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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Jul 1953, p. 1

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"tDurham County's Gjreat Family Journal" Il t4tam4 VOLUMI E 99 ROWMArNm.ýT.P- ONTA TO T14TTPO!r& VY TTTT.V n4, 1 or,-> - - -U J j, JÂ IN tLLbv 1r .Z .JA 1, 1JuL1LJ1 OUtII .Im m 7 ~c PER C(J(PY 1TTTTKD'D - insmen C lub Two-Nîght Karnival Here Friday Noon 'Two Full Days Program Aacied Large and Happy Crowd Planned ai the West Beach Nin Prizes Siayed in Town For CivicHolida y Weekend Jn sîteof oolweather and ta the music of such Scotch fav ÇvcHldy-prsDya - 2Îthercompetition of anthr carn- orites as "Road to the Isles",a. the West Beach, bas new and Three Candidates Ival in Newcastle Fridlay night, "Green Hilis" and "Cock of the added attractions for the amuse- and the threat of rain Saturday North." mn fyugadodSna uii o eea Iught, the Kin Karnival staged Prominent in the parade were y evening Variety Concert by the by the Bowma viîîe Kinsme a la ge nu ber of new m del .Junior Variety Club and local ~ ~ o n D r a Club at the HighSchool grounds c argelongi tR o NicaI,-w'- uedTisetetinet r on Friday and Saturday was theR bongiMotRs, yand imerls numbers and stunts will be fea Eeto nD ra Mfost successful yet held by this Motor Sales, and three tractors vided by the children is tho- The three candidates for erganizatioq* from Cowan's Farm Equipment roughly enjoyed. (See Advt. uhmCut iigi From the time of the large and Automotive. Joe Sheehan elsewhere. tefDurbal etoun o un Mon pa: ade which started the affaîr dressed in cowboy clothes and Monday-the pragram starts dy August 10, made their off Friday night until the last mounted on horseback led off as with a treasure hunt for ail ay booth was losed at îî p.m. Sat- parade marshall, followed by the children. Then sand castie intentions officiai on Mon- urday night, the grounds were Legion Pipe Band. Heading the building will test the skill and day by posting their offi- 'Visited by hundreds of people many floats and entries was the ingenuity of the smaller child- cial nomination papers and tram Bowmanville and district official car carrying Mayor Mor- ren, while-their fathers and old- $0 od ihErdm an1d the many games and booths ley Vanstone and Kinsman Art er brothers try their abilities at $0 od îh ra %vere Weil patronized. Humpage, who was in charge horse shoe pitching. Friesen, Returning Officer j A new feature of theKin of the parade. frDra osiuny Karnival, this year wvas the. Prime Minister St. Laurent A grand Parade on the beach frDra osiuny boots st u onthegrondsby anyParde ntres0f children and cattagers at 1 at Port Hope. Bowmanville merchants and In addition ta the firms men- rFràyn h ysm deaers Thse oots wre iond aove th folowng lsaC.N.R. station at 11:15 am. Day- of races, land and water; for sPonsored by Sheppard & Gili had entries: Maple Grave Daîry, lih0aigTietmro everyane's enjoyment. The us- mialdosftyekow Lumber Ca., Palmer Motor Sales, Ken Hooper, Sound Equipment; (Friday. Mr. St. Laurent's ual evening games and final the three candidate in Dur- L.A. Parker & Sons, Robson Crystal Dairy, Bowmanville train will stop here for 20 min- prize of a beautiful white Man- hami are: John M. James, Mators, Cowan's Farmi Equip- Business and Professionai Wo- utes when hewl ieasotlti Radio wiil wind up the day's Llberal, Charles E. Stephen- ment and Autamotive, Lander men's Club, Glen Rae Dairy, address and endeavour ta meet entertainment. Proceeds from Hardware and The TV Shop. King Taxi, Central School Play- as many local people as possible. evening games will be used ta son, Progressive - Conserva- Many Interestlng Pisplays ground, Higgon Electric, The TV build up the playground and tive; and M. Roy Armstrong, The display of L. A. Parker Shop, Harvey Partncr Farm o beach betterment. CCF & ossoe w ye falequpiment, Tyrone, and Shcp- Several L clP e ---- burners under firing conditions Wpare Gil Lumere a. Lte1 and attracted a large number of ta annaunce the prize winncrs In ±oforAciet Gud sS n W k ai am m c spectators. The Sheppard & Gill in the boys' and girls' decarated _hpOth displayed-a large number bccedoîl carniages and cos- vrh WeknÀ% S G tSlofN e& S.D d,ew i frsproducts and Theo turnes sections as the list was l L n hi otewfrbleaiomfetredThe mislaid by- the officiais. This A number of persans' from otem ts sodbahis section provided a touch of brul- Bawmpanville and West Durham tee were many istonso liant color as many youngstcrs were injurcd in automobile ac- i n Pa e t v s C m ,S d y therunique dspay vofte Bow- had entered gaily decarated cidents in the district the past _____ mavil Bsnesan Woe- bicycles and canniages, with the ek Most scniously hurt was Our summer camp period bas 6:30-Free Time (tests, games, sional Women's Club, featuringCooainteebighemsLwrceLmn, 9,RR3 came and gone, and aften what etc.) the wonk of the United Nations. popular. Trwo youngstcns drcss- Bunkèton, wha suffered a ser- seems like 'Weeks of preparation, '7:30-Swimming and Boating Th dspayasdeorte wthed as a bride and groom and ious scalp wound requiring 50 it wgs ail too short. The weath- 9:0-Campfire flags of the United Nations, rid ig inea pow n atd e latitches in an accident early erman was kind, health was good 10:00-All Quiet. baskets of flowers, pictures, andhiwihtecodanoefotMoayigt and a vcry busy program was List Many Duties posters in many languages tel- of the Crystal Dairy on which' The accident took place whe are u.Tedte nld etn ing f te wok o theUniedG*tie", their prize cow and Larmer's car left the fifth con- atiosaece. Ms ee e afrdas trce eso ad a atngt On Friday morning, July l7th, tables, washing dishes, pots and c Cideons and ter M ebners mchattirone, as tr dcsnh o B o fnvlCantrn-httwo bus loads of cheering Girl pans, preparîng vegetables, keep- Cf therIrna n tionl Cmmitte Gam roventoion. edor th ree twanie. Twd thnGuides from . Lindsay, Orono, îng plenty of wooci and watcr n an cf the IB.erainaP. omn's Cub Themaj oniy0fe pecaoa seners re i te car, AllaHe arapton, Port Hope and Bow- hand at ail times, scrubbing B of the . and . Wome's Clu The mjorityof thespectaors pasemanviinlth ceftAlhereanto arriveherate latrinesatri us, yingingarbage,, orarm- answcrcd many questions on the who watched the parade faliow- Larmer, R. R. 3, Bunketon, and Camp Samac, north of Oshawa, ing a Color .Party bor Fagbncak, D Wonk f the U.N. cd it to the High Shool grunds Harvey Jhnson, Cadmus, es- about 10:45 a.m, After dragging taking charge f Tuckshop and SE Dunig te crnialdra whreithcy viewed the mcnch- caped without injury. tic et w re sod o a Phli w nt 'dipiays a d ti d t erl c o n r n, 1, N w ate luggage, deposited by the buses a d azen ather littie jobs which g ticketswere sld on Philis an an triedtheir uck Donaatruthe15CouncisteHallheailuntheHalyaimakeewupmakecamp c dap.ay Handdi- a television set and a spaniellat the many gardes which were who was a passenger in a car ta the camp site, evenyane look- craft periad inciudcd the making$ puppy, and the draw was held on set up. They had a large num- driven hy Edward Smith, Fai- cd for -a shady spot and pnacecd- Of Trefoil candles, attractive Saturday night, The TV set ber of games ta choose from in- canbridge, suffercd' multiple cd ta have lunch. leather beits, and wall plaques. wa~s won. by Stanley Nonrish, ctudng bngo, crawn and anchor, bruises and a bad eut over the Im dat pln wee hn Each day is prctty muchi the cd TerSt., and the puppy by Don over and under, a fruit wheei, left eye when Smith's car left Imad t e plamp and by 4n samne with pcrhaps the three fol-t .-4~e son of Mr. and ring toss games, a dant the noad near the subwaytoin p.m. al tents were pitched and îawing exceptions.: £#Ê'éftýOsborne, High Street. game, bumper game, pistai, shoot, Newcastle. The accident tok everyone neady for a swim. In Sunday mornîng a Guide'sW Afeatune of the Farm Equip- Penny tss and several othens. place_ last Wedncsday when the meantimi- -the' Quartýrmast- OW Service- was heid in theSa ment and Autamotive booth was There were twa hot dog and Smitb's car bit the rear of a car crs were busy, pneparng a gaod Little Chapel in the woods. Thisn th e s a le o f a n i n te r n a tio n a l H a n - r e f r e s h m e n t b o a th s fo r th o s e o h i h a e r t e s b p e i i g m e l w i h e s y w s f l o e y l n h a d t e l vester refnigenator te the Persan Who feit the pangs f hunger, wao n o e digfwa ne onth e ub- appting much ta sad y a shfoioed by lunchorand the' n Who submitted the highest bid. and aso a boath operatd by the pwankd off b a lehone thelcat "a mc e D y rush ta peareorstons'h fo 'The refigerator went ta Non- wives of the Kinsmen selling pal te e ad n of pbycaraing ail". Day.fComing sialose onmthenfc Man Scott, Bowmanviile, whose aprons, baked goods and candy. Hinyol Re st0faucar n ther- FrtNgti apmn vstr.wr xetdbt bid was the highest of 50 aub- The bingo game pnoved very HnyllowtRestaurnt park-hers tNi t ion oamp hfeeel ar ivai ncamp o td fe rnited. opulr a usul, ad Woth-"first nigbts in camp" it was a aenetsvandin ancrads 0f tu The parade an Piday even- while pnizes such as fishing Little Andrew Steel, 23-isicepicss nîght. The novelty of prnsadfîns adc M Ing got the carnîval off ta a crecis, table lamps, hassocks, months-oid son of Alan W. Steel, sleeping in a tent,metnnw and gone, ail exciaiming aven good stant and attracted a large tackic boxes, cooking utensils Scugog St., Bowmanviile, ne- fricnds, listening t ail the new- the peeutionf the campsite an number of spectators who lined and lange dolis, were given ta ceived a siight concussion and est or oldest jokes, or .just tae prfectn ft e swimmiop ng the route from Memoial Park ta lucky winnens. bruises on Monday night when brag about "staying awake ail polncnl elr oe. ai theHih eholgruns.his father's cat was struck nigt" promotes insomnia. Guests of "Parkwood" thr Three Bands in Parade Aigtstedane rwgd on ath rasd tarritne- By mrning we feel we have The ighlight of the week was bai Outstanding fenigbts, wit the crawd on Sffg lihty at- tion nrth of Bowmanville by a been "initiated" inta camp life of course "the day in Oshawa" thE Outtaningfeturs 0 th udaynigt bin slhty l cg r a driven by Joseph Sobanski, and rush down ta the coak- which was Tuesday. A charter- 1 panade were the three bands and The puppy draw and television Csaa is enRwe the large numben of gaily decor'ý draw an Saturday nigbt conclud- Osa , MipssenJoa n Rowdenbouse ta nead the prognam which cd bus annîved at the campsitc fin, ated bicycles andski's car, was admitted ta Bow- bnval. as been posted up and ta study at 2 p.m. and we werc first tak- Wh skis cr, as dmitedte ow aur "Duties". Fan those who en ta 'Parkwood", the home of entered by the yaungsters. Bow- Kinsman officiais Werc Very manvilie Memonial Hospital have neyer enjoyed thîs outdoor Col. and Mrs. R. S. McLaugbiin, manville Legion Pipe Band head- pleased with the resuits, and alang with the yaungster fan holiday, the day's prograrc ads who had extcnded an invitationT ed the parade, and as usual dnew stated that procceds were the treatment for cuts and sbock. somctbing like this: ta view their beautiful gandens. T genenaus applause from the spec- best of any Kmn Kannivai tbey Bath cars were badly damagcd. :0C ksre Col. McLaugblin was just leav- D tatons. Tynone Juvenile Band bave yet stagcd. The maney ingan0waeda ceey wlcme se in their white uniforms and raised wili be used for the Ciub's 7:15-Ail risc n n ae heywloeD purpie sa§hes aise made a pic- projeet of paying for the arti- 4T 7:30-Wash Panade as egarnten rtocecdet trsu spcal Th lag iilice i h omnil hanla ae -onin. JAULAÂ- lg re o ndconduet aur graup across wbat -,ýu1and bugle band of the Memoniai Arena, semd ikeacesBfreenaek oys' Training Scbool looked Closed toS im r 8:30-Breakfast sendlk ce fgenvl veny smart in their white shirts 9V.LAL~I :0-Duties vety lawns, ta the Sunken Gar- and black and goid trousers and Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Wiseman, 10l:00-Tcnt Inptio den. When ail were grouped'on 20, cPs. Mrs. John Humphrey and Mrs. Due fo- Pollution nspec ionmin the terrace, the fauintains were J. qaddition ta marching in the Thos. Wright left Bawmanviiic I 2:30-Dinner undo adgrtwsth we pi "de, the Tynone Juvenile Tuesday nigbt for Quebec City The channel which divides l:30-Tuck Sbop and Rest excitement aven the many colons wee Band piayed severai selections wbere tbey saiied on Wednes- the Bawmanville East and West Peniod seen inl the spray. 7 at.the grounds wbich were very day on the S.S. Samania for Beaches and tbrougb which the 2:30-Handicraft At the end of this garden ail tens weil received. The Pipe Band England. Tbey wilI enjoy a, waters of Vanstone's Creek and 3:45-Swimming sat down ta enjoy the beauty and the gave a smart dispiay of slow three months' stay visiting re- SapcriCreek empty into Lake 5:3-Supper (Continued on Page Seven) and marching and counter marchng latives in the B itish Ises. Ontaria bheen clased ta swim-fo %vater caused by of the th r ~nervtiv Spake ClimsPlacards forbidding swxr- Darlinglon K armer Cnarged W1il mîng in the channel were put up Pt last Fniday by T. H. WatersA iA tm idM r e ofS p-a g é rs 17leral Government in Power So sistant Sanitary Inspectorfhogh N rdr of St.-aghe LogTe goePoeueham Heaith Unt, after an ex -Tro Box of Poisoned ChocoÉlates P'rÎ ' LongTheyIgn re P oce ure mintionnf qmta I tical pnîncîples af respect for 5d11ce - hia passed ail bounds. uIechanînel wînl remaîn closed detacbment. The eêigbt-poison- cd hene. tiow ireedom and respect for the îaw Mattens are dccided by the big until sucb time as it is again cd chocolatés werc discovered, Cowling taugbt sehool untilj i ore firmly based and supparted, stick - that is, the big major- safe for swimming. and aftcr ail angles of the case ili bealtb. forcée im ta, stops can w""ur prospenity and aur entire ity.kAnd s0 the Emergency Pow- bad been invcstigatcd, the teaching two years ago. He bad lett chage of attemptd murden been engaged ta teacb this fali thro free way of life wil be ln jeo- c1ts Act was passed ta gîve the Mn. and Mi's. Frank Jamieson was laid. at Sbaw's Public School on you pardy. Gaverament power ta deal with and farnily bave been holiday- HgwyN.2 at0 omn matersby rde-incoucil oring at Glenverdean, Hail's Lake.1 Police Have Statement ville. Hé is the son de "c or e. H o w eh H c o m e n tC o m m e n t in a t e r ew r d ta"al e i i - M r . . a m e o1nd t e c h i r n P o lic e o f f ic e r s a v e a s ta te - M r s . H o a r d C o w lin g , w h o f r - y o u ~Mn H wes c m m nt wb n t0f ~l s crt" jare, rem ain ng for an the n wo~ m ent m ade by Cow ing and also mery ived at Ham pton but are any one 1 àthi high-handed &ctions 1 <Continued on Page Eleven) J wecks' vacation. àeveral anonymous letters re- n'ow residing near Wbîtby. or di 1 ý- ý., -6±JL UIYJJbK ilO Five Hoodlums From Town Concil Aipproved Closing iManvers Given Lecture By olieagitrae oad Allowance ai the Lake Five youths from the Bethany- For P.U.C. Io Build Pump House Pontypool area ranging in age from 16 ta 18 years appeared in At a special meeting Monday Jim Williams property just east Bowmanville Police Court Tues- afternoon, Town Council passed of the road allawance and build day morning on a charge of dis- a motion approving the closing the pumphouse an it. As an al- turbing the peace by shouting Of a part of the road allowance ternative ta this, hie suggested and swearing. They ail pleaded at the foot of Smart St. at Port that in view of the fact the new guilty ta the charge and were Bowmanville, so that the Pub- water systemn will cost $350,000 placed on suspended sentence lic Utilities Commission may anyway, the P.U.C. could well for one year under a bond ta build a pumphouse and settling spend the $25,000 additional keep the peace. basin on the property. which would be necessary ta put The five youths; Gardon Hor- Council also instructed the the pumphouse back on Lots à ner, Ted Zralko, Gardon Cor- town clerk ta advertise the pro- and 6 which were recently pur. nSrgIannWrehtardRested osed closing for four weeks in chased by iL July 18aft er Baanvîlle o order that any praperty owner Coun. DeGeer believed that if Provincia Plie ha ecie objecting ta the closing may ap- the Federal Government de- Proincal olie hd rceiedpear before cauncil on Augustl velopsthewaterfrant area as a camplaints that they were creat- 21 at 8 p.m. ta state their objec- part, hedcking facilities wauld ing a disturbance and swearing tions. be extended further out in the araund a restaurant and dance The P.U.C. hd requested the lake and the pumphause would hall at Bethany. partial closing af the 66-foot then be in the middle of any Crown Attorney H. R. Dey- road allowance a week earlier, warehouses that might be built. man informed Magistrate E. A. but cauncil had reseved decision Coun. Scott stated' that he Gee of Lindsay, who heard the in the matter ta allow cauncil failed ta see the necessity of case, that residents of the Beth- members time ta inspect the keeping the raad allowance any-Pontypaol area had been praposed pumphouse site. Don- open. "If the gavernment devel- complaining of the actions Of ald Redfern of the engineering ops the land for docks and this ' gang of youths for some firm of Proctor, Redfern & warehouses they will have ta time. Laughlin had told cauncil a pravide room for a road into Advising the youths ta "smart- week ago that the pumphouse themn", he declared. "I ani not en Up" and "get wise ta thern- would be 29 feet wide and sit- in favor of spending the $350,- selves", Magistrate Gee declar- uated eight feet from the west 000 anyway, s0 I ar n ot in favor ed "I'd like ta sentence you ail side of the road allowance, so of anything more than is neces- ta the harvest fields and Jet you that technically there would stili sary on top of that". stook grain for a while ta ex- be 29 feet of clearance left on Best Site Available pend your energy in the praper the road ailowance for vehicles Commissioner Milton Eiliott direction instead f at dance ta get through. The pumpliause sae h tt ePUC ih dt halls." will be located 80 feet from the sae httePUC ihdt shoreine.erect the pumphouse on the shoreine.road ailowance at the foot of Three In Favour Smart, St. because that site S evers Pavillon Couns. Nelson Osborne and Would affect the cottagers at the F'ndfrNorman Scottan Deputy Reeve lake-front the leastofaytt Fie frKeeping 0. F. Robson voted in favor of1 could be ehosen. The site was v-u rteveiiiiieanauouULI. neeary ta cxtend the initak Chares eves, popreto ofCole and Hetherington were net pipe 1,760 feet ino the lake t( Chale Seen, pap ior o present. reach a depth of 20 feet of wa Severs Pavilion, Bawmanil Coun. DeGeer objected ta the ter. West Beach, was fined $25 and motion in vicw f the definite Caun. Osborne stated that ht $2.50 costs in Police Court Tues- passibiîity that the Federal feit no great benefit would bE iay on a change of kceping a Gavenment may lift the lease gaîned by moving the purnp. cammon gamlIpg bouse, on waterfront propcrty now held bouse a comparativeîy few feel Evidence discl6sed that Con- by the Part Darlingtan Harbour east even providing the WilliamE stables Clarence Bradley of the Company and institute some new propcnty could be obtained. HE Bowmanville Police and Con- pont development. stated that if a wider road than stables Doug Kostka and Frank "Since this noad allowance is that wbich would be left wben Dryden af the O.P.P. had in- the town's only acccss ta the the pumphouse is erected wcre serted $ 1.35 in nickels in a lake and wiil be adjacent ta nceded in the future the land for gambling device at the Pavillon whcre the government may in- it could be obtained by expro- and had received a jackpot of stail dacking facilities and ware- priation. He maved that enunicil $2.10. bouses, I ar net in favor of clos- approve partial ciosing of the Magistrate E. A. Gee suggest- ing up this rigbt of way on any raad allowancc and enection af ýd that the $1.35 be returned ta part af it", Coun. DeGeer de- the pumphouse an the property. tie police constables andi the ne- clared.- His motion was scanded by Dc- maindcr be given ta same won- He suggested that the Public puty Reeve Robson and passed i.y cause. Mn. Severs agnccd ta Utilities Commission acquine the by council. us and snapped, "give it ta the 3alvation Army"l. Nick Bartko, Newtonvilîe, was l e rt n i a'sy sC n u laced on suspendcd sentence 1 one year wben be was faund rilty by the Magistrate on a i e Ino m tv Tak 9L nsC u large af assault accasianing ac- Ens. Moie Bakot On ennt vIal boily Barm t bs ennt Nany Dulies of a British Consul Evidence disclosed that Bart- bo ad tbreatencd Mrs. Banko An autline af the many du- wene drawn from vaied back. d ber busband with a kaife ties-some barrowing and some grounds, some being former bus. d bad bitten Mrs. Banko on bumonous - wbich a Bitish inessmcn and sorne former dip. e armn when she and ber bus- Consul must perianm in the lomats, but there is naw a igid ad wnesticd with him ta take course af bis day-to-day work examination for ail applicants e kaife away. was gîvea ta the Bawmanville for the positions. Magistrale Gee also impased Lions Club at its meeting Mon- The Diplomatie Service andi res in 12 traffic cases-six ai day night by William F. M. Da- the Consular service were sep- rhich wcre speeding changes, vies, Her Bnitannie Majesty's craIe in tbe past, Mn. Davies Consul at Cincinnati, Ohio. said. but anc now suppased ta wo LcalMn. Davies, wbo was bora la be interchangeable. "The Dip. wo LocalSoldiers Englaad and spent 20 years in lomatic Service stili deals mast- the Iodla Police Service, was ]y with palicies and abstract ack From Korea appainted ta the British Forciga tbiags, bowever, wbile the Con- Off ice in 1948. He - spent two sular'Service is coacerned mast- i 60 Davs Leave yeans as Consul in Liberia be- ly wîth people," be asserted. Ifane being transierred ta Cin- Assîsts British Subjects c i naoi s oT hdi easnjPbe . P a uB rVi n e wmanvdile, PtaulPie,W' Introduced by' Lion O. J oslin a farciga land is ta Fk , Bwbo iles n Rt. R. 6Presson, Mn. Davies fîrst out he ma riinh job0fthe njtih sall 20i Tyroariveone.this6,incd the framework ai the Bn'asstBiib ujes nta _,s ofTyr nearrve omethi tih F rei n O fic . T e h ad country with any problems they ýek afer 14 monlhs in Korea. tis For eig n Office The hedyp s o eol a The lwo mca bath saw cx- 1ai te Fn nOfc stemybv hthe gave et sive ~ ~ ~ s acina ebr iSceanyof State for Foreign bciped in bis consular positions, e st Baltalion Royal Cana-' Afir s , bo ais twodParlinie e m n w o ha i d o in Regirnent ionaine manths, trSeraisndira Mi nser the peakter saidwndrEBnitish [af the 3rd. Battalion R.C.R.'s aiSae wrigdrci ne a isdo four rnonths. Durng mast of hcnmt TJne recarcte s ab ersad, wives of American soldiers wha tîmeUntbeysewereartatioaed indwisbced ta rcturn ta Engiand. Caadian pawr t ai thedn and the Undersecretary of State 'u 1Cnrtb prt0 f the hPrle actually heads up the whole for- "l seaports the Consul bas a 't ne is ofthe son f MnanUd cign office. great deal ta do with sbipping,". ?te.Vineis t e so of M . aMn. Davies contiaued. "He can ;. George Vine, 57 Liberty Gnauped unden the Foreign siga an and siga off cnews and N. He attended school in Office are techical departments deal witb disputes betweeri vmanvile and was cmpîoy- and United Nations depant- masters and crews. Since Br- at te Godyar plant pier ments, in addition ta the two tish seamen are an independeuît is enlistrnent in November main branches which have ne-, and canlankerous lot, this cai 1. He trained at Petawawa presentatives in counties aill ead teoa great deal f work." 1Wainwigbt, Aita., before aven the world-the Diplomatie Another ae fteCnu' ig overseas. Service and the Cnsular Se- job r aceio the meca oui' le stated that allthat the sol- vice, job onis th ommherialwrktis s in action in Korea beard The Diplomatie Service offi- iirms ta seli their gods In the it an armistice were confus- cials n foreiga counties, the counry in whicb they are sta- reports and umeours. 'The speaker said, are accredited as tioned, and trying ta put in- ws stil there will ccrtainîy represeatatives ai Bitain ini dustnial iirms in that cuntry in leased that the armistice these cauntnies. These ambassa- touch with Eaglisb iirms, ta the been sgned, he said. dors negotiate ion Bitain, ne- mutual advantage af bath. The ship on whîcb he and present Bitain's govenrnment inl A third important aspect ai a Hall returned sailcd fram. foreiga caunties, and repart the Consul's wrk is the public re- boarna and dacked at Seat- political deveiopments n these lations job of irnprovig good U.S.A. The soldiers then cauntnies back ta Bitain. They will bctweea Bnitaîn ad the tat Vancouver and came to enjoy diplomatie immunity and country or area in wbich be is nia on a special C.N.R. cannaI be arrested. scnving. "Tbis coasists mostly n.Pt. Vine annived home Consul Deala With People f making spechs and diving s all mristen a M. n In contrast witb the Diplorna- 250 miles for a cocktail party," ýe.Hal isthesonof r. ndtic Service, Mn. Davies said, the Mn. Davies iaugbingly abserved. Horace Hall, R.R. 6, Bow- Consular Service deals mare His post ia Cincinnati bag ,ille. Bath saldiers are on with peple Ihan with gavera- hifted in emphasiý several limes lys leave. ment policies. lHis duty is ta n the few years he bas been look after the interest of the there, the speaker stated. At Nie outey British subjcts la foriga lands. first it was maily public e- Tehislory ai the Cansular lations work be was cancernied service sy 1 edatesbc aenyyaswitb, then the empbasjs sbiftcd One f the nîcest courtes- wbcn nations first began t a t so cmecial wclar. t hite sul SYou cani showv yor trade with anc anather, the salater th pommeri wk e-h sts from out f to w'n i speaker stated. When a gnoup sa i and moe p ubtis rlto nsde have their vîsits men- ai British merchants wene la- mninworoubikrltin ed n The Statesman. caled in a foreign cuntry, tbey wor sawyssm d Ie nlcest courtesy you used ta elet anc of their num- i"Th eni nglwte saee o ishow your friends ls to ber as a spokesman ta go taeting happ," engta eepyand theni learn f your visit goverameat officiais and lok îteresfte A e erved, ao ad uhthese pages when aiter their întercsts. Ia tirne l d n Ameninewho ha ago away. these men became quite influ- acal g e ngand watdhm ta i re Statesman wiII consi- eniai, and eventually the Bit- ari wio g pig taniand taa . t a courtesy whenever ish Gaverament decided ta ap- mw bo ehe ad estnthere i iwil give us any item of point mca ta peforrn Ibis wbr. be avi lsitg there ykind. Just phone 3303 function on an officiai basis. MnDaislosatdta drop ms a postal card. -Tbese first British ConsVîis (Continued on Page Seven) le be Z 1 " %.P y y V Ili- 1 y J'Y m M M. 0 1 y à rio IK.1-41la v -9 à 1 1 y lzi ath 1 u P. *ý

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