1~1 <~ NAT~?A MOrA F-bA N,.¶T3 D A 1à??V l-F NARI Girl Guides Receive Coronation Emblem For Services Rendered Twcnty-six couples of Trinity Father's Day. At a given signal, Jack and Jill Club spent last the Jacks rose and sang "Happy The Girl Guides and Brownies week-end at Bayview Lodge on Father's Day to Us". The Jills re- of Bowmanville, have been pre- Sparrow Lake. As is characteris- taliated with the following poem sented with the Coronation Em- tic of all Jack and Jill activîties, which was composed and read blem. This colorful badge was in- ther wa neer adul moent by da oddrd:troduced ta commemorate the Onhe r w a ny e dil mtomnt. by- d Gdard: h rsCoronation of Her Maesty, On Fida evning touna-DearFatersQueen Elizabeth, 'who was a mients were organized. The win- On June 2nd we had an impor- Brownie, a Guide and a Ranger. ners of the various events were: tant day, It wJj be worn this year and re- Shuffleboard - Ken Maguire, Our Queen was crowned with quirea the giving of service to and Ev. Jamieson; pingpong -I great display. aur country, individually or col- Keith Slemon, Dorothy Ross; tncBetiey darts-Stu James, Bonnie Me- , ut next ta that in importnelciey Donald and Jean Billett; horse- stands To earn this emblem the local shoes-Keith Siemon, Bonnie Me- This day of days over ah hlilslali the yeidcddt Donald and Anne Heavysege;, lands,f collect clothing for shipment Jack Ross and AI Strike. When we humbly honour our and wis.Thuh thei ri orftse In addition to these contests, bte haf Guiders, 1,000 pieces of wearing swimming, water skiing, tennis, Yes, I said better, now girls don't apparel, shoes, linen, etc., were voileybali. softball, and round laugh!I collected. Each piece was inspect- and square dancing were enjoy- True, there are times when we ed and packed by Mrs. A. J. ed. don't feel that way; Frank and Beverley, and found On Sunday marning at 9.30 a 1Wnen ne goes fisnîng and stays ta be in good, dlean, wearable church service was held withl aIl day. condition. The Guides and Brown- Tom and Kay Rehder in charge. ' Or when we've prepared a realj les also earned sufficient money Rev. T. A. Morgan gave a ver gond dinner to pay shipping charges, and we apprapriate sermon on Faitb. H n he is late, the misenable feed their combined efforts have stressed the importance of pos sinner. been worthy of the wearing af sessing faith in God, faith in aur But taday, bis virtues we'li only the Coronation Emblem. neigbbours, and faith in aur- S mention Record cards have been kept of selve's. Gwen Black sang "The S here are some ta get your the efforts of the Girl Guides Lordis Prayer" accompanied by Who enbtobboshadthi-oughout Canada and a nom- Maio ams.Wo lecuhub ays a ber of these have been pnesented Evenyane thonooghly enjoyed Sa we anhdatecilnnca ietaQucen Elizabeth. the turkey dinner served on this way, A similar effort was undertak- With camfortable homes and on during the xvar years, when as £* *clothes ta spare:1 thein war effort, 6,000 lbs. of fat PARKERCoulci you caîl that selfish? Yoo were collected and shipped for YORPUBRSZwauldn't dare. inaking munitions. This effort When sommer cames ta a cottage bruhaarloa ilGie we go a tribute fîom the Dominion While he wonks bard ta make H-eadiquarteîs, a mast autstand- more dough. ing war effort". There we swim and rest and Wieneyer mope >,_ Wilebe spend evenings alone: TYRONE at least, we hope. \ f The television sot foi- whichhbe Wiepays, Mn. and Mis. Lloyd Alldread - leail he can see are cowboys 'ldid Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. O and plays. Be ckett, Mn. Fred Page, Mrs. But aften ail, boys. when ail's Walter Rahm attended the Wot- said and done.: ten-Poweil and Webber Picnîc The fact remains, aur heants vou at Hampton Friday. have wan. 1 VMr. and Muis. Arthor Harvey *Sa, an this Fathers Dav, ta show' and Margoaret attended the anni- aur kind thought, rsy of the Kedron United A little gift for you each we have Churcli. boght. Jacqueline Rosevear spent a . By the name of the gift -we dont ieek with Mr. and Mrs. Marsh- imply al barmner, Millbrook. Whatwe tink f ya, wereMrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington, much too shy. visited Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. So now girls is the time ta bestaw W.M.S. is ta be held Joly 2nd each gift at the home of Mrs. H. Philp ait And hope it will ive you ail a2 p.m. C.G.I.T. girls will be in CaLlift.weedstiutdt charge of program. Lo.£M lpcps.r itrbtdt Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilîs visited - ailnd Jacks.llsatHail About 6:30 p.m., the members, 1r n r.G.Hi tHml Every Spring, yaur plumbing ail possessing renewed muscle,1tn Io baund ta act up. That's why mind and morale, reloctantly Mns. Ronald Rahm and Kath- àts is t b wilprpaedinheaded for Bawmanville. ryn visited Mr. and Mrs. Ross other seasons. Let us give yaur emnSut. Mn. and Mrs. K. Maynard and plumbing a qheck-up naw ta pre- Nearly 100 prafessional wamen family, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. S. vent emergebeles Inter. warkers in The United Church Of Walker, Doug and Gardon, Bow- Canada will attend the Fifth Na- manville; Miss Giadys Maynard, tional Canference of Prafessional Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. S. Hall Women at the Ontario Ladies and girls visited at Horace Hall's. ICallege, Whitby, Aogust 28. Ses- Mns. Mary Findlay1,and Dean, PL BNG -I4U~Isionsfl wili continue for five days. Unionville, visited relltives here. PL S G -1iEAý111"" Main course will be given by Dr. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rosevear s ý4ur ýTL Georgia Harkness, Professor ofvitdMrE.ARoeerC- Applied Theolagy at the Pacific bourg, and were tea guests of School of Religion, Berkeley, Cali- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bail and Mn. fornia.I. W. barmen, Millbnook. Master Tommy Mortlock, Ot- tawa, is holidaying with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. T. Janczyn R efrig rators and chilcîren also visited their home on Sunday. Refrig ratorsOne of the largcest Orange par- ades and service was heid bere Sunday monning. The Fife and Drum band was assisted by the by INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Juvenile band. The parade a largly ttededby dîfferent lodges. Rev. D. bute spoke on "Protesta nti sur." Past Master James Dclaney read the scnip- turc. The choir consisted of ladge membens and onganist Mrs. D. Davey.t The Juvenile Band is attending- service at Trinity United Cburch, Bowmanville, Sunday marning and L.O.L. Band is going ta Pan-C typool Sunday.S Mn. arîd Mrs. W. Rahm visitedC Mr. and Mus. J. E. Giffin. a Miss Floirence Gardiner, Bow- manville, visited Mî-s. Anne Phil- f; hip.E Margaret Chamberlain visited a Diane Thompson, Tauînton. Mr-. and Mrs . Jack Macpherson,a Mr. and Mns. Charles Hobb, Da-C vid and Peter, Toronto, Mr. and S Mns. Jack Barr and Bobbiea Brampton, Mrs. Charles Stewart, New York, with Mn. and Mrs. T. Barr andi Douglas. J Mn. and Mns. borne Annis and family visited Mrs. A. Bleich at Elmwood and atteflded a reunion a, picnlic at Hanover Park. A Dont torget the strawberry See these new International teon n tra ue 7 ... Mr. and Mris. Lloyd Webb and children, Polit-,vpool, with Mn. and R'T31ERATRS &Mrs. A. Wood. Mn. George Sears. New Toronto, With Mn. and Mrs . K. Clay DEP FRELIaL UNITS from aiso Mn. and MVrs. J. Colbary, vis- ited at the Colbarv home. on dspla iiiourMn. and Mm-s. Leslie Delaney on diplay n ou stor zoo and faivIN, Port Hope, Mr. and Mlany miodels fromn whicb ta choase $ 9 Mrs. John Logan, Oshawa,' visit- c d Mn. and Mus. Janfles Delaney. Appliance Clearance Sale! New THOR ELECTRIC STOVE reduced $100 New . Reg. $230. THOR WASHING MACHINE for $185 2 only USED HOSTESS HEFRIGERATORS - Low Price AT Faim Equipment and Automnotive- TOM COWAN, Proprietor 134 KING ST. E. ROWMANVILLE PHONE 689 BURKETON Conmgîatulamtîons ta Mn.and Mis. W allace Bî-eck on the arrivai of thei- bah'. ciau-ghtcn, born in Cambiclx~e ngiand. BeJ.t wm7 hes ta Mn. and Mrs. Pency Cowling. nec June Whit- field, wýho xvere mannied ut St. John's Church, June 20. Mr. and MnIs. R. Davey were guests with -. and Mrs. H. Da- ve. Bowmanx 111e. Mn, and Ms Norman Welsh, Bowmnille. v th Mn. and Mrs. C. Ashton aiid Ro v. Mî-s. Rilda Stev.enson, Albert and fricnd, wmith Mrs. A. Hughes and buis. Mnr. anmd Mns. R. Carter and Wayvne, Pc-teibora, -.n. and Mrs. George, Bowmianx-ilie, with thein J. Gatcheil was in Oshawa bý er familu. Mýrs. Carter' w-as in Toronto Mi-. and \I' s. E.. Adam- -ý,ere -m Bou\:a'ýi a'd wîth Mn. and Mns. A. Adamis. Three, Promising Instrumentalists Three of the young players in the B owmanville Public School Band who have shawn considerable promise in musical achie vement are: Heather Webb, alto horn; John Dippeil, bass tuba, and Jerry Ross, clarinet. They performed in a concert presented by the band in the High School Auditorium, Tu esday night, June 16. Four Fine Young Players Perform These young musicians are members of the Bowmanville Public School Band which presented a concert in the High Schoo i Auditorium last Tuesday night, marking the close of the first year of the band's organiz ation. Some of the young plâyers, such as the four above, had only studied their instrume nts for a few months but showed very fine progress and accomplishment. Left ta right they are: Alec Wiseman, French horn; Keîth Welsh, flute; Barry Oliver, tuba; Addie Jansen, trombone. MAPLE GROVE Annlversary Vîsitors Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Bill, Betty Ann, Hamilton; Miss Marlon Snowden, Toronto, Miss Ethel Oxford, Town, at C. H. Snawden's. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Coverley, Lloyd and Kenny; Mr. Francis Johnston, Miss Canal Vinson, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mns. Ivan Cochrane, Betty, Marlene and Beverly, Courtice, at Morley Flin- aff's. Dr. and Mns. L. H. Coates, Brantford, Mrs. Otis Pritchard, John and Peter, Manotick; Mn.ý and Mns. Sam Castle, two boys, Peterborough; Mn. Gardon Janvie and two children, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrso Jack Illidge, Paul and John; Mn. and Mrs. Jack Bennett, Jili Canolyn, Toronto, at Mrs. L. C~. Snowden's. Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Wdlfraîm, twin daoghters, Ruth and Anne, Almonte; Mn. and Mns. A. Keane, Vin. Sam Keane, Oshawa; Misses Vlanjony and Dorothy Somenville, Caurtice; M. and Mns. Leslie Jack- son, Town; Mn. and Mrs. E. b. ililbank, three daughtens, Orono; at H. G. Fneeman's. Mn. and Mrs.Ed. Jennings and family; Acton, Mns. Harold Mîlîs, Bruce and Chester, Ennîskillen, at Cecil Milis'. Mr. and Mns. H. Wallace, Mn. and Mns. R. Wallace, son Dave, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples, Barrie and David; Mn. and Mns. Ted Spencley, Bethany; MIr. and Mrs. Ray Mýann, Pont lape; Mn. and Mrs. Allan Clark, Jimmy, Town, at R. Tnimble's. Mn. and Mns. Tom McGuinki nd twa children, Mn. and Mrs. j Aàlan Down. Ebenezer, at H. Cry- derman's. O IU R Mn. and Mns. Ralpb Larmer O IU R and two cbildren, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne, MUS. NORMAN PINGLE Ebenezen Mn. and Mns. Kenneth Cox, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mns. Her family and many friends McNaughton, Mn. and Mrs. Art were saddened by the passing af Lymen and family. Oshawa, at Mary Lola Pingle,_ wife of Narman Eber Snowden's. Pingle, on June 12 in Memonial Mns. Drumimond and Mn. Alex Hospital, Bowmanvilie. Though Dnummond, Orona, Mn. and Mns. in pon health for the past six E. Wenry, Mn. Grant Werny and months, Mîs. Pingle's death came Betty Jane, Enniskillen, Mn. and suddenly. She was 59 years of Mrs; Edwin Ormiston, Ebenezen, age. Mrs. Mabie Bennett, Mns. Edra Mrs. Pingle was born in New- Pnîce, Mn. J. Tru, Caurtice, Mn. castie, March 16, 1894, daughter INeil Metcalf, at J. R. Metcalf's. of the late Robent and Mabel Mn. and Mns. Chas. Johns, Miss Gray. She was beloved as wife, Darothy Johns, Mrs. Hilda Col-[mothen and neighhor in her well, Ted and Irwîn Colwell, Mr.j community, and was a valued and Mrs. Ron McDonald, son Paol, memben of St. Paul's United Town, Mn. and Mns. John Broom Church, taking an active part in and family, Tyrone, at Wallace the wonk of the chunch and its Munday's. ognztos Mr. nd rs.Sam nowen, The funerai, whicb was largely Mrs. Cynil Luke, Oshawa, Mn. attended. was held at the nesi- Woodcock, Miss Alice Woodcock, 1 dence, 72 Elgin St., with Rev. H. Toronto, Mn. Neil Bnownell, New- A. Turner conducting the ser- castle, at Roy Van Camps," vice. The many beautiful floral Mns. Noble Metcalf, Oshawa, tributes wene evidence of bbe es- at Lloyd Snawden's. teem in whic-h the deceased was Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce and hield. In addition ta the tokens af Mary, Ebenezen, at Cecil Jeffery's. relatives, neighbons and fniends, Mn. and Mns. Kyle Squain, wei-e those of St. Paul's Waman's Shaw's, Mn. Nor-man Plummen, Associa tion, St. Paul's Evening Masteî- Allan Plummer, Town, at Auxiliary and Bowmanville Steve Jeffeîy's. laes Mn. and Mns. Ernest Twist and Cenîs family, Salem, at Jake baind's. Palibeaners were Messrs. Alfred Wedding belîs are ringing in Gray, Robent Gray, Oscar Pingle, aur community this week. Stanley (Bud) Pingle, Clarence Cox, Jimniy Houck. Interment was in Bowmanviile cemetery. The Board of Home Missions beft ta mourn ber passing are of The United Church of Canada l*r husband, Norman Pingle; ane wil this sommer send 224 stu- daughter, Betty (Mrs. Lloyd Han- dents out to sommer mission cack) 0 four brothers, Arthur fields throoghout Canada. 0f this Gray, Oshawa, Eric, Frank and numben 198 are candidates for thei Davidà Grav, Newcastle; and ane ministry. Twenty-one are young sister, Mai-ion (Mrs. E. b. Mar- wamen students of the United jernison) Bowmanville. Ch urch Training Schaol. Friends and relatives were present at the funenal from To- ronto, Oshawa, Port Hope, New- Tyrone Instifut e Sportmen's choce ... tor fresh or Salt water, fair woother o) tout. PI.ntyaof power for houvy boots .. . throttles down ta a purring 298 troll. Full P.athored Sofety Steei-ing, Duo-FI.x Propeller Clutch, $298 Waterproof Mogneto and Spork Plugs - Mercury FulJ.w.ld Powwe, LANDER HARI 7 King St. E. By Scottish Lassie A capacity crowd attended the June meeting of the Tyrone W.I. at the home of Mrs. L. J. Good- man ta hear Miss Jean Noble, Home Ecoiiomist for Durham, speak on 'Facts on Fabrics." Il- lîistrating her interesting taik by sampies of fabnics, she dealt with the buying; how ta know your fabric by name; the best use of each; best on pressing wool; tips on ironing. Miss Nancy Fleming, a visitor f rom Scotland, in Canada as the guest of the 4H Club, spoke in- fornxally to the members. She told of conditions in Scotland <ompared ta tiiose here. Among the facts she tuld uis were: many homes stîli without electricity due to shortage of pales; strict rationing stili in effect; higb mechanizatian of the farms. She concluded her informative talk by answering the miany questions asked by the niembers. Business was conducted by the President Mrs. J. A. Rosevear. Rail call brought forth many amusing replies on "Where I met my husband." Business included Mrs. G, Bre'nî and M-- A. Ham- ilton to represent our Institute Trrnity Jack andd li Club Spend Weekend aiDayview Lodge 10.00 REWARD For information leading to renting suétable four or five-room apartment or house in town for business lady, elderly lady and twelve-year-old girl, with pos7 session flot later than July l5th. NIGHTS 3084 or 3161 I Orono, Ont. June 23rd, 1953. Donald McLaren, Sky Harbour Air Part, Goderich, Ont. Dear Donald, 1 really belleve you will be safer in the air than in your new car. $100.00 may be your limit and the car no aider than yourselt but doubtless its had a inuch harder lite. We have gotten used to yaur flying but the highway in a '34 Ford saunds much more risky. When the surveyor was here Iast wec k he told us aur praperty extended rlght across Station Street se we have a ready made landing strip for you. Just say the word and I will tell Jack Morris te move bis phone pales out the way. Marjorie was home on Sunday ta say good-bye. She leavea Thursday for Banff where she wiIl spend the summer at U af Alberta school of dancing. Rather a plea- sant prospect, eh! Last Thursday Mum and 1 went ta the Liberal nomination meeting te hear Mike Pearson. Jahnnie James was naminated and the nominations closed se darn quick 1 didn't bave a chance te open my mouth. Had a big nation te naminate Bert Reid. Maybe Just as well 1 wasn't klcked aut as 1 enJayed Pearson'tz address. On the way out Art McKay and 1 agreed that Mike is a great man. When 1 sald: "toa bad he'u a Grit," Art retorted: "there are a few gaod Taries here - in the cemetery." Two, trips te Toronto for Canadian G~um asphait shingles, about 12 tons, didn't bring up aur1C enough te be safe se wll get another load this week If we ean find the time. Today Arch brought ln a load af Seal Bond Mortar Mix tram Cookuville white Bruce did the local wark, took a load af sheet rock te Bethany and couple loada af brick and flue linlngt t Newcastle. The Reading coal In stili rolling in a car each week. Fîrat priceeincrease goes on lu>' lst but expect te have four cars on order betare that happens. Ta-marraw we will have aur new ail truck aut ta tix Up a few custamers who want their tanks full for the summer. When you get flying a Jet you can drap In here for fuel as aur stave ohi. i kerosene quality and the benÉ fuel yon eould une. Se lont Don, be oareful with the 34. 8EE MeLAREN, Orono 48-r-16. I f PAGE TWELV 1 - - - 1 ~gi 4 PHONE: DAYS 2929 e y e e si s t r t s 1 an the Haspital Board. Tickets' Windrixn, Omemee, at Mr. Ceci for Canada Day were handed out. Pascoe's. The president announced that the Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Spires,bMW. flag pole ini the park was paixted brook, at Mr. E. Spires'. and the flag ta be flown an hall- Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and days. children at Mr,. Walter Davis, K.; Included in the pragram Were: dron. Singsong, Mrs. G. Brent; Devo- Miss Gerri Pope, Reg. N., Whit- tional, Mrs. H. Stainton; Music, by, Mr. Harry Potter, Toronto, Miss June Taylor; Duets, Mrs. G. at Mr. Alec Potter's. Brent and Miss Gloria Brent,! Mr. and Mrs. Alec Potter at and an amusing reading by Mrs. Mr. Jim Potter's, Maple Grave. A. Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson, Phillip and Elizabeth, Peterbor- SOLINA ' ogrMr. .Pascoe accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H, F . Osborne of Church services will be with- Ebenezer, to Lindsay, to visit at drawn next Sunday, June 28 W- Mr. Will Tremeer's. ing to Anniversary at Hampton. Will everyone desiring to send Temperance program arranged woollens for blankets through by Mrs. Harry Knox on Sunday the Solina W.I., kindly gther included a vocal solo by Pearl themn together as'fulil inlfori n Leach and a story read by Gladys re shipping them will be gven Yellowlees. at the W.I. picnic in July. The induction service for our Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert new minister, Rev. Reed , will be and Miss Velma Gilbert were held at Hampton United Church guests at the weddîng of Miss Me- on Friday night, July 3. gan Burns and Mr. Murray Hat- Mr. and Mrs. Stan Millson at- ten in St. Paul's United Church, tended the Fleury-Cannon wed- Paris, on Saturday. Velma was ding in Toronto, on Saturday. the maid-of-honor. Mrs. Milison was bridesmaid. Mr. A. L. Pascoe and Mrs. Ad- Mr. -and Mrs. Wes His, Mr die Tink visited on Tuesday and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, Mr. ampn.n ihMs JeCamn eBruce Taylor, Miss Jean Mont- hepton uiyhl rud gomery and Miss Evelyn Taylor Tecmuiyhl rud ri visited Miss Marg. Pellon, of present a much neater appearance Y Oshawa, who is confined to the fe being nicely levelled by Toronto General Hospital. the counil bulldozer, operated by Mr. Carl Ferguson. - Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and A group of volunteers have Stanley attended Decoration Day completed the shingling of the service at Bowmanville Cemetery church roof. on Sundav.l Several farmers are now filling Mr. Bill Camnes had the mis-'silos with grass ensilage. fortune to faîl and break his hip while working in Mr. Wes Werry's stables, where he is employed. He is in Oshawa Hospital receiv- ing medical attention. Mrs. Addie Tink with Mrs. Nor-. man Allin, Maxwell's, Sunday evening. y- Mr. and- Mrs. Roy Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid and Marlene, at Mr. Orville Lunn's, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Baker, To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Baker and family, Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Maclntosh and Carol, York Milîs, at Mr. Geo. Ham- lin's. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, at Mr. E. Cryderman's. mounted )n, Mrs. Geo. Knox and Carol atBeufuBrn Mr. H. Farrow's, Starkville. BatfiBoz Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox at Brougham. 800K*E40ç Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith, To- frcLftm laue ronto, at Mr. Stan Millson's. froLltm laue Mr, and Mrs. E. Larmer, Mr. Preserve forever, ever>' liflie Glenn Larmer, Blackstock, at Mr. wrinkle or skuff ai those tin>' E. R. Taylor's.1 shoes that ore stored awoy Miss Elizabeth Hilîs, Tyrone, at i Mr. Wes Hils'. in tht ad runl. Ercosed in Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor t genuine bronze b>' ur elec- Mr. Neil Rainey's, Orono. 1 tro.plating process. Precious Mr. Harold Reynolds, Toronto,' keepsakes in constant-view. at Mr. Ralph Davis'. Mr. and Mrs. N. Yellowlees, B ring in Your Favorite Hampton, Mns. Alma Yellowlees,BAYSOSt Carol, Donna and Marilyn, Ty-1 AYSOSt rone, Mr. Charles Allin, Miss Nan Allin, Bowmanville, at Mr. Wes- ley Yellowlees. The Tois Toggery Mr. Gordon Pascoe, Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jones,' Mrs., King St. E. Bowmanville Beatrice Windrim, Mr. Donald ________________ 1 ýe n y TEE CANADIAM ",&Mr-tZUÀW 1MMWVAWýWffx.lr ewm,&wTe% DWARE Phone 774 NIGHTS 3084 or 3161 Dear Donald j