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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1953, p. 7

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TMMSDAY, AUCUST 13, 1053 PWkiixu kd%;'P9VYA U3KVCa "ISII tlv% H a- 'i Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal- colmn visited Mn. and Mns. "Hap" -Gill at Chateau Wembley, Four Mile Lake. Mn. and Mrs, W. P. Corbett and Mns. H. Smythe attended the Barrie Ceatenay celebra- tions last week. Mn. and Mns. Stanley Malcolm Wvere Tuesday evening dinnen guests of Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa. Mrs. Jack Everett bas return-, ed from an enjoyable six weeks' 'visît with ber sister, Mns. Mat- tbews Brown, Oradell, N.J. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Woolley, Ivan, and Boyd, and Ted Ott, left on Aug. lst on a three weeks' motor trip to the West coast. Misses Eileen Spicer, Bever- ley Frank and Eleanon Leighton are spending the summen on the staff of Hotel Algonquin in AI- gonquja Park. Miss Lonna Fletcher is supply- Jng as onganist of Trnity Unit- ed Church for two Sundays wbile Mrs. Phyllis Challis Bar- rett is on vacation. Mn. and Mns. A. J. Jones and ber sister and brother-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. G. R. Meadows, Newvcastle, enjoyed several days' holiday at Morrisburg. Mrs. Wm. Whittaker bas ne- Sturned home to Newtonville after a short visit with ber daughter and son-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bradley. Mn. and Mrs. Wilfrid Cannu- -, thers, Betty and Robent, accom- pan led by Miss Joan Buttery eJoyeo1 a weekend moto ~u skoka and Algonquir Mr. and Mrs. Hector' bIonald, Toronto, who c rom London, England, inonths ago, are guests cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. Weekend visitors wi and Mrs. T. A. Morgani parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morgan, Hamilton; Mr. Manna, and Mrs. Kirby, ta. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey havc had as their guests Mrs. Jack Black, Shir] Herbert, Guelph, and ti phew, Mr. Ronald Cunnx R.C N., Halifax. 'vr. and Mrs. Lewis k;.mJl4.a and Betty Lou, rvis. Rundle's mother, Hynds, at Bolton. She, anied them on a motor wasaga Beach and poiri Wayne Venning, Bla 'Was the winner of twc ta the double-header1 game played by the Toror pie Leafs Sunday ina sponsored by the Town Leagzue. Mr. and Mrs. Norman1 Onillia, their son A. B. Dc ger, R.C.N., and theirn Bolb Badger, Mount Albe Ited Mr. Badger's broti- and Mrs. Gordon Badg Igunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Johns ed a week's holiday m through Wester-n Ontar turning Saturday to tait daughter and son-mn-la% and Mrs. Ron McDopE Ilosedale where they are hioning this week. Mr. and Mrs. Owen N~ &ncl Glenys, Mrs. Annette span and Mr. and Mrs.i Plumnier, visited Montrei ing the week-end. The: guests of Mr. Archie Lai the Seville Theatre, Mo on Saturday night. Mrs. F. W. Bower hw on vacation ta the West where she will visit Mr. ai ST. JOHN'li CHRURCHI (Anglican) REGULAR SERVICE, at 8 a.m. and Il a.m TRINITY t Minister. UNION SERVII UNITED CH' Il A.M. - "Why WeD Due to alterations tl tMr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director of Mr. T. B. (Bert) ThomjI and family, Lakewood, Ohio, vfsltIng Mr. Archie Thompso Mrs. E. W. Rundie, Toro was a weekend visitor with end Mrs. Percy Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wil Weston, were Sunday guest. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James Linda and Terry Baker, ç Ileýevisiting their grandj IeP Mr. and Mrs. Charles h WESLEY VILLE Thresbiag operations bave he- gua as well as mucb combla ing of fail wheat, and spring grains. Sunday aftennoon's torrential downpour of ra;n effectually stopped field operations long eaough to give everyone an op- portuaity to vote for the candi- date of bis choice. Will Reside in Bowmanville pson ,are Dnto, Mr. son, ts of Soli- [par- Non- -Photo by Alpha Studi o :or tripini There was son-e bail at the n Park. height of the Storm and light- W d î g W. Mac- nmng put some wiring out ofec li g came out commission at E. Barrow- 1several clough's, as well as the tele- ts of his phone, and the telephone at R. W. Tait. Best's. ith Rev. Last Sunday marked the end were his of Rev. Mr. Harçling's holidays sT. H. and service will be resumed W. E. next Sunday morning. The su- ,Toron- perintendent was in charge of Suniday School as usual, with Singular Mrs. Arnold Thorndyke in HAMER BUTTERY low roses. Mr. Yosk Okura, To- Mn. and charge of tWe primary class in Trinity United Church was Fonol e e mn. e rey and the absence of Berniece Best, the scene of a very pretty wed- iolowing the crmn e ther n- ad Mrie Asti techig te dngon Saturday afternoon, Au- ception was held on the lawn ningham, beginners. Bible Class teacher. gust lst, when Joyce Elaîne en tsh eond Stf the bride's r Clarence Nichoils, led the dis- Butterv, daughter of Mr. and ent,7 eco d r.,te ofink Rundie, cussion on Christian aggressive- Mrs. T. W. Buttery, Bowman- mohr wearing a drss fpi visited ness. ville, became the bride of Hugh nylon jersey wîth white acceg- Mrs. J. Helene Barnowclough ýrrived Donald Hamer, son of Mr. and sories and corsage of pink raccorn- home from Algonquin Park on Mrs. D. E. Hamer, Brooklin. The roses. She was assisted by the r tip o T2sdy mrnig, ndassisted cenemony was performed by groom's mothen who wore a its west. at the reception following the Rev. Harold A. Turner, agaînstgrnan wit grdnyo aktcRutherford wedding in Col- a background formed by baskets dress with white hat and ac- cstciborne on Saturday afternoon. of ednMacadFrn- cessories, and corsage of red ticket s On Sunday morning accompan- s Wedgldiong Mrs.chyanliendha- roses. basebali hngail.Ms hli hi )nto Ma- ied by Marianne Rutherford, lis 'Barrett played thao wedding The bride and groom left on a draw She left by car for a trip music, and Mrs. Ray Lathangue a wedding tnip to Ottawa, and Hok thraugh the States and Mexico. was soîoist. Iwill nesîde at 169 Hopedale Ave., Hcey Thy will return to resume their Gvni araeb her Toronto. The groom holds the Bdeduties as teachers in the school Giver tenibrni ag eby i position of assistant accounitant ýonBad fo th def a Belevlle an afathr e th bride laeloveinat the Thermos Bottle Co., To- pauger ifor h deaf a BHvleo adafoooegh ono lc vrronto. Before lber marriage the nBd pbicsholinSaroo white satin. A boiero jacket of eph, s Visitons during the past week lace with' tiny stand-up colar bride was an employee here of îeMr. have been: Mr. and Mrs. Don and long sleeves which came tothBamrlHe. ie, Conby, Donna and Teddy of To- a point over the band, was wonn Prion to her marriage, the Ige, o rotowit M. ad Ms.'. As-oveir the strapless bodice. The bride was guest of honor at a tin; With Mrs. L. Toppin-Mr. full skirt featured panels of miscellaneous shower , at the 9enjoy- and Mrs. Reynolds, Belleville; tiered lacc, and feli into a grace- home of Miss Blanche Crowe, ~ooigMrs. H. Taylor, Cobourg; Mrs. ftL train of white net at the EgnS. omnilwe rio, ne- P. Arden, Newcastle - under - back. Her full lengtlh veil of number of ber former school :e their Lynne, England; Mr. and Mrs. tulle* illusion was caught to a frie.ids were present and many tw, Mr. G. Crouch and Miss W. Crouch, coronet of pearîs, and she car-1 lovely gifts received. She was iad, to Wieston; Mn. and Mrs. A. Reid, ricd a cascade of red roses, also entertained by Toronto ývaca- Port Hope;, Mr. R. Mornison Miss Joan uty was ber -red takthnsoe Greenshields, Alberta; Miss P. rdsad.waigawhen she was the necipient of ficholas . Dobson, Montreal; Mr. and Mns. forlnt tals ono many useful articles. eBuck- J. ,deLong, Miss A. Siblick. Miss forlnt tals ono Orland Joan Farrow, and Mis. K. M. paL' bg lue et foversaffCenta. WLIAIS- AE ai dur- Toppin, Judith and Janet, To- Mthn -le lxesacn- WLIM AEO y' were nonto; Mns. J. R. Hill, Tarny- cd the ncckline of the bodice, unie at town, New York. over ivhich xvas boî-n a brief At Zion United Chunch Sat- ontreal, Mrs. M. E. Toppin, of England, matching bolero. Her beaddress urday afternoon. Aug. lst, Jean who bas been visiting xith ber was a bandeau of flowers match- Bell 'Cameron, daughter of Mr. s gone sister, is spending a few days in ing those on her gown, and she and Mrs, Refond Cameron of t coast Coboconk and Toronto. carried a cascacte of Joanna Hill Zion, became the bride of Grant rîd Mns. Mrs. A. Glover, Oshawa, spent rnos es, Sulas Williams, son of Mrs. Har- the past week with her sister, Mr. Allister Cordx-, Brooklin, old Quarry of Hampton. Mrs. P. Holdaway, and the performed the dluties of best Mauve gladioli formed the Cabbs of Rochester visited with mani, andcI Mr. Charlie Hamer, background for the ceremony Mn. Snell's on Sunday. Brooklin. brother of the groom, penformed by the Rev. Fred 'Sand Mr. Glen Butter ' , Bowýman-. Reed. The wvedding music was ville, brother of the bride, acted played by Mrs. Edwin Wood Duning 1952 the value of woV- as ushers. withi Mr. Keith Wood as soloist. en rayon cloth imported into A reception followxed, iield in I The bride was given in mar- Canada reached a record total the Lions Community Centre, nage by her father. She wore of $16,112,112.00, compared with Be<-ch Ave., where the bridc's a strapless gown of net and lace $9,290,266.00 in 1951. motner received the guests o'er satin. Insets of nylon net sNothing is cheap that is super- , wearîng a dress of navy net 1 added interest to the redingote n. fluous, for wbat one does no v.-r taffeta \vith white acces- of Chantilly lace which was jnéed, is dean at a penny.-Plu- ty wt malVncln tanch. ~~~sorics arnd corsage of xvhite 1 ld ihasml ncln tarch. munis. The groom's mother also and covered buttons to the waîst. received, wearing a dress of Heî fingertip veil of tulle illu- ros2 crepe with navy accessor- sion was held by a peani studded ie, and corsage of gardenias. Jtilict cap and she carried a cas- MIT~~~II ~For their wedding trip in the cd frdrss UnitedU Statc.s. the bride chose Mvrs. Bert Hoskins wbo was INITcostume of tw0- jmatron-of-honor for ber sister ipiece greY shantung with white xvore aqua lace and taffeta. Theý Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A.acssie.O thx-runte other attendant, Mrs. Elder 1 appy couple will aeterDwwsiylo.Thr hovic at 63 lIari-onyRdSot on eei-t,:lndsg. Oshawa. Guests atne h oeo opeetdtelc xvcdîn fnm Cex-lan, Olo;bodices which were styled with London, Ont.; Toronto, Bobcay- eluso etdts adte CESWIH T.PA LS geon and Brooklin. Td two si-all matching bats and car- URC AT TRIITYDOWIVING - (LAYTON ,rîed haif-cascades of pink roses. IURI T RNT Their jewelry was peani neck- I In a quiet ceremony at St. lae n en do anns Paujl s United Ch1-urch mnanse, M lnWliaswsbs Boxvmanville, on Jîîlv 18, Ethel; - lnWllaswsbs r Mri. dîîhtr o M. nd vî and the ushers were Mr. Allan William Clavi.on, Bow- Eilmer.Dw n n.Cifr ) on'l Gel fo Heaven" manville,was united in mr niage wt Alan George Wl A reception was held in the Iing, son of Mn. and Mrs. Fred L'ý.A.WÀ,. Hall wbere the bride's iDowling. Toronto. Rex-. Harold mother received wearing pow- hfere wiIl be no Sunday School A. Turner performed the cere- der blue crepe. The bride- until Fail. monv-.- groom's mother xvbo assisted 1 The bride ivore a pink linen i was in mauve. Both wore navy suit iri double breasted style jbIne accessories and corsages of ,vith w0iite bertha collar andý g ladiolus petaLç. whîte accents at the cuffs. With Mr. and Mrs. Williams wbo Iit shre wore a white straw b at' xiii ma ke their home in Zion Phyllis Challis Barrett. xxijth black voix-et tnirn and cor- left for a wedding trip to points sage of pink roses. Miss Doneen! iorth and west. For travelling Musc. .T..M. Oranit. Rahm, Bowmanville, was ber the bride was weaning a pale f Muic. A.TC.M, Oganst. attendant, wearing a gnev flan- green dress with a beige duster inel suit.,xwhite stnaw bat and and a feather hat trimmed with accessories and corsage of y ci- nhinestones. PHONE 3303 SSOCIAL AND PERSONAL sbipment. Mn.WitObaa itGn itaO R Sumto fsel "q MeCOMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Vol SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Castor Oul regula'40e 29c THE ADHESIVE BANDAGE TH AT STICKS j BETTE R- 1LONGER I 19c*40c-59c k Dial Soap New îow pnice 15c, 2/29c Jeanette Talcum - - - - 22c, 2/43 Mercolized Wax - - - - - 89c Summer Hair Care Hudnut Mar-velous Shanpoo -------75c, $1.25 Suave Hain Dressing 60c, $1.00 Helen Curtis Spray Net -----51.75, $2.75 I.D.A. Cocoanut 011 Shampoo, 4, 8 oz. 33c, 49c Negtie Colorinse 15c, 39c, 79e Hollywood Wave Set Special , -- 50e value 35e FIy-ToxA Boînb-- Aerosol -~ ----------9 Fly-Tox Spray 35c, 59C. 98e Green Cross Aerosol Bomb --89c, $1.39 Green Cross Insecticide - 40c. 60c, 99e Tat Ant Traps 35c, 3 for$l.00 Idasal Tablets relief from Pain 25c, 39c, 89c SLEEP TO-NIGHT il RELIEVE NERVOISMESS MU»AY TO-MORROWI SEOICIN toblets toker, according to directions is a saf. woy to induce sle.p or quiet the nerves when tene. .SE[DCIý,f Dffg Stores O.IyI iver Colgate DENTAL CREAM Special Save 17c Limited Time- Only Two 33c tubes - 49c làD. A. BRAND SPECIALS 5gr. - 100's Evelyn Howard C old C re a e gua16 89cz., Flaxseed rWg 35gco.,-29c Olive 011 reg. 35c 27c Penetrating Liniment reg4c 37c HAY FEVER RELIE VERS Allergitabs ---------------O-------, $2.50, $7.00 CiasPyribenzarmine, 12's -------65 Cushioned Face-Elle - --------------------------- 23C, 2/45e Ephazone Tablets--------- - ------ $1.65, $2.75 Idaphedrin Aqueous Nose Drops --_,65e Frosst's Pyrithen Compound Tablets --- - ------ - 65c, $1.90 Lantigen "E" - oral vaccine -----_----- ------ ---------- 6.06, Parke-Davis Gluco-Fedrin -------------- 5 Schering's Coricidin Tablets -------- ----- _60c, $1.00 Templeton's Raz-Mah----- -------------------65c, $1.35, $5.00 16 oz., IT'S HEREI -fabulous new LOTION SHAMPOO Use New 4!/ "slampoo . tonght-and tomorrow your hair wiII be sunshine bright. THREE SIZES $1.25 é75é 45e - ' Drugs Phone 792 Melville at Victonia, and othen friends and relatives en route. Mrs. M. J. Hutchinson is taking Mrs. Bowen's place at the Pub- lic Libnary during this peniod. Mrs. Walter Snider, Courtice, and Mns. Reg. Somerville, Mark- barn, bave returned from an en- joyable motor trip to Prince Ed- ward Island. They netunned by the scenic route through New Hamnpsbire taking la the won- denful view fnom the top of Mt. Washington. The girls bad it aIl their owa way last week at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville. Out of a to- tal of sevea babies bora, six were girls. Admissions numbened 26 and discharges 30. Five major and seven minon operations were penformed, and 11 emergency cases wene treated. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Dudley spent a pleasant holiday week- end at Ippenwash on Lake Hu- ron, and attended the March Past and cbunch service at tbe Boys' Cadet Camp wbene their son C.S.M. Noel Dudley is la training. They also visited witb Mrs. Eccleston at ber cottage, Grand Bend, and Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Cole, Kitchener, "Hap" Palmer of Bowman- ville took first place in Class 2, racing runabouts, 22 honsepow- er, at the Bewdley Regatta held on Wednesday of îast week. He also took third place. in Class 6, stock utilîty runabouts, 25 horse- powen. Phil Haradea of Boxv- mativille won lst place in the race for A17 cu. la. class rua- abouts.1 Lions Club (Continued from Page One) lyet the Lions neyer stopped jok- ing and laughîng. Bllly Wade Entertaining Next item on the agenda was a short pnognam by Mns. Wade and ber son Billy. -While Mrs, Wa de accompanied hlm at the piano, Billy first sang and then played the set of drums whicb bas made bim locally famous, He may turn out to be a veny good singer, but at preseat any sînging talent which be possess- es is fan overshadowed by the amazing sense of nhythm wbich be shows. To be able to play so well at the age of five yeans, little Billy Wade must sunely be some sort of pnodigy. Wbije be was playing bis drums and cow- belîs, Billy was enjoying him- self as mucb as we eajoyed list- eaing to hlm. He looked al arouad the room looking at the expressions on the faces of bis rapt audience and watching the Guide Moms dlean the tables. He finisbed with wbat migbt be described as a cute little bow and a big gnin. When Lion Pres. Barney Van- stone asked for guests to be in- tnoduced, Lion Tail-Twister Wally Braden presented bis brother-in-law, Lion John Brown of Arnprior-Bowmanville-Toron- to. My grandfatben, Lion Bill Yeo, introduced yours truly. stating that 1 was substituting for the negular reporter, Ron Abbott, wbo was covering the federal election. Johnny Will Pay Fines? Lion Geo. White was the only one celebnating a binthday, and since be was exempt from fines for some neason on other, it was suggested that the other two ia- surance dealers pay the fine for bim (it even costs money to bave a birtbday bene). AUl agreed that this sbould be s0 (except the victims) especially since Stu James had been caught using Nels Osborne's advertis- ing to sl bis own insurance. Lion Stu stated that paviag bis fine would be brother Jobnny's first act of the new term. Lion Norm O'Rourke nead a list of the bills. Lion Fred Cole asked the cannival committee to meet after the regulan meeting PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store and went on to discuss with the entire gathening the relative merits of pony rides and a Merny-go-nound and othen nelat- ed questions. Lion Art Constable gave a re- port on Lion Dr. Elmo Sisson, Irelating his accomplishments from the date of bis birth to date, mentioning that he bas been a football player, member of the army Dental Corps, fath- er of four cbildren, dentist and expert naisen Of gladioli. He bas been a Lion for five years. Billy Wade retunned again to play and sing some more and this time, on the last beat of a Llively march tune, hee bit the cymbal so bard that it went for a lOOP right off the stage and went cnashing down the steps. He was gentler with it next time. Draw fon Glads. Lion Pres. Vanstone made a presentation to Billy wbo per- formed the honor of drawing the two tickets lor the glads whîch wene donated- by Lions Ed Summers and Elmo Sisson. Lion Ed exPlained that the bouquet wbich Lion Doc. had brought in was one of his own seedlings, named "Captivation", and bis was just a bunch of weeds wbich he bad pulled out. Lion Glen Martyn answened for Lion Fat Yeo wbo was sitting across from hlm with the win- ning ticket and then, mucb to bis surprise, beard bis own num-1 ber for second pnize. AS the meeting adjounned, Mrs. Wade packed up the drums wbile Billy wandened into the kitchen wlbene he engaged in1 conver-sat ion with the girls there. He left the Lions' Centre with a belvful bit of advice for the lions-"Don't let the bugs1 bite you." Langest single sbipment ever undentaken by Canadian Red1 Cross was the despatch of 206,-c 315 hundned-pound bags of flourI to the villages of Nontbens Greece, threatened by stanva- 1, tion due to devastation of their land and slaugbter of stock by 1 Communist guenillas. Canadian t Govennment donated a haîf mil- lion bushels of wbeat wbich I made possible this tremendouso BURKETON Miss Betty Vîgar and friend Norwich, witb Mn. and Mrs Merxle Hubbard. Mn. and Mns. Munbolland and Reta, Aurona, spent their two weeks' vacation with Mn. and Mrs. J. Riddell. Mn. and Mns. Sliagerland and Lynda, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. H. Strutt. Miss Irene Canfield, R.N., Osh- awa, and Ross Hubbard, Osb- awri, with Mn. and Mns. Ben Hubbard. Mn. and Mrs. E. Adams spent a few days ia Peterborough. Mns. Jack Pankins and Doug- gie, Bowmanville, with Mrs. E. Catighill. Mn. Bill Hoskins was at Nia- ga ra-on-the -Lake during bis bol- îdays. Mn. and Mrs. Fernette and son; Mn. and Mrs. Heaney and children, with relatives in-Mon- treal. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey, Mrs. T..G. Breck and Mrs. Betty Con- stable, Toronto, witb Mn. Ribey's mother and sister, Baltimore. Mn. and Mns. A. J. Tompkins with Mr. and Mns. George.Tomp- kins at their summer cottage. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson with Mrs. A. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dean en- tentained a few friends at their home Saturday. Mn. Tom Tnick wbo was in Port Penî-v Hospital bas retunn- ed borne after a week's stay fol- lowing a slight stroke. Miss Isabel Carter neturned to bier borne after tbnee montbs' working and studying at the Onitario Hospital, Onillia. Tabacco barvest started Aug. 1l, at Mn. Sandy Van Dam's fanm. Rosemary Greer witb Mn. and Mrs. W. Bnyan for a few days. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Han- thonne and family witb their daugbten, Mn. a nd Mrs. C. Knapp. Leona and Gloria are staying with thfem at Lotus for holidays. Mn. and Mns. Wm. McLatîgh- lin have a new television set in :bein home. Congratulations to Mn. aad Mr, Ross Ashton on the annival of their new gnanddaughter. and Mrs. Hender Trick. Mrs. Grant Carnochan with relatives in Oshawa and Toron- to. Mn. and Mrs. Lavery and fam- ily, Toronto, with their brother, Mn. Tom Trick. Legion Carnival CContinued fnom Page One)' la South Amenica. Accordionist WiIl Play To round out the top variet3r show, Len Moss, who is necog- nized as one of the top accord. ionists and sbownien in Canada, will also perform. Mn. Moss was featured in an R.C.A.F. show unit fnom 1941 to 1946 and en- tertaiaed wherever Canadian airmnen wene stationed tbrough- out the Atlantic and European theuitres. Followîng the stage show, cannival visitors will be able to try their luck at any one of a large number of games and bootbs. Thene will be a lange bingo booth with excellent pni- zes, end also booths giving bams, baskets of groceries and fruits as pnizes. Visitons will be able to play a large variety of games sucil as cnown and anchor, ring toss games, oven and under, pis- toi shoot, penny toss, dant games and maay others. Rcfresbmeat booths will be set up to provide soft drinks, bot dogs and ice cream to the hungny. An outstandinq event of the cannival is the feature draw for a 1953 Pontiac Laurentian sedan which will be beld on the grounds at midnigbt. In addi- tion thene will be a special draw for a bicycle or tricycle and wagon, and tickets for these dnaws can be puncbased on the grounds. The Bowmanville Legion mem- bers feel sure that everyone will enjoy tbe stage show and games at tbe carnival, and invite all nesidents of West Diinbam to come and enjoy tbemselves. Altbougb Canada bias one of the world's lowest rates of den- sity of population (less than 4 pensons per square mile), this country nanks seventh in the world as a producer of steel and second in the woi-ld in per cap- 1 MTUV.TNYM #.7rrTTAKTPWAAPe - 01 29c 1 69c 1 m ý Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Schuddeboomn are shown follow- ing their marriage in St. Paul's United Church on Satur- day, July 25. The bride is the former Miss S. Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Baker, Toronto, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Schuddeboom, of Holland. The young couple will make their home in Bow- manville. lm à mqla dwý-- r Cascara Tablefs

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