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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1953, p. 10

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£f1Z teI ' A N b VJTESMAN, .DCJWLVIL'VIJLE' ONTIAIO- chances of escaping with littie or .uaw no inury.Parents Attend DJistrict Mieeting of Can da PrpaesTo "As a matter of fact," sy h Can cl Pr pa es o overnment book, "our chacs according to the Iaw of average s hawa e br lP syC u c W n * * ~~~~~~~~re pretty good in any case, but O h ee rlP lyC u clW e Deal Wih isaster te are far better if we take p J.LLLprapriate precautions"'. Aims of Council Were Explained _________________________________________________ The boook goes on to describe the types of atomic weapons 'YOLT CAN'T BE CERTAIN - YOU CAN BE READY which could be used against Can- A number of parents fram the self-supporting. fa dian communities, explains Bowmanvjîîe district atterided the Mr. Anderson pointed out thal jwhat ta do now to prepare for second meeting of the Oshawa as the Oshawa and District Coun- such emergency, what to do if and District Cerebral Palsy Coun- cil is a member of the Ontario Contrary to widely-held opin- layman's language hold good un- attack cornes and how to carry cil held May 27, at Rotary Hall, Federation, which is affiliated ion, total extinction is by no der any type o! attack, including an afterwards. Oshawa. Delbert Arkless, Presi- and works in close co-operation means inevitable in modern war- those with high explosives or in- included in the manual are dent of the Council, welcomed with the Ontario Society for Crip- fare, even. under attack by the cendiary bombs, and, indeed, are clear instructions on construction parents and others interested pied Children, the Oshawa Coun- mast powerful weapons yet used. applicable in most types of peace-1 of basement shelters and outdoor from Oshawa, Bowmanville, cil is also an affiliate with the So- This is the keynote of instruc- time catastrophe as well. shelters and special hints which Newcastle, Pickering and Ajax. ciety. tion cantained in a federal civil Playing Safe mav be invaluable ta citizens in Thanks ta the Rotary Club o! The regular meetings o! the defence handbook, "Personal Pro- "Th)!s business of getting, ready Wartime. Ohw a xrse yteCuclwl ehl ahfut tection under Atomic Attack", for attack by an atamic or sonýe Copies of the manual "Personal meeting and also ta the radio and Wednesday at Rotary Hall, Osh- published by the Department of other kind of bomb, docs flot mnean Protection under Atomie Attack" press for past and future co-op- awa and the June meeting will be National Health and Welfare, that the place in which we live are available, free, ta all civil de- eration. a cambined business and social a!- whose minister, Hon. Paul Martin, is go ing ta be bombed", the book fence workers, through Provin- Thprniasekr inifotecile s is responzibie for civil defence at notes in its introduction. "It sim- cial Civil Defence offices, and Theordo incialdsp ekerasyrs. fair. A pnfre cidr i the' fcr1rcra' level. ply means that we are playing arrangements have been made byC dntrothOtaiS- the QCo-ordinatoreof Oheawatarro.So- lntcnded as a general guide ta safe. It's the sort of thing we do th1ue' rntr taa o ciety for Crippled Children, who the population at a time when aIl the time when we buy insur- its \videspread sale throughuut was *present with Miss Margare Canada is organizing and training ance, put lightning rods on the Canada, at n ominal cost. McEwen, Reg. N., theditctL alGr e d roof and pour anti-freeze into the nurse for the Society for the car radiatoYr. We just don't want coniso naroeuhmad B ofb lFn ta take a chance." i Warden'st'içniç Narthumberland. They were a e- l', , The parallel between civil dc-, c¶ ompanied by W. Anderson, Pre-UOn Comiflg M'arriage fence and insurance is drawn' To Benelu ai rn sident of the Ontario Federation ____ __throughout informational mater- irn for the Cerebral Palsied, and Mrs. Stra vnnMy2,a ilisisued by th~e Civil Defeîîce Park, Sat , J une 13 D. Griffiths, Secretary. Ma2 t Division of the Departrnent aof Lions Centre, Bowmanville Girls' National Health and Welfare. It Aims o! Council otaltmpaydhse t reiterates, la ah its publications, Thr annual Warden*s Pienie Mrs. Richards spake o! the airns a miscellaneaus shower for Peggy that, since disaster is nu respecter \vill be hield at the Orona Cam-n and objectives af the new Coun- af persons or places, everyonc munity Park on Saturdav, June cil. They should be first, she Goulahi and Rau Haynes in hon- miust ho prepared tIn meet any 1.3, J. Hartwcl Lowery, Warden thoug t, t rn auesta onau !teir fthcoigmrig P ~ type of emergency, including en- of the United Caunities of Dur- the variaus communities in these oAsJune 2oth. oul rebt emy attacl. lham and Northumberland, has counities of the problem of cere- A h an opeaebt Civil Defence is descri::d as or- announced. bral palsied children and aduits, well known and popular the party ýanzed preparedness, helping ta The pienic will begin at 2.30 wtis fo physia im poet andiens resaent. wThabut en- :,:Yjf--P tiî nila. r dirsas- inîmiiize the effects of disaster, p.m. and there will be sports o! tefor pduca mrvm adýion oendstemselv e a sue orn ci :~ viicHcic mauai~ a'vclives and property, maintain ail kinds for vaung and aid. There Thrsecond i soldb t ounddancing sand sqcards. r p i pî iepsliiyprccluction adsustain tecoun- wil easibl aebten .Tescn i hudb oruddnigadcrs Icct oufunr cities could bel trvs w"iilta pull through and ta the upembers of caunty counicil giveepadenorgm tta acyH ern, achr ! ;iSn; cr atùcfic bombs. 1ih ac u o deriy and fenployees of Narthumnber- their parents, who in many in- the hall team, was presented with hi bl:x~asprntd efreitPrcparedness Pays 1 land and Durham Caunties. An-listances feel îsolated and eut off an identification bracelet by Em- Tii d vscd thatsoe naions I aad eae invovedi other feature of the day will be from community activities. The ma Bragg, and Carol Caswell read wý: di-,-Icsedtht sinenaion iIf anaa ecae ivovedina hasebaîl game between two parents will discuss common the address and expressed sarraw liave carried e.-perimentation, a war and xvas suhjected ta hos-tmsoteSuhramR- prohlems and give each other at the loss of their team-mate ta with death-dealing weapons into tile action, government officiais rlBsbl ege upr n norgmn. teRCAFWD the ficld o! hydrogen explosives, feel that the eaemy xvauld b aBsb alceau.Muprt Andesncsouraementhe ThenR.ChAe.brid.n ro-o whuiich miay be even mare lethai maie interested in bonbing un- I the evening thiere will be.a M.Adro pk !te Te h rd n ro-a than tn. inieli-ublicz.ed toin repard comunitic tat thos acea lcClarke Township work of the Federation, which bec were conducted ta gaily-dec- bonmbs. But, experts of t1'ce De- whcre c\eryhocly was reaclv bc- Hlail, Oî'ono, bcginning at 9 lias a mcrnbcrship o! over ance orated chairs at a table set with fepc 11,scach Bard Canda, aus, thllthe ca ill bc providcd fie aof tlousand families in 23 cities of tall candies and flowers by jovial fple Rcerl ouc.Cnaa asti hy CmuId Cau'SC ca;e u tqcattending thc Ontar-io. Througli their oawn cf- nmaster af ccrcmnonics Tomnmy . .11îtific aldviscrs to the civil de.- more ('asuLdties andî cia far -rent- 'Lttllç fonce- authorities, helieve that fic er daniage. Sa. the botter prepr-Pline( are askcd ta briuîg thieir forts. and with the hclp of the c Mastçrsoti. priliciples whiicîi it sets forth in cd. flhc better a co-mtiunity's own lunich. Ontario Society for Crippled Chil- Afler an acldress wns renad by diron, seven treatrnent ciinies Carol Caswell, on behiaîf o! the iave been estahlishced, t\vo or- bail teaini, ishing them the very thopaedic classes anîd six Play best of luck in their eamning inar- L adies Auxiliary Centres for these ehildren hav-e rage, a decorated wagon loaded been set up. Organizations o! with gifts was drawn in by Linda To the Legion Hold handicapped adults have aiso Masterson. The young couple been functioning i several cities, opened hi parcelsan thanked oronation Tea with the abject of iearning erafts everyone for the many lovely ______which will heip them ta became giftsfo their new home. Peggy's Mrs.Albet Main, 0 Chrchdad spoke a few words an behaîf Mrs.Alhet Main, 0 Chrcho! his daughter. St., was the lucky winner of a Business Directory Then the rmusicians, AI. Fleteh- heautiful hand-knit sweater in ________________ er, Art McDonaid and Shirley 1 ic draw heid at the very sueeess- Farrow resumned playing for morei fui Coroîîation Tea in the Legion L E G A L dancing until the deliciaus lunch- zz-jHall, Saturday afternoon, May 30.- - con was served. Everyone hadt The tea and bazaar, sponsared by W. R. STRIKE, O.C. a wonderful time.E th Ladies' Auxiiiary ta the Le- Barrister, Solicitar, Notary Thanks are due ta Gladys Mas-r gion, was opened in the fiag de- Solicitor for Bank a! Montreal terson, Daisy Haynes and Jean corated Legian Hall at 2.30 by Money ta Loan Phone 791 Sellers for making thîs pleasantr ~~ Zrr Lloyd Preston, president ao th ZrLegion, follawing the introdue- Bawmanville, Ontario evening possib -le. it r PITTSBURGH Samv.Proof HOUSE PAINT if yûur house is painted white, you don't want it to look a dingy gray. Sun-Proof Mildew and Fume Resistant Outside White looks whiter, is whiter and stays white longer. To effectively com- bat mildew a special mildew inhibitor lias been built into Sun-Proof Outside White. It's extra durable and weather resistant. Learn how the two-cniaf ______ Pittsburgh Sui House Paint syste extra protection erate cost. Corne ii us explain the suj of Sun-Proof Hous $2,25 Q UART Cet your FREE copy"II LANIDIE 7 King St. E. ')" ') l"s' " .,, -unlue, jpresl- dent o!fte Ladies' Auxiiiamy. 'The hand-knit sweater wan by Mrs. Mavin, was the work af Mrs. Jack Knight, and earried a motif of Union Jacks and maple leaves. A pieture o! Queen Elizabeth II held a prominent place in the hall and decorations foilowed the Coronation theme throughaut. Baskets o! tulips and other garden flawems assisted in setting the scenle for the tea and bazaar. The crowd was an enthusiastie one and ail articles fromn the home- baking, neediecrait and ather booths weme sold out. Te tea was eonvened by Mrs. AI Fletchen, with Mms. E. Wllatts and Mrs. Russell Candier pesid- ing at the tea table which was beautifuily decarated with a basket o! vari-colored tulips, flanked by white tapers. Tables foc the guests held a single tulip l in a Coonation flowem holder. Mrs. Walter Oke and Mrs. Au- drey Smith wene extmemely papu- ian with their fortune teiling, the former by cards and the latter by teacup reading. LONG SAULT n-Prof ~ ~ I--i--:-~ Mrs. Orme Miller spent the in-Proofweekend with hem parents at Para. em offers Mr. and Mrs. C. Penwarden and bITC'IIGII r. Ban Penwarden matamed ta inan ltMr. n . J. Middleton, Or- and let na, were Sunday guests of Mr. periority and Mrs. Fred Partner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wight and se Paints. Muriel. Janetvflie, Mm. and Mrs. -410 YTIDE wMIEI J. Nimigon and family, Belleville, ID ai,#190with Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson. ePTSUfG,. Our teacher, Miss Mamgery Ann U ipt, ifPrice, bas accepted a sehool at Narwood. Mrs. J. A. Rosevear, Tyrane, lias been engaged a-s teacher for the coming year. Mn. and Mms. G. Beno and 'Color Dynamics for the. Home" boolit.1 family, Oshawa, Mr. and Mms. Geo. Van Dam, Pontypool, were Sunday guests ai Mm. and Mms. G. Kovac's. Giad to report Mr. Kayac is H 1ARDWARE slightly improved. _Mrs. Edith Murphy and Miss Phone 774 race Smith spent the .weekend Phone 774 with Mr. atid Mrs. Hugh Murphy at Bowmanville and attended sary. LAWENC C.MASOM .A Barrister, Solicitop, Natary Public King St. W., Bowmanville Phone, Office 688 - Residence 553 MISS APHA 1. HODGINS Bamister, Salicitor, Notamy Public Successar ta M. G. V. Gauld Tempemance St. - Bawmanville W. F. WARD,B. Bamister, Solicitar, Notamy Money ta Laan 91½ King Street E., Bawmanville, Ontario Phones: Office 825 - Hause 409 DE N~TAL DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone 790 House Phone 3609 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 naon Wednesday Closed Sunday DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. Bawmanville Office Haums: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 nmon Saturday Closed Sunday Phone 459 CH."1"IROPRACTIÇ G. EDrIN MANN, D.C. Office: Mprtr Specialty Paper Produets Building 63 Temperance St. Phone 509 Office Hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday REAL ESTATE H. G. (Hapý GILL Real Estate 8 Second Street Praperties Sald - Rented Managed and Appraised Member af the Ontario Real Estate Boards B. G. GUI, Reaitor Phone Bawmanville 3514 ARCHITECT Before you build, consult an architect HERBERT G. COLE, M.E.A.LC. Telephone Bowmanvilje s653 AUDITING MONTEITEH &MONTErffl Chartered Accountantg Phone 5-4662 37 King St. E. Oshawa Gardon W. Riehi, C.A., resident partner.' OPTOMETRY KEITH &..BILLE1iT '4 King St. W. - Bownianvilje Optometrist Office H-ours: 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. Manday ta Saturday except Wednesday 9-12 Evenings by Appointment 71 ai' The Houslng Question An Aberdonian decided ta build for himself a new house; sa he sent for six fee-masons. "Hallo," said tonald, "hae ye heard abaot MePherson?" "Na, what's wrang wi' hlm?"v said Sandv. "Oh he's sellin' glow-warms Let Us Dé Realistic A recent bulletin ai the Can- adian Chamber a! Commerce makes god reading for those wha cannt see why a partiular town or village cannot ecruit an unlimited number o! new indus- tries. It's right alng the line Councillor De Geer discussed in tawn council recently. Under the heading, "Let's be ealistîc about Industrial Promo- tion," the Canadian Chamber o! Commerce says: Sa your tawn or village wants new industries! And you have formed an industriai cmmittee a! yur Chamber, perhaps hired an industrial commissioner, even formed a new hamber o! com- merce just ta bring industries in- ta the cammunity! Good! But stop a minute! What has youm cammunity got ta offer ta industy?-and keep your enthusiasm and your imag- ination well under contrai when Have you an espeeially desir- able location relative ta markets? in town or nearby, ecnomically interesting supplies o! any parti- cular aw materiais? Have you a neserve o! mnan- 5 power with the skills and experi- S h ence that a prospective industy eould use? (Remember. it's rare- ]y desirable ta rab an existing in~- I dusty ta staff a nlew one); a pre- ferred position in respect ta trans- KIW4G STRI portation? Have yu at least adequate power -- hydro, water or fuel- eadily available? These are the main points. But thee are other considerations. These othen considerations in- lude: assessment and tax ate and structure; social, religius and educational Institutions and facîlities; r ecreational facilities and the labor relation history o!f the cammunity. If your comnîunity stacks up favonabiy whcn ail tiiese tiîings are taken into accouîît, thon y~ou arc at least ready ta start. But if there ae tua maiy gapsM in your record once y'ou have made an honest appraisal aflic situation iin yotîr coîninunity - forget it! Try something else iin-4 Don't get inta the industnial promotion race just for the sake o! keeping up with neighiboring You wi communities or just because your deliciou members or the citizenLs generai- You will ly think it's a good idea. Explain you wul: the situation fraakly, then seil A real i them- a hetter idea.1 And what are those better Ask Your ideas? Are you giving adequate service ta existing industries? Are you BIG entinely satisfied with the trans- 2-oz.I potatin services you have? withU your elucationai set-up? with Sottie relations between business people REFR GIER A TOR farmers? with your pamks, play- grounds, skating rinks and com- munity centres? with the way your community is governed? In effeet. is your tawn the best place ta live in, ta womk in and ta play in that yau, collectively, tae a' the beekeepers 50 the bees can make it? can see tae wark at nicht!" .~-$~IT'S EASY tappay for next winter's cool this simple way. Pay smial monthly surns NOW, and start next winter wîth a bmn-full af the warld's finest anthracite- already paid for. Buy at the yea.r's lowest price. USE THE 'bie coal' BUDGET PLAN ,eppard &Gll umber Ca. Ltd. ~ET E. I-'HONE 715 Oran iiil find Wîlson's Orange more is than any you have ever tasted. 1 enjoy its ii Orange fiavor .. Il find it wonderfully refreshing. treat awaits you. IDealer for Wilson's ORANGE AT ALL COOLERS With the purchase of any ADMIRAL REFIGIERATOR You wiII receive FREE $20 Basket of Groceries Çuality Meat & Graçeries 55 RING ST. E.s The 33 RING ST. E. T.V. LOW DOWN PAYNENT - 24 NONTHS TO PAY r q PHONE 3262 DOOR SHELVES MORE STORAGE SPACE g Yeu gel mare Food Space for your dollar in lets kitchon space wilh an Admirai. Fatures - built-in buffet keeper, full-width freezer end freezer drawer, full- width crisper and 4/ bis shelves. Freezer and drawer hold nearly 40 lbs. of frozen f.ods. MODR Yb 'lu t1 ýIA ~~u t epM~LDVNUc~ç4éoÀ ~ lukniè», TILWHIRI To sur THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1953 TEE CA'M,&nTAm cr.&Yv-cxffAT làeUMffA%""VIFVt EET E. 1 ýl ý- PHONE 715 rý HOP LOW DOWN PAYMENT

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