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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jun 1953, p. 6

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PAGE ICsx TECNDA TTSA.BWAVLE NAI HR~IY IN t,1 "CoutryParson"" is a Stimulalinq Book Thaï You Will Find Equally Gool Reading for Parsons and People REV. GEORGE MORRISON "Country Parson" is a book re- ently issued which is highly re- eommended for reading, flot just because the author was the late Rev. George W. Morrison, but rather for its heart-warming ob- servations. Mr. Morrison, who was the United Church minister in Simcoe County for 13 years, died in Ma y 1951 at the age of 41. "Country Parson" ie based on preliminary drafts for a series of essays which he hoped would some day form a book. Mr. Morrison was a regular contributor to the Midland Free Press Herald for severàl years. The editor of The Statesman thought so well of these articles that often they were reproduced in this paper because they had the human touch, were well REWARDING READING thought out and were prectical. The author lias set finrthi in plein language, many of the trials and tribulations faced by e rural minister, and lias placed a fingen on some of the human neesons fon these difficulties, aithough flot in sancastic measure, but rather kindly. He deals with all phases of church 111e, from raising the nequined funds 10 meel necessary expendiluree, to impnoving the condition of counlry cemetenies. While discussing such matons, Mn. Morrison exhibits hie own deep Christianity, bis own spirit of goodwill and tolerance. George Morrisoîî spent part of each week as seéretery of the Simncoe County Federation of Ag- riculture and directon of the Com- munitv Life Training Iîîstitute. 6« $ 50 to S$1000 fa«i at HFC on your own signature Neobhankable secunity needcd. Up to 24 months te -pay. Phone or stop in at Canada's largest, mnost .ocommnended ceoeumer finance organization. MOHEY WHEN YOEIU MIT ~~25OUSEHOLD FINANCE 111/2 Shmuo. St.South, second floor, phone Oshawa 5- 113 9 OSHAWA, ONT. PORT HOPI BRANCHi 71 Walfon St., 2nd floor, phone 3050 We Make it Easy l'o Enjoy next Winter with paid-up-heat Pay smaîl monthly sums. Gel id of those big winter fuel bils. Start now on the 'blue ceai' Budget Plan and begin the winter with a bin-fuil of 'blue coal'-al paid for. Act Now-while pnices are at thon, loweat. USE THE 'bue coa1r BUDGET PLAN Sheppard & Giii Lumbor Ca. Ltd. KING STREET E. PHOlNE 715 malathon The newest and most promising INSECTICIDE The safest insecticide ta handie Especially effective for control of insecte on fruit, vegetables, field cnops mnd ornamentals. Safe for commercial and home gardon use; Write for information to NVOR 7T/Fj ROYAL BANK BUILDING V(a - £ MI TE/J TORONTO 1, ONTARIO M3-21 He became a power for good, a guide to clear thinking through- out the entîre county. His views were respected flot only as min- isten, but as agriculturist and cdu- cationist. In the foreword by William Cranston ie the following ex- cerpt from an editorial which he wrote the day after George Mor- rison's sudden death. "His inter- este were many, hie enthusiasm great. And he did flot fali down on a single job which he under- took. No small part of George Morrison's ministry was under- taken through the press. For six years bis weekly articles on rural life were one of the most vital and interesting Meatures of this newspaper. They contributcc much to the mutual understand- ing of rural-urban problems which is characteristie of tbis en- tire community. "Rev. George Mornison died in the service of rural Canada. He gave of himself fully, and, whle ho died young, none can say that in those years ho did not accom- plish far more than Most of us are permitted to do in throe score years and ton." Reading "Country Parson" is a stimulating oxperionce whidh serves to emphasize more clearly than ever that Ontario and parti- cularly the County of Simcoe suffered a very great loec in the death of George Morrison a. sucIh an early age. LESKARD Rex'. and Mns. A. E. Eustaco, Pembroke, with Mn. and Mns. ,Leroy Hamilton, while Mn. Eus. lace attended the Bay of Quinte conference at Oshawa. Leskard was well represented at the Onono Parade by Cuba Gary Thompson, Glen Grant, Alex Green, L. Thompson, Peter Loucks, Alan Merlin, Bannie Howard and Philip Loucks. Mire. E. Green and Nobby vis- Ited with Mre. Margo Samuels. We are sorry to hear that Miss June Tennant is in Bowmanville Hos pital and bas. been operated on for appendicitis. We wish hon a speedy recovery. Lt. Com. John Conyell, R.C.N., Vancouver, B.C., with hie parente, Mn. and Mrs. W R. Coryell. Mns. N. Bradshaw, Mr. Lorne Robbins and Mn. and Mine. Art Robbins with Mr. and Mine. Wil- liam Bovd, Orono. Mins. W. Bradshaw wishes 10 thank ail in the community who gave so generousby to the Salva- lion Anmy. $37 was collected. One and ail "Thenk you". Leskard W.A. wiil need June 10 et 2 p.m. AUl ladies are wel- come. Mr. Stanley Jonathan, Buffalo, and Mn. N. Bellamy, Newcastle, with Mn. and Mire. Belemy. A little boy went int the book depertment and asked for a vol- ume in the window enlitled "Ad- vice to Young Mothers". With raised eyebrows the assistant esk- ed why he wanted such a book. The reply was simple, said the boy, 'in coilecting moths." KIRBY On Seturday night, May 23. Mn. and Mins. E.* R. Bryson entertain- ed aIl the Bryson families et thein home. An enjoyable evening was spe nt playing cands. Mr. and Mns. Ray Bryson were pnesented with, a very lovely tri-light and e Ken- wood blanket as e wedding gift fromn their relatives. The evening was cimaxed with a lovely lunch. Miss Marlon McKelvey spent -he wekend with Mire. F. Brima- conmbe. Mn. and Mrs. W. T. Bigelow, and femily, Oakville, visited bis, narents, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Bige- low. Mrs. Annîie Patterson, Mn. and Mrs. Bill Wannan and Ross vieil- ed Mr. and Mra. Harold Souch, Starkvile. Mr. and Mns. Jack Marks and family, Long Braqich, visited Mn. and Mns. Fred Graham and Mn. and Mins. Raymond Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pattenson, To- ronto, \isited Mn. and Mrs. Bibi Wannan. Mrs. Pattenson netunned with ber grandeon for e visit. Mrc. Jas. Wannan, Miss Jean Wannen and Master Rose Wan- nan visited Min. and Mrs. Wm. Ru thoerfo rd. Miss Elizabeth Reid is homei aflen a stay in Sick ChbId nns Hospital, Toronto. We hope, Eiza- beth is soon feeling fine agein. Mmc. H. Lowery, Mrs. E. Quan- trili, Mrs. Annie Palterson and Mirs. Bill Wannan attended a spe- cial W.A. meeting et Kend al Weed- nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mre. Ken Bell and i family spent lest Wednesday visiingfrindsin Thornhill. 1 MORRISH Friaîay evening Y.P.U. met in the Sunday School with an aven- age attondance. President Lorrain Young conducted the meeting. A very amusing geognaphical con- test was onjoyed which pnoved a reai test of' "Know Your Coun- try". Ganies and a heanîy lunch of bot dogs wîth cocoe, concluded a pleasant meeting. Suîîday, May 31, at 10 ar. a special Cononation service waas held in church with a good con- gregation and Rev. A., W. Hard- ing in charge. Once again in keep- ing with this service was a junior choir of boys and girls 1rm h Sunday School. Mr. Harding out- lined the procedure of the Coron- ation service and nîeanîîîg of each action in the anoinitng and crown- ing of Our- Queen uîîitîng ber ta God and people. The National An- them and Benediction brought te a close Ibis very impressive service. A beautiful basket of flowens ini memory ol the late Mire. M. Clark af Pont Hope, was placed ini front aI the pulpit by Mirs. R. J. Ashton. Chunch service will be held aI 10 a.m, eveny alternate Sundey wilt Sunday School et Il a,mn. Other Sundaye School et 10 a.m. \UP ofC1er ou' ircflere svrnpathý to Mrs. James Brown andi Iamily1 Community Sales Yards Must, OBITUÀRY. -INow Employ a Velerinary MRS ROBERT B.MOR In poor health for theletfv ~2V Inmm oeana U aI.uayears, Mrn. Robert H.Mor say co miVV.8r W tso passed away i eoilHsi e tal, Bowmanville, May 25 in ber Dcsgne toensre cotin- glatons Opratré f slesde-88th year. Mn.. Moore suffered a Desgne toensre cotin- glatons Opratrs f slesde-fractured hip five weeks mgo and n ance of the high standard of pots must have at least one build- was in hospital following this ac- nhealth of Ontario llvestock, regu- ing for the stabling of stock and cident until her death. 1- lations govorning the operation of the floor of every building used Born near Haydon, March 2, le community sales yards are now for stabling and every passage 1866, Mrs. Mooro was the former .- in force, W. P. Watson, Commis- way must have a smooth imper- Marion McNeil, dmughter of tthe x sionor of Livestock for Ontario meable surface. late Susan Greenaway and Ar- il has announced. Provision of adequate mcmiii chlbald McNeil. Followlng her il Operating under the Hcalth of for the watering of stock lu man- marniage to Robent H. Moore, ýs Lîvostock Act, the regulations datory. they farme d in the Haydon- I provide for the licensing, inspec- Further provision of the licens- Taunton district in Dmrlington -tion, and votenunary examination ing rogulationu cails for the ne- Township until Mn. Moore's death ,of ail stock offered for sale in ail moval of manure and refuse from in 1911. Mrs. Moore then movcd -yards except the Ontario Stock- the premises of the sales yard at to Bowmanvilie where she made yards and sales of pure bred least 24 hours before stock ls ne- her home until her passing. She n stock. Under the regultons op- ceived for sale by auction. Fol- was a momber of Tninity United e J erators of community sales yards lowing the romoval of the man- Church, and when ini bettor lmust employ a vetorinary to ex- ure the promises must be disin- health, an active workor in ,amine alI animals before thoy arc fccted with spccified chernicalâ. Church St. group of the Woman's -permitted to enter the yard. . Must Record Sales Association. She used to enjoy s "Community sales yards have Ini addition a complote record gardenlng until ill health forced epcrformed a useful service ini of transaction showlng the name her 10 give up tbis activity, pnoviding a medium 10 brlng buy- and address of the consignee, thc Surviving arc two sono, Doug- o rvlnd seller together," said the buyer and seller, must b. kept las, 145 Yonge St., Oshawa, and rLiv stock Commissioner, "The ne- by openators covering a period of Hugh, Church St., Bownianville, rgulations are dcsigncd to cnsure not leas than 12 months. and one daughter, Mise Ky that only healthy livestock is of- Under the Act the Commission- Moore, Bowmanville. Two child- fered". cr or hie inspectons may enter ren predeccascd their mother, Must Be Inspected any promises on vehicle used for Archie. who died as a resuit of the storageoro transportation of wounds received in World Wan T; The regulations provide that no livestock for the purpose of en- and Hazel during the 'flu epid- person shall maintain or operato forcing the negulations. emic following the war. a community sale yard wlthout a Penalties for contravention of license boing issued by the Live- the Act or negulation provide for Three brothers survive: James stock Commissioner, and that all a penalty of not less than $25 and and Alexander McNeil, Haydon, animais be examined for SYMP- not more than $250 for the firet adRihr of Enniskillen: also toms of disease by a veterînary offence and not les than $50 and tresitrMns. Elizabeth Van- before entering the sales yard. not more than $ 1,000 for any sub- Msn re r isCthSenin Mel o ndo Operators of sales yards may flot scoquent offence. rst. Theret s aemonrn d î fT- allow stock suspected of being in- Fee for thelne for the o n .Tee-eas oegad fected 10 enter the yard. eaino ~ ee child, Beverley Ann Moore, Osh- eraionofsales yards Ie $25 and awa.' j Maintenance of a high standard should be fonwarded with the ap- Fneasrvcwscodtd of sanitary conditions in tho sales plication to the Ontario Livestock Fby B eviey.T.A Mnasn tedn yard is compulsory under the ne- Commissionen. yriFuenT.A.lMChan ay th, woth in he ca benaveent f a eanMns. J. A. Gunn pnesiding at the inther who prased t faay ST R VL Eorgan. Among the many beautiful 24 afer w a n lss. awyMandT RK IL floral tnibutes whlch spoke elo- 24 atera lng llnss.Mr.andquently of the high regard ini Mrs. Clark lived for mnny years Miss Norma Hallowell. Toron- which the deceased was held, on the farm now owned by Mn. to, spent the weekend at home.. wene those of Chunch St. Group and Mns. H. Berry. After the Mnr. and Mns. Carl Todd and'of Trinity W,A.; General Motors death of Mn. Clark she moved to familvy visited Mn. and Mns. Clin- I of Canada, Goodyear Tire &1 Port Hope where eventually hon. ton Farrow, Newtonville. 1 Rubber Co, Ltd.; R. M. Hollîngs- daughter Mangeny and family Mn. and Mns. D. Shutka and1 head of Canada Ltd.; as well as joined hon when illneàs precented family, Oshawa, visited Mn. andI those of relatives, neighbors and Mns. Clark fnom boa ding hon Mrs. M. Shutka. finonde. usual active life. The lange num- Mns. S. Moffatt, Toronto, with Pallbearers were Messrs. Roy ber of fiends attending hon fun- Mrs. R. Boughen. McGill, Enniskillen, Lloyd Ash- enal and the rnany beautiful floral Mrn. and Mrs. L. Bannes and ton, Umydon, cousine of the de- tributes testified to the love and family, Bowmanville, Mrs. Allen ceaséd; Lance Phair, Tynone; Gar- esteomn in which Mrs. Clark was Cornish and son, Toronto, wlth net MicCoy and W. J. E. Ormiston, hold by fniende near and fan. Mn.nd Mns. Victor Farrow. Bowmanville; Ralph Vanstone, Mn. and Mrs. M. Allison, New- Mn. and Mrs. Bort Trim spmnt Wrhitby, a nepheW. Interment was castle. visited with Miss M. fleck- the weekend at their cottage. in Bowmarîvillc Cemétery. ett. Mns. Gawrîe, Streetsville, andF Miss Vivian Mitchell, port~ Miss Shier, Toronto, epent the Hope, with bis cousins, Joan, weekend with Miss Alice Hallow- Neie nStto Kîhand Arthur Marvin. ell. etto Sain Mn. and Mrs. Hanny Beckett wene guesîs et the graduation of You* are as young as youn faith Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Hunking, theirninece, Miss Joyce Beckett at as oîd as your doubt, as young as Mn. andi Mrs. Ernest Brown and St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton. yu efcnieca l sMies Manie Manlow, Oshawa, Mn. youn fear, as young as your hope, adMs GleMalow Back s as old as vour despair. Gertrudeo alw lcsok Z ION (liane Twp.) with Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Mr row The community dnew a capa-,,, Mn. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, Bowmanville, visited Mn. and city crowd as over sixty guests Mrs, Bruce Heaslip. attended a presentation in honorl LB1Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Willis and of the newlyweds, Mn. and Mns. N O TM.WmICkmnEorno wt Douglas Whitney, at the home of II hic parents, Mn. and Mrs. Dolman Wili the person who seur Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Harris. Whitney. The company was as- cil the Amerlean Female Mrs. O. Wright, Mrs. Goldwyn sembled in the spacious reception Water Spaniel, white wlth Faint and Vicki,ý Toronto, ealled nooms unden the chairmanship of yeilow spots and answerîng on Mrs Alice Fonder. Rey. A. Harding, Welcome, who to the name "Baby", froni Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barber and bnought the gathening to ondon the Bnian, Countice, visited Mrs. Ada jwith bnief remanke aptly illus- Ci McKee. trated. Mn. Peter Hawthorn gavei Osha wa City lPund Mn. Charles Briggs, Tom and a selection on his violin, which Bill, Toronto, vîsited Mn. and was as usuel, an exempl fra Please contact Mrs. Lorenzo Mountio)Y. musicianship. Mns. Carman Irwin FII sMrs. Jos. Fonder bas returnedF read the address and the gifts of to hon own homne and fniends and walnut tri-lite lamp and etched Naale yrny hÎbours are pleased 10 see honr Plate glass mirnor were pnesented atl M ruk feigs much botter, haviîig by Arthur Meneilley and Keithi 8 DOWBORNE AVE., spent sevenal weeks with Mn. and Il Caswell. Both the bride and TRNO ONT. Mrs. Hanry McLaughlin sirice groom spoke very well in reply. Ail expenses will ho paid leaving Pont Penny fHospital. 1Others called upofl 10 expressi and a Mn. and Mrs. Oliver Rohror, the will of the gathering in of-I LIBERAL REWARD Warren and Douglas. visited Mr. fening congratulations and good F paid for the return and Mns. Orland Robrer, Mitchell. wishes were Wilmot Prouse, Os- of this pet. Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Robren and ace. and Cocul Payne, Newîton..,- Carol, enjoyed a mnotor trip to ville.I Hamilton and Woodstock. Mrs.Edwn Rubve thn co- I_______________________ Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Manlow, To- duct EdwinTRuhvn hn cn-onto, visited Mn. and Mr&. Grant ces" contest with emusing instruc- Th oeon. rviie Sna aieadtrcysletos with Mn. and Mns. Arnold Taylor. Refreshments and chit-chet d a nce Sal'. Mn.. John Proutt and Mise Ruth rounded an evening of ploasant Mn. outManad rIa Proutt,Lida , renewing of acquaintançe, pasî' ProutonaMn. antiMine.invdnayroutt, and present. also home. ý-L y t ieurL nai vir. j. F Thompson suffered a broken hip while stayrng at her daughter's, MIrs. Ed. Lawson. She ie now in Oshawa hospital. Mrs. Marwood McKee and Mrs. Lawson are in, Oshawa while their mother is in the hospital. We are also sorry that Mrs. Goff is stili in the hospital at Port Perry. There is no change in her condition. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hanna with their daughter, Mrs. Welsh in Oshawa. Mr. Andy Holmes with Mr. Elino Archer at Janetville. Mrs. Norman Gibson and Patsy are with Mr. and Mrs. Russell L armer. She is feeling much fbetter after her appendicitis op- Ieration. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Reid and Duncan Jr., and Allan, Sunder- land, visited Mr. and M4rs. EarI Oliver. Mrs. Dunkeld and Mr. Ellis Melton, Clairmont, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Strong and family, with Mr. and Mrs. James Melton. Mr. Lloyd Henry, Bowmnan- ville, is staying with hie sister, Mrs. Lorne McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKee with Mr. and Mrs. Lonne McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McQuacIe had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart McQuade. Mr. Clare Fallis was at his cot- tage this weekend. Mr.s. FoliLs and Nliâs Bene Fallis were at Mrs. Charlie Fal lis. I VIE W-MASTER 3-dimension - Full celour CORONATION REELS A front row seat at the Cor- onation ln S-dimension and natural colour View-Master reels wiIl be avallable lna few weeku. Don't be disappointed- Make sure you get yours by ordering now. No advance payment ncesaary. 3 reels ouly $1.50 J. W. JEWELL "BIig 2019 27 King St. W., Bowmanville 1- PHONE 558 NESTLETON S. S. annivensany services in the United Chunch wene well et- tended. The childron'e choir and Mise Gladys Emerson sang in the morning and Ebenezer Men'e Choir ini Ibm evening. Services were enjoyed. Over $100 was taiton ini. No services next two Sundeys owîng 10 anniversany services et Ceesanea and Cadmus. Conratulations to Mn. Norman Dysart who passeci hie exeme at University of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm and family. visited Mn. and Mine. Relph Malcolm, Yelventon. Mr. and Mire. John Hall, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mine. Russell Mount- joy, Blackstock, Mn. and Mire. Woî. Smith, Lindsay, Mr. Clifford Smith and son Bobhy, Toronto, vieited Min. and Mine. Kenneth Sanie ls. Min. and Mrs. S, Malcolm, Mire. Sam Brooks and Mn. Grant Brooks, Bowmenville, Mr. a.nd Mine. Neil Malcolm and son Gar- don, Blacketock, visited Mn. and Mire. Lawrence Malcolnm. Mn. and Mire. George Cha pman, Balyduff, calleti on Mn. and Mirs. George Johns.. Mr. and Min.. Henry Sheffield, Oshawa, Mr. and Mirs. Edwardi Sheffield, Califonnia, Miss Yvonne Chant. Blecksiock, visited Mr and MIri. M. Emerson. Sorrv to report Mn. Doiia. Emerson tell andieut his hanti quito badly and had several stitch- e in il. Rev. and Mrn. Harry Atkinson, Richard and David, M r. and Mrs. Wilmer Fitzo, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. George John's wene dinnen guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. Job- lin. Mrs. Wesley Campbell, Bow- manville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Grant Campbell. Mes. H. Vine and Mr. Chas. Vine visited Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Mlddleton, Malton. Mr and Mrs. Armour Irwin and sons, Toronto, visitod Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine. Mr. and Mrs. 4loyd Hunter, Jamie and Nola, Port Porny, and Miss Isabel Foc, Saintfield, callod on Mr. and Mns. L. Joblin. LOTUS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen with Mn. and Mrs. Virtie McMul- len, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. John McCabe have takon up rosidence in Lotus. The wiring for hydro is almost completed and they are busy re- novatung the bouse. Mrs. A. McMahon, Mrs. C. A.mes and Mn. and Mns. D. Jewell werc in Port Penny Tuesday evon- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Gray visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. Sutton, Onono. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gray included Mn. Robert Shen- win, Miss Edith Sberwin, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Montgom- ery, Belleville, Mrs. Winn and Mrs. May, Port Hope, Mr. anti Mns. Cy Churchley, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fair and tamily and Mrs. M. J. Fair, Sun-i derland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. Vintie MeMullen and Allan with Mr. and Mr. H McMullen. Mn. andi Mrs. Jas. Mc- Mullen retunned home with themn. Home Permanents Shadow Wave wlth FroceJewel Case $1.50 - $2.80 Toni-Super - Regular - Gentle $1.75 Prom $ 1.75 Bobbl Moth Crystals 59e Larvex Spray 93c-$1.43 Kleenex $1.75 Mrs. C. Ames, Weston, who has spent the week with Mrs. A. Mc- Mahon, returned to her home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ames, Wes- ton, with Mr. and Mrs. A. McMa- hon and family. Mrs. Jas. Kerr le spending the week in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Rowson. An Aberdonian minister adver. tised as his evening subject "Winq~ and milk without money an&F without price."-The Church wau packed. Ké]I9L e.. WITH THE POWERFUL 5-HP 4~>GRAVELY Rotary PIow! The Groly Rotory PIow meons o perfect seedbed in luit ONE operotion! No <lods t. beot up, no horrowing necessery -it'e reody to plont! Corne ini, write or phono for dernonstrotien o« hree literoture. For information and free demonstration cali S. B. HENEY Wonderland Park Motor Court Kintston Road East between Oshawa - Bowmanville Phone Oshawa 5-4011 First Aid Needs Tangel for Gauze Bandage ---25c - 45e First Aid Kits ----------- 1.75 Burns ---__75c Absorbine Jr. Bandaids - --- Bayer Aspinin, S pe c ial1S Brylcrecm and Comb. 69e 10 oz. sizo Noxzema . 12 40e size Noxsema .------- 29e 60e Noxzema Shave Crcam 35c $2.00 value Revelon $1.25 Charles Antell Formula 9 $2.50 $3.75 Nil-0-N al - ------------- 9 8e $1.19 - $2.39 15e - 35e 19c, 29c, 79e Woodbury Soap 4 for 26e Colgate's Soap 4 for 29e Facelle 23e - 35 Special Value-Vacuum Botties- 8g Aviation Type Sun Goggles 99c Clearasil Breck Nivea Dettol for pimples Shampoo 11 Cream Antiseptie 690 85e - SI.95 63c-1.10-2.501 75c-$1.35 CQWLIING' S PROMUDUG TR 69, RG TR Wl FIT TRIISSFl1 NEW WAY TO RAKE HAY The Ferguson Side-Dehvtery Rake is designed specifically for tractor operation. Il greatly reduces leaf-a.atteng ... safeguards the quality and value of your bey! This rake ýe truly unique. New six-bar offset nemi handle hay gently. No pitchir.g, kicking and tossing evon at high speeda. Inatead, your hay in ifted gently, Up and over minight fiuffy windrow. with the precioua leave. tunud inward. True "sideward" raking action reduce. tbe distaîw from swath te windrow by 50 per cent. far rolling and chrnng ... no sudden jarning. Tractr-inountd. .. power take-off driven ... Finger Tiýp CStro1led. AMd it's surprisingly low inprice. Sid Lancaster R. R. 2 Newcastle Phone Clarke 2703 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO THURSD DAY, MME 4th, 1952

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