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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1953, p. 12

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- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M CANADIA STATEiMAN, BOWMArNV.ULP, ONTAMO ________________TUSAJN t,15 ft&E TW!LY Ten Runs Scored in Firsi Inning Whilby Takes Brookdale Roses, 12-5 The Whitby Merchants had a big lO-run first inning against the 13owmanville Bnookdale Roses I.ere last Wednesday night in a Lakeshare Basebaîl League fixt- lire, and although they were out- played the rest of the game it was more than enough ta give them a 12-5 victony. The Merchants greeted Jack ]Buttonshaw on the mound for ]Bowmanviîîe like a long-lost cousin and pounded out four hits off his delivenies, one a bases- loaded homer by Junior Gu 've. Combining the homer with three singles and six disastrous walks, two of which forced in runs, the Whitby squad collected 10 nuns before George Joncs came in to replace Buttonshaw on the mound and put out the f ire. Jones faced Ken McDonald with two away and McDonald hit a hard grounder which went through the pitchers box. Maxie Yourtb stabbed it and made the plaY at first to finally end the inning. Whitby added one more run in the second when Neal topped the blai and it ianded between the Ibatter's box and the mound. Joncs fielded it in time, but a bad throiv to first enable Neal to reach third, from where he scored on Hank Saranowsky's single into centre field. The Roses got on the scoreboard Ir the fourth when catcher Bob Gallagher drew a walk. stole sec- pnd and scorcd on a double by LBob Williams into centre field.1 Venn Green, who took aven sec- ond base chores in the fourth tinning, struck out ta end the1 frame. In the Whitby haîf of the fifth the Menchants added thein l2th and final run by putting togetheri a single by Saranowsky, a single by Ward, a walk ta Bell and a grounder by Yuill. Roses Corne ta Lite The Bowmanville crew came ta life in the bottomn of the fifth ta score four runs. Ted Dadson earned a freetrip ta first by get- ting hit on the foot. Jones stnuck out, but Doug Kostka, wha re- placed Roy Falls at third in the fourth inning, singled ta advance Dadson ta second base. Tim Coxe lashed out a double ta score Dad- son. and Kostka pulled Up at third. Manager Maxie Yourth walkcd ta fill the bases. GaI- lagher bit ta the Whitby short- stop and was out at first, with Kostka scoring on the play. Frank (Sonnx') Hooper followed with the hardest blow of the ev-1 ening for Bowmanvillc, a longg triple mb odeep centre field which scored Younth and Cox. Williams cnded the rally at four runs byi grounding out ta the pitcher. That was ail tbe scoring for bath sides for the evening and the final count was 12-5 for the vistîng Whitby squad.E Both Pitchers Effective 1 Don Crawtord pitched nice ball Fomnd: Large Sain 0/ Mony . ..0 1 alwavs get a kick when I read this in the newspaper because it's proof of someone s honesty. But, unhappily, it cloesn't happen very eft.en. Umially'. moncy Iost is neyer found, to the great farrow of the loser. 'Ihat's why I don't take chances \' any more. Just hefore 1 leave on holiday, or set off on a trip. it's become second nature for me to change J the safeat o BndfeTavellecr'sing money that'I theysfunda sinet B offM T ravlr's Cheue.That'I know. You see, Travellcr's Cheques are only good when their owncr signs themn a second time -when he cashes themn or makes a purchase. 01113' rni ran *se your B of M Traveller's Cheq1ues. So don't ]et money lost -or eolen-spoil your holiday. Be wise andti htix a grand veuation -get TrravelJer's Cheques at your BANK 0F MONTREAL before you begin your trip. *Fi& The Mew',r,MPfr Month Of May . .. Iht you ean't be Pheerfid if you're sîîffering a painful. burning corn, What to do? Do try sew BI'E-.JAY Corn Plasters wit.h <~~Phenylium. Plienylium 'gets 2under your corn and Ieps push it outt frorn undern.enth . .. the first really nw medicat ion for corns and calhîses in aver aeventy cears. As a matter of fart, in actual teals it went, to work 33% fasier . . . om.41 /artcd 3,5% more surel.y than ayother Ieading rnmedy(i. Fra not surprised that three otof four corn-s'iffercis who try new Bhmie-Javs saY 'They're the best corn remedy I've ever lised 1". 'ou wilI, too! Ask for~ Blue-Jâyo w"h Phenylium at Bowmanvile-Roy Falls, Doug Kostka (4) 3b; Tim Cox, rf; Maxie Younth, 2b, ss; Bob Gallaghen, c; Frank Hooper. ss, lb: Bob Wil- liams, If; Johnny Stainton, cf; Vern Green (4) 2b; Ted Dadson, l b, cf; Jack Buttonshaw, Gearge Jomhes (1) P. Umpînes - Bannes, Oshawa, plate; Allen, Oshawa, bases. Double B's Win Prom Double J's by il fo 9 'nMen's Sofibal Bill's Billiards made thein first stant of the year, a winning one, as they edged the Jack and Jili Club by a score of il ta 9 at Mem- anial Park last Wednesday night. The J. and J.'s took an eanly lead in the game when Ted Miller drove a hit off Buck Cawle's fingen tips ta, drive in twa runs in the first inning. Bud Hoopen evened this up in the secand in- ning with a long home nun to score Buck Cowle ahead of him. Bath teams scored one in the fourth and the score at that time was 5 to 3 in favor of the Jack and Jilis. Bill's scored four in the fifth inning ta go ahead by two runs, the Jack and Jilis came back with three in their haîf af the fifth ta regain the lead. Then the Billiard Boy's bats started to boom and a triple by Jack Park- er. a home run by Dan Girandi, a triple by Buck Cowle and a double by Joe Piper gave Bis four runs and the bail game. jAce Richards turned in the bést pitcbing effort of the night' ai- lowing only three runs in his foun-inning stint, and giving upi aniy twa hits. Old reliable Frankl Jamieson was the hitting star with1 a perfect four for four including a double, while Sam Piper, catch- ing fon Bill's Billiards, was the pick of the fielders sbawing a fine throwing arma for sa eanly in the scason. Sain threw out twa run- ners at second base and blocked effectively at the plate an several occasions. The winning pitcher for Biil's was AI Rase and the laser for Jack and Jilîs was Cliff Trewin. RH E Bilî's Billiards 020 144 0-11 10 2 Jack& JîiIC 310 131 0- 9 9 7 Local Team Wins Againsi Kendal ii, Firsi League Game The Bawmanville team mn the Western Division of the South Durham Basebaîl League defeat- cd the Kendal squad 4-3 in a close game played at Kendal Friday evening. Jack Parker, who .usually plays the outfîcld, came in ta take aven bbc pitching chores and turncd in a nice garne, limiting the Kendal crcw ta eight bits. Bowmanvilie collected nine bits from the of- ferings ai the Kendai hurler. Bowmarîville teain is being sponsaned by Jack Miller ai Mill- er's Taxi and Bill Mutton of Mut- tan's Garage. Thèir first home gaine will be played at Memoniai Park at 6:30 n Coranation Day against Newcastle. Bawmanville-T. Bird. B. Per- fect. J. Parker, L. Hamilton, D. Rundie, D. Bates, E. Brooks, C. Ferguson, D. Girardi, K. Kelly. Kendai - Tbompson, Ashýton, Courousc, R. Evans, Lenaban, Guantrell. D. Simpson, W. Wadc, D. Rowe, P. Gilmore. Umpire--George Pmper. Firsi Came Posiponed Friday's night's tilt between Tom Cowans Harvesters and the Goodycar Office. with bath lcams out in full force, was cancellcd because ai wet grounds. The en- thîisiasm shown by these lwo clubs, who waitcd until seven o«clock for the weatbcr ta dlean up, Ispeaks well foir the softhal league and bbc plavers in it. Fu- ture games arc carded for Friday nigbt aI Franklin Park, and Mon- day and Wednesday aI the Mcm- orial Park. The field at Franklin Park is mucb improvcd aven last yean, tbanks ta Ahf Sameils and bis Franklin Park Association, and the fans could show thein ap- preciatian bv tumning out at the games played there eveny Friday night. For quick resuits - use The StatesmnClassifùed Ads. North Durham Basehali League Draws Up. Schedule for Six Teams for the winners, yielding only five hits, walking three, and hitting two batters. George Jones was equally effective for Bowmanvjlle after replacing Buttonshaw. He gave up only two hits of the Whîtby total ai 6, issued three walks, and hit one Merchant bat- ter. The Roses infield came up with two double plays during the game. In the fourth inning Vern (Shorty) Green took a hot grounder from Neal, juggled it momentarily, but threw to Maxie Yourth covering second in time ta force the runner. Maxie whij,- ped the ball ta Sonny Hooper at first in time ta get Neal on a very close play. In the sixth, the Roses came up with another twin killing, Yourth ta Green to Hooper. Green played a nice game in the field in th efour innings he per- formed. At bat he drew one walk, and struck out the other time up. Doug Kostka, who play- ed four innings at third, got a single and struck out in two times up. Bowmanville's f ive hits were made up of Hooper's triple, doubles by Williams and Cox and singles by Kostka and Gallagher. For Whitby, Junior Guye had a homer and a single, Saranowskv collected two hits and McDonald and Hanna stmÈoked one apiece. RH E Whitby ---- 10,10 010 0 12 6 0 Bowmanville -- 000 140 O 5 5 3 Whitby-Bell, ss; Yuill, 2b; Guye, cf; Ken McDonald, Tur- ansky, 3b; Neal. 1f: Hannia, c; San- anowsky, rf; Ward, lb; Crawford P. Recreation Revues hy DON SHAI PLAYGROUND INSTRUCTORS The following have been cm- ployed by the Bowmanvillc Re- creatian Dcpartmcnt ta wonk on the five playgrounds this year. At Franklin Park (Scugog St.) -Mns. Marjonie Shane. Lions' Community Centre - Miss Pat Smith. Central Public School - Miss Carole Tuenk and Bnian Vanl Nest. Ontario St., School-Miss Helen Cale. Memanial Park, Miss Margaret Purdon. Thirteen applications were ne- ceived one of wbich came fromn Grecnbank, Ontario. Playgrounds will open at 9 ar. Monday mamning, July 13. It will be necessary fan child- ren wishing ta take swimming lessans ta registen at the play- grounds on Monday, July 13. MEN'S SOFTBALL The tawn icague saftball exe- cutive have details well under contrai and the games are run- ning off well with the exception of anc raincd aut tilt between the Harvesters and Local 189, last Fri- day. The games are played every Monday and Wcdnesday at Mem- anial Park and eveny Fniday at Franîklin Park. Have you seen Al Osborne», 'Ticken" Crambie on Ralph Ames play softball lately? I understand they have hooked up with Tom TRAININ9 COURSE Cowan's tiarvesters. No smug A five-day training course willemrsplae be beid for ail the playground JR. VARIETY SHOW leaders in the East Central Zone Most successful of their thnee which includes Cobourg, Lindsay, presentabions. bath from a pro- Peterborough, Trenton, Belle- duction standpaint and a finan- ville, Part Hope, Oshawa and cia] standpoint. See repart in an- Bowmanville, under tbc direction other column. of the Recreatian Dinectors in thbCogautin M Anea and in co-openation with Cogauain aMs. d the Comunty roramesCale and Mrs., Gent Halîmn. n fane BhanChofTornto anogrtme st altheir efforts in gathering ta- Ceral Zone Tchoirana the atgether th e talent, wniting the CentaraRoe cain Asoiatnscript, pnaviding the music and Ontaio RcretionAssciaton. attending ta bhc numeraus details The course is designcd ta give of such a performance. Samething the playground leaders tbc hcst ta their credit taa is tbc fact that possible' information and mnaterialj thcy are able ta induce people ta on leadership, active gaines, arts help them witbout promises of and crafts, rules and negulations, nemuneratian an special recogni- safety mensures, probicm situa- tion. tions, programme planning and Splendid effort, may you con- special evenîs. tnewt niie da n n The five-day course will be sitio i n! iie da n n beld at Camp Qui-Ma-Lac on siain Moira Lake, 30 miles north Of PEE WEE BASEBALL Belleville, and an expected 125(JNOS playground leaders will attend.(JNOS SWIMMING LESSONS It is expected that swimrning lessons will again be a feature of the summer playground pro-i gram to be held at the B.T.S. pool, starting July l4th. Ncxt Satunday (June 6) will sec tbc opening of the Pee Wee Town League Basebail scason. The first game will be at 9 a.m. and tbc second game will be at 10.30 a.m. Continuous qualitq qjear after ijear Ranvea cOka Auorized b@WtI#0of Coco-Con under commeti wth Coca-Coln Ld. HAMDBLY'S CARDONATED BEVERAGES OSHAWA. ONTARIO PHONE 3-2733 "Coke" ls a0egitenid fado-mai*.1 held Saturday mornmng at the High School Grounds and four boys were elected as captains af the four teams. Bob Hannah, Capt. of the Merkley Runners; Bill Bates, Capt. af the Mustangs; David Parker, Capt. ai the Mohicans and Don Welsh who was the Captain of the Championship Pee Wee Hockey tearn. 9 a.m. Saturday, Hannah's "Runners" vs. Perkers "Mohi- cans" 10.3011a.m. Saturday, eates' Mustangs vs. Welsh's team. BANTAM ALL STARS First game June 5th High School Diamond. Bowmanville vs. Newcastle. I ~.iNorT .un.L......Legu ... *ill v. lakso- had been onganized -for the sea- juIy- son with Reg. Edmunds of Beth- 3-Peterborough vs. Bethany any as President. Teams have Part Perry vs. Millbrook been entered from Bethany, 4-Blackstock vs. Janetville Blackstock, Port Perry, Janet- 6-Bethany vs. Millbrook ville, Millbrook and Peterbor- Janetviîîe vs. Peterborough ough. 7-Blackstock vs. Port Perry SCHEDULE 0F GAMES 10-MIUllbraok vs. Bethany Jine- Peterborough vs. Janetvîlle l-Bethany vs. Millbroak il-Port Perry vs. Blackstock Janetville vs. Peterborough 13-Bethany vs. Janetville 2-Blackstack vs. Port Perry Port Penry vs. Peterborough 5-Millbraok vs. Bethany 14-Millbrook vs. Blackstock Peterborough vs. Janetvilîe 17-Janetville vs. Bethany 6-Port Perry vs. Blackstock 18-Blackstock vs. Millbraok 8-Bethany vs. Janetviîîe Peterborough vs. Port Perry .Port Perry vs. Peterborough 20-Bethany vs. Blackstock 9-Millbrook vs, Blackstack Millbrook vs. Peterborough 12-Janetville vs. Bethany 21-Janetville vs. Port Perr3r 13-Blackstock vs. Millbrook 24-Blackstock vs. Betharly Peterborough vs. Part Perry Peterborough vs. Millbrook 15-Bethany vs. Blackstock 25-Part Perry vs. Janetville Millbrook vs. Peterborough 27-eethany vs. Port Perry 16-Janetville vs. Part Perry Millbrook vs. Janetville 19-Blackstock vs. Bethany BlackstocK vs. Peterborough Peterborough vs. Millbrook 31-Part Perry vs. Bethany 20-Port Perry vs. Janctville Janetville vs. Millbrook 22-Bethany vs. Port Perry August- Millbrook vs. Janetville 1--Peterbarough vs. Blackstock Blackstock vs. Peterborough 5-Bcthany vs. Peterborough 26-Part Perry vs. Bcthany Millbroak vs. Port Perry Janetville vs. Millbrook Janetville vs. Blackstock 27-Pctcrborough vs. Blac.Xstock 7-Peterborough vs. Bethany 29-Blethany vs. Peterborough Part Perry vs. Millbrook Millbrook vs. Port Perry 8-l1ackstock vs. Janetville Mrs. Clinton Farrow attended the Nurses' Graduation dinner at Oshawa Friday evening. Miss Shirley Jeffs, Napanee, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wiliis Jones. Mrs. William Lane wbo suffer- ed a heart attack while visiting ber son Harry, is in Orangeville baspital. Cleland Lane and Mrs. Melville Jones went up ta see her an Sunday. Mr. Percy Rowe, Vicwlake, stayed wîth his sister, Mrs. John Pearce, during Conference week. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Harris, To- ronto, spent a few days with ber fathen, Mn. Reuben Payne. Mr. and Mrs. James Stark and family, moved ta the John White property at Starkviile on Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Sigsworth, (nee Jennie Nesbitt). of Regina, are visiting her sister, Miss An- nie Nesbitt. Miss Alice Nesbitt, Toronto, was home for the week- end. Mrs. Frank Gilmer. Mrs. John Pearce, Philip Gilmer and Biliv Lane, spent the weekend with friends at Niagara Falls. From now on until furtber no- tice. the United Church service at Newtonville will be at 2.30 p.m. Wednesday evening duning the bigb wind storm a Part Hope taxi dniven by Ran Hall met.with a very unpleasant expenience while passing through our village. The car, enroute ta Toronto with five passengers planning ta at- tend the Metropolitan Opera, was bit by a faliing iimb. The car wvas extensively damaged and al- thougb anc passenger, Miss Doris Baulch. was cbeckcd at Bawman- ville Hospital and the driver was trcated by bis doctor in Part Hope, bath are rcported ta have escap- cd seriaus injurv. Tuesday evening the commun- ity hall was packed when the play "Simple Simon Simple" was presented under tbe auspices af the W.A. The play with its drama af tragedy, lave scenes and yet more than the usuai amaunt of comedy bnought such favorable comni'ents from those wha were present that several requests have been made for a repeat perform- ance. During the intermission, little 4-year-old Biliy Wade of Courtice. captured the beants of ail present as he quite uncancern- edly manipulated. the sticks on the big drura, littie drum, cym- bals. and twa othen attachments, keeping time with bis mother wha played the piano. Club 49 quilted a quilt at bbc home af Mrs. R. Scott last wcek. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall on a fine baby girl born June lse in Memnoriai Hospital, Bowmanviile. Mr. Brenton McCullough and Mrs. Danald Davey attended tbc funeral ai their auint, Mrs. T. Gnecnwood at Peterbarough on W cd nes day. Mn. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and Michael, xisitcd Mr. and Mrs. N. Bickcii. Bowmanville. About 15 members ai Club 49 met at the home of Mrs. W. Mac- don ld, Bowmanville, lasb Wed- nesà ey vening and presented her with a gift on ber departure from the club. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm spent bbc weekend at Glenver- dean, Hall's Lake, Haliburton, bringing home a 17-incb rout. George Aildread left Saturday by plane ta attend tbc funerai of bis father-in-iaw, Mr. A. Gaskin, Moncton, N. B., which was held on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. C. W. Woodiey, Joyce and Jim, Mr. Stuart Hooey, visited Wilbur Mark at Graven- hunst on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park, Ce- cile and Daug, and Audrey Wood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mur- ncv, Peterborough. Hon. and Mrs. W. A. Goodiel- lo.Phil, Ada, Ph.,,llîs and frîend. Codrington. yîsited Mn. and Mrs. H. Phiip and iamil\'. Congratulati.ons ta Mr, and Oshawa Broadcasiers Win Firsf Game in Girls' Sofibaîl League Oshawa C.K.L.B. Lakelanders defeated Mike Osborne's Coal- dusters 8-6 i the first game of the Lakeside Girls Softball Lea- gue played at the Central Public School grounds here a week ago Friday. The Lakelanders are registered as an 'A" team with the Provin- cial Women's Softball Union, while the Bowmanville girls, wbo are managed by Lamne Haines and caached by Jahnny Stacey, are in "'B" classification. Other teams in the Lakeside League are Salem, Maple Grave, Ajax, Whitby and another Osh- awa team. Emma Bragg pitched a nice game for the Coaldusters, while Doris Battams was the star hit- ter with two home runs. Oshawa-Peters, Allen, Barteil, Allison, Kutaslenski, Wyatt, Durs- ton. Kelemen, Gayne, Kehoe. Bawmanville - Carol Caswell, Hilda Brock, Peggy, Goulah, Em- ma Bragg, Gwen Msasey, Donothy Kilpatrick, Doris Joli, Doris Bat- tams, Hazel Donoghue. Umpires - J. O'Reilly, Gordon Sellers. NE WTON VILLE IMrs. Ray Davey (nee Lynn Stan- ger) who were married May l5th at Kapuskasing. Mrs. Wil1 Little, Calgary, Mrs. Walter Kilburn, Oshawa, called on Mrs. D. Davey and Mrs. W. Hughson. Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Delaney and girls visited Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Delaney. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rag- lan. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam called on Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. James Delaney and Douglas, attended the dedi- cation service of the new Orange Temple at Oshawa. Quite a number attended the Coronation on Television in the Hall sponsored by the W.A. la- dies. TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamshlp Consult .JJURT &LOVELL Bowmanville OIL BURNER Becouse you g.t botter h.ating u ower coot wkth a VO TEX E O4Ily a Vortex bas this money-saving, whirling, bowl-sbaped flame. It blan- kets the entire fire chamber with rich, radiant heat- sends the beat into your rooms instead of up the chimney. Burner reaches top efficiency in a few sec- onds-applying heat direct- )y to furnace heating sur- faces. Relax ini perfect comfort and make sut,- stantial fuel savings with an fron Fireman Vortm~Ili oil burnermL. L. A. PARKER & SONS 47 King St. E., Bowmanville' Phone 651 b 1' e and family visited Mr. and Mis. Bob Vivian, Cadmus. Mrs. Ralph Larmer and two children, Blackstock, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden. Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snowden, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne, Ebenezer, spent the weekend at Lake Couchjch- ing. A number from here attend- ed Eldad anniversary services on Sunday. Rev. L. M. Sommerville and Lloyd Snowden attended the Bay of Quinte Conference at Oshawa Iast week from the Courtice Cir- cuit. Mr. A. T. Gibbons, Renfr4 Ont., was guest of Lloyd Snoe den while attending Bay of% Quinte Conference at Oshawa. Evening Auxiliary was held on Thursday evening, May 28, in the church basement with St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary of Bowman. ville as guests. Our president wel. comed the guests after which thev gave a very inspiring worship service followed by an interest. ing talk on India by MViss Allin, a retired missionary after 31 years in India. Miss Allin is returning to India in August as the need is s0 great in this work and they are short of workers. Mrs. W. H. Brown thanked them for the ]ove1l' programi and then our pre- sident took thé chair and con- j ducted the business. A social haîf hour was spent at the close. Num- ber present 24. 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 Mn. and Mrs. Morley Flintofi IRM tqÀ'KTAYNTAU enAFrvoRrA-&v Mrs. George Jarvie, Calgary, who has been visiting friends and relatives, has left for home ac- companied by her mother-in-law, Mrs. Robt. Jarvie who has gone for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday attendcd the graduation exercîses receives bis degree of B.P.H.E. of U. of T. when their son Jack Congratulations Jack from this community. Women's Institute community night, June 8th at 8 p.m. in base- ment of the church, when Mr. Wicr. Lindsay, and Mr. Tolmie, Orono. will give a talk, show pic- tures on "Lands and Forests Con- servation". Everyone welcome. Sympathy of this cammunitv is extendcd ta Mir. Arthur Trimble and relatives in their sad bercave- ment in the loss by fire of bis daughter, Doris, Mrs. Harding, Osh awa. ýf 1 Nnrth T)iirhum y . . on -.. «Ml--I--,--ý MAPLE GROVE q a

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