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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1953, p. 5

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'rHURSDAY. AUIGUST 13. 195,1H AAINSAEMN OWAVLE NAU AEFV 'veae Social and Personal Mr. Frank Pattison of Seghill, Northumnberland, England, is visitîng with hiz sisten and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen ..ecent guestr witb Mr. and Mns. Marsball Pickering and family were Mr. and Mrs. H. Peers and Rona]d, af Udora; Mr. and Mrs. C. Picker1ng of Zephyr and Miss K. Lester of Toronto. Miss M. E. Warren and Mrs. Hershey of Buffalo are visiting with Mrs. Ross Dickinson and Mrs. Fred Cowan. Misses Darlene Bowen and Beverley Riekard spent the weekend at the Bonathan cot- tage at Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Allin spent Wednesday of last week in Lansing.' Master Ronald Peers ofi Udira, spent- a weck*s bolidays with Dayrell and Graham Pick- ering. Mn. and Mrs. D. W. Williams1 and Nancy of Bowmanville, vis- ited on Sunday evening witb Mn and Mrs. Gardon Agnew. For Expert, Fast SHBO0E SERVICE bring your shoes te HOLUBENKOS Shoe Supply Store KING ST., NEWCASTLE Best Materials and Guaranteed Workmanshlp Miss Sharon Dudley of To- ronta, is visiting with ber aunt and uncle, Mn. and Mrs. George Walton. Miss Edna Car vetb af London, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Cecil R. Carveth. Mn. Howard Quinney is vaca- tioning this week at a cottage on Lake Scugog. Mn. and Mrs. Marshall Pick- ering bave just, rrturnnd fnrnm a holiday at Thelgar Bay Ladge at Yaung's Point. Mn. and Mns. George Kim- baIl and family spent the week- end at the Ogden cottage on Lake Chernong. ,ýMn. and Mrs. John Evely and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Evely o! Coîborne, spent the weekendi witb Mn. H. T. Manes and farn- ily. Mn. and Mrs Norman Allun and family of Orono, were Sun- day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. George Crowther and family. Ted Cooper of Oshawa, is spending a holiday witb Mn. and Mvrs. George Kîmbaîl and fam- ily. Mn. and Mns. Jack Gloven and family, Oshawa, spent Thursday with Mn. and Mns. George Crow- ther and family. Mn. Chas. Corinaldi ai Belle- villp. visited witb Mrs. Gea. Smith on Sunday and called on Mn. and Mns. Geo. Stapleton, Ncwtonville. Mns. George Smith attended the Decoratian Service at Lake- view Cemetery, Newtonville, on Sunday aitennoon. Mn. and Mrs. Dîck Anderson and Ritchie of Oshawa, are spending their vacation at the Butler cottage, Newcastle-on- the-Lake. "Arn I neally the first girl you've really kussed, John?" "Yes, darling tbough, natural- ly I've reheansed witb others." $~oô1i . QonM±o/ JWe Ms ny 40 pounds but pocks plenty of Powerl NelIUres new PUSH-BUTTON NEUTRAL CLUTCH wllh positive, sm@th Oc- l ion. Famous Mercury yeors aheod" engineering . .. full R.. verse, Uni-Cuit Ont-Pioe .Gour l4ousing, Vari-Timn.d Volves, Wa- $25 lo trpreef Jvlgnto and Soork Plugs-ond Full J.weled Poer% LANDER HARDWARE Phone 774 New Better than ever FRIGIDAIR-E "Thrifty 30" Electric Range Only 30", wide-but big in everythingr that counts! Model I . JRs-35 is fully automatie, has -f a mo us Cookmaster Oven Clock Control. Cooking-top L a mp, Timer and Storage O Drawer. $297 *Lifetime por- celain finish, inside and eut *Radiant u be coeking units *AII-steel, one- piece cabinet *Sliding, a d - Justable, tip- preef shelves W a 1 s t-h 1 g h broiler IAise see the Model Rs-30 .*. . without Cookmaster, -only $269.75 Liberal Trade-in Allowance -Easy Terms Mason & Dale 36 KINO ST. E. PHONE 408 F - - - -il Phone 31111 STARK VILLE Mn. and Mns. Charles Halt and family, Toronto, visited Mrs. F. Stone. Mrs. Westhcuser entertained ber Sunday Scboot class at Port Hope beach, Wednesday of last week. Mn. W. A. Hallowell, Newton- ville, visited at Mn. Morley Robinson's last woek. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and family, spent Sunday at Healy Falls, witb Mn. and Mrs. Harold Little. Miss Norma Hallowell bas ne- turned ta Toronto Mn. and Mns. M. Shutka wcre in Oshawa awing ta the recent passing of Mns. Sbutka's mother. Sympathy is extended ta thern. Mn. and Mrs. L. Bannes and family, Bowmanville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Victor Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. A Dabsan visit- cd Mr. and Mns. Thos. Falls, Kendal, Sunday evening as also did Mr. and Mns. Llew Hallaw- lli. Mn. and Mrs. E. Shier, Toron- ta, spent the week-end at Mn. Lloyd Hallowell's. The shipment of blankets fon Shilob W.A., arnivcd last week and tbere will be a fine num- ber ai blankets for the annual bazaan. A few fnam the district attend- cd the Decoration service- at Lakcview Cemeteîv on Sunday. Mn. Delbent Hallowell, Toron- to, visited Mn. Jake Hallowell, recently. Robent and Jim Westheuser arc spending a fcw weeks at Boys' Camp at Torrance, On- tario. MAPLE GROVE Sunday Scbaol on Sunday at 10.30 a.m.; church service at, 11.45 a.m., wbcn a representa- tive from the Bible Society will occupy the pulpit. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Lord, dau- ghters Shirley and Dian, Toron- ta, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman. Shir- ley and Dian remainecý for a longer visit. Miss Shirley Cny- derman retunned to Toronto with ber cousin on Saturday for a visit. Mn. and Mns. Sam, Castie and sons, Mrs. Blake, Peterboro, were Sunday visitons with Mrs. L. C. Snawdeni and Bob. Mrs. Albert Brown, Bill and Betty Ann, Hamilton, are visit- ing ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden. The children are attending the Vacation &;hool which is being held this week and next. Musie at the cburch service on Sunday will býi furnisbed by the "Harmonizers" from Ebene- zen, with Mrs. Lloyd Down as accampanist. Misses Jean Hctherington, Evelyn Goheen and Muriel Ste- yens are holidaying at the home of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Stevens for twa weeks. Tbey are lead- ing a Vacation Bible Sehool at Maple Grave with the assistance of sevenal local young ladies and have 56 hblîdren in attendance. On Wednesday, August l9th an open bouse will be beld irorn 7.30 ta 8.30 p.m. There will be a pnograrn by the cbildren and " display of their handcraft, ta xvhich the public are invited ta attend. W.M.S. met Wcdnesday with president Mrs. S, Morton in the chair. Rail eaul and minutes wcrc read. Business was conducted by Mns. S. Mortan. Reading by Mns. A. Laird, stewandship scc'y. Mrs. I. Munday taok charge of worship service, theme being 'Untradden Ways . Meditation and prayer by Mrs. 1. Munday. Program was taken by Mns. R. R. Stevens, tapie was 'Over the Air Waveî", known as the "Sat- urday Nîght Listening Club", taken by Mns. 1. Munday, Mrs. R .R. Stevens, Mns. H. J. Brooks and Mns. S. Marton. Is This Home é When you check uP, after a tire, wiII yen tnd your in- surance tee littie to cover the value of your household furnishings? It is better to do the check- lng now, betere the tire- and be sure et insurance sutticient te cever your lois. Stuart R. James INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phéne: Office 681 Res. 493 King Street- Bowrnanville S. S. No. 9, Clarke Weekend visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk wene Mn. and Mrs. Ken Fisk and family, Mn. J. Fisk, Baptiste Lake, Mn. and Mrs. Genald Fîsk and boys, Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Fisk and girls, ahl of Pontypool. Mn. Fred Fisk is holidaying with bis cousin, Lonne Fisk, Baptiste Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Jirn Tbompsan and Suzanne, Bowmanville, and Miss Marlene Laking, Newcas- tle, with Mn. and Mrs. W. Gib- son. Miss Mary Bowen, Longford Milîs, and Ronny and Sandy Garvock, Bowmanville, with Mns. F. Bowen. Sunday visitons with Mns. Boîven and Mr. Bert Bowcn were Mn. and Mrs. Dennis Gib- son and son, Mrs. Alden Gibson, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Y. Gar- yack, Bowmanville, Ray and Ricky Ketcbko, Newcastle. Mns. Bawen is spending a wcck witb Mrs. C. Caverly, Whitby. Mn. Bert Bowen is vis- itinga in Bowrnanville. Mn. and Mrs. Chris Banchard and Sharon, Newcastle, visited Mns. A. Fisk on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Bill Banchard and Lois, visited Mn. and Mme. Jack Rice, Bowmanville, West Beach. Mn. Bill Hunter, Lakeficld, is halidaying with Mi and Mrs. A. Turner. Mn, and Mns. Byron Brunt, Lindsay, Mn. and Mrs. Bill Gar- don and boys, Newtonville, and Miss Dianne Partnidge, Hamp- ton, with Mn. and3 Mns. W. Brunt.« Mns. R. Bnanch, Betty and Russell, visited ber relatives at Verona. Mns. J. Bnanch with ber sister, Mrs. Jacob Branch, Bowm-an- ville. Mr. and Mns. Clinton Aylen, Helen and Richard, London, visited Mrs. Branch. Visitons with Mn. and Mrs. H. Pedwell were Mn. and Mns. S. Rickand and family. Beaventon; Mn. and Mns. Ken Pedwell and family, Barrie; Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Pedwell and baby, Toron- ta. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. George Pethick, Toronto, spent the weekend witb Miss Bertha Tbompson. We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Mary O'Neil wbo was a Pa- tient at Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, bas recovered suffi- ciently to be able to, return home. Miss Lamna MePhersoîi, To- ronto, spent a few days with ber cousin, Mrs. Howard Ormistan. Ingrid and Pauline d e Smit are bolidaying with their grand- mothen, Mrs. M. Logeer, Hamil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lockhart, 1Bingham, N.Y., spent a few days with bis grandmother, Mrs. John Lancaster. Mr. John Paterson, Toronto. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormis- ton and two daugbters bave tak- en a cottage near Minden for a week. A good crowd dttended the Deconation Day service at New- tonville Lakeview cemetery last Sunday, many fram quite dis- tant points. Mn. Arnold Wade acted as chairman and intnoduc- ed the speaker, Rev. R. D. Camp- bell, Ajax. Mr. Campbell in bis remanks camplimented the peo- pie of this cammunity on thein welI kept cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Cole spent Sunday with frîends at Nonwood. Miss Jean Wade. Toronto,' spent a few days at Home. On Sunday, August 16 at 9!45 arn. a service will be beld in the United Church. Rev. Clare Kellogg of Coakstown will be the guest speaker. Miss Bannie Barton who bas a position in the office of the Oshawa Hospital, spent the weekend with heu parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len Banton. Mn. Cleland Lane bas bad bis bouse brîghtened up witb a fresh coat of paint. KENDAL Miss Margaret Jackson, Otta- wa, spent the week-end at borne with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jack- son. Dick Martineli is home again after spending a iew days in the Cîvic Hospital. getting bis armni e-set. Betier luck this time, Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer, Da- ,'id and Donnie, were Sunda-y guests of Mns. Luxon and Mar- ion. Mi&-, A. Brenetov,.i, Toronto, isi spending beu vacation with Mrs. F. Stoker. Alec Little, Toron to, spent the week-end at bis borne in Ken- da]. Mr. and Mrs. H. Reynolds spent Sunday at the summen cottage. Caesarea, where Peter bas been holidaying. Mrs. Russell Cockburn and Mrs. Bob Cockburn spent Mon- day in Hamilton visiting Bob. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waters <14k The 18th annual picnic., ai the1 Rundie Clan was beld at Hamp-1 ton Park on August 5j witb an attendance ai 61.1 Games were playcd and pnizes given ta the following: Girls' race 6 and under - BettyLau Rundle; Boys' race 6 and unden1 - Ricky Runidle; Girls' race 12 and undex' - Gloria Môon; Boys'. race 12 and under .- Ray Pick- ell; Men's 50-yd. das -. Don Rundie: Lady, ber -shoe the fanthest -- Mary Cann; lite- ky spot - Llfnda Rundie; eldest lady - Mrs. Frank Rundie, Oshawa; yaungest - Judith Manlene Trewirr; fnom farthest distance - Richard Osborne, Detroit. Treasure hunt and pea- nut scnamble for aIl was enjay- ed. About 6.30 al sat down toaa bountiful supper ending witb ail the waterrnelon they could eal. Officens for next yean: Presi- dent, John Oke;ý vice-président, Nelson Osborne; secretary, He- len Tewin; treasurer, Herb.! Runadle; table com. Ada Annis, Mary Cann;. sports corn., Lloyd Down, AIma Yelowlees. Il was decided te hold the 1954 picole at the same place on the last Wednesday o! Julýy. RICKARD PICNIC On Sattîrday. August Ist, oven 100 descendants ai the Rickard clan gathened at Omono Park for Ibeir annual picnic. While those présCent wenc enjoying.a baunli- fui supper and during the pre- sentatian o! the following special prizes, moving pictunes wcre taken whicb will be enjoyed in the years to corne. Brenton Riekard, Vice-Pres., conducted the preserîtation of special pnizes as follows: First family on grounds-Dr. and Mrs. Howard Rlckard and daughten Margaret, Part Coîbomne: Mrs. Fred Davies. Scarboro. Farnily coming longest distance-Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Clemence, Otta- wa. Lady with smallest waist- line-Mrs. Harold Syrnons, WeI- camne. Man with longest fore- head-Dn. Howard Rickard. The grandparent with most grand- children present-Mns. Inwin Allin who was very proud ai ber 12 grandehildren présent. Long- est mrmied couole - Mr. and Mns. Jack Ba.sneli, Port Hope, 44 yearg. Oldcst person-Mrs. Nor- man Rickard, Newcastle, 74. Sports pnograrn was under the direction ai Margaret and Joel Hockin, Camp Borden:- Pat and Orval Stinson, Cbcsley, and Myntle and Albert Peance, New- castle. A first pnize wvas given in each race and other contest- ants received a chocolate bar. Maving pictunes were also taken. at this tirne. Boys, two and und- er-Keith Allun; ginîs--Janice Richard; boys. 3 and 4-Hugh Allin; girls-Marilyn Stinson; boys, 5 and 6-Dennis Rudman; girls-Rutb Marie Werry; boys, 7 and 8-Donald Richard; girls -Faye Rudman: boys. 9 and 10 -David Werny; girls-Patsy Riekard; boys, under 14-David Richard; girls-Shirley Syrnons. Ladies' shoe-kicking contesl was won by Kay Powell, while Jack Allun won the men's bal- baon blawing. Tcarn winning the tug-of-war consisted ai Ken Werry. Charlie Clémence, Or- ville Stinson, Joe Hockin. Ken Peance, Bill Allun and Harold Symons. Manie Pedwell won the clothes-pin in the bottie cantest. A peanut seramble was eniovcd bv' the children. At the business meeting con- Gordon Agnew, Editor ma'ânvile for the past 30 years . He lived f irst in Montreal, then Toronto, befone coming to Bow- manville. The deceased, a butild- er by trade, was for some time owner of the Bowroanville Brick and Clay Produets Recently be assisted his son-in-law, Joseph Cooper, at bis service station on! King St. East. Mr. Booth enjy ed gardening and reading in his, leisure bours. He was a mcem-1 ber of St. Jlohn's Anglican Chunch, and of the Independent OrJer of Foresters. Funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. Warren N. Turner on Sundày, August 9, at the Northcutt & Smith Funeral Horne, Division St. Pallbearers wene Messrs. S. Candier, R. Clark, E. Wight, H. Casbourn,! W. Nîchals and W Ormiston. In- i terment was in Bowmanville' Cernetery.1 Surviving are bis wife, Fanny1 Booth, and one daughten, Iris f (Mrs. Joseph Cooper), Bowman- ville.l avisited Mn. and Mrs. John ThDrnpson. Bari and Ted Matheson have returned la Percy Burley's after baving a holiday at the Shel- ter's Summer Camp. M.and' Mrs. Chas. Roach, Stevie and Joyce, Alderwôod, visited ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wrn. Mercer. Chanlie retunned ilSunday evening and the nest staYed for a holiday. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Ross are visiting bis sister. Mrs. Wm. Jackson and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Couroux, Ray and Marie, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. Alvi*n Lowes, Pe- terboro, for the week-end. Mn. and Mrs. Wallace (Edith Bnown), Lindsay, visited friends in Kendal, recentl. L 'I<here was a large crowd in attendance at the basebaîl dance held in W. Menccr's barn Fni- day evening. A few tobacco growers started priming last weck but it will be general this week. With soi much nain recently ail cnops in this district are looking good. On Friday night, July 31, a shawer was beld in the Orange Hall fon Mn. and Mrs. Raymnond Woodward (nec Ruby Collett). Mr. Jack Stapleton, master of cenernonies for the evening, braught the young couple ta the platfonrn. Hiss Helen Hoy nead the address and Ruaby and Bar- ncy neplied in well chosen wonds. After lunch was served and the rnany beautiful gifts ad- mircd, dancing was resumed for the rest of the evcning ta music supplied by Mrs. Hantwell Low- ery, Chantie Cooper and Stan Hoy. Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Hamry Arch and family, Stneetsville, spent a weck with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Skelding. The Lake Shore Ladies K..S. & C. Club met at the borne of Mrs. Robin Alîdrea. Next meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Bill Lake. Miss Dorene Powell bas fin- ished ber summen course at Non- mal School, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Jack Holmes and family. spent the weekend witbý Mr. and Mns. Bob Sbupak, To- ronta. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred and farnily spent several days, sigbt-s.eeing at Ottawa and Kingston and other points. ]FAMILY REUNIONS RUNDLE PICNIC The Oro, Mr. E. R. Woodyard Was in Alton last week zo attend the funeral of his father, Mr. Wal- ter Woodyard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Behm and daughters, Oshawa, were recent visitors with Mrs. Behm's mother, Mrs. W. J. Lycett. Mrs. James Dickson visited Mrs. M. Johns, Long Sault, last week. Mrs. Cecil White and daugh- ter Gloria, Port Hope, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jonies and family.* Mr. John Tamblyn and Mr. M. Hall have returned from a trip to Quebec Mr. and Mrs. George Arm- strong and four childrn, Tim- Imins, were gùests of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong last week. Mr. Marvin Lunn and Mr. John Shetier, Oshawa, returned from a motor trip 1ast week to West Virginia, U.S.A. IMr. and Mrs. Donald Robb returned home last week from holidaying in England past two months. Congratulations to Miss Dawn Steckley, Oshawa, who was crowned Sueen of Niagara last week at Niagara Falls, Ontario. Dawn is a granddaughter of Mrs. John McCutcheon and late Mr. McCutcheon who lived onI 6th line of Clark. Miss Anna Mari e Sherwin and Miss Marion Boyd spent last weekend in Bala. Mr. Douglas McGee and Mr. Carmen Cornish returned home after spending a week at Deer Lodge, Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Scarboro, holidaying with his mother, Mrs. Cecil Powers and Mr. A. E. Clemence. Mrs. Cotter is,,,,ssisting at the Oronq Post Office during Mrs. V. Wilson's vacation. Mrs. C. E. Frenich, Oshawa, spent several days visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Murray and had as 1 Sunday visitors Mr.. Jim Wilson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Goheen, Margaret, Rose Mary and David, Bowmaniville; Mn. C. B. French, Oshawa. Mrs. Herb Burgess and ber daughten Laura spent several days in Toronto last week as Mn. Burgess had an operation on Friday in Western Hospital, Toronto, and is reported to be doing very satisfactony. Sunday v'sitors with Mn. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton and Jili Ch'apman were Mi». and Mrs. E. J. Hendenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Skinner and daughter, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Chapman, Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broome and sons, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hall and daughter, Toronto, have been staying at Mr. A. Cowan's cottage at the Park. Mrs. Margaret Fowler return- ed home ]ast week from visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Alldread, Ty- rone. Douglas Sherwin is spending a couple of weeks holidays with relatives at Wingham and Luck- now. Mrs. Ed. Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Hespeler Dean, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dean were in Toronto to the funeral of Mr. Henry (Harry) E. Austin, Toronto, Mrs. Ed. Dean is ,,taying with Mrs. Austin for a Êewydays'visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Collins, Ann and Mary, Fergus, visited Mrs. J. J. Mellor. Mrs. Milfred, Sherwin and son ducted by President Ken Werry, the nominating committee pre- sented the following siate of of- f icers for «1954: President-Bren- ton Rickard, Newcastle; Vice- Pres.-Kenneth Pearce,. Bright- ton; Sec'y-Treas.-Marie Ped- well, Newcastle; Management Com.-Bill and Eileen Allin, Stan and Kay Powell, Jack and Jean Holmes, Glenn aiid Jean Allin, Norman and Margaret Rudman. Rev. Roy Riekard, in his genial No. 1 6-qt. Basket 79Ç This Week's Pnice Newe Potatoes - 751h. 1.89 California Juicy REPEAT SPECIAL GRAPEFRUIT CA BRBAG E S1ize ForFirm OFor 100For25 Large 2i FRESH STOCKS - PRESERVING NEEDS EVERYTHING YOU NEED SEALERS- CROWN - MASON JARS Rubber Rings Zinc Rings Glass Tops Certo -Sugar Pickiing Sait Mixed Spices BuIk Mustard Pa rowax PEPPERS- CUCUMBERS - TOMMTES Dominion Stores Ltd. BQW MAN VI LLE no News Laurence are visiting ber sister Mrs. Chas. Reesar at ber cottage, Mountain Lake. Recent visitons witb Mn. and Mns. Russell Major were Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Wight, daugh- ter Ruby and two sons, London, Mr. and Mns. H G Major, Pen- ny and Lynn, Bawmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Stewart. Roe, sons Billy and Bobby, Stoufiville, Mrs. Roy Carey and farnily, Long Brancb, Mn. ând Mrs. Ernest Smith, Leaside, Mrs. E. Harmon, Aurora, Mn. and Mrs. Charles" Major, Mn. and Mns. Harold Ma- jor and Penny, Toronto. Mn. Charles and Mn. Bill Arm- strong, Mn. Dean West and Bob Robinson, Oshawa, retunned from a visit ta the States. Mn. ana ivirs. Milton Morris and Ross are helIidaying in Que- bec. Mn. and Mns R. R. Waddell are holidaying in Huntsville dis- trict this week. Mn. and Mrg. Hunny Cantrell,I Marlene and Susan, Mns. L. 7 King St. E. Be wmanville Latup and Timer Low Down Payment l PAGE F" Lunn and Bernice, Miss Darla Marie Palmer of Oshawa and Miss Edna Goode, spent last wcek at Morris' cottage View Lake. Miss Mureen McKenna and Miss Elleen Jones are holiday- ing at Milford Manon, Milford Bay. The swimming and water safety tests conducted each year by Onono Branch af the Red Cross are aven for another year. Mrs. Don Staples and Mr. W. W. Bagnell, Bowrnanville, instruet- ed the childrcn for several week.s and Mns. Phyllis Maody, Osh- awa, was the qualified Red Cross examiner. There were 75 enrolled many of whomn were classed as tadpsles and are not yet eligible for Red Cross awands. Howev',r there were 8 Beginners, 12 Juniors, 3 Inter- mediates and 4 Seniors who suc- cessfully passed thein tests and are ta be congratulated an their splendid efforts Mrs. Angus Watson, Mn. and Mns. Robert Chatons. Mrs. Gea. Chaters, Leskard, Miss Mary Thomson, Toron to, spent Sun- day witb Mn. and Mrs. Alex Watson. Miss Shirley Porter, R.N., Osh- awva, is spending hien vacation at home tbis week. S A Y E FrehrDailyWhite Sledo lano rw 5c RICHNELLO BREAD 14Ç 24 oz. loaf RED OHOE TOMATO SALMON j UIC E %98" 25ç.4Sfin 29Ç SKIM MILK - HI-LO 2-1b. LOAF 69Ç CHEESE WEEK-END SPECIALS ON FRUIT and VEGETABLES Sweet and Juicy - Size 288 Sunkisi O. 9 ORANGES2DO.4 YOUNG MAN WANTED Trai for Store Work. Apply, Manager, Dominion Stores, Bowmanville FREESTONE PEACHES FJRST 0F THE SEASON Fisher Variety THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, tOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO

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