PAGE POUR TW~C!A.IATAT.i 'rArw~a,, ndfl2~IA~ TV ~- - --- -- ~ , Jfln ~ ~ ..fN I.'~IL'J HURS1DAY, AUGUST 19, 19M8 12,000 Schools Current Across Canada and Now Using Radio According to figures released recently, ýadio is playing a more Confi endalimportant role each year in the By EsieCarrthes Luneytinuing to grow in popularity with both teachers and students. WOMEN 0F THE WORLD 1 August 21st, "Dominion of Des- 0f the 21,650 English-language tiny." In response ta the great schools in Canada, no less than fu conetonsf the ot wor demn, the pageant wfll be re- 55 percent are equipped with ful onvetion in he wrldpeated for the public on Satur- radios. This adds-up te a class- will be that of the Associated dav, August 22nd. Delegates room audience alone of about Country Women of the World from this district should have one million students. Not taken in Toronto beginning this week. somne interesting stories to teil inta account are numerous shut- Twelve ladies frorn the Bow- on thir~ return. in students in hospitals and mnanville Women's Institute will . . other institutions across the be attending on Canada Day. country anSI many aduits who August 2lst, and we understand YOU TOO CAN HAVE tune in ta hear such productions there wilî also 'oe representa- POWER AND SUCCESS as Shakespeare's Julius Caesar ton l.s ndoiblyn oHerspin w anyone can be a failujre and Macbeth. ton .L' an posiby oher inthis age is really a mystery. The great growth in the CBC's from this district. Anvone who can read anyway school broadcast classroom au- Native costumes cf the dele- Ney"er was there sa much help dience is reflected by figures gates attending this world con~- available for the timid man, the shnwing that more than twelve ference. held in Toronto for the girl with the gravel voice,' the thousand English- language first time ta the best of our lazv wha only need their minds schools in Canada are now knowledge. should form a glit- awakened ta soar ta the success equipped with radios, an in- tering picture. -Already twa la- of a $25,000 a year job. crease of more than seven thau- dies from Cevien. wearing their sand over 1949. Th,- CBC school native saris,. have 4rrived. One Power and success, a new dy- broadcasts are now in their i.c ady oomra~wmy wosenamic personality are al ta be eeet eradteporm Ls ad v oomrasamywhoefound between the covers 0fofin levae planned anytempoths i husband for the, past four years nmrblebosalpie taaepandmn otsi has heen deput,\ high commis-nueaebksaiprcdta advance by the CBC and the Na- ssioner in England for Ceylon. few paltry dollars. One suggests tional Advisory Council an She believes stronglv in the ta what may be holding you Sho racsig h on help and understanding whîch bak sa lw-pay speakingicil includes representatives ofr cao be given te countries in1 voice." Horrors! We'll have te each of the ten provincial de-1 need of assistance, through suchi get rid af that. And it can be partments of education and international organizations asl done withaut slitting yaur teachers' organizations.t that eof the Conintrv Women o thraat. Just clip the coupon, flo Ec er hNB pou the Worid, because they can ogaton, e. anei more than twelve hundredt work %vith people directly and Aohrofrsamgei school hroadcasts, with content need not depend oin gcvernment personality, instantly. This is of the programs generally re-t ch an nc s. hardly fair. Surely those around lated te same phase of the school ' These .conferences are held you shauld be given some warn- course on some aspect of lifef everv three years and include, ing, otherwise they will be fail- nCad.Thsccsafhe here at least, the Federatedin under yaur speli like sticks broadcasts is the resuit of a hlghs Woien's Institutes cf Canada of cerdwood. degree of co-operation been and Les Cercles de Fermieres~ of Stl nte re Sta the departments of educatian, Quebec. The f irst WlI. in the Think, and Grow Rich. Now tetahrteCCadpi mworid xvas formed at Stanev there is an incentive te stir tetah,,teCCadpi Creerk, On tarie, anftithis s tthase sluggish grey celis. 0f vanteopearetffithed nation, wil b viitd b te dleatspo cour se, this is anly of use if you andth _paretsofthe,_ation whil be seed te deleghes have a brain ta begin with . Or parnt xviiibrved ea . there is the great power of in- B T 1T parnt l.brach creased vacabulary which will BETH LNY Climax of the cenfcrencewill 1,ad you ta the top. ____ be thie presentatien of the great Weli cf course, it's ail very Rcn iioswt r.J Canl adi hstrcal pagea u well te laugh at the great dlaims Davis and Mrs. H. Bristow were Mapi Lef Grdes. rîdyof these advertisemnents. We Mrs. George MacBurnie, Eldora- wauld ail be successful in the d~Ms hd ontn r busnes an soialwordsif Hilliard Davis and family, ail of only we would buy and try. The 'Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. C. fact of the matter is, however, Clarke, Brockville, anid Miss P re ore that there is sufficient truth ifn Joan Bristow, Bewdley. re, some of these self-help books ta mnake aur grins a littie lop-sid- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stinson and for rm their extravagant dlaims. ing Mr. and Mrs. Perey Mante. We dan't know what a low-- Mns. Elizabeth Patton and son pick gripay speaking voice is, but proh- Bobby, St. Thomas, with Mr. abiy it isn't very pleasant fort and Mrs. Bruce Ryley and Mn. ft aM >%o'others te listen ta. It can be and Mrs. Reg. Edmunds. n ~trained ta be more pleasant, and Some improvement is report- we suppose if you are trying ta ed for Mr. Arthur Flack, who flow influence people as a salesman has been iii at his home in the is, more effective. We're a littie village. dubiaus about that magnetic Master Randy Longlield is in persanality. What a nuisance it Mt. Brydges holidaying with his iwould be anyway, having a gnandmother, Mrs. M. Longfield. crewd cf people following one Mrs. Hilliard Bristow and son about like the Pied Piper. Ne- Allan spent last weekend in Co- vertheless. possible faults might bourg with her husband, Pte. be pcinted out which your best Hilliard Bristow, who is station- friends wouidn't dare tel you. ed there with the R.C.0.C. Be A Rockefeller Miss Lautra Hutchinson, To- ronto, is visiting with Mr. and Think and Grow Rich. th~at Mrs. Herb. Kennedy, v stirs aur curiesity, which is ex- Miss Marie Lowery, Lake- actly what the titie is meant tevîew, was gucst of Mr. and Mrs. do. If we can get hold of this Leonard Driver. bock, look eut for the resuit.s. With Mr. and Mrs. Charles Here too, however, we eopect Reynolds was their daughter, there is a sound basis, even Air-woman Peggy Reynolds, though miracles do not aften Lac Ste. Denise, Que., also Air- happen. Nevertheless, wc could womnan Chris Johanneson, Win- do with a lot more people think- ing, supposing they neyer gotnîpeg, Man. rc.The minds of great masses O hrdyecxgavr rich.enthusiastic Canservative gath- ~~ ~of people have gane into a tor- eigwas hedathhoef Wrt ...Hlz-- par brought on by picture books Mr. nd r.Rbr isn h Crpn ofand televisien. Anything thatM. nMr.RbtSisnTh Canad Lid.will make uis think is gaod. And spacious ]awn was decorated Cda LfdS.., 20* with calored lights and the Dupont Si., WHITE who kncws? Our mînds may be speakrstbew arciv Toronto 4, VNG osiuae htw iii-wt baskets of gladioli. Mr. vent a better mause-trap and.Ssn, hoitePriet plckling rocipe As therebybcoesri ch! 0r f the Manvers Township Con- booklot. A a nrae oauay servative Association was chair- ~f~' we are ail for that. Neyer, sure- man and welcomed the many V-22 fly, since this countryemrd guests. Alex Carruthers, Gar- tram the difficulties of pioncer- den Hill, County President, ing in the bush mlith littie or no spoke briefly and Charles Ste- phenson. candidate for Durham ICounty, gave the main address. The program included sangs by Ralph Preston, Ted. Spenc- ley, Verona and ,iunc Snandr- aur vocabularieR. Let us neyer forget that aur western world is the land of Ha- ratio Alger, where anything can happe, andusually for the best, UOUXLqO LCOm 4fU ktWU q5cOd~,J?" thank goodncss. On with the - will. 'vT 'n'hen voit need i elp in a hurry, vou reach for vour telephone . .. Think of the difference it makes -just k'nowing your telephone is there. rea<iv ta serve vou in any emergenc&. No In" van feoaure its usef ulneu4 THE OELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Prodcied by bmparlal Tobcco Company of Canaida,- Limited jas a public service LeLter Reveals Dire Conditions Under Which People Live in Russian Occupied Eastern Zone of Germany July 26, 1953 numerous people wbo for a long Dean Mn.. timie back were not gnanted any I arn taking the apportunity rationing cards. They were la. af writing you same uncensored bclled as "formerly indepen. lines. You were saying in your! dent-," in contrast ïa the "work. last letter ta Mr... that vo ing class". In months such out- can make neither head nor tail casts had not seen any fats, su- gar etc., for these tbings are nal of what is actually going an in: available on-the "free market"'. the Russian zone of East Ger- inc h e ocsi many. after the revoit they were given Well, it is very simple. After' back their rationing cards, but ail these years ot servitude and the ailotments are close ta noth- hunger, the workers had enough ing. Even for money there is of it and boiled over. For years ne butter. margarine or su g a and years they have been trick- in the H O shops. cd with a system of an enforced In the small court yard of the higher output ("ýnorms") whilo big apartment (Mietskas- the wages were lawered. For in- erne) in which we are living in stance: if a warker had ta pro- the big city of . , ., we have man- duce a unit of 100 a week,' there aged ta keep a few hens. This appeared ail of a sudden a so- j vas fine. Aillof a sudden, we calied 'activist" (communist' received the order to deliver bireling) wbo brake this record! 400 eggs. This was, of course. im- by producing 110 units and 50 possible. Thank God. as a resuit on. At once, by decree. the norm of the general revrit, the order was raised ta 110 units, but the h as been revoked since. worker got flot a raise of l0<',ý I1arn writing with a Kob-i- inbi made 2%Ifohe wags. iu-inoor pencil which 1 was iucky he mde % mre wges Fi enoîigh to buy ju.t bv chance nally, aIl the norms in any plant1 for a lot et monev. There are no production, by geneial decree, i pencils of any kind on the mar- were raised by 101 but flot s5 ket. ne pins, no~ tacks, no nails, the wages. This ended up by the ne, srews or batteries for flash- warker taking home iess mouîey liehts. In the streets, at any than before. t niie of the day, long lines stand The newlv conceeded alievia-! in [rent of the stores. For miik, tiîops after the revoit have flot net much better than skim wvorked yet, an the contrary the: ifc, you pay two marks (= ià$) food conditions are worse than a quari,ýt and have ta stand in line. ever. In the H O shops (state Briquettes cf soft ceaI on cou- ;hops) there is no butter norpnsaeaiur One has ta ,argarine an sugar te be had.i Put up wvith soe , red brawnish This was especially bard on the coa!. it is dear and smouiderq in FREE. ADMISSION the stove leaving nothing but Wisdom aliows nathing ta bei than what he has withjn hime soatini the pipes. If thene is a gaod that will not be sa for- self; no mnan ta be great or pow.. littie cheese, yau have ta stand vrnomnt ehpybteflhaiso atrofim in line. To get same fish, I had hevertfa madno t er happy but serful thiat sntmse.fhm Ita stand in line for two hourshettnesfiotrhapesslf-eca and a haîf. Everything graws intoaproblem Only few envel-1 . @ e. e . opes are allotted. The list of wbat ane can't buy goes an and: For Live Paint Protection and Beauty on. 9 Recently cases of spinal polio broke out. This m,)y have been -the reason why anc lemon per -head was distributed. It wasa sensation, a solitary case and -people grew quite deliriou$! -about it. The strikes in most of *the plants were very serious. * t Many of aur voung people *think of escaping ta West Ger- smany, but are lurcd naw by the i concessions ta sit and wait. They HU E P treasan that it can't go on like -that indefinitely and a change sis in the offing as the resuit of rthe latest happenings here and in Moscow. The population in the communist dominated count- tries bas overcome boishevism. They are tbrough with a systemn that can't be kept up but by ter- ron. As soon as the curbs are loosened a littie, revoit breaks out. Howevcr, those in power do not seem ta realize yet that banknuptcy is just around the corner and that their scheme The famnous Sun-Pn.,of Two-Coat House Poiet gives you doesn't wark any longer. Maybe Iong-termn praperty insuroice that yau can't aifford ta over- it is like under Hitler: they stick look. No longer is 'f necesi cy to spend extra maney for ta their jobs as their onlv alter- that third coat o! point--you save cost of paint and native. But it becomes more labor. You need have no feor of resuits when you and more abviaus that Malen- kov, Grotewohl and their asso- redecarate with Pitburgh Points. ln many ways they are diates are dancing on a velcano. better than pro-war quality, With kirtdest regards T 1C KE TS J. Ho ADERNETHY TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamnship JURY <VL Painît and Wallpaper Store J R & O E L 85 KING ST. W. PHONE 431 Bowmanville L1.5 King St. W. - Phone 778 _____________________________ Bownanville Canadlian AU DO WMAN VILLE Drac Legi'on ST Featurtng A Mart Kenney Show Unit in a One Hour Show from7 m 8p.m. 1With such Stars as GERRY LEADER Hilarîous Comedian and Master of Ceremonies REX'SLOCOMBE MARY DEMERS Sensational Contortionist and Acrobatic Dancer Canada's Top' Magic - Card Tricks Magician LEN MOSS - Sleight-of-Hand Outstanding Accordionigt BOO3DTHS - AMES B INGO Feature Draw u 1953 Ponti«ac 4-door Laurentian Draw to be made at 12 EVERVONE WELCOME .l£ý 15UWMFiNVIILE, ONTARIO 1 THE CANADIAN STATESM.jký7- r-ttlWMAM'%MýT-IF ewrA-nire% HIGH SCHOOL GROURDS EVERYONE WELCOME