PAGE P'OUR ________________________________________- ested in the U.N. But the Bow- manville Club is pioneering, blaz- -«^ r ing a new trail entirely, in bring- _e C urrent 1 ng this subject to other people c by the unique method of a carni- J val booth. And, just a hint-they «.and -~ ,>j may be pioneering i hrwy I on United Nations Day, Oct. 24. They have plans which* sound Confid ntialI very interesting indeed . You'Il be Con fdental'hearing more about them later. In ByElsie Carruthers Lunney nhe ieantime, don't miss that By booth at the carnival! The club commnityhopes to have available pamph- RECIPE FOR ICEBERGS place. Service to the o unt1 lets you can take away with you. is the purpose of the club spon- We have been wondering ail:i soring the carnival. Service to week if David Stewart is cool. the worid, declaring and proving nTT You remnember Mr. Stewart, Of: the brotherhood of Man, is the LONG SAULJ. course, the arnazing man with the purpose of the 60 nations banded fascinating moustache who says together ini the United Nations, (Intended for last week) «'Deep sleep," and you sleep like the greatest bulwark against war, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sim were Sun- a lamb without counitiflg any.i the greatest practising demonstra- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. The man who says to those under tlion of the principles we know as Sim, Oshawa. bis spell, Your feet are hot," andI Christian, the world bas ever Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith and bis subjects tear off their socks i known. Gloria, Dorothy Francis. Bow- ir a frenzv. The man who savs l Responsible for the wonderful manville, with 'Mr. and Mrs. F. "Thousaodsý of ants are biting, idea of this booth are the Bow- G. Smith. you," and the hypnotized scratch .avleBsns n rfsin Dora brothers, Bethesda, guests, and slap like a hunch of Indians manvflMr.Business an. Profession don a ac.a] Women's Club, and in partcu- ofare. adMs .Kvc doing a wr dance.lar the International Com-mittee, Gbil WVh *' do we wonder if Mr. Stew- b eaded by Miss Helen Crvderrnan. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Webb, art was cool last week? The an- The club and the comrnittee are Marilyn and Carol, Pontypool, swer is obvious. Does hynotism,: to be congratulated on seizing ai with Mr. aod Mrs. R. Sim. self and otherwise, work when it unique opportunity to let a lot of About 60 friends and neighbours cornes to beatiog the heat? We' people know more about the U .N. of Miss Bessie Vea and Mr. Paul have alwavs been told. along with: and the practicai good it has Vaneyk gathered at the hom f that old saw about it isn't the1 achieved in supplving food, medi- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bake an heat if's you know what, that, cine, rachinery and technical as- presented them with a shower of[ heat exists onlY in your mind., sistance to the poorer peoples of mnan 'v useful and beautiful giftsi The whole thin g is purely psy- Asia, Africa and Europe. Tuesday evening. The happy chological. If you think cool, Yvou , Ask Them Another couple thaoked everyooe. Lunch will feel cool. That's next thing1 was served aod the rernainder of to hypnotism. iso't it? But it's: These girls believe heart and the eveoing spent in dancing. neyer workî-d for us. soul in what the U.N. is doing, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker and Mavb efhpoi ol and they cao tell you a good deal farnily and Mrs. May Johns en- though. Maybe we sh ouldnui about it because 'thev have beenj joved'a picnic with Mr. and Mrs. our copy of Mr. Stewarts book, making a stud-y, of il for more Dave Law,,son. Mount Pleasant. "Hypnotism and How. To Do I, than a Year now. Thev want you Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wrigbt whic heso indy snt s sme:to corne and talk with thern at the and Sandv. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. wich e o indW srvnie n scrip- carnival Fridav or Saturday Walter Murphy, Ken and Sbelagh, tione agouwith a er-ypniceiscrî-! night at their booth. Ask ques- Tyrone; Mr.' and Mrs. Hugh tio. Iducog ,e1-bysoss, ai tions. We guaraotee x ou'll iearn, Murphyv, Donald aod Breoda, be we would feel cool as a cu-11 cumber, cold as ice, heading for a lot and enjov' yourself to boot. Bowrnanville. with Mrs. Edith an igloo in the Arctic-ooob' A lot of people' think that the1 Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whats that? Our teeth chatterig United Nations is the General Murphy. What do okowwevca i Assernbiy and its doings. made Miss' Helen Partner, Osbawa, a chill. Would it work like that?9 spectacular, aod frustratiog, by with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Well, we carried it a little too far! the attitude of the Riissians. But F. Partner. thee, utceraîny ccodîn t theres a lot more to it, than that. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vanev'k there bok, 'aild.v kodngt Things you dont hear so much aod John enjoyed a pienic al Lake she bok ou coul mae your- about. Scugog with Mr. and Mrs. Harold sefcornfortable. These girls xiii tell you that DeMille and family, Burketon. BY the xvaY, for any interested ls er11 ilinpoi e Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Penward- in securing a copy of bis book. ceived anti-tuberculosis vaccina- en with Mrs. Robert Cameron, Mr. Stewart tells us that in Can- tos oeta ilo ob yoe ada he is seliing copies direct and tos oeta ilo oh yoe a bok r aen ers an d children were assisfed byv Tyrone and Long Sauît com- not through abo store or em ergency and long-range feed- mnunities gathered at the home of cy, though he bas soid many co-i pies this way ini England. For the r ng programmes. They will tell Mr- and Mrs. Don Davey Monday presntto btan acop, witeto -ou that Canada last year was night and presented Mr. and Mrs. Mr. David Stewart, Malvern P.O.,1 the bhird ]argest contributor to Ray Dave.v with a shower of Ont.,send 3 theagency of U.N., the Interna- many useful and beautiful gifts. On. .ed$00 and you'll recelve tional Children's Emergency The couple thanked everyone. your copy. No, Mr. Stewart is flot' udwîhmd hs hnsLnhwssre n h e paying us to advertise the book. Fn.wihmd hs hnsLnhwssre n h e We sid coule f mothsagopossible: that our goverinment*s mainder of the evening was spent We sau id a oul ee lmonth gocontribution was voluntarv. and- in dancing. e rocud fid e out where tmihtthat besides, Canadians by private bet itl proc rdy w couod.tWe edonations gave nearly 1½ mil- B R E O inuormalittardypasing*te ,lion dollars.1UR E O information. ckTere ouhv i, These girls cao answer the and~ beto uc *oY question so often heard, 'Is it ail (Intended for ]ast weeký STEP RIGHT Tp, worth whi1e?'" Well, is itlxvorth1 W. A. met at the home of Mrs. LADIESAND GETLEMEN while to try and prevent futurei Clarence Aver vs witb a good LADIS AD GNTLMEN wars? Then the work of the Un- attendance. Plans were made to There will be one vèry differ- tdNtosi wrhwie o have a variety concert. ent booth at the Kinsmen Karni- l by helping people to help thern- Sunday School and morning val Friday and Saturday night at selves, in helping Io rid them of service begin after holidays on the High School grounds-a booth disease and wAant, fertile breed- Jul'e 19 at 10.30 ar.. vou'll want to look for and visit. ing grounds for trouble, misuni- We extend sympathy to Mrs. R. This booth won't be selling anv- derstanding and hate have been Davey in the death of ber sister, thing, but it will be offering yôu eliminated-or at least greatlyi Mrs. P. 1. Hornsinger at Thorn- a chance on something. lessened. hoe. New Ontario; also ta relatives This booth. whose like bas not r The Bowmanville B. & P. Club iodf MU J. Chatterton, a former been sepn hefore at fair or carni- is affiliated with the Inter~nationalj neighbor. who died in Oshawa. vamax' seem at first to you toi Federation. Part of its prograrn Abbott wit el.atives uinrKy have go! there by mistake. But is to study world affairs ndtv Amot. ihrltie nKn tl>e slaîl which you will see' to promote understanding among A proudly bearing United Nations the counitries of the world. Naturl- . idrey' Carnochan is holiday. posters is very mucb in the right. ally thev are particuîarîy inter- ingwa.h Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Bryan, 6Aezte!à TEA -AdQ't IN MYÇOC K4 J'IVE «o GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATESI", 0 Authorized invesrrnent for trust funds. 0 Short terr-5 years: 0 4%o yearly interest, payable half-yearly. In five years; $410.18 accumulates to $500.00 Wrie for doicriptitv /6/der THE STERLING TRUSTS COR PORATIO N *EANCH OFFICE 1-3 Dunop St., sebaf 'Dr ---.-. - Beverley Gatcheil. Oshawa, is holida *ving witb cousins and friends here. Visitors with 'Mrs. H. Rabm were, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pedlar, Mrs. Lelia Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Binneli, Canol, Ann and Gary Allen, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grace, and Linda, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahni, Union, Mr, and Mrs. Wal-1 ter Rabm, Tyrone, Mn. and Mrs. Rov'N Graham, Rena, Ian and ba- by, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weldenber- ger and baby, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Roblin were with friends at Wbitby. Mrs. Jim Henry and Mrs. Ma- ble Darcy, Blackstock, with Mrs. Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Greer and children witb Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Bry an, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hubband and Terry with relatives in Non- wich. Mrs. Otto Virtue, Tyrone. Mn. and Mrs. N. Byers with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey. Mn. and Mrs. Bill Goodman and Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- fer Leitch and Gai'ry, Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oke and family, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ai- bert Adams and Lynn, Bowman- ville, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams and Mr'. N. Hudson. Miss Helen Hutko, Toronto, Mns. Gabriel. Lindsay, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Tnrick. 'Miss Lois Stevenson spent a week in Toronto. Albert Stevenson and friend with Mrs. A. Hughes and Lois Stev'enson, Mrs. Tom Baile * with Mr. and Mns. Stan Moffat at their cottage near Oshawa. OBITUARY MVRS. JOHN NICHOLS In ill beaith for some time Mar- garet Vickerv Nichols passed awaY aI, Memorial Hospital, Bow- mnanville on Wednesday, July 15. Born at Prince Albert, a daugh- fer of the late Joseph and Mar- garet Vickery. the deceased spent rnany yeans in and around Osh- awa. In 1898 she was united in mar- niage ta Williamn Robert Goyne, Oshawa, who predeceased ber in 1906. In 1915 she was united in marriage ta John NichaIs ai Courtice who passed away in De- cember, 1951. She leaves ta miourn ber loss twvo daughters by her first mar- niage, Mrs. Robert Stephens <Ru- by), 1owmanville, Mns. Chas. Greenham (Mabel>, Maple Grave; i oe brother, Robert Vic kery, Oshawa and one sistpr, Mns. Her- bert Tbompson. Weston. The funeral services were held from the Morris Funeral Chapel, 1 Boumani!He. on Saturdav, %withý interment in Bowmanville Cerne- itery.- TMCANAI" STATESMAN, POWMANV1LLE, ONAMO __________ Saluna Women'"s Institute Picnic Ffhleno WILKINS PICNIC A Grand and Enjoyable Allair The annual Wilkins famiy pic- nic was heid at, Cream of Barley Camp on Saturday, July 1l, with Now Doasi ai 50 Paid Nembers approximately itmebr The arqnual picnic meeting of ye ars and under--Ronnie Baker; per, President Wallace Munday, the Sauina Women's Institute was Girls Il years and under -- Gail, presided during the business ses- held July 9, at the Solina School Baker; Boys Ilt Years and under'sion and the fallowing officers groundcs. There was an attend- -Frank Vanderzwet; Girls 15 xvere elected: President, Wallace ance of 44 âdults and 45 children. .ears and under-Barbara Hooev; Munday; Sec.-Treasurer. Mary 0f the 44 ladies in attendance 34 Boys 15 )-cars and under-Larry Wilkins; Press Reporter, Mis. H. of these were members and 10 Spires; Ladiecs race - Barbaraý Gay; Management Committee, visitars.1 Hooey; Spot Race - Mrs. Rossî Mr. and Mrs. O. Robertson Mr The business session was held Cryderman: Driving a nail-Mrs. and Mrs. H. Wilkins; Sports Comn-l under the trees. It was decided to; Frank Westlake, Pearl Leachniîttee, Mrs. R. Ormiston, Mrs. W. donate our share to the purchase lied; Kicking shoe-Mrs. Bruce Brown. of a curtain for the bed of the In- Tink; Kicking the foothal-Har- Races were then conducted for stitute room at the Memorial aid Yellowlees; Plate race-Mrs. the small ones, and interesting Hospital. The committee was au- Harold Pascoe. Peanut scrambles and original contests were enjay- thoize tobu boes ndW en were eojoyed by aIl the children. ed bv the men and ladies. Among t h ot h e i n n ero w e reb oae saan dM u n - pieces of the anoiversary cake ta Following the sports, everyaneth inrwe WlaeM - those former members not able wenfta the hall for their picnic day, Mrs. Gardon Martin, and' ta be present at the celebrat ion. r supper, aryGy The tapies asked for from the After the custom"r peanut Extension Service this year are, scramble the crowd was begin- Choosing and Using Fabries and OBITUARY ning ta disperse, witb everyone, Something ta Wear. agreeing that it bad been a very The secretary reported on cor- enjoyable family reunian. respondence to campanies about NORMAN ALSON BURGESS making blankets from old wôjol- Foowg aleth insMauLd s lens. Anyone wishing ta send Fwh ich h a conidhyirn ed J LLdis njoyeu their woilens should take thern, hc adcnie hmt e packed in a dlean sack or bag ta for some months Norman Alson Thousand Island Trip Mrs. E. Cryderman withing the Buirgess, 261 Fr~ench Street, Osh next Ew . Mrs. . awadied in theOshiawa GeneralA d Fee nFas MIs . Cryderman, r.W Hospital on Tuesday., Juiy 14.* A dI eeo al Yellowlees and Mrs. J. Baker A son of the late Mr. and Mrs. - were appointed fa make plans for Arthur Burgess, the deccased was Two Bowrnanvilie womens' ao'- bus trip ta Toronto on August 21 boro in Darlington Township, ganizations enjoyed outings and when delegates attend the A.C. and lived thore uintil about 10 picnics ta Kingston and Fenelon W.W. Convention. $5.00 was don- years ago when be moved to Osh Falls on Wednesday of last week ated ta Canadian National Insti- aw\va. g makin g the trips by chartered tute for the Blind. Mm. Burgess was for soi-e Years Garto buses. Secretary announced that aur a driver for Collacuit Coach Lines The Ladies' Auxiliarv of the Institute now bas 50 paid mem- aîîd later worked as a driver for Bowmanville Branch, 'Canadian bers. Roll caîl was 'Do. Say', Siog McCallumn Transport Ltd. 1 Legion, left for Kingston at 7.30 or' Pay' ". Many*\ members hiadi He leaves ta rruno is passing1 a.rn. arrix'ing there ý Il. Follow- poems ta say or read rather than bis wife. the former Catherine 1 ing a picnic lunch in the park, pal' a fine. Clernents of Toronto and onie the ladies made a tour of historic Current events were given by' brother. MorleY Bur'gess, R.R .3, Fort Henry. At 3 p.m. theY left; Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees. Mrls. Is- Bowmniiville. He was predeceas- i on a most enloyable boat trip! aac Hardy gave her report ofte d by bis twin sistler, Nellie, some through the Thousand Islands in District Annual Convemïiion. years ago. the St. Lawrence River wbich Following this, rac'es were held 1 The fuineral was held Saturday lasted five hours. The ladies were for ail, the prize-winners being: morning from the Sherrin Fun-, much impressed with the beaut- Girls and boyvs 5 v'eais and uin- erai Homne, 87.1 Kingston Road, fui scenery thîs trip afforded.- der-Lynda Baker: Girls 8 :\,car., Toronto. Interment Pine Hilîs Thpv had dàinner in a Kingstooý and under-Dianne Tink; Boys R' Cenetdil . restaurant after the boat trip and ?WU~DAY, 3~LT 90, 1111' then returned ta Bowmanville. Mrs. C. Gatcheil made the ar- rangements for the outing, which was enjaye.d by 28 rnembers of the organization. The Home League of the Sabra- tion Army enjoyed their annuai picnic on Wednesday also, spend- ing the day at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whitehead of Bow- manville in Fenelon Tala. The 28 ladies and children enjoyed a picnic by the river, boat rides, races and other gamnes. They re- the evening. For quick resulta - u»n The Statesmnan Classifjed Ada. FREEItuMTINEE FREE! For Children OnIy Corne Io owrnanville Shop to Your Heart s Content Dring your children with you. then par-, them at the ROYAL THEATRE Every Thursday at -2 p.m. Your children wiII be safe and well taken care of SHOP WITH THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS WHO SPONSOR THIS SHOW: J. H. ABERNETHY Paint and WaIlpapers W. H. BROWN, Farm Implements BOWIMAN VILLE CLEANERS and DYERS MARR'S JEWELLERY JEWELL'S "BIG 20" ('HARTRAN'S MEN'S IVFAf COWLING'S DRUG STORE KNOX 5110E STORE SEVERN'S BAKERY THE RADIO SHOP MASON & DALE HARDWARE STORE MeGREGOR'S DRI'G STORE SHEPPARD & GILL LUMBER CO. LTD. G. F. JAMIESON'S TIRE SHOP McGREGOR HARDWARE Mt. IVALKER STORES MIKE OSBORNE, Reading Coal TED WOODYARD. Appliance Store L. A. PARKER' - Plumbing JTURY' & LOVELL DRUG STORE CARTER FAMILY TEA ROOM STEDMAN STORE OLYMPIA CAFE PALMER MOTOR SALES HOWES SMOKE SHOP HIGGON ELECTRIC SMITH BEVERAGES g0 Engine redesigned to provide record W iii lu horsepower and compression for this il Tlis you will discover: NO other car gels au'ay from a standing start with the cornbined quickness, quiet and smootbness of a 1953 Buicku'ith Twin -Turbine Dynaflo w Drive. * With two turbines instead of one- and with engineering advances al through this miracle automatic trans- misson-you'can gel from zero to 30 mph before you take tumo breaths -and with more silence and efficiency than ever before. aFLOW Beyondthis, there's new power that makes the entire range of performance more electrifying. In every 1953 Buick SUPER and ROAi:- MASTER you'Il find the world's most advanced V- 8 Engine -the first Fire- bail V- 8. In every 195 3 Buick CusTrom Suek uafm 4-Do., S*4.o WHUEN SETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE RUILT SUICK WILL IUILD ROBSON Pontiac m Buick Cars budget-priced Buick series. But ail this flash-fast getaway, this new quiet, this stepped-up efficiency, this more spirited performance, can be judged only from the driver's seat of a Golden Anniversary Buick with Twin. Turbine Dynaflow. Will you stop by and try one -with Our compliments? *Standard on Roadmaster, optiona! at extra coi on ot/)er Series. Suick &PodmosI.r 4-Door Uoa MOTORS m GNC Trucks PHONE 585 A agneml Mmotora Velue MEAD OFPPICE 372 Bey SI., t,.inf 166 RING ST. E, -Rom »1.1, 1-11 ý - '. - .