TITURSflAY, 3MME 25, l1953m Will Reside in Bowi g.-I Weding SA VILLE - FOX A wedding of interest to a ,nuniber of Bowmanville residents 'w2t that of Miss Margaret Helen È*li-d'aughter of Dean and Mrs. James Harold Fox, of George WLashington University, Washing- ton DC., and Dr. John William Saville, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Saville, Bethesda, Maryland, which took place Sat- urday evening, June 13th. The bride is a niece of Mr. Morris Joness and a grandniece of Miss Helen Morris, Bowmanville. The marriage took place i Ail-Saints' Episcopal Church, Chevy Chase, Maryland, with Dr. Charles Lowry officiating. White roses and symposium ferns grac- ed the altar, and white cathedral candles burned in tall candela- bra. Baskets of gladioli, peonies and Baby's Breath formed a back- ground for the double ring cere- mony and pews were decorated with white peonies and rosettes of White satin ribbon. Mr. A. Briggs, Washington, organist of Ail Saints', played the wedding music, and Mr. James May, Arlington, sang Gounod's Ave Maria, and Vox Angelica before the ceremony. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- length gown of rose ivory nylon taffeta and embroidered nylon tulle and lace. Over the strap- less bodice a long sleeved lace jacket was worn, and the full skirt was worn over a crinoline. A coronet of seed pearîs held ber ivory illusion veil and she car- ried a shower bouquet of blush ivory gladioli, ivy and Baby's Breath with white satin stream- ers. Miss Jean Glenn, New York, was the bride's attendant, wear- ing a cornflower blue floor-length gown of nylon taffeta and em- broidered nylon tulle, fashioned similarly to the bride's. With it she wore a cape bolero and bandeau of matching flowers Summertime 9A Pienic Time Save Time and Work WITH PAPER CUPS-for hot and cold drinks PLATES-ail sizes, wax- eç4 and plain FORKS and SPOONS SERVIETTES TABLE PAPER and WAXED PAPER Plastic Picnic Sels and Bowls J. W. JEWELL "'Big 20" 27 King St. W., Bowmanville PHONE 556 Her bouquet was of Amnerican Beauty roses. Best man was Mr. Richard Saville, Bethesda, brother of the groom. Ushers were James Fox, Jr., brother of the bride; Bud Werner, Cleveland, Ohio; Ter- ence McCarty, Bethesda; Bud Bennett and James Certo, Wash- ington. A reception was held in the lower auditorium of the church, the bride's mother receiving in a floor-length gown of iridescent delft and purple organza. With it she wore a large mohair bat in natural shade trimmed with purple velvet, and a white gar- denia corsage. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a floor- length gown of ice blue organza with pink bat and accessories and corsage of pink roses. Leaving for their wedding trip through New England, the bride wore a cocoa brown linen suit with beige accessories. On their re- turn, Dr. Saville, who is a grad- uate of George Washington Uni- versity School of Medicine, and bis bride, a graduate of George Washington and Columbia Uni- versities, will reside in Bethesda, Maryland, wbere the groom will be interning at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. Guests were present from Cleveland, Philadeiphia, Balti- more, New York, Toronto and Bowmanville. SMITH - McCULLOUGH A lovely June wedding took place in Ballyduff Presbyterian Church on June 20 when Rev. W. H. Houstin, Millbrook, assisted by Rev. J. McComb, Janetville, united ini marriage Kathleen Luella McCullough, youn g e s t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCullough, R.R. 1, Pontypool, and Gordon Walter Smith, Beth- an y, only son of Mrs. C. Hayes, Victoria, B.C., and the late Wal- ter Smith, J etbany. Given 1f marriage by ber father, the bride was lovely ;-i a gown of ivory satin. The long full skirt had a slight train at the back and was gathered up in front showing rows of lace; the fitted bodice was trimmed with matcbing lace inserts at the neckline. Her finger tip veil was caught to a Sweetheart satin headdress. She carried a cascade of Ainerican Beauty roses and wore the groom's gif t of a string of -pearîs. Her bridesmaid was Miss Verna Mitchell wearing applei green nylon net, ballerina.1ength made with fitted bodice and full skirt, a tiny matcbing veil of green net and headdress caught to a bandeau of white flowers. She carried a bouquet of yellow roses and sweetpeas. Little Jane McCullough, niece of the bride, was the charming flower girl in a floor-length pink taffeta dress, made with fitted bodice and full skirt and match- ing poke bonnet bat. She carried a nosegay of spring flowers. The groomsman was Mr. Creighton Carr, Betbany, and the ushers were Mr. Harold McCullough and Mr. John Herron. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Lillian Richardson, o! Pontypool, and Mrs. Herbert Al- lan sang "Oh Perfect Love." A reception was held at The Benson House, ia Lindsay, where the bride's mother received wear- ing a gown of powder blue crepe with matching lace jacket, hat of pink straw and corsage of pink carnations. The- groom's aunt, Mrs. Roy Russell, Port Hope, wbo also received wore a gown of navy crepe with white bat and accessories and corsage of pink carnations. . Later the bride and groom left on a motor trip througb Eastern Ontario and the United States, the bride travelling in a smart navy blue suit witb white bat and red accessories. She wore a corsage of red roses. On their return they will live in Bethany. We need a dlean body and a dlean mind-a body rendered pure by Mind as well as washed by water.-Mary Baker Eddy. TICKETS TO EVERYWHERE Air. Rail or Steamhi; Consult JURY & LOVELL Bowmanvie l5 King St. W.- Phone 778 CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANV1LLE. ONTAI aanville Si. Paul's W.M.S. Hold June Meefing ai Mrs. D. S. McGregor's St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. D. S. McGregor on June l6th. President Mrs. Harold Ferguson opened the meeting. Mrs. K. Werry and Mrs. Otto Bragg's group were in charge. The scripture lesson was given by Mrs. Geo. Chase. Mrs. Har- old Turner led in the reading of Psalm 719 followed with prayer by Mrs. Otto Bragg. Miss Janet McGregor favored witb a solo. "To-morrow is a Lovely Day" with accompanist Mrs. O. Bragg. Mrs. Kenneth Werry gave a delightful and enlightening re- sume of the address given by Rev. James Robinson, B.D., L.H. D., in Sherbourne St. United Cburch, Toronto,- entitled "Jour- ney Beyond Boundaries." Mrs. Werry gave this interesting dis- course entirely from memory and stated Dr. Robinson was sent by the Presbyterian Church of the U.S.A. on a four-year tour and was well qualified to present the message. He visited many count- tries and it was necessary to bave forty-seven interpreters. Mrs. Werry's contribution to the meet- ing was much appreciated. Shaw's H. & S. Club Hold Picnîc ai Orono About a hundred gathered in Orono Park on Friday, June 19,' for the Shaw's Home and Sehool Club picale to enjoy supper to- gether. The swimming pool was much day with Mrs. Florence McGee, Toronto. Jimmie Waddington met with a painful accident Thursday night, when a tire blew up inflictîng a 1 deep gash in bis head. He was' taken to Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilmer and Mrs. John Pearce were entertain- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe, Viewlake, on Sunday. S. S. Anniversary on Sunday, June 28 at 7.30 p.m. Mr. Arthur Coxhead of Toronto, will be the speaker. Mr. Alf Mitchell will as-1 sist with the music. An invitation[ is extended to ahl parents to at- tend this service. Congratulations to Mrs. Walker Milîson who was ninety-two on Wednesday, June 24. Mrs. Mill- son is making ber home with her eldest daugbter, Mrs. Ambrobie Tbompson, Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Jones and son, Bud Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- ville Jones and Mrs. G. W. Jones, attended the graduation exercises at Peterborough on Wednesday when Miss v'ae Jones was one o! the grae...,ýes. Congratulations to Mr. and Ms. James Daynard wbo were ixty years married on Saturday, June 20. Their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Garwood Daynard, their grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Daynard, and their great grandson, Brian Daynard, Kit- chener, came provided wîth a lovely wedding cake to belp cele- brate the occasion. If tbe weather had been favorable tbey bad planned to have a photograph of the four generations. OBITUARY MRS. JAMES THOMPSON enjoyed by the children and A great sadness was cast over young people. Sports program this community to learn of the under the direction of Ken passing of one o! Cartwright's Werry, Jim Barnes and Sam oldest and highly respected citi- Turner was mucb enjoyed. Win- zens in the person of Mrs. James ners in the races were: Thompson who entered into rest1 Boys, 12-16 - Marshall Keast, peacefuily at the Oshawa General Ken Bragg; boys, 10-12-Byron Hospital on June lst, after a' Rabb, James Rickard; girls, 10-12 week's iilness patiently borne. Marlon Dean~ Beverly Gilkes; The deceased was in her 85th bos 9ys -Dvder year and was born in Clarke James Lane. Girls 9 yrs.-Audrie Township May 15, 1869, daugh- Van Klewerin, Tina Buma. ter of George and Ann Jane Pat- Boys eigbt years oId - Scott terson. In December 1893 she was Rudeli, Paul Dean; girls, 8 yrs.- married to James Thompson o! Barbara Keast, Margaret Cryder- Cartwright Township whe re she man; pre-scbool boys- Glenn bas lived ber entire married life. Rabb, Peter Werry; pre-scbool Her cheery smile and kindly dis- girs-Bella Van Kiaveren; men's position made her highly respect- race-Marshall Keast, Ken Bragg; ed and Ioved by ail wbo knew kicking the shoe -Mrs. Keast; her. She was a faithful member lady witb tbe most cents-Mrs' of the United Church and the Mace; drinking pop from botleWornen's Association. with nipple on t-Jean btte Funeral wes beld from ber Mrs. Keast. Mrs. Starocey- home on June 4th conducted by ducted peanut rMune fr con- ber pastor, Rev. C. W. Hutton. In- school and scrubnsior pure-s terment was in Union Cemetery, junir ppil. . Cadmus. Teams of tug-of-war by botb Predeceased by ber husband in men and women caused mucb September of 1937, she leaves to merrmen. A aîlgamebrogbtmourn the loss o! an ever faithful to a close an enjoyable evening and loving mother, two daugbters,' of sports and feilowsbip. (Olive) Mrs. Marwood McKee and (Ferne) Mrs. Edmund Law- son, and one brother, Mr. D. N EWTON VILLE Brooks Patterson, Manitou, Man. Four sisters and four brothers predeceased ber. Miss Bertha Thompson spent a The largely attended funeral few days with ber cousins, the and beautiful floral tributes show- Misss Tompsn, orono. 1 ed the esteem in whlch the de- Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster ,ceased was bel d. have returned from their trip to 1Palibearers were: Talbert Find- Maine. 1 ey, Bruce Lawson, Ross Patter- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Dun- son, Milton Findley, Marlow dalk, came down to visit bis; Thompson, Saunders Findley. mother la Memorial Hospital, Flower bearers were: Georgeý Bowmanvilie. Jobnston, Charlie Fee, Lorne, Mc- The Orangemen held a special Kee John Tbompson, Ken Baîl, session ini their hall Friday night. Cecil Thompson, Norman Robrer, The business period was followed Oscar McQuade Hector Tbomp- by a banquet. Several were pres- son, Laverne Patterson, Bill Wan- ent from'distant points. \I nan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Werry and i _________ famiiy, Ottawa, are visiting Miss, Minnie Randali. Hundreds o! Christian leaders Mr. and Mrs. Ai!. Holdaway, , will attend United Church train-: Port Britain, spent Sunday with ing school., this summer for spe- hîs sister, Mrs. Cecil Walkey. cial courses, it was announced ta- Mr. and Mrs. Bihl Gardon and day by officiais of the Board o!f family have moved to Kendal for Christian Education, The United the summer to help bis father Church o! Canada. These schools with the farm work. are: Narampta Christian Leader- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bruce, ship Training Scbooi, the Prairie!i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watters and Christian Training Centre and son, Bruce, Oshawa, spent Sun- Five Oaks, near Paris, Ontario. PAGI FIPM This Happened A Year Ago ... Courtice Wood Products Razed In $150,000 Fire Aller A Year We. Look Like This m à THE OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS PLANT AT COURTICE - THAT IS READY TO SERVE YOU WITH THE FOLLOWING LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES a Tentesi *,Masonite " Arborite " Kenmore Board " Plywood " Barclay Tile *Acoustic Tile *Gyproc Products *Asbestos Siding *Durabestos Shingle " Hardwood Flooring " Chrome Trim " Pittsburgh Paints " Aluminum Ventilators *Asphalt Shingle and Roll e Nails Roof ing e Door Hardware *Doors and Trim OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITE D carry a complete line of Quality Lumber and Building Materials ... blueprints for all types of bungalows, cottages and ranch-style homes are available to hom e builders. Free estimates given on required materials. 32 Employees and 8 Trucks to take Your Orders and make Fast Delivery Pictured above are four members of the staff orders. From lef t ta right they are: af ter the despatching of Cec Found, Bill Found, Bill Henry, Jim Hare OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL NOON We are open until noon, Saturdays, so that customers may corne in and inspect the materials they wish to order. Oshawa Waad'Praducts Ltd. OFFICE IN OSHAWA AT 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - PHONE OSHAWA 5-4443 D. L. MYERS, Oshawa, in charge of Sales, and Credit Manager Courtice Yards Phone - Oshawa 3-4661 Ajax Phone Bowmanville 2130 Zenith 2-9600 PaintingT'ime See us before you buy your paints for that job. We wiII gladly help you in the selection of the materials. We are dealers for PITTSBURGH PAINTS, CANADA PAINT, SPRED SATIN, KEM-TONE, KEM-GLO, RIPOLIN ENAMEL, WALLPAPERS, and SUNDRIES 0F ALL KINDS. Esiim aies Given on Jobs STORE CLOSED AT & P.M. SATURDAY EVENINGS *Mernâyý'sPaints and Aberuthy'sWallpapers U5 KING ST. WEST PHONE 431 9 M. Shown following their marriage on Saturday, June 13, are Mr. and Mrs. Percival Rodgers. The bride is the form- er Dorothy Winnifred Hone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hone, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rodgers, Warkworth, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers will reside in Bowmanville. -Photo by Alpha Studio