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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1953, p. 15

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THURSDAY, MAY 28., 1953 THE CA1NAflAN STA'r1SMAN, -BOWMA"MVTT. ONTARIO~ . ---L "ir e À££ " U-LIN ILI àrfl il NInrtit "Wh t N au T u A m> ni i been the case. "1 l M DantimpoNo.nare nd Mrs. J. C.Cok tact that we as nationals are now M P E G O ES .N .9 lre Ms dt upý r.W ""%V ai l N ansTo B A ana ianVaneyk, Mrs. Harold Murphy Subjci a Chalengng A drei Canadian Citizens*", Mr. Camp-I bell declared. ciMs ereJr iCagr.i Ladies Club met Thursdav and Miss Grace Smith accomipan- 'Su lec o Ch llngiq ddr ssCarrnes Responsibilities visiting Mrs. R. Jarvie for two evening at Mrs. M. Pedweli's. led other members from Tyrone He stressed the fact that Can- weeks. Article for the Hospital Auxiiiarv nt LOBA.t antieMn adian citizenship carnies with it This community extends Baareewoednadso ayihthrehyhateop Delieredby coîc man i Lons lub as weil as privil- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. L. C turned in. The ladies packed portunrity~ of watching Peterboro _________Lon__ ed mut e te se is thdge atm we Heard nee Evelyn Finney> on home-made candy' into bags to L .O...250 Degree team put on B mavleLosClub memn- the greatness in it". He sae by his race. creed or color, but himarge be sold at the pilay which the the Scarlet. bers eelebrated the lRth birthday that it is up Io the individual mutnersagdain ofjudgeraomntheir.mardiage. IiHomuny o iaynShoo Lubc wsosored of the organization on Monday citizens of Canada to see that thîsi s tnadowhheorîot M and M r s.ouvison dMr. nd' nFiayngt uch~a e and Maa oodLounai'i. TtedraMr.led by the hostesses, Mrs. C. Fisk .CADMUS night and heard flot only a re- promise of greatness is fulfilled. sa oodiC a snadian.This racialMrs. IvanMtesa rno. ad-r.But etmeigo ve YCu itra A.M. Db oBianPl Canada, hie said, and cited a-n in- Mrs. L. C. Snowden. Miss Mil- the regular night at Mrs. J Thompson of its many praise- He pointed out that n the early stance of a man of foreign extrac-1 dred, Mr. Bob Snowden, accom- Branch's. W.sei A mer. Mtehoeting as.i wrty inaivnots hihi eroher historv, Canada had tion who had served under him panried by Mr. John Baker. Solina, Miss Betty Osborne, Toronto, ge of the South Group. Comi- oarte i anher colum n u been guarded fromn aggressors by in a minesweeper flotilia in World visited Mr. and Mrs. Sem Castie spent the week-end at hier home. 1 nttees were appointed for the W~zen, given by Hugh Campbell, Ireypi rm114t 98tiia efre aa b-tebruh nSna.awa, spent the weekend with Mr. Chrden partyinJue.a C jioront'o. ,lien Canadians went overseas hunk", he said.whc Mrs. Lancaster Nvho hias been, and Mrs. W. Gibson. ~Cdu Mr. Campbell, who was intro-i and Belgium", Mr. Campbell de- Canadian Citizenship gives usil visitng unat her dauter, Ms Mr. and Mrs. C. Barchard and ing made'for the anniversary on duced by Lion Ron Hetherington, clared. He stated that it was oniy t eaeo mgesad~m vsnMna' a eundt Sharon, Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. June 14. anwih fitin tha thi grat nw into ther ounesave om-her home in Newtonvilie. C. Barchard,,Whitby, with Mrs. M.adMs i rsrn à5 a marine paint saiesmanwt itn htti ra e ainpaec.Ohrcutishv On Wcdnesdlay, May J3. a num .Fs n Mr. and Mrs. BlIlArmtrn Canadian Industries Lbeen gieuvenA. ailandMtheridfreedom an fpila Oenwaw.t M3 had spentbemuch of LimitedMereehadnthrown away the demnocratic way ber of ladies from this commun- Barchard.anMr.CrleFe He sered witch thehis life at sea it desired by the Statutes of West- o iewihw no hog t ardi he asmnt f Ms .Boe.adM. and Msymp aiextened h and sailing on teGreat Lakes. mnoefn 94.H saedtattee twohihw ngs jHosatthatte hrc o oorMssEeynMs .Gavck heRyl ay hv et ht aad tlinedaieiorn i tornohaerenny bie-ob, ih is owaviifaiy fMr.Roofruo in World War I and wi th the ta Great Britain was paid ini after the overwhelming victorv ceilaneous shower. The bride-to- ste Mr.oarBoaT daugbiter of Mrs. Tom Hylahd ]Royal Canadian Navy throughout World War II wbcn Canadians of the Conservative party in the btog ae ysrrsws ronto. adtelt r yad h Wol a .again distinguisbed them in bat- îast Ontario election had made escorted ta hier seat at the front, passed away îast week. Stating that hie had been born tie. him feel like weeping. It had which was nicely decorated for L N Messrs. Harvey Johnson, Elwin in Scotiand, Mr. Campbell sug- '-Tben on Januar., i. 1947 there said that the reason for the light the occasion. After the reading LONGiUJUL. Dîckie. Alan Larmer and Law- gested that. bis audience might camne into being a law that high- vote of only 30 per cent of those o! verses and untieing of parcels, ____ rence Larmer motored ta the ask whv hie should speak on Can-! i ighied the respansibiiitv that qualified had been due ta the Evelvn thanked ail for their love- adanctieshpan hepac f wiII always be ours-The Cana- fact that "there was nathing at 1v ad nitdger'c aa Long Sauit W. A. met May 19 j Thousand Islands and through the iancocitryzenh an d t ae Oj Ctzèsi At, h pek tgeifts adivtdevroct tthe manse with nine members United States an their return« thi contr inthewar dtday d an itiensip cf' th spak-stae'.came and see themn at their bonme and four visitors. Owing ta sick- jtipl. 'Well, freedom is what the er stated. He pointed out the pride Anather threat ta aur way o! in Oshawa. A dainty lunch was ns iepeietGaeSih Sryt eotta r.S Scotchpole ae ad ayhade- bted ad feit wbn b gs wierhadlife is gavernment by order-in- served and social time was enl- 1canducted the business. It was de- Goff is in the hospital. sired". he ssfeed, nanad.I v bandapssott oae-cauncil. the speaker said. "Gov- jayed. cided ta buv fIoawers ta plant ou- Mrs. ŽNornan Gibsan is in the fondtisfeeom nCaaa.Iseas and hec natianaliiîv had been erniment b\7 order-in-cauncil car- Practise lias started fnor the an-: side the church. aiso ta pay the baspital at Tr'enton recovering adhave saidall ade th ored ritidsh SbjCnadia Citien" nteries the weigbt af Fascism", lhe niversary Lnder the capable I ead- Long Sault's share of the nianse from an operatin for appendici- ind have fuiniv mbadse m reeraiaBrigi ubecs flia ome lthedeclared. "The men in Ottawa 1ersbip of Mrs. Les Coliacutt. 1well. June meeting wili bc beid tis. Glad 10 bear she is coming in tîs ounty bcaue i ealze rcia acgînas ad frmei~'are aur servants, not aur masters,________ _________________________and are tbare ta vote on every-- the 16th at the Smith home \vitb h n ut el niatter wbicb camnes up'."~TT r.AtYuga n . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meiton and UulnsCnd'sRsucsS L11NA jCharlie Penwardeni as program Frank visited their daughter. Ms Mr. Campbell cited tbe devel-i the chair for the foilowing pro- tognerP t.pol opmnent of aur iran oie resources Mis. J. Yello\Nlees, Mrs. Harvey grani: Soio. Sîi'an Lutc, accon- in Ungava, aur aluminum at Ar- Yellowlees. Mrs. Raiph DaVî.ý, panied by bier fathier on the harp: vida and Kitimiat. aur ail in AI- Mrs. Wes Yellowlees, Mis. Ern- reading, Miss Price. Mrs. A. Pies- LOTUS berta, and aur other vast natur- est Hackaday and Jean, Miss jcatt, Enfieid, guest speaker, gave____ -- ai resources as evidence tbat Gladys Yellowlees attended a kit- a splendid paper on 'Success of! r n r, m tlmn Canadas material wèaltb is as- chen sbower in bonor of M-iss Character'. Piano solo, Rev. Lute and Mrs.W. Stt. man, FOR - i ~~~sured. "What about aur spiritual Giadys Hodgson, bride-ta-be, a and reading bv Mrs. Nr aw ,cle nMr n r.M wealtb?", he asked. "Wbat shall the home of Mrs. Frank WrightL,i Woadley. Scripture was taken bv Grax, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grey Th rd y - F ia au d y it profit a nation if it gain the Bowiflanville.1 Mrs. Editb Murphy and d evotion-! n r n rj a.Mluln T rs aF ia - au d y whole w'orid but loses its awn Mr. and Mrs. Harve-, Yeliow- ai bv Mrs. Gwven Murphy. Lunch!ac r n r.Js culn soul'. Let us lose aur democratic Jees, Mr. and Mis. J. Yellowlees'as'served and a social'limne en- Oshawa, with Mr. anid Mrs. M. 36 WSABECOTN PRINTS wav of life, wbich is aur saul, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mont- joyed. SPECIAL yd. 4~Y I through smugness and complacen-1 gomery attended tbe funeral of M n r.SmPwlNw r.Cme ne.Wetni y.-e hould be oui- brothers'i Mrs. Rov Fergusan at Biaci. casile, called to sec. Mrs. Mav: spending a week with Nlrs.'A.'l 4"CREASE RESISTANT LINEN ~7 keeper. Oui brothers are ahl Can- stock on Saturdav.Jhsonuna MM1oî lu ten beautiful shades. SPE('IAL yd.$17 adians. Let uis take up oui, respon- Mcs. Wes Hilis and Mcs. Har- i'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sirn. Oshi- Mr. and Mrs. D. Jewell spent 36" COTTON EYELETS 1 sibilities and make this a greater vev X'elio\vlees attended the, awa. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mil- Saturday afternoon with Mc. and In eight beautiful shades. VERY SPECIAL vd. $169 country*'. trousseau tea given by Mrs. N.; ler. Orona, with Mc. and Mrs. Mrs. Stanlev Jewell, Mrs. J. H. 30 ISU GNHASLion Dave Preston, in thanking Gimblett of Columbus in lionor R. S imn. Jcv'eli and Mrs. M. J. Fair, Sun- 36" TSSEd coNs. SPEIA$1.09 Mr. Campbell for bis chalienging o! lier daughter, Jean, whase Gîad ta r-eport Mr. Gabriel Ko- derland. -36d. address, stated that it had been mnarriage ta Mr. John Medland of vacs is sligbt1\ improved after Mrs. Jas. Kerr with her sister, 6"AMERICAN PERCALE PRINTS a mast înspiring ane and ane Brooklin takes place May 30. the severe heact attack Friday Mrs. Fee at Omemee and return- In assorted colons and designs. SPECIAL_ yd. 79ç whîch every Canadian would do Messrs. Bruce and Clarence in Memorial Hospital, Bowmran- ed home Fridav. 42" PRINTED RAYON CREPES weil to consider carefully. Tink, Art Blanchard and Jack ville. Several attended the charivari In light and dark grounds. SPECIAL_ yd. 89Ç? Cruickshank attended the NAtion- Mrs. Mary Sim and Mrs. F. foc Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe al Holstein sale at Oakville on Alexander and Donna. Bowman- an Friday evening. 36" ENGLISH TRICOLINE $A ENFIELD Monday. 1 ville. xvere Monday' guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Gray n In flfteen shades, SPECIAL - --- 3d. 1.9 Mr. A. L. Pascae attended the and Mrs. R. Sn. Donald, Miss D. Gray, Bowman- 36" PLAID Mr. and Mrs, Fred Taylor. Paul las'îng of the cornerstane cere- Mc. and Mrs. R. MclLauighlin ville, wijth Mr. and Mrs. Ernest GINGHAMSanLnTrotr.adMs mony at the new Northminster and famiil, Blackstock, Mr. and Grav. SPECIAL yd. I ank Onnritn, rokand M r Church at Oshawa an Saturday. Mrs. H. Murphv and familv, Boxv- IMc. and Mrs. Cliff Kerr with Frn ritn roln r manville. Mc." and Mcg.* Harcy Mr. and Mrs. O. McQuade and 36" PINWALE CORDUROY and Mrs. E. Brown, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broorne Civr n aiy saa tMs a.K I wlesae r.J. Stark's. adsasaM.JonBooe the Murphy home. IMri. and Mrs. V. McAuley and SIA L eshds î.adMs. Edwin Ormistan, -con e.J Mr1ad r6N9 Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith and Miss' Samrnv. Mrs. McQuaid, with SPECIAL ~~~~d. Ebenezer, Miss Margaret Biatch, Mc n c.O oba.Ci race Smnith ivere gue.sts of Mc. friend.s' near Newtonvilie. 5-60" SUITINGS AND Oshawa, at H. Ormiston's. umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mlov- J SKIRTINGS. lu plains Mr. and Mrs. Haskiii Smithb bray, Myrtie; Mc. and Mcis. Rab -________________________________ ehecks andw. .i son. Toronto; Mrs. Sain Harris, novelties ---- yd. $29 Hampton. at W.Pso'.isad Misses Irene and Lulu Harris, 38" DENIMSi famiiy. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sam- Whitby. at Mrs. H. Harris. ralOIn 5 ahdesis, issElsi Sais, t M. F Mr. and Mrs. O. Lunn and Ted- ntil6sPECAL .. 5isAerntMiss , Me anil a r.F.dy, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. SPEIAL----- d. 9Ç b nd y',Msl. îe LeadL. Preston and Gary, Bowman- r.EneLead ville; Mc. and Mis. Jim Rua!! and 36" CRISKE famiiy at Mr. Elgin Cowling's, Stephen, Rochester, at Mr. Roy In '6 shades P5terbMc. dMs .W rsotLangmaid's. SPECIAL. yd. 7 eMsr. and M aeM. A i- cot, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutcheans, Merssesct n at r ie M . aMisLinda and Anne, North Oshawa; WE CARRY SIMPLICITY, McCALL AND L.erahmRectih MrH. ad Mrs M. and Mrs. .30e Snowden, at BUTTERICK PATTERNS c.RandMRhW.mond aniand Mc. Chas. Langmaid's. Mr. nd Ms. . Boninand Mc. and Mrs. E. E. Yates. Mil- familv with Mr. T. R. Bawman's, tan; MrI. and Mrs. Griffin, Green- FOR QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST PRI('ES IBarri'e, and Mr. W. Hoskin's, Or- wood, at Mr. George Hamnlin's. SHOP AND SAVE AT illia( n r.H CxînM . Mc. and. Mrs. George Knox Ray Cowli ng. Whitby, at E. Lee's and Carai at Mr. H, Farrow*s, Churh sevic as sualSunStarkville. day wih sriea s a t un Mr, and Mcs. Harr\' Knox at dv ihannivecsary practîce atMr. Hilton Tink's. Ebenezer. __________________Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs and Carai at Mc. A. His, Tyrone. F'RRIC TOW N 1 , Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and 5KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 3609 1_____v On ridv eenig amisel- Mr. and Mrs. Burney Haaey On Fidavevenng amisc1 and Barbara, Mr. Boy Hioaey at _______________________________________________ laneous showýxer was heid at theM.Hrl Lang's, Omernee. school in banaur of Mr. and Mrs. M arl ________________________________________________ Gordon Covlard. a recent bride1 Mr an d Mcs. L. Gliaspel. Lind- Iand groom o! Brown's when re- sasy, Mrs. W. Glaspeli and Mc. O. latives. friends and neighbaurs Glaspeli, Mr. and Mrs, Gea. Wil- gathered and pcesented themn son, Roseanne and George, Peter- D ea L/o aLuwith many lavelv and useful 1 borough, Mr. and Mis. Fred Har- gîfts. The evening was spent in y c.BhMadr ai n Oroo, nt. M~ ~th 95~ Ipla.ving cards with the winners Anne, New Toronto, at Mr. Isaac libeing: hîgh lady. Mrs. Bennett;Hay.. 1. -- jing w4elu because %ve are, getting the idea across that wîe sei Missç Lllian Hoar. Miss Eveiv«%,o immune. I te bsi nd t pice tht cnna bebeaen.No elieryOlTavlor, Toronto; Mr. and Mrîs. 9 10" speaker pravides full rounded chartes and privilege of returning any unused material. 'Mri. dsWgtBowanviile.o "Concert Hall" tane with abundant Things are openint up in Ponty pool. lssey Bernsteinl WINDSHIELD M. and Ms. W . B. HoarOono,0 EolumieEetooenis aigcr Pis improving bis cottages: took him a Jag of lumber and clt. sand Mrs . . rav nd cusi e e ctrh fom ecaing"cor windows today. Max Lofchick got another load lumber lJ iauhec Ms.sbJa a, Mcs. S. Run-"jumt espi ctrefgm".aig"o wrek and tomorroiv "'e take him a load of %valiboard. He:îs Installed Now ville. at Mr. Ross Cryderran's. upn" booked op at bis resort with a fl bouse for an early opening Mr. Percy Gilbert, Sarnia. vis- Smartly finished in chaice of Walnut, Mahogon in Joue. ited bis brothet Russell and Mrs. Oak, with striking design cf Chinese Moderu Gilbert. Just te, keep the boys octupied wiil have a car nut While You Waii t r. A. L. Pascoe ; a delegate SEADHA H OE 5 OA atBvo! Quinte Conference at coal in laie this week and stoi'e coal next week. Wliii ry 1O'sbaNDwa.TE OEL7A OA uuioad one car each mweek until we fi11 up every customer Mrs. , 1. J. Black. lMys. Ross who will take advantage o! the lewer summer pnices.J E A D D' Pearson. Macy and John, Wood- By now you willI be fed up reading about coal, nit, O C OP R stock. Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Osb- umber and shintles. so ood-night, Don. 1When you write SrvceSatonM. wRlphurDais 1? I, e R a again send a snap of the sweet young thingý who worku nSriclttonM.ulp a the offite. uo we an see what keeps you so busy. 218 King St. E. Average weeklv wage in Cani- SEE McLAREN, PO E33 adian mian.îfactucing at Fc.b. I ORONO 48 r16 PO E 421953, Wa.S $56-05: this compare____i__38_ K ng St. En *Bow r Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grar. Miss tasas hngs in general by Betb McM.\ullen. Mr. and Mrs. D. itbrowing stones. Tbe noise arous- .Tecli were guests o! Mr. and cd the attention o! nearby Te&'- JMrs. Jas. Gray on the occasion. dents. The village "'guardtan" o! Linda's birthday an Friday paid a cail and ordered those evening. yaung ruffians oui of the rniii. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray xvith 'F hey made hurried exit through Mr. and Mrs. R. Sultan, Orao.o the open door. out across the creck and through water almoat Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray and Mr. knee-deep in their desine te es- and Mrs. D. Jevell attended Cad-caeeoniin mnus W. A. Tuesda.-,at Mr. and Mrs. Larmer's. President 'âis*T." Congratulations are extended Samelîs presided. . Mellon, ta Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Gray on the leader o! the graup, read the arrivaI a! a son. scripture and gave an interesîing Mr. Earl Gray and Mn. Thon. tapie. Plans were made for the: Raxvson, Toronto, iook Mr. Elnio, annivecsary in June, and com- Grav and Wes Gray ta sce their mittees were chosen. Programi new nephew and grandson. consisted o! readings by iMrs. M. __________ Gray. and Mr.3. Larnier, Burke- Amoerslv tucsth ton. Miss Ruth Greene favored bA t o! Godlovnd souchesitheo witb a piano instrumental. Tbcee erofGdanshu int contests xvere conducted bv Mrs appeal ta hui-nan sympathy?- D. Jeveli. "s Mary Baker Eddy. A hecty oteo! iankswasYears ta a mother brings distress A herty oteof tankswasBut do not make hec love the less. tendered ta Mrs. Lainier and -od~ot MNIs. Melton. A deiicious lunch -odwrh was servedi by the hostesses and a social bouc was enjoyed. T 1 C K F, T S Saturday afternoon t\vo car- TO EVERYIEIRZ loads o! boys froni the vicinity Air. Rail or Steamahip of Oshawa visited Lotus rniltpond, Consult ever, ala ti h forernoan sev- JURY anVtîî pvrsumabt fih fortrot o e- J BoR T&aov eL eral of these boys entered the 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 miii, and began ta break glass and _________________ Soéw/ek #xu4rz qmea ev TEA DM35 VOLUNTEER FIREMIEN WAN TED for the Town of Bowmanville Applications will be received by the undersigned Up to June 1sf, 1953. for Volunteer Firemen for the Bowmanville Fire Brigade. Applicants muîst state age, qualifications and j lace of permanent employnment' A. J. LYLE, Clerk, Tow-n of Bowmanville. iny or Limed m influence. rAT lu 1o Shop rnanville Phione 573 PAGE 717MIMW

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