r TmmSDAY, JVLY 30, 2993 'PIlE t±A MA fiA M R'PA 'PU!QM A >J nnuri< A MT7t? T ~ P~Vift' A TV -- ...~. - aa.~.. -- TV ~~4~ V L8JLiaI. 'JS1 .LZLP..P.J PAGE PI~ hMns. V. A Hooper, Orilla, 1 Orono Scol Boar fi tu~~1rning by Barrie and Toronto.CiOiJOr ( Ni...Mr. Jack Rutherford, Cal- Thle 'O 3iIo N ew borne, is the new teiler at Or- ets Plc o t, o~~~no bank and is staying at Miss NnPlc o Sadie Brown's. Mr. Bb ob eNo-Resideni'Pupils is working in Whitby bank now.____ Mrs M.Fower a vsitng r. n. nd n. m. . Har Mr. Herb Burgess is in West- School Board of Orono Pub- adMrs. JMFwer sAlredTy visit edgMr Mr. and Mrs. Em. .HTay- ern Hospital, Toronto, for treat- lic school met in a special ses- an Ms Jms ldra, y vsie M.an rs . .Ta-ment. sion with the Public School In- rone. lon, Sauina. Mns Eliza Stonie bas return- specton, E. R. McEwen, when Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cobble- Congratulations ta Mn. and ed ta Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoop- they reviewed scbool grants and dick attended the Vaneyk -. Yeo Mrs. Bruce Tennant on the bixtherafrvitngnHa to. csiedOooPulcchl Uniddng ulyBh atTan oferoi. Mrs. Neif Smith wha bas been accommodation for the 1953-541 Unte Curh.Recent visitors with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knapp are Cecil Powers and Mr. A. E. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bar- school terni. The increase ta a' mnoving this week ta their new Clemence were Mr. and Mrs. raball, Whitby, returned to stay possible 120 students for thel bouse they are building on Cabb Arthur Rabbins, Leskard;, Mr. with ber sister, Mrs. A. Sauin- coming terni prampted tbe meet- Hill1. and M.trs. Jack Bigeiow, Kirby; ders, Orono. ing so that sound judgment ___________________Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbinis and Mn. -and Mrs. Raymond Claýp, could be administered. Gail, Taronto: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs: A bnief discussion an the pas- L. owes, caroro Mr . nd avéHooer.sibie addition of a fourth teacb- MrL. Pougaer ns, arborod M r. and aeHoprs lxN a. er came before the board. How- Av ~gvMrs Dogla BaresDa.id nd r. ad Ms. lexN. ac-ever they feit that such a move fiALfBruce, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Pherson and daughters Ruth and was flot advisable at this time,! Jim Powers, sons Larry and Carole, Watsonville, Calif., cali- an account of the additional cost, Douglas, Mrs. Earl Hutchinson, ed on Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Mr. ta the natepayers of the section. Kenara. and Mrs. Carias Tamblyn at Further in this matter the prob- Mn. and Mrs. Alan Duesbuny, their farn where Dr. MacPher- lem of abtaining suitablein Toronto, with Mr. and'Mrs. Jack son was employed about 30 struction hindered any sucb Hudson. years. ago. scheme. Mrs. E. J. Silver, Bowman- Dr. Everett George Kensiake, I adigte15-4erl Sville, is staying with bier sister, D.V.M., Newtonbrook, former- I adigte15-4erl - Mrs. Chas. Awde. iy of Orona, passed away sud- ment it is the intention of the Mn. Wm. Robinson returned deniy on Wedncsday, July 22nd. board ta accommodate ail pupils ta Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- He is survivcd by bis wife and1 of the required age within the ..vville, on Monday. son Lawrence. Interment Bow- section and aiso ail non-resident Mx. and Mrs. Junior West and manvilie Cemetery. pupils who were attending the Steven. Peterborough, are va- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Gail Orona school as of June 1953 catianing with Mr. and Mns. A. and Sandra, Lakefield, visited and also non-resident students a r oo n d !E. West.Jh o Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Ln who bave enrollcd for their first1 aI0oileMrs. Jh icenadsn Mn. Albert Strickland, Ln year of instruction. Olav are visiting Rev. and Mrs. don, visited Mr., and Mrs. E. W. Dealing with non-resident pu- TrHERE'S no roeue on the hor- W. H. Tonge at, their cottage, Farrell and Mn. and Mrs. Jack Pils it hasi been decided ta izn he fnebis ou hmeLoon Lake. Gibson. charge, their respective School izonwhe fie bis Yur ome Rcv. A. W..Lougheed, Part M.1rs. Chas. Froste is out again Sections in the amount of the and catches you without the Hope, will be the preachen at aften hier recent operation in actual cost of education while rigbt am~ount of the right klnds the mornipg services at Orono Memorial Hospital, Bowman- attcnding S.S. No. 12. The aven-1 of insurance. Property i. îost, United Church, the first thnee ville. age daiiy cost per student will be savigs o, dbtspileup. Sundays in August. No service Mns. A. Saunders visitcd ber determined and for eveny non- savng go dbt pie p. will ta heid the lest two Sun- brother, Mr. and Mns. Luther resident pupil this cost multi- Keep off that financial desert days in August. Barnabali at Courtice. plied by thein individual attend- Isi. ski~no aou ases- Mn. and Mrs. Roy Barnabail, Miss Mary Somenville' visited ance will decide the biliing ta isle As u% ow bouta sns-Neil and Wiilis, Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilkinson, their respective School Section. Ible, economical insurance pro- Mr. and Mrs. Sid Banrabali. Montreai, and enjoyed a boat Through the by-laws this bili ingi gramt. Mr. and Mns. Aibeît Mitchell trip down the St. Lawrence and is legal and m¶ust be paid. Orono and daughters spent their vaca- Saguenay Rivens and visited-An- School Board is notifying al tion at their cottage. ticosti and Prince Edward and school sections concerned of this r M. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper are Cape Breton Islands, while on PÔlicY. S ar R.J me£s leaving Stra for two weeks' ber vacation. Mr. McEwen, Public Schaal SiariI. avacation at Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Robent Cameron Inspector, said this was the pro- Miss Bertha Cain visitîng Mn. and son, Tyrone, visited in Or- per and common procedure. He INSURANCE REAL ESTATE and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, Osh- ana an Sunday and attended the futher claimed that in Oshawa 93 awa. Cameron family picnic in Orono $9,000 is transferred thraugh a Phîone: Office 681 Res. 43 Mrs. Chaà. Awde. Mn. and Park. similar system for non-resident Ring Street - Bowmanville Mrs. Dave Hooper returned with Miss Christine Kitchen R.N., students. Mn. and Mns. Harold Awde ta Toronta, spent the weekend The new policy is ta be adopt- ______________________their cottage, Pine Beach, Lake with Rev. and Mns, John Kit- cd commencing Sept. lst. Under Simcoe, and also visited Mn. and chen. such a scheme there is no biiling - Mrs. H6race York, Belleville, af parents by the Schaol Board is in Memorial Hospital, Bow- of S.S. No. 12« manviilré, and ber childnen are It is quite possible that the i *staying with thein grandpdrents yearly cost per student wouid eMn. and Mrs. Gea. York. range trra $75.00 ta $100.00. Thin inirDue ta the weathen the open This amount, however, is not of- j T in in ~' é air service wa.s cancelled last ficial. I * Sunday, but will be beld the ,-'-- -first Sunday cvening in Septem- Ab u m.epairm 1 ber in Orona Park. PlT Dll Mn. and Mrs. E. G. Ray, Don O T P L u 1. and Billy, Islington, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Logan and Mn. All roads should lead ta Pc- ing andu and Mrs. Norman Allun. terbora on August 8 for Dry q~ l, ~ ZZ~ Miss Canolyne Jones has been Day Celebrations. Ail Rayai' j -.a t home ili with fia for several Black Preceptonies fnam Ontario Re o ei 1days. West have accepted the invita- tions ta be present. Lodges, as fan west as London and as fan * Ton hik aou ti. shaa oodPrduca td, ~Goodyear Co. Reach es east as Ottawa, are coming 4 hae A1drerTenatono [i 4IIRST. We have ail the. materiais and advice you1i 1 Al.l-im R cor wiih ladies. Tbis should be langer 1 than any 12th of July Clba j eed to repair and reniodel your home. We've # 100,000 Lmployeles tion. Plan ta om ortth quality wallboard, insulation, Juniber, flooring, roof- il___ Relief of Dernr in Peterboro. # n i iigt epyupu orhm i i-o The Goodyear Tire and Rub- Sa fan this bas been the qiuiet- é in an sidng o hlp Yu pt yor hme n ti-to fiber Company bas reched 'new est election in histony. No anc shape. peacetîme high pcak of cmpioy- seems intcrcstcd enough ta dis- ment with aven 100,000 employ- cuss it on know if bis name ces on the payroll of the wonld- is on the list. If' the saine indif- Conte ifor a FREE eStimnate this week, 1 wide organization, P. W. Litch- ference is shown in voting a *field, board chairman, bas an- very small vote wil be cast. i TERNS AS LOW AS $18.000naefl cor h is uarerfthasalese noin are sr M N E NGTHINC DOWN yawr loa l-iepas vice again. Mn. Martin who re- 6 Therewerc oniy 13 cmpîoyees sides in our village and barbens 6o th o pan y nyoll when in Oshawa bas set up a chair > Godyer sartd in189 an intheformer Oddfeliows Hall. Dia 210 Bwiamvlleor -461 sha a 176 emnpiayees in 1900, the year He will operate al day Wednes- &pany. By 1926, when he was after 9 p.m. This service wbile f U ielected president, the Goodyear limited should be appreciated. Osh wa W oo roa cis IA I # reached top position In the rub- Mn. and Mrs. Freeman Eddy OshawandWstdyempioyment.hadand family, Newcastle, and Mn. bclibdut 3,000.ymntha John Payne visited Mn. and Mrs. Yar ai Ni! a Corlie : In 1948, when Goodyean cèle- Laurence Goddard at Catchaca- Yard and Mill l Courtioce*6bnated issilver annivensanyofmLaen udy _______________________________________________ 50 yeans in industny the cm Next weckend witb Civic bol- pany's wold-wide employment ayoMnd wlbigth had eachd 72000.largest tourist cnowd ta aur vil- had eachd 72000.lage. Generally the crowd starts ta wane and business wîll bel mare normal.1 ing ta praduce awnersbîp papers mU for bis truck. Civic H9ohday, bMonday, August 3rd ihavng adriver's ficne for other fqn filing ta prodVce is license, a third fan feiiing ta ne- * TREASURE HUNT - HREHEPTHN OTS port an accident and a founth HOÙSSHO PITHIN CONESTfor turning out ta pass ini the * SAND CASTLE BUILDING CONTEST* face of ancoming traffic. M I M M M M I I M I I I I I I I I I I I Gala Parade of Gaily Decoraied Bikes, Trikes and Tike. Auai Dog Derby, Laid and Waler Races of Skill, Novllîy PRIZES, GAMES AND DRAW FOR BEACH BETTERMENT -f 'AL CLEARANCE FJl -0OF-ý STARTS THURSDAY at WHITBY andBOW.MAN VILLE (OPEN. FRIDAY UNTIL 9, P.M.) SIZES 10TO 2-38 T044 16Y2 TO 24!/2 Regular Io 5.98 CLEARINC AT... SIZES 1TO 2- 9 T17 38 T044 -16/2T0242 Regular Io 10.95 CLEARING AT.. SIZES 1TO 2-9 T019 38 TO 44 - 1612 TO 24V/2$ Regular Io 14.95' CLEARING AT.. SIZES 12 T018 - 1 ,T017 36 T0418Y2T026V/2 Re gular Io 19095 CLEARING AT.. SIZES 10OTO 18-9 T0 17 38 T044 -18/2T024V2 Regular Io 29.95 CLEARING AT I BD WMAN VILLE - WHITBYI à .1 .1 I I I Il :1 'I I ~1 I 1 a m r. IrýMT, imy Io, un TIM CANADIAN sTATr-quAu- nowmAN-xrn.T.P. e-àmpautr% * I I p