_________________________________A___A____________ M - ' B YVNWMAXVIL.LEIOUNT1ARIO yield fram the average gard We can further spread out using early, mediurn and late 'v ieties. With flowers, too, the i son of bloom can be extendeci the same method. ~a. ~ ~ 4L ~.%.. 111 PROTECION-Il's dîscour ... . >,JLNj ing to get Ca fine garden of flo _______________-C rdn Lnd~ySrnit f ers and vgeabenicely gro make a mess of it. And it is1 (By or n Lndsy Sith thee thngsat il.Butforthenecessary. True there are a lot (By or -n Lndsa Smth tesethins a all Bu forthegarden pests, but for everyc LOTS 0F TIM-There is still main plantings, most people are theme is a speeific cure. One fi*Ity of time ta have an excel- iucky if they cao get them in advised to consuit a good Car len gadenin Most parts of Can- safely before the fist or second dian seed catalogue or gove. ada. As a matter of fact, except week in May and often il May ment bulletin or spray caland for some of the warmer parts of be later. Fmom these sources of informati ]Bitish Columbia and Southwest- MVuch more important than one can learn the proper sprî *rn Ontario, very few people get ealy planting, however, is con- dust Or other method of treatme much stuif planted or set out. be- tinuing that job weîî into June, and for a few cents il is possit fore this timne anyway, save in a or even July. One is making a to proteet evemv sort of flowi Very early season. 0f course il is great mistake and robbing hlm- shrtib and vegetable. Also in I iîce to have some extra early self of lots of fesh blooms and connection it is well 10 rexwemb lettuce, radishes, pea.s and such vegetables, if he stops sowing too that a healthN. well cultivat, things in the ground before the early. Theme is no0 eason at ali garden, dlean of weeds, is far le firat of May and with a bit of luek why sueh things as peas, corn, susceptible to altack than t] In the weather they will corne beans, carmols, beets and several neglected kind, through in goood shape. Certain- other vegetables sbould flot be ly early ilowers, too, like sweet sow at two to îhree iveeks inter- KEEP AHEAD - t is quite peas, cosmos, alyssumn and other vals right up 10 the fixst week in h . estoîing order in a flow Very hardy sorts can be sown I July. By spreading nul in this or vegelabie garden that bas bef just as soon as the soul is fit t 1 ,N-av we spwead out the hamvestcple e w abadonedmore. ahe coe work. A little late frost iwo'î hurt I and increase Ny' many limes the peo ek rmîe h e - are certain tb Ne thick and hig the ground bard and the plan ive are trying 10 grow, probab. spindly anýd cowded. It will sa iaelot of backache if we can cuit vae egtarly, at least everx' ter days during the first parti the growing season, and get ot the weeds while they are your w h~t 'qe w o w and the gound is soft. ft's o( much o! a job to thin, weed ar o w cultivate if il is done frequentl W in td g knand regularîx. ls a lot barder we put it off. THE RIGHT TOOL - -Gardex ing does not requ ire a whole IN o! expensive equipmenî. But.ý will be easier with a few speciE e bols. WilN most o! this han "WHATD'YEKNOW is odayequipmnent il is advisable to hav "WHATD'YEKNOW is odaylong handîrs 50 that one does noc more than a genial Greeting. have t0 stooP. Il is surprisin It is indicative of today's pace in how aceurate and qulicklv on living. People KNOW more-havej cani do thinnîng and \; 'eding c to know more -than their forebearr leen tiny suif! with a long banc led sharp hoe or cuillivator provid of a couple of generations ago.j ed the same is narrow or come Kid tda i Pi__y ch1l t a point. The D-shaped dutcl Kidatoda in rimay Seoolhoes, 100, au-e excellent things fo, 1 students in University -Business- killxng weeds and loosening ul men-I-omnemakers-all have tof the top soil, Nut onleniust bý learn more, and know more, to careful in using too close t( keep abreast of the multitude of sprawly vegelables and flowei'u developments and progresa in Heu'e again t is better to havei the wrld tday.small sized implement ratxei the wrld tday.than a big one. The hand drawi three or five px'onged cultivator! As a requisite of good citizenship, 1 will save much dudgery whecE and in social life, men andj a faixly large space is to Ne cul. women simply have to know, and f tivated and for getting in an< be well-informed about what is arotind flowers, there ai-e al' goin onin teirloca comun-culivatrs.With any of thi: it n nteworld tlreeupmnth work will be eut have to supply more and more be handy for this womk. news and information,. And what about nw n information concermingth COURTICE things we all need in the enjoy- Courtîce Ucited ChureN Sun- ment of our standards ofj day Sebool Anniversary ivas held living today!i on Scinday, May 17. BoîN servixces were well attended considex-ing 1 - -- - EVERYONE-no matter what Incomne or size of Pay Envelope D -le perpetually conoerned in getting the best merch andise, 'J = food, clothing, furniture- at the lowest cost! That is why the advertise- ments in this Newspaper are so ugeful, so informative, s0 valuable, so fuli of "KNOW". Merchants who advertise let you know they want your business. 0f course they do .. 7 but they let you KNOW what's new-what's better- - what's most economical! Next time you plan to shop, - think over that expression- -< frj~ WHAT D'YE KNOW"- "/ ~ and take note of how much the advertisements in this Paper can help you. T/us. Newspaper je dedicated to supplv -,ou u'ith the best in News Services, and is proud of itsq contribution to your Local and World-u',ide information,.It is also happy that it provides the vehicle, in Di.çplay and Classified Advertising, that carrnes the ansurer to essential WHA T-D' YE-KrO W-INFORMA TIONT, thriugh whic 'h ou get the best ini your personal, social and household needs. ne)e I4UbinU*ttoimn READ BY 15,000 PEOIPLE WEEKLY thie epidemie o! measles-in -the j commxmnity. The chureh, was beau- tiful with plants and spring !low- ens, the work o! the Intermedi- aIe and ,Junior girls witb their teachers, Mrs. H. Heron and Mms. H. Scorgie. The afternoon was primacily for the children. Afler a prelude o! music pcovided by Miss P hY 11is Adams, aI piano, Mms. R. Barber violin, and Mr. F. Walter, organ, the entire Sunday Sehool pupils aîxd teachers look Places on the platform aI tbe front o! the church. The service was opened Ny the lîttle ones singing "Faîher Bless Ouxr Scbool Today". The guest speaker was Rex'. S. C. H. Atkinson o! Albert Str-eet United Churcb. Osbawa, who based Nis remnacks on the story found in the 6th chapler o! IL Kings. Dur- ing the service the Sunday School sang two oumbers, "Joy- !ully Serving the King" and In the evenicxg the speaker was- Rev. Edwin Hancock of Ancaster, who0 a few years ago was the Principal 1Of Courtice Public Scbool. The theme o! his sermon was "The Five Little Foxes". Mm. Don AJîman, o! Oshawa, sang a Neaîitiful solo, "Steal Away Toi Jesus"'. The choir under the di - rection o! Mr. Frank Walter, rpn-j deced two fine anthems, *'Rejoice, the Lord 19 King" and "God Who jMadest Eacxh and Heaven". Foilowing the evening service a fîreside houir was held at which lune Rev. Hancoek was able 10 renew acquainlances with bis fornmer pupilsq and members o! a Tr-ail Ranîger- gîoup which Ne led xvhile at Couctice eleven yeau-s ago. Many o! the boys wilh their xvives weu-e able 10 attend aod spenl a ver.v pleasant time remîn-1 iscing the Nyg-one days. The Sun-1 Neam grouîp o! the C.G.1.T. vcith their leader-, Miss Muriel Taile, arranged and served ltunch and a rup of tea assisted b.' the Ramn- how Gi'oup. Rev. Haocock thank- NOTe clear this i-du-- odh rae based on the scientifir ujoder- standing o! God's nature and aIl- ness. He said: -We must ,etlnnlu othle humble but powerfxul teachings o! the Bible. namnel.v, that man, youin truie seithoori. is tîxe ex ilci and coinpleîe likexxess ouf inlîî whxu'h there is flot a sinîgle ele- menxt o! erxror, maltec, or electru- city: that man is nol evolved hv atomie for-ce, but is made and governed exclxîsively accordîîxg to divine law; that Nie is neithecr he subjective nou' objective state of malter on the caruxal muiid. Nuit Lc; evex spiritual. perfect. coi-n- plete, hacmoîxious, jovous. and free as the idea o! infiiie Miid." EXPERT W AT C N R E PAIRaS by Certified Watchmaker as authorized by the Canadian Jewellers' Institute AIl Work -Guranteed One Year MARIS JEWELLERY The Super-Efficient Oil IReating MAKES 1VOUR PRESEINT HEATINO EQIIMENT TWJCE AS GOOD Saves You 'Money on Your Fuel Costs Phone or Consult JACK BROUGH PLI'MBING .HEATING Division St. S., Bowmanvllbe New Phone - Office 615 Ilouse Phone 2384 13W lini PRODUCTS1 35Ç PARD DOG FOOD 2 For, 27c SWIFT'S CLEANSER 4 SWIFT'NING ih.33c ALLSWEET MRAIN b39c A nz.28c 'nrk 15 oz. tin Dole. Pineapple 20 oz. tin ------ -- NWhichte 1 hocolate 6 z. - --47c Carrois -- -- 18C : Juice - ------- - 1 6 C : Rke Mix 35c -- --36c m FREE I3ELIVERY YEO'S 55 Ring St. Bowmanville Phone 3367 MEATS & GROCERIES ?NtRSDY MAT! 21, 1953 L 1 byFertile Acres the Scene of Plowing MatchHwCaYogPepehseDy Afford Io Duild a New Home ? rag-(April Issue of Philosopher) 1%vas o\ erwxorked. You'd be IL;'l ow- Haif a dozen men, al] officers or 1t get a 300 brick average todaï. directors of building and loan i You paid betw een $24.00 * !aseassociations NN ere sitting around $36.00 a thoxîsand for the lumber the dinner table. that w~ent in vour house. Thât tme "What 1can't understand," said wvouldn't pa.v today's freight. And one ne o th old r m n, -s h w asfothe quality of materials youi na- young people cani get together- had, they are practically oftt1he ýrn- enough monev Io build a home market. largely becatîse of gový- lar these days, flot even when I take erniment restrictions. Imagir*è ion into conideration the iw inter- building your house, for exampie, ent - when they get therhbouse built, onlvisth legal limit right noN. bie - ~ it is about the size of a double lt honestlv ntp.ibe1 ul rergarage and costs 1l or 12 thous- a good bouse today witlipx4 hsand dollars." breaking a law somewhere in t4ý ber -Mac,"one of the men said to process."e ted the man beside him. "you biiilt At about this point, the ipani ess mny bouse. What would it cost me whose bouse had been built .tW the today?" $12,000 back in the 30's Iooked. at "About three and a half limes his watch and got uip from l what you paid for il. and it table. a ~~~~~~~wouldn't be as good a house," the "iet ohm, esi ircontractor said. It developed that "Tetog hm,"e id ýen the house had been-built in the "but I don't think lIli do miAJh M--h1is.W ugd o bu sleeping tonight." ds $1.00'Whv fot?". hl "Can't afford to be hivin' iru "nts "WeIi in the first place, 11% $40,000 house!" ]Y '* of the labor goes for social se- ve curity, liability' insurance, com- ti- This year's International P]owing Match, conducted annually by the Ontario pensation, and things lîke th at. Manv Drivewavs o- Plowmen's Association, vvill 3e fheld on the United Counties Home Farm between Cobourg In the second, carpenters got 80e of and Port Hlope on No. 2 llighwav, Octobeî' 6 to 9. Features of this yeax"s match will be aîehou i at Pved Tis ee dit OnajCndaxadWrl hmincntss ouse. and the Io Pest sahisheî'e n g O t a r i , C n a d i n a d W o l d h a m p o n o n t e t s .t o d a y i s $ 2 2 5 f o r a m a n w h o tot - _____________ bai elY kno\vs a saw fromn a harr-i Pav ing equîpment of the HW-J. id ed the girls anîd expressed his mer. 1 pay mm' vien mor'e. iMeFarland Construction Compaxîý ,lv pleasure of seeing so man\,odo I a d P sfreItc mpei le When N'ou bidt your house ilhas been busy the past few daY Holiday guests al thc home of______ rier and the brick layer to see tow,ýn. Il was brought Io town Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Waî'burtoix (Sarnia Canadian Observer) in the wvoods. smalt trees are wvho could keep ahead of theý to pave the large curved drive- wrMr. C. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Tlo an older geneî'ation, famil- trampled and eaten. decay starts sotrhe rnaon carrier lried to i waN, infrnofteLnsCm tD. Smeathers and son, Brian, off jax' vith the îinkling of cowbells readily in scarred tree roots and soAtw asoch n o ell 'Me as compl eted an y pr ti at al anil.and son Neil, Oshaua. in the Nwoodcland glades and the Mtreeo 'Mrgrock!wth is retardedv.aso ee hrj Ihe g In one bit of woodland Linder md'o Mr rc! oke rxeashv lobe a~ Mr ad rs SaneyKisianjspectacle of sloNv moving athe bteana tme îî is man sweating. sxîrfaced. ;e isited friends and relatives at eciirent adivice Io keep the cattle î Nvas onlv 87 board feet as ag ainst, Tdythey still make a gaineI Private driveways which have ot ingtonandPerh oer he ol-outof the %voodclots will be a biti a normal yield of 189 feet. of it, but it's more of seeing Nvhof been paved include those of 'r. g9 idav xeekend. 11 cari knock off first for lunch and R. E. Dinniwell, Bob Kent, .Jack .e Mr. and Mrs. E. Milgate and ia ln.Teegot aglvdpns03mid-time snack. The man on your Brough, Jack Lander, Dave laig- iffail vsiedfiedsan ra-t The question of whethr'r or niot; the amounit of xvatear taken into bouse averaged more than 10(00 gon, Nelson Osborne and sev»al 1- taiv vsteela. aien and Cea- o- ]et them bro\vse has, howex:er, , the soil and retained there. Where bricks a da'addi'thnkeohrs boug vrng th 0 ind been under careful sxd.v: and the cows graze in xoodlots they 'aI _______eo ndC - n dd 'tt ik e ot e s as Te reularmonhly eetig verdict uf experts is decidedly in pound down the soul and x'ediice ~ Te eglarmothv metngthe negative. f the water absorption. Records ýh of the Courtice Friendshi Goip o tes wod rhi was hel Accoding-t h s experts o d covexing one lot show thiat r Ir as eldon Tuesday. May 12 at land pastures average flot more ing increased the surface rn-off 'P tih ev hom eh s or oo f y arMFxrt er orT .h w te o ie hm fMs .Gadm'an, than 275 pnunds of dry forage per from19 to 9,308 galons per acre epresident fox' the month of Mav. ar na A hsfr.o e er utemr h ae ýoBusiness \vas discussecd afteýr feed approxîrnated eight per centl washing away look soil with it, S.whieh the hostess serv ed a dli- o! polein, tht e a' protein yield the soil lss in the same p ro r Attention ail meners, a spe- cmfeto28ondprai i iU Scial meeting is poiogenepId at acre ina vaamg .s Mms. J. MacKenzies on Mayv 26. 1nhetrhadgod pnprva. or opasiuire fertilized and liuned, will Despite the ancient practicp of- ' Please make a special effort t -be there. yielî r om 4.000 to 6,000 pouinds letting cattle pasture freely in the of foi'age to the acr'e: and the pro- wood, woodland and pastures Ask us for a demnonstration of the following ilmeeting xvhich should Ne Thii's- cepresenîs 700t pounids Io the acre. cents point of view, incompatible dday, May 21st, will be held ïMay That loookso like rtycn Aloofadcriba woodlot, FERGUSON EGUIPNENT 218 at 8 '. M.clusive evidence; but it is not ail.f or it cari be a pasture, but it; can't KepMtn fe o h There is to be considered the be both and at the same tîme be play "Getting Ira Married" pre- cumg hx h osgaepoial.nowvini stock sented bv Tyrone YoLing People img.We tecwgrzpofab. in CourtIce United Church Linder the auspices of the Courtice W.A. HAMPTON Schools, Toronto, and epresent- FERGUSON TWENTY-85 TRACTOR j -~~ - - -~ i ng the Tempemance Fedemation, DS ~j I ______________ as speaker.D S P O N iim~ i-. aod Mrs. Levi Niddex'y, f Clurch service will be held at' SPRING-TOOTH HARROW ~1JLA&U± r~SMiss Merle Ashton, Mr. and Mms. teuultm etSna vn 2 or 3-FURROW PLOW ouyRoht Fernancdez, Toronto, Mr. and iîng and Sunday Sehool at 10.301 Pradtical TdyMs .Wdeone3Ctri'e tiaM rd FURROW CONVERSION KITS L eclurer Siates Mi-. and Mrs T.Saller visiteci Operaliun" and -Crazz to Re- iEV UYRVESBEDS Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, To- duce" put on by the Seagrave La- REAR BLADE Deep in the heart of Christiani- oto. and iccompanied themn to eAid a 12 wiere a elle TANDEM LIFT DISC ity there are spiritual rules and' L 1xt M. andi Mrs. Claude Dun- eidan priddaslendid, law whch ontitilea racica I pColwatr.evening's entertainment and Mrxchj SPRING-TOOTH CULTIVATOR law wic cn,ýtiuf apralialIo 1humor. It \&as uînder auspices of! MOUNTED SAW Science, said Earl E. Simms of jMr. and Mu's. Charlie Warren Womien'.S Institute. Hampton Austin Texas, in a public lecturie uwitl Mir. and Mrs. A. Alexander, i; ladies entertained the Seagravel MANURE SPREADER n Oshawa Fi'idav evening. Guiderich.1 frieî3ds to a bounItiful lunch at j MANURE LOADER Mr. Sinms discusseul the ne- Mi. Frank Wilbui', Tor'onto,; the close and a social haIt bour f maîkable works of Moses, Elijah. spent the \,eekendi at G. AdcO'k's. was spent. TILLER and Christ Jesus. and said lhese Mr. and Mns. Gai-net Johso1 __ were done Ny definite spirittial andi girls visited relatives in th REAR MOWER mIles and laws %vhich cani he dis- Lindlsay district. T ~ rj ~ SIDE-DELIVERY RAKE cernied, understood, and practic- Mr. and Mrs. Mel MeCune and1 ed. datîghter Cher'vl. Xarcoe's Road,1 nteE io' alCR LNE A memnber of The Christian Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler and I Science Board o! Lectureship, sons Lari ' N and Randy, Oshawa, Hampton, Ont., Mr. Simmns spoke under auspices atS. Kersev's. May 19, 1953 f%0 Ne of First Chîîrch o! Christ, Scien- Mr'. and Mrs. Jolin Lyon and Dear Editor,f tist, Oshawa. His topic Nvas son lI lovýd, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Atter many yeais o! good care, IIO S T AOI "Christian Science: The Science Wils'oni, Cecil and Donnua, Toronto, muhsrrs n ert is et * jTw uo vm p. e o! Chistianîîvy." \'isuted theur son Jac'kanxd Mrs. and openly spoken of, at the de-an as ze $o m I pe eil Mr. imm deeare n plorably bad condition o! the Mrahlish ecaed fact thatilthe - Mn. and Mis. H. M. Caverly and ground's o! the Hampton (north )f tablished act that huiner- daughîer Lviii, Toronîto,' Mis-s Cernetei-v. No uleaning tup of standing of Christianity aS a Cari'ie Mai tyn Bowrnanville, Dr. leaves. nor any general spring ~L n a * . spiritual Science is entiî'ely prac- Marflaret Rilev, Chicago, Ill., and cîeaning yet this season, has been "L a c s w tical. He said this is being pcov- brother Herbert Roger's, Bow- dune, and positive negligence of ed aIl the lime by Christian nianx'iIle, vîsited Mr'. andi Mrs. grass cuîting and general care is R. R. 2 Newcastle Phone Clarke 2703 Science. He pointed tn countlessKnCa'rx.oios physical healings, compar'able to NnyJhs o-no hs"lt r we ymn those o! Bible limes, produced in tî'sN cy oNsTont, heelsarowebym y thé-e mder ties y pave wih ler sister, Mrs. Will W'hite. more folks out o! Hampton than thee mdem lims N piax-x', Mî's. S. G. Niddery and Mary, in its bounids. and aire in most that is trealment, 113 Christiani visited her sister, Mcs. Rahm, cases under permanent carean Science. Bre- nthrfoem-tbeeî'd fo Fluni TYM MAMAnTAM WrA 1 Pl IXAM ttn1yluAul?" T Ir ^%""AMTP% T799mm. 1 28c pliracle JEWEL SHORTENINC Monarch Ca ie 55 Ring St. Bowmanville Phone 3367