PAGE six 1 . -m w li u' 2JJ 6- 1 IWEST BEACH NEWS By The BEACH COMBER ' Mr. and Mi's. J..,Dorney and tloned with her ohr Dougie, Mies Carol Dorney, Mr. Prof. and Mns. C. New have Art Dorney and Mr. Fred Dor-, returned ta Hamilton frorn va- ney, Toronto, wlth their mother, cationing at their cottage. Mrs. Dorney in "XTC'. Miss Lamna Pinkham, Tam- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allen and worth, is vislting Mime Brenda Ricky are holidaying with ber Cooper. grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Dunn1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Rice and fam- in "Rusty Nook". With the m for ily. Town, in "Sandhurst". the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. Flaherty anc C. Barchard and family, Whit- Susan, and Mr. Pat Doyle, To- by. ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mr. and Mrs. R. MeNichol, To- 1 Doyle in "Glen-Doug". ronto, in "Cylant Phare". Mr1 n r.R ces n Mr. and Mr.s. B. J. Severs and CaMr.andAMranto, and farnily with his brother at the1 Mrs. L. Ryder and family, Wil- West Beach Store. lowdale, with their parents,,in Mr. Bruce Durno, Toronto, "Vel-Etta". holida3ýing in "Cheerio". i Mr. and Mrs. E. Wade, Eben- Mr. and Mro. Norman Bot- ezer, Mr. and Mrs. Westlake, trell and sons, James, John and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes Harvey, Toronto, at "Seldom and family, Oshawa, Master Lin". Neil Sweetman, Courtice, with Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole ini Mrs. BQttrell on celebrating 'BoskeY DeW'". their 25th wedding anniveray Mr. and Mme. E. Ellis and Miss Nancy Varcoe, Petembomo family, Toronto, in "Beihaven". Civlc Hospital, is vacationing Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharpe, To- with ber parents in "Rest roto. in the "Lost-Week-end". Awhile". Mrs. W. Bagneil and famnily, Miss Darly Ann Palmer, Mrs. T. Carter and famlly, Mrs. Town, with Dianne Hallman in J. Ross and son, town, wlth "'Fyvie". Mrs. F. Cole in "Gamy's Para- Mrs. F. A. Dilling, Miss Judy dise". Burns, "Linger Longer"; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Culley, Mar- W. Currie and Miss Dorothy ilyn and Blle, Toronto, in Ann Currie, "EEEE', visited "Rendezvous". Miss Catherine Dllling -at "Mil- Miss Mary Wallace, Master ford Manor", Muskoka Lake. Gary Wallace, Oshawa, Miss Miss Joan Wonnacott has re- Judy Burns, Peterboro, vlslted turned to Toronto having vaca- at "'Linger Longer". Hudnut's Marvellous Sharnpoo 75c - $1.25 Hudnut's Light and Bright $1.75 Breck Drene Egg Creme Wlldroot Shanlpoo Shampoo 1 Shampoo Shampoo 85c - $1.951 39c-65e-$1.20 75C-1.25-2.50 43e - 73o Bathlng .chase's C sB For Fiiez - Mosquiloes. Nerve Food 69e-79c-98o Sf-e ob --$.9 79e - $1.99 1Sun Fly Tox Bomb - 89c-$1.39 Oypn Gise Fly Tox Spray -.35c-590-98c Lnmpene Glases 6-12 Repellent ---.--59e iimn 25e to $5-95 Tantoo Spray - - -9___ 8c 98c - $1.69 Boswlck Repellent c Thermos Skeeter Skatter 59e Motor Bottles Sprayers . ----~ 49c Jugg 98c-$i.89-$1.OS Tat Ant Traps -- -35ec $4.95 Toni Home Permanent In three strenths - Regular -Super *Gentie Refl $ 1.75, Curlers $12 C AMBEREAS Mum Deodorant -.53c-75o Baby Brownle, speclal -$3.30 Odorono Spray --43c-75c Kodak HawkeYe - ---$8.25 Stopette Spray -75c-1.25 Ba'ownie Reflex - $14.00 Arrld Cream --53c-75c Hudnui's New Home Permanent $1.75 COWLI NG'S PHONE 695 DRUG STORE WE FT TRUSSES *Miss Marilou Green end Mas- ter Peter Munchlson, Mirnico, are holldaying wlth their munt, Miss E. Robinson. Mns. C. Bskewell, Toronto, wlth ber daughter, Mns. B. Hut- chinsan lu "Cliff View'. Mr. Don Houle Ajax, Mm. and Mir. Harry âlocomb, and eMr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, -Plckerin , with Mms. W. Curie, Mns. S. E. McTavlsh, Oshawm, b as retutned home from visit- ing Mrs. E. Currie In "EEEE". The young Matrone of St. John's Guildettes have been Iholding home-bakiug sales on Ithe West Beach Blomrd-wmik, *nean "Linger-Longer", Cottage, which is heartily welcomed by ithe cottagers. They hope to have 1 an even bigger and better sale *on Sturday for the long holi- day week-end. Sa be on band at eleven sharp, ladies! The men are prsctisiug borse- sboe pitcbiug with a will. The children are building sandcas- rtics and deconating bikes snd 1 mmking costumes, why? Well, 1Sport' s Day on Civic holiday will be ushened lu by a parade 1 f gally decormted bîkes sud trikes, costumed boys and girls and comie characters. Ahl vieing for first place in the prize awards the Whole day through! 'Prizes sud sports for young and i d. Sa corne and bring youm friends and enjoy a real holiday festival. Monday, August 3. Read ad. Mr. Bert Latimer bas netuma- ed home aftem belug ill at Mem- anial Hospital, Eowmanvllle, for the past week. We wish hlm a speedy recovery. Our life-guard bas been play- ing the double noie of play- gound supervisor exciusively since the wster et the harbor bas been judged unsafe. The chiidren 'are enjoying their new found crafts mast eujoyably.t They find Donothy as capable on the playgnound as in the wa- ter. HIAYDONE Mms. Wm. Reid,, Joan adEh-F va, Newtouvilhe, vlslted Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Mr. Elmen Siemon, Toronto, witb Mn. MilIou Siemon and Mr. aud Mme. Lloyd Slemon.S Mm. and Mrs. Bal sud fam- Ily, Leskard, at Mn. Arthur r Bell's. 'Mm. mud Mrs. 1. Cook, Mn. andb Mrs. George Lute, Scarbaro, qta Mm. Norman Aveny's. N Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugb- d lin, Donna and Denuls, Black- IE stock, Mm. and Mrs. Wm. Me- Laughlin, Burketon, ai Mr. sud tI Mms. Ross Asbtaa's. d Mm. sud Mrs. D. MacKeuzie sud famlly, Toronto, at Mr. A. ir MeNèil's. r Mn. and Mme. Walter Brldgett and family, Bowmanviihe, at Mr. i Roland Thompson's. el Mm. and Mme. MacAlpine, To- M routa, spent the weekend at Mr. IV J. Walker's.v Mr. and Mns. Gordon Deuby, M' Toronto, aI Mm. Frank Denby's. ir Mm. and Mrs. Alex Perger andw sous, Watendown, at Mr. and sI Mrs. Roy Gaham's.W Mm. Milton Slemgn, Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon ttended the Si Jobnston-Gllbert wedding iu Eidad United Chunch on Satur- i day.W Mr. and Mme. Frank Denby, and Mr. aud Mrs. Psy Mouutjoy, a Bowmanville, at Mr. Henry's g( Cottage at Four Mile Lake. xt Mrs. W. Thompson, Mr. sud Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and fam- ily, Mm. sud Mrs. RolandF Thompsan sud family visitedH Mm. sud Mrs. Donald Thompson, Bowmanville.0 Mm. sud Mrs. Read and fam- ily attended the Union. picnic at PUBLI C I. MEETING IN TE NTERESTS 0Fr Charlie Stephenson M* Progressive Conservative Candidate for Durham Couniy Town Hall, Port HOPe Friday, July 3lst 8:00 p.m. D.S.T. Addreuses hy . C ordon Graydon, HP. u* Progressive Conservative Member for Peel v Charlie Stephenson *and other prominent speakers Mr. Graydon is one of the leading Canadian experts an. foreign affaira. * Even thaugh an Opposition member, he represented Canada at the San Francisco Conference aI which the U.N. was organized. J%11l Welcome - Corne and NeelT our Candidait * Inserted by the Durham Progressive Conservative Association W e d in Chrisfian Reformed Church Mr. and Mrs. H. Hoikema are shown following their marriage in the Christian Reformed Church, Bow- manville, on Saturday af ternoon, July. 1 q, as the bride pre- pares to sign the register. The bride, the former' Marina Adriana Van Drunen, recently arrived from The Nether- lands., is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Drunen, Beezand, Holland, and the groom is the son of Mr. P. Hol- kema of Anna Pollowna, Holland, and the late Mrs. [{olkema. The young couple will reside in Bowmanville Photo by Alpha Studio Lakeview Park, 'Oshawa, on Saturday. Gloria Jean Avery is visîtiug relatives lu Toronto. Sheryl Ashton wlth ber uncie, MVr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughiu at Blackstock. Camai Blackburn had a birth- day on Seturday wben she en- tentained nine little girls. Mm. Milton Slemon attended the Mountjoy picnic on Wednes- day at Hampton Park. Mrs. Charlie Rankine is visijt- ung Dm. and Mrs. Wm. Corrigan, Toronto. Womnen's Association meeting held in the church on Suuday eveuing was vemy well atteneed. We were pieased to have Dr. and VIrs. C. W. Siemon, Bowrn- ville, witb us. The president, Mrs. J. Potts opened the meet- ing. Margot Rankine favored with a solo. Mms. C. W. Slemms spoke on Christian citizeuiship which was vemy interesting. Sunday School wîil be held Sunday aI 10:30 a.m.. Haying is pretty well finisbed. Frmers are now cutting their wheat. The heavy main ou Satumday and Sunday will do a lot of good as the grouud was getting vemy dry. larvesiers Hold )nfo the Top Spot (By Murray Tighe) Tom Cowan's Harvesters kept their hold on top of the Town Softball League with an easy 2 ta 3 win over the Canadian )rder of Faresters ou Mouday .ight at Memorial Park. The larvesters jumped ta a big lead in the first thmee inniugs as they scored five in the first, two lu the second, aud four more lu [e third. The Foresters scared Lwo in the first aud one in the 3econd, aud were shut out the rest of the way. Emnie Dickens was the 'big àitter for the Harvesters as be ouuded out a single, double ad a haine run. Hamry Snow- an bad thmee for four for the Foresters, btesides' pitchiug a ice game sud oniy the very ,ose fieiding of bis mates pre- 6ented a mucb dloser game. Doug Kostka hurled seven-hit :al for the Harvesters and ex- ýpt for first base, bis team lIayed ermorless bail behind lim. Eavesters 524 010 0-12 9 2 oresters __ 210 000 0- 3- 7 9 ti li il .ti ti- t' SE rE hi P( ai d( FI ni Io V( D bý c' hi H- F( The number of patients serv- ed iu Red Cross Outpost Hospi- tais iu Canada in 1952 totalled 94,102. L. A. Parker & Sons HEATING and PLUMBING 17 KING ST. E. PHONE 651 BOWMANVILLE MAPLE GROVE Just one service on Sundmy, August 2nd and 9th at 10.30 a.m. Mm.' and'Mrs. Ross Treuouth, Toronto,* were Suuday visitors with bis sister, Mm. and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf, Base LUne. Mm. 'Bil Snowden has return- ed to bis. home in Torouto. >rràil'Rangers, instead of Boy Scouts as announced before, will collect aid papers, magazines, or feed paper bsgs on Fnidsy eveuing, July 31, instead of Sat- urday, August lst. If theme are any who weme not called on be- fore, have any of the above men- tioued please phone 2636, 'the boys will cali. ENFIELD. Mm. ande Mms. J. Hostrawser, Laurel; Mm. and Mrs. K. Martin and Diana, Grand Valley; Mr. and Mms. A. Whaley and famîly, Willowdale, with Mm. and Mrs. Will Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Len Bradley, Enniskillen, at Mms. J. Stark's. Mrs. H. Stinson and Marlon are visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Don Samis, To- ronto, at M. Samis'. Mm. and Mrs. Samis etumned ta Toronto with them. Miss- Evelyn Cunningham, Brantford, with hem sister Mms. W. Pascoe. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W, Bowmsn and family at Mr. Harold Beamish's, Oshawa. The Beamish childreu, Oshawa, and Grant Tamblyn, Orono, stayed a few days with the Bowman children. Mm. aud Mms. Frank Lycett at Mm. 1. Littie's, Keudai. Dellan Lycett stayed a week Dinnerware- ENGLISH and CANADIAN made. Ail size actsansd open stoc. *S p e C i a Il 20-piere STARTER *SETS Carnival - Ivy Jamboree J. W. JEWELL . : , 'Big -*01 27 King St. W., Bowmanville PHONE 5561 wlth hia uncie, Mr. Harry Ly. colt, Ornoa. Misses Marion and Evelyn Pucoe enjoyed #me holidays wlth their aÙnt, Miss Evelyn CunnInghain, Brantford. Miss LlIsn Steele, Mr. Stan Gray, Mims Margaret Blatch, Mr. aud Mn#. Wllbert Smith, Clifford and Dorothy, Oshawa; Mine Merle Ormiston, Brooliu; Mr. Irvdu Pucknln, Whltby, at H. Ormist on's. Mr and Mr. T. R. Blowrnmn aud IUchal-d. Barrie, at thé Bow- man home. Uri. il. Ormniston and Miss Lois attended a niiscellaueous shower for Miss Merle Ormjsaton et the home of Mns. Ray liodg- son, Brookiu. Mr. and Mré. G. Bowruan and Roland et J. H. PAscoe'u, ICedron. Mr..and Mn. E. Prescott, Mr. and Mnâ. D. Prescott, Lindeand Marlene ilarris opent a -day Viewing Points of Interest lu To- routa. Mns. W. Pasece wss hostest for à miscellaneous 9hower for Mine Merle Orrtiiston, bride-to- be. The guesta weje the matrons of the communlty. Merle receiv- ed many lovely glfts anld Mns. Pascoe uervedi a most deliclous lunch. Port Hope Oniarios Hold the Roses ,d To a Draw, 5- Leadlng the Port Hope On- tarios 5-3 until the seventh iu- ning in a twilight game at Port iHope on Satunday, Bown-anville Roses weakened ln that frame ta allow the hilîside crew ta brlng lu two runs and tie up the game 5-5. There *as no scorng ln an extra eighth Inning and the gime endcd a 5-5 draw. Thnee hurlers saw action for the Roses and gave up a totalof four hîts. Gond Stunrock started with Lcfty George Jones going ta the mound in the third and Bun,4 Legree taking over in the founth ta finish the game. Bo'vWmanville knocked out five safe blows from the deliverles of Harrison. The Roses had a big lnning in the slxth when thcy brought four run across. A hit by Bill Dmdson, sacrifices by Ted Bagneli and Frank Hooper, thnee Port Hope errorq, aud a hit by Timn Cox, accounted for the tour taillies. Don Gllhooly played three In- ninga for the Roses in his first appearance of the season, but failed ta secune a hit. Bill Dad- son, Frank Hooper, Bob Galla- ghem, Tim. Cor and Butch Cale mil hit safely once for Bowmmn- ville. R HE Bow'ville 001 114 00-5 5 5 Port Hope 010 001 20-5 4 5 Bowmanvjlle-W. Dadson. cf; E. Bagneli, W. Bagnell (8) If; Yourth, 2b; Hooper, c; Galla- gher, lb; Cox, E. Dadson (8) rf; Falls, 3b; Cale, Gilbooly (5) se; Sturmock, Jones (3) Legree (4) P. Pont Hope-Trawin, nf; Keel- er, Robinsoni (3). Halîman (7) ,If; Ash'by, cf; Mann, c; Baxter, lb; Thickson, es; McDermott, 2b; Ashton, 3b; Harrison, p., eetter methods of foneat man- agement have corne frôm re- search. The forcsts generate a quar- ter of the incarne of all Cana- dians. Hidden Treasure gives yau an added fullness subtly, charmingly and confidentiaily - without pads or puffs. The dif- ference 15 in the patented ______Ion t.ast yean the school children it I l the pallcy of Canadian of Canada throa h the Junior Red Cross ta give mate-iai as- Red Cross, Natianal Service sistakhce lu emergencles. $100,- Fund, contrlbuted food, cloth- 000 was spent by Canadîsu Red lng, medical supplies andohe Cross last yeâr ou dimaster aper- gifts overseas at a cast of$8, ationssand mare than $70,000 an 937. civilia welfare service. A Frigiao ' Big, Beautiful; Budget- Priced' 8.6cu.ftRerigeratorS Se. th. wondeful new convenlences and ONre ln tht. low-prk.ed, gonuine Frigidaire Refrlgerater. lba fMr *ver 41 Ibm. of froien foods in the f ullwldh Feese Chst... dependaoble refrigerasion, by th. Frigidaire Metsr.Mfiser. $339,.75- Liberal, Trade-in- Allowance Low D own Paymeni - Easy Terms Mason & Dale HARDWARE BOWMANVILLE PHONIC 408 j, (J 4 ~4, I magicup - the contours are buit right in, can'I ever wash out. Available in black'or white satin, sizes 30 - 36A;4- 36B. Ia strapless and plunging neckline, Sirapless m m m m U$6,50 Plunging Neckline m m $4,Q0J wNow Available in Bownianville at . GlryAnn Shopp es Ring Si. West Bowmanville Branch Stores - Toronto - Oshawa - Kingston - Orillia M4 .'r- - - - r-, h I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Walch. This Advertisement Nexi Week For Lucky Number Royal Theatre Calendar You may be the lucky winner! for a louelier You!1 Yes I. a for Lovely Natural Fuilness Wear a 4/idý ý ' BRASSIERE Dy "Nerry-Go-Round" MMmMM6ý THE CANADIAN STATESMAS. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO 7 dRLý \4dp.j