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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1953, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1953 ISOCIAL AUD PERSONAL j PHONE 3303 Mrs. F. S. Phillips bas return- Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Jaster, ed from visiting lier husband inl White Lake, are visiting Mr and Ottawa. Mrs. L. B. Nichols while aitend- ,fMrs. R. Virtue, Oshawa, spent ing the Bay of Quinte Conference . ?Unday with ber mother, Mrs. C. at Oshawa. -A. Johnston. Kinsmen Ken Nicks and Stan Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Edger, vis- Dunn attended District 8 Kins- Sited Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gil- men Convention at Gil-mar ~more, Lefroy, on Sunday. Lodge, Sturgeon Lake, over the Miss Aileen Gibbs, Oshawa, weekend. tf 'Visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buckley and J. Gibbs for the weekend. family, Toronto, spent the week- Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Siemon re- end with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. cently spent a few days with Mr. Gibbs. They leave next week on and Mrs. Boyd Siemon, Niagara an extended motor trip to Los An- Falls. geles. Mrs. E. W. Rundie, Toronto, Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn, Orono, and was a week-end guest of bier sis- Mrs. Claude Ives, Bowmanville, ter, Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Green- attended the Dominion Council of field. the Woman's Association at Em- Mrs. F. W. Kirkendall, is visit- manuel Coflege, Toronto, last ing lier daughter, Mrs. Myrtie week. Warren and other relatives in The Bowmanville Boys Quar- Toronto this week. tette consisting of Messrs. Coom- Mr. and Mrs. Stuart James, bes, Woolley, Hockins and Ott, Norman and Douglas, were at sang two splendid numbers in the their cottage at Gooderham over evening at Tyrone's Anniversary the weekend. Service. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Baker and Mrs. L. A. MacDougal and Mrs. R. Cramp, were in Brock- Gary, spent the weekend withi ville over the week-end visiting relatives at Sulphide. They were Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Ferguson. accompanied by Mrs. Geo. Hen- dry, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wylie and Wendy, of Chippawa. son Brock, London, spent Sunday with bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Greenfield K. E. Cox, King St. East. were in Toronto Saturd1ay attend- The ing the Crompton-Miller wed- TeBOY Scouts will be col- ding. Mr. Greenfield also visited lecting papers and six quart bas- his brother Norman who is a pa- kets Friday, May 29. Please place tient in St. Joseph's Hospital. bunciles at the curb by 6.30 p.m . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Griffith Mrs. J. H. Jury visited Rev. and 'and Mrs. Jack Gordon, Sydney, Mrs. Gordon Jury at Waterdown B. C.; and Miss Jean Griffith of this week, accompanied by Mr. Sarnia, visited for two days last and Mrs. A. E. Loveli of Oshawa. week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miss Harriet Bartlett bas re- Badger and Miss Mollie Badger. turned to town after spending a Weekend guests of Miss Martha mn nh with hier sister, Dr. and Jarvis were lier sister, Mrs. Geo. Mrs. Geo. Patterson at Boston, P. Freeîand and daughter, Mrs. Mass. E. D. Chittenden, and hier daugh- Miss Toby Besteffian, of the ters; also Mr. Harold J. Jeffrey Netherlands, has arrived in Can- and bis mother, Mrs. C. V. Jef- ada and is staying with hier bro- frey, all of Toronto. thers, Messrs. Jack, Bert and Ar- Miss Lena Haddy, Toronto, and nold Besteman. Miss Myrtle Henderson, New Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cashourn, York. spent Saturday with Mrs. Toronto, Miss Irene Cashourn, Harry Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hamilton, vîsited their father, Haddy and Miss Betty Haddy, To- Mr. Harry Cashourn, over the ronto, joined them later. weekend. Seven persons paid fines rang- Weekend visitors with Dr. and ing from $3 to $10 and costs for Mrs. C. W. Slemon were bier sister traffic violations in Bowmanville and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Police Court Tuesday morning. H{oward Price and Billy, Willowdl Another man paid a fine of $25 dale. and costs for fishing in a game Miss Tanya Goddard, pupil of preserve southwest of Orono. Mrs. W. E. C. Workman, tried Mr. Neil H. Britton, son of Mr. bier Grade X piano in Witby last and Mrs. H. S. Britton, Newcastle, Wednesday, and passed with lion- bas successfully passed bis third ors. year examinations in the School TRINITY UNITED CHURCII I Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. Il A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY and Flower Sunday p ~ GUEST SPEAKER:- ReV. Kenneth Cleator, B.A., B.D., S.T.M., Associate Minister of Bloor St. United Church, Toronto 7:30 P.M. - Coronation Service SPECIAL MUSIC FESDE HOUR Coloured film, "THE ROYAL TOUR" Mr. D. C. Peters, P L.T.C.M., Directar of Music. ?hyllis Challis Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. Eldad Snday School1 ANNJVERSARY SERVICES at 2 and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, May 3lst ~GUEST MI*ýISTER: REVU l. KITCHEN, Orono ili preach at both services. Special music by the Junior Choir in the afternoon and the Senior Choir assisted by the Maie Quartette in the evening. Mlanclay, June 1 at 7 p.m. LEAGUE FOOTBALL UANE COURTICE vs. SOLINA At 8:30 p.m. Tyrone Young People will present their play, S"Getiing Ira Married" ini the Conintinity Hall. àlusiLc Between Acts. SADIMISSION - Aduits. 50e - Children, 25e 'I~ 'A?.TAITA 'T 'Z'aIA W? PMDA WT? J~~ L.~~L1L,.. VÂLN VJLLEL, ONTRIO Pt.I *~AGE SEVEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry Rehder are shown following their marriage in St. Andrew's United Church, Millbrook on Saturday, May 16. The bride, the former Mar- garet Joan Dawson, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Dawson, Millbrook, and the groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rehder, Bowmanville. The newly married couple will make their home in Peterborough. -Photo by Rehder o! Practical Science of the Facul- ty af Applied Science and Engin- eering at the University o! To- ranto. Clare Cain, l0-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cain, and grandson of Mrs. F. Catar, Bow- manville, xvas discharged recent- ly from. the Sister Kennv Polio Hospital in El Monte, California, where he bas been receiving treatment. Rev. H. C. Wolfraim. of Ai- monte United Church, a former minister o! Courtice Circuit, has accepted 'a eall ta Lakefield Un- ited Church, effective Jtîly lst. Mr. Wolfraim, is secretary of the Bay of Quinte Conference which is meeting this week in Oshawa. Winners in Hooper's Jewellery and ZGift Sbop Treasure Chest Contest were: Watch-Mrs. Ken- neth Luxton, Boxvmanville. Other lucky key winners were Helen Perfect, Miss Quackenbush, Bow- manville; Eileen Holroyd, Burke- ton: Mrs. Leslie R. Graham, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Frank Jamiesan cantinued ta have good luck with bis trout fishing over the weekend, catch- ing one 19-inch and two 14-incb brown trout. Since May lst be bas caught two 19-incb, two 14-inch, two 13-incb and several smaller brown trout, using a spinning ieel. Mrs. W. I. Tait and twin daugb- ters, Sharran and Karran, and son Michael, left May llth, by plane frorn Malton, ta joîn Mr. Tait at Saskatoon, Sask. Mr. and Virs. C. W. Tait. along with Mr. and Mrs. H. Simpson, Toronto, were at Malton ta bid thema fare- Awell. Cars belonging tg William T. Cox, R. R. 4, Bowmnanville, and Stanley McCullough, Burketon, were damaged in a collision at the intersection of the Boy-s Train- ing Sehool road and the 3rd Con- cession road last Saturday even- ing. No one was injured in the collision. Visitors with Mrs. Harry Rice, over the weekend were her daughter, Miss Joan Rice, Toron- to, and four of Joan's University of Toronto friends, -Misses Beth Martyn, North Bay; Jeanne Lind- say, Burks Falls; Audrey McDon- nell, Vancouver, B.C., and Joan McGillis, Leaside. Charles Carter Sr., has given the windows of the Carter Fam- ily Tea Rooni a Coronation touch by baking a cake in the shape of the St. Edward's Crown. It is de- carated ini gold icing, and with colored candies representing the jewels, the cake makes a very realistie replica of the crawn. His many friends in Bowman- ville were pleased ta see Oliver A. Bradt of Vineland, honored last week when he was elected chairman of the Provincial Coun- cil of the Agricultural Institute of Canada at their annual con- vention held at London. Oliver is ST, JOHN'S CRURCH (Anglican) Rev. Warren Turner, B.A., B.D. 8a.m. - HOLY COMM~UNION Ila.m.- PR E -(ORONATION SERVICE MNasonie'Lodge in attendance 7 p.m.- PRF-CORONATION SER VICE Preacher: REV. C. G. LAIVRENCE, M.A., of T.C.S. Coronalion Day HOLI' COMMUNION son of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Bradt, of Guelph. Contrary ta usual practice, the stork bas been by-passing Mem- anial Hospital, Bowmanville, re- cently; only two births, bath boys being recorded ,for Iast week. Ad- missions and discharges were1 even at 24, xvhile six major and ten minor operations were per- formed. Four emergency out-pa- tients were treated. The Girl Guides extend sin- cere "Tbank you" toalal who sup- ported their Cookie Day last Sat- urday. 1100 packages of cookies xvere sold in Bowmanviile and Hampton. Many people were away wben the girls called Sa these will be sold in the dawn town area Saturday marning. It is ex- pected they will dean at least $100. Miss Peggy Dippeli bas grad- uated from. Ontario College o! Education and bas accepted a position an the teacbing staff o! Vaughan Road Collegiate, Toran- ta. Miss Marion Dippeli was suc- cessful ini passini, ber exams lui Physical Healtb sud Education course at University of Toronto, and will leave shortiy for Lake Louise where she will wark dur- îng the summer. Fourteen members o! the local Odd Fellows paid a fraternal visit to Campbellfard on May 22, and presented the Noble Grand o! that lodge with a travelling gavçl. Garnet Gobeen, N.G., of Florence Nightingale ladge, made the pres- entatian and gave a short review of the purpose o! the gavel, ta encourage visits ta other districts. It was stbhrted froinArthur Lodge in Western Ontario. Recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Gea. Mason, High St., were Mrs. Mason's grand-niece, Miss Jane McNiven, Yellowknife; a nephew, William Ainsîle, Toran- ta; and niece, Mrs. Robt. Wagner, London, Ont. Miss McNiven is a graduate of Alberta University and bas just spent a year in post graduate Social Studies at Univer- sity o! Toronto. She has arcepted a position on the staff a! the On- tario Training Sehool for Girls, Galt. Messrs. Walter Hate]y and rhos. Lyle of the Bowmanville E'ire Brigade were in Peterbor- ough for several days hast week attending a Regional Fine Sehiool C~ourse Linder direetion of the On- taria Fire Marshal. Lectures and lemonstrations inciuded ladder wonk, knots, care of base, forcible entry, use of muhalators, gas nasks, salvage and rescue work. The Examiner publisbed a photo ofa graup of firemen, including a good likeness of oun smiling and handsome Walter Hately, picking up messages aven the walkie- aikies, used by some fire-fight- ing depantmnents, Miss Nancy Hagerman, dental nurse in Dr. W. M. Rudeli's office for the past two and a bal! years, wiul leave oin July 6 ta jain the R.C.A.F. as a dental nurse. She was presented with the fareweil ift o! an identification bracelet by members o! the Bawmanx'ilie Girls Softball Teua at a party eld Saturday night, at the Lions ornmunity Centre. Nancy was zatcher on the team. She wiil be Lationed finst at St. John's, Que., r the customary eighit weeks asic training before being past- ci. At the samne party anather eam member who is a bride- lect, Miss Peggy Goulab, xvas isa bonored xvith the presenta- on af an electnic iran and ather 'ifts. Thursday's Sform <Continued from Page One) about 10.4.5 p.m., a severe haill storni starteci and lasted foi, 10 minute-.s. Hait the size of mar-bies clrillr-d boles in the ground but did not result in any serious dam-1 age. The uine crews ànd trucks af the Bowmranville Rural Operating Area af the H.E.P.C. worked from 8 p.m. ta 1.30 a.n. restaring ser- vice in sectio<is af the area where pu\\ er hsd been cut off bv light- iling. Most of these interruptions were caused by direct bits on the li'W iu:. i 111i ihtiiing, bUt NMaîîag. ~r R \ Valeisrepuî tud here oS lIeu llY serions d!laage aan d nu HS ~tiredo\ n.'1 h rev%%as il() nii fl tfliii ro u.)e and no trecs- werf- knocked on the lines by the llghtning. In Bowmanville itself, power was off in the downtown section from 10.45 p.m. until nearly mid- night, caused by protective safety equipment at the sub-station in the rear of the Bowmanville Pub- lic Utilities Commission offices being knocked out. There was also trouble at the sub-station ta the West of the Goodyear plant, Assistant Manager George Van- Bridger stated. 34 Llghts Burned Out Thirty-four street lights were burned out by the ligbtning and the underground street light cable on King St. from Temperance St. ta Division St. was also damaged. A 15 b.v. transformer at Nelson and Liberty Streets .was bit by a lightning boît at 10.45 p,m. and the portable transformer of the P.U.C. was used at this point ta restore service. Four men of the Bownanville P.U.C. line crew warked all nîght, restoring bydro service to variaus sections of town. On Frîday night, as a result of the starm, three me- tering transformers burned out and had ta be replaced. Mr. Van- Bridger stated that it was the most severe electrical starm in Bowmanville in several years. Farewell Party Given Mrs. Shackleton Priar ta ber departure for New York on Monday of last week. from where she sailed for Eng- land an the Queen Elizabeth, Mrs. John Shackleton was honored by friends and relatives who gath- ered at ber home on Liberty St. S. ta wisb'ber bon voyage. During the evening Mrs. Shack- leton was presented with a beau- tiful folding umbrella by those present. She is visiting relatives in Staffordshire, England, wham she had nat seen for many years. Sdopende, Drn iota. AjiIIo Lions Club (Cantinued from Page One) ceeds o! as much as $20,000, an- nual winter draws for hockey tickets, annual minstrel shows, hobby shows from 1938-42, and auctions and car draws. Past Presidents Presidents of the Bowmanville Lions Club, starting with the 1935-1936 season 'and up ta the present time bave been: Dr. W. H. Birks, E. M. Crawford, E. V. Hoar, J. J. Brown, Alex McGre- gar. T. M. Chant, Stuart R. James, A. J. Smith, A. M. Thomp- son, E. L. Oliver, C. W. Carter, Jr., Ross Stevens, Earl Riddolls, Jack Brough, Bob Kent, Nels Os- borne, Don Williams and H. L. (Deac) Goddard. Mr. Tbompson outlined some of the community service pro- jects wbicb bave been spansored by the Bowmanville Lions Club. These include: bicycle safety club, war services committee which sent 29,000 cigarettes a mantb ta soldiers overseas; send- ing parcels and cards ta overseas servicemen, blood donor service, Committee of Navy League whicb did much war service work, sup- port o! Durham County Swine Clubs, sight conservation and work for the blind support of C.N.I.B., which includes provid- ing transportation for the blind and provision of bundreds of pairs of glasses; sale o! Christmas seals for Tuberculosis work, equipping a room in bath Bow- manville baspitals and buying equipment for the operating room. Presenting the Canadian Con- cert series, which. enabled. resi- dents of this area ta enjoy fine music; installation of a wading pool at Memarial Park and pro- vision of playground equipment at Franklin Park, and providing the meeting ball for the Bowman- ville Boy Scouts and Cubs, in ad- dition ta allowing all theLin Community Centre ta be used for community recreation purposes. Mr. Tbompson pointed out that after first meeting in the Bow- man House, then the Balmoral Hotel, then the Sans of England Hall; the Lions Club in 1944 pur- chased the Sinclair property on Beecb Avenue and toak it over as a borne for the Club. One of the Club's most important and worth- wbile projects, he said, was the building of the new addition ta this centre which was opened in February. It now pravides a splendid bail ta meet the needs o! the town for a large banquet hall and a place for. social fune- tions and dances. Hlgh Honors Received Another record the Bowman- ville Lions can be proud of, the bistorian said, is that in seven years three members have been1 elected District Governors. The1 Club also won the shield'as the1 best Lions Club in District A 31 for two years. Mr. Thompsonl urged the members flot ta rest on these many fine laurels but to go on ta even greater achieve- ments in the future. President Goddard stated that sînce the driveway of the Lions Community Centre bad recently been paved, the Club should also improve the grounds. He appoint- ed the following ta act as a Grounds Committee under lst Vice President Howard Jeffery; Chafrman, Elmer Banting; Lions Ernie Bradley, Ron Hetherington, Ross Stevens, Bob Kent, Cliff Samis and Fred Cale. Birthdays were celebrated by Lions Jack Cale and R. J. Dilling, and a guest, Rotarian Dave Hîg- gon ivas introduced. Lion Jack Hawes announced that the auc- tion sale of the Club would be lield on October 24 and that eazhI- member should bring sanîething Navigable Waters Protection Act R.S.C. 1927 Chapter 140 The Public Utillty Commission of the Town of Whitby, Ontario, hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of the sald Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works, at Ottawa, and in the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Ontario, Whitby, Ontario, a description of the site and the plans of a 16-inch diameter waterworks intake extension proposed to be laid in Lake Ontario, opposite Township Lot 26, Broken Front Con- cession of the Township of Whitby in the County of Ontario. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, the Public Utility Commission of the Town of Whitby, wiIl, under Section 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister of Public Works at bis office in the City of Oshawa, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated at Whltby, Ontario, this 5th day of May, 1953. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION 0F THE TOWN 0F WIIITBY. H. L. PRINGLE, Superintendent. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY I.DA.BRAND SPECIALS BRYL REEMSoId on a Money-back Guarantee BRYLCR EM Bby Cram Quly soothesiritated skin 39 HAIE DRESSING Thando'e fors Castor 011 lts 4 z.bottlrg.40cd 29c had ý Idasal TabletsFo 300's, reg. 89e 59C huudy tubes For indigestion 153 Siomach POWder 4, 16 coz., reg. 75c, $1.953, $1.69 S urui Fis & ennaPleasant-tasting laxative Syu i gs&Se 3 oz., reg. 33c 23c t . -IM. 2 FOR 29Ç I~~?FIT~ For Balanced Fitness PLEASANT TASTING *FRUI SAT F.!?' I...Shave Cream Large 2 aoz. tube Idasorb Dia mb oea Mixture7 I.D.A. Moih Killer Crystals, 1 lb.5 BEAUTIFÛL HAIR IS A PRICELESS ASSET Care For Your Hair Give your hair the care it deserves. Beautiful lustrous hair is your crown of beauty. Below are listed a few of the numerous products your I.D.A. Druggist bas in stock to help give you lovelier hair. Bobbi Pin Curi Permanent Breck Shnmpoo -------------------------------85c, $1.35, $1.95 Brylcreem-FREE Comb with 69c tube ------------ 69e Drene Shampoo ----------------------------------39c, 65c, $1.20 Glover's Mange Medicine - -------- ------- 68c, $1.13 Halo Shaînpoo ---------3----, 65c, 98c Hollywood Wave Set------------------------------------- ----- 25c Hudnut Creme Rinse-------7c $1.25, $2.00 Lady Wildroot Sampoo - ------------------- 43c, 73e C ombs Bo0bReg. 1et 8c, 2 For 15c Halo Shampoo -----------65c, 98eý Cocoanut 011 Shampoo 4, 8 oz 33c, 49c Do your own "Flair Do" with HOLLWOOD TONI PRODUCTS WAVE- Toni Creme is--59 SET Toi r m Makes lasting, Shampoo -.39c, 65c, $1.001 lustrous waves, Si Leaves no flakes Tn pnCre Package $1.29 25c Tonette Kit - ----------$1.75, Bathing Caps Range of colours 49%0 Clinical Thermometer EsO~rad69c Corega Dental Plate Powder 33c, 53c, 89c Mercolized Wax For miskîn 89C I.D.A. Healih Salis 1 pound can 59e I.D.A. Tooth Pasie with Lauryl 45 3Uc, 57c 49c 75c PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY NEED$ NO NEUTRALIZER! " because Prom noutrolizs automotically " "'Takes" every time " Wav.s with any plastic curlers ou>. $1.75 *.so differont from Pads that just feel soft et first touch Box of 12 Alex We Delivex McGreg'or, Your Local .D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone 792 r, . . -* : - p % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = CAMAMAn t;TAMP..qTSAM nwmÀ&rlrn 'n A àýv.q - . Il t q 6 h fi il b C ti b ri t( S( p T N. a]

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