---. sfm*.5.............. :-~~ T~44~~WI'là, cd s,5 ~N'SANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION CONTINUES WT ~IURDA Y, FRIDAY und STURDAY J.97 M M DRESSFS PFIM149 TO 19.95 CHILDREN'S 1.98 OVERAILS C o r d s, crepes, tucotunas, Sturdy-wearing, easy ta wash, neat prints, taffetas. One and two- looking corduray averaîls with bib piece styles. Spring and suni- and braces. Sizes 2 ta 6 years. mer styles ta fit misses, wo-2 Regular price 1.98. ON SALE . men and haîf sizes. Regular THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT- 114.95 ta 19.95. ON SALE .. i URDAY .......... 1 IREG. 19-95 AND 25.00 SHORTYSi AiI-wool shorty coats, fully ined with rayon crepe. Full flared backs, in checks or solid shades. Sizes 10 ta 20. Originally 19.95 and 25.00. ON SALE.............. 14 .27 SAVE i1O.Q0 ON MISSES' SUITS Smart Spring and Summer styles of new 1953 fabrics. Choose yours from gabardnes, worsteds, rivieras, cords. Dressmaker tailored orn9 loose.fitting jackets. Sizes 10 ta MISSES' & WOMEN'S DRESSES An unusually large and varied se- lection of styles and materials. Spring and semmer styles in pica- lays, chevrons, prints, crepes. Sizes 12 ta 20, 38 ta 44, 181/2 ta 241/2, 46 ta 52. BUY 2 or 3 AT 4.98 CLEARINGI SPRING COATS Don't miss this unusuol value in Misses ful-length Spring cots. They're ail wool, fully lined, belt. md or flared-back styles. Theyu2 sold as high as 39.95. Smaller WOMEN'S HALF-SIZE SUITS Here is your chance to save on women's suits te fit the full figure. Smartly taîlored gabar- dine by Pckfoir. Sxes 38 te 44. 18Y2 ta 24V/2.Regular £a727 35.00 and 39.95. REDUCED SAVE -ON BLOUSES Nylon Tricots, rayon crepes, wash- able cottons and picolays. Long4 and short sleeves. Ses 12 ta 20. Reulr pta 3.98. 98 REDUCED TO CHILDREN'S DRESSES Perky little dresses af picolay and cattan chevrons. Lace trimmed.4 rGuaranteed washable. Suxes 2 tam9 6198 BUY 2 OR 3 AT ONLY ...... LADIES, S13. 2.98 & 3.98 SAVE ON MEN'S TOPCOATS Water-repellent! Wrinkle- dine topcoats! Single breaÈt- iro!Ngs on Taueand gbr : f a27 ed niodels. Rayon silkçln 2 sizes 36 ta 44. ON SALE 1 I SAVE ON MEN'S WORK SHIRTS i Here is an autstanding shirt buy for men! Navy or blue cottan cham- bray work shir ts. Full cut, sizes 1l42 to 17. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY........ SAVE ON MEN'S WORK JACKETS Lovely, luxurious lasting slips, full length or haîf length, of caramil rayon crepez, in tailored trirn fitting styles or Iavishly trirnrncd with lace. Reg. 2.98 - 3.98. ON SALE .. STOCK UP ON DENIM JEANS You cn't go wrong on this gret__ saig wChide' og-er blue denim jeans, boxer style Ill elastic waiist. Sizes 2 to 6x years 800 ON SALE THURSDAY, FRIDAY rAND SATURDAY...............- SAVE ON BOYS' SHORTS Sturdy wearing, easy to wash rayon and cotton gabardine shorts for boys 7 to 12 years. Elastic waist- band to ensure snug fit.a2 THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SAT-.2 URDAY .................... SMALL BOYS' COATS AiI-waol flannels in smart beit- ed Hollywood style or plain navy reefer cut. Broken sizes and colours. 9 ON SALEI........ 3 GIRLS' SPRING OUTFITS Pert styles in matching coat and bonnet sets for girls 2 to 6x yrs. An extremely good selection of styles and colours. Regular 9.95 7 9 and 12.95. CLEARING AT ....... i SAVE ON GIRLS' COATS AII-wool diagonal cords, all-wool fleeces, suzes 7 ta ~ ~ d> 12 years. Regular 19.95 * # n27 ON SALE.................- yGREY FLANNEL SUITS Your opportunity to dress the little felIlow in a weIl-tailored all-wool grey flannel suit at low cost. Sizes 4 ta 7 yrs. These39 suits sold originelly at 12.95. CHILDREN' S BIB OVERALLS Sanforized cotton drill overails with bib and braces or boxer style4 longs. Sizes 2 ta 6 yrs. Regular 1.49 and 1.98. ON SALE THURS- zoo0 DAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAYM 37-94 I SHEER 51-fJI 'UrYLONW Continuing aur grecit nylon hosiery value. Shecr 51 gouge, 1 5 denier ' 7is ~rst qacity. Sizes 9 to 1 ,2. Su!S c-icepibere at 1.50 per pair. ïhiursday, Fri- day and Scocrday ... ALL-WEATHER COATS We're clearing the balance of ou,. aIl.weather coats. You can choose any coat in the store- 75c THURSDAY, AT.... AND NYLON BRIEFS ON SALE Mesh nylon tricot briefs in 11)7 white only. Sizes small, med- 2 n2 7 ium and large. Regular 98c. SAVE ON MEN'S CARDIGANS Origmnally 4.95 men's ail- C wool ceLa..ýjgan sweater. Sizes 36 to 42. REDUCED TO 2 MISSES' SINORTY C They're all-wool, fully luned, full flared bocks, ta wear over your suit or dress. Ex- ceptionally well-made and smartly styled. Sizcs 12 ta 20. Reduced ta POATS MISSES' FLANNEL BLAZERS Wear them with slocks, shorts or skirts. Ali-wool novy blue m2 7 flonnel trimmed with white satin cord. Sizes 12 ta 18. 3 BOYS' TWEED SUI' End - of - line clearonce of boys' all-wool tweed suits. Regulor 14.95 ta 19.95. Sizes 28 ta 33. CLEARING AT.......... TS SAVE ON MEN'S SUITS Nylon blend worsteds ini smart pic ond pics, windaw pane checks, clu s te r m27 stripes. Double breasted or 0 11 ~Ses 36 ta 46. ONLY ..2 à MISSES' BOUCLE SUITS Hurry for this great soving. Misses' all-wool, 2-pc. boucle suits. Styled by Jonathan Loan. Sizes il ta H11F RI 29CLE AIGTU9 OP en Fidays Until 9 P.Me DRESLI 1 'C BOWMANVILLE Q WHITBY Open Fridays Until 9 P.M.1 SAVE ON MEN'S JEANS Tough-wearng, 7-ounce blue 32ir to40jear m2.8. ON 32etn40 jear me.8SiNzes SALE ...................m n SAVE ON MEN'S KHAKI PANTS7 SAVE ON ALL-WOOL TOPCOATS Men's topcoats reduced frani !egular 49.50 and 55.00 range. AII-wool Eng- lish gabordincs. Suzes 36 ta 44. ON SALE.......... Sanforized blue twill Iackets, snug fitting waistband, strang dame fastemters down front. Durable tough-wearing fabric for long hard wear. Sizes 36 ta 44. Regu- lar 3.95. ON SALE............ A Washable rayon crepes or shan- tungs in solidi shades or prints. Isitcher boy or ;nap-»3ro4înd style. Sizes 12 ta 20ý Regular 7.95.w8 Here is an exceptional value in men's khaki ponts. They're son- forized, have zipper f Iy, lenther- ette trimmed at pockets for extra wear. Sizes 32 ta 42. SAVE NOW AT ONLY ........ EXCIT"L*G rWD RESS ES styles f;;r n s,~rnsand oversize wo.,,n'r .rnt.dwush- Harbe. Mi r 'vor 0S, Ie- 0vsmmer printed ci c-ts, j)coI ,'s, shian- tungs and brocidclorh. Sies 10-20 LADIES' COATS These are flot just ardinary cocitsl They curry labels such as Pasl un and Dorval. They're ai woo i'nm ported fabrics and have the styl- ing tisat only bette. coats have. Sod regularly up ta 4999 SAVE ON STUDENTS' SUITS Good-looking all-wool grey __ flannel suits ta fit ages 14 to 18 yrs. Double breast- ed models. Reg. 29.95. 4 9 CLEARING AT HALF MEN'S TRENCH COATS Top quality nylon blend Hollywood style trench coat for men, sizes 36 ta 44. Gurated atrrepellent.7.27 SAVE NOW AT THIS LOW CLEARING! WHITE UNIFORMS Sanforized white catton uni- farms. Long or short sleeves. Sanie slightly caunter soiled.A Sizes 12 ta 20, 38 ta 44. Regu-m 4 lar up ta 4.95. 3.95 YOUTHS' OVERALLS Standard bargain! Youths' bib overalîs of 7-ounce blue denim. Regular 2.98. Siues 30-32-34* only 300 ON SALE ................ .. MENS SANFORIZED SHIRTS Sonforized cotton cavert or chani- bray work shirts. Double yake, 24 breast pockets, full roomy cut. Them9 oind you pay 2.95 for. OUR BIG SHIRT SPECIAL ...... RUMMU mommum m ýA m m ln27 2A9 97