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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1953, p. 8

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PAGE EIGRT Mr. andi Mns. E. Ellis and Doug son, Mn. Art Dorney, Mi of Toronto, n 'Belihaven". Mns. F. Dorney, Miss -Mrs. F. S. Allen, town, at Mn. Dorney and Mr. Fred D2 1W. Allen's. Toronto, with their mothe. /i.and Mns. Maman Lawson, Dorney in X.T.C. *rI'O:ntO, witb ber mother, Mns. Mn. andi Mns. Robent iln. Dunn i n "Rusty Nook".i to%#n, in "Gany's Panadise' an r nis. . EdwardsnMn.n Messrs. James andi John and rs. F. d war s a d s n, el, Toronto, andi M iss B . T, _nto, with Mrs. A. Edwards 'Dopp, with Mms. N. Bottr Jn 'Fravelle". Slý n" _ýr. andi Mns. R. McLeish, Car-'edo In" oh ,!£nn, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Miss Joan Wonnacatt, To Le-1- Rider, Steven, Sydney and with ber mother, Mns. W. Dou'gie, Wiliowdahe, with Mn. nacott. a-I Mns. B. C. Latimer in "Vel- Mn. and Mrs. A. Mushiný E -'Beverley, Hamilton, hautd 7rs. E. Wade Ebenezer, Mns. in the "Log Cabin'. J. loe, tawn; Mnis. A. Metcaif Mn. and Mns. J. Carpente andi Larny, Mn. and Mns. S. family, Islngton, in "Re Gamme andi family, Mn. and VOUS",. Mns. Wade and Billie. Oshawa; Mr. andi Mrs. Gardon Nev Mni. and Mns. H. Sweetman andi fan-ily in their cottage. Neil, Countice, with Mn. and Mr. and Mns. W. J. SE Ms.Walter Cale in "Boskey Mr. and Mrs. B. J. SE Kenny and Bobby in C. Si Mns. G. Forde and David cottage. 9Tc-anta, with Mrs. F. Pethick in JMn. and Mrs. W. Bangs E'__E's. Susan, Toronto, with Mn. 1 - andi Mrs. Harry Feathen Mns. W. Mathews in and Henry, Miss Shirley Feather, wilde". M *.Ra.ger Feathen and Mn. Ray Mr. and Mns. James I S 'h, Toronto, in "Bird Landi". Lockport, N.Y.; Mn. andi - ir. Robent Allen, Malton; Mn. Monan Lawson, Taronto; Mn and Mns. J. M. Burns and Robent Mns. C. Barchard andi fai and Master Waynie Bruce. Peter- Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.1 bora; Mn. Gary Dilling, Mimico; and Ricky, town, with Mrs. Mn. and _Yns. E. Dilling, Cindy Dunn in "Rusty Nook". Lau and Kelly, Whitby, with Mn. Mr. and Mrs. R. Swinde. andi Mns. F. A. Dilling in "Lin- thein cottage "Feista". ge'- Longer". Mn. and Mns. Grant Edw Mn. andi Mrs. Jack Dorney andi andi family, Toronto, at1 cottage. Mr. andi Mrs. H. Spattord tamiiy, Toronto, boiidayini th e cottage. M I& Mn. and Mrs. Haines Cox family, Windsor, in their cal "'Beach Haven". Mn. and Mns. Gea. Wigi Toronto, in "Kev-Wig". Mr. anci Mns. A. Lowe Bob, Mn. and Mrs. G. Finhey fCarolyn, Mrs. Redman, Mn. Mrs. S. Redman and famiiy,1 S. Fowler, Toronto, with Mn. Mrs. A. Fowler in "Irmadel] Mn. Bruce Dumno, Toronto \ "Cheerio". Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Be town; Miss Donna Quinn, S 'coe, in "0-So-Eze". ~..e 'êMr. Win. Curnie and 1 j-~\ ~ i ""4Joyce Cumie, Toronto, bolic ing at thein cottage "EEEE's' Miss Bennice Guennan * Miss Barbara Panham, Tarai \ with Mns. R. C. Graham i "Gooc-E-Nutf". Mr. anci Mns. G. Edmai Miss Grace Guerran, Mn. 1 4eMrs. E. Panham andi Mn. Mns. R. Paige andi Jimmie, nonto, with Mn. andi Mrs. Guenran in "Camp Cosy". Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Aitches Elizabeth Ardenî Emates Newtonvile, at Mn. anci N Mrs. J. Millen andi Mn.a A Superb Mrs. Sid Smith, Toronto, in th~ cottage. Make-iîp Fondationn nMrs. F. S. Allen, town; adMrs. Les Lythe, Port Ho with Mrs. M. Allen. Miss Nancy Varcoe, "Rest- W( iekesnd ycedrreE'E Mekne in Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cale a Merle, "Boskey Dell" are h for deyoulig lu minlous look idaying in Algonquin andi M skoka districts. M.Wallace Diling sailed ,A neiw flawing Foundatian which the Oshawa Yacht Club race ýAicott, NY., his cnew winni gives your skin înstantly the ithe race for their club. polished lustre . .. the inoisi, dew- Our sincere sympathy ta M pearled sheen that is pure Joe Coopcr and familv on t sudden passing of ber faither, 1V, shining enchantiment! Use ît W. E. Booth, on Thunsday. unden y6ur powýder-juist a littie Six 25-h.p. outhoard mal Basic Sheen gives vomir face boats arrived in aur barba a goivngyu 1in,10 kiSurnday morning from Alco a giaiugyung ao!N.Y. They lef t for Oshawa refuel andi continue theinraui trip ta Alcott by evening. V In radiant trust they wvere not caught the stonm vhich originateci sladcs aur shore of the lake andile ta complernent the Beach withaut hydro fon se, e irerY eral hours in the late afternoo: tcomplexion. McNamara Construction Cc equipment is now accupyi dockage in the barbour in prel aration for wonking on the ne, _ BASIC SHEEN intake pipe in the hake for ti. $6.00 town's waten supphy. We undei DAVID.0 THE FIRST TRACTOR TO OFFER 131G TRACTOR PERFORMANCE IN THE LOW PRICE FIELDI The new Dvid Brown "25' gives you mort power for the price fhaon Y Other tractert Se@ il todoy-. Wei Sie gle .arrange a demonsîration. W. H. MORRISON PONTYPOOL 01 ÂrU I¶.S AY, AUGUST 13, 19 ithe West Beach (e, obath Mrs. Harry Waters., Toronto. vi oEnsiln eeSna Subea hs ier caompmurBrie- Mr. and Mrs. George Melntosh Do ou Rieeflier evening tea guests with Mr. and T 1 C K E T S Suely o thi0psns rommJun- I nerane and Carol. York Milis, visited1 Mrs. E. A. Werry. l TO EITERYWHERE tyof ,000 erons from Jd unes. CI ~leraf at Mr. George Hamlin's. When the Duntons We are 'very sorry to report Air, Rail or Steamshlp to Setembr prvideadde bus-MossJeanCrydrmanhOsh iness toalal merchants, mrm Beie e M riae a an ry e frthweidnBwmanvilsh that Master Garth McGill in- Consuit fro Bfor H r arrag aa, as hr hmefo th wekLived nBwm nile? jured the lower tibia ofhlits eg JURY &LOVELL. grocer, druggist, on down end.____ while playing football. We wish Bowmanville anIrr.g fe and erices.a Mrs. Hugh Ramer, the former Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman, A very chic, clever and ver-: himi a speedy recovery. 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 Carol We have yet to find it difficuit miss Joyce Buttcry, popular Mrs. Florence Pearce, Mrs. Har- satile woman who has ber own'1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, ______________ ) to fo th Bomavile ct.bride of August lst, was much oid Pascoe enjoyed a motor radio pragram, "Bonjour Mes- Mré oadaaRy r Ire, sopf ortefwan!l u-MaiRnl a1Ry r rMs f!But, we do find it im- entertained prior ta hier mar- trip ta Trenton, Sunday. dames," in Paris, France, spent, Ross Ashton and Sheryl, Hay- possible ta locate the "Beach", nage. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Knox and part of hier childhood in Bow-! don- Mrs. W. Browniee, Tor- Kent,, on any sign on the highway or She was guest ai honor at a Canal with Mn. Wm. Kno3x's, manville, an article in Toronto onto; Miss* Reva McGili, Mr. and I. on the cloverleaf. miscellaneous shower at the BroughamT. Saturday Night of August 8 ne- Mrs. J. A. Werry, Enniskillen, iBott- If the town holds anything for home of Mrs. Artnur J. Frn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox, veals. Her name is Marjoriej with Mn. and Mrs. Hanvey Mc-ENGLI arbara the tourists they will corne for on June 30th. Fifty Guiders, Miss Marjorie Wallace, Oshawa; Duntan, and she has spent the Gi. E CS ell in it. Throrss d ntk o h friends and neighbours were Mr. Walter Tink, *Ebenezer; ast twenty yeas in France in Mr. ad Mrs. W. Grifin1an way is winding until they are prsent, and the bride to be spent the weekend in the States.vaauenepisilfwih Heather with her parents,M. rotupon it. campletely taken by surprise, Master Zan Whitsitt, Oshawa, hv enscesu.adMs .Claut yoe Won- hese toursts g int the was presented with a corsage 0f was at M n. Stan Mihlson's, Sat- The article also reveais that Ms et rgt etran 1most aut-of-the-way and untrav- roses, and escanted unden an urday. Manjorie Dunton's father once ed sevenal girl friends at ber f ig and elled places in Northern Ontarioarc eoae npn n ht r n r.E amr worked in the Bowmanville binthday panty. laying because it provides what tbey atrcearatdin n and white dig alnn r. Larme ni Dominion Organ & Piano Ca. Mr. and Mrs. Cari Fenguson i ~ s seek most. Remember the aid beils, ta bier place of honon be- ton Henry, Blackstock; Miss Lii- an bppdaloertewr d d'iamihy visited Mn. and Mrs.' r and proverb: "If a man build a bet- side the fineplace. The mantel, lian Hoar, Mns. Edith Andenson, wen hped busine the as in its in Sandercock, Orono. ne-ter mouse trap the world will banked with white orange Toronto; Mrs. W. Wight, Mrs. bey-dhe buOnes w-nina r r.C.Ptic ,ne-beat a path ta his door." blossoms and bowls of pink and Allie Hoar and Miss Ida Ras- he-da.Oeo w-ina r r n r.C ehc n wbit naeswascenere wih km Bomanill, vsitd ~ gans af fine wankmansbip made Ruth, Mrs. E. Stnutt visited and a appropriately decorated wa- M .RTyo' in Bowmanville was purchased Mrs. Ed. Cain who is in the aerng afonwihtn r .R alr at the Salie Druouot, world- Peterborough H-ospital with a evers, EBENEZER strergcanfno tmahich t Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalfe, famous public auctian rooms in broken hip. evers, ____ tractively rpegf i the ny Mns. Audrey Metcahfe and Lar- Paris, by Miss Dunton's husband Mn. Melville Griffin, Black- evrs For the August meeting of miniature garden below, with its ry, Oshawa; Mrs. F. Swailow, as a birthday present for bier, stock; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald sand the Aftennoon Auxiliany of the green grass and white picket Mn. Cliffard Swallow, Maple The argan was in penfect candi- Rahm and Kathy, Tynone, wene and W.M.S. Mrs. Chas. Daw, or fence. Grave, were at Messrs Wes. and tion and Miss Duniton, gneatly Sunday cailers at Mr. and Mns. 'Iy-Hampton, gave a very thought- The bride ta be was assisted S. E. Werry's. pleased with the gitt, remanked Russell Gittin's. liy-fui and intenesting addness on by Misses Joan and Manian But- Mn. and Mrs. M. McCarrell that it was possible her own Dunn, "Untrodden Ways." God made teny and after apening ber many and ariln n ndMsçlo fte a orked an it. Mrs. man curiaus sa that he would gifts. tittingly expnessed berCar, Virginia, and Valenie, Miss Duntôn established a 1 E rand tny new paths. By steady pro- thanks. Ornemee, were Sunday visitons veny successfuh tashion house iniHampJion "±embers grssth sirtul it dveop. A pleasant social hour was en- tM.Ws us.rlnn- Paris but was forced aut of busi- g~ A I Aley, .Dwsoeo ah ha oe ihetranetb mained for bolidays. ness by the German Occupa O omen" ns fue Pihie mrsu Ds p etok le athsthat jo yed w theneanm s as ai noe oldy in befnnt by po sa-llVI.fsII difficuht ways that deveiop Chas. Nesbitt, concluding with with her gnandparents, Mn. and over again after the wan, she Eno Fn B sTip ifl in chanacter when Faith is stnong. the serving of nefreshments. Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, in Oshawa. went into radio and developed ____ Mrs. E. Werry, lst Vice Presi- On July 23 the bride-to-be was Mn. Wm. Patter, Mn. and ber awn weekiy pragramn. She BLY ehv ands dent, in the absence of the ententained at the home of ber Mrs. E. McKnight and Bilhie, also spent same time an the Hampton Warnen*s Institutc their President wha is on holidays, aunt, Mns. Earh Bilcox, 238 AI- Bawmanviile; Mn. and Mns. Jim stage where she was so success- inciuding 27 members and three A 4-ply WooI ideal for 1adthanked the speaken ton giving bent St., Oshawa, wben frîends Patter and sans, Maple Grave; fui that she bad offers of con- visitons went on a ven3T delight- Childnen's and Men's adus something very wanthwhihe. adrltvsta saaadMr. HarvPatter, Isîington; tracts fram George Kautfman, fui bus trip, wilth Howard Pick- ntig gn aeatve She aloOspendathedeetin th eycpbeadsf it a ese useed tDomeinonBnooklin gathered in ber honor Miss Geni Pope, Whitby, vfsited and. Orson Welles. ardiever f apable andusafTe Kitig wih vre se a omninat a miscellaneous shower. Joyce at Mn. Alec Potter's. . The Statesman bas made i n-. div rofGh atnyBs.Te and Board meeting and dedicated Mn. and Mrs. C. Cook, Brant- quiries tram former Dominion1 went trubmn villages Kî o tage the oftering. Miss Shirley Pic- On July 23 the bride-ta-be frwr udydný ussOgnadPaoepoés u uha nikleBreoýK i o gnkeil and Miss Janet Down sang was ententained at th borne af fnwr udydne ust na n in mlye, but sc asPEnrskile, Bnkon, " B n n g h e In w th rs G. b er a u t, rs E a l ilc x, 238 at M . R a lp h D a v is'. n oa o n e see m s t a re m e m b e r th e B a k t c , P r e n , S n a Pickelh accompanist. Mrs. J C. Albert St., Oshawa, when Mn. and Mrs. Gardon SiernonIn Du pntn. Apparnthy M issnil, Coaoo, ArgleFl, Kirk-infer and Faund reported on Cammun ity* friends and relatives from 0gb- Sally and Stephen, London, Eng utnsetbe aî1iei ,FnlnFls an ninsip waadBnahi ahee ~ln;ni. ly nimn Hag- Bowmanville, Oshawa and To- Lindsay and Camenon. At Kirk- and ber boip aa ndo at a ise nlan d; Mrs. A.loyd sweont hand ranto and warked for ten years field they stopped ta see the Wide range of shades, Miss The Scbool for Leaders will shower. Joyce was presented chihdren, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. witb the Canadian Bank of hifta lo. tiFulsenenFhis the Mixes and Plains and meet at the O.L.C. tram August with a corsage and led ta a C. Pascoe visited at Mn. Russell Commerce. If anyone bas any dbad a boungtiful boap ier, f- 24th ta 28tb. chair decanated with pinkan Gilbert's. k.nawledge ot a Dunton farnily oe byandihtul bheatr of30 oz ,in The wonship service was talc- white streamers. White wedding Mn. and Mrs. R. Gilbert were inBwavleCh tts aaen akor.e wa t er ot 30v oz en by Mns. Hopkins with the behîs also added an appropniate Sunday visitons at Messrs Milton would be pheased ta receive the aon Lak te s very placnid nry, Psairn read in unison. Membens note. The bride received many and Lloyd Slemon's, Haydon. panticulars. 9n h we fteba x im- of tbe Evening Auxiliary were lavely gifts for which sbe gra- plaining tbe many interestingWE welcomd by Mrs. Wer. q1rufe5ciously expressed ber thanks. Busnes Diectry E NIS ILL N it centailly was J.W.JEW E LL da-music for the apening and, by the girls of the office staff ai. They ail indulged in a grand 2Kn t . amnll ". played for the hyrnn.1 of the Weitare Dept. of the City L E G A L Mn. and Mns. Cecil Caulter, sing sang led by the boat awner. 27Kn S.WBig 20"ll and Mrs. Hopkins and Mns. K. E. a! Oshawa, who pnesented hen . .STOshQC. BadwyandM.ian, B. owan- nanie te ay evenal lad-PHN 56 nto, Cauntice served a cup at tea at witb a most attractive starter W.sRawa; Mr. and MnBraHoeananRis son, Bomn aidte ad daugberacclad-PON 58 Bannisoter, re SolicitonNtay vîie, at Mr. and Mrs. Leonard ies cmetdte i o ______________ nthreecloero!rmeti. T tycetishesTh g oom lsbne- aionfor Bank o! Montreal Bradhey's. know there was such lavely bod- ne eeprsn.cevdte itoatbelmp Maney ta Loan Phone 791 M.adMs BueIwnies Of Water, 0 close ta home. - and from the ca-warkers of his de- Bowmanvihhe, Ontarioar n r. rc ri and T pantment iniGenéral Matons> and June, Toronruo, visited Mn. To- HAYDOJUN Oshawa. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A, and Mrs. Gea. Irwin. Donna A. ____ Barrister, Soliciton, Gail neturned home with them*1 Mr. ad Mr. Geoge LtesNotary Publie for holidays. e S calz 11 Mn. S anvtd Mr. eore Luts, S LINJA King St. W. - Bowmanville Mrs. E. Drinkie, Oshawa, is Scarbon, visitd Mn. ad Mrs.Phns:Ofie688 -RW pcaie i VIrs. Narman Aveny. onsRfiees. 553 visiting ber niece, Mrs. A. Lead- md M. and Mrs. W. Smith and Th nsioaypara r- MSS APHA I. HODGINS beater. Ms .W enC ld e ' ieir Frank,Oshawa; Mr. an Ms.pareci by Mns. Frank Westlake, Barnist.nD.SoliitonaMn. and 4 S. Trewinand Judih, BoM.aG. JV.,GfruldnwithchMrs.oW.unW.NVany Camp> Mtr vle at Messrs Wrn. Trewin's r., forniS n cl on un-Successcor oMPublic ul wtMrs. . . VeaeandJacmpe -and Arthur Trewi's. daymrnnancue vocal Tempérance S. - Bowmanville P ob e n Pet Mr. andi Mrs. Gardon Siemon, solo by Patsy Davis and a stary- Mrs. H. Milîs andi tamily with fa r P o l m A-. Sally and Steven, London, Eng- reaci by Pearl Leach. W. F. WARD, B.A. Mrs. M. Wells, Part Penny. ,E's land; Dr. and. Ms. Mahesn, Sunday School next Sunday Bariste, Solicitor, Notary M. and Mrs. D. B. Kaye, To- Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Russell will be at 10 aoc1ack. There Money ta Loan onta; Mrs. C. Anscaume and Gilbert, Saina; Mn. and Mns will be no chunch service. 9% King Street E. chilcinen, New Jersey, are visit- Trust yaur child's delicate hair and B. nil -Otro ig r n rs .Sap o-WîilWhite, Donald andi Doug. Congratulations ta Lloyd andBPho nv ficle 85-Onaou in409 M. andi Ms. A. Shr. n oorexetpoesinlci u- las, Ham pton; M . andi M rs. Fred M a ian Brootne on the birth of P o e: O fc 2 o g 0 n n r. E n w n a o r e p r r f s i n l c r Toms, Enniskilien, visited Mn. thein son, Pbillip Ross, in the Doneen and. Donald with Mn. In andi Mrs. Lloyd Shemon and Mr. Memonial Hospital, Bowman- D EN TA L -" andi Mrs. L. Lamnb. Sotnaualiokn to Milton Sleman. ville, on ýAugust 5th. A brother DR- . UDL, .DS vle is aCale, Bowman- PraetWvoî 49 ig Mns. Fe Esson and boys, for Ronnie, Larry and Teddy. DRbaM UDLDDS. vle shidaying with Master PraetWvol Hn ighland Cneek, at Mn. Frank Mn. andi Mns. C. C. Cook of Office: Jury Jubilée Bldg. Bert Werry. IrDenby's. The boys remained Brantford, were weekend 0.ests 0 King St. W. - Bawmanville Mn. Charhie Smith, Toronto, 4_________ bhe fan a holiday. a! Mr. J. Yellowlees. Office Houns: wt r n r.Jh rf %Ir. M. W. iffila. Sunerlan; Mr. nd Mr.wi.triMn.,Manc9i.mMns.6 JohndaGnifi- Mr Mrn. . itiar undenl1 amand M.d Rs JGrillsn Mn.r- 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Saturday Mn. and Mns. S. R. Petbick V 1'!I AL FOR" MN TH1ER1 Mo t n. aT her.on Mau entjy .Ha p- ni Mrs, Ro Gris anyi Cr- Closed Sunday andi Nancy attended' the New-S - - - m W ar rn r . e4 :a tn M . Dron an ons, alnVaeniarMs.Ma-Mn-Office Phone 790 tonvîhle Decoration Service. unt ns. Buhr re nts, To. n- isan, Mn. George Marshall, Rouge Phone - Newcastle 3551 Miss Janice Beech, Maple Individually styled te, ontowitD berM a, Rhode Island, were Grove, is holidaying w]th ber tada MnsuDeMlcim at Messrs Wes., DR. E. W. SISSON.'L.D.S., D.DS. causins, Lais and Charles Ah emnnol ýnd Mn. and Mns. D. Stainton, Hare ndJc eloleAsh-cei ishm on 65 Vfe Tyrone; Mn. and Mrs. John Oke, aneadJacYeowes.Ofeinbshm in Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. Fred Mn. andi Mns. Bruce Ormistozn 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvilhe Mn. C. Milis, Part Penny; Mn. on Piper, Jr., andi tarily, Bowman- Billie andi Bobbie, Columbus' Office Rouns:H.Mls eantDeSk, etville, at Mn. Roland Thompson's. Mrs. W. A. Ormiston, Bnooklin, 9 .mta 12 noon Wednd with Mn. and Mrs. L. Stainton. W_ Mr.and Mns. Cyrus Ashton were at Mn. Bruce Tink's. Ci.m osed Suon Wdy dy M.edM .J yn ap n. and Roy, Bunketon, at Mn. L. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Reynolds, Phone 604toitMnaniMsH.Ah o's Gnaham's. Uxbridge, were tea guests an ton. 4 -ig Mn. and Mns. D. MacKenzie,1 Sunday at Hanvev Yelowlees'. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg, UJx- 38 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE " p-Toronto, at Mn. A. McNeil's. Mr. AdeTn p h Office bridge, with Mn. and Mns. A. FoAp jt tPh eE 33 ýw Miss E. M. Werry, Taranto; weekend at Mn. Percy Dewell's, 23Kn t .-Bwmnil .Wan orApitetPoe 5 vnns33 he Miss Florence Werny, Bawman- Hampton. Office Rouns: Mn. Harold Spry, Victor. N. ____________________________ r- ville; Mrs. W. A. Brownhee, Mrs. Lena Westhake andi Don- ý9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 'Y., visiteci Mn. and Mns. Edgar ______________________________ n- Leaside, at Mn. Lloyd Ashton's,. na, Miss Ola Westlake, Mn. 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Wright. 3Z i Gg p . oe , à nd Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Arthur Goen-ingOaa , iiec , Ciosec inrunaM.ani rsBetJhs, OILOLue with te high water mark of Lake Ontario,, fa all SndiJWb ea t MONatIreH countanTs Aintersection being aPPraximately one-haif nr4t UIUMs. W. Thmpson was in Phone 5-4662 WCeek Ofthae estarie ttecnlec;fOhw O il IHeating Otawa fon a holiday. bs 37 King St. E. Oshawa OX THWB I T O N allyakeOnta~8 r eeiao;staomc LiteGlen Ashton wt hs Gardon W. Riehl, C.A., Tec ot 0DgsEs srnme grandpanents, Mn. and Mns. Wm. resident partner lyaditneo50mes MAKES YOUR PRESENT McLaughlin, Bunketon. EXhecHIBITIONnes at stoomc HEATING EQUIPMENT Mn. andi Mrs. John Liptay andi O PT O MESTuRYhA10 2 e 2 aliyaEdistncesor1onmles;- TWICE AS GOOD famiiy visited bis brother, Mn. O T M T YAG 2t 9al itneo 4mls S. Lpta, Isingon. KEIR A.BELEaTThence South 81 Degrees, 43 Minutes W~est Congratulations ta Mn. andi Optornetrîst LwRali e stionoithallyne0driles onoaeour se Sotuth 10 Mrs. Ross Ashton on the birtb 74 King St. W. - Bowmanvilîeseto ihaUedwnnacureS SvsYuMnyo or of a daugbter. Office Houns: 9 a.rn. ta 6 p.m. *07 Degrees East frein the point o! commencement; S Fes Yu oeyn Y urM , an r. îb nt B a k-M n ay t at n a Coach Thence N orth 10 D e rees W est, 12.5 M iles Ful osabunn andi famiiy, andi Mns. T. except Wednesday, 9 - 12 more or less te the place of commencement. Cowling were in Toronto Sun- Evenings by Appointment Good gaina, Frlday, Aug. hrb n e Phone or consuit day andi visiteci the museum. 21 te Saturday, Aur. 29 The Public luheeb warned af the danger e JAC BRUG] ViGeorge andi Helen Bentrim Inclusive. enterinag the descrlbed danger area durnn the above- JACK DRUGH aniteMns. rG Bpent, r. SPENCER RtunLiit-Au. 1i or ndmage nd jut h rw l netbomdrepard PLUMBING - HEATING Lake. COSTE1Fl nomto mmo hswnlg Division Street S. We were pleaseci ta have Mn. CREIR ulifrainfo BOWMANVLLE and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt, Maple Registered ince 1931) any agent, 13Y Order,t Ne hn fieGrve, at ur Sunday School on MRcad Ne hn fie65 Sunday mamning when Mn. Col- Mrs. J.E. Rcad Ottawa, Ontario C. M. DRURY, House Phone 2384 hacutt gave a couple selections BOX 33,, ORONO , è. . 1Agst 93e .uy iitro atoa ee ______________________on the. piano which wene muchTeehu 7-1 appreciatec. s __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ ___27__ ___r-16_ __ _ INTARIO j' ~1 oiuvoLmo 4inpliANvwmoq tmvws:qivis xviavxvD XRI

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