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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1953, p. 13

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URSDAY, MAY 28.,93?~CNDA TTSABWAVLE NAOPE yhe Yu Din'I now he Poper Ldycameress, theSoM arionBarbara Murdoch, Clever Student, ybe on D dn'tKno thePro r -House. with the Lord Mayor and ress Ladies Must Wear When wie rrivth.45 Cyer il o Relates Ber Trip I Ottawa as Member the Royal procession with mem-t a bebrs of the Queen's household, d e trei iiIn hp a t tteRdi g liteLoron tion L remon e t 8.55. Next the procession with 1 lie______he foCinaize nship"niPar O representatives of foreign states at 9 a.m. Another -Royal proces- For the benefit of our lady sub- dress in which case the veiiing sion will arrive at 9.35 in which Barbara Murdoch, Fourth Form interesting sections of the gov- ribers Who did nlot get an invi- need flot be worn. No hats or will ride the Queen of Tonga, and student et Bowmanville High ernment buildings. tien to attend the Coronation coats may be worn but a light the Sultans of Zanibar, Johore, School, told the Bowrnanville Ro- The 160 visiting students were, eremonies in Westminster Abbev wrap is permissble. No one may Selangor, Kalantan, Perak, Bru- tary Club at its meeting on Fni- shown through the Ottawa Col- ext week we pass on to you the attend in mourning." nel and Lahej. day at Balmoral Motel about hier legiate Institute where academnic, rdeal necessary in beîng proper- Being of the opinion that those The Premiers' procession of 4-days "Adventure in Citizen- art. industrial, and home econ- addressed for this ail important dress instructions woulc not ap- nine carniages holding the prem- ship' trip to Ottawa eanly this1 omics courses are given. Miss qasion. The following explana- pîv to womcîn reporters, 1 wrte iers of the empire will arrive at month-a trip made possible by Murdoch somewhat enviously honls clipped from the "Femin- to'the Earl Marshal*s office ask- 9.40. The Speaker's procession the Bowmanville andc Ottawa Ro- descnibed the excellent art rooms, ne Chit-Chat" column of the De- ing for further details. Back came will go direct from the nearby tary Clubs, science labs. home econornics ea (Man.) Times, witten by the answer .. Women press re- Houses of Parliament, a stone's Miss Murdoch, daughter of Mr'. roomns and other splendid facili- h itor, Dorothy F. Ridge, who porters miav wear either evening throw from the Abbey, et 9.45. and Mrs. Sidney Murdoch, ODeli tics at this modern vocational la rning to hier native land to or afternoon dress as thev wish." The Prince and Princesses' pro- St., was one of 160 High Schooi scht3ol. t d the Coronation: SoeI've decidcd te defer the pur- cession which will include the students from across Canada who The students were dinner guests t's no light matter attending chasing of m ' ensemble until 1 get Princess Royal, the Duchess of travelled ta Ottawa under the of the Ottawa Collegiate Institute event like the Coronation. over there and find out what the Gloucester, Prince William and sponsorship of Rotary Clubs in Board and a spécial show was put hen I received the invitation ta other gais are going ta do. Prince Richard, the Duchess of their home towns. on for them in the schools audit- ttend the cenemony as a guest in It's quite exciting bcing honor- Kent and athers will arrive at She first thanked the club orium. estminster Abbey. I thought a ed by an Abbey seat. but 1 must 10.32. Then the Queen Mother's members for makiîig the trip pas- Another high point of their ice neat suit and smart littie bat admoit Fmn not so thrilled at hav- procession, in which will be sible and then gave details of -Adventure in Citizenship", the ould meet the requirements ing to be in it by 6 arn. on the Qucen Mother Elizabeth and hier experiences. The students attractive High Sehool student icely. But it seems it's not as morning of June 2nd. The old Princess Margaret. They will ar- were met on arrivai in Ottawa said, was a visit ta Governiment asy as ail that. Within a few davs stone Abbcev, which 1 know well, rive et 10.32. by members of the Ottawa Rotary House wlicre they were weleom- along came the officiai dress iri- is a cold enough place even on the And lastly, the Queen. She wiIl Club, she said, and werc taken ta ed by Right Hon. Vincent Massey, Étructions from the Eard Mar- hottest day of summier. So here's: be preceded by more than 1,000 the private 'homes et which they Governur Genéral of Canada, and shal's office for ladies attending, hoping that Mother Nature will Guardsmen, and the King's Troop, were ta stay during their visit. had lunch scrved ta them. the Abbey ceremaony. This is1 be kind and turn on a heat-wave Royal Horse Artiiierx'. Behind The next morning they were Speches by Party Leaders how it read:i foir the big event. will ride the chief officers of the officially welcomed to Ottawa by During their Ottawa stay they "Ladies attending the Corona- Tickct-holdcrs in the stands arrned forces, aides-de-camp, Yeo- Mayor Charlotte Whitton and the hrard speeches by George Hees, tien rmust wear a head covcring. along the processiouîal route have men of the Guard and the Royal Président of the Ottawa Rotary M.P., who substitutcd for the This must not cover the face, but ta be in their scats ton, b' 6 a.rm. Standard. The Qucen wiii be in Club. In ber address Maor Whit- leader of the opposition. Han. shouid be in the formn of a veil, 1 t uill bc a long wait for' every- the Gold State Coach, drawn by ton gave the students a most in- George Drew, and also addressed faliing from the crown or back bodv. but it wili certainly be eight of the famous Windsor teresting history of Ottawa. by the leaders of the two ather of the head as far as the shoul- wonth waiting foi, and thercl be greys. With her wili be lier hus- Group Discussion Held political parties, M. C. Coldwell ders, but not loxver than the waîst-i lots to sec. Nine separate glitter- band, the Duke of Edinburgh. Thvatrrd et Cri-ndSonow line. Any colon excepting black ing processions will wend their Tesriei h be iltnCeg ferwhr enthe stude-aSlnts oey vistdteNtoa.r can be used. and shouid be made waY through the troop-lined lest from 11.15 until 2 p.m., and tonce vied itoie grusfr alr.wre thev wet Te'vviieit e , eti art in suitabiv light materiai sucb as streets to Ilie Abbey,, and in the then cornes the return procession gru discid nons.Te sudes o culaer ineretd the.N wrkspatof tuile, chiffon, organza or lace. Thei last procession of ail wxiii go the arriving at Buckingham Paaehdree c discussions h tdunng cuanad inrtein . hiss Mrdsoh veiling wauld be worn witb after- Qucen. Frorn 6 arn. the' Gold around 4.30. It wili be a long tir-thrsttesparsidon sîdTeyeeasoipse b noon dress. This can be attachcd Staff officers on dùty as uishers ing day for spectators and royalty on the Canadien system of gav- the Quen Mary carpet on dis-1 by a comb, jcwelicd pins, fiowers will bcevaiting in the Annex alike.eretadho itifes ihpavhr. or ribbon bows-but not with which bas been built speciaily for rmnadho tifeswhPlyhr. feathers. Six designs for the veil- the occaion out from the west Poor lle Qucen. Imagine how that of the United States, oné Other highlights of her trip she ing have been approved by bier door of the Abbe. weaiy she wil feel when she on the Dominion and Provincial said wcre a visit te Gatineau Majcsty Qucen Elizabeth II, Tiar- First thev uwili receive the Lord eventuaily arrives back home. systems of government and how Park and the estate of tbe late as may be worn with evening MaYor of Louîdon's prýoce,.sion. It But unlike we ordinary folk who authority is divided bctween W. L. McKenzie King, a visit ta wiil thankfuliy reach for our bcd- them, and one open discussion. LaSalie Academy to sec a per- - - ~~room slippers. and pop on the A h is icsin he formance of the Canadian Reper- kettle for a nice cup of tea, she Athefr dsuio se xvii avetoapparagan ndstated, Hon. James Gardinen was tory Theatre, and a dinner et again on the balconv of the Pal- thé speaker, and lie was onîy one wihseadteohrsuet of the manv cabinet ministers and were guests of the Fedéral Dist- ace sa that the waiting thousands memnbers aýf parliament whom the rict Commission, the body respon- maxi sec their newlv-crowncd tdnswr rvlgdt et ilfothbaufcto fO- ENjQueen. And after ail this, she tawntawrepivlandtamd sbisfrtrbaiictSpation ot 0h- imust gel rcady for the State Ban- Irf' the afternoon the guest stu îaxver a dstrict. Spaker at the quel beîd îater In the evenîng. dents were given Citizenship t was B. K.e p an dwclrteriwh Way ackias Decmbe inherCertificates by the Prime Minfis- b ln 0 ute m Chnista; ks D bad isnlse tcr of Canada, Hon. Louis St. Lau- prove the national capital. Csad: YouDeyiubroesigt hient boasoadessed lhem on Take Tour of City sad Ye a holybut i wnthta the pivileges and thc responsi- The last morning the students ask you ail, whatever your neli- bilities entaiied in being a citizen, wcre taken on a tour of the city of this great cauntry,." Mn. St. and were show,ýn the Experimen- gion may be, ta pnay for me on Laurent has a great pride in Can- tal Farm, the minI, the Depart- that dey." This we will gladly ada and a great love for bis coun- ment of National Revenue and do. Elizabeth. We women know try", Miss Murdoch statcd. ather well known Ottawa build- oniy too Weil, what lb is ta be' W e are pleased fo announce tircd, and yet carry on with the Attend Sitting of Parliament ings. It was brought home ta them I diivroud. estasurc. W Th spake ten aido! tted-again w aabeautîful ciby Otta- dail' vroud. estassred WC The peaer hentol ofattnd-wa îs. "If I had ta live in a city 1 \viii be with you every sbep of ing a session in the House af 1 îhink I would choose Ottawa", mhai we W1U Dbe the way. Coommons and getting a first the speaker declared. hanid knowledge of governiment Another intcresting experience in action. Tbey wcrc taken on a for~ Miss Murdoch was lunch in WESLEYVTILLE7TT tour o! the parliament buildings, tbc parliamcntarv restaurant C osed U D y ____ the senate. peace tawer and other with John M. James, M.P. for Durhm. Rehearsai for "Sister Susie BuiesDrcouIt was a thriiling expérience c~~ ~Suinigs It,"* was held et Mrs. Ken L sîEssG A L or not oi vta have the chance ta C R N T O A1,Asibv's on Manday nîgbt, and go to Ottawa but ta talk ta other the play was given e Harwood o E A students frorn ail o\,en Canada", Wednesday evening. For the first______________- Miss Murdoch sbated. '"There is tilime in eleven, one of the lyr Jun t was too iii ta go, and the part of W. R. STRIKE, Q.C. notbing that the Rotary Club Hlarniet was read by Mrs. L. Hold- Barrister, Solicitor, NotMr could do that would benefit the away. Allan Holdaway and Arn- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal youth of Canada more than ta aIdAutinacompnid te sîMoney ta Loan Phone 791 spenser this "Adventure in Citi- as drivers and Muriel Austin and Bowmnanviîîe, Ontario zenship". b rni a _____________________ She was introduced b rni M K n n d yMrs. Ken Dinner provided enter- LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. pal L. W. Dippeil, who stated that A . en e d tainment during the intermission, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Barbara lbad always been an IOn Tbunsday evening the Re- King St. W., Bowmanville outstanding student. In addition, 49 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 8.36 jcréation Cammittee held their last Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 lie said, she is a member of the -,gathcning for the seasan in the stîdent council and is litenary1 form o! a pal-luck supper. This MISS APHA 1. HODGINS éditor of!"The Screech Owl'", the -___ -was well attended and ail enjoy- Barrister, Solicitor, Notai-y Public alinual student publication. cd the moving pictures shown by Successor ta M. G. V. Gould Thanked By Walter Reynoldst Mn. Reed of Port Hope. These Temperance St. - Bowmaenville Sewat.nkdfrhrie- wcre "The Princess" which par- h a hne frhritr gtnayed outstanding events in her W. F. WARD, B.A. esting address, which was given1 life, from infancy ta her trip Barrister, Solicitor, Notary with the poise of an cxperiencedr *tbrough Canada; *'Babes in the Money ta Loan speaker, by Rolanian Walter Rey- Wood", pleasing pictures o! baby 91/ King Street E., nolds, "I think tbat most mcm-g animais et home; a sing-song and Bowmanville, Ontario bers wîil agrée that Miss Mur-0 îY tbe history o! recreational devel- Phones- Office 825 - House 409 doch got a greal deai out o! hem ... ...opmenl in a tawn in Nova Scotia. trip.' Mn. Reynolds declared.1 Truman Austin was acting D EN TA L "The Rotary Club is happy taV > ..ibndn t..S.S.a.___________________have been able ta give lber thata Sr nigintn ben e o! DR. W. M privilege. and I believe that spon-f Pync Afrgic absnciolet Murray DRW.M RUDELL, DD.S. soring Ibese 'Advcntures In Citi-r tramMrs. Offce: ury ubice Bdg. zenship", is anc o! tbc best things Sneiis and a bouquet of bieeding 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvil.le the Rotary Club doeg", he stated. beart. tuiips and giadioli brought Office Hours: Hc aiso complimcnted ber on lier ta cburch service some of the out- 9 a.m. ta 6 parn. daily address, whicb lie said was hu- door bcauty. Gladioli in Maxi 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday morous and wcll planned. frm h grdnofLe ugtrdClosed Suriday President Garnet Riekard pass- is an achievement. Office Phone 790 ed aiong this vote of tbanks ta Wc are glad ta report an hm- House Phone 3609 Miss Murdoch, and aiso made a provement for Haroid Pranel pesri-aio-t-br.Me-co- P-lanning a Trip f? Before you build, BE SURE ta consider this; whlle an architect 3'ou'rP away, the lugrage. rIoth- 13ERBERT G. COLE, M.R.AJ.C. lng, sports equipment and other WW Telephone Bowmanvifle 3653 belontings you take with ,y<>ujmay A UD I1T I N G be los, stlen or destroyed. 37 Kng S. E.abOt th% bradwherever-you-go reaident partner King BowenvisleINSURAINCE REAL ESTATE rOffice Hars Q .mnt a6 p.m Phones: Office 681 Res 493 ý 1 iC FATIC P J C~ Ii ~re omnul Dippeil intnoducéd Mr. Maynard, run game, with the final score Springvile, dirted by .u o! Toronta, who will be a Latin 15-0, Stewart and Reynolds shar- Be&ord-. Thé tawàrtMa]Pô,* teacher aI the High School when ing the receiving. Edmunds, who Breso ure rt btý the fall term begins. held the top batting score lairt shpQate rfi eo. Another Rotary Youth Projeet year, stanted off in good stylei borough, Phil. Chevalier, Doufias a gain with the first borner o! the Montgomery. Geoqe Mickty taM At the last dîrecton s meeting season. Janetvilie mauinc was Harold Coulson, were enihug- of tbe Rotary Club il was decid- isae yW cil .MGl atclyrcié n gv ed ta make it a 1900 per cent' sad .Byu.rns I . McGil biastcally ri6rtd and àg club in regard ta another Rotary and J Bavnoiuteronge.lô'y eéioge International yauth project, the In the girls' sofîbali game, Beth-aifvotean. i Rtar Fo ndtio Fu d Tisany vs. Miibrook. the score was A dance, with Ruth Wiloft 's fund is used ta send stucients ta 8-7 for the bomesters, McGil and VneyBn upyn lemas varions countnies in the worlidin Bristow shaning the maound with waund up a very sucésui day. tbe interests of international edu- Carr receiving for Betbany: Todd cation and good will. Each Rotar- doing the twirling for Millbrook ian had been asked ta contributel witb McDowell receiving. A guilty conscieetîvr bb $10 as membership in Iis Rotary There was a capacity audience. sec ure-Pubilius SyruÈ. ~'ondtio ad bc irctas en for the evcning performance in! The true secunity is to b. htulid P oindsocialand -iherityecttre sent 1l. a cheque for aven $100 ta the the Town Hall. A play "'She'sinsca odrt éheté*n Fund thus making the Bownan-MyDi" was presentd by the isolated individual effort. - fd.. ville Club a 100 per cent club in Yon epie'. Union from toyevsky. Ibis respect. The Dinectons also voted a donation a! $25 each ta the Red Sbield Campaign of the,10 Salvation Arrmy and to the Can-' .S A. adian National Institute for the ~ P'i Blind. Y At Friday's meeting tbree new * directors o! the Club for 1953-54 werc introduced, Rotanians Wal- ter DeGeen, Keith Jackson, Wal-' ter Reynolds and Dr. W. M. Ru- dlCouncil Members Fined Considerable merniment was causéd at tbc meeting when Ho. tanian Howard Rundle stated that j since Coronabion Day, June 2, is a legai holiday. the Hotanians who q day in Bowrnanxille. MaYor Mor- lc.y Vanstone objected ta the fine on the grounds that Coronation Day had been deciared by the Dominion goverriment as a day o! public rcjoicing, but not a legai holiday. In spite o! Ibis objection Prpsi- dent Riekard authorized acting Sergeant-ab-Arms Rev. T. Arthur Morgan ta fine Mayor Vanstone, Deputy Heeve O. F. Hobson and Coun. Walter DeGeen for not pro- ciaiming Coronation Day a civic baiday. Court. DeGeen wanted ta knaw if he would get bis fine back If thé Town Council beld anothen meeting and did proclaim June 2 a holiday. On being tld that he would, he stated that such a meet- ing would he hs'ld. Bethany A. A. Holds Successful Celebraion On Vicioria Day Victoria Day celebrations hcld in Bebhany under auspices of the Athletic Association were a de- cided success. The local boys' band headcd the parade to the park and prizes for decorabed vehicles, tricycles, bicycles, etc., went to Randy Longfield, Sharon Bigelow, Donald Smelt, Bruce Wright, Dianne Bigelow, Colleen Durham, Karl Finney, Bebhany Fine Department, Barry Smith, Leone Jordan and Paul Pomenoy. In tbc races, those winning pniz- es were Ronald Jackson, Barbara Carter, Tommy Rayson, Sharon Bigelow, Ross Smith, Barbara Baker, Neil Finney and Joan Marton. A tug-of-war was held wibbl Earl Argue as captain a! one team composed of Dr. J. Wright, Clif- fard Hudson, Brenton Dawson and Addison Scott. Edgar Beer uras captain o! bbc second team, comprising Merritt McGili, Aub- rey Bland, A. Kookeo, John Burns.l ended in a tie and bath teams were awardcd boxes of cigars. Mn. James MeKinnon reccived the pnize for the oldest gentleman on on flie grounds, Mrs. Richard Fallis, bbe oldest lady, and Mur- ray Edmunds, the youngest baby. Bethany annexed ail three bail games, sa hope Ibis is a good amen for the coming season. In the firsb contest with Millbrook, Edrnunds pitcbed ta a 5-2 victory, with Reynolds rcceiving. Wright and Dawson sbared the mound for Millbrook, wibh D. Edmunds receiving. In the second game with Janet- ville. Cam. Rowan was on the niund and huried a no-bit, no- SIMPLIIH[t SON GARE foi' bleiuiisliwd shin Designed ta do the most for the skin in the shontest measure of time. Skin-Deep Mlky Cleanser.. 1*73 ta 5.00 Ardena 5kin Lotion .. 1.35 ta 12.50 Spot-pruf Cream . . . 4.65 Acne Lotion . .. 16 Eight Haur Cream ... 1.63 and 2.73 JURY (& LOVELL j When We Test Ey«s b ta Don@ Properly TOUR REXALL DRVG STORE PHONE 78BOWMANVULDi :ENJOY M II" ...... .....I the Milldest BestmTasfiny CIGARETTE *Versatile Es the word for Sealed-ln Siding It insulates . . . as effectively as painting. Equally saitable for «Y19 incbes af solid concrete. t building or renovatng borné, decorates . . . simulates brick, shop, garage or plant. Youî atone or brond wood shingles. It choice of several coloins, turt. designs. Ask your archîtee, build- resim s ire, muMes stremt noises. ing contractr or dealer àbôàt the Saves you money, tôC, beciue it'à many adrantageà ô! Eraaidord economical ta instail, fteeer needs Seaied-in Sidinfi. Brantford Roofing Company Llmitd BRANTFORO, ONT. RANCH OFFtCES AND WARUNOUSIS Ats IORONTO-MONTREAL-W1NNIPEO-SAI'T JOHN 0"4 SHEPPARD and GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. DO WNAN VILLE Pu.G. NEWELL LUMBER CO. NEWCASTLE THE CANADIAN STATZSMAX BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Lve"i&z, uj ippuintlllej2t .. ý f !- PAM ilawrm

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