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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1953, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE ?KE CANADIAN ~TATESMAN. ~OWMANVILL~ ON'TAflTO ~rTTTm~TlAV 'M'AV '>0 i s ~ *aua Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Griffiths and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hodge, Hamilton. were Sunday visitons -with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowen and Darlene visited in Little Britain on Sunday. Mrs. Buster barris, Sharbot Lake, spent a few days last week visiting with relatives and friends in the village. Mr. W. F. Rickard and the Rev. Lawrence H. Turner are repres- enting the Newcastle United Church at the Sessions of the Bay cf Quinte Conference being held1 this week in King Street United Church, Oshawa. Miss Claire Allun bas complet- ed her year at the Toronto Nor- ,mal School and left on Monday for the Ontauio Agicultural Col- lege at Guelph. Sixteen members of the Onono .,Girl Guides presented a program of an hours duration on Tuesday evening for the entertainment of the patients at the Wick's Rest Home. Many lovely and useful glfts have been received by a popular bride-to-be, Miss Bette Gray at two recent showers held in her honor. Thînty-five frientis gatb- ered at the Community Hall on May i3th for a miscellaneous shower and a cup and saucer shower was held at the home of her sister, Mrs. Tom Spencer on May 2th. Mrs. L. H. Turner bas been sup- plying in grades 3 and 4 of the local Public School during the absence of the teachen, Miss Cale.. A Service of Intercession for D)ur Queen on the occasion of ber Coronation will be held in St. rxeorge's Chùrch on Monday even- ing June lst at 8 o'clock. In her Christmnas broadcast, Queen Eliz- abeth especially asked for the prayers of al ber people at the time when she will be dedicating heu life to their service. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to everyone in the village ta attend this service and ask God's blessing on the Queen and on heu reign. Congratulations are tendered to the Choir of Newcastle United Church under the direction of Mr. Neil S. Stewart, upon its splendid showing at the Music Festival held recently in Peterborough. Marks of 80 and 82 were regis- tered by the choir in the render- ing of the test compositions "Open Thy Gates" and "My Bonnie Lass." Mr. and Mrs. George Walton were in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Barkhouse and Miss Verna Milligan had an exhibit at the Antique Show held in the Casa Loma in Toronto for four days last week. Mus. Irene Dunlop, Miss Verna Milligan and Mr. Eric Johnson spent the weekend at their cot- tage at Halibunton. The local Ladies Softball Club played thein first game in the Clarke and Darlington Ladies Softball League in Orono on Mon- day evening. The local Girls win- ning the game 13 to 6. The first game in the local park will be played tomorrow (Friday) even- ing when Orono Girls will be here for the return game. His frientis will be pleased to know that Mu. Frank Hoar has returned to his home and is pro- gressing favourably following his operation in Toronto last week. If we could harness the energy women expend fighting old age, it would be more deadly than the atom bomb. The real essence of work is con- centrated energy.-Walter Bage- hot. SIMPLIFIED SIiIN CAlIE for oily sJdn Desfgned to do the Most for the skin in the shortes &&Duo&measure of time. ILOTION *tPCIAL 101 ON Skin-Deep Milky Cleanser, 1.75 to 5.00 Ardena Skin Lotion ... 1.3 to 12.50 Ardena Special Astringent . 4s ...I 3.00 to 5.25 %%m.04,Porine Cream . .. 2.75 Velva Cream Mask . .. 3.00 and 6.50 Lille Lotion ... 2.00, or Ail-Day Foundation ... 1.65 JURY C& LOVIELL TOUR EEXALL DRUG STORE P13ONR 778 BOWVMANVILLE *He's chcinging the nations landsccipe Yoti may sec the result of what bc is doing in the city's changîng sk linc -or out where the corn grows taîl . .. in the mushrooming suburbs - or in the new look of Main Street in a mellow aId town. Where many a vacant lot once stood, he helps fill it wth a fine new school. Where you used to sec a building that was an eyesore yeti may now sece a new apartment bouse, store or post office that bc plas'ed a role in providing.a Thanks in parita him. many bouses risc here and there. or row on row, *n community after community. New black riblions of asphalt tic town to town. Somewherc, a new bridge is buiît. New industrial plants, too, are sometimes the by-producs of bis helping hand. Pcrhaps one of them b as provided you with a job. Who is he? He represents ailthMe millions olt Ide insurance po/icyholders in Canada. Andi it's moncy from their premiums, which life insurance companies invest for themn, that makes possible such improvemnents as these throughout the nation. So. if you are a life insurance policyholder building security for your famlly and yourself, you're aiso helping te build a bettes' Canada! AT YOUR SERVICE I Àtrtxineci kmundewriter, mpre.sng eue«aof thé more Mhon 50 caadien, British MWd Unitd States fife insur. one. conesola Canada, will gladly h.lp you plan fer yeur family's seuity and yeur .wn needs in later yeoms F i itey on him 1 THE UFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA e* àG"d C*uàS ip M . L" m '. L2 Is the Temperance Cause Advancing? Theme of Newcastle W.C.T.U. Meeting Local Option Vole Night he Revealing The new seriousness andi con- andi broken homes which are be- cern shown in attempting to find coming sa numerous they cannot a solution to the teunific problem be overlooked. One need not go anisîng from alcolholic bevenages beyond aur own community to see and the amaunt of space given the evils of alcohol, but little is to the problem in the press itn e- being dane by press, pulpit ou cent times give an affirmative an- people ta rectify the deplorable swer ta the theme of the discus- conditions. sion "Is the Temperance Cause The meeting which was helti at Advancing?", conducted by Mrs. the Unitedi Church Parsunage on E. Rinch, at the May meeting of Thursday afternoon and conduet- the local W.C.T.U. ed by the President, openeti with She explained that a recent a warship periad, seipture les- article published in the "Star son uead by Miss Tuenwith and Weekly" entitled 'What Makes prayer led by Rev. L. H. Turner. an Alcolholic?" gave a suuvey by Mrs. P. Brown favoueti with a Dr. Seliger of Baltimore, Director fine reading entitled "The man of National Committee on Alco- who Sticks" follawed ,by a well hol Hygiene, and showed clearlY rendered vocal duet by Rev L. H. the cannection between alcohol and Mrs. Turner with Mus. J. and crime. In one prison studied, Philp as accompanist. it was found that in one quarter Mus. T. Sowden presented some of the cases alcoholism was close- interesting temperance items and ly related to the commission of conducteti a bnief quizz on Bibli- the crime or was diuectly nespons- cal tempenance quotations. ible for it. Ainother study of 22 murderers showed that in five A report of the recent County cases the use of alcohol hati a di- Convention held in Orono was rect relation ta the committing given by Miss Ferguson. She saiti of the crime and haîf of the that awards for the "Temperance men convicted of murder used in Sunday School Course" weue alcohol frequently ta excess. presenteti by the County Supenin- The most encouraging sign ta tendent, Mus. Phelps of Oshawa, show that temperance is ativane- and that congratulations are ex- ing is the number of people, not tended to Guace Manie Turner aIl total abstainers, who are be- of Newcastle wha was anc of the coming alarmeti at what aiea- recipients. holic drinking is doing in High- At the close the hostess, Mus. way accidents, prablems of dan- Turner, treateti ail ta a deliciaus ger and inefficiency in industry, serving af ice cream. Si. George's Church Ladies' Auxiliaries Plan Aclivities Twenty-one members of the Evening Buanch of St. George's W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Fred Thomas on Wednesday evening, May 20, andi were kept busy sewing quilt pieces anti ar- ticles for baby layettes. During the meeting plans weue discusseti for future activîties in- cluding the annual tea and dis- play of bale in the Parish Hall. As this is a veuy important yeau, it was decided ta have this tea in the form of a Coranation Tea; other plans included those for catering ta a wedding in June andi the strawbeuny tea in July. Next meeting will be held nt the home of Mrs. Dora Brooks on June 3rd. At the meeting af the After- noon Branch of St. George's Wo- man's Auxiliary beld May l2th, interesting reports of the Annual Diocesan meeting held in Toron- to were given by delegates, Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, Mrs. P. LeGres- ley, Miss Mclntosh, Mns. C. Fln- ley and Mrs. Gwen Gibson. Arrangements were made ta hold a sale of home-coaking and plans wene discussed in cannec- tion with an "Evening of Pie- tures" ta be belti in June. Dick Davies Describes Tourisi Business To Lions Club In keeping with the course be- ing followed by Lion baury Jase, Chairman of pragram committee of Newcastle Lions Club, in alter- nating the speakers between out- siders anti club members, Lion R. H. Davies was guest speaker at regulan meeting cf the club Thursday evenîng. Introduceti by Lion Kcith Ai- ken, the speaker who is the oper- ator of local tourist cabins anti Motel who hati same 30 years experience in the tourist business, explained some of the "musts" iii successfully opeuating avernight cabins anti motels. These incluti- cd the choosing of a suitable site on a busy highiway, spotlessly dlean accommodation with mi- ern conveniences anti comfortable beds. He stateti that the supply- ing of reasonably puiceti accom- modation was also a necessity as 80 peu cent of prospective eus- tomers were just the ordinary working class who cannaI affonti luxuriaus quarters at high pnices. He saiti anc must choose between the apenation of accommodation for either the 80 percent aI lower rates or more luxuriaus accom- modation for those with the mon- ey ta pas' as it is impassible ta cater ta bath. The thanks of the members for his most interesting atidress was expuessedti t Lion Dick Davies by Lion Art Randaîl. Acting Pî'esidcnî Percy Rare asked fou a report of the canvass being conducteti by the club mem- bers on behaîf of the C.N.I.B. It was founti that masî canvasseus hati finisheti theiu teuriîory anti Lion Percy urgeti the remaintier ta complete the canvass as soon as possible. He expuesseti bis plea- sure thal President George Wal- ton was able ta be at the meeting even if he was not sufficiently recovered from his recent opera- tion ta carry on his duties as president. He also expuesseti re- grets of members that Lion luwin Colwill was a patient in Memor- ial Hospital, Bowmnanville. Lion Frank McMulleni anî,ounlc- ed that the Annual Fîild Da\ ut Clarke Township Public Sehools, sponsoreti each year by the Club in co-operatian with the Teach- er's Federation, wil b> he.ld &t KIMWiM J«W I&]O Coronalion Service Ai United Church On SundayMorning Next Sunday marning a special service will be canducteti in New- castle United Church when the; minister will implore the blessing of the Eteunal upon Heu Gra- cians Majesty Elizabeth II who two days afteuward will be "Crawned" in Westminster Ah- bey. The special ouder of service formulateti by the Canadian Cauncil af Churches will be in use, with the chair rendering ap- prapriate choral renditions. On Tuesday. through thecocatr- tesy of the "Big A" Companiy of 'Belleville, a 21 in. Motorola Tele- vision will lie installeti in the chuuch ta televise the Coronation cenemany. The time of the broati- cast will be announeti on Sun- day. Ail citizens of Newcastle anti district are coudially invitedt t be present an this occasion. The televisian will be braught to Newcastle by Mu. Murphy, Bawmanville agent, and the an- tenna will be made available anti installeti by Mu. Miles of Bow- manville as a public service ta the cammunity. Newcastle Uniited iChurch flot only exeucises its holy vocation on the Sahbath, but also exercises its special facilities in commnunity services. Ta this endi the film en- titled "Royal Tour" couutesy of the Globe and Mail, Toronto, was made available ta many' homes in Newcastle binging joy and in- spiration ta many sick and shut- mns. Those visited wilh this pic- ture included Mus. Jesse Allun anti Mr. Hutchinson, both bed- idden fou five yeairs; Mus. Spry, 88 yeans of age anti not able ta ride in a car; The Wick's Rest Home where eight patients saw the film; Dr. J. A. Butler anti Mu. Douglas. Following the Sunday evcning seuvice an May l7th. the film was shown ta a relatively large congregation. The Ministcr anti Officiais of tthe cbuuch are miost grateful ta the Globe and Mail fou making this film available anti ta Mu. C. R. Carveth fou the giv- ing of his lime and talent in show-1 ing tbis film 50 niany times. STARK VILLE Mu. andI Mis.A. Dobson ai Mr. Ed. Ruthven .s, Zion, on Sunday when frientis enjoy' et a dinner in hononi' of Mu. anti Mîs. Ruîth- ven's 201h wedding anniversauy. Mus. Gilbank, Ncwtonville, vis- iteti heu sister, Mus. John Stark. Mr. Maurice Hallowell spent Satuuday in Brooklin with a judg- ing team fî'om Bowmanville. Mr. anti Mus. Orme Falls anti family visiteti Mu. anti lVrs. Carlas Tambl'vii, Orono. Mus. Llew Hallowell anti M. Orme FaîLs with Mu. anti Mus. Gideons Review Year's Activilies AiNewc asile Meeting Goro Agnew, Editor Phone 3111l There was a veuy successful community sale helti at the Glover propeuty an Satuutiay. Lloyd Clysdale was auctioneer. Mr. anti Mrs. George Beare, Gueenbank, weue Sunday guests of Mu. anti Mus. Earl Walkey. Anniveusauy Service on Sun- day was veuy guatifyinig. Every one seemeti pleaset i wth ex'ery'- thing - the ideai weather, an abundance of beautiful floweus, a xvell-filled chuuch. Rev. T. A. Mougan's sermon anti the selc- fions by the Greenbank quartette. Next Sunday the service will be at Shiloh at 2:30 p.m. It has been drawn to aur at- tention that on June 2nd ail citi- zens are uequested ta join ini cclebuating the Cornnation of Heu Most Gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth II andti t decouate theiî' places of business and private residences by flying the Union Jack. Thos. Falls, Kendal, on Monday, Mu. Falls having suffereti a severe stioke during Sunday night, ,Mr. antiMi's. Ethan Jonc,, Bowinanville, wvere guests of Mr'. and Mus. Ros.s Hallowell. Mu. anti Mus. Harolti Souch and fanîil v and Mu. A. J. Souch visitcd Mr. and Mus. W. A..Aas Lake Shor',. Mu. anti Mus. Ll i allowell and Juîïî weue guests of Mu. and Murs. Wilfred Wood. Mu. anti Mis. C. Hoît, Toronto, Mu. and MuvIs. J. Stone, Orono, visiteti Mus. F. Stone. Mus. Westhcuseu hati frientis from Toronto on Sunday. Service at Shiloh will be helti at 10 a.m. on Sunday. Sbiloh W.A. are meeting next week at Shiloh with the June meeting bc'ing a Coronati'on Tea ai \vhich Mus. J. Brown, New- castie, is expectedti t show pic- tures.1 navigable Waters Protection Act R.S.C. 1927, Chapter 140 The Publie Utilities Commission of the C'ity of Oshawa hereby gives notice that it bas, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public WNorks, at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Ontario, Whîtby, Ontario, a description of the site and the Plans of a 36-inch diameter water works intake proposed to be laid in Lake Ontario opposite Township Lot 9. Broken Front Concession of the Township of Fast Whitby, now part of the City of Oshawa, Ontario. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the Public Utilities Commission of the City of Oshawa, will, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Datèd at Oslhawa. Ontario. this 28th day of Ap'ril, 19.53. PUBLIC ITILITIES (COMMISSION 0F THE (CITY 0F OSHIAWA. 9. F. SHREVE, Secretary. Social and Personal The annual meeting of the Osh- awa Camp of Gideons was held Tuesday night, May 19, aýt the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. WGo- heen. Newcastle. Reports indicated that the year was one of the mast successful since the Camp was formed some four years ago. Fifteen hundred Testaments have been distributed ta the Grade 5 pupils in the city and rural schools of Southern On- tario County, in Bowmanville, Newcastle, and part of Darlington Township. One hundred and twenty-five complete Bibles have been placed in the classroom. Fifty-fouu white nurses' Testa- ments have been given by the La- dies Auxiliary at the Capping Services in Oshawa and Whitby. The treasurer neported $1,300 raised during the yeau for Bible distribution work. This amount came from members' donations, from church services, and dona- tion by interested friends and or- ganizations. Included in the amount was $150 from the Mem- orial Bible Plan. Officers elected for the coming yean: Past president, S. 3. Par- rott; president, V. A. Henkelman; vice-president and treasurer, J. B. Rodney; secretary, N. Siblock; chaplin. R. W. Gohýeen. In addi- tion, the followýing committee chairmen were eleeted: Memor- il Bible Plan, A. R. Alloway; cburch services, M. D. Wyman; sehool distribution, D. M. Allo- way; hatel placements, C. E. Milîs; jails and refonmatary ser- vices, R. B. Wilkins. NE WTON VILLE Mus. John Lancaster feeling somne better has returned ta her own home. Miss Joyce Adams and Mr'. George Jeoffuoy, Toronto, with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reichrath. Mrs. Darlington spent the weekend with Mrs. Mabel Lang- staff. Mu. Melville Samis has had his farmn house tomn down and is having a new one bult. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn, Newcastle, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd, Staukville, with Mr. and! Mrs. Clinton Farrow. Congratulations ta Mr. andi Mrs. George Elliott on the binth of a daughter at Port Hope Hos- pital on May 2lst. Mr. and Mus. Siti Buuley, Ton- onto, with Mu. Spencer Burley. Mrs. J. E. Van Allen invitet a, few frientis in Wednesday when an Oshawa lady was gîving a' de monstrat ion. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gordon on the birth of' a son at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, May 26th. Mu. and Mus. Cleland Lane spent the weekend at Ottawa. Miss Pat Waue and Mr. Rod Gilmour, Toronto, with heu grandpanents, Mr. and Mus. Geo. Ovens. a 30-oz bs 25C %'sbfn 3 3 3W-oz îl 3 7c 32-oz jar 67c HAMPTON Mrs. Grace Bartindale. Stirling, was a visitor with hier niece, Mns. T. M. Chant, last week. Mu. and Mrs. Aif. Dewell. Miss Gertrude Dewell. Bowmanvjlle, Miss Ruby Dewell, Oshawa, vis- itcd at Perey Dewell's. Mr. XiI1 Thoinpson. St. Mary's, Mr. Albert Balson. Solina, Mn. and Mrs. Albert MeMahon, Bow- manville, ai Sain Dewell's. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Osh- awa. visited Mi,. and Mrs. Cecil Lock\vood and fail.v on SunidaN,. M' and Mus. Norman Welsh, Toronto. visited his aunt, Mrs. S. G. Nidderv. R. idn was a vveekend guest of Miss Mary Nididerv. Visitors at A. B. Ferguson's were: Mu. and Mis. Dorueli, Mn. and Mus. Johnson. Blackstock; Mr. and Mus. Foster Ferguson, Mrs. Ada, Onono; Mr. \Vill Ferguson, Mr'. and Mrs. Lindsay, Gait: Mir. Bell, Winni- peg: Mr. and Mus. Bert Mont- gomnery, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- jov spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mus. T. Dancy, Bow- mnanville. at their summer home, Cannington, and also visited other places. Master Clare Ashton, Enniskil- ]en, spent a few' da.vs with his grandiparents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Ke use v. Mr. Loti Williamison. Ponty- pool: Mr. anîd Yrs. Elmet' Wil- liamson and Miss, Mary Keith, Toronto: Mrs. George Wilson, Lindsa *v, visited at Sam and Percy Devcll's. Mr. andi Mus. Clarence Gall, Uxbridge, suent Satuuday with Mr. and MiS. Merwin Mountjoy. Mus. W. V. Rantoni is with friends at llavelock. Mr. Br'uce Ferguson and daughteî'. Mrs. Jim Hanna, at- tendecl the funeral of Mrs. Roy Feiguson at Blackstock on Satur- da. Why argue about MONEY Cie a fresh stai:t in your family finances with an H-FC boan! $50 to $1000 on your own signature, withoutY bankable security. Up to 24 mionths to repay. Thousands of others borrow this quickç, convenient way. So cant you Phone or stop in. MONEY WHEN YOU NEED IT g hHOUSEHOLD FINANCE 25nh year i nad 11 SiYSm<o. St.South, second floor, phone Oshowc 5-1 139 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT IfOPE BRANCHf: 71 Walton St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 b A&P Specal Blend Yukon Club (Contents only) A&P Fancy Red Socke"o A&P Failcy Welch's GRAPE JUIVE Anin Pzçic A&P DOG KIDDLE MIN PAGE CANADA APPROVIED VITAMIN "B" ENRICHED SLICED or UNSLICIED 24-oi loaf1c WHITE -- WHOLE WHEA-.T CRACKED WHEAT e MILD & MELLOW 3-1b. BAG $2.67 SAVE 6c PRODUCE SPECIALS I Aabama, Fres New Crop, washed, No.1 White D M SC 1 TA "sTOE CS 10 v 49e MA RGLE New Cop Vai.rci from Spai.n 1 QuSkmW -LwCae Ski ORANGES ý 33e cleESEPc Cubam, Fuiy Matued, No. 1,best for cannmgU-Size l I E C E E:ýlet for Eati nk Faaioy SUGAR CRISP 3-icekc.êg 45ec ,- ý,ý A&PLag Arîn Paij- 1l P4 25e KETCHUP SPECIAL'1 -4uPa'e SUGAR dozi1 9c REG. 23c - SmsE 4c fb 27c i' 39c 1-bri35c 1 1-oz hsffl23c 2 pkgs 33c 12-o pkg 23c 13-S W< 21c WiNDSORTUNA FISH I ce:and Wafers 60O»ik35c iSAcy (~~~A LOltCL JN OR(>NATION DAI' .11 N. 2nd 0l'LN .Ik, l>. AYWEINESL)AY, JUNE 3rd l'Rl(ES EFFECTIVE (UNTIL ~ATIRDAY, AI 30th gn 35c 'in' 27C SIR.RK 0 1 A.mong those who attended the W.I. District Annual at Black- stock on Wednesday were: Mrs. T. M. Chant, Miss N. Horn, Mrs. Gea. Gilbert, Mrs. M. Mountjoy, Mrs. Harland Truli, Mrs. Chantie Warren, Mrs. E. H. Cole, Mrs. Lorenzo Truli and Mrs. Hosken Smith. Hampton Branch are making plans for their 50th anniversary in July. A number from here are plan- ning to attend the Hospital Bazaar at the Lions Community Centre, Bowmanville, on June 2, which will be an event of in- teuest. Several of oun Hiamrpton people attended Tyrone Anniversary on Sunday. Chicken pox is stili prevalent among the children here. Rev. G. Empey is attending conference in Oshawa this week. A very severe electrical stoumn accompanied by much thunderi and lightning and heavy rain was prevalent early on Thursday ev - ening and lasting several hours. The homes of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McCullough and Mr. and Mms. T. M. Mountjoy were both struAç by lightning and considerable damnage was done especially irl the McCullough home where damage was heaviest. Prompt work howvever prevented more serious fires at each place anci were extinguished before mak- ing too much headway. In sev., eral othen instances, citizens felý the shock of the storm, anct realized its sev'erity starting about 10:45 p.m. one of the worst hail storms ever witnessed ht-ro lasted for fifteen or twenty minutes: the ground being so thickly covered the large stones could be easilv scooped up plentifully even at midnight andl later. The givîng earth remembens and on!y men forget. It takes ail kinds to make a world, but the wrong kinds have been doing more than their share. Z2-oZhsZCNUTS Z20-ozfis27 MCCOFIMICI<'s C«wTo 2-*i ba49C GUmS ltSoz pg 29c MEAT SPEC1AL5 RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF ROA&T8 B LADE Bade Bone Remoyed tl,3T7 CUT UP CHICKEN LeCS, myTRIHS amd DREASTS i 79( WINS lb 33c NECKS or lACIS ib17e Smoked Boneless, Picnic Style, Solid Meat PORE SHOULIDERS N>59c MACAIRONI & CHEESE tOAE ssedb,45C MICED IDEIf Extra Leoî' p,> 33c MAPLE MX Ç'W75"!I«RS I b cetio pkg 35c SAILMONV STEAKS Fresh Caught Red Spring lb, 65C PAGE TWELV "M CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'WMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAV- MAY ýft iný1;2 1; 1 lb 49e - - 1 1 1

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