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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1953, p. 6

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PA~ SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTA~O ~flT1 Women Teachers' Associationi Hear Reports of Regional Conference And Talks on Physical Education Mrs. Edna Philp, Tyrone, open- ed her home for the May meeting Of the Cartwright, Bowmavil and Dalington Unit o! theFd eration o! Women Teachers' Asso- ciations a! Ontario. A largenum- ber of teachens were pi-esent, ie- presenting many schoois in the unit. Miss Agnes CarnutherŽ and Miss Joyce Abernethy gave re- ports of the Annuel Regional Con- lerence which they attended in Bancroft in Apnil. Several resolix- tians braught befare the confer- ence were discussed in the unit meeting. The speakers for the evening! were Miss L. Faî-cloth and Miss M. Dobson o! the Oshawa Teach- ing Staff who had attended the Physical Educatiori Workshop i Peterborough. Miss Dobson stress- ed the importance o! an adequate Physical. Education program in the full deveiopment of a child, while Miss Faircloth autlined van- bous rnethods for canî-ying out sucb a pi-agi-an. She spoke, too, o! ways o! avercoming the usual difficulties of lack af suffîcient space and equiprnent. Miss Mai-jane Couch. chairmnan o! the nominating committee, pi-e-J sented that cammittce's report. Officens o! tthe 1951-52 terni. with the exception of the tieasuren, Mrs. K. Bryson. wei-e reinstated. Mrs. Bnvson, fornerlv Miss Kath- line Ard, is leaving the Bowman- ville staff ta make ber new home- in Ottawa. Officers are: President. Miss Agnes Carnuthei-s; vice- president, Miss Gwen Wilson; neconding sec- reay, Miss Joxce Abernethy: correspondîng secretary, Miss Maiin White; treasurer, Mrs. Lois MacDonald. Miss Wright and Miss M. Wil- kinson o! Tyranq sang twa aId favorites, "When You Came ta the End o! a Perfect Day' and J Bless This House". The splendid pi-ag-arn prepan- cd by the* North Dariingtan and Cartwright teachens, was brought ta a close with a deliciaus lunch servcd by the hostess and the teachers o! the North Dariington and Cartwright group. BLACKSTOCK Mi-. anîd Mrs. Wallace Marlow at cnded the 'At Home" at Nap- anee High Sclîaol last Wednesday evcning and stayved avcrnight with Mr-. and Mrs. Eliatt. Mn. and Mns. Howard Fonder spent the weekend in Detroit. Little Miss Bi-enda Farder visited Mn. and Mrs. Dan Carnegie, Man- chester. Mn. and Mns. John Lowndes, Angus and Tommy, Queensville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Tbamp- son. Mr. aîîd Mrs. Dalton Dorreil, Nancy and Leatîte, Mn. and Mi-s. Frank Hoskin and the boys were in Toronto Sunday with Mn. and Mns. Edward MacNeil. VUE fg FA CTS!e Send kr any or aU of the foioki FR££ informative bookiete and keep up te, date eith tbe Cdit oiil * POCKET POLITTC *01'OUNG PROG.RESSIVE OONSBRVA-TTVE NEWS -b moeam uws Lcrrrri *TME RECORD SPEAKS-A d*M cd OMM~ m P.rhameoft Meadquanters, S& Loer Avenue Wm. Clubs sypaty iaetebedautiful table lamp from their and Mrs. J. J.Haitn ta Mr. Rov Ferguson and family U Uno ryro ooi u ire close friends. Mrs. Ralph Whettlaufer, Ham- on the passing of Mrs. Ferguson The Oshawa Presbytery Young ilton. spent the weekend with Mr. on Thursday. The funeral service'f i a People*s Union of the United and Mrs. Milton Wright. wvas at the United Church on'nenr esenieu Tia l 1h InternionIIa Church. of which the groomi-to-be Those from the village who at- O fe< Saturday. a is President, presented the voung tended the district annual co-nr records Mrs. F. A. Balley with Mr. and!P m a. couple with a picture, "Pink and: vention of Wonien's Institute Mrs. Will McLaughlin et Burke- ýC n e to en edi a i Yellow Roses", at the home of branches held in Bailieboro on proIIIIul iton a"atSt on .F n Mr. qnd Mi-s. Hre elo eTtesday were Mi-s. T. Jennings,pr . Rev. George Nicholson observed PSas FanaMa 24Haîcal !cesidrYeîîoewotry oeesSliaMrs. M. Finney, Mrs. R. Palmer, Sa ve money Pars rane aun4 Speia) cnsderdt. Jeohn's onvn- Relatives of the bride had a Mrs. T. Jackson, Mrs. L. Challice Anglican Church, Sundav moi- -With an atici dance of more lon proposez,; toprov deamxi miscellaneous shovcer at the home and Mrs. R. Cari-. ing. Lovely flowers on the corn than 8.000 Rotarians and memnbeis mn of S300.000 a vear for a per-i of the bride's parents uîhen th~e Mrs. Noel wooas and infant munion table were fi-rn Mr. and of their families from 65 cou- od of three vears, for the f ur- happv couple we rcpntofduhrJilavrtre om Mrs. Needham, Toronto, in mem- tries of Europe, Asia, Afrca and therance of the purposes of thereecpnt fduhrJi aertredom i aiy of Marjorie Needhamn. Other North, South and Central Amer-Rti- ona n n fte mn oel n sfu it borough. Iovely flowers were fi-rn Mrs. ica, the 44th convention ', pricipal activities of ýhs Foun- Miss Elta Sproule entertained MradMs.any uceadAUO TCHAIN *Fraser and M rs. Bateman. Caes- of International -%vas convened ' dation is the awardîn f o e t a s p e p y a h d li eI Miss ad r s . Mucklç. Sonv a nd were M ATN area; Mrs. Ed. Darcy and Mrs. V.bei-e toda), bNPiesident H. J. yvarFello-xý,,h ip. ta aitstanding House.Oshawaswhen gestsMiss nAnnigeîcs sM. Archer. Bruniîer of San Francisco, Cali- college graduates for study' as, customers of the store in which s iî iss Anni * Miss Ruth Marlaw, Toronto, et- foi-nia, U.S.A. amibassador of good wil inl the future bride is empîoyed, The The many fi-iends of Mrs. J. J. tendéd Mrs. Roy Ferguson s fun- More than 3,000 of those in ait- counitries other than their c.wn. gifts were many and varied and Clarke will regret ta know thatSE B GR N eral on Saturday and caled on tendance at the Rota -y conven- Ovrt! atsv n yars. grants wee fo n i lr e ihi g shGasR AnN1Tn l ow i Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlaw. tion have come ta Paris by steam- foi 00he outaryi 5ello.hps t e , and arund vriaudposieCvcHoptlPtrbruh.Hror Rev. and Mrs. George Nichol- , ship and airpiane from the U.S.A. some 00ytsin5countries th euiu eiec.peetdFso, cameJon Ctarbe, iaghr.a . ~ lllt sn eeSudyeauetwihand Canada. have totaled more than $1l250,000. The groom-to-be was prs. e Flscae ow o e it hr Mris. V. M. Archer, Mi-. Chai-les Keynote of this five-day gather- This is the first Rotai-y Inter-. with a large sum of moneY at the Women's Institute members are Smt anîlvr ng of business and professional national convention to be held' home of Mr-. Howard Richardson sponsoring a Coronation Dance in BOWMANVILLE Smîh nd lier executives. who represent 8,000 lin Europe since 1937î. Pi-evious Ro- when guest.s were chums of the the Town Hall, Mondav~, June lst. Mi-. and Mrs. Loi-ne Thompo Rotai-y Clubs in 86 countries and tary conventions have been heid young man. Pi-oceeds wilI be used'foi- further Mn iand Jean with Mrs. Wm. Cobble. geographical regions, will be the in Austria, Belgium, Brazil. Can- The Badminton Club presented kitchen equipment in the Town ORFEGRWD PCAIl dic a Q-aa o Sndy.internationaîity o! the Rotai-y or- ada. Cuba, France, Mexico and, the couple wvith a white Kenwood Hall basement. Rev. and Mrs. Clarence Ferg- ganization. Throughiout the con- Scolland. blanket and a decorated cake with uison, Kemptville, with the Ferg- vention progi-am. emphasis wili, RotarY's 45th annual conxven- 1i Good Luck, Jean and J ohn'" in- uison family and with Mr. and be given ta the opportunities ' tion wil] be heid in Seattle. Wash- scribe d on it, at a part,, held in Mrs. Ceci Hill. which Rotarians have, in ail parts ington, U.S.A., in Junue, 1954. the basement of the Township Special Prices Specials Miss Doreen Van Camp. Peter- of the world, ta work for. the __________ Hall. Brookiin. borough Normal School, was achievement o! one of the princi- Foilowing the rehearsal on $.0SaigBuh--_ 29 Blue Jar Offer home for the weekend. pal goals of Rotary-the advance -S' T, Friday evening the wedding party S.0SaigBrs .S8NilO-NAL St. John's W. A. presented their ment of international understand-!i Many Teas and .JIOWer and a few fiiends will be enter- 10 oz. Rize Noxzema $1.25 play at North Nestleton Hall on ing. good wiil and peace. 1 tained at the home o! thie bride- ls Friday evcning for the Nestieton The Rotary convention progra oo rosoecive ro'paetinBoki. $10vluBrbs -----7e Nw nY tW. I. Miss Katharine Baiiey includes addresses bs' outstandîng played fine instrumentais and speakers, discussion forums, the. Bride and GroomB T AN Health ('hase's Mrs. George Nicholson gave a enactiment of legisiation, election ________ Salts H I A ENreFn humorous reading between acts. of officers, and speciai ententain-I Miss Jean Gimblett wliose mai-AR C RENreFd Rev. C. W. Hutton's subject at ment features. Rotarians also wîl agelta 59e 79e - $1.98 theSunay ericewas'Rualstudy the common problems of riaet Mr. Johin Medland xil Mrs. W. Rowland ýv as in Port _______ Hudnut's Light and Bright S1.75_______ Life." There were lovely ak their various businesses and pr- -tk lc nSaud feno Hope last week with lier sister, Hudnut's Shampoo 75e-SI.25 ets of fîowei- fomth Frgson fessions and the nmany commnn- in Columbus United Church, has Mrs. F. Galbraith. Dodd's Lustre Cream Sharnpoo 35C-65le Absorbine family in ovin he m emr o rs ity-betterment activities engaged been guest of honouir at severat Mr.Walter- Price who has been LaPillrotShmpo43-7eJr. Ferguson. -in by Rotai-y Clubs thi-oughoutpientalens.ner a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, 59C $tes 'lrin 9 1.19 - $2.39 the world. Mrs. Norman Gîmblett etr Peterborough, has returned home. _____________it 39 Soi-iy that Ernie Swain is sick An the spakrssceuid aie at a trousseau tea for lier __________ and was taken to Memorial Hos- tond eseRoakers cnve ti n dhe- sisîgMsGm Mi. and Mrs. Rov futhill and Nestle's (alo~îs 39e pital, Port otay cnPetio-ragtronssiManday. Gm-,their hlrnviteteTomGn WdotCea Ol 7c-.2Ak- ptlPotPryonMna. are Paul van Zeeland, Minister blett in receiving the 250 guests hidnistdheTop-GnWlrtCea 01 3Sl3 Aka Ruby Ramsay Rouse, Toronto, of Foreign Affairs of Belgium; were the future bride and Mrs. 'ontamilv. Pis Halo Shampoo 39c-65c-98e Seltzer is visiting for a few days with Wilfrid Baumgartner, Governor William Medland, mother o! the 'Mi-. and Mi-s. R. Browý\n, Toron- 59C~-89e Drene 39c-6.5c99e 34e - 68c Mi-. and Mrs. Wmn. Taylor. o! the Bank of France; Sir Roi!! prospective bridegroom. M rs. to, ere Sunday guests with Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and Van Heidenstam, President o! the Frank Simpson, sister of the-PRMPnThro 19-.8 Lorraine visited friends at Coe International Chamber o! Corn-j bride, received the guests at the O RMPn hro Hill. % merce: Walter- Harnischfeger, door, and Misses Dianne and Be- T he Stalesman Sold Neleds no neutralizer - --51.75 % pint Thermos ------- $1.85 Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman President o! the Harnischfeger veriey Gimblett, nieces of thep , Quart Thermos -. ----- $.00 visited relatives at London. Coprto !Mlake i- bride, pi-esided at the guest book. A uiW g~ Ge TONI Lunch Kits5.522 Mrs. Charlotte Farder attended cansin, U.S.A.; and Rotarians Pouring tea were Mrs. Roy - Gentle- Regular - Super the Fashion Parade at Port Perry fi-rn Canada, Egypt, France, Richard. Mrs. M. Q. Fisher'. MURs. Truli's Store, Courtice. $1.76 U LSE High Schoal which was in con- Switzeriand and the U.S.A. Fred Davidson, Mrs. Hiai-oid Mow - Srn' trPr oe 'l LS necton iththeHom Ecnomcs. The President o! Rotai-y Inter- bray, Mrs. Ernie Bur~rus, Mrs. RoEn's Store, art Hpe. Sao aewt hlrs ---- Little Miss Gi leFarder md- national for the 1953-54 fiscal Hugh Gilchrist, Mis. Me] McCabe FegEEEdmunds Store,1.th0ny. Shadw Wa$10w00 aye mo- yeai- beginning July lst xviii be and Mrs. Clarence Burroughs. Dyei-'s Drug Store,. Newcastle. ae550 dut.2ct 1.0 elled a dress. eîected at this convention. Nom- Presiding in the variaus rooms T. Enwright's, Newcastle. Miss Helen Fergusan, Ontario inated for the presidency ai-e En- wei-e Mrs. Roy Ginblett, Mrs. Roy S. Brown, Newtonviiie. Tangel I Ungentine Suave Kleenex Ladies' College, Whitby, with Mi-. nesto J. Aguilar of Mexico City, Hodson, Mrs. Dean Ormistan, C. Pethick, Enniskillen. I and Mrs. Cecil Hill. Mexico, Geronimo Ramriez Brown Miss Dianne Tane, Miss Norma T. M. Siemon, Ennîskilien. 75e - $1.95 63C -$1.00 6f l.0200 Mrs. Edith Butler, Toronto; Mr-. o! Managua, Nicaragua, and Joa- Rai-ris and Miss Phyliii. Bur- F. L. Byam, Tyrane.I and Mrs. Carmnan Werny, Dun- quin Serratosa Cibils o! Monte- roughs. G. A. Bai-ion, Hampton. dak vstd the Roy Ferguson video, Uruguiay. Nominations for- Serving wene fricnds of the J. Riddell. Bunketon fail.the Board a! Directons of Rotai-y bride and members o! the Colum- H. T. Saywell, Blackstack. On Sunday afternoon et St. International for the coming year bus choir o! which Miss Girnbiett Keith Bradley, Pontypool. 1Ruby Ramsay Rouse at the organ, Cuba, England, France, India, Also ententaining for the bride- H. K. Reynolds, Kendal.C OIN GS Rev. George Nicholson conducted Italy. Japani and the U.S.A. elect were Miss Dianne Tane, Mrs. J. W. Jewell, W. J. Bei-ry, PRONR ~ T 1 r,~ r EF the baptismal service fan Cheryl Rotary's President, H. J. Brun- Dean Ormiston and Miss Norma Hawse Confectionery DRUG STORE.L~a RU8I Anne, infant daughter of Mr-. and nier, todav announced that dur- Hai-ris, co-hostesses et a party Jury & Love)] Mrs. David Hai-ris, Toronto, foi- ing the past 10 nionths, 217 Ro- heid at the latter's home. The Elgie Hannden's Handy Store erly «Bernicle Jemison o! Port tai-y Clubs have been organized happy couple were presentcd with and The Statesman Office. r_ Perry. Guests present included in 42 countries;, bringing lbe mcmi- the grandparents, Mn. and Mi-s. bership o! Ibis world-wide service Bill Hai-ris, their sons Bill and club arganization to an al]-time John, Miss Pauline Jemison. Mr-. high o! 372,000 business and pro- and Mrs. Fred Richardson, God- fessionai executives who are parents, Mi-. Ross Jemîson, Mi-, members o! 8,000 Rotai-y Clubs in and Mrs. Lee Poîgrain and Gayle, 86 countnies and geagi-aphicai ne- ail o! Toronto; Miss Diane Santer, gions. 1 Port Penny; Mi-. and Mns. William One o! the resolutions to be Taylor, Mr-. and Mrs. John Bal- lingaîl, David and Joanne. _______________ Mn. and Mrs. Percy Philp, À j1 _ West Hill, cgl]ed on friends n the village, Sunday. C R N T O O. N. O. Club met Thui-sday ev- C R N T O ening at the lovely !armi home of Mrs. Evelyn Edgerton with a good ~ttendance. Mx-s. Aima Duf! pi-e- asided for a lengthy business TN»here Is St"Il Turne! period, The Club wiii pay for chains for the park swings and Harold Martyn is ta put them Up. The Blackstock signls have been re-vai-nished by membei-s Eight new chairs were purchased forFo Y uToS eheC rn t n the Club. Mns. Lois Grieve gave the ti-easui-er*s report. Alter theFo u T S ehe C r ntn business was finished, Mrs. Aud- rey Metcal!e was given a show- er o! lovelv gifts by the members kindly. Several games a! bingao N Y U W were played, with prizes. Thee* hostess and her grnup serv.d a bountiful lunch, bninging a pleas- ant evening ta a close. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Bla cksiock (Anglican) special Coronation Service 11 a.m. Sunday, May 3lsit ALL WELCOME Picture News fromCC-I-L THE TRAVEL TREND this summer wilI be Caronation-wards fr many. TItis housewife mnav not be one of those ta sec Londons dramatic celebrations. but she's about ta follow the trend in home decoration by giving her walls the dramatic interest of new deep tones - Royal Red, Windsor Blue or env other of the nine special 'Coronation (olours" novv obtainable in C-i-U's washable, rubber- base paint, "Speed-tasy Satin" -FIRST AID FOR APPUES" or «a toni for toinatoes" could describe the work carried ouf in C-I-L's new soil-testing laboratory at Montreai as a free service -o farmers. For sick plants and poor yields are usuaill the resulr of a deficiency of one or mare essential plant food-, in the soit. Chief oit cbemist, jean L.eclerc, po)ints aut rhat souls can varv greatly even in one Iucaliity. says Qxarnbly cmm ,Qubec has tome 30 types. V"o WM »M b. aa e l ODY U"eadM.Wt of Orlo in f abrita uanuf.ctured in Caoada Wr",.re.ustaal miewutoim t#hot Ibmi uch ae l Ibaer w.tueit twc ci U* h-wg mod O fflI. . . .A by dm W oTYlc b-e.I cLi w ft1eryt ocr, , CANADLU NDISTRAiS LUI TED -MONTIus. Nesîlefon Station Mr. and Mrs. Johin MeCalden have retui-ned to their cotae at Scugog Point aftcr spendýing 911the winter in Victoria B. C. Miss Jean Bowers, Mr. Arnold Williams, Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Adams and daughten. motoned to Trout Creek ta spend the( ek end witb Mr-. and Mrs. Lni Chapman and Paul. Mrs. Stephen Sisson, Betbany visited hec brolben-in-law, Dr. R. P. Bowles. Mrs. R. S. Stanles. Cavan, vis- ited Mis. Alice Farder. Clîfford Da ves is haine after, seven wvecks spent in Memorialý Hospital, Bownîanville. His many frîends hope Clifford's ieg heais qUickly. Mi-. and Mrs. Gai-net Syrnons,4l Bowmanviile, and Mrs. Jas. Fer-- riic, Perth, with Mr. and Mrs., Nelson Marlow.1 Mn. and Mi-s. Neil Wei-ny and' Carol Spent Sunday wîîth ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thamp- soi). Mi-. Russel Jackman. Toronto, wî,-th Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hai-ris. Mn. and MnIs. Marvrin Nesbitt,1 Mi-. and Mrs. James Harris and Mn. Jackman attended the party in honon o! the newiyweds.*Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Hor-n, et Mr. Earl Tnewin's. Enniskiilen, an Satur- day evening.1 Miss Lorraine Beacock had a holidav ý with lier grandiparen s, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Adamns, Bowman v ille. S 'vm-paih *v is extended to Mn. RoY Ferguson and famiy in their sad lais. Mi-. Robent Riddeii received word of the death o! his nîcce, Mrs. Fred Winslow a! Jamaica,: N. Y., on Sunday. Nestieton xvas %weii represented at the West Durham Women s In- stitute District Annual in Black- stock on Wednesday. Mn. and Nirs. Ivan Rohîrer and family vx.iieni Mi. and Mn.. Mau- rice Daley at Caesarea. AN EVENT TO BE RENEMBERED Everyone should have a Memento of thîs historia occasion. See Our CUPS and SAUCERS CAKE PLATES BON BONS MUGS and OATMEALS BRASSWARE FIGURINES DECORATIONS SEALS - SERVIETTES and GIFT WRAPPINGS We viII be CLGSED ail day, June 2ndi CORONATION DAY J. W. JEWELL Big 20" 27 King St. W., Bom-manville PHONE 556 2~ LV lu Ai' "THE VERY TOPS. IN TELEVISION " AND FOR "THE VERY TOPS IN SERVICE" -COME TO The 33 KING ST. W, BO WMAN VILLE TuVu sHDp M0 WILLIAM ST. Ne LINDSAY SPECIAL NOTICE!e ADMIRAL Television Receivers will be placed in the following locations so Ihat ail persons wishing Io view the Coronation may do sa: ST. JOHN'S PARISH HALL, BOWNANVILLE BLACKSTOCK COMMUNITY HALL 1%ýý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLLP, ONTARIO THUR %SDAY, MAT M, 1931 m PA= six

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