THURSDAY. MAY 28, 1951 Boy Armstrong, a Janelville Farmer Saskatchewan was face wtW es. Camerons. MI nest Irwin Bobcavgeonr. E1 Blacksiock W. A ar yghssaep o vlre nt c o c r.adM s taint Moeand ISt . ok . Charch 1i '.v ill be held May 29 Mr augv h il ed commodation when it was elected awa, at Keith Staintons. at 7306a Misses Gloria and Car- Hold May MendMr in 1944, the speaker said, but ths H vin deotona. utefa No iaidIoC rr*heCC..fln r i ot peet en rmpt r. and rs. arry * Pl j ol Ws rigand's. wihhsvornianLooos dîd r e vntther m irto m puet- Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois T he My me n g h W A e dn s ee gvcy M s i1947. In 1944 there were3. awa, at R. C. Stainton*s. St. ohnd CharcleBsakMorkcutt Mrs. Haosevear oJhns!Curli In__the_____ per 1000 of pou atbon Roy' Clarke. Oshawa, visited Ashton and boys, with Mr. and. rdyeeigMy2.Te"hmsA dsn. Trn Saskatcea,00 b utlaiona th Bob Halliday for the weekend. Anglican churches throughout Mrs. S. H. May, Toronto. was held in the Pari. alOlgv nitrsigppro S a k t h w n u a t y a h '1 t e C m o w a t n m i eT h u r sL u n c h w a s M (Continued from Page One) 1that the government had with- C.C.F. goverriment had increased M. n Ms DugarJeso h ooldnwsecalh ndEmire A n noybe vnng sentPresidentopndte eti.sevdadaoclhornjyd 1O s h a w a , a i J im S ta in to n 's .' a r h o d n s p c a P e - r n a a t th e h o m e o f M r . a n d M s a I M s N c o s n r a h c i t r were buying annuities rather drawn it. this ici 7.5 beds per 1,000. "This Mrsia.oNdico!servce kllenI B] than i e insurance policies. "The C.C.F. hasn't much mon- record of Saskatchewan is by far Mr. and M'vrs. Morley Flintoff tion Services on Sunday. The spe- Trewin when the Enniskle andî<Ir ý inomthe Mr ad rs am Uee r Teeiebs fan rvnei a-and family, Mr. and Mrs. eycilodrfsrve recommend- omuiygi Md ohno r thPeto n rvnei ae fr sein he commufEn- n ity . Egat Herreet onridMr. Livinig Message 'and nte ainaine etnil n ieldîng ,b] the government t1 aat",Wes.TCamerons. ' in Canada has been "issued adgom o eiigi s-"hog rgd c ruiW, r n r.C en]s r the wiszhes of the insurance comne- gel there, the speaker as- Grants Not Large Enough Tet e aheros. othDring-by Comnmand of the Queen". ana.grom, Seyo rsdngably!"hruh irge Thaniescwrs of Suthldagrec-taretReurnSeserte dlyXou canrttt beatr.people n patie if yedea letns sorte hounest sîncereo pe Hepointed out that the reason ton School Area had their month- 1At the Il a.m. service the localI as chairman. Mrs. M. Hobbs read daughter of Rcv. R.H.Aan wih r adMsW.Cig rehnssnee n p hre is a shoriage o! hospital ae- ly meeting aI S.S. 12 o Thurs, aoi og wl tedte an address and Mesdames, L. Mrs. Haslam as takenb is Ms i ittM.Gog ôr ain",Mr Thomas declared. rgtadcovne hey are on commodation is because the Fed- day evening. service at St. John's Church when Lamb and H. McGill and Mr. L. Eva Parr. laraTrmt,'iîedMW n is 1K He furiher siated that the. Min- the rîght track . eral and Provincial governments The hall on Thursday evening the Reci or, Rev. Warren Turner Ashton, presenîed them Wi.h a moin ascredtt LWesh PPtrare flot encouraging hospital con- broke a glass in the door ut xill preacli. batflHbspaegasmr olc sdwoesfrbakiiAnme fwlig okr hrglad introduced a bill a Mr. Thomas stated that during orcin esae httetoFakSbls tteeeigsrietese n ai uhoa oken tesm y.ýear ago to increase the amount the comîng campaign people governments together only pro- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Steuhens cial oider of service will be again o! esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Horn sm to be left inihPas hcdaenupndantgbe that could he paid through theeol be hearing the same old vie î ents ouI o! every dollar and Bruce, Peterboro, at R. C. used ai-d Rev. Cation C. G. Law- each ýpid hnigeeyn alb in n would eifrpm$1,20 to$2an0.ingstoevebutHalltinbl eJunepro4nnandtethatr 1Mrds.xatdetanenviturcntoiNonolonaturdatan. h sed f rn h o s p i a l c o n s tru c tio n , S ta in to n 's . o Is o n,,M r...,t a n i n l a n do fr . T h e p arF .n a g e b o a rddh el d aTnistill as f ro $ll,2 or oQsegaT hLbr alsandvthe remaaining 89 cents must The hailldestroyed al the College Sehlool, Port Hope, wiîî visit them in their new home. csame. Mrs o Tueksaat This bilI ngwan dvec ahl. e f r e gra o in g The Lorîb e ar s . he been from the m unicipaliy need- tom ato plants (six acres) hat preac . The service ill be in Those provid ng entera nm en î o . t. o Stanlev Knowýýle had asked Mr. ever, ho said, both Prime Minis- ing the hospital. The Saskaîche- Gerry Glaspol had planted. charge of the Rector. were Mrs. M. Siainton, Mrs. R.* A letter of thanks wasci edenig Gegg if he intended 10 re-inîro- ter SI. Laurent and Premier Les- wan C.C.F. governmenî had been Mrs. Jack Cameron and Brenda Coronation Day at St. John's . Symour and Miss Gloria fromn the G. A. Girls foraion duce it. To this query, Mr. Tho lie Frost of Ontarioi have stated faced with this prqblem in 1947, Mary returnod home on Sunday will ho observed with the service Wright, Messrs. E. A. Werry, M. received towards iheirbags ma sid M. reg adrelid ha teycould not insîtute a he said, but they had gone ahead from Oshawa General Hospital. of Holy Communion at il a.m. J.Santon, Mrs. S. Malcolm, Mrs. The rector reported avstb tha te nsraceêopaie hd eathprogram now because of a and provided the money ta con- Mrs. Roford Cameron visited This central service of the Coron-W.Ahton were called upon Ici the Bishop on June 24.I a objected so srenîously to the bl lack o! hospital accommodation. struct the needed hospitals any- lier mother, Mvrs. S. G. Chant, ato em otmake speeches. A bountiful lunch dcddt ev h r way. Toronlo. on for our lo a mmeorateo was served and aIl were treaîed for a social hour ici be heda1h Mr. Thomas pointed out that of the occasion. Ici ice cream and wedding cake. l close of IhIe service andasro cine o! the greatest drains on M.anD o .Cllsj tea nl l ht municipal finances is the cost of IN CHRIST W'E HAVE-. Through the courtesy o! the Mrcn r.J olsMpeIeanan ulyelebrtionto: ngi ~ E h aiiafl'~ k education. It cost the municipal TMhoohobodes rOshawa,F wqith MssMr. B.anuyismeetingeJun *~U W~M.EEU~~ f governiments of Ontario $90,000,- A love thal can nover be fathom- wiîî be shoxvn in the Parish Hal-s. .Ledeae. f the eetngahcoedb stat d t at t e C C.F. fel tha A ife hatcan eye die ~ h Jume 2cl.A very dainty birthday tbo a s b yth r e m e r l n wsve stj000 f ho educain n 5. l Ho Aliettcd; vrde;gvni h ro is osA hy Mihro ni Mrso ropH.Cr 1e Wthrae (0 0thîs ot shuld be borne by the A righteousness that can nover Historical Notes gieinhoo fMssLi rs. Dry r.H alyada uhrzdb h ton on Monday evnig when hostess, Mrs. H. Crawford provincial and federal govern- bo tarnished; The firsi Anglican Service in about a dozen girl friends were SALEMwl ments. g t a kAh wpeaceld t hal ann t1b8un er- i n P ri h e w a hld Jun l n.l neîiesn b r 9t it d y n a e MrI n Mrs. A. Leadbeater IIIi iiG ~"JI~'get the moxey to pay i,hle sa:d. A rest that can Ioever be disturb- fcorfl. loalan hi.ld sited Mrand A EAi'q<Laate 1830,epovne etd e- h i theoal isglonaMilsI tt 2-PANT gvrmn bu aya c t ihe;13') e . C .Wd h aenW .mt GABAR INE UITSwas gvna3/ e cent redue- A hope that can never be disap- came in 1835, and Rev. W. F. S. ofhtisascre ~ dm Mrs. . SuteTyon pndM R ' in the prov- A gloryprato pratnginhael neyerlor thbecn cloud- lod aryy o districtct Iflimeetingsoediandto conducnes.tedwa thed ince. Ti a aigo iteThe firsî St. John's Church we aughîta ofeel no securlîy, al- a home baking sale in Jn.I hswsasvn !alll d iig dsbdec iI a eie 0hl E Choose one of these smartly styled suits over $100,000,000 to Ontario busi- A light ihat can never ho dark- was opened Sept. 101h, 1837. hubGdi od-ayBkrws lodcddt u oejE L R ffrSrigad unerwa. akr ae pssed W cai oldsvn 0 hpness thai can nover be Eddywa alo ecied o I nesses.gWencertainly wouldn'tnened: The frtVestry Meeting to Ed. print 10 make aprons fort Grey, Navy, Royal, Brown. Double- < the corporations. This is where interrupted; Tplac e nillt,1839. uidin S.q'~ the C.C.F. would have got the Ici- A strengtb that can neyer be en h reetCuchBidn brea ted. SoId reg larl $45 oo.dates from July 12 h., 1855 w hen , tal amount to pay for the costs feld the Corner Stono was laid. Ilý of education in Ibis province". A purity that can neyer be de- was opened for public worshlp on 'r"We believe that the progres filed; March 301h, 1856.I Sale ~ mas decî~ed. gel ourA bwautmthal can neer ho baf- fo eiso rilsu of the C.C.F. is assured", Mr. Tho- A eattd hlcn ee;emr (The above information is taken S l $2 a5tiumph.bust as cail tua A fled; ta a evrb a-Canadian Stalesman o! 1935, wxit- trihe maturase citfalism, Rorcs tht cn nyerbe ex-tn by Mr. Bert Mortlock). ine atual equl t fedalsm Resurcs tat an eve beex- 100 years ago the pianeers were Speia Rpel ffr!sa we believe that social demo- hausted. concerned 10 erect a building for Speia Rpei ffr!cracy is he natural sequel ioc ap- -World Christian Dig4st publie worship which would bea italism". praise Ici Almighîy God and also Industial UnformsQuestions Asked A* * provide for their needs and for I d sra nfr sIn the question period follow-PA K R p hsofutr generations. Whicors i chic ofoliead ing bis address Mr. Thomas waYOUR Pmzi:~ui Now, 100 years later, we must asked how the Bowmamvifle sea ta il thal their work io pre- grey shades. (First Quality) Memonial Hospital campaign, served and passed on in good re- IDEAL FOR: - which the questioner termed "a- pair to Ihose who come after us.Puy for your Fuel the EASY WAY-Let *DRIVERS big failure", would have been What must be done? The exca- banled if C..F goerfmen *vation of the building must be our 'blue coai' Budget Plan cut your SER ICE STA IONwere in power. Mr. Thomas re- o peete fu dto n-- winter fuel costs by enabling you to *TRANSPORT SERVICE plies that in Saskatchewan the forced, mow beams, jaisîs and *TAXI C.C.F. governmenî had been faced flocir installed and a new heat- pay smnall sums spread over months. *MOVERS, ETC. with the same problem o! a short- ing system set up. Start the winter with PAID-UP HEAT. age o! funds for local hospitals.* It will be a big job-but flot Under the C.C.F. bospitalization * icic big for reai Anglicans. You'Il be itn pretty with your bin SUT O P E Eplan there, he said, the govern- b PNS ie30t44. 9m5 ment bas taken over contrai cofTIfull of .EV uue coaA', bought at dy's except that local ospital boards _______________________________________________ are retained. Each hospital sub- mits ils estimates ta the provin-Being no church bere, several BEST VALUEcial gaverrmment, Mr. Thomas . aitended Burketon and Tyrone s usn wa o - -u anth, vrmetha-annivorsary services on), Sunday. M j j1IN dies the financlng. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson - A guaranteed high quality paint for diat, M. rmsrog, To d ewastle. B . rbl llue coal BUDGT P A alltyps o hoeindstral ndfarm Ibat Ihere is mno canlesî between KVrin erot ih r n ue Fo neiro xeiruse. the Liberals and Canservatives in Vi1na eiwt Mrs. .and mry Allcoous.cause bath stand for tbe capital- GWinnifred Cale, Tr.mands, 'UE.LA. gil n Moe akGaateo vr a. istic system o! productian for pro- T wiih urdrinM. and Mrs. EGA er. hT h hpa r ia Ga ."heCCF leeinz Mn. y lo aindMrs. an r. RHw- ri lion ta supply buman needsan ard Oke, and Garry, Oshawa, at Lm e rC .I this can only be done thrciugh For a minute, you won't think Mr. and Mss. Walter Oke's. m25 coaperation and unity. This Sa- it possible that a plumber could Mrs. Audrey May and son Gar- hyoour meqbutgive you botter But anythlng's possible when ther, Mrs. John Dorland. hoes" h eclared. we're on the Job. Our prices are Visilors aI Mr. and Mrs. Fred NYONGBADNE -ARYHe asked bis audience not ta very reasonable, toci. Tom's, were, Mrs. Stanley Plaugh- NYLO GAARDNE RMYalaw the aId-line parties ta drive man and Mn. Gea. Samelîs, Port GAITERS awdge between the farmer and Penny, Mr. Russell Steele, Misses WITH 'labor, gbath o! wbich are well re- etanMuilSeePre BOOTS 1presented in tbe Durham riding. I AAe iaadMul.toe Pri "PIN The? farmer cannot be prasperaus HiSomry ta report Mrs. Floydl and cbyhs pruct s" n. LUMING - l.ATNBeckett bas had an operallon Aymbrag dclrd "Mr.Ihe U MBING and is in Memonial Hospital, Bow- EEàý- COUS Ad.cbunmg30s elîe n had enymanville. We wish ber a speedy mnytbuy the produets o! the coer.__________ __________________ Mrs. J. K. Graham and daugh- forM A k 'Y to 11 othen. JusI as soon as the arms ter Diane, Toronto, wîth ber bus-_______ Fulyrace is aven the capitalistic sys- band. Fura W rkUG S tom must sink back imb a de- M.adMs .Ehsadfm StryWrkBospressioin. Il bas no other alterna- ~ î,xMs. and Mrs . Gellandoce,11111111 Sil IledHeavy Duty Soles tive. We must have the courage Oshawa.llI Black Only nowtaso p coertiefom sawQ-1IIiII inside the building, playing High- urde ietatsAn , àowm _1anvevistedMn $395lad _usc.____tre______( sGodo Yo formance expected and demanded engineesmyttMae- ___________ ~~~~~stting niew re- anaWo, n n Ms , them, combines, tractors and Hri ahnst hc hi cora eeryher Foyd Pethick, Torontoi, at Mr.biit DE11M Nfor long, trouble- and Mns. S. R. Pcîhick's. power machines are precision atomeprsn-a - S M C KD R S o _ _ _ _fM rg. D o u g l a s a n d D a v i d , T r e n t o n ; M . ~f o . ~ w L q u i r e m e s n f e d o r a i . Mn.lte A. Lynch and familv, Don Stainton, Bruce and Don, materials. Reg. S.95 SOR T HIRTS Whitby; Mn. and Mrs. Norman LOOK FOR THIS Jr., Tvrone, Mn. and Mns. Eanl Btti aeul aem-[ niern einadcn Re.$.5 SPR HRS Wilks and !amily, Mrs. Ollivien, ILn ad osHmpo; r SALE Regular $3.95 ea. r aorbe s a r and Mrs. oshua ITYand Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Mau- chinery must work in heat, in structinMse-ar ia % 0 1Bni m ac o m b eeOsaca: M diMrs. ONWaltor Longyean, Ross and Keith, wm-é, nec and Mov erly, Baw aile $.5 SALE $29 ea. Mn. Alex Kelly, Elizabeibvîlle, wile.v n r.Lonr rd cold, in dry conditions, in wet chines ofrfaue n d $2.95 ai Ray Cameron's. Jams ilen eys. Margaret Peterson and conditions, ini gritty dust and vantagedvlpd ohl e Mn. aPd wMr, s ha a, ars. Gco. A. Scott, Oshawa. Vis- clinging mud. On the Massey- work do e eseé ue e n Rort L ow n saw ,Iitel' MInI. and Mrs. Cea. lrwin. H ri et T a k t e e t y n RobnNCty, Davidn's.Carol 1. and Mrs. Fred Toms were a e O s a . . r.Ala; LULie of Mn. anîd Mrs. Austin CH awa:Mr nd rd fla Franklii, Oshawa. H!d.vand Joçe Toronto;1 'vln. and M5 A. L. Wearn and UeŽ.ýrs Lom roi Eccî ar amilv called on relatives at Ux- ST R enit. Bl Hayes, Don Ileard, iIbnidLie. m % ;~ I D Oshawa: Mn. and MNIr. V. Falhis, li9Mn. and Tvlns. E. R. Walken andi A S Y HA R S C M 24 iision St. BOWMANVILLE Phone 3211 Mn. Hennv Madili, Lindsay, Dapi'.Bomnîl. ibM. CO P N,1IE L.0x d la.lda-v-s. ISan1s. R s.eà,nff _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M a k oc r s o f h i g h q u a l i t y f a r m i m p l e e t i n e 1 4 MNr Williamu Thonîson .Mn. and Mns. Gea. Irwin and p THE CANADIAN STATESMi!,,N, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO