. v t' r * '"!URSAT JILY30, In -- --~---. ---.---.. -~ ~V ~4d*3J;t V ~ '*J~I £ ~~&UiV*7 T~EI - ~AWA~LU UP* NORRIS - ROGERS The marriage of Shirley Lea- na JKogers and Ronald Harry Nor, ail of Oshawa, was sol- emr d in the chapel of King Str+edtUnited Church on Satur- day afternoon, July 18. , The bride is the daughter ef Mrs. Iva Rogers of Bowmanvjlle and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Norris of Oshawa. Baskets of Regal liues farmed the background for the ceremony performed by the Rev. Mervin C. Bury. The wed- ding music was played by Mr. Wallace Young. Given in marriage by ber uncle, Mr. Harry MacLean of Courtice, the bride wore a strap- less gown of white nylon lace and tulle designed with a match- in:, baiera and a bouffant skirt. She wore a white net tiara trim- mcd wjth pearis and carried red and white roses. Iiei jew- elry was silver earrings and bracelet, the gif t of the bride- groom. Her bridesmaids were Miss Anna Louise Crauter, wearing gold satin with an overskirt et gold tulle and Miss Sandra Mac- Lean, in mauve. Bath wore headdresses ta match their goxvns and carried roses and car- ia ions in cantrasting hues. Mr. Hugh Duff in was best inan and the ushers were Mr. Leonard Rogers, brother et the bride, and Mr. Allan MacLean, cousin a! the bride. A reception was held la the Legian Hall, Bawmanville, b.where the bride's mother receiv- M14 wearing pawder blue lace %vith navy blue and white acces- sories. The bnidegnoom's mo Wbo assisted was in mauve white accessonies. Both v corsages ef roses. Later Mn. and Mn,. Norris for a wedding trip te the Un States and on their return, live i.n Osbawa. For travel. the bride wore a powder 1 suit witb wbite and red ac senies. JEFFERY - BRAUND Simcoe Street United Churci Oshawa, was the scene et a veri pretty wedding on Saturdas aftenoon, Juiy 25, when Joyc Carolyn, daugbter et Mn. anc Mn,. William J. Braund, 0,1 awa, became the bride o! RO& Charles Jeffery, son et Mn. an( Mns. Victor Jef!ery, Bowmar. ville. The cbunch was beaut. fuily decorated with baskets o: summer flowers for the cere. mony perfonmed by Rev. J. K Moffat. Mn. Reginald G. Geer played the wedding music, anc soloist was Mr. James Reid Oshawa. Given lu marriage by hez father, the bride was lovely in a floor-length gown o! wbite nylon net oven satin, spnayed with sequins and featuringa full, bouffant skirt. A bolenc jacket was worn over the stnap- le,, bodice. Hen fingen tip nylon veil fell from a cnewn of seed peanîs and sequins, and she cannied a cascade bouquet e! red roses andi stephanotis. The bride', attendants, Mns Murray MacKay, Oshawa: mat- non of bonor, sisten o! the bride; Miss Manie Jeffery, Bowman I MONTREAL - Cherries are ripe ... Cherries are deicious. And cherry jamn or jelly in oJwa1js a favorite. I know it in in our house. Se lFm. gatbcring cherries wbile they're here. And F'a doing thein down for ail Fra werth. 1 love te treat the famîly to the joys of cherry jam or jelly later on ... in the bieak and unfriendly winter menths. And I don't like disappointments about the set of the jam or jehly, or the flavon. That'a vhy I aiways do down ýiy frnuit with CERTO FRUIT PECTIN. There', really neoue taking a chance ef wasting al ibat glorious flavor and colon! With Certe, resulta are -always - 0 sure if you foiow thie Carte recipes exactly. '1'he 9et is just right . .. the cler au deep and ieh ... and the flavor eut of this world. Yes, Carte nakes jamming snd jellying a reai treat. No long heurs in t he kitchen, ithen. Yenou m ake Jaïn or jefly in 1/3 the time of Lhe former long-bail met.hod. And get up te 50% moe jam, or jgI]Y, from the same amount of fruit. There are soea deliius recipeo UsIL cherries, in the bookiet widen thse label of souk battis of Carte. ..,W'w you'Il enjoy trying them -msd thse other recipas you'II Sund there tee, calling for other favorite fruits. Once yeu've dune down fruits the easy Certo way, you'll neyer return te thse old fashioned long-houl mnetbod. You'Ililearn te relv' ne thoeandci b! ouoeiv« do, en Ceilo for betten jammang and Jeilying. Your Salado. Can'î Fa* tole agood if Your Fei Yod e.gn/ru. tis summer .. . wth oWjin bedroom a wealth of oder- s4ippers, then, . lui vegetables from lay, it's tii»a te your garden or the do something market-plus inar- hab out it AmI yelous MIRACLE 'for'ha om led new WHIP Salad Des P» foryenIfm,h 'g. It',the oftli, R w, madicatios ealad dreaging 1know l LEJT j that combines tihe Cern Pistens, eatiny texture ot Phenyliumn gets igbt dovuxmde ma your corna md helps push it eut Iyannaise with the tang of k fom underneath ... the first ,eally fashioned boiied dressing. Youli nev médication for corneaMamil- love its flavour-lively yet delicate )ame in ever séventy years1 lu (perfect with crisp, Mcunhy &ctual teste, Phenylium wént te work 33% fastér and worked 35% lettuce lentes and baby enions!). mmare cly Ma othes, Ieading >rtiracie .Whip lu made from a remédies. Easy te eeo why fous skecret recipé knawa only te Kraft. vitis botherseme feet BRY it'a tha kf can't be copied, bu te e- béat news in years. Andm ure yoo')l agree, onoe yeu've tried eh)cious resait eana be ught -at Blue-Jays with Phenyliuni. Ask your grocer's now. Ask, for Miracle fortisem at f.,ivomnte drag Whip 1 counter. The Therrmometer Say& "Warnt» Today, but it'.se good a day any for buying fuel for the cold days ef thé year. lIlI neyer wait 'til FaIl again to gét inor wmteee' ceai. There are too many god mresoens for buying it right now. It's usually cheaper and a full bmn takes a big load off your mind. And worry about the "coaI problem" won't have a chance te saour your summer holidays. Se ll just biandle it sas Ias ea.Flseth AKO MNRA about a ceai Idan, stock up my coal bin with a fuil inter's eupply, ar 1 pay back the loan Ia as manv as nine instalmentu. If' really worth your while ta investigate. Why den't you diseus ways and means with tihe manager of your nearest B of M bmaici today. LuuurnrnuuuNuIuuuoernurnIuuImImuMumuoeIuoemuuuummoe.u.m~ * M * M * S * a * a M M !BE SURE TO VISIT . . * aM M M a s TheNew . M a * a MM a M i M * ou~u~III~~ 5 m~k huE udy~ s M M M a M a M M M S W a b ~ : ~ KING ST. E. BÔWMANVILLE* M . a M M M M M* You wiIi find a complet. utoek .1 eIo*hIng 1er yoeri M ' W M a * children, starting at infant u3.S, Up lii ag I. i M S M M Ma Corne in and look ever Ume musait i M a M M M M M* CHILDREN'S WEAR beâng hmtua,.d. s a M - i hl, 'y id j- id d, ir Ln e ýd a o0 p t ther with vore ;left ited wil Iling blue ces- PRILLIPS - MeFARtLAND A wedding o! local, interestt Bethany citizens took place& 9. AIl Saints' Anglican Churchi -Peterborough on Saturday wbe Lillian Isabel, daughter ef Mi -and Mn,. Robert McFanlanc Omemee, became the bnidec Hareld W. Phillips, only sonc Mn. and Mn,. William Phullip et Bctbany. Rev. Maurice Poole officiatei ,and the wedding music wa played by M~iss Margaret Flow ens. Miss Christine Crabb sarl "Oh Perfect Love". Multicolo gladiolas and palm, decorati the cburcb. Given in marniage by hei tathen, the bride was in a gewr of white net even taffeta, ^ witt lace inserts in the skint andî jacket o! matcbing lace. ShE wone a tiara o! seed peanîs and brilliants and a veil et tuliE and carnied a shower bouquet of Sweetbeant roses. Mfatron et bonon was ber sis. tir, Mrs. Daniel Eronson, and the gneom's sister, Mn,. Sher- man Montgomery, was brides- maid. Thein gewns were made ef mailve and green organdy eyelet ever lace and they woni matcbing poke bonnets and car- ried bouquets ef gladiolas. Patsy and Susan Bnonson wene flower girls and wene in pretty dresses o! green and yel- low swiss dot ergandy witl black velvet sashes. They also wore poke bonnets te match and carried bouquets of gladie- las. The groomsman wag Mn. Chanles Palmuer o! Bethany anc the ushers were Daniel Brenson and D. Emeny. The receptien was at the Em- press Hotel. The bride', mother chose a dress of bnown lace over taffeta and bat et rose straw and ber corsage was red roses. Tbe groom', mother was dressed in 'rose crepe and lace and wone a Pink straw bat and corsage of white roses. Leaving later on the wedding trip te the seutheru States the bride travelled in a two piece dress o! blue crepe and benga- line with white accessories. Tbey will live in Peterborough. GIRARD - WIGHT at in of PI s ig )r n t ie 'c c 0 ip la nI ;i 'e dr hE id le re ci Simncoc Street United Churcis, Oshawa, was the scene o! a wed- ding recentiy wben Barbara Ar- lene Wight, daughter et Mn. and Mrs. Gorcdon L. Wight, Osh- awa, formerly o! Bowmanvîlle, was unitéd in manniage with Mn. Douglas Maynard Girard, son o! Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Girard, o! Oshawa. The ceremony was con- ducted by Rev. John K. Moffat. Mn.' Reginald Geen, L.T.C.M., presided at the organ and se- cempanied Mn,. W. H. Oke ot Monitreai, aunt of the bride, who sang "The Lord's Prayer", "Be- cause" and "Thnougb the Yeans". The bride, given in manniage by ber father, woné a gown e! drift white nylon tuile over corded itaffeta. The moulded bodice, pointed at the front, was fash- 1ioned wîth a cameo neckline en- hanccd with, a bentha embrai- dered in rose design, and form- ing cap sleeves. The richiy geth- ered skint flowed into a fulli cm- cular train. A conenet embnoi- dcred in white béads and se- quins beld ber fingen-tip double tiened veil et embnoidened tulle, wbicb had been wonn by her mother on hen wedding day. She wore a strand et pearis, and carried a round bouquet of ned roses and ml*te teathens, witb stephanotis caught in the white ribbon streamer,. Mrs. Grant Taylor ot Mon- treai was matron of honor fon ber cousin wearing priinroee yellow. Other attendants wene Mn,. Jack Wilson Jr., Oshawa, and Miss Giadys Miller, Strat- fond, cousin ef the bridegroom, both in green taffeta, shot witb geld. The waltz length gowns worn by ahl the attendants were designed on identice l nes et taffeta. L.A.C. Rober-t Gale, IR.C.A.F., Lachire, Que., was best mans. Thé ushers were Mn. Rev Gir- n'd a brothercieth~e b»ÀcW. Three Graduaie Nurses Arrive ai Hospital From England ville, siuter ot the groomn, and Miss Lillian Lees, Os hawa, bridesmaîds, were similarly styled gowns ef tiered nylon net ever tatteta in pastel shades et green, blue and pink. The ful skirted fleer length dresses were fasbioned with utrapless bodice, over wbicb short sleeved fitted jackets were wern. They were matching mittens and cor- onets interwoven with flowers matching their gowns. Their colonial bouquets were of Jeanna Hill reses and gladioli petals with nainbow ribbon ties. Little Penny Jeffery, sister of the groom, was flower girl, wearing a fleur iengtb dreaset white eyelet ever pink silk. The full skirt and littie puffed sleeves were caught up witb pink silk bews, and she were a heart - shaped beaddress and matcbing mittens, She carried a wbite basket of vari-colored summer fiowers. Mr. Murray MacKay, Oshawa, brothen-in-law et the bride, per- formed the duties et best man, and ushers were Mr. William Barker, Parry Seund, and Mr. Ronald Evans, Bowmanville. A reception held at Adelaide House, Oshawa, fellowed the ceremony, tbe bride's mether wearing an attennoon dress ef light blue crepe with white trim, white picture bat and accesser- ies. Assisting, was the groem's mother who wore an atternoon dress ot figured shantung with navy blue sheer redingote, coral featbered bat and accesseries. Eacb wore a corsage ef roses and sweetpeas. Following the neception the bride and groom lef t on a wed- ding trip te Lake Placid, N.Y., the bride donning for travel a dness et red and white linen with bolero jacket and sequin trim. She wore matcbing accessories. On thein return Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery will reside in Oshawa. Hampion W. M. S. Hold Meeting Ai Mrs. C. Daw's The Juiy meeting et Hamp- ton W.M.S. was held at tlhe home o! Mrs. C. Daw witb Pre- sident Mn,. L. Trull, presiding. It was decided te bave a home cooking sale at William's Point ln the near future. Mrs, <Rev.) Reed wbo bas recently cerne te the Hampton charge told ef smof e the work on their fer- mer charge and alse ef ber work as President et Lindsay Pres- bytery, bringing grectings from seme. Mns. Warrack had charge of the worship period. Prognam ws in charge etf Mrs. Adcock. Mn,. M. Mountjoy took the sec- tion on Days o! Oppontunity telling o! the mnissionany churcb- e, at Otthon and HaImock. Mrs. Niddery reported the werk ef Madeline Rock on School Day, at Lcthbnidge, Alberta. Mn,. Ranton took the next stop ef Miss Matthew, a W.M.S. work- an on a Muskoka charge. Mn,. A. Biilett on a Caravan Trip wbich was intenesting. Next meeting wiIl include a picnic entertaining the Baby Band and methers at the park. HAMPTON hi lest week's news pentolning te the Women's Institute 5th celebration if read: thé Institute waa presented a eneani and sugan tray, wbich. should have read: a silver cneam and sugar met witb tray. The press secre- tary aIse omitted Mrs. John Cowling's name as one o! the Cry'dernman sistens who bougbt a ailver basket tilied with ned roses as a gift te the W.I. in memnory ef their mothen who was thé tirst president. They are baving thein names "ncnib- cd on the basket as Mns. Tam- blyzi, Mrs. Wilbur, Mn,. Burn- ctt, Mn,. Hoidge, Mn,. Ferguson, Mn,. Cowling. Sorry Mn,. Cowl- The W.I. are planning a bus and boat trip Thursday, August 6th. Fane te members, $2.00; non-mnembers, $3.00. Visitons at J. W. Baison's werc Mn. andi Mn,. Victor Pankin ot Brookiin, and lIf. and Mn,. Ros Pearce, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mns, Tberon Meunt. Three graduate nurses frem Lendon, England, have redently joined the statf fetMemorial Hospital, Bewmanville, accord- ing te Superintendent, Miss Mae Hilditeb. Two are musters, Miss Norah Seymour and Miss Katherine Seymiour, and are Australians. Tbey received their nurses' training ln Australla but came te Bowmanville from the staff of a London Hospital where they had been werking foir sème time. The two girls arnived in Bewnianville on July 19 te juin the staff et Mernerial Hospital. Miss Margarita Delacovia wbo graduated fnom Gran- tham and Kesteven General Hospital in March, 1951, came te Bowmanvilie July 15 from the staff ef the London Chest Hos- pital. In addition te the requin- ed course for England and Wales, Miss Delacovia aise stu- died Eastern tropical diseases. She bas travelied a goed deal about the world before coffiing to Canada. These tbree young1 ladies, well qualified in theirl profession, should make an ex- cellent addition te the Memorial Hospital staff.1 Ge. Bell, Janie Bell and Wilie M Javine, Dundas, were aise visit-* ors at the Johnson home. i.very womanwone . . On ZION iYen will love this handy Bulova Ceoking Timer, and it's FREE. ZIONEverthin you want te knew about coeklnt. meats, flsh, fk>wI, and vegetables l M* bere! Speelally prepared by Ann Adams, nationally famous dietitian. Yen mast Mn,. Wes Cameron was bost- * turn'the dia! te get correct eooking Urne - aven temperatures - garnishes te use. M eus at a pantry shel! sbawer for M oesoida r ed oty Miss Jean Cameron on Thurs- : Dzn t da r ed ety day evening. The bride was a This attractive, tuil-colour Cooking Timer Is valued at $1.00. To get completely taken by surprise S yours free, just visit us. No obligation ef course, but while yeu'ne in thse store b. but after being seated in a de- sure and see or apecial display of beautitul new Bulova Watches - Canad' inest W conated chair unden a canopy E et balloons (loadcd with con- Canada', favounite. fetti) and presentd with a * corsage ef roses and snapdrag- M ons sbe preceeded te open the: many parcels presentcd te her a M«IR Jew ellerly in a decerated baby canniage.: Jean expressed ber thanks for* the very usetul gî!ts and deli-*43 King Si. W. . AAvilePhne n6 iosrefreshmnents were served : by Mn,. Camienon and sevenal ladies whe assisted her in the serving. Mrs. A. Knopsel, Toronto, is holidaymng at- Hans Geissberg- ers'. Mrs, Retord Cameron visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Chant, Teronto. lvfr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell and sens, Teronto, at Russeil1 Perkins'.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Williamsi and Katbryn, Mns. "Bus" Hew- son, ,Port Hope, Miss Eva Car- Lynch and famlly, Whitby; Mrs. Ollivier, Mr. and Mrs. Norma Wilks and taniily, Pickering, at Ray Camenon's. Mr. and Mn,. R. C. Stainten at H. F. Stephens', Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainten at Douglas Skinner's, Oshawa. Mr. and -Mrs. Hans Gejus- berger, Mrs. A. Knepsel at Ed- win Geissberger's, Victoria Cor- ners. Football teams, both Junior and Senior had good luck in winning 7-1 over Courtice and iSeniors 2-0oever Courtice. t Mr. Grant Williams has the shingles on bis house. k1We have a grand road along the 5th Concession to travel 1 WALKER STORES CLI A BATHING SUITS 'CE BLOUSES % OFF Popular cotton and nylon Blouse% a wide selection from which te choome. gizes 12 to 20. Reguar $2.99 *ach Now $1.98 each DRESSES 1/2 PRICE Final clearance of better Summer 'Dresses. Regulàr $8.98 each No145 Bowmanville Klng St. East HALE PRICE Our complete stock of Bathing Suits have all been reduced to haif price. Here is your ohance to pick up a real bargain. Bathing Suits, gizes 12 to 20 and 38 to 44 at regular $4.98 te $8.98. i noW $ 2.50 to $4.50 SHORTS Misses' Shorts, sizes 10 to 16 in fiannel or faded denni. Regular $2.98 each Special $ 1.98 TEE SHIRTS Wornen's, Girls' and Kiddies' Tee Shirts ail reduced for quick clear- ance. Rtegular ?ne to $1.98 NoW 49e to $1.49 Phoeie 451 I I Special! NYLONS $1 .09 pair A $1.75 VALUE First quality, extra f ine 60 gauge Nylon Hose for longer wear. Complete size range in ail the popular summer shades 7<al.e48'to4e4L, d?énded '"TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOPIÉ Now $4.50 Bowmanville King St. East joy attended the wedding 011I Miss Thelma Gilbertl and Mr. Johnson Saturday. Mru. H. Curry, Mrs. McMul- len, Mrs. Glenn Williams, Mrs. Keith Billett, Mrs. J. C. Mac- nab, Mns. Bert Hoskin and Joy attended a shower for Miss Jean Camirn, Zion, at the home of ber aunt, Mrs. Wes. Cameron, Zion. Junior choir provided a trio Sunday evening very nicely with Mrs. K. Billett and Miss M. Niddery supplying the music. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne ?Bradley, Lucille, Shirley and Herbie are planning te drive to Sask. for i holidays to visit Mrs. Bradiey'si people. We %vish them good luck and an enjoyable holiday. LONG SAULT Fine acceunts for 7 per cent ef the annual forest censùmp- tien. Canada's productive tores MARR'S -Mn. and Mn,. Geo. Van Dam and family, Pontypool, were Sunday guests e! Mn. and Mn,. G. Kovacs and Gabriel. Mr. Gordon Baker at Mr. R. Clapp's. Congratulations te Mr. and Mn,. Ross McRoberts on the ar- rivaI et a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith and IGrace were Sunday guests et Mr aned Mrg. J. Kidd, Good- Mrn. and Mrs. Wm. Sim, Osh- awa, were Sunday guests of Mn. and Mn,. R. Sim. Mn. and Mn,. D. Malcolm, Mn. Harvey Malcolm and fniend, Brantford; Mn, and Mn,. R. Don- ath and friend, Oshawa; Mr. and Mn,.. J. Van Dam, Mn. and Mrs. J. Hooyen, Nestleton; Mr. and Mn,. C. Va Dam, Mr. Roy Ash- ton, Mr. and Mn,. H. De Miii, and famiiy; Bunketon, Mn. and Mn,. C. Penwanden and Mn. Earl Penwanden were among the guests at the Vaneyk - Yeo wedding and spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mn,. Walter Vaneyk. .Mrs. Ivan Rowley and Joan, 1 . mommua"s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -i 1 1 agroom, Mr. Donald Freeman and EMr. Eli Dumas, Oshawa, and Mr. Grant Taylor, Montreal, a cou- sin of the bride. The reception was held in the Masonie Temple. To receive the guests, the bride's mother chose a floer length gown et rose shot taffeta with whlch ahe wore a matching bolero jacket, mauve bat with matching acces- sories and a corsage et yellow roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a formai gown ef onchid with matcbing boleroý jacket, wbite bat and a corsage ef white carnations centered with a red rose. A three tier pedestal cake' nested in pink tulle flanked with pink tapers centered the bridai table. Reverend Meffat said grace. Mr. Gran~t Taylor was toastmaster and the toast te the bride was proposed by Mr. W. H. Oke o! Montreal, uncle of the bride. Response was made by tbe brîdegroom. The toast te the bridaI attendants was propesed by L.A.C. Robent Gale. The bride's father and the father et the bridegroom aise veiced good wishes. During the receptien Mrs. W. H. Oke sang a French love song "L'Amour Toujours L'Amour," with Mrs. Victer Pea- ceck, A.T.C.M. accempanjst Bt the piano. Dancing followed the wedding luncheon with Mrs. E. McQuade at the piano, wbo aise played background music during the reception. Later the newly wedded cou- ple left for New York City vihere they will fly te Bermu- da. For the honeymeon trip the bride donned a blue grey dness with cape, white bat and cor- sage of red roses. Betore leav- ing the bride presented her bri- dai flowers te ber mother. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Gir- ard wifl reside in Oshawa. 'The bride presented lier at- tendants with gold medallions on a geld chain, and te the sole- ist a beaded bracelet. The best man and ushers received per- senai gift from the brldegnoom. Guests were present framn To- rente, Whitby, Stratford, Bow- mnanville. Seaforth, Montreandam j - 1 1 Beautiful, Full Colour COOKING TIMER 1 ruthers, Cooksville; Mr. A. are chiefly eemposed et ever. thein games last week. Juniors I 1 -1 Gift /A'&9 4/without obligation 1 wonderfui