PAOB TWELVB --& &i V6Im*IA V.LjAE1VJNJ.AM m!jmmVAq .... THE 0 C OVE 1q WHAT'S IN A NAME! If you are amongst those per- sans who eaci this column e- gulamiy you may have by now become famîliar with the naines of Cave cottages and the people who live in them. As is the cUS- tom in ail real summer comun- ities there is a collection of ac- cessory buildings associated with each cottage wbich serve many and varied but fundamental purposes. Perhaps it wouhd be af interest ta, acquaint you with the names of saine of these "auvt- buildings" as they tao give the place, its distinctive characteri WHY GET TRI Order Your Win] The Re Io-da FILL UP VOUR B Famous Readir THE LOW ASH C Try Genuine Hard Oshorne.1 E. V. "Mike' Town Office 26 King Street East Phone 897 ÀL -1 1 Get Savings and Quality, Troo! i ENUINE, GUARANTEED EASY WASHERSj 5O0 aiTERDOSa Reua $195 . .M .. si Wih i litl as tas pal our OudM t .1orroM Mo SU M " o SA jou -091 ,te PlusTHE RAIOSt tPý> ýe" wacM Trad cjýj e arta es lor t ý"S Nu-'r U17 9.50 Ge al h.<et etrsfr ihs e form a n ogrlfea hsVn tional saving - Soid, ast lumium E SY W terfIo wGyraor r st-poo m ta dvanced deinfo atr.fierwsig cin - Ad ancd spersafty wingr wth djutabe prssue fr a fariM auo atcpesuebaac ..istn a t elae - Po er ump vaiabl at lîgt exra ost Get ig-amequaity and perorm nceat he ostastnisingsavngseve efere in town LfflED QANTTT NW A Th ldcà*o i 38 KingaSi. EastePhone 573 and reflect the personality of perience as a Coronation visil their owners. 1ta Engiand. - She had a seati We might mention first the the parade route near Whiteha ones that suggest dignity and a attended the Buckingham P. belief in the better things of ace Garden Party aud witnec life-Massey Hall, The Abbey, ed the Coronation service Our Country Seat. Then there Scotland. Tbi' remainder of t] are the ones that reflect a ro- three months was spent travE mantic turn of mind - The, ling to Wales, Germany, Swi Morning Glary, Horseshoe zerland, Italy and the Rivier House, Trellis Inn, Villa Rosa Mr. and Mrs. R. j. SnidE IO f course, there are some with with daught'ers Marion ar a literary or foreign flavour- Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. E Pomander Walk, The House at Harris with son David, wei IPooh Corner, Chalet de Necess- guests of the McCarthy fami, e. Many, naturally, are named on Sunday., simply from a' utilitarian view- Mrs. Wm. Bell and daughti point-The Life Saver, The Ga- Diane have returned to Toroni rage, The Works Department or after a two week holiday on t! The Tool Shed. No mention must Cave Road. be made of those that, hidden Dr. and Mrs. Sandford Gooa behind a discreet screen of child were guests of the Gooc shrubbery, remain in anonymity. ings at Laf-a-Lot. Need we suggest in closing Mr. and Mrs. George1 that a rose by any other naine Smith and grandchildren arei still smells? Cape Cod Cottage. AT TH COTAGESAt The Dingle with Th AT TH COTAGES Yuens on Sunday were Mr. an Mýr. Grey is enjoying a weIl Mrs. Jack Tierney of Toronto. earned rest with Mrs. Grey and Mrs. Hazel. Howell and hE Sandra at Meadow-Vu. Connie daughter Ginny Lea have rE Grey and Don Garland, Toron- turneci ta Montreal after visil to, were with them for the ing at El-Ti-Di-Sa. They wi week-end.1' visit in Edmonton later. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simpson A number of young friend and baby daughter are at Rest of Edmunci, William and Mars Haven for a two weeks' vaca-' den Barrick haci a happy tim tion. a t a masquerade bonfire on thi Miss Willa Simpson bas been' beach by Grey Sennen. Prize recounting her wonderful ex- for best costumes were won b: iRitchie McCarthy, Holly Foi Iand Diane Bell. The Jack Attwells of, Popla Lodge, Cedar Crest, had a bus: household on the week-en( N O T I ll embr o fiIý~r grancichilciren with their par flIIANI fts. D L ~1Mrs. Nash Jr. with Bob, Ken. B E T ny andi Donny are with Grand. mna Nash for the week. The Chapel-on-the-Hill i su ~A sinaller than usual gather. ,fer s .uppiy of ing attended the service a h Chapel-on-the-Hill hast Sunday In the absence of Mr. Harrap id C i a and Mr. McCartney, the reguhai d u a ispeakers, the service was con. ducteci by Mr. Fox, and the ly. speaker was the President, Mr. 1>'. Robins. The service opened with the 1NNOW WITH usnging of the hymn "Holy, lIN Hohy, Holy," which was follow- Cit ed by the National Anthern and invocation. Mr. Bal led ir mg An hra e prayer after the responsive reading. Some of the favourite ONTENT COAL hymns were sung under the 'di- rection of Mr. Attwell. The President welcomed those at ~ o rqes the service and anucdta d RolBiut next Sunday's service would be conducteci by Miss Simpson and the Sunday Schoi. The service will tale place at Il a.m., 0 The speaker's subject was "A Firm Foundation" and tetx Coal C a was taken from 1 Corinthians, Osborne let every man take heed how he uileththeeupn, orother Yards foundation can no man lay than C. N. R. Sheds is laid which is Jesus Christ." The speaker gave the circumn- Phone 410 stances in which these words were written, how the recently îi~ established Christian church atý Recenlly Wed in Tyrone Church torJ ail, ýa'- !55- in the rit- ra. nd. ýre .1y ter ito 1d- at id It- il ds le The ihird annual eunian of es the McGill family of Manvers was held in the beautiful Orono Cammunity Park an Saturdary, July 25th. ir Members andi relatives extenci- ing into the fourtb generatian 'Y d of the original settlers of the above mentioneci township i.e., Y the late Joseph McGill and his ,e wife Elizabeth Pritchard, coin- e ,~, priseci this happy gathering. It was nateci with regret, hawever, that the last surviving member of this famihy, Mrs. H. H. Ryiey, who had heen privilegeci ta at- tend the two previaus reunions baci passed on during the year. e ~Arter a pleasant boum of greet- r. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk were married in Tyrone ings and social intercaurse, ahi p United Church on Saturday afternoon, July 18. The bride assembleci for a sumptuous meal at 6.30. A brief business session r is the former Elizabeth May Yeo, eldest daughter of Mr. folhowed at which Roy McGill, ansd Mrs. Geo. Yeo, Hampton, and the groom is the eldest Enniskillen, presideci. Minutes eson of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaneyk, Tyrane, Ont. andi a financial statement were -Photo by Alpha Studio reaci by the secretary treasurer, e Mrs. Harold Tate. 1, Register was signeci showing Corinth was being shaken byl at the Cowling Cottage, Wil- 41 present. Newcomers welcom- - controversy andi dissension and liamns' Point. eci ta the picnic this year incluci- how Paul, hearing of thijs, wrote Mr. and Sain Dewell andi ec Mr. andi Mrs. Cecil McGilh, ta boîster up their faith, fînally Mrs. W. J. Ranton were guests Toronto, Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence coming ta, the words of the text. of Dr. andi Mms. L. B. Williams Rowan andi daughtems, Bethany, * The speaker cited two of at their cottage at Caesarea on andi Mrs. James Ward, Chesiey. many examples where the word Sunday. Suggestions as ta place of "foundation" is useci in the Mrs. Norman Willson, Ed-' meeting next year were brought tBible. He gave -modemn exain- inonton; Mrs. Howard Couch, fomward. Peterborough was pies of how strong and deep Bowmanviile; Mr. andi Mrs. chosen andi in Jackson Park, if faunidations are necessary for John Baker, Soliia, were Sun- it be available, on July 24. modern sky-scrapers, then Coin- day evening visitors with Mm. Officers for ensuing year are: pared thein with cottages at the andi Mrs. Jin Sîales. President, Lloyd Ashton, Hay- Beach which also neeci gooci Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Fletch- don;, sec.-Treas., Mrs. Haroldi foundations. Tate, Milhbrook; Sports Coin., As t i inthematria wolder andi famihy, Taber, Alta., vis- Fred Biihett and! Frank McGill, As t i i th inteialworditeci their cousins, Mrs. Ehiner Toronto; Table Coin., Mr. andi sa is it i the social and spirit- Wihbur andi Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mrs. James Turnbull and Mrs. ual world. The speaker gave Hodgson. Jms Mgt eebruh twoexaple ofthesayngsof Dr. andi Mrs. E. C. Reynohds, Nominating Coin., Mrs. Harvey Jesus Christ, "As ye would Toronto, visiteci bis sister, Miss McGill, Enniskilhen, Mrs. Frank that men shoulci do ta you, do Luhu Reynolds on Friday.' McGill, Toronto. ye also ta them likewise," andi "Judge not and ye shahl not be Dr, andi Mms. Wallace Homn Appreciation was expresseci ta judged" and saici that these two visiteci bis parents, Mm. andi Mrs. Mrs. J. Turnbull wbo reported sentences would make a gooci W. W. Horn on their return pmogress macle in an attempt ta foudaton or pefec soialfroin their vacation. They me- establish a '"Family ¶mee" which andi ecanomic existence, as be- tumneci ta Montreal on Saturday it is hopeci wihh be completeci tween them they can be appliec accampanied by their daughter, for the 1954 eunion, also ta the teal ahbuman actions. Pattie wbo spent three weeks' table committee and 1953 sports The service closed i wth a with bier grandparents bere. committee composeci of Joyce hymn and the pronounicing ofL Mr. andi Mrs. John Lyon and1 McGill andi Ronald Ashton wbo the benediction by the Presi- hloyd, Toronto, visiteci Mr. and arrangeci the folhowing pro- den . Mr. Jck Lon.gramme and i dstributeci prizes dn.Mr. Jayon.ur ornowsaccomcungly: Mm.RayWibur Toono, as Oldest member present - a visitor at Gilbert Adcôck's. Mrs. John McGill, Ennishillen; HAMPTOlN Sorry to report Mm. Cecil youngest member - Glen Ash- ____Lockwoad quite ill. He bas been ton, Haydon; most rmt en under care at the Toronto Gen- ber - Mrs. James Ward, Ches- Prof. and Mrs. W. Dunbar, eral Hospital the past week. We ley. Toronto, visîteci ber sister, Mr. hope he may soon be improved. Bean guessing - Jas. Mîgbt, and Mrs. James Sinales. Mrs. F. Honey returned home Petemboro; most coppers on: per- Mm. andi Mrs. Orme Cmuick- froin Bowmanville Hospital on son - Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Hay- shanks andi Joan, Peterboro, Sunday andi is convalescîng don, sboe race - Joe McGill, with Mr-. and Mrs. Percy Dew- steadily. Mrs. Stark of Enfielci Enniskillen; balloon race - Don ehl. la assisting in the home. McGill, Toronto; minute race - Mi. and Mrs. Bloyd Wihcox, Communion wilh be abserveci Fred Billett, Toronto; Bean me- Cobourg; Miss Madlyn Wihcox, at the Sunday evening church lay - Marie Ashton's group; Bowinanvihhe, with J. D. Ha- service in charge of aur pastor, orange rehay - Jimmy Billett's garth's. Rev. F. J. Reeci. team., Mrs. J. D. Hogarth, Mrs. Sainm Hampton friencis were sad- iveMllro 01 yrs. ac udr- ac Dewelh andi Mrs. Bloyd Wilcox' deneci ta bear af the suciden MgarhtMillrook; 10-14 yrs.4 attended a tea Saturday even- passing of Dr. Evemett KerslakeyGsandh McG - GorEnniskig; 1 ing at Mrs. Walter Rickard's, of Toronto, brother of Reta andi Milbrook; ladies' race - Marie Shaws, in bonor of Miss Marlon former residents of Hampton. Ashton, Toronto; Wheel-barrow Rickard. Everett, who was highly es- -Garth andi Joe McGill; Long Mms. T. Wray and Miss Bileen pected here, will be remember- step race-Gardon Migbt. Wray, R.N, weme, guests of Mr. cd for bis friendhy andi pleasing Ahi present agreeci that this and Mrs. Pere~y Allin, Bowman- disposition and musical ability had been a very enjoyable occa- ville, on Tuesday. andi eadiness ta assist when op-sion and expresseci the hope Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Wilbur portunities arase ta use bis ts vnmr mgtatn h andi Donna enjyed a vacation talents aong this line. 194 atemrn g n Peteoro. For Live Paint Protection and Beauty I e SAR OF Th. famous Sun-Proof Twoaot House Point gîves you long-term property içisuronce that you can't afford ta over- look. No longer is if necessary ta ipend extra mone>' for that third =ot of paint-you save cost cf point and labor. You ne.d have no fear of resuits when you redecorat. with Pittsburgh Points. In mn>' ways the.>'ore bottar thon pre.war quohty. J.nH ADERNETHY Pitand Wallpaper Store M IGS.W. PHONE a BURKETON Recent friencis with Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Roblin were Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Thompson, Mr, Ia nd Mrs. Cecil -Robhin and fain- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilson, iMr. and Mrs. Aylmer Strutt, Oshawa, with Mr!r. Pearl Avery. Chemyl and Jimmy Rowan, Enniskillen, Mr. andi Mrs. R. Carter andi Wayne, Peterboro, with Mm. andi Mms. Carter and other relatives. Mr. and Mms. Eari Stuart, Nia- gara Falls, with Mrs. E. Caughill, who returneci with them to visit irelatives at Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Orlanci Bailey, Wheeling West Virginia, with Mrs. Tom Bailex'. Mrs. Tom Bailey is in Toron- ta andi Oshawa with friencis. Mr. andi Mrs. Art Tompkins by Certif ied Watchmaker as authorized by the Canadian JewÏllers' Institute AUl Work Guaranteed One Year MA RRIs JEWELLERY and GDýrdon, Toronto, with Mr. and is. A. J. Tompkîns. Mrs. Betty Constable, Toron- ta, is spending two weeks with Mfrs. T. G. Breck. Salvation Army of Bowman- ville, were in the village Thurs- day evening with their band. On Thursday, JulY 30, a var- iety Concert wiil be given iu the church shed. All are weî- came. FAMILY REUNIONS PINGLE PICNIC On Sunday, July lPth, the second annual Pingle picnic was held at McRobbie's Creek. Those in charge for the day were Mr. and Mrs. A. McRobbie and Mr. and Mrs. L.-Hancock. Young and old alike enjoyed 9w1mming and visiting during the hot afternoon. 1At 6 o'clock 80 relatives from Oshawa, Toronto, Alliston, Bow- manville, Hampton, Zion and Oregon, U.S.A., sat clown toaa bountiful picnic supper., Mms. Walter Pingle was Mas- ter of Ceremonies and welcom- ed ail especially our relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Pingle 'and family of Oregon, U.S.A. Several prizes were given and new executive pickhd for next year. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duggan of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrý. Clarence Cox of Oshawa are in charge for next year. At about 8 o'clock everyone started for home having spent a very enjoyable afternoon. s LESKARD Mrs. J. McGill, Mr. andMs F. McGilh and son Don, E~nS- killen, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamn- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. E. Green, Ahex andi Nobby visiteci bis mother, Mrs. E. Squire, Gaît, Sunday. Congratulations ta Mr. Dave, Fee on attaining bis pilot's 11- c 'ense. He is now considering taking bis commercial license. Best of luck Dave, and may your success be sky bxgb. Ivtr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson spent the weekend at their sum- mer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd, Larriei and Debbie, were Sunday visit- ors with Mr. Larne Rabbins. i ing a few weeks lu Toronto. SAME LOW PRICE RICHNELLOW BREAD - 14c Isis Brand pcaBln Red Sockeye SpEcilÀln SALMONTEA Vs'% 37c Ea.1 Lb. PkIg. 55C AS GOOD AS THE BEST BRANDS RICHMELLGW SALAD DRESSING -Amaziny Low Price 8 oz. Jar 21c 39c 16 oz. Jar 32 o«. Jar HO 0LI1DAY SPECIALe- 7SLB. NEW 75BAG POTATOES 19 Pre-Cooled for Freshness CORN-ON-THE-COB Large, Crisp, Garden Boy C EL ER Y - - 2 For 19e Sunkist - Size 288 Large, Fir ORANGES CADRAGE Do.27c 2 ~o 15c DAILY DELIVERY ON LOCAL GROWN VEGETABLES BUNCH DEETS2Fo15 BUNCH CARROTSFo 5 6 qt. Basket - New POTATOES 33e PICNIC SUPPLIES Try some of these on your holiday picniîc Salami Cbubs - Polish Rings - Braunswagger Chubs - Sardines - Garlic Flavoured AllU.týef Wieners - Ready-to-serve Potato Salad - Smoked Hamns - Cold Cuts - Bacon. WEEK-END SPECIAL PEANUTS 1H mh sha 2 z Dominion Stores Ltd. BOWMANVILLE Big c in 29Ç -.rtiunsnAy, JULY 3& lon - , ,,% JLW« 1 Mrs. H. Stewart, Dundas spent a few days with M. aL% Mrs. E. Duvail. Tbey ail visited Mrs. H. D. Glover at Frultland on Sunday. Miss G. Dewell, Bowmanville, is spending the week withMis. Mary Spry. A Reunion Picnic is bexug planned for the friends of Les- kard community, ta be held at Orono Park on Saturday, Aug- ust 8, 2:30 p.m. Anyone havinig lived here or living heme now is cordially i.nvîted ta attend. Cubs Alex Green, Peter Loucks, Glen Grant and Gary Thompson, ail spent the week- end camping at the Scouts Camp Samac, Oshawa. Sorry ta bear that M1pu Ron- ald Page is on the sick~' with influenza..t Mr. and Mrs. Jack Syem and son, Bowmanville, aud lMiss Jean Syer, Tomonto, were week. end visitors with Mr. and MMs E. Syer. Miss Isla Barker, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Loucks andi family. Mr. and Mrs. G. Page, Peter- borough, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Loucks. Mrs. McDonald Sr., is spend. 1 . 1 TE£ CANADIAN STATMM"- RnwuAuvn.1r.ip É%wpàolrà%