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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1953, p. 14

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-. * ~ ~ THE CANADIAN BSTATESMAN, BOWMANV!LLP, ON~TARIO Holiday Bail Games Wrecked by Rain Nany Blisters and Burned Fixigers lu Evidence As Holiday Afiermath f' Although the Victoria Day holi- water, how..e' er. .uïdiý he gamue day was switched from the ira- could not lie, pIN .eti. Wtt ditional May 24 to the unortho- toiit i .15 e 'ie tt i'U dcx May 18 this year, most Bow - tl'liel'.tan in the ianville and district residents hIi%.ieh 1011.I I It' t.tîi Iid icelebrated It in the uusal 0orîho- îî,i met t et lt, t,\\ eci.ea-.t Ih Squad 4Oox ways-taking trips, opening mine" ni l 0 11an aterruîuîî1 summer cottages, fishing. gartdeîî- gaînie lh e droîîped a close, ing; and the youngsters. of course. olie. lo-sttî> il 1312. bit setting off huge quanîtilies tif Miv îî.fislieet '.ete omi (Ixer fireworks. 1 he 1o t~'ng e witît,'.. hl rauik Except for rain Sundav iuighit 1 .î,u lelou tll ý11d alter Ilihnubeitîg #nd early Monday morning Ilthîîiv osi îeî'dî anglers. Mr. *'eather was ideal for ail.ýltSll te Iar îsn i, tedtIthrte bhro\wni pýursuits and the gardener.s par- trî',î t nivsutin 1), 13 and 10 ticulariy were busv readyîug their inclies. jind Mr. Rahi cauight a flbWver beds, pianting and '.'.eed- «21 -iii.iLike t roui. Art I looper fnig. There were mnanv lutes augli fouîr trouit and Bud Hoop- on the hands of Bownîanville j-'r -iurîded 011e. I!indobtedi «v #~oeowners also from givinîg thete were nmativ others we teir lawns the first mawviog Of havent heard abou't. t e year. intermittent explosions of fire- The nains that fell were enougli crackers could be heard ail over Io ruin Mondax' as far as basebaîl the w'eekend, but the real fire- was concerned. ho\wýe\er. The works display took place just at Ttermediate "B" Bowmaoviileidusk an Mon*dav. ho practically Brookdale Roses team was sched- everv oeiglhborhood in Bowman- uled to open the local bail season1 ville' the sky was lit up b'v the wîth a double-header against the muit i-colored halls, of shooting Oshawa Transporters, with th e stars and Roman candies. The first game ta take place in B 0w red g low of volcanoes and mieteors manville at 10:30 arn. The heavy and the sparks showering fromn rains left the High School iofield sparklcrs could aiso be seen in 3oggy and partiallY covered by most back Yards. wvith the uwhole - - accampanied bY the sounids of cx- ploding firecrackers. The smell of burnt gunpilo\,dcr GElA 'DR I following these fire\works dis- epiay s was strong enouglita drown lESTOOGONE VER the ,scent of spring tree bhossoms >tnL~ '~UEVERSAWI and flowers. The whoie weekend was re- markably free of accidcnts in this district althougli traffic, both on I-ighways 2 and 401, was very heavy. The O.P.P. of the Bo\v manville detachnient reported - only one serious accident and lu this noon0e was injured. It took place Monday evening whien Har- old J. Crawford, Hampton, aver- turned a car an the curve wherp Sthe beach road turms to parallel 4 ~ the new highway. The vehiclc weo mint the gullY at the side of - the road and landed on ils side, c a u s îng considerabie damage.* Neither the driver nor bis two Lander Hardware companions e ijrd If .-ing St. E. Phone 774 An ounce of mother is worth a Bowmanville paund of clergy.--Spanish Prov- erb. BUILDING INSPECTOR WANTED for the Town of Bowmanville Applications will be receiv'ed by the undersigned 'up te June lst, 1953, for the position of Building Inspector for the. Town of Bowmanville. Applicants te state age, experience and fees ,_experted. Further details may be obtained from the Clerk. A. J. LYLE, Clerk. Town of Bowmanville. VOLUNTEER FIREMEN WANTED for the Town of Bowmanville Applications will be received by the undersigned upte June lst, 1953, for Volunteer Firernen for the 3zwmanville Fire Brigade. Applicants niust state âge. qualifications and ýplace ef permanent emnployment. A. J. LYLE. Cleik. Town of Bo\vman\ulle. Just Arrivedl A WHOLE CARLOAD 0F NEW RANGETTES Two Styles from which Io choose CANADIAN BEAUTY RANGETTE, cemplete with autoniatic oven control, Regular, $7995 SPECIAL CANADIAN BEAUTY RANGETTE, with Calrod eleinents, the same as used on heavy duty ranges. Guaranteed for tbree 3'ears. Regular $11000 --------SPECIAL Low Dowm Payaient $69,00 $94,50 - Easy Terais Trade-imi Accopied MURPHY'S FURNITIJIE and APPLIANCE STORE - 1-19BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 811 it gjNerSTx. W - W OM~AWA - PHONE 3-8634 11T SIMCOE ST. S. :1 Enniskillen Wins Opening Game of Soccer League Enniskillen and Zion opened the' Darhington Soccer League on MNondta'.' with a close match on the Enniskillen field which was fînall 'von by the Enniskilien teuim byv a 1-0 score. Joe McGili. star centre forward of the Enniskilien team, booted the loue goal in the secG.d ai ut the gaine.* Other entries in the League ti e are: Solina Hampton, Grove. The Enniskilien lineup for Mondav*s game xvas: Raiph Vir- tue. Charlie Brunt. Ted Werry, Grant Werry, Don Cochrane, Joe McGill, Reg. Griffen, Keith Mc- Gil, Clarke Werry and Keith Van Camp. Schedule of Clarke Darlinglon Ladies' Sofîbali League May 15 representatives of Cour- tice. Orono, Newtonville and Ne'.'.castie Ladies' Softbaîl clubs met in Commuoity Hall ta re- utrganize and draw up the sche- dole of the Clarke and Darling- ton L.adies' Saftball League as fllaws: 1953 Schedule Ma y- 25-Neweastle al, Orano 29 -OronoaiatNewcastle June- l----Courtice at Newtonvihle 4-Newtonvihhe at Courtice 8-Newcastle at Newtonville 9 -Orano at Courtice 12-Courtice at Orono 12 --Newtonville at Newcastle 15-Orono at Newtonville 16-Newcasthe at Courtice 19-Courtice at Newcastle 19-Newtonvlhe at Orono 22-Newcastle at Orono. 22-Caurtice at Newtonville 25-Newtonvilhe at Courtice 26-Oronoalat Newcastle 29--Newcastle at Newtanville 31) Orono at Courtice Juîly- 3-Courtice at Orono 3-Newtnvilhe at Newcastle 6-Orano at Newtonville 7-Newcastle at Courtice 9-Newtonville at Oroîto 10-Caurtice at Newcastle Ahi games start 7:15 p.m. D.S.T. Enniskillen S. S. Hlids Successful 751h Anniversary Enniskillen Sunda y School held its 75th anniversary, Sýunday, May 17. The church shed was elabor- ately decarated by the senior girls of the Suoday Schoal. A cangregatian of at heast 450 people assembled for thé services. A chair of 100 vaices under the leadership af Mrs. R. M. Seymour provided fine musiet The Ladies' Quartette of Trinity Church, Bow- manvihie, sang two înspining nom- bers. Rev. Harry Melhow, B.A., af Northminster Church, Oshawa, delivered two very splendid ad- dresses; ln the eveniog Trinity Quartette again favoured us with two apprapriate numbers. Plan- ists for the services were Joyce McGill and Mana Brunt. Ail the church and cammunity hall chairs w.ere needed ta accomodate the att e ndu ce. The minister, Rev. R. M. Sey- matur made special mention of T.U.C. Boys' Club, the members liavbng raised $35 ta porchase the new Bulletin Board which was, erected through the kindness of Art Leadheater. Hioward Pv.e, aur efficient care- taker. has spent cousiderabie Urne, energyv and money to make the grounds beatîtiful. The flower bed al the front of the church was well planted by Mr. K. Swanfelt of the' Ken Graham flonist firm. The orders af service for bath servý,ices were a donation from Miss Margaret Seymaur, lnstruct- ress in Occupatianal Therapy in Ktnigston. On Monday the day' was spent bu sports and the Entîiskillen vs. Zion faotball gaine at the publie sclîuul grotuntds. At 4.30 the' ladies began ta serve a delicious supper and satisfied hunidred of people ail ready for a gaod meal, aînd w..h<) su-it. T'l'i United Church Choi' of à1illbrook presented their elahor- atte operetta "'The Bell of Bar- cloua- beginning at 8:15 p.m. It s estiiniatt'd there were 600 pres- uit ta enjoy the entemtaiunment. 'lle operetta was exceptionaily u'.eIl presented hy, the .30 actons aiid actiresses. It tould be seen liai much practice and wark had aken part in the preparatian. It is %,.-orth noting that ail the cost- uies, except the dress suits of lhe men, were made by the cast i hem sel ves. The financial aspect of the an- i'. ersarv is ni st gratifying. The Sincla\- offering was $137. and î'.eîr $501) was reaiized on Mon- d1a'.-. The bravest battie that ever was fought: Shall 1 teil you where and when' On the uîaps of the world you w'vill find it not; It was fought by the mothers of men.-Joaquin Miller. WANTADS Darlinglon Football League Nade Up 0f Seven Teams in*Sr. and Jr. Groups Firsi Game Scheduled for May 181h Darlington Football League hehd their annual Spring meetings on April 27 and May 4th. Execut- ive for 1953 is compnised of: Pres. -M. Nemisz, Zion; Vice-Pres- G. Chant, Hampton; Sec'y-Treas. H. Balson, Hampton. There wili be seven teanis in the Senior League and seven teams in the Junior League. This is three more Junior teanis than last year, and rounds out quite a large schedule for the younger set. There should be keen in- terest throughout the season in both leag,,.es, as only the top four clubs are eligible for playaffs and cup competition. Any Senior games which have to be postpoued on accounit of rain, are to be played on the fol- lowing Monday nîght.. Any Junior games postponed for above reason are to be played un the Friday of the same week they are scheduled. Games are scheduied for 7 p.m. E.D.T. until June Ist inclusive; after which thev are scheduled for 7:30 E.D.T. The following are the scheduies for 1953. Please note, lu the Junior schedule, that Bowman- ville home games viil all ho play- ed ou the field of the tearn vhich would be visiting theni, as Bow- manville haven't field facilities this year. Senior Schedule May- 18-Zion at Enniskillen 23-Maple Grove at Courtice Hampton at Sauina .30-Tyrone at Zian Etiniskillen at Mapie Grove June-. i Courtice at Solina 6-Courtice at Hampton Solina at Tyrone h-Zion at Maple Grave Enniskilien at Hampton 13-Maple Grove at Hampton Courtice at Zion 17 --Tyrone at Courtice 20-Solina at Enniskillen Maple Grove at Tyrone 24--Soiina at Maple Grove 27-Enniskillen at Courtice Hampton at Tyrone July- 1-Zion at Hampton 4-Zion at Solina Tyrone at Enniskillen 8-Enniskihlen at Zion Courtice at Maple Grove li-Solina at Hampton Zion at Tyrone 15-Maple Grove at Eoniskilhen Hampton at Courtice 18-Solina at Courtice Mapie Grove at Zion. 22--Hampton at Enniskilien Courtice at Tyrone 25-Hampton at Maphe Grove Zion at Courtice 29--Enoiskilien at Solina Tyrone at Maple Grove August- 1--Hampton at Zion Cotîrtice at Eoniskillen 5-IMaple Grove at Solina Tyrone at Hampton 8-Solina at Zion Enniskillen at Tyrone 12-Tyrone at Solina Boss.* "What in the wor]d hap- pened? Voure over an hour late getting back with those mnules." Hired Hand: "]. know it, Boss, but 1 picked up Father O'Leary and fromn there on the mules couidn't uanderstand a word I said." Junior Schedule May- 21-Bowmanville at Zion Enniskiilen at Hampton Courtice at Tyrone 28--M. Grove at Bowmanville Zion at Enniskillen Hampton at Courtice June- 4-Tyrone at Maple Grove Bowm'ville at Enniskilien Zion at Courtice li---Maple Grove at Hampton Enniskillen at Courtice Boxvmanville at Tyrone 18 Tyrone at Zion Enniskillen at M. Grove Hampton at Bowmanvihhe 25--Zion at Hampton T yrone at Enniskillen Caurtice at Maphe Grove JuIy- 2-Bowmanville at Courtice Maple Grave at Zion Hampton at Tyrone 9-Zion at Bowmnanviile Hampton at Enniskillen. Tyrone at Courtice 16 Bow,viiie atiVaple Grove Enniskillen at Zion Courtice at Hampton 23-Maple Gravýe at Tyrone Enniskilhen at Bowm'viile Courtice at Zion 311 Hamopton ai Maple Grave Courtice at Ennîskilleu Tyrone at Bowmanville Au gus t-. 6--Zion ai Tyrone Maple Grave at Entiskillen Bowmanville at Hampton 13-Hampton at Zion Enniskilien at Tyrone Maple Grave at Courtice 20-Courtice at Bowmanville Ziou at Maple Grave Tyrone at Hampton War on Ragweed Now Peace for Sneezers Public Healih A ims 'Hay fever may not be a direct killet-, but it daes cause thous- ands af weeks of discomfort, mhis- ery and lass af efficiency each year," notes Dr. L. A. Pequegnat. medical afficer af health for To- ronto, in a decianation of war an ragweed. IHe estimates that up- wards of 50,000 persans in To- rontoalahne suffer from hay fe- ver bn same degree each year and many of them have associated a st h ma "Public health is iotensely co- cerncd," adds Dr Pequegnat, "be- cause so much of hay fe\'er cao or couid be cantrolled by' vitdivi- duial and collective effort in the direction of removal or suppres- sian of the principal offender- rag-wee d." Here are six steps recommend- ed far the contrai af hay fever:- 1. Learn ta recognize ragweed in ail stages ar grawth. 2. Attack ragweed early, be- fore the plant buds, blaoms and gives aff pollen. 3. Pull or dig Out scattered plants anid dispose of themrn are- ful'N'. Mo'.'. larger areas verv short. 4. If af rag\veed 15 abun- dant, use a 2, 4-D spray. 5. Deal with new growth as it appears. 6. Gardein, .od. or plant areas given ton'.eed growth. Which has N. B. POTATOES P. E. T. POTATOES PINEAPPLES -Complete Allerations including New Shelving, New Shopping Caris and Remodelled Meal Counier for your convenience. FREE 1 ONE SWIFT'S TENDER-GROWN CHICKEN will be GIVEN AWAY EVERY HOUR to the Customer at or nearest te the Check-out Counter when the alarmn sounds. This wilI continue THURS. and FR1. Peani CoIl Swift, Preii Swift' Swif t's Orie Boneless Hams MEAT SPECIALS mal nge Roils . . . Lb. 52c ý's ium Franks --L.30c 's ium Bolgona Lb. 27c m Lb. 89C 10 LBS. - - 29c - $1.29 4 FOR 89C TI!URSDAT, MAT ~1. IBM RECREATION REVUES JR. VARIETY CLUB SHOW To-morrow night (Friday) 'n the Town Hall at 8 p.m. the Junior Variety Club under the direction of Mrs. Ede Cole and Mrs. Gert Hailman will present their annual minstrel show which promises a real bargain in en- tertainment. The Junior Variety Club is sponsored by the Bowmanville Recreation Department and la much indebted to Mrs. Hailman and Mrs. Cole for their patience, interest and ability in producing a show of this kind involving numerous children, parents and other interested persons. Admission: adults, 50c; child- ren 25c; pre-school children, free. TENNIS CLUB The club is encouraging the young people again this year by giving instruction on Tuesday evenings from 7 - 9 p.m. and also loaning racquets to the new members until they find out whether they like the game or procure one of their own. Doug Cattran is the youth dele- gate to the executive this year and is quite capable of repre- senting the younger, a - shall we sav - set? The fees for the season are the sarne as last year: Junior mem- bers-$3.00; Senior members- $6.00, Married couples-$1O.00. Bill Crawford, Treasurer, is the willing, able receiver of fees. TOWN SOFTBALL LEAGUE Dr. Austin was elected Presi- dent of the League with Murray Tighe, Secretary-Treasurer. Four teams, if not five, wilI Play in the league and include C.O.F. managed by Harry Hamm; Goodyear Office managed by Jim Coyle; Bills' Billiard.s man- aged by Fred "Buck" Cowle; Jack and Jill Club managed by Ralph Mclntyre, and possibly one other, a combine club man- aged by Tom Cowan. The teams will play Monday and Wednesday at Memorial Park and Fridays at Franklin Park on Scugog St., the games will start at 6:30. George Piper will be oificial league umpire behind the plate. See another column for other details. JUNIORS (PEE WEES) Organization meeting for the Juniors, under 13, May lst, will be held in the High School grounds at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 23rd. SENIORS (Midget Bantams) Organization meeting for the Seniors in the High School grounds Tuesday at 4 p.m., May 26th. BANTAM O.B.A. TEAM A Bowmianville Bantam O.B.A. team will play in a league with Cobourg, Port Hope, Kendal, Orono and Newcastle. We need three men who know basebali to give these boys a hand. Cali the recreation office at 761 or 3401 if you can give these boys some of your time. Bantams are under 15, May lst. Those who can command them- selves, commnand others - Haz- litt. LONG SAULT Homne and School Club met Fni- day evening for their final meet- ing until October, with a good attendance. President Art Young- man conducted the business. Our annual Picnic will be June 25 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pantner. In case of rain it will be held June 26. CommitteesJ were appointed to look af ter van- ious jobs. We then enjoyed the following pnogramn: Solos by Ken- neth Murphy, Tyrone, accompan- led by Mrs. Harold Murphy; Re- citations by Kenneth Rosevear, Tyrone. Mr. Neil Porter, Orono, gave a very inspiriog talk on "Foundation of Canadian Li.fe",. Lunch was served and then every- one enjoyed the beautiful show- ing of firecrackers put off in the school yard, this being a treat fnom Our school teacher, Miss Marjorie Ann Price. Church services will be can- celled until our anniversary Sun- day, June 14. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Miller were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller, Orono. "I see the O'Malleys bought that bouse on Meirose StreeL" Although Mr. and Mrs. Reader are glad to know about the O'Malleys, they have a lot of other things on their minds, problems right in their own home: Is this a good time to trade in the old car? Are we carrying enough insurance on the house? What shall we have for Sunday dinner? Our readers are interested in the news and ad. "'ertising that relate to their needs. Give themn the news about your merchandise and services through the advertisîng columns of this newspaper. Ask for a copy of out A.B.C. report* which wifl give you complete and audited information about out circulation. Thlis newspaper is a meniber of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, a national association of publishers, advertisers and advertising agenaies. Our circulation is audited by expe. rienced A.B.C. circulation auditors. Our A.B.C. report shows liow znuch circulation we have, where it goes, how obtained and ether facts that tell advertisers what they get for their nxoney when they use this paper. CAWKIER'9S I.G.OA. RE-OPENING PAO! FOURTEEN I 84 SUE GRAND MARKET I We Now Offer Complete Self-Service Store I PRODUCE SPECIALS DURN'S PURE LARD m-m - -s for 31Ç OPEN FRIDAY AND SATURD AY EVENINGS TILL 9 Pi'!. 'q r TEURSDAT, XAT 91, IM 1 Several of the school childrem are sick with the meashes. Mr. Fred 0. Smith, Gloria and Bob, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith. rMr. Gabriel Kovacs Sr.'s mexq friends wish hlm a speedy recov- ery in Memorial Hospital, Bow. m anvihle. Mr. and Mns. Harold Murphy accompanied Mr. Albert Murphy to Hamilton on Sunday to visit Mrs. Albert Murphy in Hamiltori San. Mrs. Geo. Wills and Deanna Mac, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. J. C. Cook, John and Lauraine, wene Sunday evening guests of Mr. ad Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. Mr. and Mns. Walter vaýesTc, and John were Sunday gues 21. Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwanden. Too great refinement 1.3 false delicacy, and true delicacy is solid refinement. - La Rochefou- cauld. The necessity for uplifting the race is father to the fact that Mind can do it; for Mind can im- part purity instead of impurity, strength instead of weakness, and health instead cf disease. - Mary Baker Eddy.

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