- the bride was gowned i white Iy satin and nylon net ovensklrt, the at bodice and jacket of lace. Her fin- gertip veil was caught with a ýr beaded hcaddness and she carried e red roses and white mums. .S Mrs. Madeline Cnelghton wau e-matron of honor for ber sister. ut Mrs. Earl Linton, a sisten, and g9 Miss Kathleen Kimpton, were bridesmaids, gowned alike ini on- ~chid. green and ycllow nylon I-dresses, the skirts tîcred, match-ý t. ing boleros. They wore florali v-hcaddnesses and carried olonial p-nosegays. re The groomaman waz Alfred cRedknapp of Oshawa. The ushena ý- wcre Donald Boswell and Howe s. ard Quantrill. At the reception heid Ini the v- Baltimore Hotel the gucsts wene 1- received by Miss Mary Gordon, ïn and the groom's mothen, the lat- ter ini grey crepe, with eorsage o! pink roses. td The happy couple motored to s.Quebec for the weddlng trip, the te bride travelling in a suit of neu- rs tral tone, with pink accessories and pink rose corsage. They will a reside on Ball St., Cobourg. IL yg MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mns. Arthur Mundy, LMrs. George Mundy, Kingston, Lare visiting tha former'. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Burgess. Miss Eilecn Doutt, Oshawa, was a Sunday visiton with Miss LMildred Snowdcn. Mne. Howard Bradley is attend- ing Instituta Convention, Guelph, this week. Mrs. Edna Jawell, Cannington, is visiting hon cousin, Mn.. J. D. Stevens. Mn. and Mns. H. G. Freaman, Mrs. L. C. Snowden, mttanded the funeral on Monday o! thein cou- sin, Mrs. F. W. Lee, Kedron. Mother's Day program on Sun- day, also baptismal. Apnil meeting o! Evaning Aux- iliary began with a pot luck sup- pan at Mrs. Wallace Mundy's. Worship service was given by Mrs. Howard Cnyderman's group; caîl to worship and invocation by Mrs. Cryderman; Bible reîding and prayan Mrs. Lloyd Snowdan; meditation, Mrs. Edward Foley; benediction, Mrs. Cryderman. A forum "Whare ara we going to gct tham?" by the gnoup; letton talling of work at Sevenance Hos- pital at Saoul, by Mns. Foiey; a tamparance reading by Mrs. S. Jeffery. It was decided to bring a food parcel for the roll cl next month. Wc also decidad to sk another auxiliany to visit us. Meeting closed with benediction (Intended for hast wack, cor- respondent was away) Thera was a good turnout on Sunday, April 26, to heur Rev. John Hoskin, returned missionmry from India, deliven a good mes- sage on the work in India. The Evening Auxiliary supplied the music. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, daughter Mary Lou, spant Sun- day with Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Mat- thews, Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Snowdan left by motor April 27 for thein mission field at Succees, Sask. Mn. and Mrs. Stephen Jaffery attended the Garwood-Greer ne- ception held in Toronto. The groom used to work for Steve. Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Town, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis an- tertained Mn. and Mrs. Sam Snowden, Oshawa; Mrs. -Albert Crugo, Basa Lina, and Mn. and Mne. Stan Snowden, wane supper guests on April 25. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, Misses Greta, Lorraine, Gaile, Betty Snowden; Mr. and Mn.. Bert Snowden, two beys, Mr. Karl Swartz, were aven- ing guests on the came Saturday before Mn. and Mrs. Stan Snow- den lcft for the west. -l canna find ma thimbie, Jock. Do Ye ken whenc it is?" .\y e. Ye'll find it by the whus- kvbottle. 1 gae McTavish a night- cap.,, NELLIE L. PATTINSON As the recuit o! a stroke, Miss Nellie Lyle Pattinson, o! 123 Im- panial St., Toronto, widely known ln household economics, passed away after a brie! ilînass May 7 at the Toronto Ganenui Hospital. Born in Bowmanville, Miss Pat- tinson was the only daughtcr o! the hate Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pat- tin.son. She was a graduata o! the Hamilton Normal Schooh and taught ln Tyrone and Ebenezer sehools ln Danlington Township. Later she graduated from the Lillan Massey Sehool o! House- hold Science and for some years was a teachar on the staff. She continued as a teacher following the marger of the Lillian Massey School wlth the University o! To- ronto. With the opexring o! Central Technical School she became as- ociated with the dcpartment o! household science and later was appointed director, a post she held until han n etirement in 1942. Heaid o! the depantmcnt.for more than 25 ycars, Miss Pattinson had been nasponsible for the training o! hundrede o! pupils. She was the author o! the Can- adian Cook Book, which was tiret publishad in 1923 and sînce tbcn it bas antered its 20th adi- tion. This book is used extensive- ly not only by housewives but is the standard for houschold science classes o! sacondary schools. Kcenly intercsted in gardening, she was a member o! the Garden Club of Ontanio and the Rose So- ciety o! Ontario. She Icavas one brother, Fred Pattineon, Bowman- ville. A pnivate service was hald Sut- urday at the TruhI Funeral Home in Toronto. Bunial was conductad Sunday aftennoon at the Bow- manvilla cemetary wben the ser- vice was conductcd by Rev. T. A. Monrgan, ministan o! Trinity Unit-i ed Churcb, Bowmanville. i "H OSPITAL DAY " ln the Town of Bowmianville. May 9, 1953. F. M. VANSTONE, Mayor. EXECUTABS- For0 -he 3.50m1c 1 Baby Evenflo. Twln Baby Pants Unit Tips Cream 390 - 590 39e SOc-49e-98e 60e Wildoot For Moiher': aymec Daym01 Ointnt 713e - $1.23 Yardley Lotus -------- $1.75-$3.00 35e-65c-3l.39 Yardley Lavender --1.25-2.50-3.50 Nestles Yardley Lavendomeal --.-2.00 Dodd's Colorinse Yardley Bath Sait. - --- ---$1.50 PI 15e 39e Shandna Perfume --2.00-3.00-5.00 59 Shandra Cologne -10-.050 9 Watenman Pen and Pencil Sets Mereollzed $3.45 - $7.30 - $10.25 - $12.458 Templeton'. Wax Revelon Sets - ----31.15-$6.00 T.R.C.'s 89e 65e - $1.35 Stoppette New Producis Trushay Spray Trimi -- __ _$2.98 Lotion '150 - $1.25 Melozets ----_______ $ 1.50 37c-65c-Sl.19 Barbasol Special Fighi Moths 1 large tube Larvex Spray ----- 93c-$1.43 1 mcd. tube Moth Proofan Bomb .3.. 1.39 $1.05 value for - 7e Dee Tee Moth Kîller - 9 COWLING' S __D RUG STORE RSF CHABLES ANTIL FORMULA 9 Lanolin treatmerft TURN BIG BILLS into ACLUAN FIJR SAVES MON t Don't let Clogg' pipes and ieaks Syour fuel dollars. Stroined expertl S quickl'i Put YocJ fi into tmp-top co' This service is av at special low rn m oth . . . sprE Y paymoflts con 4cluded ln Our budget plan. IACE NEY ged-up ÇS stec3t S.Our s wll furnaCcO noditiofl. valable rates this read-out bu In-~ ir easy Start next winter with1 our 'blue coal' Budgg SMALL SUMS spreadi your family budget -. winter coal bis and yoi for other expan@es. Yot 'blue coal' raady for nead for emergency buy Coal is now at the y Start our 'blue coal'1 ONES PAID-UP FIEAT, on jet Plan. You pay over mon ths to fit you are free of big u have more money mnr bin will be fuil of winter'& worst-no 'ing. year's lowest price. B3udget Plan today. us~i a'tbout OUt**,L The, Sheppazd and GI Lumber Co. Limited 96 KING ST. EAST BD WMAN VILLE TE~SEPHO~!E 715 HAMBURGERS HOT&DOGS MILK SHAKES' daiAdirai REFRIGERATOR MORE STORAGE SPACI You ge mot Food Spcé, e your dolarin fi.s huches spoce wlth on Admirai. Foufume - huile-in hufe poful.wlh fMres ~UE~P and free.zer drwer, Nl. wldth crisper end 4/2hbi hold neerIy 40 Ibo. of frezon feode. The T.V. SHOP Trade in Your Old Ice Box As Down Paymeni 241Months fo Pay THt3RSDAY, MAY 7th, 1953 AM T Nton will administer the armn HAMPTONof baptism to those who so desire. "The fear o! the Lord ha the Mn. and Mrs. Evanett Eiliott, beginning o! knowledge but fools Mary and Barbara, Mn. and Mrs. despîse wisdomn and instruction," Bryca Brown, Jean and Bobby, was the text used for oun pastor's Mns. R. J. McKcssock, Oshawa, timely discourse on Sunday even- Mrs. Geo. McKessock, Vancouver, ing. The choir selection, "I was B.C., visited Mns. Joa Chapman. glad wben they said unto me, Let Mn. and Mns. Allen Parker, To- us go into the House o! the Lord" ronto. visited Mn.. M. Goodman was fîtting also. and Louise on Sunday. Seagnuve friands will prýesent .Mn. and Mrs. Merwin Mo unt- thaîr two pîmys: "Hava You Had joy were guests at Mn. E. ou prtn adAxis Strong's also with Mn. anxd Mn Y o u Opnton" Sund"anxicousý T. Dancy, Bowmanvihha. r. Tonaduce inaur unay ScMay Mr. und Mns. Doug. Rackham roomneT usesy e Wn.1M. Lac and Linda, Bowmunville, Mr 2, un dan ausier! ta W. and Mrs. Mal McCune and child- Ms m ic, (an ren, Oshawa, at S. Kensey's. Son-Gye) n. ak (te Lt" ry ta know that Linda had the and daughter, Miss Liii Mard~ misfontune ta break ber arm. Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. Russel Bal- Mn. Donald White, Indian Ri- son, Carolyn and Barbara, Cour- ver. spent the wcakend with bis tice, Miss Judith Balson, King- parents, Mn. and Mrs. Will White. ston, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Sunday services were fuirly Thornton's Corners, Mn. and Mrs. wahl attended. Mrs. Kcith Smith, Alan Taylor (Ileen Balson) now missionary supt., pnesented an in- O! Duncan, B.C., Mn. and Mrs. tarasting story ut the Sunday Anson Balcon, Richmond Hili, School session, o! the life o! a wene visitons ut J. W. Balcon's. little Korean girl, tchling bow she Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Macnab, Mn. kept the Subbuth and o! han won- and Mrs, Kcitb Billctt and child- derful davotion which bad its In- ren visited Mn. and Mrs. Victor fluence in ber home. This was il- Pankin, Brooklin, to sec Mn. and lustrated with slides whicb wera Mns. Noble Stevenson, (Velma enjoyed. Balcon) o! Burlington, wbo wera Cburch service wihl ha beld In visiting in Brookhin and hud the monning next Sunday ut 11:15 their childnan chrlstand at the PROCLAMATION In consideration of the great humanitarian service performed by our public hospitals on behaif of the sick and injured, the role these institutions play jin the betterment of the health of our citizens, and their constant vigilance and readiness for tinies of emergency, and in view of the fact that hospitalsé internationally recognize!May 12th, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birthday, as National Hospital 6 Day, 1 hereby proclaim May 12, 1953, as - * ~ -- -~ ~ r - '-.. z 'IHIR rAVAnTAV CMIAMVeltirAwt lmtTrn#Akti ivm 1 196 RING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE TETaEPHQ%!E 715