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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jun 1953, p. 3

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BODNAR - LIPLAY ,m a choral service in St. Jo- £ephs_]Rman Catholic Church, fonvIlle, Helen Agnes Liptay ec *4- nuptial vows with eorgirtBodnar, Saturday, June 13. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Liptay of Haydon and the bridegroom is son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bodnar of Oshawa. Rev. F. K. Malane officiated. Given in marriage by ber fa- ther, the bride wore a gown of white satin and lace and peari necklace and earrings. She car- ried a bridai bouquet of red roses. WVearlng pink net over taffeta, Miss Mary Liptay was the maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Miss Annie Glovec in blue, Miss Musinka, Miss Sylvia Hasiuk and Miss Annie Hast, all in yellow, and Miss Irene Yurko in pink. The flower girls were Miss Eliza- beth Liptay, Miss Catherin'e Lip- tay, Miss Susan Bodnar and Miss Patsy Mullon. Mr. John Liptay was the best man and the ushers were Mr. Peter Mullo, Mr. Steven Bak, Mr. Alex Borovsky, Mr. Michael Can- IS YOUR MONEY OUT 0F WORK? if you ouself were out of work- flot m akn mny money, you'd .consider yourself something of a tilure, wouldn'ty ou? B y the ime token-MONEY should bc wokntoo,mraking more money Tand mtling ic safely. I*'-nteed Trust Certiflcat.a r oiInll uaranteed as ta, prlrqft-adinterest. .a Poy 4%- payable half-yearlyi Short term-5 years. a Authoized investmnent for trust fundsi No fluctuation ini principal. M 5 YEAMS $41111 ACCUMULATES TO $5.N STERLING TRST C 0 R PO R A T I O N I)DOFRCE BRANCH OFFICE 372 Say St. 1-3 Dujnlop St. Tôronto Barrie 2. OSHAWAI, l uk and Mr. William Polak. A reception was held in the Slovak Hall. The bride's mother was wearing navy blue crepe and lace over ligbt blue and tbe bridegroom's mother was in black crepe inset with lace over ligbt blue. The couple left on a wedding trip in the United States. The bride donned a light mauve suit with white accessor- ies. Mr. and Mrs. Bodnar wil ne- turn to make their home in Osh- awa. * JANSEN - CARLETON On Saturday, June 6, in Ail Saints Cburch, Whitby, Merle Elizabeth Carleton, eldest daugb- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carie- ton, Ajax, and formerly of Or- ono, became the bride of Onno B. Jansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jansen of Wassenaar, Holland. Rev. G. Channen performed the ceremony, and Mrs. F. Marsh played the wedding music. Given in marriage by ber fath- er, in a setting of varicolored spring flowers, the bride was at- tired in an ankle length gown of lime green satin and nylon de- signed in redingote style witb wbite bat and accessories. Her jewels were a rbinestone neck- lace and yellow sweetheart roses compnised her corsage. Miss Violet Walker, wvas the bride's only attendant, 'choosing a gown o! pale blue nylon net over satin. The strapless bodice was topped with a notching net bolero. A small white bat, and accessonies completed ber cos- tume. She wore a corsage o! red roses. Eric D. Hodgins was the groomsman, and Russ and Ray Carleton, uncles of the bride, acted as ushers. A reception was beld at the home of the, bride where Mrs. Carleton received the guests gowned in navy blue sheer, with white accessories and corsages o! red roses. For the wedding trip tp k'oose Jaw, Sask., the bride wore a dress of pale blue nylon under a top- coat of summer blue, white bat and accessories. The happy couple will make their home in Moose Jaw. Out of towzQ guests present from London, Wbitby, Orono, Bowmanvîlle, Napanee, Toronto, and Shilo, Manitoba. In the Editor's Mail Bowmanville, Ont. June 20, 1953. Mr. George James, Editor Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Ont., Dear Mr. James, The Executive members of the Bowmanville Home and School Club would like to extend to you and ail your staff their sincere thanks for the excellent manner in wbich you bave publicized our meetings and any special events. We would like to say a very special "Tbank You" to Mrs. Roy Lunney for her fine monthly re- ports of our meetings. Yours sincerely, Mrs. E. H. Perfect, Cor. Secretary, Bowrnanville Home and School Club. r f Csoe0m un-lu sea usi bCem.suàL YSBEVERAGES PHONE 3-2733 LESKARD Mrs. F. Gallimore, Toronto, with ber daughter, Mrs. H. Berry. .Mrs. C. Martin and Mrs. M. Rainey were in Toronto, attended the Grand Lodge Session of 1.0. 0.F. at Royal York Hotel. Mrs. N. Bradshaw left Friday to spend the summer visiting friends out West. Mr. Frank Robbins is staying witb bis brother, Mr. Lorne Rob- bins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chater have returned from bolidaying ini the States. Miss Wanda Hobbs is their guest for a week. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Cooper, Or- ono, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Berry. Leskard ebool childrenated ed field day at Kendal onFidy Mrs. K. Gamsby and Mrs. C. Martin visited Maybelle Lodge, Port Perry. Rev. D. T. Lancaster, Newton-t ville, was Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Prust ar1' Lynn spent 1he week-end at their sum- mer home. Sorry to hear Mr. Angus Wat- son bas entered Bowmanville Hospital for an operation. Mr. Watson bas been in poor health for some time. We wish bim a speedy recovery. Mr. N. Barstow is home from hospital and has recovered from the effects of bis operation. Mr. M. Skelding continues to mnake good progress after bis ac- cident. Mr. and Mrs. NPFee beld a par- ty Saturday nigbt at wbîch the friends of Mr. Ronnie Page and Miss Verna Berry, presented tbem witb a rose brocade bostess chair. Ronnie and Verna both made speeches of thanks. A pleas- ant social evening was spent with square and round dancing, in spite of the heat. This week I arn passing on a list of Arab philosopby on mar- niage: "Before you marry watch the young lady r ,otatoes. If she cuts the peeling thick, you will know she is extravagant; if she leaves in the eyes she is lazy; if she washes tbem in only one water, she is dirty; if she lets them burn she is careless; but if you find a girl wbo knows how, to take a potato, peel it, wash it, and boil it, marry ber wbether she be pretty or ugly, poor or ricb; she will make you happy." But it was Herbert Spencer who, said, "Marriage is a ceremony in whîcb a ring is put on the finger of a lady and tbrough the nose of the gentleman." }IAYDON Sunday Scbool Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, June 28, at 2.30 and 7.30; Sports and supper Wednesday, July 1. (See Coming Events). Mn. and Mrs. Stan Woolling, Toronto, at H. Ashton's. Mns. W. Robertson, Stoney Creek, at J. Hanna's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jewell, Ty- rone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roland Thompson. Mn. and Mrs. Don MacKenzje and family, Toronto, at A. Mc- Neil's, Suspn and Mary, staying for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Ross, Cathy and Patty, Toronto, Hay- don, at their cottage on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Colbury, and son, Tyrone, at-Mrs. T. Cowl- ing's and W. B. Blackburn's. Mrs. Muriel Brownlee, Leaside, witb Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Mrs. Herb Scott, Orono, at Mr. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. John Stenrett, Long Brancb, at Mr. Arthur Tre- win's. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Higgins and Jimmie, Toronto, at Mr. Richard Sanderson's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rabm, Un- ion, Mrs. H. Rahm, Burketon, George Bertrim and Helen Ber- trim, Oshawa, at M. Bertrîm's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Read attended the Fraser-Wooling wedding in Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. W. Thompson at ber home. Mn. and Mrs. Don Cameron visited Wilbert Mark, Graven- hurst, on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. C. Rankine and Margott, visited Dr. and Mrs. Corrigan, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Black- burn and family visited Mr. and Mrs.*M. Blackburn, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery and daughters, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilson, Oshawa. Miss Shirley Garrard, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay, Robert and Eleanon, Oshawa, at C. Garrard's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and famiiy and Mary Ross, Toronto, at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Denby, Toronto, Mrs. R. W. Doane, West- mount, Montreal, Mrs. Walter Vaneyk, Long Sault, Mrs. Norman Avery and daughters at F. Den- by's. Mr. and Mns. George Bodnar at Mr. J. Liptay's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon attended the funeral of ber aunt, Mrs. Albert Henry, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and family at Mr. Wm. McLaughlin's, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon at Mr. Fred Tom's Enriskillen. Mrs. M. Bertrim'and Mrs. Hel- en Bertrim were in Toronto Mon- day. The electric storm on Saturday put a numben of phones out o! commission in the community, but no serious damage was done. Mr. John Graham, Bowman- ville, called on Mrs. H. Crossman on Monday baving retunned home from Sunnybrook hospital. Mr. and Mrs. D. Black, Jean and Dçnna, attended the Cowling- Whitfield wedding at St. John's Anglica Cburch, Blackstock, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Black and Miss Dora Black were Sunday visitors at Mr. Ed Youngman's, Pontypool. Rev. Lydia Grucby, the f irst woman to graduate from St. An- drew's College, and the first wom- an to be ordained a ministen o! The United Church o! Canada, is now the first woman to be hon- oured with a Doctorate in the his- tory of the United Church. v. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE THEM WALKER STORESI On the occasion of aur 241h Anniversary we are pleased Io offer many ouistanding specials for the thriffy shopper who is Iooking for quality merch andise ai low prices. These items lihled here are only a few of the many specials olfered ai this, o ur 241h Anniversary Sale. Extra Special 0.0. CURTAIN'VALUES Manufacturer's Clearance $1.4 9 and $1.69 pro Manufacturer's Clearance of Frilled Marquisette Curtains enables us to offer you this outstanding value. These fine quality curtains seli regularly up ta $4.98 pair.. Choose frorn the rnany fnilled dotted marquisette curtains in popular lengths of 54-63-68 and 72 inches. The majority are on ivory with a few in colours. GOTHIC STRAPLESS BRASSIERES Sizes 32 to 38- "A" and "B" cups Regular $1.00 each 50C each NUMDAH RUGS Handmade Indian "Numdah" Rugs. Generous 3 x 6 foot size. Regular $10.98 each Special m $7.98 each Special m $6.99 pair Luncheon Sets Attractively boxed, hand-embroidered Luncheon and Bridge Sets. Stock up your linen shelves while we offer these values, or inexpensively solve your wedding and shower problem. Regular $3.98 ta $6.95 On Sale $2.98 to $4.98 GRASS MATS A repeat value in grass mats - Ideal for verandahs, or summer cottages - size 27 x 54 inches Regular $1.29 each 88C each 36"F PRBI NT S Slight flaws ,make this extremely low price possible-~ This large variety tells up of gay prints regularly to 69c yard. 39c yard LADIES' PURSES Clearance of Ladies' Purses, in plastic, leather, caif and velvet Regular $2.99 to $7.95 Now $1.99 Io $5.98 NEN'S WORK SUCKS Men's grey wool Work Socks with white nylon reinforced heel and toes. Only 73c pair DRA.PERY CLEARANCE HALF PRICE Measure up your windows then corne in and select your drapery knateria1 from this fine selection of off quality values. This is a clearance of some of our best lines. Regular $3.98 yard Regular $2.98 yard Regular $1.98 yard -for $1.99 yard for $1.49 yard for 99c yard Chenille Bedspreads Corne in an& see the large selection of Chenille Bedspreads we have ta offer. They make an ideal wedding gif t. Special $6.95 each COTTON and RAYON BEDSPREADS Fine quality Cotton and Rayon Bedspreads in a ful! double bed size.- Regular $8.95 each Special m $5.99 each CHENILLE RUGS Deep Chenille Rugs in 24 x 48 inch size. They are rubberized on the back to prevent skidding. Easy to launder. Regular $4.98 each Special m $3.98 each IRISH LINEN Tea Towels Special Irish Linen Tea Towels in large 20 x 30 inch size, with red or blue borders. Regular 59c each. 47Ç each IRISH LINE14 TEA TOWELLING White Irish Linen Tea Towelling wvith red or 16 inches wide Special - 39c yard green borders W/a//M mi, a Bun1deci PHONE 451 ""Truly a Pleasant Place to Shop" BOWMANVILLE KING ST. EAST f 4. t'CriiC~S ou-fingqs and holiday pléasures- calI 4bor ice-cold Coca-Cola. Sa WR-t23X when yau shop for "'u>. plies, be sure ta buy~ »,v"ra cartons of coke. I.ddkg Fdueul Toees .iasd4ouk<g2cPoe beal -- -3 LADIES' FLORAL PARTIES Fine qualîty rayon jersey Panties- A particularly well made garment that means value plus, in blue, pink or white. Sizes small, mnedium and large. Regular 89e pair 67c pair CANNON COMBSPUN NUSLIN SH3EETS Double bed size (81 x 99 inches) Cannon Muslij Sheets Regular $7.99 pair i

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