PAGE EIGHT - THE CANADTAN STATESMAN. 2OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAT, MAY Ut 1952 T he 0/ro no News Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson visit- Brothers, Woodbridge, formerly ot cd their son, Mr. and Mrs. Archie 1 rono, xvho won gold medals at W ýr'son in Toronto.I the York Musical Festival. Mr. Robert Lunn is In Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper and wnere he underwent an Mr. anai Mrs. O. Cowan attended Oileration.i the Cooper - Bilenbuke wedding ivirs. A. E. West was in Peter- in Oshawa, Friday evening. borough visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Gail Junior West while their son Stev- and Sandra, Lakefield; Mr. and en 'vas in the hospital for an _Mrs. Geo. Crowther, Charles and operation on his band, the resuit Jarnie, Newcastle, visited Mr. and o1 a burn last winter. bý1- \VceWd. Miss Bertha Gilîman and Mr.j Dianne Marie, daugliter of Mr. John Moat, Oakville, visited Mr. a- __ -,. i u ,ioisoii, was and Mrs. Jîm Richards last Thurs- baptized ut the inorning service day. and other friends in Orono. of United Church, by Rev. John Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Guster, Port Kitchen. Hope, visited Mrs. McKenna. Mrs. Henry Swancott atteiided Congratulations to the Lynch thie funeral of Baby Tippett, gradcauîierof Mr. and Mrs. ýhorteii, in Oshawa on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truli, Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Mrs. Jack Dick- - VwmanviEVAA .;on and Mrs. R. W. Gardiner vis- ited in Peterborough. ]BOY Scouts Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiggins and son Gregory Glenn, Bramp- ton, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. H. PAPE R taples. PA PER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser vis- ited in Toronto. * Mr. Fred Honey, Redlands, Cai. is staying with Mr. and D R IV E rs. J. D. Brown, while visiting with bis friends in this district. in ivr. Honey is returning home by - way of New Mexico. Mr. A. Gilroy attended the 01RON0marriage of bis grandson, Mr. Donald Gilroy Hoy to Miss Norma ce United Churcli on May 16. Rernember the Memorial Hos- FR IDA YJ pital Bazaar at Lions Centre, owrnanville, June 4th. Special MAY 9th oor prizes. M A Y 9th Mr. andi Mrs. R. T. Gimblett and famii.v, Maple Grove, called ai 7 p.m. in Orono Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones spent Please have papers bundled the weekend visiting Mrs. M. and on the boulevard Mrs. R. A. Delve, Hamilton, and ready to be picked up Mrs. Wm. Buckley, Newcastle, 1ýhave been staying with Mrs. H. BUILDING INSPECTOR WANTED for the Town of Bowmanville Applications will be received by the undersigned up to June lst, 1953, for the position of Building Inspector for the Town of Bowmanville. Applicants to state age, experience and fees expected. Further details may be obtained from the Clerk. A. J. LYLE, Clerk, Town of Bowmanville. The O Liinited Canula's sconic wondcrs roll by as you rclax ini confort on C.i,d.i.n National's famced Contincrital I.iinîtcd. The ever- ch lW andscape uinfol(ls througlî braad picture Windows fUcïst and Ikelandio swtrm:s, the towering Rockies, incredible Thompson and Fi user Rivers. You see theni al l îcn you travel "Thec Jasper N\\ x"'. It's die pleasant way to go.,. modern bedrooms, sleepers, lounge cars, coaches offer a variety of fine acconinodations. Superb meals in hrig-ht diners. The Continental Liinited serves. . . Montreai, Ottawsa, Toronto, Mfinaki, Winnipeg, Saskato on, Edmontonjas per and Vancouver.,on dependable daily schedules. By arrangement, at major points you cari have a drive-yoursclf car waitiog for you. for Rservationh and information regarding your business and preasure travol, see, write or phono your local Canadian National Passenger Agent. 'RAILW'y THE ONLY RAILWAY SERVINO AL. YEN PROVINCES MI Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martineli and Kenny with ber brothers at Roseneath. Mrs. Jessie Hilditcli visited friends in Kendal on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Palmer and Janice visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martineli. Mrs. Raîpli Geacli and Kath- leen spent Monday in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer wene guests of Mr. and Mns. Art Merc- er, Garden Hill. Mr. and Mns. Martin Manders and Larry were fishing at Hollow Lake. We wish to welcome to our neighbourhood Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Campbell who moved into part of Mrs. Fred Falls house last week. Miss Kay Terwillegar, Oshawa, was guest of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Glass. Mrs. F. Jackson 19 visiting Mr.j Let a DURO do the Pumping! SQAVING TIM ... RED UC- ING LABOR ... INCREAS- ING PRODUCTION. DURO Pumps, designed for Fanin duty, supply fresh waten where and when you need it... in the home ..barn . .. poultry yard... truck garden ... provides reserve for fire protection. Sec your Plurnber or DURO dealer for fuil information about the type of DURO Shallow or Deep Well Pump you need, or write for folder, "Running Water, the Farm Necoasityn. Curtis since her return from the hospital. Garry Cooper la now deliver- ing for Cornish's grocery store Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grady, Ham- ilton, visited Mrs. Thornton Wil- son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snell, To- 1ronto, visited Mrs. K. Gamsby. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tamblyn, attended the jfuneral in Oshawa of their cousin, Mr. Frank Mason. Coronation Day will be a holi- day for the schools, bank and post office, with no mail i or out. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Samuel visited in Toronto for the week- end. Rev. John Kitchen is attending the 29th Bay of Quinte Confer- ience in Oshawa this week. Little Donald Leslie Gîbson, age one year, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gibson, (formerly Jean Cathcart, Kendal), passed away at Oshawa Hospital. Funeral was Friday, with interment in Orono Cemetery. Mr. S. M. Scott, Bowmanville, who is at Tyrrell's drug store, af- ternoons, is renewing old ac- quaintances of his many friends in Clarke Township. Bowmanville Canadian Legion Pipe Band played in Orono Sat- urday evening.. Mrs. R. M. Bryson, Hamiltoli, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper over the weekend. Rev. John Kitchen will be the special speaker at Eldad S. S. Annlversary, Solina, on Sunday. Rev. George D. Empey, Hampton, will take the evening service at Orono United Church. Orono S. S. Anniversary is on June 7th when Dr. Kenneth Beaton, Toron- to, will be speaker. Miýs Shirley Porter, R.N, Osh-J awa, with her parents, Mr. andr Mrs. Neil Porter. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beal, Oshawa;t Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Toronto,1 visited friends in Orono.c Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Hay, Donc and Billy, Islington, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Reesor and- family, Markham, visited Mrs. a Milfred Sherwin and family. Mrs. S. Payne who has been in jý Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, s, is very much improved and is now staying with ber daughter, Mrs. Chas. Disley, Bowmanville. C Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Eustace, b Pembroke, are staying with Mr.v and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton, while Mr. Eustace is attending Confer- ence in Oshawa.& Miss Adele Morton was the re- I cipient of a shower Friday even-v ing at the home of Mrs. Jr. D. a. Brown andi Mrs. H. E. Millson Cý when 40 friends gatbered to hon- our the bride-eleet. The home B was beautifully decorated with spring flowers. The bride-elect1' was presented with many lovely D gifts and a corsage. Aýmock wed- M ding followed by refreshments st arranged by the bostess and Mrs.H Chas. Tyrreli brought the pleasant ir evening to a close.K KENDAL c and Mrs. Cecil Glass. Mr. and Mrs. George Byers and Mlarion, Toronto, were at their ummer home here. Mrs. Lloyd Glass visited Mrs. '. J. Carscaden, Wednesday. Mrs. Carscadden bas been confined to bed for about three years and is very glad to have visitors drop in. Sympathy is extended to Mn. and Mrs. Robert Gibson in the loss of their small son witli con- vulsions in Oshawa last week; also to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cath- art, grandparents. Mrs. N. Kennedy, Miss Hilda Bell, Mrs. Reg. Elliott, Mrs. Gar- [and Cathcart, Mrs. F. Stoker and Mrs. Wm. Mercer attended the District Annual Convention for West Durbam Institutes at Black- tock. Mrs. Kennedy and Miss lilda Bell were the two dressed In old time costumes representing Kendal on the roll caîl dress arade. Kendal ladies were botli 3urprised and delighted to re- zeive first prize on their yearly rogramn again this year. A crokinole and euchre party 'as held in Kendal school May 15, to pay part of expense of bus xip which pupils plan on taking ri June. Prize winners were: n euchre, ladies-bigb, Mrs. Mary Luxon; low, Miss Irene Inch; nen's-high, Burns Hoy; low, obent Collett; in crokinole, girls' -higb, Betty Martineil; low, Reita osgraaf; boys'-high, David Fost- r; low, Kenny Martineil. Tbe xvest section of South Dur- arn Rural Basebail League con- sts of four teams this year: Cendal, Orono, Newcastle and owmanville. Our opening game vas played în Orono May 19 wîtb Cendal winning 11-2. A more .osely contested game was play-, id at Kendal Friday evenine 'lien Bowmanville wvon, 4-3. <endal's next game is at New- :stle, May 28. A dance and euchre was held bt McLean's Scbool on Friday wening with a good attendance. Irs. Cockburn Sr., Elaine Pow- Il and Hilda Bell were tied with igb score for the ladies, with iilda Bell winning out; Peggy 'ockburn received the consolation .vard. Gent's higli went to 3urns Hoy; low to Don Catbcart ýd door prize to Clarence Ther- ell. tri in il Li Bc ha sis KE Bc wl K( ai, lv e]l hi. Hi Co an tel A fine group of National Film Board pictures was shown by Miss Ioch in the school on Monday ev- ening. "Playtime in Bermuda" gave us an idea why so many people go tbere for their holidays. The film '"With the Canadians in Korea" was a great contrast to Bermuda, xith its barren moun- tains, trenches and truckloads of soldiers and liomeless and back- ward people. "In Eye Witness", trainloads of grain were shown coming into Fort Arthur and Fort William. Travellers' chieques brouglit out the importance of our tourist industry. The pupils beld a sale of paper flowers, figurines. pictures, etc., which they had made, and added over $20.00 to their bus trip fund. Newcastle Holstein Makes 823 Pounds Fat Gels Lifetime Certif icate Amember of the purebred Hol- stein herd of J. T. Brown, New- castle bas recently completed a 365 day Record of Performance test as an eigbt-year-old of 17628 lbs. milk containing 823 lbs. fat, average test 4.67 percent butter- fat. She thus lias a six lactation lifetime record of 100,468 lbs. milk cortaining 4610 lbs. fat, aver- ave test 4.59 percent butterfat, thus qualifying for a Red Seal Certificate of Longtime Produc- tion presented by the Holstein- Friesian Association of Canada. As a five-year-old she produced 876 lbs. fat fromn 19591 lbs. milk and as a seven-year-old 954 lbs. fat from 20856~ lbs. milk. This cow wvas Reserve Grand Champion at Peterboro in 1950 and Reserve Grand Champion at the Durham County Black and White Dav in 1951. She bas been classified as "Very Good'i Sel- ective Registration._ Let nature bave lier way; she understands ber busines ete than we do-Montaigne.1 i. eAdmi#rai REFRIGERATOR tw/iff8 ~~W4,fS# EAO/7 DOOR SHELVES MORE STORAGE SPACEI You get more Food Space for yaur dollar in less kitchen $pace with an Admirai. Features - bultif-n butter keeper, fulI-wldth freezer and freezer drawer, fuil- width crisper and 41/2 big shelves. Freezer and drawer hold nearly 40 ibs. of froz*a foods. i 7MDL C ;0, ADMIRAL Re2errotrs.uin u e ~I With the purchase of any A&DMIRAL PREFRIGERATOR You wilI recelve The following Basket of Groceries FRON Y E0 ' S Iluality Meat & Graceri.s 55 KING ST, E. 2 lbs. Butter 1 IL Bacon 1 - Chicken i - 6-lb. Ham 2 pkg. Frozen Raspherries 1i 5-lb. Roasi of Beef 2 pkg. Frozen Peas 2 - Bricks of Ice Crearn '/21h. pkg. Cream Cheese 2 - large Canada Dry 1 doz. Eggs 1 - carton Coca-Cola OR THE EQUI VALENT TeV. SHOP PHONE 3262 m24 NONTHS TO PAY M bow i nasile Uontroî Means Hard Work -Ask Any Farmer Like many of our noxious weeds, Sow Thistie is another immigrant from Europe that isi doing well for itself in Canada in; spite of efforts to control it. An- other appropriate name fat~ this hardy creeping rooted perennial is Creeping Sow Thistle. Its roots sipread in every diectlon sending up new plants at every joint. Wind borne seeds also do much, to spread the weed over wide areas. Seeds have even been col- lected on windows of aircraft fly- ing hlgh aboya the earth. The yellow scourge is persistent after it gets a foothold. Its pres- ence is marked by showy yellow flowers two inches across. These appear in grain and cultivated crops, roadsides and other moisi waste places at any time from June through September. Grasshoppers are fond of the plant but their efforts at eradica- tion in this part of the country have been meagre. Usually hard work and sweat and carefulcl tivation are required to -ontrol it. Persistent, cultivation or black 93ummerfallow are effective inj reducing the infestations. The disk should not'be used, bowever, as it cuts the root into small sec- tions, each of which may send up a new plant. Cultivators and spring toothed harrows help in bringing the roots to the surface to dry out. Chemicals are effective in con- trolling top growth and seed ri- pening. One application of 2,4-D at 8 ounces actual acid per acre will usually accomplish this buti several application at 16 ounces 2,4-D acid per acre will be requir-I ed to kill the roots. Small areas can be cleaned with sodium chlor- ate but this method is expensive and also has the effect of steriliz- ing the soul for some time after- 1wards, The 33 KCING ST. E, LOW DOWN PAYNENT li PAGE EIGHT -ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IROWMANVMLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAT e Ig5a î7:5 Performing the pleasant rite of cutting the cake, are MJr. and Mrs. Donald Woodrow Smith following their mar- riage in Columbus United Church on April 25. The bride is the former Doreen Jane Fowler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fowler, R. R. 2, Oshawa, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith, R. R. 1, Columbus. The young couple will reside at R. R. 1, Columbus. -Photo by Hornsby Studio mtzýý PUBLIC NOTICE The Coronation Rer Most Gracious Majesty QUBEN ELIZABETH Znd takes place on TUESDAY, JUNE Znd, 1953 The day has been appointed by Royal Proclamation as a PUBLIC HOLIDAY to be observed as a day of general thanksgiving and rejoicing throughout Canada on the occasion of the Coronation of 11cr Gracious Majesty. F . M. Vanstone, Mayor, Town of Bowmanville. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN