THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1953 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. ~OWMAN'VILLE. ONTABXO PAO> LEVUI# Conservative Speaker Claims I4heral Goverument in Power Sa Long They Ignore Procedure The speaker asserted thaIt he could flot sec haw anv man ai polilical princiPle coulà disagree with the proposition that a Qov- ernment who lias reached such a paso should be removed. Mn. Macdonnell claimed that; the wa ' ln which the Liberal Gover en nt handied the Curnie repo w~as anoîher exampie ai ItsddTÉard for paliament - edtïrý efore the people ai Can- ada. Mr. Cumie had flot been, allowed ta continue his inquiny, in sPite ai the tact that he had told ai waste and inefficiency fan more castiy in ioss Ihan that cavered by actual dishoncsty. "Mr. Curnae's repart anly caver- cd 1 per cent ai what could have been covcred", he stated. "There are many hundreds ai mIllions: af dollars being apent on na- tional defence that are nat be- ing investigated by anyone". By halting the Currie investi-! galion, he sid, the govemfiment! had, ln effect, refused la allaw1, the taxpayers ta know their own' busIies. "This government ls flot aniy Ignaning myseli and the other eiected nepresentatives, fit là lgnonlng the people", the Con- servative M.P. deciared. Money Wasted In France In connectian with waste ln the Depanîment ai National De- fence, Mn. Macdonneli declared that the latest scandai cames fram France w.îcre Rosi Mun- ro reports that $5,000,000 or $6,- 000.000 spent on the R.C.A.F. b. ':1 2-PANT GABARDINE SUITS Choose one of these smartly styled suits for Spring and Summer wear. Banker's Grey, Navy, Royal, Brown. Mouble- breasted. Sold regularly $49.00. Sale $2,9 Special Ropoai Offer 1 mm Industrial Uniforms Whipcords in choice of olive and grey shades. (First Quallty) IDEAL FOR:- * DRIVERS * SERVICE STATIOi *TRANSPORT SERVICE -*MOVERS, ETC. SUIT, COMPLETE $ 4 PANTS: Sizes 30 to 44. mq JACKETS: Sizes .36 to 46. I"PA IN T MAKE THIS BEST VALUE IN A guaranteed high quality paint for ail types of homé, indusîrial and farm use. For interior or exterior use. Ail colaurs. Money Back Guarantee on Every Gal 2.25 GALLON YOUR Headquarters ARMY GAITERS WITH BOOTS 24 Division St. HEAVY- DUTY DENIM OVERALLS *Bib Fi-ont *Hammer iStrap *Ruler Pocket' Reg. $4.95 Sizes 36 t. 46 SALE $3.95 SMOCK t. Match Reg. $4.95 SALE $3.95 Leather Face WORK GLOYES ~ Reg. 59c Secial 25c WORK SHIRTS $1.95 sa. Spocial ! . 0 DRESS or SPORT SHIRTS Rteglar 33.95 es. ON SALE a$2.95Sea. Phone 32111 jet base there bas been all or largely wasted.1 "General Pearkes say s that $250,000,000 van be saved in the Department of National De- fence, and this in more than the a era ofa 10 per cent, whlch wudgive approximately he $500,000,000 whlcï, Mr. Drew ha. promised to save in taxation. If you had been on a spending spree, do you flot lhlnk you could reduce your spending by 10 per cent w1thout undue ef- fort?" Mr. Macdonnell asked. The Conservative M.P. then turned ta the Piekeregll inci- dent, ivhich hie said has struck a "body blow" ta the integrity and Impartiliity ai the civil ser- vioc. "Mi. Pickersgill has been taken straight Into the Cabinet fmom his position as Clerk of the Pnivy Council wherc ail knawledgeabie people believe that ho was continuing the parti-' san actlvity which he had pre- viausly been entitled ta practise while he was speclal assistant ta the Prime Minister. When hie be- came .Clerk ai the Privy Coun- cil his partisan activity shouid have stopped at once", he as- serted. "Everyone knowà that lie is a pamty man ta his finger- tips, hawevem, and ta suppose thRt he cauld cease being a par- ty man when hie became Ciemk ôf the Pmivy Council is moon- shine". Mr. Mlacdonnell decIared that allowing civil servants ta take part in party politics in this way destrays the security and inde- pendence which the civil service should have. "This sort af thing can only result, if continued, ini a retumn ta the "spoils systcm", whlch wc escaped fram with dif- ficulty", the speaker said. Stili speaking of the Pickers- gi case he quoted an indepen- dent newspaper which £tated that "'His exàmple will convince inany pramising yaung men, that the way ta advancement in the public service is ta agree wlth the political views ai the gov- ernment ai the day. It is al shocking business". Little Tax Relief Given Turning ta the question af, high taxation, the Canservative financial cmitic declared that while taking $700,000,000 more a year than is nceded ta mun the government, the tax relief given b y the Liberals last Feb- i'uayhad been niicroscopic. The Opposition had asked for a relief in sales tax which would have helped the man in the street, but this was flot donc. Mr'. Macdonnell said he had pointed out in the House af Commons when the reduction was announced, that for a man eamning $2.400 his saving in tax- es wouid amount ta roughly one- thousandth af a cent per meal. The Conservative govern- ment, through elimination ai waste, wiil have the taxpayers ai the country samething warth- whle - the $500,000,000 meduc- lion promised by Mr. Dmew, he sald. Mr. St4phenson's Address Chancis Stephenson, Progres- sive Conservative candidate for IDur]àWn-- Riding,-, had -spoken priaio'aMi'. Macdanneli's ad- dress. He declarcd that the Lib- cral Government's action in caliing an clection for August 10 had disenfranchised 500,000 Canadian voters wbo would be away on hoiidays. "This is the first * .- since Confedemation that a mîd-summem election has been callcd", he 'declared. "Pre- ciausly they have always been held in the spring or fali when the flirmei's are flot sa busy and when chiidren are in schooi". "The oniy reason I can sec fan it is* that the gavernment is worried about the way the ex- port mnarket is vanishing and other things for which it can be biamed. People everywhere are candemning this action and it shows what little regard the govemfiment has for the people", ýhe asserted. Mr. Stephenson said that wher. lic was the Durham member in 1949 lie had painted out that United Kingdom markets for, agnicultural products werc slip-' ping away. "In 1949 we had 29 contracts with the United King- dam", he statcd. "In 1950 these, some means of doing business with hiem while she was in fi- nanciai difficuities". Mr. Stephenson stated that lie 'elt no animasity toward the .Libei'al candidate in Durham. "Johnny and myself are gaad 'riends-, lhe asserted. -I have tried ta keep persanalities out of the campaign and 1 am glad they have been kept ont". Dave Higgon, President of thec Bowmanvillc Progressive Con- ervative Association, who acted as chairman ai the meeting, in- troduced Mike Starm, M.P. for Ontario Riding, whom hle des- cribed as a farmen Oshawa miay- or and "anc of the best mayars Oshawa ever had". '*The present Liberal Goven nent is like a ship that has ceen at sea for a long time". Mr. Stami' declared. -There are bar- nacies adhering ta it and the ailors have become indolent. Trailerit'es -in Darlinglon Township Up in Arms Over Orders Io Vacale; Form Association Io Fight Dy.Liw The Darllngton Township Trailer Homne Cquncil was form- ed July 23 at a meeting of trail-1 er home owners et Roselyn Inn,1 on Highway No. 2, west of Cour- ,tice. Fifteen of the township's estimated 25 trailer homes were represented. The meeting elected Rsil Mapes, President; Ronald Free, Secretary; and Mrs. Marie Mas- chke, Treasurer. The meeting was called by Ar- nold Maschke, a General Mo- tors employee, to protest a Dar- lington Township by-law pro- hlbiting trailer homes. A few weeks ago, there were eight trallers parked in an or- chard behind the Roselyn Inn, but seven have left as a result of the township order to vacate by July 2. Maschke and his wife have ignored the order. There is no trailer, park In Darlington township, but 25 or more trailers are parked in farmer's gardens between Osh- awa and Bowmanville. Storms Construction Co. has been given speciai permission to park trail- ers in the township, Maschke said. The meeting drew up a five- point program to present to Dar- lington township council: 1. Recognition of trailers as year-round homes. 2. Co-operation between tral- er residents and other groups in the township. 3. Revision of the township by-law to permit indefinite parking of' trailers. 4. Construction of a modemn trailer park, or parks. 5. Taxation of trailer homes They have a "don't came" atti- tude and they feel nu one can take their place. When ships get this way they are taken into dry-dock to have the bamnacles scraped off and the sailors re- placed. That is what must hap- pen to this government, and the Progressive Conservatives are the oniy party who can do this."1 Pralses Mr. Stephenson's Record Alex Carruthers, President of the Durham Progressive Con- servative Association, in intro- ducing Mr. Stephenson, drew at- tention ta his record as a Mcmn- ber of Parliament from 1945 to 1949. "When Charlie Stephen- son was in Ottawa, Durham was one of the best-informed rid- ings in Canada", he stated. He mentioned bis reports ta the peo- pie of his constitucncy in the Durham newýspapers and in ra- dio brondcasts. "His mass of fyles for these yeams show how hard he worked", Mr. Carru- thers said. He pointed out that Mr' Ste- phenson hai. taken part in 151 debates dumîng his four years in Ottawa and compared this ta the record of th& ILiberal Member from 1949 ta 1953, whomn he said, had only taken part in two de- bates. Mr'. Carruthers also stat- ed that the Liberal Member had missed 97 out of a total of 204 votek during his tcrm. Mr. Carruthers also stated that the railway between Port Hope and Peterborough had been kept open during Mr. Stephengon's' termn in office but had been closed shortly after the present Liberal epresentative had been elected. "Mr. Stephenson was the best representative this riding ever had", he declared. "We must make sure we send him back to Ottawa again". Mr. Higgon thanked the speakers for taking time from their many duties ta be present at the meeting and also express- ed the appreciation of the gath- ering ta Mrs. Ethel Murray for acting as pianist. ta hulp support township sehools ande2ci-vices. The t'aller council's pi-am was endonled unaniffously. i"We 11ke tr'ailen lits, anid wc want ta continue living ln aur trallei-i," Mapes said. "But we! have ta show the reat of the people that we're willing ta pay aur ahane ai taxes." "A traller park would attract skilllcd workers fi-cm ather cen- tens la Oshawa and Bowman- ville,"' Masehke tld the meet- ing. A reclution was passed ta send a delegation ta the next Darlinglon côuncil meeting. BLACKSTOCK Mi-. and Mns. Roger Dorrell, Mântyn and Valérie, Ottawa, are holldaylng wlth Mr. and Mns. Earl Dan-lil and Stuart, and Mr, and Mns. Dalton Dom- reil. Mm. Jim Spinkia,. Treherne, Man., with Mns. Ed. Darcy and Mi'. and Mns. W. Toms. Mr&. Walter Henny and son Lynn, Cobourg, -wlth Mns. James Henry. Messrs Lash Pallon and John Pallon, Treherne, Man., visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hale Sr., and friends, Rouge Hill, with Mr. and Mr-s. Or' Vcnnlng. Dr. Wells, Toronto East Gen- eral Hospital Staff, spent the week-end at the Rector-y with his parents. Misses Jessie and Betty McAm- thur visltlng relatives at Strat- fard. Members af the Ferguson family attcnded the picnic at Hampton Park on Saturday. Rcv. and Mi's. M. R. Sander- son and Roy, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow. Mr. and Mns. Eami Dormdil and Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Rager Dom- reil and family, Mr. and Mms. Daltoni Darrell and famiiy visit- cd Mms. Allan (for- merly Pal -Ferguson) at Four Mile Lake on Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mmi. Howand Farder on the blrth ai their son aI Memnoriai Haspi- tl, Part Penny, on Satui'day. Miss Joan Hoskin and Raiph Strong, delegates ai the Young People's Union, anc attending camp nemi' Oak Lake. Mr'. Dan McTaggart and Mrs. Florence Bnown, Prince Albert, with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson. Samny that Mms. George Craw- ford is iii in Memorial Hospital, Part Penny. Mn. and Mns. -J. J. Fictand Donna, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham.. Misses Jessie Van Camp -and Joyce Venning and Mm.'Blake Gunter with the Turners aI their cottage at Coe Hili. Mr-. mniMS. Ted Colley and ýfMly Wli-r**ieativcs aI Saint- field. Relatives fram here attended the presentatian ta Mn. and Mms. Melville Lansing at Shirley last Tucsday cvening. Former -friends were pieased ta sec Ms-s. Leslie A. Smith, for-' meriy Dçlla Patton, and hem twa, danghters, ai Toronto, and Mr.' Ôýordon Patton and bis daugh~ter' ai Strathmay, Friday when they! stapped an thein way ta Hali- burton. On Saturday aiternoon theý Vaiety -Sale sponsomed by the Womcn's Association ai the Un- ited Church in aid ai the Reno- vation Fund was a fine success. Mn. Ted Jackson, genial auc- tioneer af Pont Peni'y, gave bis services for which the W.A. are very grateful. Articles which anc did flot have use for weme eagerly bought by anather. Home caaking sold quickly 100. Amound $275 was aised. FAMILY REUNION FERGUSON REUNION The slxteenth ahnual Fergu- son Reunlon was held ini Hamp-. ton Park, July 25 with 64 peo- pie registering.' Special prizes were given to Nancy Belyea as, youngest baby, and to Mr. Sam' Ferguson, as oldest person pr.. sent. Mr. and Mns. Normn Mountjoy won th. prize forth largest family. iAfter a delicious supper hadj been cnjoyed there was a short business session ta nominate comrnittees and make arrange- mnents for another picnic at Hampton next year on the last Saturday in July. Sports were enjayed by every- one and prizes v.'re given as follows: Runnlng race -5 and un-1 der' - Brian Mountjoy, Nancy' Dorreli; 6 ta 9-Larry Hoskin, Janice Byers; 10 ta 13-Ronnie Hoskin, Pet Hoskin; 14 ta 17- Kathleen Graham; 18 and over- Chas. Minaker; walking race- Mrs. E. Dorreli; Bail Throw - Stuart Dorreli; Shoe kîck-Mrs. Ivan, Mountjoy; minute race, la- dies-Mrs. Percy Philp; minute race, men-Ivan Mauntjoy; Tic Tying Contest - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Phllp; nail drlving contest ladies-Mrs. E. Dorreli: men - Percy.Philp; guessing weight of. block of wvood - Mrs. Edward McNeil. Nestleton Station Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Wilson were: Mr. and Alfred Sameils and Christie, Bowmanviile, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Hetz and Garth. Fairview, Penn., Mrs. Wm. Keils, Hamil- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Donald L mb, Mrs. Lamne Lamb, Miss Ëuth Lamb and Mr. Ralph Lamb, En- nlskiilen. Mr. Win. Lamb and Mr. Cecil Wilson attended the 20th Lamb reunion at Kawartha Park, Llnd- say, Saturday. 1 Miss May McKay, Toronto, visited her aunt, Mns. John Dickey. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ne*itt and Mr. Reginald Nesbitt were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Taylor, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip and Mrs. J. W. Irvine vlsited Mi'. and Mns. Wylie McKeown, Mono Road. Mrs.. rvine is re- maining for a visit. Sunday visitons' with the Grant Thompsons were: Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Francis, Allen, Shirley afid Lois, Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Warming- ton and Jill, Scarboro, Mi'. and Mrs. Neil Wenry and Carol and Mr'. Neil Bailey. Mn. and Mrs. Thompson rcmained for a visit. Miss Pat Bowles has return- ed from an enjoyable matai'trip with three other friends ta Que- bec and New York state return- ing via Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Georges and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford, To- The Siatosman SoId Ai Following Stores Truii's Store, Caurtice Strong's Store, Port Hope Reg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle.- S. Brown, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskilicn T. M. Slemon, Enniskilien F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton J. Ridideil, Burketon H. T. Saywell, Biackstock Keith Bradley, Pontypool C. B. Tyrrell, Orono H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Bowmanville - J. W. Jewel W. J. Berry Howes Smoke. Shops Jury & Lovel Elgie Harnden's Handv Store The Stateian Office ronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sutton and Laurle, Kingston, are vis1t- ing Mr. and Mrs. Larmen Hy- land. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gm3t, Su- san, ICathr'n and Mary, Indian River, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Jcs Forder, Mrs. John Watson and their brothers, ElLsha and John Pollon who are visitlng them from the wvest, in the death of their brother Louis Pol- ion of Dafoe, Sask. Visitors wlth Mr. and Mrs George Bowers and Jean were. Miss Jean Cotton, Cannlngton, Mr. Ronald Wallace, Sunder- land, Misses Anne Clarke and Betty Nugent. Biackwater, Mr-. and Mrs. Hender Trick and Mrs. 1White, Burketon. Friends of Dougclas Davison will be pleased to know he i3 much more comfortable since having an operation to reduce the fractures of the pelvis. He is now in a body cast with one Iimb in a sling. We hope he will soon be able to return home from Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Knight with her brother,' Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith' of Mount Dennis at their cottage on Pidgeon Lake, near Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and twlns Sandra and Russel of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Knight. Mr. Waliy De Vries, son of Mr. and Mrs . John De Vries, is on holiday withr his parents from the United States ariny. He returned recently from Korea where he served 10 months. Word has biéen recelved of the death at Gibs5on's Landing, B.C., of Mrs. David Davidson alter several months' illness. Mrs. Davidson had left hospital three weeks previOus, spending part of the time witb her daughter Louise, M.a (Dr.) John Bal- four, VancoUver, Ï.C. She wam abif to return to her home be. fore pasing away Jun. S. Her mnany' frienda in Cartwtiht loin in extendlng aynipathy to Mr. Davidson and Dr. and Mrs. John Balfour In their sad loss. Have that . DOOR GLAS OR WlNI4SHIELI e s Installed New While You Wait JOE COOPERPS Service Station BOWMANVILLE 218 King St. E. PHONE 3432 j HAVE'YOU' FIGURED OUT THE EXTRA VALUE You get in BIG 12 oz. BOTTLE only INCLUDINO OOVT. TÂX IB ETU!ER QUALITY BIGGER QUANTITY in SMES -qqmop c A p 1M c 7 t. Il CAMPINGSturdy Work Boots Heavy Dnty Soles SUPPLIESBlack Only SALE $6.95 Compare GABARDINE Our.- Prices PANTS Grey, Tan, Blue. and Save Zipper, pleats. te95 Sizes 30.- 40 __$ Downaanviule SURPLUS STOIRE BOWMANVILLE FOR Canadfian Drivers Choose High *ýTest Blue Sunoco Bine Sunoco's unbeatable long inileage Fa t! of Canadian motoriss who compare F s a hasmae sefrace.oreoers thuand higer ntiknok qafiy, owera MAKE'US PROVE IT. Moite the 10 Gallon Test in. your own car an-d feel the difference 1 i~ One Grade..« High-Test Premium Quality THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. IBOWMANM.Lt. ONTARIC THURSDAY, JMY 30.1953