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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1953, p. 18

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WANTAj PO Turn Page for Additional Classfied BIRTHS LYLE - Johnny and Darlene wouid like to announce the arriv- ai of a baby brother on Mvonday, May Iith, at Meimorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Parents are Barb- ara and John Lvle. 21-i TERRY-Wallace and Berniece Terry (nee Ellis) are happy to announce the birth of their son. William Date at Mlvemoriat Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Friday. May 8th, 1953. A brother for Eugene. LI1 - 1 ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Roval Whit licld, IBurketon, Ont., annourice th ent-i gagement of their caugbter. Ruth1 Aileen to Gordon Jarmcs Cathcart,j son of Mr. and Mrs. Weslev. Cath- cart, Kendal, Ont. The niarri.ige wiil take place on Saturdav , Juno 6th at 3 o'clock in St. 'Joii«s! Anglican Church, Blackstork, Ont.» 21-1 MARRIAGE HORN - TREWIN-On Saturclay, May 9th at four o'clock in the North Parkdale Unitedc Church parsonage, by 1ev. Mlilton R. Sanderson, Sarah Minerva Trexv- in of Enniskillen. and Charles Edgar Horn of Oshawa, formerly of Hampton. 21-11 DEATHS ALLIN-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Saturday, May 16th, 1953, Emma M. Knight, wife of Frederick Allîn, 12 Carlisle Ave. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chape], Bow- manville, on Monday, May 18, at 2 o'clock. Interment Bown-an- ville Cemetery. 21-1 GIBSON-At Oshawa General Hospital, on Wednesday, May '20, 1953, Donald Leslie Gibson, 'aged one year, beioved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gibson, 40 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chape]. Bowmanville. Service iný the Chapel on Friday, May 22nd at 3 o'clock. Interment Orono Cemetery. 21-1 HAWKEY-At the -esiclence, 2", Wellington St., Bownanville, on Mondayý,,May 18, 1953, Phoehe B. Coiiacutt, aged 82 yeairs. wife of the late Richard Haxvkey and mother of Breta, (Mrs. Garnet McCoy). Service xvas held at the Morris Funeral Chape] Boxvman - ville, on Wednesday. Ma,, 20th at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemeterî-. 2l11 MASON, Frank L.-Suddenl. 1inI Oshawa Hospital on Tuesdiay, MaY 19, 1953, Frank L. Mason. bûloved husband of Beati7ice Crydermian and father of Mrs. L. A. Caughey (Vera), Cobourg; Mrs. F. B. John- son (Meta), and C. Erie, Oshaw.ýa: Frank, Detroit; Mrs. Mary Nobes, Toronto, in his 81st year. Funer- al frorn Luke-McIntosh Ennemil Home, Oshawa, on Frida *\, Ma ' 22nd at 2:30 p.rn. Entombment Union Cemetery Mausoleun-m. CQMING EVENTS IMEMORIAM CONNC)RS- In ]ovimg emory of a dlear wvîte and mother, Hattie, who passed away, May 25, 1950. We do not forget ber, we loved j her too dearly, For her mnemory ta fade fromn aur lives like a dream. Our lips need not speak when our hearts mourn sincerely, For grief often dwells where it seldom is seen. -Sadly missed and ever renem- bered, Husband and Family. 21-P' COU CH-In loving memory of a dermother, Winona Couch, wha passed away, May' 24, 1939. GorI gave me a wonderfnl mother Her memory xii nover grow aId; Hol fashioned lier smile out of sun- shine Ile mnn]ded her heart of pure gold. I-le iivedcd a niew star in heaven A beautiful light ta shine, So out of fhis world of sorrow H-e chose that dean mother of Loigvrcmiernbered by dauglhter Denolda, and Sid. 21-11 GRAY-In loving mcmor o Robert Gray who died May 24th Deep in the heart lies the picture O f a loved one laid ta rest, In memory frame xve shaîl keep it' jBecauise hoe was one of the best. -Lovingîx' rememnbcred by wife and family. 21-1 McDONALD-In loving memory nf aur dear mother and grand- mothei-, Mary McDonald, whoI passed away May 25th, 1949. Sweet memories linger forever, Time cannat change them, it's true; Years that may came cannot seven Our loving remembrance of Mou. -Lovingly reniembered by Harry, Irone and grandchildren, Evelyn, Claude and Marilyn. 21-1* POOLTON-In loving and ever- lasting memory of a dear son and brother, Pte. Jack Poolton of the Irish Regim-ent of Canada, who died of wonnds at Lini Valley, Italy, May 26th, 1944. Sometimes a note of an old- fashioned sang Brings us a thought of you Somnetimes a flower as we pass alo ng Or a sky that is azure blue Or a silver lining in the ciouds Whon the sunshine's peeping 4through. -Doariy loved. rememhoned al- %vays, Mum, Dad, and familv. 21-1* Notices Beginning May lst, Dr. A. F. Mi%/cKenzie of Orona, and Dr. S. 1-. Witzei o! Newcastle, will have heurs and tako calîs fin altornate weekends, from Fniday, 8:30 p.m., to Manday marning. Dr. Witzel will be on cali the weokends of Ma' lst, 1,sth and 29th. Dr. Me- Kenzie xiii ho on caîl the weok- ends o! May 8th and May 22nd. DIAL BOWMANVILLE 2088 for a FREE Service Check-up on your Sewing Machine regardless of age or style Mm. Poguo is a thoroughly. ex- periencod man and xili give yau the best of service. He is a member o! aur staff from your Articles For Sale RACK for -¾-ton truck, new tarpaulin. Phone 3321. 21-1* '29 FORDSON tractor for sale. Phone 3676, Bowmanvilie. 21-1 SMALL all-wool rug, 5'x3'. Phone 3638. 21-1 MANURE-Apply Cyril Rutland, George St. E., Newcastle. 21-1* RUBBER-TIRED wagon. Apply W. Cooper, Middle Road. 21-1* GRAND piano, good condition. Phone 3532. 21-1 GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle, like new, reasonable. Phone 2528. 21-1 ONE tomato planter. Mr. W. Stacey, Newtonville. 21-1* 1949 JOHNSON 5 h.p. outboard motor in Ai condition. Phone 2015. 21-1 TWO good used 9.00x20 truck tires and tubes $50. Phone 2341. 21-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 50 and 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanviiie. Phone 2473. 36-tf SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kin- mount, Ont. Phone 17rl1. 13-tf MAN'S bicycle, like new. Apply Norm Eddy. Phone 3931 Clarke. 21-1* STAIR carpet, rcd pattern, seven yards. Apply 51 Temperance St. 21-1* THREE-PIECE Kroehler chester- field, $25.; also a rug, 9x12, $10. Phone 2116. 21-1 BABY'S crib and mattress in good condition. Phono 35î7 or 3470. 21-1 il-FOOT runabout for racing or ploasure, choap, in good condition. Phone 3231 after 5:30 p.m. 21-1 DINETTE table and four chairs, and double steel bedstead. Tele- phone 3673. 21-1 ONE baby*s steel crib, walnut brown; one single bed. Phone 3305. 21-1* NEW collapsible table tennis set. Compiete with equipment. Phone Newcastle 2841. 21-i* FINDLAY cook stove, with hot water front, in good condition; also high chair. Phone 2565. 21-1* WHITE baby carniage, price $10., child's crib, both in good con- dition; ice box. 50 lb. capacity, $9.50. Phono 3559. 21-1 SAVE $40 plus a generous trade- in on a brand new porcelain tub, chrome wninger, Easy washing machine at The Radio Shop. 21-1 2000 NEWBURG raspborry canes 3c each while they last. M. Heard, 'phono Bowmanvilie 2887. 20-2 CONCRETE and cinder blocks, new style, full 8" high, at reduced pnices. For free estimates phono Bowmanville 846. 18-tf SHOWERS or snowy Christmas gifts-Buy now and save. Forced to vacate. Elliott's Variety House, opposite Garton's. 21-11> FAIRFAX stnawberry plants, cleaned, ready for planting, $2.00 per 100, $15 per 1,000. Appiy R. Manning & Sons, growers, Ken- da]. Phono 23-r-8. 21-2 Aftornoon tea, hie ah ~IJri~WI~ iRr VENETIAN BLINDS. 25 different and bazaar table i St. Panils '17 IValton St. Port Hope calours of tapes, 15 slat calours, Sunday Sehool roomi, Sa înrdn, I 21-1 Flexalumi. Aluminumn or Steel, .Ma 23rc1, from 3 p.i-________________________moasured and mnstalled froc of St. Paul's Eveî-iiîg W.A. Concs - Help \W anted charge. Phone 3121. Weber's and bring a frieni. Fabic ente. 7 j \INor boys, to help with plant- USED refrigeratons - Hostess, Eldad S. S. Aiivra' Ivn,_ Brook dale -Kingsway Nurs- Westinghouse and Kelvinator, 3lst, at -« and 7:30 ii. Ouest eri,., 21-3 rock bottom pnicos at Fanm Equip- minister. Rex'. J. Kteen Oono mn n uoItv,14Kn Mondas', June tst, leagne foot: !I hAVE yen a good job' »1 Ifnet, I mt. and, Auomaivo 134hong 89 bail ganle. feoIIovd Jbv T Il(,, 1 hav'e oee for yen. My address is 21-1 play, -Gelting Ira i\are. eI lIE. H-omnick, 141 Fradette St., -_______________ dotails next weck. 2 - 'tmoog 20-2 There are always BARGAINS at Tyronc Sund(ax' School Ani GIR~L or wonian for geîneral GLADYS " ar9n U 4th. AIn ho[iexvork, livo in. Dial Oshawa L D# miser A. E. Març 'i:, : 3î - 07 .AMIrs. P. R. Piest47 -t,44CILuliLS STORE' sav B wniliill B v.ý Q I;I-It Siince St. North, Oshawa. 21-1 O r A n s y urS tsato assisting the choir \V1111 I5si'.YONG latlv for modern local OuAIisyorStfain Timne 2:30 auJ :(<ipI.n ' s011 .Alppt], in writing ta Box 2 aK t.E hn 171 Fniday,'. Mla 'v 210 l'e111 \ eoid wI --/o 'To eCanaiidian Statesman, 2- Young Peopti' 'villpt hi l nni le.21-1 play, "Tcmnp 'st an u i:i-si. i1 Pipe, Fittings, Plastic Pipes 2-iASPARIAG US î)ielers, mon or IVater Systemns \~ m. l. ppi Cllied SallwWagons, Loaders for mnost tractors Burketon S. S..\ I1 .nî\a Mtile Southî of Prestois Sheil Max 21h.xvthRex h M.So c- pas station,. Loi 201, Coni. 2. 21- Tractor Seats, Flex Harrows, vil l fCuriea wih .e. iSoxîmr- - - Channel Harrows, Lever fHarrows,9 Special nusie in aflernoonu ut 2 lE>I ICll.NIC for nmodern garage Manure Spreader, Plow Points, p.m. bx- the choir-. For t he ix-vn in Bvîuaiîille. Apply Robsonl ingsericeaI :3i pi. î~. .n ý \oi ts. It6 iti Kuî St. E., Bow- Termns ta suit your pocketbook. assist 1 the '011 ie<' Ou \ioIl i M - 5ththe .P.U of FE\IALE lil) for lighit machinec May 5h teVP..tfPontx andti actorv xvorkA inpr pool will presont t heu iLt'. î211 ,i01. SpùLuiaîtvk .aprPlr in pe titled «Temnpest anid Suhi . S Il i 3 Tetuperanice St., Baw- Admission, adutls 50ec; ltni atv 1îe Ot 2 20e. 21oat aec fr o ;IRL or wmnwne o Newtonvi lie W....'1 r~..houseîvoîk it Tomante. lîveo in. Service",vil] Oc heiti on StmuJ:u'. EXCUllent xvages, liberal limie off. May 24th. 2:3(0pr.,Re%~. TA. I .ppty M. Breslin, Bawmanvillo. Morgan, Bo :1a1(ti, it'Ii speaker. Special musýic h'Gei- -_________ bank Mate Quartette. 1î'î-IL\ EU business now open May 2610 at 8:15 pin. Birpr'ii ixvîanville. Trade well Simion Simple"' %vil] bu presei e tabtsed.Exellntopportun- by Newtonivtlle W.A. in >0e (,'oui- i. FuIl lime. Write at once. munit;- HaIt. Bill ' Wte oi aeu gs Dept. E- 140-189, AMent- Courtice. and local talent vit el ruai. 121-2 tertain betweiî acts. Adnîis<Ion IOUSEKEEPER for semni-invalid 50c and 35c. 2-1und one adîtit. Position suttable for person desiring a good homo. F or Sale by Tender Work lighiter than average. Applv ONE 21-inch Bob-a-laxx'n powerx- whtb-, 60a, after 6 p.m. 21_1 grass mwer tn good condition , ta -_____________ be sold by~ tender. Mowem .anm MAKE biîg earnings dajîx'. Ful be soeet at Newcastlv Public or spare ttie. SelI daix' tîces- School b.vscuing caretalcer. 1lli',I- sities iîicinig cosmetics. food est tender net necessarilx' arLelpî- products. sLtlIdry mindicines. iarm ed. Tenders ta bc forxvarcied ta specialties m v our suroundings. F. S. Barehard, Secretary. bv ji Evory 1home a prospect. Write May 3lst. 1953 . .oaTuePb- f.or details and free catalogue ta- lic School, Newvcastloe, Ontario. nax' Farilex, 1600 Deloimior. 211Dept. C, Mlontreal. 1.1-1 HARVEY PARTNER'S TYRONE PHONE 2240 9 M.Nilcs Fast of Enuisklllen IVe also bave some USED EQUIPMENT IVater Systenis installcd Free Estimates MORRIS CO. CLEARS 1952 MODEL KELVINATOR Reirigeralors 8.1 cu. ft. 2 ONLY - Regulan $412.30 Clearance Special $349.95 1 ONLY -- Rogular $299.75 8.7 un. f t. Clearance Special Articles For Sale PIONEER seed corn is tested for seed strength ln cold wet soil at a temperature of 48 degrees. For hybrids with plenty of hustie and big yields, plant Pioneer this spring. D. J. Courtice, Courtice. Phone Oshawa 3-9903. 21-2 $66.50 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for your washer on a 1953 Beatty Thermo stainiess steel tub wash- er. No down payment. Balance arranged on easy terms. Phone 408. Mason & Dale, Bowman- ville. 21-1 0 For the Latest Papers 0 For the Finest Painta' *For the flest Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONE 2417 - 912 49-1f VENETIAN BLINDS - Custom made-to-measure - also standard sizes in stock, widths every inch from 24 to 43 x 64 inch drop, easily installed in a few minutes - also plastic and cloth window biinds. See F. F. Morris Co. for largest selection, lowest prices. 7-tf T1L E CERAMIC -PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUM B. G. eal Phone 2902 ]Bowmanvllle 14-t! USED Hostess.refrigerator $125; used Beatty washer $24.50; used combination McClary coal and eiectric range $49.50; used rang- ettes $19.50, $24.50 and $29.50; large assortment of used ice box- es from $5 at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone 408. 21-1 USED Farm Machinery-DeLaval milker in good condition, Case baler, excellent condition; Case 2-furrow piow, International W-6 tractor, excellent condition; 10-20 International tractor, Case 2-plow tractor in good condition, at Farma Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Pone 689. 21-1 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom, made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions withaut obliga- tion. Free estimates and free in- stallation within 35-mile area. Lowest prices in town. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. W., Phone 3609 Bawmanviiie. 8-tf COLEMAN floor furnace, cam- plete with copper feed lines, pipes, 2 50-gallon ail drums mounted, bronze fixtures, used four months only, complete ready to instaîl, will adequately heat 5-roomn house. Cost $265 new, will sacri- fice for $175 cash, or will accept $30 down and six payments of $25 from, responsible party. Phone 580. 21-1 ONE used 3-furrow plow, 1 milk coaler, 1 Gehi harvester, complete; 1 M.-H. 81 tractor, 1 Case R, 1 Case C., 1 Gandy fertilizer spread- er, 1 manure spreader; electrie refrigerators and deep freezers, wvire fence, barb wire, etc., water systems, haler and binder twine, Swift's fertilizers. W. H. Brown, Case dealer, King St. W., Bow- manville. 21-1 Morris Co. Special AIRFOAM CHESTERFIELD SUITES Big selection of styles and covers Also LA-Z-BOY CHAIRS and COGSWVELL CHAIRS for that spare corner o! the living room SEE OUR 4 floors of Furnilure 21-1 USED APPLIANCES AND FrURNITURE iNorge Refrigerator, 6 cu. fi., re- conditioned and guaranteed 1 yr., Only----- S90 Metal Ice Boxes S.0up lVashlng Machines, In aood condition- $95 Rangettes, like new- $40 Gas Range, 4-burner, white enamnel, only --$93 Electrie Ranges, 4-burner witli open elements ------ $29.50 1 only-West.nghouse Table-top Electric Range, 2 years, oid, looks like new, only $19 General Electric Television, i0-inch screen - $99.50 Television, 13-in. sereen -$125.00 Television, 17-in. sereen -$249.00 Chesterfield Suite, 3 pleces nylon fnieze, awner leaving for England, cost $410 for -$00 IValnut Beal, Springs andl Dresser, like new - . 490 Chesterfieldl Bede Spring-fiiled Mattresses --- $79. - at - NUIPHY'S Articles For Sale NEW Electrical Appiiances-Elec- tric ranges, 4-burner, regular $206 for $189; washing machines $129, Norge refrigerators, 8.75 cu. ft., freezer across the top, regular $385 for $299; refrigerator, il cu. ft., freezer across the top, $299; Deepfreeze refrigerator, Il cu. ft., regular $499 for $449 at Murphy's Furniture and Appliance Store, 52 King St. W., Bowman- ville. Phone 811. 21-1 MORRIS CM SUMIER Collage Specials Felt Mattresses ----$13.95 and up Sprlng-filled Mattress $22.95 Up Ail standard sizes available BIG SELECTION 0F Home Furnishings ON OUR FOUR FLOORS 21-1 SAVE $$$ Plumbing Supplies, kitchen sinks, bathroom sets, por- celain enamel steel acid resisting sinks, three-piece bathroom sets, white or coloured, chrome fit- tings. Laundry tubs, shower cab- inets, pressure water systems, oul burners, septie and oul tanks, air conditioning furnaces, convector radiation. Helpful installation diagrams in free catalogue. Al shipments delivered, you pay no freight. Write or visit S. V. Johnson Plumbling Supplies, Streetsville, Ontario. 20-3 Work Wanted- GARDEN wvork, grass cutting, etc. Apply H. Van Belle, 18 MililLane. 21-1* BABY-sitting, any evening of the week. Phone 2357, Newcastle. 21-1* DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- ton, for cuistom killing. Phone 3243. 32-tf BULLDOZING and excavating by hour or contract. Free estimates. Gerald Balson, Hampton. Phone 2733. 19-4* HAVE your kitchen and bath- room walls tiled, about 29 colours to choose fromn. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. 12-tf MAGUIRE'S GARAGE 28 Brown St. Phone 900 GENERAL REPAIRS to Ford andl Ail Makes of Cars BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Retinishing 21-2* CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Garden and Farm Plowlng Cultlvating, Dlsclng, Scuffling and Mowing FILLING IN DRAINS Ï with bulldozer blade J.X. Alldread & Son PHONE 496 19-4* Concrele and Masonry Brick, Block and Concrete Work Prompt Attention - ESTIMATES FREE- L. Turner P. O. Box 177 Bowmanville Telephone 3600 12-tf PAINTING PAPER HANGING Full Selection o! PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS - FREE ESTIMATES Howard S. Brooking ]PHONE 2702 42-tf MASONRY CONSTRUCTION BRICK - BLOCK Chimneys Repaired and Rebuilt Sidewalks, Concrete, General Industrial and Residential Contractlng -Competent Workrnanship FREE ESTIMATES Anger Dros. PHONE 2643 12-tf FURNACES ' Air Condiiioning Oil Durners Sheel Melal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS r St. W. Phone 811 BOIMAN;VLLE 1 - 891 16-tf1 1Real Estate For Sale1 Real Estate For Sale LARGE lot on Lamba Lane. Phone 883. 21-1 LOTS for sale on Mill Street North and George St. E., New- castle. Apply Cyril Rutland, George St. E., Newcastle. 21-1* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised. L. M. A L LISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle. 20-tf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE $8,500 - $2,500 cash 7-room insul-brick, on large lot, Waveriey Rd., ail heated, with bathroom on each floor, lending itself ta incarne purposes. $2,200 - $1,500 cash 4-roora sumimer cottage on West Beach. T1his is a nice dlean place and could hc winterized. On lot 60x120. Immediate possession. Jines Real Estate 61i Prince Street Oshawva Phone Bowmanville 3230 21-1 H. G. 'Rap' GILL REAL ESTATE Grocery store in Bowmanville, good turnover. Priced for quick sale. $6,000 plus stock at in- voice. In village 45 miles £rom Toronto, general store and 9-raomed apart- ment. Price $16,000, plus stock at invaice. In village on county road, com- pletely equipped woodwarking shop and five-roomed bungalow. Price $13,000. In Bowmanville, new five-room bungalow, priced for quick sale at $4,800. Chaice building lots on Bradshaw St., Concession Street and Higli Street. H. G. "RHap" GUI Real Estate 8 Second Street Bowmanvile Telephone 3514 21-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 135 acres, large bank barn, gaod insul-bnick bouse, hydro, running waten. About 30 acres bush, on No. 2 Higbway. Will sell equip- ped or separately, and give im- mediate possession. Price $12,800. Haîf cash. B. A. service station with large bouse, ail heated, lunch caunter and six cabins. Will seil on ternis or exchange for bouse. 5 acres with large, on No. 35 Highway. $1,000 cash and terms on balance. We have two summer hotels in Kawartha Lake district and one on Rice Lake. Anyone interested in summer camps should contact US. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle ]Phone Clarke 38, SSL Agent for W. J. WVarren, Droker Agincount Ontario 21-i DeWITH REAL ESTATE 135 acre farm, sandy loam, 120 acres workable, good fences, well; bank barn, 90x3O ft, with pig pen, hen bouse, silo, garage; 9-roomed brick bouse, running water, hydro throughout. Asking price $10.000. Ternis. 158 acre fanm, dlay ioam, creek, weiis, gaod bann with running waten, hydra tbroughout, silo, etc. Goad 9-roomed frame house, mnilk- hanse with electnie cooler, milk contract. Price $11.500. $2500 doxvn. 100 acre farm on highway, dlay, 35 acres workable, large bush and pasture, good water supply, 50x30 ft. barn; 6-roomed insul-brick house. Price $4,500. Haîf cash. 100 acre fanm, sandy loaim, 80 acre wonkable. Goad 8-room frame house and ceilar; gaod barn 50 x 30 ft. Price $6,500. Tenms. Groceny store and restaurant on highway with 4-room living apant- ment, bot and cold running water, bathraom, kitchen. Contract for selling gasaline. Pnice $9,000 with ahl equipment included. Tenms. Groceny store and butcher shap in village on highway, withi 7- room living apartment, însul-brick building. Good business. Asking pnice $10,000. Ternis. 6-roomed insul-brick, house an highwav, 1 acre lot; 4-piece bath- room, furnace, heavy w.iring, hot and cold running water; modemn kitchen; built four yoars ago. Price $7,000. Ternis. 7-roomed frame hanse, centre Newcastle. with hydro, 4 bed- rooms. Price $4,500. Loxv dawn payment. These are some o! the faris, hanses or businesses we have for sale. John F. DeWilth, Realtor Newcastle Phone 3341 21-1 Pets For Sale PUPPIES fan sale, six weeks aid, St. Bernard crossed with Calle. Phone 2776. 21-1 Repairs REPAIRS to ail makes of refr-ig- erators, domestie and commercial: mizg coolers. Hlggon Elec- trie, 42 King St. E., Phone 438. 25-ti NIXON REAL ESTATE 5-room 1 %~ stcrey brick dwelling, 4-piece bath, sunroom, furnace, storms, screens, awnings, garage, cernent drive garden, smali fruit, landscaped, extras. $9,500. Terms. 30 days' possession. 5-room frame bungalow, 4 years old, in Kendal. Hydro, garden. $3,500. 8-room brick dwelling, 3-piece bath, 2 fireplaces, oil heating, hardwood floors, % acre garden soul. Close to 401 Highway. Pos- session arranged. $8,000. Terms. Garage and service station locat- ed in a busy district. Good build- ing constructed for the purpose. Modern living quarters, hot water heating, equipment included. B. A. gas and oil. Merchandise at invaice price. Garden. Pull price $6,000. Terms. 10 acres of land and barn in Bow- manville. $4,500. Haîf cash. 112-acre farm, dlay laam, good buildings, 7 acres bush, 2 creeks, well watcred, silo; 7-raom frame house, heavy vtiring. $10.500. Implements and stock extra. 100 acres, on No. 2 Highway, with 2 creeks, 3 barns, stables; 7-room solid brick house, 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, 4-piece bath, fîreplace, furnace, large garage, hydro, many extras. Beautiful home in immaculate condition. $25,000. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 682 21-1* Parents Attention Pre-Sehool Registration Parents and guardians of pupils who will be attending High Schools in this area in September next, are requested to register them before May 30, 1953, wlth the Principal of the schooi they will attend. This registration is necessary to arganize proper transportation to and from schools as well as the classes. Durham County District ~Iigh School Board, H-. W. Mitchell, Sec'y-Treas., Port Hope, Ontario. 18-4 Cars For Sale '47 FORD sedan, real buy $750. Phone 868. 21-1w' '46 FORD deluxe coach, dark blue, in perfect condition. An excellent buy. Phone 89 - 8, Orono. 21-1* 1936 OLDSMOBILE, good running condition. Apply 71 Brown St., Bowmanville. 20-2* '33 CHEVROLET caach, 10w mile- age. Harold Salter, Hampton. Phone 2142. 21-1 PRIVATELY awned 1950 Chev- rolet sedan, Ai condition through- out, law mileage. Phone 2408. 21-1 1951 G.M.C. ',ý-ton truck in ex- cellent condition at Farm Equip- ment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bawmanville. Phone 689. 21-i 1948 FARGO one-ton pick-up, gaad condition, hardwood racks, 7.50x16 tires, overhauled last faîl. Price $625.00. Good truck for orchard or farmer. Reason for seiling, too small for aur purpase. Margwill Fur Farm. Phone 2679. 121-1 '51 CHEVROLET sedan, cartaret red, equipped with heater, radio, %ck seat speaker, white wall tires, 16,000 miles. Private. Can be financed. Apply Ken Sumers- ford, Ontario Motor Sales Ltd., or 'phane Bawmanville 2245 after 6:30 p.m. 21-1 For Rent TWO unfurnished roams ta rent. Phone 3384. 21-11, PRIVATE rooni for rent, board if desired. Apply 18 Liberty St. South. 21-1* TWO rooms, one furnished and one unfurnished. Phone 3602. 21-1 SIX-ROOM house in the vicinity of Blackstack. Apply Darreli Bras. Phone Blackstock 48W. 21-1 Wanted To Buy BEFORE selling your live poultry try us. Our prices are higher. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7 r 13. reverse charges. 51-tf TOURIST tent, sewn floon, nust be in good condition; also camp- ing equipment. E. Green, Hlill- crest, Leskard. 21-if TWO acres or more in Bowman- ville or outskirts. Cash deposit $1.000 and $60 a month. Write Box 997, c/o Canadian Statesman. 21-2e \VANTED - Live pouitry, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags and metals. Raw furs and deerskins. ]Phone 3-2043 Oshdwa cailect. 46-tf Lost BLIND cat, part Persian, inulti- coloured, iost one mile north of Hampton. Answers ta "Toots". Phorie 2553. 21-1 Seed for Sale FRANKS G. Hybnids, thýe kind that is consistent]y at the top in field campetitions, for grain or ensilage; aiso Reg. Na. 1 Flam- beau Soy Beans. Garnet B. Rîck- ard, R. R. 4, Bowmanville. Phono 281 ý. 21-tf registered Holstein fernales, freshenlng; 2 top herd sires. expert tested. Catalogues avaf able from sale managers Alé MacKenzie, Woodstock; 1Waltk Frank, Bowmanvile.. 21-1 Modemnanid antique furnituri Moffat comb1ination stove, Nork, refrigeratar, washing mnachinf sewing machine, cane -bottol, chairs, frosted glassware, chint ware, silverware, bedding, linen tools, etc. The hausehoid effec' of the late James Robinson ta k sold by public auction on Satu, day, May 3th, cornmencing at p.m. sharp at his late residenco Mili St., Newcastle. Ternms cas) No resenx-e. Jack Reid, Auctioneer, Oron. 21. Eastern Ontario Hereford Clul 5th ANNUAL SALE PETERBOROUGH Fair Ground SATURDAY, MAY 80tb 12:30 p.m. Auctioneers: WV. S. O'NEILL, Denfield. RAY WILLIAMS, Hoard Sn.: 48 Registered Hereford Bulle an Females, both horned and poj1eý Animais approved by Dominie Heaith of Animais Branch axý Ontanio Livestock Branch. Up ta $75.00 Grant on Bulse, a(j cording to Ontario Buir Premiun,ý Sale Under Cover H. Hawkey, Pres. W. Mood, 8e-ý Indian River. DirdsalI. 19. The undersigned auctioneer wi- hold a community auction of fuÈ niture and househoid effects, his property on No. 2 *Hlghwa'I at the West end o! Newtonvil." on ý9aturday, May 23 at i o'cioc sharp, E.D.S.T., consistlng afiý cook stove, nearly .new; i co6ý stove, neariy new, equipped wW; oul burners and drumis; i cheste«, field and chairs, 1 new Frigidai' (Roy 9.4 cu. ft., freezer across tt' top); 1 nearly new electric wast> ing machine and tubs; 2 table'" chairs, floor lamps, beds ànK springs, dressers, 2 extenhloý tables, electrie radia, Iina1qâc. wash stands, buffet, utiiity t-] 2 end tables, 1 new kitchen * n-' q and trap camplete, several ne, sheets of tile for wallt (enamc wall); 3 bat water tan-0~ sever ather pieces o! ggod furnitue 'Sfit dishes, tools, lawn mowems asx, other articles toa numeraus f mention. Terms cash. Lloyd Ciysdale, auctionesi 21- Livestock For Sale SEVEN pigs, 7 weeks old. Phori 2097. 214l ONE four-year-oid saddie mar',! Dorrell Bros., Blackstock. Phor., 48W. 21. VEAL caives. Phone 2019. M, J. Trudeau, R. R. 4, Bowmanvill, Ont. 21-. TEN Tamwarth pigs, seven wýeel' aid; McCormick-Deerlng six-fote ail bath mawer, practically nev! Phone 2351. 21.' ARE yau tlred of milking? Thinfi' ing of starting a Beef Herd? W invite you ta inspect flfty headc Angus Breeding Stock "Ti', World's Greatest Beef Breed"j aur Spring Auction Sale, Exhib' tion Grounds, Peterborough, Sa. urday, June 6th. Write for cati logue ta S. Stothers, Lucknoç Secretary, Ontario Aberdeez Angus Association. 19. PULLET SALE-Day old ar' started while they last at the! special pnices. Immediate deli' ery-day ald Standard Qualit Barred Rock, Rhode Island Re. White Rock, Light Sussex, Whiý Wyandotte, Lighit Sussex X Ne Hamp, Light Sussex X Red $1U. per 100; Newv Hampshire, Rbac Island Red X Banred Rock, Ne, Hampshire X Barned Rock, Ne Hampshire X Light Sussext $16.95 per 100; Black Mînarca White Leghorn, White Leghoi X Barred Rock, White Leghoi Cîï $28.95 per 100; Assorted Bree< (aur choice) @1 $15,95 per 10 For money maker quality ae $1.00 per 100, for Extra Prof add $2.00 per 100; for special ma ing add $3.00 per 100. StartE Pullets-2 weeks aid add $li.J per 100; 3 weeks old add $17J( per 100. Day old bronze ton (very spedia] price) 39c each. 4 O.D. anywhene. Tweddle Chic Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, 01 taria. 21. Wanted CALVES for vealing. pbior 2485. J..., DEAD STOCK removed tri) your farm promptly for sanita disposai. Telephone Collect: C bourg 1266 or Toronto EM 3-38 Gardon Young Llmited. 1- Wanted To Rent THREE or four-room apartrne Young couple with one chilr Phono 497. FOUR or five-noom bouse in tov' or near highway, for couple wiwý three small children. Phone 3l11," Fasting ta live, often la ther': suit of living too fast, a contex porary cdaims 1 PAGE riGHTLRN -Tm CANADLiiN STATzsmffl, BOWMANV=Z" O"Amo 9MC LIWAY. VAT 2t- is»

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