. . I I TIM CANAÀDIA14 STATESMANI BOWMANVIILLE. ONTARIO fttflrrin... A.. -- -. Gordon Agnew, Eio Phone 3111 Social and Personal Durham Ail-Stars ...___ Beat Turk Broda's Mr. Ray Huffman and son visiting with her aunt and ufln- H i-tr - Bob o Napanee, visited with cie, Mr. and Mrs. George Kiîm NH..AlSfr - Mvr. and Mrs. George Crowther bail. _____ on Monday.I Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barchardi In an exhibition softball gan >Recent visitors with Mrs. P.I spent Friday in Toronto. Mr. h eld ih connection with t F. LeGresley were Archdeacon Barchard's aunt, Mrs. John'Newcastle Lions Carnival FI and Mrs. Balfour of Peterbor- Winnett, who lias been visiting day night the Durham Ail-Sta ough and Miss Reidhead of relatives in the village, return- scored an impressive 6-1 w~ N'orth Bay. ing to her home in Toronto .pver Turk Broda's Nation The Rev. and Mrs R. Russelli with them. zicgue Ail-Stars in a game fe Gèrdon and family of New Mrs. Dennis Griffith of Ham- tured by the fine hurling of Bi Glasgow, N.S., have arrived at ilton is visiting for a few days Benson on the mound for ti their cottage Broadlawn, New- with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Durham crew. castle-on-the-lake to spend the Miss Leidi DeWith visited There was no scoring until Il rest of the summer. Rev. Mr. with frîends in Ajax last xveek. Durham haîf of the fifth wIi Gordon wil preach at St. Paul's Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Agnew, Ernie Dickens flaiied onei Preshyterian Cburch, Walton June and Bob, of Port Colborne Bob Ellis' fast pitches into tl Street, Port Hope, during the visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gor- shrubbery in deep right field,.f month of August. don Agnew last Tuesday even- a home run. Erie Johnson fo Miss Anne Gomme of Toron- ing. lowed up with a single and Bi to, is visting with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Day and Benson fiied out to bringt Mr.Walter Crowther. Misses Belw ooto visited Don Gîlhooly to the plate. Joli Mr. Jack Nesbitt left on Sat- at the Rutland's on Monday. sonew a basecondadllsFr urday for Trenton, where he is j Hoer arapedout alsingle taking a one week Ham Course Iload tho aspeadonasonglst Mr. nd rs.R. B. Rickard F-ull Sports Program home for the second Dra and family have returned from P'anD df ivc hN.HLA-Sasgtt Coboconk where they enjoyed a lLne for CvcTeNHL l-tr o h week's vacation at the Bonathan .*oniy run in the top of the sixt Cottage. 1 Holiday Celebration on a double by the Turk and Mr'. and Mrs. Robert Walton single by Cal'-Gardner, couple haveretrnedhom folowig awith two Durham errors. thave reredhvaaoe foallowig The Newcastle Basebali Club, In the Durham sixth Er' thfe wek' vaatin a a ot-sponsors of the annuai Civic Johnson lashed out the secon tage at Harwood on Rice Lake. holiday eertointevlae oudiprof hegm t Mr. and Mrs. George Walton have elebraio in tevllgroundk i -1pro. tegm visited with them at the cottage g pmlanmn a compl ee pr- akit- last week,grmfo mriguniev- In the bottorn of the sevýent ing, including Bantam and Sen- the Durham Ail-Stars adde Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolfe ior Basebali, Ladies Softball and two more on a double b3Y Gi and son Jackie, and Misses Pat- the annual carnivai in the even- hooly, a triple by Hooper an sid 'Rathman and Marilyn Ben- ing. a double by Doug Kostka. Th dernagel ahl of Kitchener, visit- The program will start at local squad added another in th ed with Mr. Wolfe's niece, Mrs. 10.30 a.m. with Kendal meetingi scventh to make the final scor Gordon Agnew on Monday. Newcastle in a Bantam Basebali 16-1. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Andrus of play-off game. Foiiowing this, N.H.L. Al-Stars-Turk Brocý 1-Port 'Hope, visited with Mr. and at 12.30 in the afternoon, the 10- Gus Mortson, Jimmy Thompscr ~Mrs.'George Crowtber and fam- cal bantams wili meet a bantam Sid Smith, Harry ,Watson, Ca iiy on Sunday. team from Leaside. Dardner, Danny Lewicki, Rag Mrs. George Metcalfe of Kit- Following the bantam games Ragland, Bob Ellis. chener, spent the weekend with the local seniors wilI meet the Durham Ail-Stars - Jir Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Bowmanvilie team in a recrulariy Crombie, Bus Nenson, Clarenc Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard scheduled South Durhamn Lea- (Pork) Osborne, Don Giihoo]3 and Erie visited in Brampton on gue game with the winners of Doug Kostka, Ernie Dickerý Sunday'with Mr. and Mrs. Adam this game meeting Kendal team, Tom Cowan, Eric Johnsor Casîýe and Rutiý. following the Girls Softball Frank Hooper, Hank Janier Miss Joy Cooper of Oshawa, is game. In the girls' game, O.s- Baldy Hoar, Clint Ferguson. Since 1 Discovered SANITONE, My SURtS Have That Like-New Fit and Feel! Because Sanitone is a spe- cial kind of dry cleaning, we can make your suits look better than ever.. really like new again. Colors and patterns restored. Spots out. No clcaning odors and a better Iasting press! See for yourself the différence Sanitone makes, it costs no more than ordinary dry cleaning! Cati todiay! IROLIDAàYS OUR PLANT IILL BE CLOSED Atugust 3rd Io 81h FOR. STAFF HOLIDAYS EVELEIGH' s Laundries Cleanars & Dyers OSHAWA ZENTH-1300 LocaJ Agent: HOOPER'S LADIES' WEAR borne's Coaldusters from Bow- manville will meet the local La- dies' Softball Club. Completing the full day of on- tertainment, the annual Carni- val wili ho held on the Commun- ity Hall grounds, startinZ a.t 7.30 p.m. with fun and frolic for the wboie family with its games, refreshments, etc. United Church News The annual Open-Air Service in the Orono Park sponsored byI the Orono - Newcastle United Churches. planned for last Sun- day evening, was postponed due ta the welcome and mucb need-: ed rain and will ho heid an the f irst Sunday evening ln Septem- ber. Recipients 6f the rite of in- fant baptism at the marning ser- vice in Newcastle United Church, conducted by Rev. Law- ronce H. Turner were: Heather Lee, infant daughter of Mr. andl Mrs. W. Frank Hoar; Wendy Anne and Bradley Boyd, infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wil- son. After ton days of ideal camp- ing mwoather. the local C.G.I.T. girls returned home on Saturday from Camp Pretoria, Last Wed- nesdav evoning "Visitors Night" parents and friends numbering approximâtely s ixty took advan- tage of the invitatio'n enjoying whoiesome friendship with the girls and their leaders. The Vesper Service conducted hy the more than fifty girls in J attendance was eceedingly im- pressivo and devout. Words of appreciation wer tendered the leaders by Rev. L. H. Turner an behaif of al parents present and the homes represented. The evoning service in the United Church have been with- drawn until the f xst Sunday in September. Junircongregation and Sunday S I nol wvil rotess during the month of August. The Super-Efficient OILO - NAGIC Oil Heating MAKES VOUR PRESENT HEATING EQUIPMENT TWICE AS GOOD Saves Vou Money on Your Fuel ('osts Phone or consuit JACK BROUGHR PLUMBING - IIEATING Division Street S. BOWMANVIILLE New Phone - Office 615 House Phone 2384 I 4 j Il me the Frn- tars win mal fea- Bus the the hen of the for fol- Bus Up )ly ink to 1oe Kth 1a led 'rie rid to th ied ;il- ind 'he the )re [a, ýai ags m ice dy, ns, Merry C ouples' Club Hoid Enjoyable Outdoor Meeting The Merry Married'Couples' club of Newcastle United Church- held a mast enjoyable outdoor.meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard on Wednesday evenîng, July 15, with an extra good turnout of members. jThe eariy part of the evening was spent in playing basketball, c roquet and horse shoes, with John Scott and Bill Aluin lead- ing in horseshoos and Albert Pearce in croquet. Later, the members adjourn- ed indoors where a short busi- ness meeting was held andý pri- zes for the sporting events awarded. The meeting was brought ta a close with the serw,- ing of refreshments hy the com- mittee in charge of the meeting. 700 Spectators See Durham Ail-Stars Defeai Broda's Pros Some seven hundred people were on band on Friday even- ing to see the feature event of the annual carnival sponsored by the Newcastle Lions Club, the fast bail game put up by the Durham Al-Stars and Turk Broda's famous N.H.L. Ahl-Stars. What's mort, the fans saw what tbey came to see, an ex- ceptionally fine hall game with the Durham boys proving that they can play with the best and win. The local stars outplaying the N.H.L. pros. by a score of 6 ta 1. Following the game the Car- nival booths swung into action and the fans had the opportun- ity ta play their favourite games and take home their Panda Bea.rs, household 'articles, novel- ties, etc. Despite the unusually cool Weather, a goodly number e ctn th 1 stayfor thed forcthibig heeI oftay eaond fo the bi fr en major prizes, which tookc place 1It seems that the selection of at the end of the carnival. news by newspapers andth .The Lions Club draw for $500 attempted suppression of- in- in cash was won by a Toronto formation by public men and woman, a Mrs. Davis. The ma- public officiaIs is receiving jor draw for the Lionettes booth much attention in a niumber of1 which was a popular place for newspapers in this province. 1 the ladies during the evening, The selection of news 'is of brought joy to two local homes, course up to the editors of news- The f irst prize, a pair of Silver papers. Recentiy the St. Thom- Fox furs, was won by Mrs. Fer-j as Times-Journal Printed a cy Brown and the second prize, highly sensible editoriai on this2 a pair of wooi blanketsswent ta subject. We quote it below inr Mrs. Frank Rickard. ful:; "ýThe Ontario- urban schoolf Canaian uto irms trustees in conference at Bigwint C aadan ut Fims Inn have passed a resolution di-t rected at the Press in 'Canada. Show 22% Increase The resolution reads in part: That glamorous halieand ver Same Period, '52- news ttieatment by the press on sucb family concerns s divorce, juvenile delinquency, sex crimes Toronto, July 2lst-Canadian and the use of narcotics can Automobile Manufacturérs pro- have ili effects'upon the organ- duced over 52,000 more motor ization of family living, The Ot- vehicles in the first six montbs tawa board of the association of 1953 than in the comparable believes that if the press would period of 1952. This was an in- change its treatment of these crease of 22% over 1952 produc- items, family 'ties could be tion. Aitbough' passenger car strengthened. production increased by over "This resolution strikes deep 41 %, motor truck production into one pf the most perplexing, decreased approximately 10%. probîems facing the harassed The demand of the home mar- editor. How should the news ket accounted mainiy for the in-, concerning famîly matters be crease iA passenger cars as ex-j treated? At tbe one end of the port vehicles dropped for botthi scale is the editor who considers cars and trucks and was the news value paramount and in- chief reason for the drop in terprets his duty as supplying truck ýproduction, bis readers witli coverage of Passenger car production for every event not libelous or'por- sale in Canada totailed 185,'819 nographic. He sets the dlaim of units as against 123,177 for the the individual or family in a first six months last year. place of secondary importance. Trucks for sale in Canada were "His opposite number is the 67,331 compared witb 62,468 in editor who denies publication the first six months last year. to any news story which could There were over 40,000 work- have an unfortunate moral or ers in the Canadian automobile social effect on a member of the factories as of the end of June community which he serves. in comparison to 36.240 in Jan- This man refuses to puhlish di- uary this ycar and 36,200 il vorce actions, sex killings, or June 1952. any other material which he in- The payroll for these emrploy- terprets as faliing into the above ees was up over $10 million to1 category. $76,6 19,600 as compared with I "In a large community where $66,402,500 for tlue samce six; month period in 1952. by 'the manufacturers for the Total excise and sales taxes sanie period. of $93,388,000 collected by the Available for the first time manufacturers and remîtted to today are figures on registra- the federal government for the tions for 1952. Paqsenger cars Ïirst six months exceeded by soared ta 2,290,800, an increase more than $21,480,000 the taxes of 20% over lMl registrations remitted for the same perio of 1,910,100. Motor Truck regis- last year. This figure also ex- trations of 768,000 vere over ceeds by over $16,700,000 the ta- 24% above the, 1951 figure of tal wages and salaries paid out 617,200. from the point of circulhtion to Niews i Print turn te this type of report. "Tenewspaper has the rigýt there iste print this material, but it is thr smore impersonai con- the editors privilege and duty tact between the citizenfg, and ta weigh the issue carefully be- where sensational and lurid dé- tween this righl, which ig lus tail aredêeed ncesary o Ias an editor, and the moral res- fihtarelosecmetition ay teponsibiiity he owes to his cor- puihrclse take ti enasy imunity. The answer will vary publshes tke tis asywayeven as editors themselves varv; out to boost circulation, but' the esteem of the newspaper "In a small city such as St. among its colleague papers and Thomas where the personal among its readers will be in di- element is strong and Most citi- rect proportion to the editor'g zens know at least by name aI- good judgment." most everyoneé else, embarrass -__________ ment and actual harmn can be in- flicted by strong accent on ds- Balsam is a fast..growing tree. tinctly family stories. Moreoveri B.C. has the largest accessible thre apeas o d-nt--sans-f--nfe-u---ei NEWCASTLE SPORTS DAY CIVIC HOLIDAY August 3rd -MORNTNG - BANTAI4 PLAYOFF SERIElà KENDAL: VS. NEWCASTLE -AFTERNOON- 12:30 P.M. -BANTAN BASEBALL LEASIDE VS. NEWCASTLE SOUTH DURHAM LEAGUE BOWMANVILLE VS. NEWCASTLE LADIES' SOFTBALL OSBORNE'S COAL DUSTERS VS. NEWCASTLE BASEBALL KENDAL VS. WINNER 0F BOWMANVILLE - NEWCASTLE GAME -EVENIN G CARNI VAL CGMNUNITY HALL GROUNDS -Conimencing at 7:30 p.m. Our 'et nnivrsar Sal TO CLEBATEOURFIRS YER I BUINES WEAREOFFRIN TH FOLLWIN REDCTINS O, TSET The ollwingPries Iclue a 0-f 3-Cannl Anenn ADMIAL Rg. Sec. 3 - 22D 151 (21" Co sol) WanutFinsh ith urvd Font 62.5 45.0 2 - 21D 15L ,(2"' onsoe W1.u Fiish(Dya-Ra Tue) 31.5 40.0 1 - 21D 161 " Cnsol) Mhogay Fnish52195 45.0 I-yr. 1 - 21D 15L , ( 1"" C on ole te) aln t F nis (D na- ay ube --- - - ---- ----------- ---------- 11.5 3 9.9 Warr nfY 1 - 21D 17L (21" C nsol). ime OakFinsh wth oor ------- 62195 4 9.9 2 - 21D 12X (21" Tale ode) 'Mhogny lasie $23.5 35.0 90-Baa .4- Ma2 7'A dso o sl 1 aniad1 aoay 999 9'9 TTVa S* P Rig i.W Pon 36 op le PAGE TmN THURII 1 1 1 il li % 1 "rmmc2l,% A %P TTTTp -- in, 193S