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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1953, p. 17

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?HIyRDAY, MAT 21, 193 THE CANADIAN' STATESMAN', IBOWMAflVLLC, ONTARIO ;CLAS CLASSIFIE ADVERTISING RATES The Canadjan Statesman Effectve lune 2lut, 191 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR SALE rolRW - RELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE Y O< T~ FOUND - ETC. 1% ù-hS ate ' 3 perword * wlth a minimum oi soc iust be paid by date of insertion. 0 Ifcharg.d. an additional 25c will ho added. Acharge af 25e will b. made fot ail replies directed ta this affice.. NOTICES, COMING EV NS AND 3c ci aword with a minimum af $1.00 for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEA-TES. ENGAGEMENTS MARBIAGES $100 per nsertioaa INi EOIAMS i 31.00 plus 10c a lino for vers* COMMERC-AL CLASSIFIEDS 1 Includes ail advertisi'ig for persons 1or firme selling services, ideas or qaads ai any description) 13c per word; minimum charge 75e Icash with order. To regular ad. vertisers payable monthly. Display Classied at $1.00 pet ineh wtth a minimum of one inch. Additional insertion ut the same rates. f AlitClasstf,ied As. mut o " 1SIFIED ADS lNotice to Creditors1 fIn the Estate of EDITH CAROLINE ELLIOTT against the estate of Editb Can- oline Elliott, late of tbe Town of Bowmanvilîe, deceased, who died onor about the 2nd day of April, 1953, are hereby notified to send in to W. Ross Stnîke, Solicitor for tbe Executors, Bowmanville, On- tario, on or before the l2th day of June, 1953, full particulans of their cdaim. Immediately after the said 12th day of June, 1953, the assets of tbe testatnix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, baving regard only to dlaims of wbich the said solicitor for the executors shail then bave notice. DATED at Bowmanville this lst day of May, 1953. W. R. Stnike, Q.C., Solicitor for tbe Executons, Bowmanville, Ontario. Notice Io Creditors CARD 0F THANKS Thanka so niuch to ail who gave me so many glfts, money and good wishes for my trip. Ethel Shackleton. 21-1* The family of the late W. Luke Buttery wish to extend their thanks and appreciation to friends for their many acts of kindness during the past two years and through bis recent illness and death. 21-1* I would like to take this oppor- tunlty of thanking Dr. Austin, the staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, my relatives, friends and neighbours for the many cards, fruit and other gifts 1 ne- ceived during my i]lness. 21-1 Personal HYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1,00. Mail Orden Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 I -- - any injuI,> eceive wnie - ias.ut an ln tiis-Tec r WrrntA&% aoie. fot lter thon p Inth Estate of oin o hi rglrepo-i 2 clck noon, Wednesday. JAMES ROBINSON A Protestant teacher for one-wnigfrter eua mly - Se nd ash ops money - Al pesons aving dlaims room shool, 40 pupils. Good (Ciprdso or andy av e ne aisthe estate of James Rb-train connections. Apystating E DN quaainstaRob-s a pp s l y W E D DIN G (Ci h. u o hnyrfeee) inson, late of the Village of New- quliictinsan slay aned ____________________ castle, deceased, who died on on to M s. Hary Grace, Sec'y-Teas., A o k g r e il des u n ad b t w eeSiHT H -F W E about tbe 23rd day of Marcb, 1953, Bunketon, Ont. Phone Bowman-Arc adnwldesup ny adbtwhepet ediga o- are bereby notified to send'in to ville 2722. 21-1 there's a siope it Will fit in particularly well. Department of A verypetyedigwsol W. Ros StikeSoliitorfor he -Agriculture horticulturists at Ottawa advise using either emnized at olumbus Ueniedn golie IoCredfor Exeutor, Bomanille Ontrioboulder or stratified (fiat) types of rock, but flot both in the Cbu Flrc , dAnî 2 en of reean onor before the l2th day of June, ae npcin sregre.Tesrtiidrcte ahlstesi ' i ga den Th st atiied roc , t ey ay, hol s t e su J ne owln a ugter o M.R andO l Lthe Estate of 1953, full paticulars of thein Fowlr ev oo pces"frte lnsad ln w, eaeterR.Reofb-al R ED ER IC K O R L A N D O B A K ER daim . o d w S m t , s n f M r a d 1Im ediately after the said 12th (Continued from Page One) the rocks so water runs back into the soil. Use dwarf tulips, Wo do S it, sn f M.a d AIl pZôýsons baving dlaims day of June, 1953, the assets of demonstration of precision foot- then plant early dwarf annuals when the tulips die down. Mrs. Arthur Smith, R.R. 1, Col- gainst the estate of Frederick the testator will be distributed drill. Looking very natty in their Leave the tulips in, but dog themn every couple of years. The rbs lando Baker, late of the Town ao.wîthiites nile hee uioand bu sitsadpinkrc -rensow sonsnapdragonsOtwawer tadrs ffen, amswt Bowmanville. deceased, wbo to, having regard only to dlaims tunirs, the girls went tbrougb the rokgwehioniso rvt rprt nOtw hr teands f ns pa st lied on on about the 7th day of of wbich the said solicitor for the intricate drill witbout any words the owner, Albert Egg ert, used a space eight by 15 feetfomdhebcgun frte 4arcb, 1953, are bereby notified executons shall then bave notice. of command.j to colourful advantage. double-ring ceremony penformed1 o send in to W. Ross Stnike, Sa- D_______________ ____Thfin ___andbuglban by Rev, Roy H. Riekard. Tbe wed-4 icitor for administratons, o- tDATEDf ayBo1m9 vi3. t ois the finet drum and ger hband _____e____nscatddig uicws lae b rs ianville, Ontario, on or befone the ltdyo 93 command of Cadet Lt. Doug Hey- Bishop of the Arclic yafrs lterBis fe acns, ece Wallace Scott. 2th day of June, 1953, full par- W. R. Stnike, Q.C., land pîayed several selections G. s is Bs o beAcie e d in mas laeby rs.h iculars of thein dlaim. Solicitor for tbe Executors, wbicb met witb hearty approval. T2F, 1933,W* a ' et.teJbridewas lovîy iii Immediateîy aften the said l2tb Bowmanville, Ontario. CdePev. A. . F~lming Winnipeg . r tenbrlacead nloneyina ya oJue193thasesf193 After the displays the Cdt î-1Fechlc ndnlnreigt gay f* une1953 th asets f 1-3 orpsfored holow quaeac From beadquanters in Toronto, with long sleeves aven a stnap- ,Ihedecase wil bedisribued her th reaDk efC - 1a_ Deseoaa eaFleming ishpaFlmessunewaltz-farlengthatzgownh g an owbhtee mogthte parties entitled Laughlin and Lt. Dunn. Af ter be-____ reaching building program in the net and satin. A peani beaddress ýýeeneto,thaving regard only to thtit ad benthe i etgdficspla R*. v rhblang Fm- northland. Under bis amnstabeld lber fingertip vi n h laims of wbich tbe said solicitor intiby the inspecting officers Rt Revhercbibld Lan Fle tion, there were buîlt and equîp- carried a white Bible on wbicb or the administrators shall then ADOTESyet, Walter Rnireprsn ingDDkonath ligpd1mlinsaintwbo- A D O H R rsn ing . D.D.. of a the Flyidid in g e 1 ilin stto st-tm d reste d a spray of garuentas wth t _____otice the Duram District High Shool Biborf lc tididinTpitaîs, nine chunchs, four streamers entwincd with rose-v DAE tBwavleti raBad ate af ronto on May l7th of a heart at- residential schools, fou'r chapels, us et da of May 1953. IN THE ESTATE 0F EDWARD AreliayBordg the m axce haneîf tack. He was 69 ycars oid, and two day scbools. ust W. R. Stnike, Q.C., JOHN DOIDGE, Deceased. parade. Bishop Fleming for a niumber Jylfe clee cnerd ftebie a, on- sistn elictorforthe dmiistatos, AL prsos hvingclams ol.McLaughlin presented of years owned a cottage at Bow - Wyciffte hcoeg egcnred Ofof tb igpwdrbue h JOllBowmanville, ai. against the cstate of Edward John awards to Cadet Bob Johnson as manville -on -the-Lake where lie Doctor of Divinity in 1933. Au- bluema Ms e Thwer 20-2Doigelate of the Town of Bow- the neatest boy cadet on parade spent his summers. He was also thor of several books, Bishop cousin of the bride, xvas in pale a mnilin the County of Dur- and to Cadet Carole Milne as the an Honorary member of Bow- Fleming was a Fellow of the Roy- ylo.Bt oewlzlnt hawho died on on about the neatest girl cadet on parade. Pre- manville Rotary Club and the Ro - al Gorpia oit.ylo.Bt oewlzlnt 20hdyof March, 1953, are ne- sentations for marksmanship tanians looked forwvard each year talsgonofyonetnd( ofic Io redîors qurdt send ta the undersigned were given to Cadet Lyle Trimble when hie would address the club His wife .by bis first manriage lace sye ih acigJk- addnes belw, fuI pa- andCadetBih Krkto. on is exenieces among the died iii 1941 He is survived by bis esadfl vrkrso e.Te at he ddrss elo, fll ar-andCadt Bll irkon.Eskimos. lie hiad a cîiarming widow, the former Elizabeth Nel- wore beaddresses and mittens to tiuasof the same on or befone Panade Moves Uptown pesnit ani asagtd son Lukens, one-time head-mis- harmonize witb their gowns and MARIA ROBINSON xvhich date the assets of the de- The corps then marched uptown speaker. tress of the Agnes Irwin School, carnîed cascades of nases. The a] Al! pèrsons having dlaims ceased will be distibuted baving under tbe command of the fol- erdbyhe1,0Esio Wynnewood, Pa. flowen girl, Miss Crystal Shaw, gainel he estate of Maria Robin- regard only to the dlaims of lowing officers: Cadet Lt. Col. Reverm e by te, lsimows w___algee_________tia I "q ate of tbe Village of New- wbich the Executnix shahl then ed ConkwelCadt Major Beve the first bishop of the Aretie and Jb ote teotenat n astie, deceased, who died on on bave notice. lewrn, eodincmad knowvî as *"Iîn-\ook ah- Farrners Wared carne d a basket of mixed flow- gý R.Noel Dudley; A" Com- wassWaile bout the 2th day of Apnil, 1953, DATED this l4th day of May, R" Kaub," meaning "One of the Fam-Crs ne bereby notified ta send in to 1953. pany Commander, Cadet Capt. ulv of Esk-imnos." Forced to retire Gef Busv and Pull Vr. Glen Smith and Mn. Alan vt Ross Strike, Solicitor for the Henry Koss; C.S.M. Ed. Fry, Ca- in 1949 because of a hcant ail- Scott attended the bridegroamv xecutors, Bawmanville, Ontario, APHA 1. HODGINS, det Lt. No. 1 Platoon, Mennil mnleto prsdnei n h seswr r edna n on befone the l2tb day of June, Bow16 Temperance Street, Brown, Cadet Sgt., Barry Arm- Gmet, h.e ookup sienc inT-Ylo cktW e Jhso adM.NiSmh. f 953, full partîculans of their wmanville, Ontaria, Executnix. strong; Cadet Lt. No. 2 Platoon, odih.HwavitngnToYeow oktW ed Adtheth ens e r Mn . Verd ou n(a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Atthe rec pti n hld t C lum îai m . 2 1-e I C i c h oopes ; C ad et SgtN . G en3ES m m r.Ag icrurtR e us ch u rch th e b rid e's m oth e n e- r n I m m e d i t e l y ft e r h e s ai l 2 t bR ic h a d s; C a et L t N o. , A Itp r e s e n ta tiv e fo r D u r h a m C o u n ty , c e v d i n s f n v y c re p e aofJune, 1953, the assets of licJoesCatSg.GnDwonbas warned that farmers durmng witb vhite adnv e esani il b isnbuedle eFlgParty, Cadet Sgt. Barbaraan vycesoi. eu aeu1î0rS oddand; "B" ompany unde the next week should be partie-Tebiero'smte sit mongst the parties entitled redulaly watcful forthe wee,"edmwaaing abronze enetohavin regad onlyta _______command Cadet Capt. Virginia ce rs hereo, avin reard nlytovellow rocket. This is a particu- with beige accessonies. Bath wore laima of wbich te said solîcîtonStutt; No. 1 Platoon "B" Com-la'noiuwedwihsofn lao f heexctr h the n b aveicto In the Estate of pany, Cadet Lt. Joan Bartlett; Ca- 'al oiuswe hchi fe corsages of roses. CE o tcerF ACthH NReKE de S txM ry Hu a ; o. 2 r- elow r ck t as a fl we frAT D t o ma vi hatv sAe en oninvng da ms t onoCdeot. Caol G bn r; Cathein bl ombite didle o M y L teoMfan MMayit.lf et day of May, 1953. against the estate of Francis det Sgt. Beverley Allison; No. 3whc rembscmmnm- and wotedngtp New esyorTh W. . tnkeQ.., Henry Oke, late of tbe Town of Platoon, Cadet Lt. Colleen Hut- shade an h evsae moh otearnNeorJrsvey.lihg a W.R.StikQ..,chnon Cde St Elen pce. htard thisaetledsaen n rie veongfo tavlln Soîio o h xctrBowmanvîlle, deceaseti, wbo died chno;Cdt g.Ele Sie..Frers sodexmne their navy blue crepe dress with a gray I Soliito fo th Excutrs.on or about the 3rd day of Feb- Company Adjutant. Cadet Capt. fitdtpca ih ayad iki ____ fitteds topcoat tith aadypand oit B o m a v ll , O n a n a ~ ~ r u a r y , 1 9 5 3 , a r e e r e b y n o tif ie d t o a L r y C a t B n t gHy- i l i t t isi m n u l O t a c s r ie s a n d c o r s a g e o f p in k I.send in ta W. Ross Stnike, Salie- land. Instructors of the B.H.S. Ett~ i pcmes n umn __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itor for the A dm inistrato s, Bow - Cadet Corps du ing the school W berie a fieR .bcom s b1,y__Colum bus.____ manville, Ontario, on or before the year wrere: Chief Instructor, Capt. infested. after-banvest cultivation DoYu12th day of June, 1953, full par- E. G. Withenspoons, Lt. M. Stacev tinuî eîNwafed ticlar 0fthin aim. nd t. ac Ros. ajr L W.~- followved by good spring cultiva- du tiuar fthi cam. in ilpretty wllcontrol it. ew atl Yifls of ChrisimasShopping Immediately after the saiti l2th Dippeil is the commander 0f the__________i Ch1953,athehassets Corps. These officens are to be damofnes the3patie titet ns ulsffhen nsrutin Now the deceaseti wiîî be distributed congnatulated on the excellent re- S îî pnri ot ___Town______ Tow League Durham League FORCED TO VACATE to, baving regard anly to dlaims It of which the said solicitor for the ________ TemsMa admninistrators shahl then bave Agr. Reps. Io Convene SoowHauth TarsDurham Basebal League du( E l t'snotice. Bso .L lmn Revised Sohedulle got under way on the boliday gni ElilsDATED at Bowmanville this At0 A . Gep Monday at Newcastle with the ind ______fay_153 rnt for a few davs when strie- At a special meeting of lihe Newcastle squad squeezing out a mna V IE Y M SW. R. Strike, Q.C., kn executive of the Bowvmanville 13-12 victony aven Bowmanville - Soliit r fr te Adinitraars Review of the developments in Opposite Ganton's Soliitr forth AOiitratr' agricuture during the pastyear1 Funcial servtce waslitel inir St. Softbali League Tuesday night a Newcastle team scored 13 riîns ,____________________Ontario.__- - a dth -tp qn - ,1 â1'+'b---.fe1 ý' I Rock Garden Hinfs to tosecovredby he Bard in yer, t te sae rte f 7c. gai mainainasthe-'ir t-ali'n en, as w'el1 as the fonmulatioon of Pnivate int erment followed in plans fruture activities, wiil 1Godernichý feauretheAgicultural Repres- Intc csted aEkomisos entatives Confeence w'hicb willl from his boyhood, Bishop Flem- be held at the Ontario Agnicul- ing became known as the "fly- tural College, Guelph, May 26, to ing bishop" after hce took up flE- 29 at wbich Eti. Summens will at- ing ta cover the 1,250,000 square tend, miles of his sub-Arctie Anglican Special speakers and discus- diocese. sion periods which bave becti Born in Scotiand IC Rarrangeti during the course of the Born in Scotland,.lhe receiveti Conference, wiil enable the dis- bi aD dcto hr n o Dh.i ttrict representatives to keep eis ear educatio teant o IPý"Qabreast of new trendis in agricul- the famous shipbuilding and en- -he'uil ~~~~~~~~ture. In addition those attendingPej 0gern imo onBon the a,1 estervoere e wonk bgare tcob-tClydebank. Following a two-ycar ?Ph 0 lis tooolle.eand the Hoticulturai ExUniversity of Glasgow, lie became *-2Z egentSain tVnlad n a member of the Institute of En- spections of sevenal fanms arn- . ter nt hpules c h te.LiC luded inl the pnogram. Moveti by an appeal for a mis- Anh eC onnene:l:ed n ieo- tend Wylife ar:e.his thr: e t ogcltraining vas imtennupted .2 welcome at an.v r allhen he w i ýent to Baffin Land for cliffe in 1912, howevcr. anti grad- uated -wtth a L. Th degree. That Quebec soldier namnet Du- H-e "'as nmade a deacon in 1 «912 gai bas only to add a "d" ta con- andi v:as priesteti in 1913. Foilow- vert himself into a Scotsman. ing his marriago to Helen Grace fAnyone ivbo thinks he's indus- Gillesýpie in 1913. he sailed for the if pensable shoulti stick his ftnger Arctîc. He spent anothen two ini a bowl of vater . .. then nicecars in Baffin Latî d travel- lu e the hole it lea\-'s when lie takes led throaigh maich unknown dotia- it out. trv. Durng a farloaigh in 1916 he -m i WANLITAD TH * t lU ae abitter otsaPPointmnent1c when ho w-as Pronounccd medical-a lY unifit for further service ta thec Arct jr. Fîvo \vears lator lhe becarne nec- toîr af thec ihuruh of St. Johni the i Evangeltst il, Saint John, N.B. In 1jfi 1927 he WaS -aPooît (1 Archdea- C son of ,he %Arcit n riebi- nps. \VWlnthe enlire area %Vas Irr .et aPart fon une !bîŽhoprîc six m . fft team, the Harvesters. --spon isoned by Tom Cowan Appliances w'as admitteti into the League making it a five-teamn loop. Revised Schedule 31ay- 2,5-Local 397 vs. C.O..F. 27-Bilîs vs. J. & . 29-Harvestcrs vs. Local 397 Junle- I-J. & J. vs. Harvesters 3-C.OF. ,vs. Bills 5-Local 397 vs. BilLs 8-Harvesters vs.C.O.F'. 10)-J. & J. vs. Bis 12-J. & J. vs. Local 397 1.5-C.O.F. vs. Local 397, 17-C.O.F. vs. J. & j. 19-Bilis vs. Harvesters 22-Local 397 vs,. Harvesters «14-Bills vs. C.O.F. 26-Harvesters vs. J. & J. 29-Bis vs. Local 397 Juiy- 3-C.OF. vs. Harvesters 6--Hanvesters vs. Bills 8-Local 397 vs. J. & J. ]()-J. & J. vs, C.O.F. 13-Local 397 vs. C.OF. 1.5-Bis \-q. J. & J. I 7-Harvesters vs. Local 397 20-J. & J. vs. Harvesters 22-C.OF. vs. Bills 24-Local 397 vs. Bills 27--Harvesters vs. C.OF. 29-J. & J. vs. Local 397 3 1--Bilîs vs. Hanvesters August- .5-C.O.F. v.s. J. & J. All players are reqaested ta rut this schedule out ta be sure and be on banti for ail thein :lab's games. Whenever education andi te- finment gnow away fromn the corrimon people,they are growing toward selfishness, which is the nonster evil of the world-Henry Ward Beecher, t- off 13 bits. while committing one ýs, eîrno. Bowmanville made 9 bits egooti for 12 runs and booted tbree in the fieldi. J. Parker led the locals witb two bits, wvbile Ted Bird, Bud Perfect. Lloyd Hamilton, J. Bird, K. Kellyv. J. Piper anti C. Fer- guson ail collecteti singletons. Others in the lineup were E. Brooks anti Dan Ginardi. Newcastle players wene: M. j Walton, A. Martin, G. Sellers, IGetlick, D. Walton, A. Grey, D. McCabe, Brown, Kimnble, Heath, Stoneburg. The Sehedule May- 22-Bowmanville at Kendal 26-Newcastle at Orono 28-Kendal at Newcastle 2-ewcastle at Bowmanville 3-rono at Kendal i-Kendal at Bowmanville 9-rono at Newcastle 12-Bowmanville at Kendai 16-Newcastle at Bawrnanville 23-Orono at Bowmanville 25-Kendal at Newcastle Jtily- l-Bowinanville at Onono "-Newcastle at Kendai 8-Orono at Kendal j It-Kendal at Bowmanville I 4-Orona at Newcastle j16-Kendal at Orono 21--Bawmanville at Newcastle' 23-Onono at Bawmanville 29-Nemvcestle at Kendal A ugus- 3-Bowmanviîle at Newcastle; Refinemnent 1.s the lifting of, one's self upwards from the mere- ]y sensual, the effort of the soul to ethenialize the cammon wants anti uses of life. - Henry Ward Beecher. O BITUAFIY Caution signs-a narrowv brtdý ges, railroad crossings, culvert1 and underpasses-are signs of. WNM. LUKE BUTTERY life. lIn failing health for two years, William Luke Buttery, a well r known and bighly respectedfo native of Darlington Townsbip, For Quick Resait. passed away at Green Villa Nurs- 1THEE CANADIAN STATESM ý" ing Home on May l2th in bisPHN 82nd year. CLARIFED33ADS Deceased was son of tbe late CASFE D William and Susanna Buttery_________ and lived practically al bis life as a successful farmen in the Salem district wbene be was ai regular attendant and supporter of the church as long as bat permitted. 1 nefore avu Buy He was predeceased tin 1944 by his wife, the former Emily Bell. Surviving ta mourn the passing Give Siew a Try Of a loving fte are two sons, Tbomas W. and Samuel L., of Bowmanviîîe, and only daugbter, Top Price for Ydur Car VIns. E. E. Cole, (Anne), of Ton- onto.. Low Down Payment Funenal was beld May 15 at We Pay Off Your Lien bhe Morris Funeral Chapel, ser- vice being conducted by bis pas- Up ta 'A MoRths to* Pay, tor, Rev. D. J. Lute, Tyrone. a M'usic was supplied by Mrs. J. A. 30-Day Guarantee Gunn. Many beautiful flowers sur- Large assortment of both rounded the casket as a tnibute and respect in wbich deceased Cr n~T uk vas beld. Besides many personai asadTuk tokens thene \vere flowers from Salem United Cburcb, T. Eaton CO. (Quarter Century Club, )epts. 61 and 27), Goodyear Co. Dept. 271C ' Depts. 260,'262, 274 and Supervision Club). Mn. Buttery was a genial, quiet, i 's pe al .nassuming man wbose honesty, fair dealings and Possessing tbe 150 STUDEBAKER good neigbborly spirit wene a ~ CHAMPION iatural part of bis daily activities. bese traits of character were Clean, weil caned for ieified by an exceptionally large ca-- ___$19 ttendance of neigbbors and riends at bis funeral. lt was 15 METEOR Customn oticeable that neanîy every ~AF0RDOR tmily in the Salem district wvas Two tone ---------$1450 'presented at the funeral. Pallbeanens were W. G. WenryTN 1. A. Squair, Wm. Cann, H. 149 AUTI aud, C. M. Carnuthers andAC Vilfnid Carruthers. Economical Interment was in Bowmanville transportation --$9 'metery. - Tt pays to do business )airyinen Irnproved where business is being done orneMareî W ileDurham County's largest 1 ~Neiw and Used Car Dealer xporî Sales Dipped In a message to the 455,000 pro- D uccr members of Dainy Farmers B AIR M L EV ECanada, President Gilbert Mac-SA E hlan, Huntingdon, Quebec, stres- M T ýthe necessity for expansion of M T I A E vertising and public relations Mruy-Lnon-Mto ont of bis organization. er inon-Mto Started three years ago, Mn. Newcastle 2871 Clarke 2020 tecMillan gives credit to the pro- icen-financed adventising pro- - Open Every Evening - îmr for stnengthening the dairy dustny position in the domestie ________________ rket__during the past year in What About Your Fences?7B VVe have a large supply o Barbed Wire and Corne in and get Before you buy see our Refrigeratoirs Deep Freeze Units WNe can give y ou high quality at low prices 1,i refrigeration, a W. HDEALER FOR Ca-se earm Machilnery Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty' Brou. Stable Equlpment KING ST. W. PHONE 497 f Woven Wire Fence, Steel posts yours today. Donations may be left at either of the local banks or wvith anv nie,îîber of the Shriners' Lodge. ir--Jkurj m«M Y ENTEZIqq. - t, face of decreasig export saeZ Farm rs nd mplyee No Enoy f dairy foods. Wit consideral3Xe* soks of dairy foods in str, and lncreased ikpou9a&. Senefls ofWork en'rsCompe sati nseality for this season, a strongt selling effort i8 lndicated for the But Nsi Firsi Nake Application ne25 er cent increase inth total June Advertiglng Set-Astfe by dairy farmers would give L- Farmers of Ontario and thein er and under is instructions whe- organization a budget of $40,oo employees are invited by the On- ther on is promises or elsewhere. for advertising and public relz tario Federal-Provincial Farm Al farmers wo employ elp tions in 1954, salys Mr. MacMill'n. Labor Committee to avail them- on a yar round or on a part-time This sum would stili be 200,0ôÔO' selves of t e f-lte fee basis may protect their employ- short of the national potential pog.-' of he aciites ffeedeej, and themselves, with com- sible under the present plan -b1 them since January lst by the plete coverage under the Board. cent-a-pound deduction on ail bo,. Workmen's Compensation Board. Members of the farmer's familY terfat produced in June. Previous to January st., Com- are not eligible for coveage, un- Provincial and local produîqr~ pensation benefits were available less they are paid a stated wage organizations are setting up tç only to industries employing at Farmers who do not employ paid mcieyt ananacoe least four pe sons. Since the first help, and this includes a farm e n mcbe k n hsery t aidein theclocse- of the yean, bowever, ail indus- and son partnenship where help is areas under their jurisdiction. T4e, tries employing one or more per- not employed. are not eligible for nsis o hs a g etd at.x sons are eligible for these bene- cove age. a yree no of t i ea be n t be c i n- fits. The latter have also been The cost of Workm-en's Comn- creased numben of nequests froPx3, cxtended to busbworkers, pros- pensation covenage is at the rate distnibutors and operators for pr), pectors, wndow cleaners and of 75c. per $100 of pay-roll which ducer litenature relating to blacsmihs.would include the cost of board set-aside. This increase bas been Farmers are nt covered auto- when supplied, or of ouse ren- noticeable in the cheese sectiq~ matically, but may apply. The tai wben housing accommoda- of the industny. Ontario Federal-Provincial Farm tion is provided, as part of the In Quebec, provincial onganaý Labor Committee believes tey wages pad. Payment must be ation field men ave been detail. should apply and thereby educe made in advance for a period Of ed to ceck the set-aside arq4ý the bardsbips and tragedies wbicb one year, the minimum payment maintain contact with producqgp1 so often follow farm accidents. being $5. Part-time workers and plant operators troughoeut Under the Ontario Workmen's would cost employees $5 for every te province. Due to the extra. Compensation Act, medical treat- 666 paid in wages. The farmen effort in the Martms, th j, ment, ospitalization, ehabilita- wo applies for coverage for im- provinces are expected to be well,. tion teatment wen needed, and self must make a declaration of p over last ear. It is anticipat..- compensation pay are available bis probable income for the comi- ed that wVestern pDrovinces will.- - PAGIE F

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