17 i -7 *ufE i i 1' .. -- -. - 'j u~bl4iT taieJIm.rn "Durha*m County's QIreat Family Journal" VOLUME 99. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, YJ-JLY 9th, 1953 7c PER COPYNUER2 B ?Wmanville High School Results ~Là4r, Middle School, Commercial e or Term Year Ending June 1953 1Principal L. W. Dippeil will be Lycett (Fr.), J. McClure (Maths. itown the day after the Upper Fr.), J. McKuight, E. Moody, G. School Results are published, to Nesbitt, M. Pascoe. M. Plîilp, T. interview students who wish in- Pnice, M. Smith (Lat Fr.), U. formation regarding their courses. VanCamp, D. Woodlock, H. Yurko. 'Note: Students with subjeets ini Credit is given to the following brackets after their names must students in subjects listed: K. repeat these subjeets in a lower Bragg Hist., Fr.; N. Dudley. Hist., form. GeoLi., Maths., Art: E. Jarvis, Standing Hist., Fr., Agric.; R. Kitson, Maths. lst class honours-75%ý' and over Grade XII to Grade XII 2nd class honours-66% - 7 ,ý Pnize for General Proficiency- 3rd class honous-60fo - 65% Janet McGregor. Pass-50% - 59e l. st Class Honours-K. Brooks, Grade IX to Grade X T. Goddard, D. Laird, J. McGreg- Prîze for General Proficiency- or, S. Pollock, E. Prower, Hazel Beverly Cowling. Webber. lst Class Honours-S. Aber- 2nd Class Honours-J. Buchan, nethy, D. Austin, R. Brown, M. D. Cramp, P. Hoopen, S. Milîs, R. Buekspan, D. Cattran, B. Cooper, Turner. Beverly Cowling, M. Falls, J. 3rd Class Honours-B. Carnuth- Ferguson, O. Hine, W. Hooper, A. ers, L. Cole, G. Craig, B. Cryden- Jammen, K. Mutton, T. Park, J. man, C. Dilling (Maths.), R. Go- Rosevear. heen, S. Ott, W. Panas, R. Rom- bough, M. Splen, L. Trimble, 2nd Class Honous-P. Barrett, (Lat.). ,A. Begley, E. Brown, J. Cann, Pass-H. Carson, M. Cunning- Barry Cowling, N. Dale, R. Dill- ham (Lat.), C. Fisk (Alg., Lat.), ing, B. Fisher, J. Flintoff, G. M. Hallowell, R. Jackson, K. Gibbs, M. Henne, C. Lamb, M. Locke, J. Mankie (Maths.), D. Lee, M. Lynn, M. McDonald, E. Martin, M. Reynolds, H. Rutter Osborne, F. Piper, M. Smnale, L. (Alg. Lat.), J. Stacey (Alg., Fr.). Snowden, R. Stacey, D. Thentell. J. St'ainton, M. Wanrack, R. Wilk- 3rd Class Honous-J. Beckett, lis (Alg., Lat.). S. Coole, J. Fowler, M. Gibson, Credit is gîven to the following -B. Graham, B. Jackson, J. John- students in subjeets listed: G. son, L. Luffman, G. Marlow, L. Black-Hist.; R. Collett-Agric.; Marlow, B. Mathison, C. Milne, W. Laskaris-Art, P. Lycett-Fr.: ,B. Mutton, A. Quinney, D. Quin- J. Smith-Alg.; Harvey Webber- sey, S. Young. Geog., Art; G. Werry-Latin; F. Pass-A. Belle, L. Bickle, M. Bird, Westheusen-Geog. J. Brock, C. Bruce (Fr.), R. Car- Grade XII Resuits ruthers, B. Carswell, J. Connish, Pnize for Generai Proficiency- P. Conway (Maths.), E. Fainey Joan Batlett. (Maths.), F. Goddard, K. Graham, The foilowing are the names of K. Jackson, W. Laird, H. Laskar- the students who will receive Js (Matlhs., J. Mason (Maths.), E. their Secondary School Diplomas Mathison, (Maths.), Joan Mutton, -B. Armstrong, J. Bartlett, D.E June Mutton, A. Ooms (Maths.), B4te, M. Brown, G. Chant, E. Col- C. Phillips, A. Perfect (Maths., weil, B. Craig, B. Fairey, B. Fr. ), D. Pickerni (Maths.), G. Frank, E. Fry, B. Goddard, G. Prescott, M. Richaids (Lit.), K. Heal, D. Heyland, J. Hoopen, M.1 Robinson, P. Robson, P. Schram, Husak, C. Hutchinson, H. Koss, M. Snowden (Hist.), J. Taylor E. Leighton, D. Milîson, B. Mur- (Hist.), B. VanNest, R. Vivian doch, M. Nickerson, M. Pascoe, S. (Fr.), M. Vondracek, M. Walker Quantnill, E. Spicer, V. Stutt, C. (Maths.), E. Waikey, J. Wood, G. Tuerk, H. Turner, I. Woolley. Wray (Fr.)* Credits are as follows: Grade X to Grade XI B. Armstrong - Eng., Hist., Pnize for General Proficiency- Geom., Germ., Agnic. Marie Ferguson. J. Bartlett-Eng., Hist., Geom., C ~'Class Honous-R. Ashton, Lat, Fr., Agric., Music. V lztM.Ferguson, J. Gibson, D. Bate Eng., Hist., Comm'l, IV M. £e'l.is, M Liptay, N. Mitchell, J. Belman-Art. Ji P. Mon'ill, A. Porter, M. Varcoe. M. Brown-Eng., Hist., Geom., 2nd Ciass Honous-P. Bagnel;ý Lat., Fr., Agric., Music. S. Batheate, J. Buttdry, L. Cov- A. Carson-Geog., Fr. erly, S. Coverly, J. Coyle, D.G G. Chant-Eng., Hist., Geog., C Dilling, R. Fairey, B. Gibson, N. Geom., Agric. Hanilin,W. Kirkton, D. Leask P. E. Coiwell-Eng., 'Hist., Geog., H McCullough, D. Martin, D. Moon- Geom., Lat., Fr., Agrie. ] craft, K. Olesen, J. Pankhill, M. B Craig-Eng., Hist., Geog., Peel, M. Richards, L. Stapleton.. Geom., Lat., Agric., Music. N 3rd Class Honours-M. bot M. Dobson-Eng., Alg., Agnie., W. Bates, E. Blake, H. Coe, S. Music,.J Ellis, M. Giffin, L. Hetherington, G. Dowson - Geopr., Agnie., T. Hinds, R. Johnison, R. Kerr, Comm'l. K J. Lunn (Maths.), Doreen Lycett, B.~ Fairey-Eng., Hist., Geog., E. Maguire, E. Pascoe, G. Rich- Lat., Music. ards (Maths.), V. Stephenson, 1.A i., Music.ng Hist., Lat., Fr., Yurko (Maths.) A eMsc Pass-1. Axfond, E. Buma, E.A E. Fry - Eng., Hist., Geog. Burgess, D. Colley, B. Colwell Agric., Comm'l. (Maths. Lat.), 1. Conway (Maths.), C. Gibner-Eng., Agrie., Music. R. Eiliott, G. Payer, F. Fowler, S.L B. Goddad-Eng., Hist., Geog., Hasiuk, M. Hughes, J. Hull, M. atAîcMs. Leddy, J. Low, M. Luxton, M.. (Continued on Page Seven) Four B.H.S. Cadets Taking Senior SLeaders' Course ai Camp Ipperwash Go! Off Io Bad Star! - Nissed the Train Four membens of Bowrnanville regular and resenve army officers HuigW School Cadet Corps No. 544 and high schooi teachers working left June 3th to attend a Senior there for the summer. Ail aspects Leaders' course at Camp Ipper- of military education, and in par- wash on the shores of Lake Hu- ticular, the techniques of instruc- non. This camp lasts for seven tion, will be taught so that they weeks. during which time the ca- themselves niay return to their. dets will receive instructions from own Cadet Corps and pass on tlîeir knowledge to the rest of r'1:a ~the corps. 1eieu riient Arthur G. Wright Has been pnomoted ta President ai the Dominion Foundnies and Skeel Limited ai Hamilton, ac- cdl-diuig ta an announcement made hast wcek by the Baard ai Direc- tors. Mr. Wright has a double book up as a Durhiam Couuîty boy. First he wvas borninlu Bowman- ville, son of the ate George Wright and Emma Coleman, anid then he married a popuhar young lady ai this tawui, Miss Jean Tod, daughter ai the late Mn. and Mrs. Thas. Tod, anîd sister ai Miss Olga Tod, R.N., ai Division Street. Our sincece congratulations t0 .Arthur on this well merîted pro- mnotion The boys attending from Bow- Imanville are Cdt. R.S.M. NoeI IDudley, Cdt. Sgt. Harvey Webber, ICdt. Sgt. Glenn Richards, and ICadet Bill Kinkton. The three N.C.O.'s arc neturning for a sec- ond yean. R.S.M. Dudley and Sgt. Webber took the saine course last year and Sgt. Richards attended a course in Signalling. Ail thîe boys received their ranks as a ne- suit of the training they got last year. ge tri Cc J'. ve to se( aic deý evg Mc pri hoi Pa: tinr beE ig awi Jar ver C. Pr IThis year Camp Ipperwash is c ' being used anly for the Senior Leaders' course. The courses in Leuî D. Eason, who has beeui Siguialling and Motar Transport the Canadian National Express which wene held there îast year agent here for three years since are beiuig held at Camp Borden. lie took oven from Jack Gunn bas No one from Bowmanville is tak- naw been pnomoted ta a similar ing either of these courses this position at Lindsay. Pnior ta com- year. ing to Bowmanville, Mr. Easoui Whenthetimecam forthewas agent at Waterloo, and befone Whenthetimecam ionthethat spent 25 years in Peterbano. Cadets to leave the C.N.R. Sta- Mn. and Mrs. Easan wish ta thank tion on the special train brnugiuig al iniends and business associates boys irom ail ovr the province, for their pleasant and helpful ca- Mn. Hazefl, one ai the High School operation durnug their residence teachers picked them up i his in Bowmanvile. car and drove them ta the station When Mn. Eason left on July fifteen minutes eariy, according 3rd, his position was filed by Roy to the sebedules. They were un- H. Second ai St. Catharines. Mn. fanmed when they arrived that Second, who is 27, has been with the train had leit just thnee min- the Canadian National for Il utes before. What choice did they years and senved 3 years with the have but ta take a taxi and at- R.C.A.F. Before coming ta Bow- tempt ta catch the train as it manilh a ahe ih stoped ver n Tront? te sanie company in Sudbury. Also atteuîding the camp this jMn. Second is marrie dandbhe year are twa teachers from the and his wife, Dorothy, have two High Sehoal. Mn. AI Witherspoon chihdren, Dennis, 6, and Eleanor,l and Mn. Jack Ross anived sev- 16 montbs. eral days ahead of the boys ta ne- The Statesman welcomes Mn. ceive prelimiuianv instruction i and Mns. Second and famiiy to wbat they are to'teach the cadets. Bawnanville and we hope they Mr. Witherspooii attended ast xwili find aur town a pleasant and '.ear as a lieutenant and returuis profitable place in which ta livel thit prar m a eaptaiü, £and work,J JThe wili af the late John Wil- The honor ai leading the huge 1behind the local pipe band, the liam MacFeeters, Toronto, wel *Canadian Legion parade held in officers ai District "F" and the known native of Durham County Trenton on Sunday in connection massed colons ai the vanious Le- and awner ai MacFeeters Cream- iwith the annual Drumhead Ser- gion branches. ery, was pnobated in Surrogate vieaf District "F" aif the Ontario Also taking part i the parade Court last weck. Command was won by the Bow- were nepreseutatives af same 15 The estate was vaiued at $698,- manvihle Legion Pipe Band. Legion Branches in the district, 000, the bulk of which was be- The Dnumhead Service was an- the Belleville Branch Pipe Band queathed to bis widow. Mn. Mac- ranged ta coincide with the final and the Whitby Branch Drum, Feetens' two sîsters, Mrs. Susan- .day ai the celebration ai Tren- anid Bugle Band. nah Goodwin of Memphis, Teuin., ton's Ceutennial Week, and for The parade formed up li Tren- and Mns. Margaret Annis ai Ta- this reason attracted an even ton Park for the Drumnhead Ser- rouito will each get $1,000. Char- langer audience than usual. 'vice and many high officiais of itics mentioned in the will were Clad li their full Scottish re- the Canadian Legion, Canadiari the Salvation Anmy and Tyrone galia, the Bawmanviîîe Legian Anmy, R.C.A.F. and R.C.N. were United Cliurcb, forth af Bowman- Pipe Band drew round aiter on the platiorm. District Com- ville, which wil] recelve $100 round ai applause as the quarter- mander J. D. Buruiet ai the Cana- ecadSimUie hnh mie andemarched through dian Legion gave the Legian mes- necar Boxvmanvilhe, wrhicli wil] be the residential and business dis- sage and the address was given paid $250. trict ai Trenton and past the salu- by Lt. Col. the Rev. John W.! Trust funds will be sýet up for ting base where Major Genenal Forth, M.B.E., Chaplaiuî ai the! ahi living grandchîildren, with a H. D. Graham, C.B.E., D.S.O., E. Army's Central Comnmand. May-'; gift of $400 ta each. The will also D., took the salute. or R. E. Whithey of Trenton wel- directed that $20f; be paid ta Art! A contingent ai about 50 mem- comed the Legiannaines ta the Bradshaw ai Toronto, Robent bers of Bawmanvllle Braneh 178, town.i Stratton ai Gue]ph. J. Lee Strat- wbo made the trip ta Trenton by The Bowmanviîie Pipe Bandj ton ai Owien Sound, and V. A.: chai tered bus arnd private cars. played the lament "The Flowers1 Hooper ai Toronto. A brother,,j formed the front portion of the ai the Forest"' aiter the lBying of Charles Weslev M.ýacFeeters, wil finst platoon in the paradie. They meinonial w,,reaths and the sound-; rcceive $100, mile an eniplo%-ee,1 were fit in the line et march ing ai the Last Post. Pauline Oakley, wili be paid $500.' A Planning Board Siarfs Zoning Town in Readiness for By-Law A stant an the zaning of Bow- manville, preparatory ta drawing up a zoning by-law, was made at a meeting of the Bowmanville Town Planning Board held in the Town Hall, Monday night, June 29. The Board plans ta complete in- dustrial zoning first, before con- sidering commercial, residential and rural zones. At the next meeting the members plan ta tour the town with a vuew of decudung which districts are best suited for industrial purposes. ,At Mon day night's meeting the minimum square footage for a single dwelling and a two-or-more family dweliing under the build- ing by-law were also decided upon. Minimum for a one-famîly dweliing wiil be 600 square feet and for a two-on-more family dwelling will be 500 square feet per family per floor. The Board now has both maximum and min- imum figures for houses which may be constnucted on a given lot. Present at the meeting were Chairman Lawrence C. Mason, Secretany Albert Cole, Mayor Morley Vanstone, Deputy-Reeve 0. F. Robson, Glen Lander and Dave Higgon. Music Resulfs The following is a list of suc- cessful candidates in examina- tions held recently by the Royal Consenvatory of Music of Toronto li Bowmanville. The naines are arranged in order of menit. E Gradê IX Piano - Honours,1 Ray Ashton. Grade VIII Piano - Paso, Haz- el Webber. Grade VII Piano - Pass, Patsy Cheetham. Grade VI Piano - Pass, Rose-c mary Goheen; Canal Plummer, 0 Grade V Piano - Honours, h Vianilyn Cobbledick; Monty Em- a îîenson; Alan Smith. Pass,' Doris I Miartin, Grace Marie Turner I (equal). Grade IV Piano - Honours, $ M'arilyn Jean Baskerville, Karen r Clarke (equal); Judithann Spar- C row; W. John Tamblyn; Beverly f( MedRobbie. Pass, Lois Ashton, t r Jacqueline Hall (equal). i Grade III Piano - Honours, ti Constance Ann Tyrneil. 0] Grade II Piano - Honouns, P Carolyn Mason; C. Ross Tambjïn. Grade I Piano - First C1iss Il [onours, Doreen Ardele Picker- îg. Grade VIII Singing - Pass, rancy Louise Smythe.J Grade Il Singing- Honours, anet McGregor. Grade I Singing -Hanouns, Kathieen Jacksonî. janz..dian Foresters T Utend Convention VI Ut Vancouver, B.C. t Tom %Masterton and Parewell Ci l1ackburn, bath Past Chief Ran- afi unrs of Court Bowmanville, No. qu' l4, Canadian Orden of Foresters, ca ive returned after a two weeks' arn ip to the Pacifie Coast. w They were delegates fnom by 'unt Bawmanville at the con- Of *ntion of the C.O.F. held from une 16-19 at the Hotel Vancou- by er in Vancouver. They travelled in )the coast in a special five-car lmv ýction on regular C.N.R. ..rains, ha! lng with a large numTer of ho] elegates represeuîting Courts of en very province in Canada, a1 The delegates enjoyed stops in as )st af the major cities af the fui rainie provinces and had three tri( uns of sight-seeing at Jasper Th, ark, Alberta. It was the fîrst' re the C.O.P. convention had un held in Vancouver. Delegates fnom many surround- tha gtowns and cities such as Osh- otli va, Peterborough, Lakefield and the rietville also attended the con- teei mtion. outf. Public Utilities Cmaxdmssion Cals For Tenders for Waterworks Extension Fromt Lake Ontario Engineering plans for the new 25 feet, on the lake-front at1 $350,000 watàr system to supIy foot of Smart Ave. Bowmanville with water fronm 3. The "A" section of 16-ir Lake Ontario have been com- pipe from. the pumphouse to1 pleted, W. B. Redfern and U~ corner of the Base Line and L: Redfern of the engineering firni erty St. of Proctor & Redfern, Toronto, 4. The "B" section of pi reported to the Public Utilities from the corner of the Base i Commission at its regulan meet-4 and Liberty St. to the Church ing on Monday night. pumphouse and elevated tank, On motion of Commissioner Tenders will be requested1 Milton J. Elliott, the engineers' both cast mron and asbesi wvere instructed to advertise for cement pipe, and ail tenders tenders for the project from July connection with the work w 10 to July 13, with the tender be addressed to Chairman W. Rc closung date July 24 at3 p.m. Strike, Q.C., of the Bowmanvl Separate tenders will 'be calied P.U.C. for four separate phases of ther The meeting also passed1 project: payment water department2 1. The intake pipe extending counts of $2,331i for the moi 1,760 feet into Lake Ontario. of June and electrical departme 2. The pump house, 50 feet by accounts of $20,868. Council Authorizes Erection of Fenc Costing $761.40 Along Wading Pool At Nemorial Park, Liberty St, S., A second request from. the Two Properties Leased Memonial Park Association for N. G. Hannan appeared befci fencing off a portion of the park council with a request to buy ti along Liberty Street at the wad- land which is the extension( ing pool met with the favor Of Argyle St. from Duke St. to ti Town Council Monday night, aI- C.N.R. spur line. Coun. DeGe( though members had rejected the pointdott r*Hna i proposai a month ago. this is a road allowance and th A motion by Coun. Scott was town cannot legaîîy sell this Ian( passed that a section of Lundy He sponsored a motion, howeve: steel fence 270 feet long and six that Mr. Hannan be granted feet high be erected at a cost of cne-year lease for $1.00, renem $761.40 installed. able annually, provided that h Reeve Little, who occupied the be respouisible for its upkeep au chair in the absence of Mayor no excavations be made, or bul Morley Vanstone, due to the ings erected on the propert leath of his aunt, sÉtated that the which cannot be removed. fence is a necessity to protect A similan request had been re children fnom. the heavy traffic ceived in writing from Tom Tur on Liberty St. caused by the new ner for the extension of Centr highway. "Fencing the stretch St. from Wellington to Canlisl a]ong the wading pool will be at Avé. Coun. DeGeer's motion als least a stant on fencing the whole oedthspprywhth Libety S . sdeclha sr th tte same stipulations to apply as ii Coun. Scott elrdtath the case of Mr. Hannan. $761 would be well sp)ent as it It was explained to council tha riight save the life of a child. Mr. Hannan and Mn. Turner de Coun. Osborne also feit that the srdcnrloe h w acl fence is a necessity for the p)ro-suecotaovrhetoace e 1 cf land only so they could keel tction of children using the wad - down the weeds on them and pre îg pool. Clerk Lyle stated. that vn hmfo eoigee rie fence would extend the length ovet th fom b etcing e f the wading pool and 30 feet .oe hc olddtatfo agt it. ~t Contilnued on Page Seven) rown Council to Pass By-Laws Licensing Electicians and Plumbers Building InspectorNust Be Oualified At the request of three elec-' When the by-law is passed, an ucfurms in Bowmanville, outsider would have to pay the Fown Council on Monday uiiglit $30 fee before being allowed to ucided to prepare a by-law pro- do electnical work in.Bowman- iding for the licensing of elec- ville. Coun. DeGeer also state< ricians doing business in the that such a by-law would keep own. unqualifîed pensons from making A motion to this effect by fauity installations in buildings 'un. Nelson Osborne was passed in.Bowmanville. fter council considered the re- Plumbing By-Law uest signed by electnicians Dun- A letter was received from Dr. an Smith, Herbent L. Goddard Charlotte M. Horner of the North- nd Dave Higgon. The request umbeniand aund Durham Health ras accompanied by a copy of the Unit regarding plumbing and y-law which nequines licensing sewer regulations, and enclosing felectnicians in Oshawa. a draft by-law outlining these This by-Iaw, whicb will be used regulations. Dr. Honner suggest- y the Town Clerk for guidance ed that council use this as a guide 1drafting Bowmanville's by- in tlrawing up a plumbing and iwproide tht aperon hosewer by-law for Bowmanville. s a fixed place of business and matrouîDe eferrt t ei lds an electnician's license onrBomanvi ol e Deant me n tofh mploys a man who hoids such Plwani an Development sinc license, may qualify to operate itltiesing adith then snc an electnician. If lie fails to i esnwthhe building by-law fi11 these conditions his eîec- which us being prepared. He cian's license may be nevoked stated that the building inspecton, he fee for such a license is $30: when appointed, will be respon- ~.sible for inspecting piumbing and Protects Local Electricians sewer installations and that a Coun. Walter DeGeer stated complete inspection of such in- Lt such a by-iaw exists in most stallations wîil be required in the her municipalities and that it is building by-law. A motion was e only proper method of pro- passed accordingly. ting local electnicians from Coun. DeGeer reported thati tside contractons coming in and several applicatiouns for a building! Carl Paeden's Arm Mauled When CaughJ In Gravel Crusher Carl Paeden, 6 Jane St., his right armn badly mauled the Sunday when it became cau Lnh in the bet of a stone crushe: the which lie was working. He1 ib- taken to Oshawa Hospital w: examination showed that thez ipe was flot broken. The skin fi me St. the wrist to the elbow i k. scraped off, however, and for f]esh badly mauled. Mr. Paet s? expected to be discharged fr will hospital today (Thursday). toss The Bowmanvjlle mani ille operating the crusher in a gra for pit a short distance north ac- Courtice. crushing gravel w] nth is being used on a General Mot ýeconstruction job in Oshawa.1 ntbeit had become clogged and1 -Paeden was trying to free when it started again and caul his armn between it and the pull :e Fellow workmen helped free h and rushed him to hospital Oshawa. Paving Streeis For This Year Compleied meCosi About $16,000 of ýhe Dust may get in your ey er somewhere this summer, but at won't be on Concession, Liberi heDuke or Argyle Streets in Bcl id. manville. Pavng of these stre( eby Storms Contracting Compai awho were awarded the contra -a t a speciai meeting of Toy heCouncil three weeks ago, has nc d been completed. ýd_ Asphalt has been laid on C(ý ty cession St. fromn Liberty to We ington; Liberty St. fromn Ontar .e- to King; Duke St. from the Ba r- Lie to Argyle, and Argyle fro re Duke to Ontario. Council had e so ng woud be $16,000. inBowmanlville Citizen e;IsLucky Winner of Car ,_ In Oshawa Draw n He wasn't present at the carn' val, but George N. Brooks,2 -Temperance St., Bowmanvill was the Iucky winner of a bran new 1953 Chevrolet sedan car o Saturday, July 4. Draw for th car climaxed a two-day carnive held by the Greek Orthodox Uk ranian Church, Oshawa. iv Brooks is an employee of Genera IMotors. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks were mar ried a year ago last month ai stili need a number of things t ncomplete the furnishing of thei ýapartment. They already have; 0 1950 Monarch car. They plan t 1 seil one of the cars and put thi dmoney toward completing thi P furnishings of their home. Two Sections Hoad In Darlingfon Towcnhi] Being Hard-surfaced Two sections of road in Dar *lington Township were hard sur- faced, last week, one by Darling. ton Township wonkmen and the other by men employed by Unit- ed Counties. In both cases paving Ematerials were supplied by the Municipal Spraying & Oiling Co. Ltd., Toronto. The section paved by Darling- ton Township is about a mile long, extending from Courtice south past the Ebenezer United Church and as fan west as the Oshawa Wood Products plant. The section paved by the Unit- ed Counties workmen is the 31'2 mile stretch of the county road between Hampton and Taunton. Ronad upen -f f the Unite il haÉ lasl ughl ýr cri wa: ,here arn frori was the eder Crm was ave] tof tors The Mr. it, îght lley. him 1in ýyes tit rty, ets any aet ýwn 0W ell- nro ase es- av- mendation to the Public Pnoperty tery. Bowmanville Conservalives Hold Organization Meeting for Election Address by President Alex Carruthers id Alex Canruthers, Presideuit of other membens af the cabinet. to the Durham Progressive Conser- was also interesting to nolte, sai nr vative Association, was the speak- Mr. Cannuthers, that the topi( a er at a eommittee meeting of the discussed werc not oniy of nE tc Bowmanville ýConsenvative Asso- tional importance but werec ie ciation held at the home of Presi- particular interest ta Dunhar le dengt.Dv Higgon last Thursday County. Among thern the speake night iusted agriculture estumates, wai Other guests present wene time housing, apple exponts, mai Charles Stephenson, Conservatîve keting of tobacco, hospital con candidate for Durham Riding li struction, and many others. the August 10 election, and Steve Needed Once Again Jex, President of the Port Hope In caneludinig, Mn. Carruther pConservative Association. stated that the abilities of Mi~ Purpose of the meeting was to Stephenson are once more ncedei make plans and map strategy for i representing Durham Count the election campaigri. at Ottawa. Many of us, hie said r- Mn. Cannuthers, nefenning in his faidt ealize in the past tha - address to Mr. Stephenson's past in alie Stephenson, the coui yrecord, recailed a speech made by ty had liad the best Menrber o ýthe present member at a Libenal Parliament it was possible ti t- organization meeting i Port have. g Hope. The member, hie pointed ýe out, had made the statement that Mr. Roy Aikenlîead, Saskatoon 50 per cent of a MVember of Par- music adjudicator for the Uni liament's time was takeuî up with versity of Saskatchewan, visitec - pensonal matters fnom his own Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Badger econstituency and the other fifty He had attendc lictu convention eto speech making. He funther dis- of the Federation oi Canadian d cussed. contiuiued Mn. Carruthers, Music Festivals in Peterborougt e two matte;s which hie had him- from June 30 - July 12. self deait with li the riding; one, ___________ some work on Port Hope harbour and the other i connection wi.thdeto th lw atr evl f ak S P-residet fVickers gog. I n eference to the latter, he s aid that lie and Mr. Walter Thomson, former leader of the Libe al Party i O ntario, h s - ited the lake' and studied the ex- isting coniditions. The account in the local paper goes on to say that the two gentlemen solved the problcm and the lake was nestor- ed to its former level. Aroused Ilis Interest Mr. Carruthens said that the ne- port given by the memben arous-. ed his interest and he contacted Mn. Stephenson for funther in -1 formation an the subjeet. Mn. Stephenson showed hlm his files, whîich were full of correspondence on matters he had deait with dur- ing bus tenm of office at Ottawa. Mn. Carruthers assured his audi- ence that if Mvr. Stephenson cauld1 aceomplish all this as a member' of tlîe apposition he would bc! able to do a x'ast amount more, when he became a memben of the Drew Administrationi after the eoming election. What surprised hlm more, stat- Col. 0. H. Barrett, O.B.E. ed Mn. Carruthers, was thut Mn. At a meeting (if the Board ai Stephenison had more tluaî fulfili- Directors of Cninadiaiî Vic'kerâ cd the otiier 501 per cent ct a mem- Limited at Montreal was elec'.cd ber's duties. ln seàrching for nia- President of tuis promninerit man. tenial on Charlic Stcphç-nisun's re- ufacturing Company. Col. Barreti cord, he studied the index of de- made mny fnieuîds in Bovmnan. bates i the House ai Commons. ville when he was assistant to the~ He found ta his amazement, he President of the Goodyear 'l'ire & said, that Mn. Stephenson had Rubber Co., of Canada zand later spoken on taken part in no less was associated in ani executive (han 151 sepanate debates, and in position with the Ford Motor Car practicaily every case lie had Co. af Canada Làniit'd at Wind- langled with sueli emrinent parlia- son. The Statesmrar joins with Col. rnentarians as thîe Hon. James Barrett's many iniends in extUrnde Gardiri, the lion. C. D. Hlowe, iîîg cor-dial con'r"tuilatioiis ou i bi the Hon. Douglas Abbott. an4 recent appountment. Ss ~ I aIl )i a- aun Sr ar- ar- n. [r. Ity iat in- of an' ed ýr. -n in ih Il' Il lit 1 1 Claim Merchants Losing Business Through Lack of Proper Signs dLeading Io Town onHighway 401 it Appearance of Jack Weise, Committee on this matter and n propnietor of Balmoral Hotel, be- give them power ta accept it. fore Town Council Monday night Reeve Little had suggested that Srequesting the erection of proper lights should be put on every e signs indicating the approach pole at this point rather than on n to Bowmanville on Highway 401 every othen pole. "If the by-pass nfacused attention an this matter was lighted better people would which has long been disturbing know that there was something s Council and nesidents of the town. there", he declaned. e Mr. Weise pointed out to coun- cil that the lack of propen signs Taxi Parking Requested on the highway indicating he A letter was received frorn Bowmanville by-pass is causing Clary F. King requesting a two. many tourists to miss the town, car parking space in front of hil sand thereby deprivng many bus- taxi stand at 22 Division St. inessmen fnom revenue they Clenk xvas înstructed to wr'ite Mn. might othenwise receive. King and inforn him that a town f Councillors agreed that the by-law limits the parking space signs at present are totally inade- ailowed at taxi stands to 30 feet. *quate. "Some of aur residents Council considered a letter even miss the Liberty Street by- from the Advisory Council of St. *pass", Coun. DeGeer declared. John's Anglican Churcli asking "There is no appnoach at all". for a reply to thein request for Coun. Scott asserted that the anîgle parking in front of the trouble lies with the Department church on Sundays. The letter of Highways for not putting up complained of a parîi truck be- signs indicating the approach to ing parked in front of the church the town back fan enough so that for days at a time. motorists can slow down in time Reeve Little stated that the 'to turn off for the Liberty Street Police Committee had decided by-pass. "I think the Higlîways that angle parking be allowcd Depantment owes il. to the towns only on the west side of Temper- to put signs up large enough and ance St. as at prescrnt, and that fan enough back to direct people panallel parking be continued on into them", he stated. "As it us the east side. Coun. Osborne now, people go by befone they pointed out that the lime limit on know where Bowmanville is". parking anywhere li town is four By-Pass Sald Inferlor hours. Reeve Little commeutted Coun. DeGeer fet that the by- that if trucks wee parking in pass itself leaves much to be de- front of St. John's Church ahl day sired and is not as weîî construc- the 4 houn parking limit xas not ted as others on Highway 401. He being enforced. He asked that sponsored a motion, which was the matter be left with the Police passed, that the town cerk write ommittee. Mr. Berry of the Ontario Dept. of Becreation Departmnent Praised Highways requesting that proper Reeve Little commented on thue approach signs be erected on excellent Community Picnic spon- Highway 401 with the footage to sored by the Bowmanville De- the Bowmanville by-pass marked pantment of Recreation. "The on themn and also pointing out1 Recreation Depantment and Rie- that the roadway to Bowmanville creation Dinector Don Shay dia is not as accessible or welI con- a marvellous job," he declared. structed as in most towns. "It is a credit ta the town to put He also made a motion, which on a picnic like that." Clerk Lyle was passed, that the town erect was instnucted to send a letter a sign at the north-east corner of af thanks to the Depantmeuît oi Liberty and King Streets pointing behaîf of the council members. the way to the business section, Coun. Hethenington neponted on and that a letter be sent ta the the Decoration Day Service heid Public Utilities Commission stat- at the eênietery. He rtated that ing that Council does not feel the the cemetery gneunds had been lights at the Liberty Street by- in very good condition'* and con- pass are adequate. The motion gratulated Jos. Highfield and his asked the P.U.C. to make a recom- assistants on a weil-kept cemne- f ' - - -.. 1 Je, id rie rai k- . 1