Cou ail heurc curnl tarie becoir dange Dr. umb<i it', SU wide »myelf lew ] tics S many lng 0 p Iioj br o ceeds two ý atedt emic in à5 litis,( alyzed ing of Prol R- R Imw w FTU E hncritried -our ow ok1947 . 152 SSAFETY TU E n ee e epulget.l16îh, 19353 - Note the date925 j y GOOD ^EAR YOUR EYES and Drop .$130 M*Famous Blowout Safe LifeGuardi no0W Puncttire-Safe roo! Süe us îoon for LifeGuard Saféty Vso a TuFibes, he uni> 100,000 mile re-usable oniRe r tActual Markef Selling Prices of Bonds fro n NEW IIFEGUARD SAFFTY TUBE COpy git uneIss ed May 195ip r 10 .0 * of FOR I OCOUT SAFETO OP( ti t% ia-, , 5, issueti at - ---------- --------- - ---- ------- ----- E. îYîîFTNgaht a~n~ildgJuI.I 16, 1953 - Note the date - ----- --- - - - $885 FOR PONCTUE E FTY OSHAWA -Phone 5-6143~ -JDrop ---- -- - ~ $ 07 R52227. LOOK FOR THIS Blurring at both distance andi "HG IN tna a eoi cpeOur bonds are now at their lowest price since they were issued. hti svmptom of som-e ercor easily the way 'Mr. St. Laurent's government bas maintained the value o u OFQAIYremedied. This like the otiier, bonds. Could anydyhvdnewr? may be constarnt or at certain yoyhv oewre pecuods. It is neyer v. 1use 10 1E P R . e(Q, - N I L : a11neglect anY of 1heý:e 11* EPPA D owNOvDII:; i. tev. are n al! "lres Ca n ie Afford Io Re uha IovernmenIi in Office? No LUMDR Co. 'ô" LIMJTED pE Consenerrvaliveo dr * I Is vour vizion !or distance andl :ingSi. . DouanvIIs hono715 ..near as ke n now as i l r . .' . Inserte v -the Durham County Progres- e "sers-ative Asoiat MIworse or bchr,mîr2 i ,. (Copyrighted> i w M w M M M g M M M i M M M M w w w "Si M M 'i M 1961< M WMUAT. YULT se, 1953 Tom CANADIAN STATESMAI, 1EOWUANVLJF. OqTART0 AEr~?m 1h Fi ~ions by Miss Noble. More than a million of Cai-! medical cir fhndcpe natesRe U U itWa ns]Pa ee ofibal chdue Bauy nd heFestCarol Johnson cbnducted the ada's school children are beingi Canadian eldendnostae Drwn o ls opening meeting. Joan Davey traîned to carry on Red Cross; their prepari est ar'o ke Precautions là Avoid- PolioDrw g Clsi was chosen to lead the next' work-"to carry on and assist a vital growûgRdCos ~ meetng at he hom of Mr. A.n work for. the mitigation Nearly 300stens er _____Wiih Two Gaines Lefi fiHavv of suffering throughout the quaiffîi ed CrssSwm Jue n Brar Tyw orld." Their annual record in ming and WtrSft lse àin te ummr ndeary each or t, inda acîne (B Mrra Tgh) Margaret Chamberlain served overseas relief, in communit, throughout Cnd ntels months, pare nts read and that wili give protection against (B Mray ige* srvcpojcsinhptaad e. of cases of poliomyeiitis oc- the minute vîruses that cause Bowmanville Softball League : lunch. aW meeting which service___ ______ ____in______________________ g in various parts of On- poliomyeitîs, Gamma globulin' schedule is fast nearing an end we aIl enjoyed to a close.. and Canada, and nati4rally is available in verv limited with only two scheduled games, Women's Institute ne concerned about the quantities and therefore will 1,e left. on Friday night at Franklin "A fine meeting:" *One of the ,rs of this dîsease. allocated by the National De- Park between Bill's Bilards: most enjoyable 'meetings we!~> àa.~è A Iilfl *Charlotte M. Horner Me partment in Ottawa for special and Tom Cowan's Harvesters, 7i.eha. ' 1a came today",(UIlf/ UW IV VV I yc r Oficr0fHalh Nrh-jcases. However, gamma globulin who also have a postponed game, Ceîe smM ofthe#cm0ent érind-Durham Health Un- only gives temporary protection and next Wednesday night be- ! heard at the cloïe of the July meeting of Tyrone Women's In- o' publiity iven o poi ng towards developing a vac- esters and Jack and îiCu.g.t ttt :ates that biecauseof h polrkio-eeor oniu ten saiiOderllClb of For- iti nd ts fter effcts cie which will give more last- This lastgaecud elbeMs .Beetwshoes ns eaiz tht tai ng resuits. the most important one of the adteewsaslni t Pb"-P telz htsats o hs tocusandancee Bsinpess nduc td ttover twice as Dr. Horner reminds parents! season forsthessswo clubs as hidedi rmwhoop- of the precautions that should it will decide who will get fourth l bteide, Ms .A oe cough in Canada as from be taken during the months place in the league and last play- 1ijvawsmtlroin.Ad- rrycitis, and that the num- when poîiomyeîitis cases may off position. ation of $2.00 was made te the f accidentai deaths far ex- oCur. The league has been much uke fters omi 3the death rate for these 1. Children should not become dloser this year, and out of the upkeBwmanof ~mth ned t he i diseases. It has been estim- ovcrtired. Avoid over-fatigue 26 games played to date 16of' Bowmanville Women's Institute. @b l that during a severe epid-I causcd by ton active play or ex- them have ended with a three A n tto a xeddt there is enly one chance ercise. run or smaller difference. Of Adyintt io preside ters.M. E DO0 of developing poliemye.. 2. Avoid crowds and places termiigtngmswihmerson to join us at the August one in 7500 of being par- where close contact with other have ended by a wider margin, meeting at the home of Miss ýd and one in 30,000 of dy- persons is likely. the C.0.F. team has participat- Aleen Aked. 1 the disease. 3. Do not bathe or swim in, ed in nine of them. If the league ~Rî al "o ig a r.~~m 'gress is being made in re- polluted waters. schedule is finished and ail play- a"bRoug a re"ospns rm5 5 g - 4. Avoid sudden chilling. off positions decided. the play- payeveroeinlinghe isitors- 5. Be sure your food is pro- offs will start on Monday, Au- prÀeeyn h e ricu ge vaspe- oM IIV tected from flics. Have yourl gust 10 at Memorial Park. With National Salad Week opening on July 30 cial welcome. 9 home completely screened, and' League Standings across Canada, Lois Brown of Ottawa, "Miss Agriculture Mrs. N. Woodlev gave a fin FOR ki1alfis Won Lost Pet. of 1953"; poses wîth a basket of ingredients for almost ativ devotional on Nihor" M eetbe utlthyae 1h- Harvesters ------- 8 2 .800 ýkind of dclicious salad you want to make. National Salad . 11S. W. Park, Sr~.. read a most TH E F IR ST TRACTOR TO( FE * oughly washed or peeled Lcl39 .2 eek is held each year to promote the use of Cailadian . puig ndtheCimc'l ang, ELECTION r: 7. Kcep your garbage covercd Bill's Billiards 5 5 .500. fruits and végetables and advice and -recipes are tiade "Pooliî1heCai810".a- U TRAC TOR PERFORM NC to 8. If youthavbrednosies oi- .-273 8Mcs. L. Paegave afn d * reen beein o fic.Jack and Jiîî 2 8 2( available everywheré. to encourage the most advantageous css on -The Place Called N FO MATON :jet mae sue i is lypoofuse of this country's high-quality garden produce. e. IN THE LOW PRICE-FIELD [useplenty cf chloride of lime.ig A s ei enat f amet 9. Do nfot use unsafe milk or EtNtNISKIçLEN Mrs. Rov Langmaid, Solina, TYRONE ie k\vas presenttio 0fanThe new David Brown "25" gives you Monepoe gressive Conservative wa mnetorfeerwith Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill. T R N munitx' 10 Mrs. Wm. eadnl, for thie price thon ony other tractor! Se* Sifodu1 10urry in dr inhespor omve- Mr. Herb Rctgers, Bowinan- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Bird, 1lhrough the reading of- a com- W'lb glad ta arrange a damnonstrahion. Ccurn OMMITheTEE y-vil, ndsstr, r.J AOcly Nancy, Neil and Janice, Brook- Allan Youngman had the mis- plinmentary letter read by Mrs. C N IT Elitis season should be treated'by vile, dsîtrsJ. A RîHoes, lin, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell fortune to faîl off the verandali H.- Skinner. The gifl xvas pre-- - :bcd cest and isolation pending North Dakota; Mrs. W. J. Morri- Ormiston. Miss Nancy and at hîs home breakîng hîs collai'- sented by Mis. A. Hilîs. ~NK K INI R]BONS . igoi:.I ti oloylts son and Mr. Morrison. Grimsby,, Master Neil Bird remained for bone last Friday. Serving of lunch hbrdught the *Vm u*w~ m tmight be made more severe called on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. holida.ys. . Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp. Ronald meeting to a close. Remember PONTYPOOL East 'Rom ftcsativitines. t carry on Moore on Monday. T.U.C. Boys are holding their and Marilyn, Miss Jean Philp, the roll call for August meeting. NAT 01 th ________________ee, East____________a Mr. and Mrs. Donald ;e, annual party at Seymour's cot- attended the trousseau tea in h-ring your bahby pîctuce. Bamrl oe Wayne and Terry, Oshawa* Mc. tage at Stevenson's Point, oni honour of Miss Phyllis Goodfel- mn Bamrm oe CanadianRed Cross as a- and Mrs. Irwin Ferguson' and FridaY night, July 31. Al young low at her home in Codrington* (Side Entrance) wysben pro9,000 i s tuone- Dianne, Mrs. Frswith Mc. popeand invited. Wrd sh- day evening. ing sirit.Amon the ,000stu- nd Ms. Water ergusn. Nr. an MMissopPriscilliass Pi Mucdoa Mrdoc o Bv- dents in Red Cross Home Nurs- hissSao ctOhwi wcle nM.adMs manville. is visiting hec sister,* : ig classes in Canada last year , olidaying with her cousin,' Peccy Ellis. Mran s.MTb, ]Phono 3592 : and 3,000 in First Aid grobips, Donna Gail Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Pethick, Mr. and Mrs.EeM.oab e H O L ID A Y :VRBOYwas a group at Aklavik, "the M. and Ms. Oliver Beckett, Toronto, with Mran c.s Mr. and Mrs. rcMo. and EEY DY wplace of the Black Bear", 125 Tyrone; Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Pethick. family, Oakville, visited Mr.* WELCOME miles south of the Arctic circle. Lamb, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mc. and Mrs. John Beckett, and Mrs. W. Jewell. MEskimo students arrived by dog Mrs. Clarence Bradley, Maurice Miss Helen Samelîs. Scugog Mr. and Mrs. H. Trivett. Wes-* _________________team fresh from their caribou and Beverly, Bowmanvillé: Mr. Island. with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ton, with hec parents, Mr. and M hunts! and Mrs. Ross Page and family, Beckett. Ms Mrs. H. Cameron and attendcdU Nor~~Te IanNMc.andstlWi . J.nFeMgso. Mrs.andeyMrs.aintonissAnd Mhes. Kelly W mly ighomnvilî REOauAI Leonard Bradley. nie Wright. Oshawa; Mcs. Jack Orono on Sunday. Tw ,o Mc. and Mrs. Irwin Fergusonl Bradford, Toronto, with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wight anul NOand Dianne, Mt. Forest, 1ih Mrs. Norman and Aileen, Blackstock, with1 Milîs'and Mr. and Mcs. R. Hope, Wright. .E P la . .Mrs. Harry Gregg, Donald and1 Miss H-eather Mitchell is hol- .andy iie r nd Mrs. YuN.a -oi gam i n Michael are visiting relatives, udaying with Mr. and Mrs. Nor e ac ,Tadnboysvstn.adMr.N Piow inn W tam pions ~~in Wilmington, Delaware. man MCae, Oshawa.LecTuon (601)5 Mc. and Mrs. Roy MeGill and Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, Mc. and Mcs. Chas. Mucney wIJI use family atten ded the McGill iaucompanied Mc. and Ms. Earl and family, Peterboco, with M. BI A DEM60x6 family reunion at Orono on Masters Gail and Darlene to and Ms. Walter Park Jr.. also Saturday. visit Mc. and Mrs. Bill Coch- Mr. and Mrs. J. Park and fam- a 'i Mr. ad- Ms. C J. apie, rae, Krby.ily, Ivy and Ronnie Steele, Pc- : ndYo IEIRGUSONÏ TRA CTORS TootowithMr.cnd Nars.0.1 aser Dbugla Billett, Scar- terboro, also visited at the Park T IRanEY urSl C.Aho.[oBILiff.S, is holiday ing with home on Sunday. Tire Miss Barbara Scott, Toronto, 1 Mc. and Mcs. Roy McGill. Mc. and Mcs. Morley Hooper *, at ithe 's hldy with Miss Linda 1 Mc. and Mis. Mervin Bird. and children Edgeley, with McI. 1 Stainton.j Nancy andl Neil, Brooklin. with and Mcs. Luther Hooper and hsScfa V le is C o o Miss Ruby Victue, Toronto, jMr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. other relatives. ternational P owul« M atch Ear sters and .Mr. Raph Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson vsta eund home atrvstn uath e cial Vofaue s Cood fo __ ~Victue. friendt at Four Mile Lake. Birmingham, Englançite N nt f A gu t O l this Fal at Cobourg. A number fcom here attended' Mr. and Mcs. Carl Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Hay Sprag : the McGill picnic at Ocono on and famnily visited M.r. and Mrs. andcidcn amlo, visite9,il Satucday. RymndBoticell. Newcastle. Mand h s. H. Hall.Alo Mc. and Mcs. Irwin Ferguson Miss .Macie Bottrell returned weîcome home to ILCA.F.Bitll V We have Just recelved word that Odd Braut and Dianne, Mt. Forest, with home with themn for holidays. Halfo Koewoadd: 1Olav Nedberg, Norwegian champion plowmen, Mr. and Mrs. Albect Oke. Mr. Ernie Horselv, Bowman- home at noon Tuesday. L.A.C. Glen Spcy, R.C.A.F. ville, visited Mr.. and Mcs. Earl use two Ferguson Tractors and Plows supplied Station, Centralia. visitedhiiMase.Mr. and Mrs. M. McCîuis],. auntt and uncle, Mr. and McIs aMr. and Mrs. Fred Tcewjn! Cookstown, Miss Francis Me- a us at the International Plowing Match, Cobourg. Edga Wright. land Llo-d. Blackstock, withMr Cuish. uenEizbt Hsi-"re S ho p F/O Reg. d'nd Mrs. Kersey,1 and Mrs. Earl Tcewin. M.'ta1 Toronto, visited Mr. anda Ronnie and Ricky, Edmonton' Mr. anud Mrs. A. Leadbeater Mcsý. E. Deeley. a ore Alta., Mr. and Mcs. Mel McCune,' xere in Toronto and attended, Dont forget the Mission Band : Cre King and Silver Sis. Dowmanville Phono46 Vaccoe's Road, visited Mr. and the ftuneral of hier sister-in-law, and Baby Band Picnic, Auiguýt lm M'rs. Harold Ashton. Mrs. M'm. Reidl.i 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin visît- Dr. andl Mrs. Clarke Dorland Congratulations to Mr. andl ed.and Mrs. lod Peson aAnd ian l ary alled onMic. and M. Janl rs. J A. on crva of* Li a ca t rand an d arlene Mc. 1and - 11aughterArlene a G--o. . I I I I I a I I a