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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1953, p. 17

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THfURDA'Y, RUWE 23, 1953 ClASSIFIE1 D UN MEMORIAM BROWN-In loving memory of a dear mother, Mary Jane, who passed away June 24, 1950. .They say time heals our sorrow SAnd helps us to forget, But time so far has only proved, SHow much we miss you yet. Many a silent tear is shed When others are asleep, For ehen we lost our mother Wè our dearest friend. -EveUFWenembered by her fam- 1ly. 261' FOWLER-In loving memory of dear daughter Betty Ruth Fowl- er, who passed away June 30tâi- 1951. God knows how much we miss her, Neyer shall her memory fade; Loving thoughts shall ever wand- er To the spot where she was laid. --Sadly missed by mother. 26-1 1'OWLER-In loving memory of a dear friend, Betty, who passed away June 30th, 1951. Sunshine passes, shadows fail. Love's remembrance outlasts al;, And though the years be many or few, Ail are filled with remembrance of you. -Remembered by Wynona, Bar-t bara, Johnny, Yvonne and Ear1. 26.1* GOODALL-In loving mcmory of my beloved wife, who passed away on June 27, 1948. Five years have passed and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell. Ft tIhe flowers we place upon her grave May wither and decay, But the love for her who sleeps beneath Shall neyer fade away. .-.Sadly missed by husband John. 26-1* GRIFFIN-In loving memory o! our dear father who passed away June 3rd, 1932, William Griffin, also our mother who passed away, June 24, 1950, Mary Griffin. -Always remembered by their family. 26-if VANNATTO-In lovlng memovy of a dear husband and father, David Henry Vannatto, who pass- ed away June 23, 1950. Timfe may heal the broken-heart- ed Years may make the wound les sore, Sicannot fil] the longing Npr t he loved ane. gone before., oshaî say the grief is lessened Tough the smile may hide the tear, rep the woun d atl Despite the passing of thé years. -Lovingly remembered by wif e and family. 26-1' Notices Dr. Storey's office will be clos- cd, June 28th bo Sept. 101h. 25-4 Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be clased fram June 28th ta August 3rd inclusive. 24-8* Dr. Fenguson's office wil bc closed from June 28 and bhrough July and August. 25-3* Dr. Keith W. Slemon's office mill be closed for holidays from june 19 ta July 12 inclusive. 24-4* Will bbe person who bas Leo IGouiah's stepladder please return t as bhey are known. 26-1 Dr. McKenzie will be on duty tbe weekends o! June 6th and 20. Dr. Wltzel will be on duty the .weekends o! June 13 and 27. 24-tf. CARD 0F THANKS We wish to take this opportun- ity to thank our many friends of Hampton Community for the love- ly trilight lamp they presented to us.* Many sincere thanks. Mr. and Mrs. M. Goodmurphy. 1 take this opporîunity 10 îhank, my many friends, neighbours and relatives for the many gifts and cards they sent me while I1 was at Sunnybrook Hospital. John D. Grahiam. 26-1* 1 xould like to take this oppor- tunity to thank my friends, Dr. Austin, Dr. Sturgiss and Dr. Rundie, also the nursing staff and Mrs. Tom Buttery, for kindness and care recevied while in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. Alex Grant. 26-1* 1 wish to express my sincere thanks to friends and relatives for their kindness, cards and beautiful* floral tributes, during my recent sudden bereavement. Special thanks to kind neighbours, the L.O.L. 311 and Rev. A. G. Scott. Very grateful to ail. Jcnnîc A. Thompsoi). 26-l". I wish te express my sincere thanks to Dr. Rennie, special nurse Mrs. Thompson, nurses and staff of Port Perry Memorial Hos- pital, for the care 1 received while in the hospital. To aIl the relatives and friends wvho visited me and for flowers, cards, parcels and cigarettes; also for ail the help received at home. Cecil Hamilton, Nestieton. 26-1* Norman Pingle and family wish to express sincere thanks and ap- preciation ta their many relatives, frienda and ncighbours for their kind expressions of sympathy and floral tribules during their re- cent sad bereavement ln the losa of a loving wife and mother. Also a special 'thanks 10 Mrs. Gien Martyn, Dr. Storey and Rev. Har- old Turner. 26-1 * 1 would like to express my thanks to ail the friends and neighbours who so kindly thought o! me and sent so many cards, gifts and flowers during my stay in hospital. Also thanking nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital for s0 much kindness shown me and a special thanks 10 Dr. McKenzie and Mary Rutherford. Ethel Leanen. 1The tarnily, o! the laIe Mrs Elizýbeth Hearl wish ta expres. their sincere thanks and apprec- iation to their many friends an neighbours for their acta o! kind- ness and sympathy shown then during their sad bereavement, also carda and lovely floral trib- Utes. Special thanka 10 Dr, Rundle, also the nurses of Mcm- anral Hospital, Bowmanville, and to Rev. W. N. Turner for his visits and comforting message. 26-1'I S Notice Io Credifors IN THE MATTER of the Estate of WALTER REGINALD NEVILLE SHARPE, late of the Township of Cart- wright in the County of Durham, Retlred Farmer, Deceased. Ahl persons having dlaims againsi the Estate of the said Walter Reginald Neville Sharpe, whc died on or about the lst day of March, 1953, are required 10 file proof of same with the under- signed Solicitors on or before Juiy l3th, 1953. After that date the Executor will proceed 10 dis- tribute the Estate having regard then sha. 4e. DATED J'une , 19533. VIL AND GREY TRUST COMPANY, Executor, Parents wishing ta negisterr by CARLEY, STANDISH, childrnn at bbe Nursery' Schooi, CLARKE & CARLEY, Community Centre, pîcase 'phono No. 8 Bank o! Commerce Mrs. C. 'A. Wight, 2222, during, Block,1 Juhy. 26-1 . Peterborough, Ontario. The T. V. Shop wisbes ta an-j Its Solicitors berein. riaunce the opening o! a branch 24-3 store aI 20 William Street North, Wanted Lindsay. Contrary la rurnour, _______________ we are nal moving to Lindisay. but DEAD STOCK removed f!rom we will continue ta seli and scrv- vor r rmtvfrsntr ice "AdmiraI" appliances aI 33 disposai. Telephone Collect: Ca- King St. W., Bowmanville. bourg 1266 on Toronto EM 3-36,36 Gond and Noaa Woods. iGardon Young Lirniîed. 1-52 26-1Personai Walkin's r______________ g. 1 "Olcl aI 40, 50, 60?" Man! You're Quality Producis crazy' Thousanda peppy ab 70. 1Ostrex Tonie Tabîcîs pcp up Vour bdies iackingr iran. For run- Authorized Bowmîanviiie Agent dovn feeling marîx'men, wamen call "old". New "gel acquainted" Nrs. Charlotte Clark size onîy 60c. Aîî druggists. 26-I îe HIUNT ST. PHONE 3377 IHYGIENIC SUPPLIES - (rubbei rompt Service- Free Delivery,1 goods) mailed postpaid in plain 26-bf -seale1d envelope itb price iist [ -d 1Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00 rTender r anted Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov-Rub- ________________W_ ber Ca.. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. Stipulated -3,rn tenders are ne- ipu 1-52 Luested for aiterations ta Trinitv Church, Bowmanville, Ont. gs and spedifications ane le fnom H. G. Cole, Arch- et 32 Ontario Street, Bow- "ville. Tenders close on July 3r-d at 12 moon. Lowesî or any tender will flot necessarily be ac- cepted. 26-1 Repairs REPAIRS to al makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commercial: milking coolers. Higgon Eiec- tric, 42 King St. E.. Phone 438. 25-tf I Tndrs Wanted Seed f or Sale i _____________________FRANKS G. Hybrids. the kind ITenders for fencing two rides that is consistentiy at the top ini ~gauge wire, 6 feet higb, chain ensilage; aiso Reg. No. 1 Fiani- k11,î~ mesh. with eitber steel beau Soy Beans. Garnet B. Rîck- wr wooden posta, neceivcd up ta ard, R. R. 4, Bowmianviiie. Phone July 4th. For funther particulans, 2813. 21 -bf natH. E. Walkey. Newton- jU" o no any tender flot Hurricanes and typbooîîs appiy iyaccepted. Mrs. J. J. to great tropical storms that be- rI1Sec.-Treas, Clarke Town-I gin in the oceans near the Equa- Shool Area, Orono, Ont. ton. that is, in aIl the great oceans 26-1 except the Sea Atlantic. TM-N IN TTEM* B W7A',. .IP JIn%"JtnI T~!~ CNATTA ~.rA'W~AM ~ff~fmwONTVlARIO Shorthorn Assn. Holds Twi*light Meeting Friday Work Wanted DARLINGTON Abattoir, Hamp- . ton, for customn killing. Phone "à- 3243. 32-tf HAY cutting, corn plariting and scuffling. Apply Keith Davey, Tyrone. Phone 2737. 25-2' MIDDLE-AGED woman desires light work by hour or day in Bow- manville, or wil] baby-sit. Phone 786. 26-1* MOGIRE'S GARAGE 28 Brown St. Phone 900 y GENERAL REPAIRS to Ford and..... Ail Makes of Cars BODY and FENDER REPAIR Duco and Dulux Refinishing _______________________25-2' Building, Contracting .' . s or Bepair Work r .. . . . .. 0F ALL KINDS About 180 men, women and children gathered at the hast Russell Osborne, and others. Prizes werc prcsentdb D F.HC S .home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Russell Osborne, north of New- the winners of the various classes and Mr. Osborne w'as1 D. F. ICICS castie, Friday evening for the first twilight meeting ever presented with a shaving mug,. The meeting broke Up after PHIONE 3514 BOWMANVILLE held bv the South Ontario and Durham Shorthorn Associa- No. 9 Home and Sehool Club served lunch. ln this photo. 26tf tion. Included in the interesting sessIon wvas a cattie judging the second group of heifers are showvn as th,-y \vcre beinf conîest with everyborýy participating on individual cards of judged. As most of the cattie had neyer had a iropc Imiter BULLUUL.AING AN their own. Whien the iudging concluded, E. H. Stoltz, Aurora, on their heads, there was considerable excitement at limes, E XCAVATING for the Cadan Shorthorn Associatonl, gave his as they registered their disapproval. Wt the cattie, fron, BY HOUR OR CONTRACT very interesting discussion. Later, the gathering lheard nard and Jack Allin. The Durham and South Ontario - Free Estimates Given - addresses by Kenneth E. Deacon, Unionville, Pres. Canadian Association lias been formed for 32 years and each year have W .T IPShorthorn Ascain E. A.Summers, Agricuitural Repre- held a sale. PORT PERRY R. R. PHONE 109-r-42 Concrele and Masi Brick, Block and Concrete Prompt Attention -ESTIMATES FREE L. Turner P. 0. Box 177 Telephone 3600, Bowm Evening PAINTING PAPER HANGI] Fut] Seiection of PARALAC PAINTS and PAPERS -FREE ESTIMATES Howard S. Brooki PHONE 2702 Wall and Floor TI LAID KitChen Cupboard BUILT - AND CarnPflhaw Wark seiatie; iane ritn Usaiwa, rres. of the local A~ssociation; 22-tf Canada Is On The Threshold onry 0f Furiher Advancemnent Editor's Note - Through an in these tvo democracies around -ovcrsight in publishing the first election time might be pardoned instalment of this most interest- for thinkng that they had reach- ing and informative article on cd their present stature by doingy Canada in the Statesman, MarcX. everything wrong. There is, how- tanville 26, we neglected 10 give the source f ever, a certain logic to be traced '323, of the article. Our apologies 10. through their history, and their 12-tf the Royal Bank of Canada for development was made inevitable Ibis was a release from their by the composition of their monthly letter which has sncli people. The very freedom with widespread appeal, truc to the whch they criticize their institu- facts thev contain as well as be- lions is indicative of the wide- KG ing excellently wrilten and well ness of their dcmocracy. worth reading. The British North America Act Eariy Canada of 1867 is the basic document of Firsl recorded European 10 set the constitution of Canada, de- foot on the North Arnerican main- signed to knittogether two great land and meel ils inhabitants was races, geographîcally distant ter- - Leif Ericsson, a thousand years rilaries with opposing economic ago. John Cabot planted the flag inleresîs, and rnany widely di- muof Henry VII on the Atlantic vergent viewpoints. Sshore around Cape Breton in This federal union was a plan 42-tf 1497, but it was not until after whereby, through mutual con- Jacques Cartier had been account- cession, cultural and local loyal- de cd a failure in 1535 whcn this tics couid be prescrved. That ia~ continent stopped hlm from blaz- union was possible, and that it ing a trail through to thc China evolved int what Canada is ta- jSea that the Europcan nations day, illustrale the genius o! the E S carne t view Canada as some- British in dcveloping colonies lhing in ilsel!, and a.ot. just an int nations in co-operation with obstacle to the North West Pas- people of other races. The A>oleI r sage. evolulion of the Commnonweal~th. States, but this at once raises questions affecting its position as a member of the British Com- monwealth and its statua as an American nation. A speaker at the Study Con- ference of the Canadian Institute of International Affaira put it this way: "To go in might com- mit Canada to the affaîrs of Ibis hemi.sphere more deeply than ils traditions and interest require. To remain ouI may render il sus- pect as a responsible American nation, and forfeit opportunities for goodwill and trade with other Arnerîcan states . . _ ideal from the Canadian point of view be the inclusion of the Pan- American Union as a regdional association in a global organiza- tion of nations. n such an organ- izalion, Canada could at once be a good American and serve it extra-hemispheric inleresîs." The National Income Economically, Canada has made steady progreas. The long-Ierm trend of the national income had been slightly upward throughout the twenty years leading up 10 the second world war, in spite of the unprecedented setback o! the thirties, and if the period of ob- servation were extended back 10 before the first wvorld war the up- ward trend would be much more pronounced. ~ VITwo hiundred ycars later the cxcept in mere fortresses or ta- Tentoa noe hg e DONE. E adF1n wrpfgtn I sinteTeentiohena inme w ih re English adFec eefgtn gstations, i ntedirection o!f rsnstentoserig for possession, and in 1763 Can- responsîble governrnent, Self-gov- from current production, reached M'. lUIAI, ada was cedcd to Britain. Evcn ernmcnlen is exlcnded in proportion a high level o! $4,600 million in PHONE 2753 as late as 1815, the ycar whcn ta bhc growing capacilies o! the 1920, and fell off 24 per cent in1 262Wellington broke Napolcon's pow- people. brought ta maturity by the.following year. Recovery was 262er at Waterloo, the thinly papu- education and the examiple o!f.iusî continuous until 1929, wben a lated coastal river and lake administration, maximum o! $5,273 million was f MAS0141RY regions andi the fur-trading sta- Througb the years up ta 1931 rcach19d3,Then eprnssionlpint lions of the 1Hiîdson's Bay Cornp- Canada developcd boward fulli crwas933, 52epethe ntoaltin COuNSTRUCTION any wcrc tbe only autposts of the nalionbood. Firal îhcrc was un- 1cametwasl. 5 per c a ent o!the British Empire in Caada. deniabie gaining of equal status199talTeewsatepar BRICK - BLOCK Dcvelapmcnt \Vbîcb startcd within the Empire, and Iben fol selbk t ecveia1938,n Chimneys Repaired and q1oxly then niav be said ta have lowcd, in the Stalule of Weslt-hgeatsubseuentadvanceh astbeal tRebuilt led logîcally and sleadily to Con- mnster, the legal step which rabac eein raleofd w1 illia otal r Sidewaiks, Concrete, federatian in 1867. By thal lime capped the arch. This Actded- rahdi 91o ¼blin GenralIndstral nd had corne the railway, making clared the dominions ta be e4a . This vast increase in the na- Genra Inusria ad possible the westward expansion in status, in no way subordinate tional income carrnes wilh it capi- Residentiai Contracting of advcnlurous people, and the . . . in any aspect of their domest- acity ta bear a much enlarged *-Compelent Warkmanship shipping castward o! their pro- ic or external affairs. debl. Canada's net debt today la FREE ESTIMATES duce froin the pralifie prairies. The Canadian Parliament is threc and a bal! limes the pre- a ~~~~A Beautiful Countny camposed o! the Queco (repre- wa ie.n193bcetdt Anger Bros. Several conditions, most of sentcd by the Governai' Gencral), per capita wa.s $41: in 1919, $189; PHOE 243 hcmgeorapica. hve indrcdthc Senale and the House of in 1939, $279, and in March 1952, PHONE 264-bte e ,spiconohaemi grwthCommons. As in Brilain, the part 75.Annual interesti charge on a! Caevnased. The nivcrito played by the Queen's represent- the funded debt at tbc end o! the of Cnada TheUnivrsit ofative and the upper chamber hias lasI fiscal year îvas $389 million. UR AC SWestern Ontario divides ils ge- been sîeadiîy decrcasing, wiîh Direct taxation collected by the FURN CESography o! Canada basic rcading ci-ief responsibilities in îegisîa- Canadian Government now ac- listinmb 31 sections! Eastern and lion being assurned by tbe House counts for about 55 per cent o! Western Canada are linkcd by a of Cammons, members of wbich the total collected. Paymcent of Air Co diion ng j eriorfnrok n r oughLakeroug- anc elecced directly by the people. high income taxes xas mrade eas- Air ondtioing perir, arrw ad roghthrugh The political parîy in power îer by adoption o! the "pay-as- _____wbose inhospitable barrens the scîeccs a cabinet, or rninistry, you-go" plan, a break with the t rans- continental railways had ta vhich is responsible ta parlia- traditional metbod o! tax collec- Oil Bunersho driven ta link the 4,000-mile- ment and holda office while il tion that Canada was the firsl ritimes aund Qucngbec, an the people's representabives. A min- deducted fromn salaries and wages heef etlWork RckyMesannssueparantehit-isbry resigns when il becomes by employers. ishC ouniansom bcParaieri, apparent that il is not suppartcd The enormous outiays o! go- Shee Meal W rk sh Clumia fom he Paires. by a majority in tbe House o! ernrnent funds necessitated b5y EXPERIENCE COUNTS On the other hand. Canada is Commans., preparations for defense havei _______blessec it~ih what is probably Ail British subjects by birth or been a heavy drain on the in- the world's inost rcmarkable naturalizaîlon, men and women, camne o! the ordinary tax-paying systeni of xaterways, provîdîng wbo bave attaincd tbc age o! 21 citizen, and have curtailed the re- E vestrughiAIg natural tborougbfanos which ]ead ycars and bave been ordinarily sources o! corporations. ___in l everv direction. Starting fnom resident in Canada for 12 monîba, Income tax paid on a taxable & Lake Winnipeg, just west o! the and in bbc electonal district whcn incarne o! $1000 in 1952 (after de- DA IS & CG iddle of the cuta a neceati the ciection is called, bave the ducting exemptions) is $175, and DAVI Co. travl bycano eas tothe At- lederai franchise. Eacb o! 'the Ibis ranges up ta 91 per cent of 2 MILL LANE lantie, west ta tbe Pacific, nortn 1( provinces bias a legislabure; aaleicm oe 40,0. 1 Phone- Day or Night, 31412 - 691tthAce.nrhastaHd each province bias a Lieutenant- addition, there is a bax o! 2 per 16-tf son Bay, or soubh ta the Gui! Of Governor.j cent for Old Age Security, up ta Mexco.Wc Need Peace a maximum of $60 a yean. W. A. KIPA RIK anada is a beautiful countny. Modern Canada is a child of Standard cf Living ;W. . KLPAT ICK The Canaclian land.scape artist lis'the lasî century, o! free trade, Despite the impact o! two great COMPLETE bornuta a rich heritage of tbc most liberal institutions, and Il a ersin~(86ad13 Plu bin ad H ali vriemof.Fmthpeah-Britaninica. Il socks peace above~ standard o! living in Canada lias Peninsula ta the lundra of the oerytbî. , andin-I proyed steadily,an oe- jtsely in a woinlitc rld.I ment expenditunes for the general INSTALLATIONS and REPAIRS Anctie, frorn the great Atlantie It is uiot a carbon copy o! an th-go !bccunr aeices for Boivmaîîviile and surrounding breakens on the cost of New- . ergo o h country hasapsels ntr-cdproorioally districts by skilled tradesmen. foundlancl. across the pastoral national course autonomorously, - Collective efforts to promote ______and industnial ('entrai provinces but it niust at al] times integrate eeonomnic devclaprnent, and cal- 'No job too large or too smnali ta the dry' dean air of the it with the %vorld policies o! thej lective a.ýsumplion o! responsibil- to be appreciateci Prairies. and aven the Rockies ta United Kingdorn and tbc Unitedj ity for aileviation of individiuai the inaîst Pacific shape, the van- States, iteaadfrtepoiino Up-to-date Piumbing Equipment ar io tmaspbic c nditions qare Before bbe second wonld war ising standards of public wclfar, wit LaestStye ssoiatd wth lndsapeequl-broke ouI, Canada and tbe United and education, bave camne ta play ishLaetStl l ied nispyi.lcaatr states were already comrnitted ta an important part in tbe econ- isties.joint action fon defence o! Ibis omic affaira o! the country. Ia Plumbing Accessories Add ta î.hcŽe the dramatic dif- northern bernisphere and the co- 1944 Parliameat made Canada the 1 -- men, anin sc aiontlenvlisn-operation o! national cconoiiies j hirty'-eighth country la adopt a ( ail usforent, an tib e sorcai latena in lime o! %var. Today, Canada is tarnilv ailowance bill. This pro- Thesc qualities miake Canada ir: a partner in the North Atlantic vides'!rom $5 ta $8 a montb for FreeEsliale resibleto he turis, to, cteI Treaty Organization, and in Oc- eaclh child under 16. Fre Esimaes esîbletoth~ tonis. t,,ocatr~tober bier Secretary of State for In addition, Canada bas mnadc Bowm NvlE 3613 beas theys(1 tin lvan ofnvîgraù ExternaiAffairîy'wai elected provision for the blind and the owm nvile 613 sumnier and .inter sports of ail of the United Nations. surance and workmen's compeni- PartI'. because o! cxpanding.c sation for injuries. 24 -tf kinds. traie ('in the first nine nionths Indicative o! the general living Canada Is A Nation of 1952 we exportcd $2071,2 mil- standard are tbc labest availabli Thte ancient Norsemien beiicved Like the 'United States, Canada lion wortb of goads 10 Latin- ' figures o! passenger niotar vehi- the inistletoe plant was sacred i bias liad its polilical ups-and- Amreican countnies). the question dles (1 vehicle per 6-8 pensons); and mnust no! toucli the carth.1 do%'.vns. but lias achievedi stable bas anisen wbetber Canada and telephanes per 100 popula- This, belief ld 'o U:e custoin o!f;es:. I go%,eînn-.ent. sîuould go a step farther and join tian (21.9), tbe latter nanl:in, hanging mistletoe at Chnisîmas.1 Caýua1 readers af ncwspapers i tbe Organzation o! Amenican Canada third among the nations. 114 The index of wagc rates rose 115 points betweea 1939 and 1950, while the cost of living increase was only 65 points. Nearly 88 per cent or the occu- pied dwellings in the ine older provinces in 1951 had electric lighting (only 69 per cent hiad it in 1941). Other advances were (1n per- centage of dwelhngs): 1951 1941 Running Water -------- 75 60.5 Mechanical Refrigeration 48 21 High Level of IVages 1 These amenities of living are1 made possible by the high level1 of earnings and wide opportuni-j ties for employment. Canadian labour income reach- ed an ail-time record total of $922 million for the month of Au- gust 1952, and in the first eight months of the year it totalled $6,980 million, a figure nearl-y $750 million larger than thato the same period in 19,51. Breaking down this 8-month ..'AGE SEVENTEEN total provides an interesting pic- ture o! Canada's economny. In millions of dollars, labour income in major economic divisions wvas: Manufacturing $2,347: utilities, transportation, communica tion, storagce and trade, $1,764; finance and services, $1.525; construction, $570; agriculture, forestry, fish- îng, trapping and mining, $542; supplementary labour income, $232. Bel ore You Buy Cive Slew a Try Low Down Payment Top Price for 1'our Car IVe Pay Off Your Lien Up t0 30 Months to Pay A 30.Day Guarante Large assortment of both CARS and TRUC'KS Siew's Specials cidt 11V.ToRPEDo 149 CUSTOM SEDAN Customn radio. vcry dlean, cre o0vne" car, Ai speciaJ -. 1295. 'f48 MELVUR Radio, ncw tires, good inotor ------ - S-.1795. 47PONTIAC Torpcdo '4 EDANETTE Customn radio 83 fA7DODGE 147 aSEDAN Good value- 9. LOOK! LOOK! LOéK! Demonstrator. New guar- ântee, substantiai savilig. It Pays to Do Business Where Business is Being Donc. Durham County's Largest New and Used Car Dealer BRANLEY MOTOR SALES Mdercury - Lincoln - Meteor Newcastle 2871 Clarke 2020 OPEN EVERY EVENING Now is the Time Io Gel Your... DALER and DINDER TWINE We have an excellent supply on hand. M1ake Sure you have enough - Order now . FROM W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farmi achinery Firestone Tires DeLavai Miilkers and Separators Beatty Bras. Stable Equipment KING ST. W. PHONE 497 FoodSpecials! OrOnBiend China Lily SoaSaute Kraf t Our Own Blend H93c Tea - 1,1,-51c bottie La %v r y'& - 19c Seasoned Sali -2 29c Tobasco Sauce bu ttle -39C bottk' *55C LYCHEE BEEF, PORK, CHICKEN CHOP SUEY Ready to serve lin 79c Ca ronatia n Everk<risp Sweel Pickles jan Club Ilouqe oz0. jar -36c Sluffed Olives 48c Jan ('hristie's 25c Shoricake each - 27c FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARRIVING DAILY Broilers and Boiling Fowl freshly killed FREE DELIVERY YED'S Meais and Groceries 55 KING ST. F. BO WMA NVILLE I>HIONE :3367 1~ ; . 1 il -$795. e ý 1

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