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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 May 1953, p. 6

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PAGE SIX T~!E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARTO :\Il. api. r 1 . lirrecr and! Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. .~a. ~ ~ rt ivr WodSaturdav. Mn a' t .1 M- ,mabali LongSaul- 't . .: r.rrtd rs id Mr. and Mrs. E. H. SamÙcl Jmm .. '. to R .C.A. spent the long weekend in North- a 1 rIl ,I.:~ r rMOftmo. Armstrong returned V r rtmand rs.hame from Oshawa Hospital on B. G . .' i iiteon Saturday. irinrL. in Mrs. Doolev, Toronto, visited Gcmrdîr i her mother, Mns. Wm. Cowan. r r C ~.r tken Mr. D. M. Myles, Mr. and Mrs. tae M( *r r rr . Lloyd Myles, Whitby, visited Mr. 'rir rand Mrs. Jim Johnson, Peter- tii 1 i . or\retanld rborough. Sic.rr ' r ' t \ t i. 'Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston. iold 1 ~ .1~ Oshawva, called on Mrs. Milfred \lt f r C iff (21h51. Sherwin an Monday. * t crtçr ilrs. The ladies of Orono district are mr ;-h :, r., îoking forward to the Memarial Ss r1Hospital Bazaar, June 4th, at the hi Oi i r ' Sn-Lions Communily Centre, Bow- manville. Mi , . o 1 ritihill, Miss Christine Kitchen. R.N., j Toronto, visited Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen. IMr. and Mrs. Wm. Stainton wth Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stain- toin, Enniskillen, and attended an- Iniversarxy services. Congratulations to Neil Barra- ~"l~'~~t~jj5 all, son of Mn. and Mrs. Roy Barrabali, Whitby, Grade VIII student of Dundas St. Scbaol for .0M wnnn one of the two Kinsmen Club awards given annually for _ bemng votcd bY their fellow stud- V nrts as studeats with the greatesi citzenhipattributes. Neil is a ýII> 1W gandson of Mn. and Mrs. Chas. tWood. i Mr. Ray Thornnon has bougbt 1 the lot and building on Cobb Hill 0 'tram Mr. Jack Reid. who necenily punchased same from Mn. Orm Gerrny. an Mrs. M. S. Staples, Miss E. Pen- ~ qp faund, Mns. Sînike, Bowmanvillc; W Mrs. D. Staples, Toronto; Miss S A y Joanne Cornish attended the OtroLadies' Coilege, Whiiby, 1£2ý9 t onManday. Miss M. Nunn, af Sask., a niece of Mrs. Staples, was ai 7 l~U. elected one of the counselors. 1Mrs. Meneillcy bas returned ta bunied hen home in Wankworth after ai: o ýi mîs bndld pending the winter with Mrs. a midr i lili v rd Chas. Awde. nr;e1)i' to be p;cled up. Mns. Hanvey Curtis wbo has been a patient in P. P. P., Toron- T neîwest and most promising INSECTICIDE [ siest insecticide to handle -tir*t:.1'.ctlei~ for control of in'ects on i. :utr ic s, tchd cr<ops and ornamentals. tar cm muini mcrciah and home garden use. Write for information to TED .1 <r~ fr~ f/r' U0Y l [i N\KBUILDING TORONTO 1, ONTARIO M321 LZUS rY<ou R quuroaRpe you these benefits rMi bl'ue coal' Budgc' Plan on thle ponket-h)ook' stin i t lxmmhP XI1D- UI)heat - more tujler i aurr mîurîmll u 'hihu;in<g. Vour bin r'ariv for winters worst. at the ear's lowest price. ,r you îtart, the monthly payments 15 Oowabout 'Ouf éoeU ilsii 1i î 11 1 ci Sheppard & Giii Lumber Ca. Ltdu PHONE 7151 ta General Hospital, is expected home this week. Beaches Companion Lodge. To- ronto, visited Heather Rebekah Lodge, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chater, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rutherford accompanîied the students of Orona High Sehool, who travelled ta Ottawa by bus Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Bruce Mercer. Don Bruce and daughter Valerie, leave for Quebec City on Friday, where they will sail on "Franconia" ta visit Mrs. Mercer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Podmore, Liver- pool, England, until faîl. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awde, Toronto, visited Mrs. Chas. Awde. Mrs. J. Paterson is in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. Mr. LeRoy Myles and Mr. Her- bert Duvaîl were in Toronto last week taking a course in T.V. ser- vicing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper and Ronnie, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant and Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper. Mr. R. E. Logan who was oper- ated on at Memorial Hospital, Bnwmanville, last week, arrived home Tuesdav. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. E. Milîson and Ellen, attend- cd anniversary ser-vices Sunday ai Enniskillen and were guests nf Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon. Mrs. Milton Dunbar and son Ellioti. Port Hope, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. W. Elliott. Mrs. Gordon Dent and son Bill. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Dent. Orono Studenis Enjoy Memorable TripIo The Capital Cit y (Marie I]ewis, O.H.S. Editor) O.H.S. finally feli the thrill of leaving for our great day. We were ai last leaving for our two- day trip 10 Ottawa. For this trip O.H.S. had saved money since September. From our annual school dance, Commencement, magazine campaign, school par- ties, etc., we were able to secure enough money with the help of the Board to pay for our night's lodging and transportation. We met the bus ai the school ai 7 a.m., May 14. Afier making several stops on the way we ar- nived ai the beautiful City of 01- aawa at 4 p.m., aIl of us in high spirits. Our firsi appoiniment was ai the siately Laurier House, the former home of Mackenzie King. We then went to the Re- liance Motor Court where we had reservations. Upon getting settled we went downtown to eat and en.iny an evcning of our own do- ings before meeting the bus ai 10:30 p.m. On Fniday mornng we set oui for a tour- of the city with a guide along. The City of Ottawa is very beautiful with its 50,000 tulips al] in bloom ahong the Rideau Canal and Parliament Buildings. We made a tour of the inside of the Mini. As only a small gnoup couhd go through ai once the resi of us went through the interesting and fascinating War Museum and Archives. Our hast apapinîment was a tour of the beautiful Parliament Buildings. Ta oui* regret we were not abhe ta see Parhiament in ses- sion as it had chased at 1 awm. the night before. However we made an interesting stîmdY of the build- ings and to the top of the Peace Tower. We left for home at 6:30 p.m. to our g-e'at sornow. We ail 1had an enjavable and wondenf uh time that we shomhd ail remnember in the days that fohhow at O.H.S. Betweo"n 1947 and 1951 the numnber of malar cars per mile of surfaced moad in Canada in- cneased hv almost a third. Canadians manie 12 7 million long-distance telephone cails in 1951. Ifç it .o ,qYrv, Àpf th obest ripalinj toua i fRobson Motors!" Get a softer, safer ride with GOOD>~A There's no doubt about it-sotr smoother-running Super-C us hions make any cari ride better. You'Iî find they're real mileage-builders, too! See us soon for yours! LOOK FOR THIS "HIGH SION" 0f QUALITY ROSON i Mn. and Mrs. Harry Stone, Ta- ronto, witb Miss Jennie Thomp- son. s Mn. and Mrs. Earle McEwen and family, Peterborough, with hen parents, Mn. and Mrs. Cecil 1Bunley. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, with her sister, Miss Annie Nes- bitt. Mn. and Mns. Lennox Vasey, Port McNicol, with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. William Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wbiitaker and family, Toronto, with hen moiber, Mrs, John Pearce. Murray Barrie is boanding witb Mrs. Clarence Mitchell ai Port Hope. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Burley and twa sons spent Sunday ai rNiagara Falls. Mn. and Mns. Harry Lane, Dundalk, wcre down for the weekend. Mrs. William Lane retunned home with tbem. Mn. and Mns. Wilbert Lang- staff and twa daughiers, Toronto, with bs mother, Mrs. Mabel Langstaff. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Kimbaîl bave gone down ta the farmn be- side the lake for the summer. Sunday, May 241h, wili be an- niversary Day. Service ai 2:30 p.m. Rev. T. A. Morgan,, of Bowmanville, will be the guesi speaker. A maie quartette tram Greenbank will assist wiih the m usic. Mn. and Mrs. Garwoad Day- nard, Kitchener, with Mn. and Mrs. James Daynard. W.M.S. met May 12 ai the home of Mrs. Cecil Bunley. Mrs. Cecil Robinson was appointed ta aci with the secrctary ta pack and send bale. Secrctary was requested to write Mrs. Shaver a note of tbanks for making of one quilt and quiiting ofthiis, and also quill donated by Mrs. Sidney Lancaster. A pot luck dinner was discussed but laid aven. Worship service was taken by the president. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Saules, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Jack Ellioti. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Ponter, Donna and Sandra, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mns. Clinton Brown, Mn. and Mrs. Walter Couch, Orono, and Mrs. William Payne, Lindsay, with Miss Bertha Tb ompson. Mn. and Mrs. David Abcrnthy and daughter Aima, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mns. James Ken- del. A large cnowd attcnded a dance in tbe Community Hall on Satundav night whcn the ncwly- weds. Mn. and Mns. Russell El- liott of Oshawa, -wenc pnesented with a Lazy-Boy and Ottoman. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Haskiii and Stephen, Toronto; Mn. and Mns. William Brown and Karen and Mn. and Mrs. Ken Mansci and 'Gail, Willowdale, with Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Wade. iViIr. and Mrs. Wihhis Joncs spent Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Wal- lace Marhow-, of Blackstock. Miss Drury, Toronto, witb ber sister, Mrs. Ernest Ely. 1 Pnesbyterian choir of Mihlbrook are certainl1' putting that tawn on the map. Several fnom bere ai- tended tbe'cboir concert ai New- cas;tie and wene loud in their praise of the play, "The Belle of Barcelona' pumt on by the Mill- brook fniends. We know now why Jack Reid went ta Millbrook when he was iooking for a wife. BROWN'S Visitoir on Wednesday wtb Mn. and Mrs. Truman Clark wene Mns. Ed. Farrow and Mns. Evelyn Scoat. Oshawa, sisters of Mns. Clark. and a niece fnom Hamil- ton, Mrs. George Moore, wiih daughiers, Bcverley and Bar- bara. On Moiher's Day Sunday Jean Perrin and Bihl Morley accomn- panied by Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Fallis, Bnbby and Joan motored ta Peterborough and visited Mn. and Mrs. Stuart. Mn. James Curson was the iucky wînner of a dlock and hanse statue in a dnaw. Mrs. J. Kelly. Mn. and Mrs. W. Kelley, Shirley and Debonah visited Mn. and Mns. H. McIlray on Sundav. Brown's Home and Sehool Club met ai the sehool on Tues- day evening, May 12, with Mrs. James Curson presiding. Il was decided ta hold aur annual pienic ai the sehool grounds on Friday, June 2î. Picnic commitice are: James Curson, Stan Coucb, Tomn- my Wilson, Mrs. Bennett, Jean Perrin and Bill Morley. Winncns aI cuchre were: higb lady-Mns. James Cunson: bigh man-Mr. Cal]: consolations - Jean Perrin and Mn. J. Cunsan. Lunch was senved. Mn. and Mrs. James Cunson and Jimmy~ had supper Sunday cvening with Mn. and Mns. Stan Couch and Linda. Mns. J. Kch]ey and Mn. W. Kel- le,% called on Mn. and Mns. Stan Couch and Mr. and Mns. James Curson on Sunday. Here Are Six Unusual Ideas As To How Your Church Can Laise Money Orono Cow Qualifies For a Silver Seal The latest Holstein ta qualify for a Silver Seal Certificaie of lang-time production by produc- ing aver 150,000 lbs. milk is Ce- dar Dale Man-0-War Dorathy, owned by Cedar Dale Stock Farms, Orono. In ten lactations, Dorothyy has produced a total of' 155,664 lbs. milk containing 5315 Ibs. fat. AUh her records except that in two-year-old form bas been made on twice-a-day milk- ing and she has four limes quali- fîed for the 305 day division. Donoihy's langest individual, record was made in six year old form wben she gave 607 lbs. fat from 18173 lbs. milk. Her laiesti lactation was as a fourteen-year- old. she producing 478 lbs. fat from 14970 lbs. milk. A daughten of the XX bull Man-O-War Dic- taton, Dorothy has been classified as 'Gond Plus" in Selective Re- gistration. NE WTON VILLE KENDAL Miss Inez Gardon, Newtonville, wiih Mn. and Mrs. Spence Gar- don.1 Miss Joyce Bunhey* vvisited Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Burlcy. Mr. and Mrs. George Clark,1 Toronto. spent the wcckend at tbein summen home. Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Lowes, Gardon and Joan, Peterborough, wiih ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Patton. Miss Betty How. Janetville, was guest of Miss Hilda Bell. Mr. and Mns. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie wcre in Toono and Niagara. Sunday guesis wiib Mr. and Mrs. W. Mercen wene their ncphcw, Manvin McKay fnom Saskatoon; Mn. and Mrs. Allisier Learmontb and Mn. and Mrs. Bill Sparkhall and Heathen, Agin- court. Ned Foster, Don Setteningion and Bill Mercer visiied some of the tobacco grawcrs in the Allis- ton district. At a meeting in Newcastle Ned Foster was nom- inated as a candidate, wbo if elected wilh represent the Part Hope and Alliston districts on the Flu-cuncd Tobacco Marketing Board. Mn. and Mrs. AI. Stevens visit- cd bis parents in Toronto Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Thenil were in Peterborough Saturday visiting Mrs. H. Blodgeti in the hospital. A number fnom hene aitendcd the stock car races in Oshawa on Monday. Mrs. Turansky and family vis- ited Mn. and Mns. Eddie Cour- aux Monday cvening and ail en- joyed the fine crackers. Mrs. D. Vannaito and Cecil attended churcb service hene Sunday and visited Mn. and Mrs. Percy Burley. Mn. and Mns. Norman Therîcl and Mns. Lea Woodcock and David spent tbc weekend ai their summer home here. A bail game was played on the park Friday afiennoon betwecn Kendal and the Sixth Line schoois wilh the latter winning by a large score. Cburch service was beld in Kendal church Sunday atternoon witb Rev. Lancuaster taking the service. Kendai choir sang an antbemn with Mrs. .1. Swanbrick ai the piano. Annivcnsany ser- vices are being beld at Newton- ville nexi Sunda. S. S. No. 9, Clarke No. 9 Home and School Club met hast Tuesday evening wiih a good attendance. With President Bob Ailin in the chair a consid- enabie amount of business was taken up. The savings bonds are ta be lefi in the bank unil ma- turity. The coming play sponsor- cd by the club nexi Friday even-r ing, May 22 in Onono bail, was discussed. The ladies are ta make candy and sell it during inter- mission. A commitice was form- cd ta plan a picnic in June. Also one ta bring in the siate of officers for coming yea.. Mm. Chas. Glenney. convener for programme, ininoduced four-year- ohd 'B3illy Wade, Court ice, ta play bis drums, accompanied by bis mother. Bilhy piaYed tbree nmmm- idea. One day's labor is rescrved for the church. That day's pay gaes ta the church fund. Free Money to Invest One SundaY ushers of a Baptist church in Lockpart. N.Y., handed oui 230 ten-dollan bills ta the con- gregatian. "Put this mnoney ta work," the minister said. Mcmn- bers used ilta make baked gonds for sale and ta set up hot dag stands at the county fain and for dozens of ather litihe enterprises. Seven months laten. the 12,,300) had ,grown ta $14,100. Another church did the same thing with one-dollar bills. Many mnembers reinvcsted the dollars four or five times. Evenths Who didn't invest at returried the bill, matched by one of their own. Interest For The Chureh One cburch heips raîse ils bud- get by getting membens ta invest some of their awn savîngs in any way ihey choose, pledging the ne- turn on the invesimeni as a church contribution. Baaptlsm Mail List Another idea is to locate people bapiized in the chunch and. sendi them a friendly letter about the 1r church's progress and probhems. Most people, even thnugh far awaY, feel a lie with the chunch wbere they were received in their faith, and are glad ta help il along. bers which were enjoyed im- mensely by ail]. Mn. Russell Os- bonne introduced Lieut. Ham of the Salvation Anmy, Bowman- ville, wbo spoke on the intenest- ing tbings be had donc while ir tbe Army and of the help the Army gives those in need. Mn. Wengen showed pictures while lunch was being prepared. Nexi meeting is the last of the season. Mr. David Wenger spent the weekend witb bis parents ini Richeway. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Kennedy. To- nonto, wiih ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Tucken. Mn. Max Fisk, Ottawa, spent the wcekend with bis son David. Mrs. C. Fisk with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Russell, Campbell- fond. Mns. Fnayne, Oshawa, witb Mn. and Mrs. Bob Kent and family. Mn. and Mrs. Caivert Banchard and boys, Whitby, with Ibis moib- er, Mrs. A. Fisk. Masters Kcnny and Bill Barch- ard, Whitby, are spending a few weeks with ibeir cousin, Lois Barchard. Miss Manlene Laking. New- castle, wiib Canal, Russell antd Gerald Gibson. The Ladies' Club wilh meet ai Mns. M. Pedwell's home nexi Monday evening. Mn. and Mrs. Murna 'v Duna, Niagara Falls, with Mn. and Mns. Austin Turner. SOLINA The Temperance pragmram on Sunday monning was prepared bY Mrs. Ross Crvderman and in- cluded a vocal solo byv litile Miss-. Jean Baker and a story ncad by Don Taylor. Mn. a nd Mns. Henb Ogden, of Osbawa, were guests at Mr. E. R. Taylon's on the occasion of their 5lst wedding anniversary. Mn. and Mrs. E. Crydeiman and Mns. Harold Pascoe wene Sundav visitons at Mn. E. Bush's, Glen Miller. Dr. Henry, of Tononto, repre- sentative of the Ontario Tempen- ance Federation. presented an intenesting addness ai the Sunday marning chunch service. Mrs. Chas. Scboli, of Charlotte, Nortb Canolina, is visitmng with ber moiber, Mrs. Geo. Stephens, and sister, Mrs. Roy Langmaid and family. Mn. and Mrs. Ra 'vmond Anthes and childnen arrived b ' motor fnom Winnipeg on Satunday and are visiting ai Mr. Ed. Mihlson's. Raymond bas accepted a position for the summer months ai Ham- ilton. Sec Coniing Evenus for Anni- versary Services particu lais. Mns. Harny Knox was a g-uest ai the Fowler - McKay wedding in St. Andnew's Chunch. Osh- awa, an Salurday aftennoon. Mr. and Mrs. WVes. Hilis enter- tained fniends aI a crokinole panty on Satunda' e\'ening. Pnîzes ton highest scores were won h-v Mrs. Hanny Knox and Harvey Yeilowlees. Mn. A. L. Pasmiae and Mnic. Addie Tink attended the funet-al of Miss A. Elford at Camhbray, Monday. Visitons: Mn. Harold Reynolds and sonl Paul, Toronto, at Mn. Ralph Davis'. Mns. Hazel Harris and Bilie i i We're 1 Year Old Gerry and Peggy Howes thank ail the good people of Bownianville and district for their support and goodwill during our first year of business. We wisb to announce the opening of another store for your added shopping convenience in the near future. Howe's Smoke Shop BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3029 Here are some answers to your church's maney problems other than bazaars, home-made cook- ing sales and bingo, which we read recently in an American magazine. Here are six unusual ideas that may mean cash for your church. Mile of Money A midwestern church, damag- ed by f ire, put posters in local stores explaining is need for funds. Each poster bore a real. fine- or ten-dollar bill. The pub- lic was invited ta attach contribu- tions ta the poster. Wben enough was colected for a stant, the bills were taped tagether end ta end. A "mile of money" goal was an- naunced, and the publicity dnew more contributions. A mile of dollar bills, incidcntally, adds up ta more ihan $10,000. God's Acre The Catholic diacese of Bis-r marck, N.D., asked farmens ta dedîcate one acre ta God's work and offer ilhe procecds ta the1 church. The idea wonked sa well il became an annual affair. A similar idea was used in Iowa, whcre farmers markcd anc pig for the church. When the pig went to market, the pnoceed.s went ta church. Work a Day for God Churches whose congregations are mainly wage earners can use this variant of the "God's acre"i Home Permanents Firsi Aid Needs Shadow Wave with Tangel for Burns - 5 3 FREE Jewel Case $1-50-$2-80 Tr. lodine for Cuts ~. 25e Toni in 3 kinds $~ 1.75 Gauze Bandage-- 25c-45c Pm-. 1.5 Adhesive -------- 23e-35c-59c Pr rn - -------- --- -- ----- -1.5 Bandaids ----. ---. -15C-35e t Pinwae................----------S$.50 First Aid Kits --- - ----. L Bobble................5---------- 1.75 Absorbine Jr.. 1912 Rayve.................----- 1.49 Bayer Aspirin---- 19c-29c- 4. Sun Tan Sun Bathing Toneý-Ray Oul Glasses Caps Glassés 39c-75o 25e to 98e 6-7i98 3.50-4.50-5.00 Thermos a '~cAlka r 1.89-51.98 Nil-O-Nal ----- 98e 34e - figr $4.00 Shave Brush $-. 2.99 Aviation Glasâes ---------- - 99e Lunch 10ASA.Ts1e Bromo Kits 10ASA Tb 1e Seltzer 10 oz. size Noxzema - -------11.25 $1.25 $1.05 Value Barbasol ------- 9e 29C-55C-98e Moth Larvex Moth Fly Killer Spray Proofer Bomba 59e lb. 93e - $1.43 $1.39 98c-1.39-1.69 COWLING'S PHONE DRUG STORE wl MIT 191 TRCT I SF O RANGE ...As shown $336.45 Less Lamp ~ -.-~ ' and Timer $299.50 rSpecial Beauty S pecial Features Special Con venience full size 'Even-Heoi Oven-Large Warming igon a range requiring a floor apace only V.w Noin*o Elecfrk Deoi., Is ae» mmI te know The ]Radia Shalp 38 King St. E. Phone 573 KING1 STRIEF-1E. 1 PAGE SrX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TRITRS10 MAY 21, lpt and Mr. Don Taylor at Mr. J. Mr. W. J. Ferguson's. Reed's, Goodwood.1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow det Misses Jean Montgomnery and Mr. J. Pearce's, Ebenezer. Evelyn Taylor in New York for Miss Irene Bragg, Toronto. the holiday weekend. Mr. J. Baker*s. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mrs. Britton, Toronto, at Mrs.! and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees Hazel Harris'. Karen at Mr. E. Larmc Miss Ida Reynolds, Toronto, Blackstock. with her sister. Mrs. J. Yellow- Mr. and Mrs. E. Spires lees and family. famnil.\ at Mr. W. J. Spires', v Mr. Gordon Pascoe, Kingston, brook. fat Mr. E. D. Pascoe's. Mr. S. Chas. Allun, Miss, Et Mrs. W. A. Ormiston. Mr. and AxfordckoMrsande;Mr Mrs. O. Jackson. Robert andMs.Jc Mrk adMri Murrv, Bookln: Mss GaceScarboro. at Mr. Wes. Yellowj Wurag, BOkile atMss Brce M r. and Mrs. Bill M age, Wade, akvll, a Mr Brceawa, at Mr. Frank Westil Tinks. L~ena Westlake, Miss Oa ilr and Mrs. Frank Westlei Westlake and Donna. Mr. and Sr. Mr. and iVrs. Frank Wc Mrs. Fred Crome and grandson, lake. Jr., and family at Mr. N Tommy Webster, Oshawa, with son *Fice's, Taunton. Mrs. Rose Blanchard, Mr. and Mr&. Frank Westla Mr. and Mrs. R. Gilbert. Miss Jr., and family ai Mr. F. Velma Gilbert with friends ai Cook's. Bowinanville. Cameron Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Parr Mr. and Mis. Ross Crydermian, der were guests at the marrii Mr. and Mrs. J. Leger at Lake of the ]atter's niece. Mary Co. Simicoe.r to Ray Gedge in North Runt Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rowe and: mede United Church, Toron son. Bowmanville, at Mr. Geo.1 and the recéption at the Kilcool Knox's. Gardens. Mimico, on Saturd Miss Helen Parrinder with her afternoon. sister. Mrs. Jack Large, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langrnaid Imports of full-fashioned hi and Marlene at Mr. Roy McGill's, iery ia Canada during 1952 1 Enniskillen.r talled 5,568,000 pairs, as agair Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- 2,376,000 pairs in 1951 and 43 er.v. Miss Kathleen Graham ai 000 pairs the prex mus year. Navigable Waters Protection Act R.S.C. 1927 Chapter 140 The public Utility Commission of the Town of Whitby, Ontario, hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minîster of Public Works. at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Ontario, Whitby, Ontario, a description of the site and the plans of a 16-inch diameter waterworks intake extension proposed to be laid in Lake Ontario, opposite Township Lot 26, Broken Front Con- cession of the Township of WhltbY In the County of Ontario. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the flrst publication of this notice, the public Utillty Commission of the Town of Whitby, wlll, under section '7 of the said Act, apply to the Minuster of JPublic Works at bis office in the City of Oshawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated at Whitby, Ontario, thiq Sth dav of May, 1953. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. H. L. PRINGLE, Superinterident. 441 1

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