vr'~ --* - .~... ... TNYUDAv ~fV- &'le.TqlrAAl I THE ANfADIAN 'r ATN. UOIWBUA? TT. ONAWIO PAME TIRTEE Pontypool Si $y SAM CRYSTAL Tologram Staff Report« Pontypool. July 18--echind the crumbiing ruins of my father's barn, a slcep biU overlooks thc village of Pontypool. Fi-rn bere a bamiel af peaceful beauty, such as is visible orjy 10, the eyc ai one who has been &,way for a long time, unfolds in a panoeêluic view. To those wlio icave their chiidhood home, comiflg back ia always sweet. For on the returu there are countlcss memories ta bring back to 11e, aid friendsbips ta renew, and many neai-.foi-gottefl places to revisit. This week, The Telegram asked me ta revisil Pont>pool. Pontypool bas changed little since the Crystals gave up fam l11e for Uic city 15 yeai-s mgo. The generai appearance, cxcept for a few ncw summer cottages bei-c and there, is much the same. But the imaîl things-lthe ones one remembers longesl-ali ai-e different. Somehow many things appear ta be smaller. The scbool rooms (bath af tbem) secm ta have shrunk; the pond where we swam- the anc we thought was sucb a magnificent lake-is afler ail, only a pond. And the candy counter in Harry Ricbandson's general store, that "tremendous" counter aI which a bal bhour was spent before a very important decision was made regarding a penny candy pur- chase, isn'l so big as I pictured il. NOT SO FAR Even the 55mile distance firn Taronto seems much shorter. Wben I lived la Pontypool il was a long way ta Toront-at leasl I thotzgbl so. Liai-iy Richardson stili aperates bis gencrai store and bakeshop, and as I had always remembcred hîm, is still the principal figure in town. Besides being the community's leading merchant, Mr. Richard- tirs Meno rites Of Childhood son la and always was a sort of combined econonilut, philosopher and benefactor. 1 dan't suppose anyca. wil ever know bow many dis- trict citizeas Mr. Richardson saved with a littho ban just wben the wolf was at Uic door. bareoedaunthRcbdsniml Pontypool's economyba eovdaonthRiarsnaml sincé Bai-ry and bis flm.êaider bi-others, Bill, Wllfred, Jim, Bei-t and Perce, acrived bei-e at the lui-n cf the century. Only Bort and Barry now survive. A walk down tbis main st-et-lt has a name but few peope ln Pontypool ever botbered ta learn it-and anc is lways certain to mccl Robert Coi-betl, 87, the community's aidest and mort i-espected citizen. Bob Coi-betl bas "been around as long as the village bas oisted" and there's notbing be likes better than ta ait bmck in bis rocking chair on Mrs. O'Malley's veranda mnd spin a lew yarns about "tbe oid days when Pontypool was only a lai-mbei-c and thers ad hbus and woods." Mi-. Coi-bell was bai-n in a bouse whicb lew other residents can even remember, just about whcre the pillai-s aI Uie enîrance of thé village park now stand. Il was 1865 and ml Uere was round waz the Jcnnings fai-m (wbicb tb. Crystal farnily later acqul-od and still owns) and anather lai-m on the bill wbere lbe community now starts., Il wasn't until Uic CPR built a line thi-ougb 74 years mgo that the community began ta lake shape. But once Uie trains were running regulariy the village reaiiy stauited ta boom. Bêlai-e long ther.e was an inn, a bmnk, two churches, severmi stores and houses springing Up ail over. Pantypool, altbough not Incorporatcd, bas a mayor-at leaut tbat's wbat the hundreds of tourists who swarm mb Uith village each year eall him. He's John Payne, lai-mai-. auctioniet a& Manvers Township councilor. He's aiso the dlstrict's most calai-fui citizen. Jack was the li-st persan I visited and taiking to a man with a meniory 1k. bis was like reiiving my ehildbood. Ho cai even rcmemb- moving my iamily j.nto their new farm home on bis hay wagon- Ik îsiderably before my time. WANDERS OLD HAUNTS Perhaps the mast enjoyable part of Uic visil was a sauitai-y walc through the village and over the hilîs and tbrough the fields and woodi. 1 dropped mbt the schooihouse and sal la thé desk wbere Leonard McNeil taugbl me the thi-ce Rs; sat by the pond where we uscd ta fish for mudeats (tbei-e ai-e none icît now); climbed through the ruins of oui- bai-n whcre once there were daily chores ta be donc aller school; walked down thc lane ta the pasture, down which my brother Rai-iy and I drove the cows for mllking every day, and sat an the bill behind the bai-n. Fi-rn up on the bill I could sec Uic resorts spreading in evci-y direction and even now I had ta marvel at tbe resorta developlng in a centre wbicb 15 <on neithet- lake or river. I could sec Uic swiniming pools whieh substilute and the childi-en spiashing about in thc waler. And as I sat an the hilltop I could almost bemr Uic aId sehool bell ring. And I could sec a hay wagon pulled by two big Clydes- dales <w. cailed them Jack and Bill) with a small boy holding on the reins with anc hand, hanging on ta a wobbly wagon post (for dear ile) wîth the otbei-. And I couid sec the fields gi-een with waving craps o! rye and oats; and I could sce my father and bi-others in the fields. It was good ta ho home. L,ow. ( iwwfl5, a ,us "In a centre wbich is on neither lake or river, 1 could m. the wimming pools wbich substitute and th. childi-en splashing about in the waîer." Mourus, The Vaniahing NIudeat Jack Judtes. Teletram "The pond where we swam-the one we thought was such a. magnif icent lake-is, after al, only a pond, and whero we used to fish for mudcats (there are nonelIeft now)." chener after spending holidays ville, were guests of r n Town iouncil Sels Up Holiday with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. T. M. onjy FAllan Snowden and other rela- Congratulations ta Mr. and tives. Mrs. Grant Williams (nee Jeani Sche uleforMuncipa Em loyles Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Cameron), whose marriage took Sc ed lefo M niip l mpoy es iBill, Betty Ann, Hamilton, Miss place on audy *"~ Marion Snowden, Toronto. were Sacrament service was held R.8m, aam neIoTh eeWe k holiday visitors with their par- On Sunday evening in charge Beqest fiarnunela nre w eKsents, Mr. and Mi-s. C. H. Sriow- of our pastor, a goodly nurnber formrtr.up.o h eetr.wscn Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman, a short but fitting message and of the Roads and Streets Dept. sidered separately. Counicil rnem- copne byMssElz-tehireeto w nke- for two weeks vacation with pay, bers felt that he should recciveacopie byMssEiz-tehireetonwsnke- and fromn the Superintendent of two weeks holidavs the saine as beth and Carnie Painton, visited ing with the occasion. the Bowmanville CemetPry fori other long-service employees, Mrs. Annie Fawcett, Whitby, Womeis Institute members three weeks vacation ,vith pay. Ivith the provision that if hie Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pascoe andà are sponsoring a bus trip, boat touched off a. discussion o! the works on statutory holidays lie Mrs. Grace Stanley, at Green- trip anid picnic on Thursday of whole vacation systemn for town shou]db ie a f wood. this week. A Gaiton bus has employees at the meeting of through the week ta miake up encatrd Town Council Tuesday night. for holiday \vwork. The syinpathy of Hampton Coun. Norman Scott stated On motion of Chiairman Fred JAP O ohmnWill is eandemiy thers that a vacation policy for ail Cole of the Fine Committee, the Jon_____an__miy n h townempoyes soul bedran pa fo nirriersof he ow-sudden passing o! Mr. W'ilis, tow emloyes houd b dnwn ay or iemersof he ow- Mn. and Mrs. Russell Rey nolds, who had resided bei-e during the up and that since the sumnmer is maýnville Volunteer Fi-e Dept. Toronto, with bis sister, Miss L. summen, and being o! a genial the busiest time of yea r for the was increased by $20 per vearRenls ]Roads and StreetsDet these This will bring their annual pay employees should take their up from $100 to $120, and since Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Heaslip, ably known and will be greatly holidays on a staggered system.1 the motion goes into effect as Don, Kathy and Mike. Mr. and missed by bis neighbours and Coun. Walter DeGeer also feit of July lst. it wiil give the fire- Mrs. Carl McMullen, Marie and friends. tJhat a definite vacation policy men $110 for this year. Wavne. Mr. and Mrs. Osborn Mrs. Eliza Storey who has should be formulated stating the ________ McMullen and Sherry, Trenton, been visiting Mr. and Mns. R. J. Vacation period whicb eacb town Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Mc- Hodgson bas returned to Orono. employee would be gnanted. He MADTLE pDflE Mulleri, Janetville; Mr. and Mrs. Rev. and Mrs. G. Empey and stated that in most industries Mra aclNsltn il h aebe nhldy deparment eadsare ganter ----- oldreQuarry aodMands. cMar-n.and were returning from Mont- tw weeks and other ernployees Mn. Char-les Woodcock, Miss ol urvadMs euineal and Ottawa to thein home &i 11,ll receive one week for Alice Woodcock, Toronto, Mis Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lvon, a ihadCek alda thRrTi-st lew years and an ad- Ina Brownell. Finch; Miss Helen Johnnv and Judy. Mrs. S. Ker- friends here and were tea guests di ronal week after they have Dubeois. Cornwall, were week-, sey, Miss Grace Kersey visited o! Mrs. W. J. Ranton. gained a certain amnount of end visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rev. and Mrs. Ted Kersey at Donald White is taking a sum- genlority. He felt that this syst- Van Camp's. Mr. Woodcock bas Plain! ield on Suriday, Mrs. Ker- mrcus em should be applied ta town rernained for a longer vîsit. sey rernaining for a few days. mrcrsat London. SeMployees, and that those em- VaainlSholsatn Mr. and Mrs. Luther Good- Many Hampton people were in poyees wo ok nsttoy et Monay Aug. 10, frm 9a. Tyrone, were Sunday Bowmanvîlle ta see the Corona- who orkon satuorvnextMonayAug.10,fron 9 anT.ýtion pictune wbich was much en- hoiasshould receive extra arn. ta 11.30 arn. for children guests o! Mi-. and Mrs. R. J. joy~ed. holidays as compensation, pr-fi-rn five years up in the base- Hodgson.Mye nMis ar In the1absence of aur pastor 'ýý"dnthey were not paid aven- ment of the chunch. Mr. dMoeanMisar there wl be no church service tiefo okigo vc ollds.Wlingto ero n Mo ver, Kitchener, with relatives next Sunday evening, but the days. daughter, Helen, Lake Field, Mntern. . . anto senth following Sunday as usual. Hfoliday Schedule Set Up with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. weekend.inJBowanvillse.tth on Coun. DeGeer's motion the A. Laird. Helen remained for a Mr. F. J. Clark, Toronto', Mr. Nwtlmeaotheran following vacation scbediule was longer visit. and Mns. Floyd MacMillan, Osh- ',ou bad," the psychiatrist said adopted by council: Ail depant- Miss Mildred Snowden is re- awa, wilb Mr. and Mvrs. wý. W. ta the Young lady on the coucb. ment heads. two weeks annually: cuperating at Mi-s. F. Munrae 'Lain Weil, I drearned I \vas walk- AUl other employees-one week cottage at Port Carling. Mr. Gilbert Adcock spent a ing down the street with noth- annually, and an addtîonal week Mrs. F. Swallow and Mr-. Cli!.fe fw days at Appin. îng on but a bat." attr iv yerscotinou sr-ford Swallow visited Mr. and Mrs. Adcock and Harry vîsit '"And vou wei-e embai-rassed?" vice; niemberq of the Police' Mrs. Ken Reeson, Locust Hill, ed i n Toronto. ugsithdoor Dept. ta reccive an additionai an Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Don Adcock. "Indeed I was:" agrejed the week due ta the fact tbey work Mrs. Sam Dewell and Mrs. Ray and Stephen, Mrs. Gilbert lady. "I was last year's bat." ogi statutory holidays. This James Hogarth, Hampton, visit- Adcock and Annabelle, were at Cloth experts, wben confi-ont- would give members of the ed their sister, Mrs. L. C. Snow- Bala on Saturdav, Annabeile i-e- ed with unidentified samples of Pelice Deart ment three weeks, den on the occasion of lber birtb- mainiag for a m'eek.1 Canadian and imponted woolien vacation aller five years o!fcon- da-y. Mr. and MIrs. Han-y Milîs. Pa- ! abrics, are almost always un- tinuous service. 1 Miss Eduia Sîiowden bas ne- 1 tricia and Peter, Montreal- Mrn. able ta distinguish between tl4e The cage of J0* Higbiild, turned to, her position at Kit- and Airs. Arthur Pearce, 'Oak.' two. FAMILY REUNIONS STAINTON FAMILY PICNIC The third annual reunion of tbe descendants of tlhe late Mr. and Mi-s. J. Stainton was beld at Hampton Park August lst, when about 36 gathei-ed. Races were i-un off and basebali played. AU sat down ta well laden tables o! food at 6.30 p.m. and later- a peanu.t sci-amble was enjoyed by bath young and old. * During the business period, cailed ta order by Wilbenl Smith, Mrs. D. Cari-, Secrelary, read the mi'inutes. Thi-ce letters received fi-rn Mr-. and Mirs. J1. A. Vu-lue, Miss M. A. Viitug and Mr. and Mns. J. Trimmer, Toronto, ac- knowledged invitations received and regretting tbey could not attend. Tt wag decîded ta bold the picnic the second week a! July next year, and le! t for- the executive ta decide the location. Officers, for- tbe coming year are: Wilbert Smith, Oshawa, President; Mrs. Donald Cari-, Hampton, sec'y Treas. Sparts Commitîce, Mrs. R eg i nal1d Weaving. Tbonnhill; Lai-ne Lamb and Floyd Beckett, Ennis- killen. Prizes went ta Wm. Moore, Enniskillen. e 1 d e s t persan; yaungest, Gail Stainlan, Ennis- killen; longest married-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin, Haydon; most xecently married-Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Bowmanville, R. R. 1; longest distance-Mrs. Reg. Weaving and Rickie, Thornhill. Races: 1-5 yrs.-Marie Beck- ett; girls 6-9 yrs. - Caroline Carr; boys 6-9 yrs. - David Stainton; girls 10-12 yrs. -- Lin- da Stainton; boys 10-12 yrs.- Garry Beckett; single men- Stewart Lamb; married womnen -Mrs. Donald Lamis; maried men - Donald Carr; lucky spot - Wayne Beckett; minute walk - Mrs. Lorne Lamb, kicking shoe - Mrs. Donald Kerr. BELIEVE IT, OR NOT An Australian sheep farmer, having received a. huge check for bis wool. bought a Rlils- Royce for some $25,000. When he broughit it back to'the garage to have it serviced, the salesman asked if he was thoroughly sa- "Oh, yes," said the lai-mer, "And I especially like that glass partition you put* between the front seat and the back." "Why?" asked the salesman. "Because,' said the farmer, 4"it stops the sheep from licking the back of my neck when I'm tak- ing them ta mar-ket." - York- shire Post. Big, Beautiful Budget- Priced 8,,6 cu.ft. Refrgerator Se. the wonderfui new «.wmnlenee. und vulugu effoeds ln this I.w-prioed, genuin. Frigidaire lefrigoucter. C&»m for over 41 lbs..of frozoa foode lu thé fufl.wiM N Freee Choit . . . dependable refiguraflon, powmdby heFrigidaire tt.tels«1i.. $ 339,75 Liberal Trade-in Allowance La w Down Paymeni - Easy Terms Royal Theatre Calsudar The August Lucky Number? 408, of course -Our Phone Number - Aiways a iucky num. ber to cail at any time. Bring the lucky caiendar ta our store and pick up the Frece Prize. Mason &Dale HARDWARE BOWMANVILLE PHONE 408 OBTU RYed by Rev. H. A. Turner o n Julýr OBITUAR 29 atthe Narthcutt and Smithi ________Funeral Home. The many beau- LEONARD M. PERRIN tiful floral tributes spoke o! the sorrow felt at the dpceased's un- The sudden passing o! Leon- timeîv passing. Among others ard M. Perrin at the age o! 29 wei-e those o! Local 222 United vears came as a sac1 shock ta bisi Auto Workers, Metal Finishilig family and friends. Mi-. Peri-in 1Dcpt. o! General Matai-s. Sick died in Osbawa General Hospi- Benefit Society a! Genenal Ma- tai an July 27, after. a short il'- toi-s as well as a tribute frin ness, leaving bis wife, the for-1 the neighbons. and many other mer Justina (Tennie) Bai-an, I friends and relatives. and one-year-ald daughter, Lin- alerswr RphK- da atrcia tomoun hs lss. ly, Wilmot Shane, Thos. Brook- Mi-. Perrin, a quiet, likable ham, Joe Cuddahee, Pete Si»'- young man, was bigbly tbought der and Pete Devitt. Interment o! by bis neighbars on Prospect was in Bowmanville Cemetery. St., Bowmanville, and associates Besides bis wvife and little in the Metal Finisbing Dept. of Gex-eral Matai-s, Oshawa, wviere daugbtei- there are sttrviving: he was employed. He was bai-n bi parents. Mr. ar4d 'Mrs. M. Mai-ch 25, 1924, at Jones' Falls, Perrin; four bi-others, George, Ont., the son a! Mr-. and Mrs. M. Harold, Wilford and John of El- Perrin, and lived in Oshawa pi- ani iEgin, Ont.: be itn, alnenMue ai- ta bis mariage. Mrs. Perrnniel of ainsiElg, Ont.,ndMr came ta Bowmanville fi-arn KnsîlOt Manitoba about seven years aga and worked in Walker Stores foi- You can take nothing greater some tume before going ta Gen- ta the heathen world than the eral Matai-s. The deceased was impress and the reflection o! a member a! Trinity United, the Love o! God upon ypun ow.n Church bei-e.1 chai-acter. That is the universal Funei-al service was cAnduct-1 language.-Heni-y Druinmond.- Ir Di ne of JO ad AUGUST SPORTS SPECIALS Bicycle Tires - 28 x 1%i, 2 Nen's and Ladies' Bicycles Nen's Racers - as low 26 x $1.89 as Iw $490@95 vaà $54.95 Siazenger Tennis Rails Presaure-packed $1.95 lin Slazenger Tennis Racquels front $8.95 OSDORNïE'SSPORIITS AND CYCLE 26 King St. E. Bowmanville Dear Donald Orono, Ont., Aug. 5,11953 Donald McLaren, Sky Harbour Airport, Ooderieh, Ont. Dear Donald: Archie and Peg arrived home tram hnlldaym Wed- nesday morning just in time to help us unload transports f sheetrock, rock lath, Planter and lime. Our sales of those materials, wallboards and piy- voeds are hlghest ever. We are now supplylng 14 bouse lbs, norne excluslvely. and otheru in part, and numerous &dditions and renovations. The Reading coal keeps trickllng in. One car in today and two enroute. The deadle for summer pricês, Sept. lut, draws close and we are enjoying best ummer trade ever handled. Collections are better, tao. More and more people seem ta realize that the dealer muât have cash te, carry on. IVe have a convenient plan to finance coal or lumber purchases for anyone with a good credit record. Bill Watson and 1 are staglng a derby to sec who en account for the mont pertumed pussies. Wlnner takes all-the bides. 1 have trapped and shot tbree tncludlng anc woodchuck but not counting the three that sprung the trap and got away. Bill bau gotten fuve of the fetld rodenta. We bear Orm Gerry bas a count of fourteen but be'u In another block and not In on the money. Our- beanu are sprouting again now we bave tbinned out the marauders- ail truck since bis retutn. We believe thc new equlpment wilI he buay as the autumn chili di-aws on and the news leeks out that we arc superbly equlpped te give good service, bigheut quality utove or furnace ail et smre prîea as aur larger conipetitors. Love frorn Mum and baby Debby, and happy landints from the aId man. 49 r 16, Orone. AuvrubT litn, 1953 limmo %ItUNÈUJJLt" zmdwvluz" , % v &AJLJM.. %-VII JL £%£"w ...i , Il - -'. 1 -