'THURSDAY, MAY 28, 105s MM CAMADIAI# STATZSMAN. EOWMANV!LLE, ONTARIO PG m Weil Attended Meeting ai Blackstock 0f 10 Branches Women's Institute Hears Fine Reportsof Activities Annual meeting of the ter 'branch Women's Institutes of West Durham District was hcic on May 20 in Blackstock United Church. Deiegates and other members were cordially welcomed by n\ Blackstock ladies and registered Sby Mrs. G. Marlow and Mrs. T. ih Smith. is ~President Mrs. ýM. Emmersen, at Nestieton, opened the morning -v session with "0 Canada" and the t W. I. Ode foiiowed by commun- ity singing led by Mrs. E. Donreil. Mrs. J. Rahm gave the addness o! weicome ta which Mns. C. Wil- son, Nestieton, replied. Brie! Memorial Service Mns. Isaac Hardy, Sauina, pre- sided for a brief service in mcm- ony a! members deceased in the past yean. namely, Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Solina; Mrs. Kingston, Hampton; Mrs. Chas. Smith, Nes- tieton; Mrs. Lovekin, Newton- 'Ville. Tneasuren's repart given by Sec- retary Treasuren Mrs. Selby Grant, Bowmanviiie, showed fi- nances in a satisfactany state. Mns. I. Hardy neported on ex- penditures for Memonial Hospital, Bowmanviiie, and the need for curtains ta divide the two bed W. I. ward. A motion was passed ta punchase the cuntains with donations fnom eight Institutes, since Bowmanville supports a special ward and Nestieton WY. I. supports the Port Penny hospitai. Auditor's repart given by Mrs. 1. Munday, Maple Grave, show- cd books in ander. Staged Fashion Parade Rolllceau was the highlight o! the mornîng session when presi- dents and directons of the bran- * ches staged a stateiy parade in most intriguing costumes, many ai which dated anc hundred ycars or over. John James, M.P., in his usual geniai manner spoke ta the ril ladies while waitiug for his eue ,f for pictures. During the parade dl Mrs. Lerne Thonipson who was 1 organist for the day pnovided mu- sic af aid time melodies. S Outiined Extension Services 5' Miss Audrey 'Spencer, Dept. o! Agriculture,'"Extension Services for the Homemaker", outlined thc many courses availabie te home- makers, gave suggestions for pre- 9paratians for meetings and relat- ed some humorous situations in which a lectuner may fînd her- self when misunderstandings o! time or place arise. Miss Spencer stated that from 6ugust ta March lst, 1952-53, 551 courses were given serving 1,194 Institutes and 14,498 members. Officers Eiected 1953-54 Our Provincial Federated board members, Mrs. R. S.ý Staples, Ca- van, formaiiy natified the dincc- tors and presidcd for election o! the afficers fan 1953-54: President, Mns. M. Emmerson, R.R. 1, Nes- tîcton; lst vice, Mrs. J. A. Rose- vear, Tynane; 2nd vice, Mns. R. S. Johnston, R.R. 3, Part Hope; sec- retary-treasurer, Mrs. Ralph Da- vis, R.R. 4, Hampton; Fedenated Rcp., Mns. l'aster Fergusan, On- ana; aiternate, Mns. Roy Mercer, Kendal. Convenens o! standing commit- tees: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. Wm. Mercer, Kendai; citizenship and educa- tion, Mrs. G. Marlawe, Black- stock; Home Economies, and Health, Mrs. Ivison Munday, R.R. 3. Bowmanville; Community Ac- tivities and Public Relations, Mrs. Fred Stevens, R.R. 3, Bowman- ville; Histonicai Research and Current Events, Miss K. Stewart, ,Kendal; Resolutians and Jr. Insti- tute Activities, Mns. Seiby Grant, Bawnîanville; Rep. ta Fed. ai Agriculture, Mrs. Dalton Dorreil, R.R. 2, Nestieton; Auditors, Mrs. D. Bailey, Blackstock, Mrs. G. HIOOON ELECTRIC ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION AUTHOEIZED 42 KING ST.E.GENERAL* ELECTAIC Blox 360 Phéne438Sowmanville, Pitn. 38 NOME APPLANCE DEALIR Ontauio AS WELL AS QUANTITY -And there lies a woman's skjll in pro. viding for her family. With many products, if womcn seek a lot for their money they sacrifice goodness and quality. But when buying Ginger Aie :housands of women Dow k ow that WILSON'S DIAMOND JUBILEE sobres the probiern of getting the Most of the Best, for the Least Money. rae eri DIAMOND JUBILEE DRY& GOLDEN AMBER Çt1 Meet ln Bowmanviile 1954 M1rs. Thos. Buttery thanked the dies of Blackstack for their hos- tality of the day and extended invitation framn Bowmanville anch for the 19,94 District An. ial. Meeting wvas adjaurned th the singing of "God Save iQueen. 3AC KACH E ay b. Warn*inq B&Lclahoe a.1k eu.d b7 IM ykidnýy tis. Whu, lié,.8 eyset W ofon1«e, cou acideanmd waesr remasin in ýihe stemn ilin bickache, disturbed rit haï; Md-.md nlwavy-h.aded hfeiW« ry uoen IolIow. That'a the lim itale Ad'& Kidney Pilla. Dodd'a ati oite Rkidnoys te normal action. Th-n Yeu ,better-aleqi bQtr-work butter. ýDodd'Kibw7Pb »nw. 4 Thompson, Nestieton; District delegate ta area convention, Mrs. R. S. Johnston, Newtonville. Charter Member Honored Mrs. E. Jackman, Bowmanville W. I., took a bow when Mns. Em- merson announced that Mrs. Jackman having been a W.I. member for aven 50 yearg had at- tended nearly every District an- nual for 40 af these years. Mrs. Rosevear expressed on be- haîf af the members words of warm appreciation ta Mrs. Selby Grant on her retirement after six years of faithful efficient service as secretary-treasuren and as lead- er of Bowmanville Girl's Clubs and pnesented Mns. Grant wlth a very lovely farmal corsage. Mrs. R. S. Johnston had the honaur of pinning it on. A real Cartwright dinner ev ed by Blackstock ladies in the basement of the church prepared the ladies for the afternoon ses- sion. Dispiays for noon heur inspec- tion were a variety of antiques, attractive dresses and ceasters fnam Girl's Clubs of Blac stock, NeWtonville and Kendal and lit- erature from. W. I. branch Dept. of Agriculture. After convening at 1:30 p.ni. report from area convention was given by nepresentative Mrs. F'os- ter Ferguson and reports df stand- ing committees by Mrs. E. Dor- reil, Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mrs. H. Vine, Mrs. F. Stoiker and Mrs. Wm. Mercer. Provincial Board Report Mns. R. S. Staples neported an deliberations of provincial board meetings and O.A.C. officers con- ference. Fnom a board resolutien nelating te under privileged chil- dren the suggestion was made that a District praject might be to make a survey of our county might be a start toward future help for such chidrcn who with suitable education may becorne useful, happy citizens. A gift fron: the board ta Col. and Mrs. T. L. Kennedy on the occasion o?~ their fiftieth wedding anniversary was accompanied by the remark that Mr. Kennedy was our best W. I. member. Mrs. Staples said he had as Minister ol. Agriculture truly worked hard for the farm- ers. A word passed on from Mr. Kennedy was that three men from, widely separated parts had commented ta him on aur won- derful country. He said it seem- ed that every one but aurselves knew it. Story of Canada Pageant The "Story of Canada" pageant to be staged duning the week of the A.C.W.W. convention in Au. gust is ta be repeated an the fol- lowing Saturday for the benefit of schbai chiidnen. Seventy re- solutions were deait with by the board, 90% for Ontario legisia- tion. During the afternaon twa num- bers o! music were much enjoyed, the duet, "Silver Threads Among he Gaid" by Mrs. E. Dorreil and vIns. E. Larmner in their aid time costumes and the solo, 11Just -t Cottage Smail" by Mrs. H. Kyte. Eternai Vigilance Needed Gucst speaker, Rev. John Kit- hen of Orono United Church, was intnoduced by Mrs. l'aster Fergusan. Mr. Kitchen's text was Eternal Vigilance is the Price af Liberty". Referring te 1914-18 nd ta 1939 and the cail ta arms for home and country; ta Eng- land standing alone ta save aur ornes and country; Are Cana- .îans too compiacent? After thirty years of service in hina Mr. Kitchen was there ta ýxperience the horror af the Com- munist minority graup appropri- ting tll1 that others had worked ;long for. China's adherence ta :ussia has changed the balance )fworld power. Our struggle now ýtoday) wiil demand ail the re- ,urces af the free world. Let us iot deceive ourselves, commun- m and christianity will ot mix. ,rom an army af no repute in >ur years China stands third in lCe w9rld. Eternal vigilance is a nali prîce ta pay for freedom. Assisted by Mrs. 0. W. Rolph id Mrs. Robinson, Mr. Kitchen splayed some very loveiy Chin. se art on siiks, scrolls and also ýautiful garments. Junior Girl'a Work Miss Jean Noble, Honie Econ- summer heat commences ance ond application will catch those should make a few changes in the wceds which have sprouted fram negular lawn cane. Grass is a cool seed since the first tneatment. It and maist loving plant and ini is best ta kcep anc sprayer for most parts of Canada it is not the weed killing business only, iikely ta get that sort of wcather ohrieoems ems ae in July and August. It wan't make oterows achiun eam o cae- much growth when the thermo- fit ahmcieadnzl mete goe muc abo e 75 In th roughly before using for any oro ~ niih. cansequence ane should cut icssWoTherINpurpose.g il - ---GodnLnd Mioften in hot weather and aise AEIG -Waeigwl set the mower higher. And even probably be nccessary in July LSP-There's there is no check whatevcr by if xve remove the cîîppings carîjer and August. Hene a lot o! mis- t about how1 keeping the soil cultivated, en- in the spring it is a gaad plan ta takes arc made by those unfamil- vegetables- niched with the necessary fentil- let them lie where they fali in ian with the likes and dislikes o! the summen. They will make a grass and athen plants. One tho- - quicker we izer, and watering in dry spelis muih which xith the longer naugh soaking, that wîll take the ating size or if he can passibiy manage it. He rs vi poetucnot rmmutuedw oul iice ren they will will alsa thin pnaperly when the the burning sun. Eanly summer i5 '.V0Ith a dozen sprinklings and ey go on the plants are small so thene is 1no when the niglîts get fairîy wanm it xili last for some time. Sprink- after that, so cnowding and twisting in the is the best time ta apply theI ling neyer gets the moisture down With certain rows. Finaiiy he wiii usethose chemical weed killens. Used with more than a fraction af an inch peas, garden vegetables when they are at the reasonabie care it is imazinq hoi and the roats must came up ta ;and beets, vcry peak af their flaveur, and by these wili wîpe out dandelion, the surface tavget it, thus expos- trence in the successive sawing, say two te. plantai n and nost broad ieaved ing themseives more and more ally fncsh. three wecks apant he wiii make. weed,. One should caver the ta drying and kiiiing by heat and ig is quick sure that thene is aiways a fresh whole iawn but ane must be cane- suii. Heavy soaking, however, Dr those vcg. batch coming on. Once past their fui ta miss any flowens or shrub- docs not nican tunning the nez- roots or tops maturity most vugetabies lose fia- bery because these sprays xvilzies an full biast. The nearer we k in gnowth, voun and become toughen. serniausiy damage if flot kili theni. get te a fine mist the better. ce a certain EASY WHEN IT'S HOT - For a real job anc should always FOR ANOTHER YEAR-It's a st toughness. There is probably no danger for repeat the spra,\inig in about t bree 1gaod idea ta kecp a note-beok rmakes sure a while yet but .when the reai weks ta a rnonth's time. This sec- and list certain jobs we are gaîng o1. eta do next year. We should also jet down such items as color andI seasan cf bloom, height, resuot. ance ta disease and drought and, of course, the name of any ilower or shrub we see growlng, in a neighbour's garden that we hopi ta have in our own. With certain linos of nursery stock, moat shrubs, trous, vines, etc., anecacn buy any plant in the fall just as well as next spning. By doing thia we get thege establlshed carlier and save time for ather tasks next year. NEXI WEEK - BE FIRM. Three million Immigrants came ta Canada In 1807-1914, one mil. lien of whoni camne fromn the Ui. ited States. isCrowned ru TENDER AND CR: Just one littie secrel ta get tender, crisp graw themn fast. The can get them ta ei maturity. the tenderg be and the sooner thf table or in the pota much the better.1 things like green p corn, baby carnets there is ail the du!1e world if they are rea But the main thinI growth, especiaily foi etables o! which thei are eaten. Any cheak is bound ta produ<i woodiness or at leasi The expert gardener a