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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1953, p. 13

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YffM"RDAY, MAT ", 1051 Legion Bowling and Dari League Holds Blanquet and Presenlations The Bowling and Dant League the bowling and dart league ban- of Bowmanville Branch of the l quet s0 that he can start off. fresh Canadian Legion ended a mast 1 on the new season in the faîl. successful season wth a banquet A hearty vote of thaniks was held at the Legion Hall. moved ta J. J. Brown and ta AI After a very excellent turkey Smith for their many- services ta banquet served by members Of the Branch. 2nd Vice President the Canadian Legion Ladies' Aux- Jack Knight moved a vote of ap- iMary, trophies and awards were preciation ta the Ladies' Auxiliary presented f or bath bowling and for the excellent banquet they Mits com petition. had prepared and served. 'ÊiII Bates, who acted as chair- The evening was ended with a n'an. called on J. J. Brown ta sing-song and entertaînment by present the George Elliott trophy members of the league. for the winning team ta Captain George Elliott, whose team was made Up of Doug Johnson, Jirn Fishing Prohibited Barclay, Jim Newman, Jim Cully adDon Wright. I im t re The Stan Dunn Trophy donat-,I im f Cre ed by Zone Commander ' "'n Duan for high average was wo And L angs ureek by George Elliott, with Legion tPresent Loy Peto mkig Conservation Officer Ken Toi- The resentarian mie reported a number of gamei Th ig rple was won by Ross law violations in the creeks ofo McKnight with a score af 873. Durham County with seven per- The Dart Trophy for the high sons being app'rehended aver the team score for 'bsbl a o by "D" Team baseailmas on .1past week-end. The majority of wit a arkof 1.cases invoîved undensîzed troutj This team was made up of Cap- taken near Cav-an and wenei tain Jim Woodward, Bill Bates, found an searching a car. On thisi Pete Bathgate, Jim Firth and Ah counit. Sid Burroughs, GanfîelId1 Mavin. The presentation was Rutledge, Lamne Wallis and il- mad e by Palmer Kaîght. la uknalo eebr Individuat winnens in darts, oiam wRdknsall of P tetoferor were: Most doubles in, Bill Bates, ogwr hre yteofcr "D' team, 46: mast doubles out, . Also charged were Ellwoodi Jim Fair, "B" team, 29; high'1 Nichais and Desmand Nichols of score, three darts, G. Jones,"C", Peterborough, one for having a teamn, 150: high basebal, 'nine loaded gun in a car and the other inrings, S. Murdock. -B"' team, î for carrying a gun on Sunday. r 29; high basebaîl, one inning. J. Art Toms. Toronto, was charg-t Firth, "D" team, seven. tied with ed with fishing in the stream on1 G. Jones '»C" team, alsa with the propenty of George Laing, seven. Clarke Township. This stream basa The question of electing a been set aside as a sanctuary andp sports officer at the banquet was is being improved by the Oshawat braught up. After considerable Fish and Hunt Club. It is unlaw- disciussion il was decided ta make fui ta fish this stream from the a necommendation ta the execu- fourth ta th efifth concession of tive that the present sports offi- Clarke. cer, Bill Bates, carry on ta 1954 Ontario Lands and Forest Dept.d and that in the future the sparts bas also set the Wilmot Creek int officer he elected each year at Durham County, the first cneeke _________________________ west of Newcastle crossing No. 2 Highway, as a fish sanctuany from T I CK ETS May 1, 1953 ta April 30, 1955.r TO EVERYWHERE AIl of which means you are pro-g Air, Rail or Steamship mot Creek until after April 30,v Consuit hibited fnomn fishing in the WiI- J UR Y & L OV E LL 1955. If yau are caught violatingo Bownanville the law dont tell the Conserva- 16 Kig St W. -Phon 778 tion Officer the Statesman hadn't f if KngSt . Pon 78 warned yau. ý DO WMAN VILLE BOY SCOUT PAPER DRIVE ai 6:30 Friday, May 29th Please have your paperu tied and in bundies on the curb. Your co-operation is res.pectfully solicited. Get the Best buys in EM BER CO-LMITED Head- quarters f or the Handy- man SHEPPARD & GILL LUMIER COMPANY LIMJTED KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 715 TM !CAN'AnTAl< STATZSMAIW. EOWMAWfVTLE, Oq'Altto PAGE linTR ITEE Ne '"' Sol thaîl Leai Draw Up Rules ani Games ai Nemorial Bowmanville Men's Softball League is ail set for a îively sea- son having met at the Lions Cen- tre last week and decided an teams ta be in the league as well as having dnawn up a tentative schedule. Plans were laid for the inclu- sion of four teams, with Jim Coy' le, Goodyear Office: Ralph Mclnt ' re, Jack and Jili Club; Harry Hamm, Car tdian Order of Forestens; and Freat Cowle, Bill's Billiards, representing the four respective entrants. Members decided that teams may sign up ta 20 players, and instituted a clause which read, -An eligible player will be one residing in, ar working in Baw- manville. Any other player pre- sented for signing by any club must be brought before the pres- ent executive for consideration." It was mentloned that this clause would prevent the obviaus stackîng of any one club, but de- finitel 'v would not be adverse ta the signing of players which would enhance the quality of the league so long as the balance be- tweea the teams was not dam- aged by such inclusions. Draw Up Rules 1. Rules of the Canadian Ama- leur Softbail Assaciation would be enforeed. 2. Signed player certificates must be placed in the hands of the secî-etary treasurer, Murray Tighe, noa later than June 30, 3. Team fees, decided ta be set at $15 per team, must also be placed in the secretary's hands by the first gaine scheduled. 4. Games ta be called at 6.45 p. M. 5. Umpire wvill allow 15 minutes leeway until 7 p.m. If one team does not field their entry by that time the gamne must be reshedul- ed. 6. AIl games will be seven in- nings, with four and ane-haîf in- nings constituting a camplete gamne in case of nain or inclement weather. 7. Spikes will be classified as aptional. 8. The playoffs within the faur- team league will be played be- tween the first and second teama, best 3 out of 5 senies. 9. Home teamn managers will be responsible for: Liming base lines. and prepaning field for play; an- ranging for and returning laaned equipment. anranging for league ;corer; taking collection and turn- ing in ta secretary o! the league, 10. Postponed games will be ne- scheduled at end of regular league play. u i Financial Report Mu rnay Tighe. secretany-treas- urer of the League, read the fi- nancial repart, as follows: Bank bal. fram 1951 ----- $102.79 Receipis Collections . - $108.31 1 Bank înterest ------ .51 Sale of aid bases . 3.00 Entry fees, 5 teams 75.00 $258 .82 Total receipts plus bal. --- $361.61 Expenditureg Umpîne tees -------- .--- $ 87.95 Equqipment - -----140.65 Championship crests.- . 12.32 Discount, Amenican maney .13 Bank service change---------- .32 $241.37 Bank balance ta date ----- $120.24 j SCHEDULE A tentative schedule was drawn for the present, but il was noted that changes might possibly be ef- Iected. May- 25- Office vs. C.O.F. 27-Bis vs. J. and J. 25-Office vs. Bills June- I -C.OF. vs. J. and J. 3--J. and J. vs. Office 5 -Bilîs vs C.O.F. 8-C.O.F. vs. Office 10--J. and J. vs. Buis 12--Bilis vs. Office 15-J. and J. vs. C.O.F. lî, urrice vs. J. and J 19 -COF. vs. Bills 22- -Office vs. COF. 24--Bilis vs. J. and J. 26 Office vs. Bills 29-C.O.F. vs. J. and J. .1u ly- 3- --. and J. vs. Office 6-Bîlîs vs. COF. 8 COF. vs. Office 10-J and J. vs. Bills 13-BuIls vs, Office 15-J. and J. vs. CO.F, 17 -Office vs. .J.and J. 20 -COF. vs. Buis "2-C.OF. vs. Office 214 Bills vs. J. and J. 27- Office vs. Bills 29--CaF. vs. J. and .1. 11-J. and J. vs. Office August- 5BIsvs. C.O.F. 7 -C.O.F. vs. Office 10-J. and J1. vs. Bills 12-Billîs vs. Office 14---J, and J. vs. CO0,1. 17 -Office vs.J. and J. 19 -COF. vs. Bills This schedule wiould allow each team ta play three games x'.ibmi two weeks. The gaines falng on Mondavs and Wedne- daVs wilI he played at Memonial Park. and the gamnes called for 1eiîber Thursday on Friday would be ai Franklin Park. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone wbitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whtbr FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise warkmanslup and careful attention ta detai] are vaur assurance when yau chaose froni the wide select ion of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. 1 - - - - Comparison proves Admirai gives you 21% more food spate per dollar. Think Of it ! Thaf's room for two bushels of extra food-at no extra cost ! Admiral's spalce-saving compact design gives you MORE storage space in LESS kitchen space. See and compare these features in Admirai refrigeralars. Prices begin The T. V. Shap 33 Ring St. W. Pharoe 32E~ - -- I 1 ,U eo o rCu s fr W.A. Presbytery meeting at i rcrigantodd ;u o ou lu s Orono. She also gave an înterest ,anadians tb See the Coronation lindfCanperra.J'et. rcaTee&tl d ShedlesMrs Mci~ t tiatmeein igh in Their Own Homes, June Znd l1 pi Mnreli 1, Franklin Parks festival in June and Anniversary C-1 ---O'- Acion 01CDClie oronionrt, ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ nday on June 21. P ae m was muu e i O n aning[for's xaorn g Ol read by Mrs. Art Robbins entitled Du IoRi.oreuîtcngActto ruac aurs " M y M t h e r " . W o r s h i p s e r v i c e T e u sAfa n R F C a b r a h o n î u u s C r n a i n p e c o ng t h o f t e , w i l l b k LESKARD was pened with a scripture read- ThusofaRA Cabra1tecnius ln l-lolcsêde orna ______ igavyaMrs.E. Sry.MrsE.Du Jet Bomber to fly CBC television gram as picked up by the BBC- scheduled tollowving Coronati.e" Mr.iangavesa De dington "compas-i films of the Coronation to Cana- TV cameras will be filmed. jD~ t a tm a b n a n e 7 r and Mrnson, mates n sion" Lunch was served by the 'da is a historv-making operation The f irst two hours of film will as soon as arrangements have Bri.An. Kingson with Mr. and hostess after which a pleasant in more ways than one-repres- be rushed fromn Alexandra Palace beeu compileted.à Mr. . ork. Imusical social hour was spent. enting "firsts" in both televisian to North Weald Airport, just out- The CBC's Coroliation Day... Mr. and Mrs. E. Green with Mrs. A. Loucks, Leskard, Mrs. 'and aviation history. . ieLno. yhlcper hr rgammînllg %wi]l also include a Mrs. Cyril Warburtan, Oshawa.1 F. Bluett. Orano, Mrs. A. Hiltz; For the first time, jet bombers it will be transferred to an RAF telJvisioni presentation of Mrs. S. Pritchard with Mr. and Bowmanville, were aIl initiatedlwjll be flying non-stop beee Canberra bomber which wilI cereamnieq takîng place on Pr Mrs. Earl Duvaîl. Mrs. Pritchard into the Heather Rebekah lodge j England and the Canadian main- leave f or Goose Bay, Labrador, lialenit HillI. These will be has been very iii and we are glad an May 12. We were pleased ta land. Also for the first time in the a distance of 2,480 miles, between bet\ween 3.30 and 4.30 p.m. EDI' to see she is sa înuch better. have sa many visitars from Or- history of communications, a 1.00 and 1.30 BST. on thie thiree C'BC TV stations. Mr. Bert Levoguer, Signal ana, Bawmanvi.lle and Oshawai television program will be seen At Goose Bay, the film wilI he CBC mobile unit crewwilb., Corp, Kingston, with Miss Joan ladges. There were four Noble On the same day in the United transferred ta waiting RCAF. CF- sent fromi Toronto ta caverth., Campbll. rand preentMrs.Manningaof Kingdomn and in North America. 100 jet fighters. These wilî coin- event. The television service WR - Mrs. W. Fee, Miss J. Campbell Behîve Companion and the Nabe These flights are being made plete the delivery ta St. Hubert aiso broadcast the Queen's ad- and friend, Mrs. G. Duvali and Grand. of Leona Ladge, Toronta, primarily an behaif af the CBC Airport in Montreal. 812 miles diess to the Commonwealth at4,, children, Miss A. Barnes and Mr. Mrs. Lilian French, Oshawa and1 and the arrangements have been awaY, where fast motor transport p.m. EDT, in the middle of thê,ýr Keith Fee, visited Oshawa Air- Mrs. Eva MeMaster, Bowman- made between the Air Ministry 1will take the film ta the CBC's Parliai-ncnt Hill ceremionies, part Saturday ta meet Mr. Dave ville. Brothers Ed Youngmnan and and the British Broadcasting Cor- 1 adio-Canada Building. Separate Fee. H. Davey and C. Martyn were poration. Payment for the casts1 arrangements will be made forI sbteInhvalin0ý Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton present ta give a helping hand. of the operatian will be met by i the collection of the telerecord- Ilsbtr aaeahet with Mr, and Mrs. E. Green. Nice gesture was the presentation the CBC, which has made subsi- ings destined for the Amnerican niorrnw than anl egg taday. A special Leskard United of a beaten metal sandwich tray diary arrangements for five Am-1 cOmpanies. Thomnas Fuiller'. ano4" Church service will he held next ram the Bowmanville Lodge as enican networks, ta share in the1 It is expected that this deli\ ery (orid t mes <ac(ording oa Sunday afternoon, May 24, at 2.00 a thank yau for initiating their cost of these high-speed trans-At- will be acçoinplished in time failler we know)--When you cait o'clock for the reception of new candidate. lantic deliveny flights. since the start the recordings at approxi- 1 ap -oc creba i~ members. Special music. A coi-- A new assistant in a florist shap air cnaft will be carnying record- mately 4.30 p.m. EDT an Corona -________________ d tmes dial invitation is extended toalal. took a telephone order for a ings for themn as well.I tion Day since the over aIl tillne Leskard W.A. meeting was held wreath. Among the instructions Briefly the plan ta be followed for the flight of 3,292 miles fromi May 13 at the home of Mrs. A. wene that the ribbon should be comprises the installation at Alex- North Weald ta Mantreal bas beenSP N E Laucks. Mî-s. Leroy Hamilton, extra wide with the inscription andra Palace, BBC television estimated at appî-oximatclv 712SEN E president, opened the meeting, -Rest in Peace", an bath sides, headquarters in London, of CB3C hours. They will be carried on IlleSETER followed by treasurer's repart. and, if thene was room, -We shall television recanding equipment. new micra-wave relay TV ]jet- 1 C R E IR Carresponding secretary*s report meet in Heaven". The wreath, by a special team of six CBC work,' being seen an CBC-TV ;ta- (egistered sice 1931) was read by Mrs. A. Loucks in the when delivered, bore an ils braad techaicians. A featune of this set- tians in Montreal, Ottawva and jj L absence af Mrs. E. Green. It was ribbon the inscription: 'Rest in up is a high-speed processar Tor-onto. M~rs. J. ..Riuchards decided ta hold a quilting at the Peace on bath sides, and if thene which will provide develaped ne- I While this is gaing.i eui-lO 3 RN church May 20, Mrs. L. Hamilton is raam, we shahl meet in Hea- cording film three minutes after; îng aperations will be continuin gT1pon 7rI thanked aIl those wha baked pies yen." it bas been exposed. In thîs way in London. with a further des -________________27-r-1 ___ 1 P h a mes 3 2 6 li

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