04fl4b tan ""Durham Cou'nty's great Family Journal"s F VOLUME 99 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO.. THURSDAY, 'MAY 28th, 1953 7c PER COPY NUMBER 22 -' Wil Install Television in High School niJune 2nd Io Allow Siudenis To Wiiness the Coronai ion Ceremonies A television set will be instal- the Board pay an equivaient sai- led at the Bowmanviiie High ary to him. Schoot on Coronation Day to ai-1 Walter Reynolds, Chairman of low students to view the Comona- Propemty Committee, opened ten- tion proceedings, it was decided ders received for decorating the at the regular meeting of the, Grade 3A, Grade lB and science aDurham District High Sehool rooms at the Bowmanville High Area Board beid at Miiibrook on' School. Tenders had been submit- May 15. ted by Howard Brooking, S.* G. It was reported that Dave- Hig- Preston & Son and J. H. Abemne- gon of Higgon Eiectric, had agreed thy. Mr. Brooking's tender of a to instail the set for onîy tthe cost total of S397 was the lowest, and of labour. and on motion of Trus- wvas accepted. tee Walter Runie the Board It was agreed that Mrs. L. W. agreed that it bc înstaiied. it isI Dippeil continue to teach speiling believed that telev-ioi filins o f in the iower formns at the High the Coronation will be sho\vn in Sehool as in the past. Canada by about 4 p.m. on Coron- The resignations of Don N. Ha- ation Day. zeli of Boxvmaiiviile High Sehiool Principal L. W. Dippeli report- staff and of MNiss Florence Grav ed that advertisements in news- of the Orono High School staff papers requesting parents of pu- were accepted with regret. plis who woutd be attending bigh It was announced that a new scbools in the DUrham District flac, bad been purchased- for the Area this fali to register their fiai Pole in front of Bowmanx'ilic names and .addresses with the Higli Sehool, and Mr. Dippeli in- principals of the schools where quired whether new ropes could they wouid be attending, had not be obtained for the large flag been vemy successful. A motionI pole on the south end of the higb "i was passed that Mr. Dippeil and schooi. grounds near the Gooei- the Inspector of Highi Schouls year plant. This pole liad beeui contact the pupils of the various put up by a group of older citi- scbools and find out as far as ZeulS 11n memory of the -,', Tom possible vuhere tc. ine to' Ross, be said, and since several attend high schools in the fat]. of these have now passed on. Mr. Dippeil reported that the there was no ove eft to look after music scbedute had becom-e 50 it and replace the ropes. This mat- beavy at the Bowmanvilte High ter wvas ieft with the Property., Scbool that it wvas necessary for Committee. Mr. D. C. Peters, the instructori ___________ ,to devoteabout two-thîmds of bis time to the High Sehoot atone. A k Peae N e motion wvas passed that the nian-les N t Sagement conmittee engage Mr.1 Peters to teach musie two-thirds Nx we h Cnda of bis time at the sehool and that Stsaivilepbihd 'Don Kemp Elected Presideni of Local 189 United Ruhber Workers Don Kemp, an employee of the Goodyear Company plant bere since bis disebarge from the Can- Sadlapi Armny in 1946, was eiected ~Ppeçlent of Local 189 of the Iln-., "Aeuber Workers of America, eannual election of officers on Thlursday, June 4th as usual. Hom-ever, as Tuesday, June 2nd is ('oronation Day and a holiday we are asking that ail news and advertising be la this office as early as possible. Rural correspondents in particular are asked to make a special effort to have their budget of news ln by Mon- day as rural mailmen will aiso have Tuesday off. Advertlsers wiil please have their copy by thé end lo! the ,week, or by Monday at the latest. te amlst us lit *ettin.g tlie yapfr oii on timeë. Tour eo-operation wll be appre- ciated. Hospital Surroundings Beauified by Shrubs Gifi of Coun. Scott The somewhat bare appearance s of the Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, from the street bas been improved a great deal recently thanks to the generosity of Nor- man Scott, Manager of the Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. Mr. Scott donated. several hun- dred dollars worth of Japariese yews, junipers and pyramidai ce- dars to beautiful the hospital. They were pianted by Arthur S. Baker. E.R.H.S.. veteran Bow- manville landscape gardener, and bis staff. Don Kemnp Mr. Baker first ltook out dirt and debris left ln front of the held on Sunday'. He succeeds Ivan hospital and fiiied in tbe strip Hobbs, who held the position for with black loam. plant food and the past year. peat moss. He planted the shrubs A native of Gananoque, Mr. and trees about two or three feet Kemp bas been active in Local out from the front of the hospital 189 activities throughout the building andsome four feet apart. seven years he lias wvorked at the They extend across the entire Goodyear plant. He was a memn- front of the hospital and do a ber of tbe bargaining comrnittee' great deal to iznprove its appear- for four yeams, and bas been vice- ance. ppesident the tast three years. Resuits of Mr. Scott's generos- Other officers eiected were:' ity and commnunity spirit may Vice-President. Charlie Rankine;! also be seen at the Ontario Street Secretary, Bilt Blakely: Treasur- Schooi. A year ago he sold Jap- er, Eddie Gibbs: Executive mcmni- anese vews and junipers at a price bers. Syd Murdoch, Eddie Shee-; beiow cost to the Public Sehoot han, Ken Hlouper. 'loin M"stersan,1 Board and tbese shrubs are now Kari Coibary and Alfred Samelis.k comnng along verv nicely. # Young Enter taïmers A combination of cuteness, talent and sparkle made the thîrd annual Junior Varietv Show one of wide popular appeal. Sponsored bý, t.he Department of Recreatiori and directed by Mrs. Fred Cole and Mrs.I Russell Hialimani the production consisting of a Minstrel Show and dances b.v the pupils ofl'Miss Lillian MLac Marsh, was prescnted on Friday iliglit. Mvay 22, in the Town ,Hall to a deligbted audience. _The outhful perfou m Jim Mariin's Huse raè1ftuiyW r Local Banks Io Close Siruck. W, 4M Da Sauray Duriug Monday's"biorm R tt Commencing June 20 I mears, a resrgeevea ion dBeginffing on June 20 h'w hoped the severe iightning ai-d banks in Bowmanvilie, the Bank rain storm of iast Thursday_ night President Herb~ert L. <Deac)) of Montreal and the Canadian would end the bad weather o a GodratteLosCu e-Fdeao P ni Bank of Commerce, will be closed while had their hopes rudeiy ing Monday night stated that it on Saturdays, but a special bank- dashed on Monday night wben was only fitting that on the 18th vfmi,.A Fo I ing period will be inaugurated on another short but severe electricai birthday of the Bowmanville Progra A llSt o Friday afternoons to enable cus- storm came aiong, and the heay Lions Club the members shouid SturaJue2Ohmers to do their weekend bank- rains it brought continued onreview its hîstory and called on SfraJn 0h ig Tuesday. Club Historian Andy M. Thomp- To make up for the Saturday The storm began about 10.30 son 'to give this. Plans are now beingr made for closing, both banks will be open p.m.and urig th hou tht it1 .for business from 4.30 p.m. to 6 p.ad sdring othe ourthtitg Lion's Hstory Revlewed 1 the annual picnic of the Durham p.m. on Friday afternoons to en- lased eveal ois o lihtnng Mr. Thompson reviewed the îFederation of Agriculture andabetoewo rviuydd bit in or near the town. Onily abeinning ohothe club in the homehit\va tht o Ji Matîn isping o 93 throcuh i the fot everiy effort will bc put forth to their banking on Saturday morn- Third St., where a boit whie ph of 13 hog the PrHoeLnsCu.effrt make this event the most suecess- ings to do it late Friday afternoon. strck t 1.30folowe th w'w-first meeting had been on May fui yet. It will be held in con- OnejyFiay einn ing nto-th houe, lowng he 7 195, nd hartr nghtwaJune 19, the two banks will be fn t tebuseboxioing the , 935 and catrnih a junction with the Durham Junior 1 open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. as pre- knocking out one wall switch hel o May 27. Farmers annual field day in the viously. They will then close and a base-plug. The boit burned First officers and charter meni- Orono Community Park on Sat- their doors from 3 to 4.30 p.m., at the wires leacixng to the television bers of the Club were: President, udy ue2t.wbich time the new banking per- set and set f ire to the curtains Dr. W. H. Birks; lst vice, C. H. ura, ue2Oh d will begin and last until 6 behind it, but fortunately did no~ Dudley; 2nd Vice, Aubrey Smith; At the picnic dinner at 12.30 p.m. Both branches wiil be closed daaeto the set itself. 3rd Vice, Alex MeGregor; Secre- p.m. prizes will be given for the ail day on Saturdays. damae samne boit is beiieved to tary, Chas. D. Searle; Treas. Farmn Forum with the iargest at- he i a telephojie wire or Frank Jamieson; E. L. Oliver, tendance. the largest family and' cable serving that area for the Stuart James, J. J. Brown, T. M. the oidest couple present. Mor Ne 'Poic telephone in the Martin home and Chant. Lyall Crabb, Ev. Hoar, A field day and prograrn of four others in the immediate area Bert Mortlock, Roy Nichols, Mau- sports for botb aduits and young- rr1l " neekokdot iec Breslin, William Bagneli, Em- Add o0. r. P. wereknokedout Com~ismet Crwfor, Gorg - ters wilI be stagred by tbe Dur- The Public Utilities Cmsrett lan Knigh, GJorge avidge, barn Junior Farmers and there' tBw nil sion reported that several te AaKngJim Marr and, wilî be valuable prizes for the A o m nil lights were burut out in t.he briefI Vern Ott.i winners of these events. A luckyv electrical stormi, but no oth er1 The first fund raising activitY draw wiii be condueted with Two new constables have been1 damnage 'vas caused. The heavy, hiad been a boxing show which prizes for the man, wornan, boy added to the Bowmanvifle detach- rains wbicb aecompanied the elec raised $100, and wviclPLou Marshi and girl winners. There wili also ment of the Ontario Provincial trical stormn continued on Tues- late Sports Editor of the Toron- be an implement machinery dis- 'Police, bringing the strength up day, and at noon a cloudburst! to Star, bad heiped to organize. play at the picnic. to one Corporal and six consta-, took place in wbich a great deal! Mr. Thompson stat.ed that since Special speaker wili bc Llovd hies. of hall fell, mixed with the rain.1 that time other funde raLsing ac- Jasper, Past President of the! The new officers are Constable Residents now hope that Bow- tivities have been the annual car- Bruce County Federation of Agri- Harold Corne]], Toronto, and Con- manville lias had its quota of nival which bas resulted in pro- culture and a Director of the On- stable Ron Chittim, Hamilton. ligbtning for a few weeks at ieast. (Continued on Page Seven) tario Federation of Agricuilture. 'Both men recently graduated, from the eight-weeks course at the Ontario Provincial Police School in Toronto and have been Delight Vari et y Show Audience statioried for three weeks at Pc- tcrborough. ers are shown above with their directors, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Haliman, on the left, holding bouquets presented to them by the Department of Reéreation. Close to the centre in the second row is Miss Lillian Mac -Marsh. and the liandsome votinc feloûw in the dress uit is Johmin Dippel] xlio actcd as iinterlocutori for ',ie Mînstrel portion of the show.' Roy Armsirong, a Janeiville Farmer Nominaied Io Carry C.C.F. Banner Ini the Coming Federal Eleciion A Janetvilie fariner, M. Roy Armstrong, who bas been school- ed in Socialist doctrine since . childhood and bas been a mem- - <-ý ber of the Durham Riding Asso- ~5$ ciation of the C.C.F. Sinice its '~ formation in 1934, was picked a the party's convention in Orono 3 Town Hall Saturday night as *> C.C.F. candidate in Durham for '~ the forthcoming Federai election. Six naines were placed before the convention as prospective candidates but the other five witlhdrexv in favor of Mr. Arm-~ strong. They were: Jim Kenney, Port Hope, C.C.F. candidate in the iast Federal election; Frank MeLelian, Courtice, Ernie Dent, Orono; Lucas Nichols, Bowman- ville, and Mrs. Joe MacKenzie, Courtice. In accepting the nomination Mr, Armstrong stated that he considered- it a great honor. "I ar'n not going into this eleetion with a defeatist attitude but with a will to win", he declared. T. D. Thomas Is Speaker T. D. Thomas, C.C.F., M.M.P. for Ontario Riding, conducted the nominations and wvas aiso theth lc main speaker. Chairman wasteee Spencer Cheshire. Millbrook, Pre- erals ai sident of the Durham Riding, money C.C.F. Association. ' le aske Mr. Thomas congratulated Mr. He an Armstrong on being ch"sen as the telling1 C.C.F. standard bearer. "I have compani not heard the policies of the C.C.F. per cent explained so weil for a long time ment a as Mr. Armstrong explained them purchase tonight", he asserted. Offices. Mr. Thomas stated that In the months next four montbs the Toronto panies h Daily Star and the Conservative ment to papers wouid ha giving ample per cent publicîty to their candidates in. (Conti M. Roy Armnstrong etion. "Wberc do ithe Lib- ind Conservai ives get the to run their campaigns?', d. inswerecl this question by how the large insurance lies bad objected to the 4 it interest paid on govern- annuities whîich niay be ced at the Canadian Post He stated that about six ago these insurance com- had forced the govem- i reduce the interest to 3 i because too many people tinued on Page Eteven) Electrical Storm Knocked Qui Hydro Sel Fire Io Two Homes in Hampton Durned Out 34 Street Lighis in Town The most severe electrical storm in years hit the West Dur- Durham Apple Orchards ham ae atThursday night, knocking out hydre power i . M s n Bowmanville and outlying cornm âsoBosr muniûies for varying lengths of te,, setting lires ini two houses The numerous apple orchards in.Hampton, and burning out 34 throughout the «famous fruit grow. street Iights here.. gaeofDrmCunyhv The storm was feit throughout 1n rao uha onyhv the province and was most severe presented a beautiful sighit the in southwestern Ontario, where aI past wek while the app]c blos- tornado caused terrifie damage in soms have been at their pcakc. Sarnia and throughout the rural Th e beautifu] white blossoms areas.1 make a striking pictijr, against The electrical storm was ac- the lush gr1een background of companied by heavy rains and spring, and mnany mnotorisis in some hail in Bowmanville, and at Durham have been discovering Hampton was fo]lowed by a se- again that there is no more beau- vere 10-minute hail storm during tiful sighit in Canada thari the which hall the size of marbies orchards of this county in apple pelted down. biossom time. A lightning boit struck the Orchardists report that this house of Robert McCullougli at year's blossomi is a very heavy H-ampton at about 8 p.m. wreck- one and with favorable weather, ing- the television set, sinashing could augur well for a bumper ail the windows on the north and apple crop this fait. The cherry west sides of the bouse and start- and pear blossorns arc over nnw, ing a smnal] fire. The curtains iindtepablsosavst the living-rooom eaugbt fire ad andvers e. bosr haveosetm seorcbed window frames, but Mr. 'have mo stly dropped but North- McCullough was able to Put Out' cm Spy blossoms will remnain on the blaze himself. The lightning, until the end of thc week. boe lned the dentered thie Harold Gibson, manager of the boue aongthehydo xire, aso old storage pflant at Newcývastle,, ruined the motor of an electrie 1 stated that the \vct wcather of pump n th baseent.the first of this week is favorable Lightning also entered the to the gr-owth of fungus, and if house of Theron Mountjoy at tîîis is followed by hot, stinny Hampton by foilowing the bydro weather rnuch damiage way re- wires into the dining-room wvhere suit Thle fungus attù, ks ihýý Stein it started a small blaze. The blaze 1 of e blossoni, andl urikss or- scorehed a door in the rooni, but! chards are well sp)rave(d it des- was extinguished hefore any ser- ý troys a considerable Portion of the ious damage was done.i potential crop. ln orehards whiù'h Hall Storm at Hamptoni have been welIJ spra ved the Joss After the iightning subsided at from fungus is not nearly so <Continued on Page Seven). heav3y, Mr. Gibson said. Cafiran Brothers Graduate Keilh Billeli b Take Refresher Course on Visual Problems Keith Billett, who bas been practicing optometry in Bow- mnanville for the past thmee years, is retumning to the Ontario Coi- lege of Optomnetry on June 8 to take a one-week speciat course on 'cisual problems of school children. Mr. Biiiett recentty entarged bis Bowmanvilie practice by tak- ing over the work of Marvin Ho]- lenberg, Whitby, who formeriy practiced la Bowmanville for 212"i days a wveek. A native of Hampton, Mr. Bul- Dr. Charles Cattran Jolin Cattraîi lett attended Hlampton Public'j Sehooi and Buwmanville 111gh Char]ie andl Johin Cattran, sons of Go~odyear Sýup)er- Sehioul. lie gaduated from theiI xutcerdexît Chias. Cattrani and _Mrs. Cattraxi, (et St., Bo;v- Ontario College of Optometry in mianville, wes'e recent graduates of University of Toron o. 1950 and bas been practicing in Chai-lie received his degree fromn the Faculty oIf Dentisiry Bowanvllesice ugut o taand wil] open his office for business on Mody Junî I st, - at 23 King St. Ezist, in the office occupied by the kýte Dr. G. sIi May c,>, Tv.n"a aC.Bu'c'k. Johin. a ,;i-aduate in Ch.e-nica]l.!un'rr, nug:tof bc. ..î,tcr ,--. andhi yoa in îhut cap-aeun\ . Ca cx. MIrs. Alan 'Grevila, Torontocý. _ Resins and Chernicals, Shawinigani Falls, Que. 1', NUMBER 22 tan i