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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1953, p. 18

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P'AGE LEIGHEMM TH ----- ' =4=& .,r.N SA I M N- mmCf.l4me.àIal. JN Igi - THUr-SDuWMAVILAY. ONTARI r TIqol 17 WAN AjS.., 3303 Tarn Page fer COMING EVENTS Home baking sale will be belè Additional Classfied at Kitson's Locer on Saturday of Enniskilicn W.A. 22-1 B IRTHS Come to Tyrone Hall to see the __________________________Coronation on television. Silver McLAUGHLIN-,Mr. and Mrs. collection. Cafeteria lunch. Spon- Carl McLaugblin, Nesticton, (nec sored by the Tyrone W.A. 22-1 Jean Hormis) wish to announice the arrivai of their son, on Mav Plan to attend the play at 25, 1953, at Memorial Hospitai, Tyrone Hall, 'Tempest and Sun- Bowmanvilo. 22-1'- shune' by Pontypool Yqoin, People in aid of Tyrone Sunday ENG GEM NTS Sehool, on Friday, May 29th a ENGAGEMENTS____8_P.__M._22-. Mr. ond Mrs. Chas. Megit, New- Eldad S. S. Annix'ersorv, May castle, wish to announce the en- 31st, at 2 and 7:30 p.m.' Guest gagemont of thoir daughtcr, Viv- minister, Rex'. J. Kitchen, Orono. ian Lenora, to Mm. Felice Martina. i'vondav, June lst, beague foot- Toronto. Wedding te tak-e Places bail gamo. folioxved by Tx-mone in Toronto on June 6, 1953. play, "Getting Ira Married".' 22-1 Mm. nd Ms. arltn Paue owmanviile Lion's Club an- Mr. nd Ms. arltn Pavnenual auction sale te be held at wish to announce the engage- Lions Community Centre, on Sat- ment of their daughter, Ruth Eliz- urday, October 24th, commcncing abeth, to Koith Wilfred Cisxvell, at 1I p.m. For immediate pick-up~ son of Mr. and Mms. Harold Cas- et articles being donated for this well. The marriage xiil take, sale, 'phone 520 or 615. 22-22 place on Saturdav, June 9-ai_____ 2:30 o'clock in the United ChLirchi. Corondtion tea under auspices Port Hope. - 221:' of the Ladies' Auxiliarv to the Mr. nd Ms. orma Ke Canadian Legion, te be hield Sat- Ms.Noma Knnedy uria.Mav 3th at the Legion wish te announce the engage- u Hal emecn a :0.Hm ment of their daughtcr, Ruby- cooking, needlework. souvenirs Lola Louisa Coilett, te Mr. Ray- fish pond, cup reading andi card mond Francis Woodwvard, Bo xx--cdig 22-1 manville. Miss Collctt xvas the raig dougbter of the late Haroid Ern- Plan noxv te attend the Liberai est Collett, New Toronto. Mar- Nomination Meeting ln Orono on riage te take place June 27111 in 1 Thursday, June I8th. whcn the Kendal United Church. 22-1' Liberal 'candidate for thc Feder- al election will be picked. Can- The engagement is announced ada*sousain iteainl of Bette Kcnneath, yotIngcst figure. Hon. Lestecr B. Pearson, daugbtor of Mms. George Gra'v, xiii ho the main speaker. Evemy- Newcastle, and the laie George onlO s invited. 22-1 Gray, to Winsloxv Wellington Col-___ lier, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Allie Salem Sunday Sehool annivers- Collier of River Glade, Newv amy services xiil be heid on Sun- Brunswick. The wcddung te taLe dayv, June 7th ai 2:30 and 7:30. place on Saturday, June 27, 195:3, Guest speaker will be Rex'. S. C. at St. George's Anglicant Chureuh, H. AILinson cf Albert Street Newcastle. 2,2-1 United Churiicli Oshawa. Speciai Music by the srhool. On Mondax-, DEATHS June 8, Tyrone Young People xiii present their play, "Getting ABERNEiHY-Robeirt BruceAh Ira Married", in the ehureh, ai enethy, infant son of 1\1r. andi18:15. Admission, adulis 5Oc, child- Mrs. Harold Abcmneîhy, borniMa ren 2.5c. 22-2'* 1953. 22-1- FERGUSON, Veora R. -- At her homo, Catwright 'Township,î on Thursday, May 21, 1953, Vin- ora R. Hyland, bloved wife ofý A. Roy Ferguson; dear mother of Grant of Toronto; Thelm-a (l\lrs. L. Wright) of Nestieten; Mena, of Brougham; Bill and Sandra i home. Bjested i ler boine until Saturday ai 12:30 p.rn Funerali Service was held kit Blackstock Unitled-1 ?lirpl-, t 29 ,-,TitI Help Wanted WAITRESS wanted. Appiy at Olympia Cafe. Phone 3003. 22-1* MEN or boys, to hieip with plant- ing. Brookdale-Kingsway Nurs- crics. 21-3 COOK xanted for the "Strath- haven Rest Hlome'. Must be ef- ficient and able to plan meals. Phione 555. 22-1 muent Union Cenmetcrv, Cadmus. WGMAN roquired, one and oee 2-'F'ergtîs E. Morrilî, Willow Acres. MOORE-At Memeorial Hiospital, - ine 21456. 22-I Bowmanvillo, on Monday, May WAITRESSt, seasonal or ycaly 25th, 1953, Marion I. Moore, ageQd emnpîoyment; transportation or- 87 yeors, wife of the laie Robert ranged. Apply in person te H. Moore, and moiher et Dotuglas, Honcy Holloxv, Nexvcastle. 22-i Oshawa; Hugli and Kay, Box-,_ manville. Resteci ai the M\,or-ris YOUNG lady foc local drug store, Funerol Chapel, Boxx'nanville. permanent position. Appîy lu Service was beld hinthe Clhapel vriti ng te Box 11, c/o The Canad- on Wednesday at 2 ocleeck. III- ian Statesman, Bowrnanville. 22-1 termnt oxyanviie enu2er-1 GOOD plain cook for small chiid- cen's camnp. Juiy and Acgtîst, Osh- CARD0FT ANKS axwa district. Dial Oshawa 5-6092' ________OF__________ or vrite Box 17î3, Oshawva. 22-1 Many, manv thauks te ail kind ASPARýAGUS piekers, mon or friends and neighbours xxho ce- womnen. txvo or thcee htîurs a day. sponded se quickly te cic-fr-nt_ Cliffecti Swalloxv, 1, mile seuth cali forc bcP the niglit oif the big cf Preston's Sheli gas station. storm. 22'1*i~ Thoeron Mointjov, lHanpton. -I SOFT drink criver-salesmnan. Mutbe ambitieus and neat inu Mrs. Suiri Selhacli vishes te! apperacc~. Apply Srnith Bey- thank ail hier friends, I aiuploîî [ rages Liii., Bowvnanville, Ont. Girl Guides for iheir L indue:>, 1 22-1 the nurses for~ th-i r spucl a ut - tenton atI fc îL gooi xvrk 0' or xxornan vanted for Dr. o and fruftlcgox vorl s of houcwork ici Toconto, lixe in. xvsIExcellent xvages. libecal timie off. inMeioiliHospital, Bexvni an- pply M. BeliBoxmanvilie.E 21tfi I wisli te ilank Drs.,Frgso .EXPERIENCED girls for lunch Sturgiss anîd Austin: alicir's îd'couliier andi dining reemi, $22.00 staff ai eutjI -ia or petr xeek, plus ineais and uni- thiness. aits hls drn ni eet fo tnu. Appîx- Mrs. Haugen, De] illess abo tiýiil; Restaurant, Port Perr.v. 22-21 atix'cî andI fricintis. ____ Ilayr- .liîe ~ RAWLEIGH buiness iioxx open in Boxvnianxille. Ti-acte xvefl 1establîshedi. Excellent opportîu- 1 %vjsh te xp Ill v-jsi l- t. Fnl] imie. Write ut once. ihanks and apprî-cîetîmn lu Dr. w Rxvegh.Lept. E- 140-189. Mont- G. McKav, Dr. 1.Il. 3.n viil(, nd1rui. L21-29 the stafi f e u-iorial îlepitzl].- Bowrnanvil le. 1 aise xvis'x \ c u-eajd tr Il dealr thank Court Charl-ne , . . ,n(" - levea Fal i'ex dae L1750. Oshaxwa: Court î-c- ýý7 un \our surcotndncuî"selling evei- my relative. friend.s and-Ineiïli 2.1)pcubîcthlre huiee and boums w-ho visiled ni. et t&v îo-l b vex husk 0pr ers. fruit, cards. h is andI e vr _g.- 1spSare or fuiIl fii te. No e u-ex-ucu diîring - N I e\er-'uice i ceSsaix. itlc capital Mrs - . htît~ iy n;iel.Write for ccc plana Mrs. flai22-tl.and fret- catalopile. Fanilex, 1600E Dctoriierci, Dc-pt. D .Montroal. For Rent ___2- - : X5AN'lED---Real Estate Salesmian ATTACIX- treerenî et-Io xvork Iocally or anvwhvIece eastv ment, nexvlv tecýrac(i. PholeeofniToronto te Port *Hope. Ex- 3.535, Boxx rnaniville. 2 -1 puri-e c b'-cd uit xiri n a'iixtinzniait: applicani inus, PAST'URE for about 10oit-ad of L1 t'u -, .c alsrcod bî cattle, $2 per nt h. caIl'-,int il l - îesu slsrcod u q3 r. ' t i, neus-ýarilv un rouI esiate. 1 freezo-tîp. Phoane Clarke 2. nxeapa ve- ~euxoi di cutulfrern youîr oxn htome if A FOUIR-rooiu a partient, hLiuîi.doei d 1Ianiralso intercstcd ini central. Aduulis ontix-. .\tiîres-iunncr resort bu-ine ss and pa' J D. Post Office Bo\ 3:7)3.xn. n-higli cornîniissions. For pe?sonali ville. 22-iinterview. plcase WIe F. -A.î IBruce. Rezil Estate Broker. 781 FURNIISIIED aparirn-nt fixe, Kin-bourne Ave. Toronto, Ont. rooms on grouliti floor-. PLoluc 122-1 2160 evenin.s bcîxx et-ni 6 ant Iolui o'clock. 22R oom Wanted TI' a voung couple xitlh no more i __________- - ___ than twe smail ebtidren. eor eider LARGE utiiirn-iisiieti onti fer an couple with childreîî ox-er 14: lu eldterlv -lad',. Rt ftr,niîe1- if mc'- country, Plicno 2ffl. 2 -1 qîlîlc. l'h-uiîî. ii: L,2_1-r Bepairs Warited 1I IIEPAIRS le aIl rn e: etof erîg.- DEAD STOCK renex-ed fco'n' cra,.~ ve - I-o'1nc'ul xi-ir ai uronýpt!v toi, 'anJýar-x fu iu .e ic tl:gxon -i: î-.I lieiocC)i IeLd:-0.- tric, 412Kilig ,t. L., Pione *;:ib eurg12,6 or TorontoeENM 3-3ti:'6 2-U Cordon Young Limited. 1-à2 Articles For Sale d GIRL'S bicycle. Phone 2%9 ty, 22- 1 RANGETTE, good condition. Di. 887. 22- ce *r TOILET complete. Phone 91 n-after 4 p.-m. 22- -1 FORMS for making cement tilt at Phone 2393. 22-1 Ig QUANTITY of buckwbeat. Robi iy Parr, Phono 2983. 22-1 atONE Case oul-bath mower, 5 fi c1 ut. Phono 2636. 22- ýY ONE Axminster rug, used, 7' 6' it X 9, 6". Phono 621. 22-L t- DEER rifle, clipus and shelis. Applý i20 Second Street, Bowmanvîllo. .1 22-1: -ICE-BOX, stroller, lady's bicycle aillu good condition. Phone 3513 22-l' 9DO yeu need flowers . for an) Poccasion? Plenty of tulips. Phont '2887. 22-i GIRL Guide uniform, size 14 ýGoudron baby carniage, grey e Phone 2955. 22-I nONTARIO potatees, 50 and 75 lb ebags, delivered in Bowmanvilie .Phone 2473. 36-ti L THREE-qtîartor bcd and' ncw springs, suitabie for cottage, $6 Phono 2083. 22-1 RANGETTES, $54.95 up. One eyear guamantee. The Radio Sbop. Phono 573. 22-i 1GRAND piano. good shape, fine pioce of furniture, $75 cash takes it. Phono 616. 22-1 * GLADIOLI, ail colours. Get y ours now before they arc al gene. Stewart Seds. 22-i BATTERIES for portable or farm radios. Fresh stock oniy. The Radio Shop, 38 King E. Phono 573. 22-I THREE-piece white enamel bath- rroom set. large-sized tub, pedestal Lbasin. Phono 794. 22-1 TEN h.p. gardon tractor, plow and cultivator. Apply 46 Brown St., or Phono 2328. 22-1* EUREKA swivel-top vacuum cleaners, complote with ail ai- tachments, enly $99.95. Tîme payments arranged. The Rad;*o Shep, 38 King E. 22-1 ICE-BOX, 50 lb. capacitv, in good condition, cheap. Phono Mrs. F. Graham, Nwcastle 3221. 22-1 CH-ICKEN coep 6' x 10', $5.00 or best offer. Tomn Buttery, 125 Scugog St. Phono 3248. 22-I SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Philhips Lumbor Co., Kin- mount, Ont. Phon 1711. 13-tf DOUBLE motal panel bed and springs, excellent condition. Ap- ply 7 Anne St. Phon 2701. 22-1 VACUUM cleaners, new tank type $44.95 and $59.95 complote wiih attachments. The Radio Shop. Phono 574. 22-i TO close an estate, chesinut canco, neamly new. Phono or xvrite, H.G Smith, Dorset St. E.. Port Hope. 22-i CONCRETE and cinder blocks. nexv style, full 8" high, a reduced prices. For froc ostimates phone Boxvmanville 846. 18-tf COBBLER and Sebago potatees. Serx-iceable ago Shorthorn bulis. Leslie Taylor, Burketon. Phono Blackstock 80 r 12. 22-1* STEEL spoke rubber tread wvagon, ncw wood; 2 h.p. 4 cycle Palmor marine engine. Graham's Garage, Havdon. Phone 2730. 22-l* 26-PIECE 1847 Rogers Bros. siix'- or plate, -'Eternally Youcs",' in anti-tarnish xvalnuî cabinet. Neov- er been used. Phone 769. 2- MARSHALL spriug mattcess, large size, good condition, reason- able. Appiv Mrs. Gilbect Marloxv, Blackstoekz. Phono 86W. 22-i f EASY w'ashing machines. noxv only $1,39.()0, with pumnp $149.00. F'ive year guaranteo on goar box. The Radio Sop. Phon 573. - 22-1 2Inratoa Ilorse-drawn Moivers '%(. 6 Mar.se3 -llârns Si.IVuwer Muméer. hîke i fiW ntemnational 7-lt. Poiver 'lmwer d i. S. NqORTON & SONI NEIV IIOLLAND DEALEFR loWM.'NVILLE <Maple (,roveî - PHONE 22-09 22- 1 -a 49-tf USED Farm Equipmcnt-Case baier, cul tivators, 3 -furrow plow on rubber; 2-furrow plowr on steel-, Cub tracter with mower; W-6 tracter; Super "C" tracter; 2 Mas- sey Binders, 6 ft., at Farm Equip- mont and Automotive. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phono 689. 22-1 VENETIAN BLINDS - Custom madc-to-mcasure - also standard sizes ln stock, widths evory inch fmom 24 te 43 X 64 inch drop, easily înstailed lu a few minutes - aise plastic and cloth window blinds. Sec F. F. Morris Ce. for largest solection, lowest prices. 7-tf LOOKING for a floor model cern- bination radie and record ployer? Sec the latest by Marconi on dis- play ai The Radie Shop, 6-tube powerful set and iaiesi type auto- matic changer, priced ai $199.50 22-1 USED Appliances-Hostess oiec- trie refrigerator, $125; Beatty Electrie washer, $29.50; rangeties, $19-50; combinaîlon ceai and eloctric range, $49.50; 2 ceaI ranges, $30 each; numorous ice boxes, $5 UP, 1at Mason & Dale Hardwvare, 36 King St. E., Bow- mnanville. Phone 408. 22-1 LOOK FOR SATURDAy S PE CIA LS, GL ADYS" CHILDIREN'S STOIRE PHONE 617 75 KING ST. E. 22-1 T1L E CERAMIIC - PLASTIC RUBBER - MARBOLEUM IL G. IHeal Phone 2902 Bowmanville 14-tl! DRAPERIES and vonetian blinds custom made, or draperies scgd by lte yard. 0cr reprosontative will cal] ai your home any lime with a complote range of samplos î ud suggestions wiihout obliga- tion. Froc ostimatos and froc in- stallation xithiu 35-mjle orca. Lowest prices lu toxvn. Fabrie T'own, 59 Kiug, St. W., Phono 3609 Bownxanville. 8-tfj SAVE $S$ Plurnîg Supplies, kitchen sinks, hathroom sots, por- elain enamiel steel acid resisting inks, threo-piece baihroom sots, wvhite or coloured, chrome fit- tings. Laundrv tubs, shoxver cah- inets, pressure xvtcr systorns, oil burnei's, septie and oul tanks, air ,ondtioieng lurînaces, conveeterl adiat ion. Helpful installation Iiag-amns lu froc catalogue. All 4-iprn'nts deliix'red, you puy ne fright. Write or' xisit S.V. ohnxson Plumhiing Supplies. ,treetsvillc, Ontario. 20-31j Real Estate È'or Sale $450 BUYS four acres, Lot 18, Broken Front, near highway. Phone 947. 22-1* EIGHT acres of land and house in Bowmanville. Write Box 13, c/o Canadian Statesman. 22-1* SEMI-detached solid brick house, double living room, modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, good clothes closets, modern bathroom, sun- room, oil furnace. Apply 25 Brown St. 22-11 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Managedi and Appraised. L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont.1 Two blocks north of traffie signal Newcastle. Articles For Sale VACUUM cleaner bargains- Electrolux, Filter Queen, Airway, G.E., cylinder type vacuums, from 1 $ 19.00 up. Fimst come, first serv- icd. Dial 471, Hydro Shop. 22-le iFAIRFAX strawberry plants, cieaned, ready for pianting, $2.00 per 100, $15 per 1,000. Appiy R. Manning & Sons, growems, Ken- dal. Phone 23-r-8. 21-2 ASTRAL baby electric refriger- ator, regular $139.50 - Special $1 19.00. Time payments if desîr- ed. The Radio Shop, 38 King E., Phone 573. 22-1 NEW and used power lawn mow- ers; full lino of parts for Wiscon- sin air-cooled motors. S. S. Mort- on & Son, New Holland Dealer. Bowmanville (Maple Grove) Phono 2279, 22-1 VENETIAN BLINDS, 25 different colours of tapes, 15 slat colours,' Fioxalum, A]uminum or Steel, measured and instal]ed free of charge. Phone 3121. Weber's Fabric Centre. 17-tf PIONEER sood comn is testod for seed strength in colcl wet soil at a temperatume of 48 degrees. For hybrids with plenty of bustlo and big yieids, plant Pioncer this spring. D. J. Courtice, Courtice. Phone Oshawa 3-9903. 21-2 "Oid at 40, 50, 60?" MaiV You're crazy! Thotîsands peppy at 70. Ostrox Tonic Tablets pop up bodies lacking iron. For mun- down feeling many men, wemen eall 'oid". New "got acquaintcd"i size oniy 60c. A]] dru.ggists. 22-1 " For the Latest Papers " For the Finest Paints " For the Best Workmanship S. G. PRESTON & SON PH ONE 22-i DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE Vacant. Possession. $1400 total prico. Four-roorn winterized cot- tage. Hydre, pump in kitchen. Completoly furnished. $5.000-Modern 4-moomcd bung- alow; oil furnace, 4-picce bath, on Albert St. This is a real buy. Property wanted, town or country. Donald Scott Real Estate Salesman-H. A. Pbilp. Phono Bowmanvilc 2620 22-1. H. G. 'Hap' GILL REAL ESTATE On High St., new five-room bungalowv, insulated, three-pîece bath, electric hot woicr tank, modemn kitchen, heavy wiring. Price $4,800. Terms. In Bowmanville - Completeiy oquipped grocomy store, good tumn- over. Price $6,000 plus stock ai invoice. I have building lots, stores and other business listings. IL. G. "Hap" GUI Real Estate 8 Second St. Boxvmanville Telephone 3514 22-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE Newv 6-room insul-bric dwelling xith two rooms te finish, modern kitchen, buili-in etîpboards, 4- pieco bath, air-conditioned, with oul, karage, gardon, awnings; iandscaped, many extras. $8,500. Terms. 6-room insul-brie bungalow-,'-i acre, hydre, built-in cupboard's, storms and screens, newlv decor- ated, close te scheol and church; small fruit, garage. $6.000. Terms. 5-roomn frame bungalow, 4 years oid, in village, hydre, ga'rdon. $3,500. 6-rooni frame bungalow'. modemn kiiceen, vi l breakfast nook, buili-in cupboards, hardwood floors, 3-piece bath, bot water heating with oil, downstairs ec- roation room, two-piecc bath. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N. Be\vmonville Phono 682 IHAMLTON'S REAL ESTATE $1,600., full price, summer cottage north of Bowmanville on good gravel road, large weli-treed property with good trout stream across property. New cottage of Johins-Mainville white siding and blue asphalt shingle roof. Bar- gain. Terms. $5.000. Near Orono on open year-round road, 8-roomed insul- brie res1dcnce with 12 acres good land, combination garage and workshop and small barn. Hydro,' furnace, good wvater. Terms or best cash offer. $5,000. Newcastle, the best value in town, large corner property near shopping area, 5 rooms on ground floor, 2 upstairs, heavy wiring, some hardwood flrngI cernent cellar, many extras,un cluding venetian blinds, low tax- es, possession arranged. Spotiess condition. Bargain, with hall cash. Real Estate For Sale DeWITH REAL ESTATE 50 acre farm, loam, 45 acres work- able, 2 wells, 8-roomed stone house, hydro throughout, cistemn; large barn, pig-pcn, hon-house, etc. Price $6,500. $2,000 down. 81-acre farm, loam, good land, 75 acres workable, with creek, 2 weis, running water in barn, good fences, close to highway. Insul- brick 7-roomed nicely decorated house with hy dro throughout; Garage, hen-bouse, etc. Situated about 6 miles north-wost of Bow- manvillo. Price $13,000, Terms arranged. 115-acre famm, good dlay loam, 105 acres workable, with weil, large barn, brick 8-roomed bouse with furnace, hydro throughout, nicely decorated, hardwood floors. owner retiring. Price $ 13,000. 100-acre farm on higbwav, 35 acres workable: 6-reomed frame ouse, barn. Prico $4,500. Terms arronged. 7-roorned frame bouse, centre Newcastle, with hydre. Prico $4,500. $1,000 doxn. 6-roomed insul-brick, 4-vear-old ouse on giha', 1 acre lot, 4- pioco bathroom, fumnace, heavy wiming, bot and coid running wat- r, modemn kitchen. Asking prico $7,000. Temms. Grocery store nd restaurant on higbhvay, with 4-roomned living apartment, ot and cold running xvater, bothroom-, kitchen. 'Con- tract for selling gaseline. Prkué $9,000, with all equipmeut includ- 0-roomed stucco ouse with 3V~, acres of voung orchard, close to lake at Newcastle, with new oul furnace, 3 fireplaces, 4-piece bath- room, heavy wiring, laundry tubs, nicely decorated. Garage and other smail buildings. Low taxes. These are some of the farms, homes or businesses wce have for sale. John F. Delith, Realtor Newcastle Phone 3341 Notices The office of Keith A. Billeit, Optometrisi, will be closed from June 1 te June 14. 22-2 Ciosed Coronation Day. On the occasion of the Coronation of Her Gracious Majesty Queeu Eliza- beth II on June 2, 1953, our store will romain cîosed ail day. Ken's Men's Wear, Boxvmanville. 22-I As I arn giving up My Raw- leigh route, I am offernug a 5 % discount on aIl goods purehased and ail accounts paid between new and June 201hi. Cail ai 72 Elgin St., or phono 518. L. Hlan- cock. 2-! Beginning May Isi, Dr. A. F. MeKenzie of Ocono, and Dr. S. H. Witzel of Newcastle, wiIl have boucs and take calîs on aliernate weekends, from Friday, 8:30 p.rn., te Monday morning. Dr. Witzei xill be on caîl the xeekends of May lst, l.5th and 29th. r c Kenzie xii ho on eau hewek ends of May 8ih and May 22nd. One Week Only! FREE Service C'heck-up on your Sem-ing Machine realesof ANVe r st0le DMA, Bogu MANVl qailed2088 wilI give you the best Of serv"ice. H1e is a member of our staff from your Singer Sewinq Centre 47 IVALTON ST. PORT IIOPE 22-1 Cars For Sale '48 PLYMOUTH sedan, good tires. good condition. Ralph Simpson, Phone 2437. Bowmanville. 22-]* BLUE Chevrolet '2-toii pick-up, low mileage, like nc%. Appiv cx'- eningcs, Sam Brown, Orono. 19-52 CHEV. collent conditi cesseries. Pr 1951 G.M.C. collent condit ment antiAu St. E., Boxvn 1949 DODGE form and raý rono, mton truee-k;eli deuce everl1oeking heactiful pr ~e;Bo%& Wanted To fluy 8 rooms, pautry and utiîuty roi Grove). Pho: W~HEAT- 200 bush. for chien contre hall plan, spot less codng. iE dition. Large lot and outbîidn S eil. 'ilpî'oviîle tiLiiisp)oltùtion. PeSSessien urcanged. Terms. 1 elione ai noon, 27-20. 2- 1;1 1939 Lat BEFORE selling vour ixe poultmy Prh linl onroe 1r Raio6h tr us. Our prices are highem. MIl Orolo Phno 2 r1 'latt, R.R. 1. Bethany. Phone 1 2-1138C r 13. rexverse charges. 51-tf 93 - Lost A tibm 'WO acres or more in Bow'man- ville or outskicts. Cash doposit1 BROWN leather key-case. Ident- 1937 PLI 1,000 antI $60 a iuonth. Write ification on inside. Fixider please Box 997, c/o Caniadian Staterman.I phono 965. Reward. 22-1*j 1936 DC ___________________ON21- & AY 24ih a fernale fox Mchi ý'ANTEI)- Live .po)ultrv, gose o hînuiti vhitî' with browrîadj 1932 BI athers, leuther lk'Lzs, stm-ap iron, ' bldck patches, York Township) -ags and metals. Raxv lu ns o dog license. Reward. Phone leerskins. Phone 3-2043 Oshawa I-332. 22-i ,lleot. 4-fSIMALL beverage truck (live-caFe 90F jRGENTLV cieedt-d, txvo-'ned- carrier' boiw-een LcDoiialcl*s 'Q011 home xx itiî ue c:î on- Foe LbrvNorth. indT-on (*i11 u1c-nu. .uI pa- '-2.ioôo aýI1 Rc-'.x-a1id Cifi-t-cd. salith %H~ G A Ml Jox. n. 'rutc Cox 14, c/o Caniýd- ages. Phone collect, 5n¶ or G an Statesman, 22.-i-1 2;.-1 PHONI~E 2;â C1V OACII rifty lîtile car iMOUTII SEDAN DGE COACII c's cppotinity L'1(K SEDAN Hfeater )RDA EI 115 C- Work Wanted GARDEN work, grass cutting, etc. Apply H. Van Belle, 18 Mill Lane. 22-1 t DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hairp- ton, for custom killing&,. Phone 3243. 32-tf IBULLDOZING and excavating by hour or contract. Free estimates. Gerald Baison, Hampton. Phone 2733. 19-4* HAVE Your kitchen and bath- room walis tiied, about 29 colours te~ choose from. M. Jurko, Phone 2753. 12-tf DUTCH girl desires housework in Bowînanville, Stay in. Write Box 998, c/o The Canadian States- man. 22-1 * MAGUIRE'S GARAGE 28 Brown St. Phone 900 GENERAL REPAIRS to Ford and Ail Makes of Cars BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishing 21-2*1 ]BULLDOZING AND EXCAVATING By IIOUR OR CONTRACT WM. TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Garden and Farm Plowing ('ultivating, Discing, Scuffling and Mowing FILLING IN DRAINS z J. H. Alldread & Son PHONE 491 Brick, .Block and Concrete Work Prompt Attention - ESTIMATES FREE - L. Turner P. O. Box 177 Bowmanville Telephone 3600, Evenings 3231 PAINTING PAPER HANCING Full Selection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS -FREE ESTIMATES - Hfoward S. Brooking. PHONE 2702 42-tf MASONRY BRICK - BLOCK Chinineys Repaired and Rebuit Sidewaiks, Concrete, Generai Industrial and Residential Contraetiîîg Compotent Workmanshir, FREE ESTIMATES Anger Bras. PHJONE 2643 12-tf FURNACES Air Condiiioning Sheel Neial Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing un it onscot..actC tnt A. ]ROSE CEMENT CONTRACTOR 85 KING E. BOWMANVILLE Phone 822 22- oudition I e forza Sale.,u :DAN FRAX;KS G. 1l bids, the kind that i-z corsi. tenty ai the top in' l i t cI c o n p c - t e t x , 1 r g r i n i o r ! C j f- - No. i Fiani-I IIAi)N 81 . 4, hone AUCTION SALE; Community auction sale of fur niture to be heId on tI.rd" June 6th at PethcEn niskillen. List of artici in next week's paper. 2r Mr. Fred Hancock, Churcix 1 Newcastle, bas sold hI1s house an will seli by public auctio n oî Saturday, June 6th, at 1 p.m., , piece Chesterfield suite, electri stove, refrigemator, washing ma chine, sewing machine, bedrooiT, hivingroom and kitchen furnlturt dishes, lawn Mower, etc. Jack Reid, Auctioneer. 22- Modernaind antique furniturg Moffat combination stove, Norg refrigerator, washing machint sewing machine, cane - botto chairs, frosted glasswvarc, chin ware, silvcrwaro, bcddung, linenL0 tools, etc. The household effec of the late James Robipson to sold hy public auction'on Satu day, May 3th, commencing at p.m. sharp at ht-s lato residenc Mill St.. Newcastle. Terms cas Jack Reid. Auctioneer, Oron 22- Eastern Ontario IHereford Club 5tli ANNUAL SALE SATURDAY, MAY 3th, 12:30 p. Auctioneers: W1. S. O'NEILL, Denfield. RAY IWILLIAMS, Iloarâ Stn. 48 Registered Hereford Bulls ani Females, both horned and pollei Animais approved by Dorninioi Health of Animais Branch ani Ontario Livestock Branch. Up to $75.00 Grant on Bulis, ac cording to Ontario Bull Premiur Sale Under Covcr H. Ilawkey, Pres. W. Mood, Sec Indian River. Birdsall. 19- 14 YORKSHIRE pigs, eigbt weelt oid. Phone 2572 after 6 Floyd W. Beckett. 22- DON'T miss these pullet bargain whule they last. Immediate de iivery. Day oid standard qualil Barred Rocks, White Rocks,- Cc lumbian Rocks, Light ' sse:i White Wyandottes, Black MtrE lorps, New Hampshires, 'Trtoc Island Red X Barr,ýd Rock,-'Ne' Hampshire X Light Sussex, Ne' Hampshire X Couràbaý New Hampshire X Barred RocI Liglit Sussex X Rhode Island R Light Sussex X New Hampshir< Columbian Rock X New HIam~ shire, White Rock X New Hamç shire $14.95 per hundred. Rhod Island Reds $19.95 per hundrec White Leghorn, Black Minorca White Leghorn, White Leghor Rhode Island Red, White Leghor. X Barred Rock $28.95 per hur dred. Assorted heavy breed ou choice $13.95 per hundred, Mone: Maker quality add $1.00, Extr Profit add $2.00. Special Matin add $3.00 per hundred'. Starte puliets 2 weeks old, add $17.0 hundred; 3 week old add $17.0~ Per hundred. Will ship C.01 anywhere. Tweddle Chick Hatc1h Wanted To Bent URGENTLY needed, bouse1 foiir-rooom apartmient ln or nea town. H-ave thirec childrcn. Phon 946. 22- YOUN[G Eniglishi couple, one chil require smiall bousi' or dow'î stairs apartiment. Box l?', c/ Capadian Statesmian. 22-i HAS anyonc a thec or ed house or lipytrimcnt for rer in town? We nruast bc, oui Juý st. le lave one girl, schoci] ag, Phiono 2420. 22-1 A German Recd apoligizces fr Us'iîg Tito's nanie in a crosswor puzzle. Probab]v w ithout callin for a four-letter word for"sel- w cinhund '-Windsor Star. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES The tanadian Statesmtn Effeive. lune 21et, 1951 ARTICLES FORt SALE LIVESTOCC FOR SALE' FRo RENT ' HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE I OS? FOUND -ETC. Cash Rotea . 3cp.r Word with a minimum ci Soc Must b.. paid by date oi insertia Il charged, on additional 25c wllibb odded. A charge of 2.c wi11 be made toi cil repliis directed Io this office. NOTICES. COMiNG EVENTS A"D CARDS OF THANKS 3c o word iih a minimum of $1.00 for 33 words or less. BIRTHS, DEATHS. ENGAG MARIAGES $1.00 per inserion IN MEMORIAMI S1.00 plus ]OC a tine foirvois* COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIEDS Includes ait adverti3ing for poisons or firme sellinq services, idées ot gocids et any descriptjon) 3c per Word; inizmum charge 750 cashFIwith order. To réguler ad- Dlsplay ClossiiI.d ai 31.00 p«< Inch with ca minimum of on* Inch. Additional insertion ut the marne rate$. AI] lacssIied Ads. must b. ln Ibis office flot lter thon 12 o'clock noon, Wednesdcpt. S end carh, ,iomps or money - crder und scya mo.y. ,Chp Ibis ou.t for handy référence) deluxe sedan, ex D VS & C. ion, lox', uileage. c A I O rivale. Plione 204. MILL L ANE 1 Phone- Day or Night, 419 - 691 -ton truck in ex- il)-t tion, at Faruxi Eqt p) mtouxotic. 13-t King j Ail Types uavile Pon ~ CEMENT WORK E, 2-ton truck, plat- ___ cks: 1949 Chev. W Ie specialize in 941 Chev. coach .S. ýSon, Newv Holland j nal Jobs, Cellar Floors, Wals, wmanville (Ma plie Sidewalks, Footings, Driveways, one 2279. 22-i etc. ID CARS SPECIAL tSALLE SEDAN jWe are offering eate, txceptiuial j SPECIAL LOIV PRItES REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Bargain-Selling at hall the value. Must ho soid by Saturday. 150 acres, good bouse, hydre throughout ail buildings, bank barn, 16 acres fali wheat, i mile from No. 2 Higbway. Reasonabie cash poyment. H. C. Pedwell Newcastle, Phono Clarke 38-SSL Agent for W. J. Warren. Broker ý 1 ýl lm 3303, Oil Burners

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