THE CANAIiIATT ~rÀ'rr~M~a N. BOWMANVTLLE, ONTA~~O ttendance. They are the second cours.Teld wthhe ot place teams in the east and west daughes r.CalsJhs T he Oro o N w s roups and were very v quares. 71% . /V e w c a d l. tii mtched. Thev %ere tied 1-1 un- the -ds fpnaxpemrnu Simpson aided by Rn overthrow longet aredlyreid made a home run. Game ended groceisaddM.BoCc- Gardon Agnew, Editor 2-1 for Kendal. The next game burnashemsrcetbi. God n g ew dio P o e3111l Mr. Dean West, Mr. Charles! manville, spent la,t week with 1 is played Tuesday night at Cam- Each o h ebr oae and Bill Jr. Armstrong, at Buck- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer, borne with the third, if neces- 1 an ariltoasabxo!r- shot Lake. while bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. 1 sary, in Kendal. Oiono won two ceriesfrara.MaSrar Mrs, Fred Duncan is visiting >H. Luxton, were on holidays in' games straight from Welcome. WallePrae aPare Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wood, Har-i Buffalo. Mr1rhe îdet n isdrew h ilnn ikehl Mo%ýr. and Mrs. H. Snell. Toron-. Manjonie Hogg were Sundav bviMsll e byGatBo an Sociaàl andu i F ersonal ýContracI for W aler, Sewage Survey Mr. Ross Taylor Palmerston,: to, spent the weekend with Mrs. ss0 n adMs od n ve. r.Sci adMs _____________ at hom e for the w eekend.i K . G am sby and fam ily. M artinell. K enn y returned t ed a s s e b is S e a t Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Rutland, Miss Janie Pollard, Courtice Miss Shirley Fliritoff. Guelph,! Miss Mary Thomson, Toronto Roseneath with them. servedadlcaslnh etn reuredhoe ftr ist-ishoîdvig it hr radpr-Let la Graham Reed Associates; witih Mr. and Mrs. 0. Cowan for is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex. isMrinT folutitdMs Srvr a&prund hreatv t s h igwt hrgadpr h weed Miss oainntrel iie Msomftedse aeb eifrienMr.aadndlMiives.inM.nBernai ding aTdalai.theCweekend. 'Watson. relatives at Roseneath. L . }j ~~~~~j~~nî~~~ Mrs. E. Sutherland, Washing-. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. r. B iIrz 1S*AEVss Mr. nd nz.D. M Benar't uildng erm ls T tal$11700ton, D.C., is visitîng her sister, Mr. and Mrs. N. Porter visited r. and Mrs. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Gould, Fort My- and Eric spent a week*s holi- ______ Mrs. Lena Beal Smith. MrsndMsoCa.WodM s were in Toronto and camp- PUMIG SPLE ers, Florida, Dr. Higby and Mr. days touring the western part Temi tmo uiesa îvnt h ulc nodr Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grady Alex Elliot and Mr. and Mrs R.i ing during his holidlays from and Mrs. Jack Higbv, Burling- of'New York State and Buffa-1Teh fbsns ti e to e p ebl tein rdeci pn heweedwthMs oan h p t atea MttTfeSinPpe-Jltl agendagena ofth the ag Villageo thmCoun-e tiallow spnwehe Gennd ithMrsiLoanwh-spBt*- Basinsoors ton. were Sunday guests with Io.mniipl Thornton Wilson. actaea ie aeTkacn ndMs lnKry n up ak cil at the August m eeting, was sion at the regular Miss PacipeaD pie. Wind oaMes. M. J. a kely r. M~r. and M rs. BlI Kirbv fomSoanda in t Mr. and M rs. C. R. Caveth. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Gray and the discussion with Mr. Graham M iciosnDe e be.h sretu ned om e afeW insiting D .M . . Brwn and Mrs. r d T m- t ewDtristd.o le and M rnd y ub Mr. and Mrs. John MeKech- daughter Gwenn. Scarboro, and Reed of the firm of Graham Building Permit., ha er nesihter, Ms. erTolmi nD. Brwn atnd s'ie a- the Gldoi hwNomntheristed Roy Snd and'hy nie, Franham cMvisiedn. an d nMr s. D. Lewand ee da hter, e ned n s ofc es Con ut - or There were fie building per- Mr. Tolmie and famil. Saturday at Oshawa, where the' are leaving shortly for St. Pe- E The spire of the United Church guests at -Kilcoln-an Farm". th aewrsadswg u- 1mitS approved by members of Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Jones holi- ie's aghe.M.nd r.trsbrFoia bas tak n o a ew lea ha -' Mrs Ro ent Wniht nd on vev to be made of the village. counicil, in lu ding two new dai tT m g m a e heei R. Van Horn, W hitby, received Kendal W l1. meeting was held . Ol N O ing been re-aluminized. It is RoN, Toronto, visited the for- AÀ motion was passedi by the! homes, an addition to a home;; George caught a 38-inch. lakel a number of prizes for their, August 13, at the home of Mrs. twelve years since the spire was mers.- sisten, Mrs. Gordon Ash., cotîncil authonizing the Reedi a garage, and a shop. at a total. tirout. 1 gladis. 1 Norman Kennedv with about, painted last and it really shines Mrs. Wright necentlv returned i firm to proceed with the survey,1 estimated cost of $11,700. Per- 'Mn. Douglas L vcett is home iMn. and Mrs. Glenn Wiggins1 40 present. sm oigfrom 1ITU&S out in the sunlight with its new from Western Canada and re- which will cost $500, as soon as i mits for new, homes were grant- from Goderich whene he spent1 and Gregory Glenn, Brampton, Bowmanx'ille, Orono and Port' *lu m nu m inis , po ts rops west of t e Gr at;possible w hih w ill probably be 1 ed to A llen ten Dai for a $4,- îr w ek t he s ses, visited M r. and M rs. M . H . Sta- H ope.Op n '1e - F . Ev nl g Mn. and Mrs. Albert Pearce Lakes look good. aotSpebrlt h sur-1 500 house on Beaver St. south! i acokn and family and Mrs H. R. Pearce' vey will consist of the prepar- and Art Dubeau for a $3,400 Mn. and Mrs. M. Carleton, n Mr. n Mrs. Carl Billingsokng Visited Mnr. and Mrs. Kenneth ing of estimates of the cost .of house on Church Street. Georgeý Ross Carleton and Miss Glony] Miss Auîdrey Billings. Mn. and Pearce at Brighton on Sunday. Cuni matenials and labour; the loca- Zweir plans to build a $2.000 ad- Pigott viieieaie nNw Ms.Ni otradMs hr Mn. and Mrs. Ross Stonehousel LocalCcl tion of water suppl ' and tank; dition in his home on church Leaskard. l ey Porter are in Kirkland Lake and familv, Toronto. were guests Endorses Move fo and the location of the sewage Street and Maurice Farrow is 1 Miss Bertha Cain. Mr. and this week. of Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Allun disposa] plant. This should be building a garage at his resi- n.LodJhotn Oshawa,: Dr. and IVlîs. W. W. Sherwi'n, on Sundav. ,nrlTasoî ready to present to a public dence on King St. east. ai a cost nîotored througli Haliburton Donald and Kteith spent the ' Con rol ransprf s meeting of the ratepayvers about 1 f $300. Mr. Parker is building Highlands and Algonquin Park. weekend at Lucknow and wer n: dan Mers. rTo Crovteth the middle of Octoer when alI , a Body Shop on Beaveir street Viioswt n redTb- accompanicd home v their son Mnr oot. iie possible information will be at a cost of $1.500. 1, were Mr, and Ms. Watson Douglas who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carveth A letteîr received fom the 1 _ - - _-__ Winnfield and son Georgetown, relatives. N e c a t l - n t h - a k o T w n o f G a a n q u a k i g h e 1 M r a d M r s . R u s s e l l V a n H o r n , - Sunday. Tw fGnnqeaknt in health afteî' a two weeks visit Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Max Swan, Pe- council regarding a proposed ne witb Mrs. Findlav' Munroe at C U TC Mrs. Glenn Allin. who fome-cEN A tenborough, were Sunday even- solution petitioning the Govern: their cottage in Muskoka. : ___-l", worked at Tyrrelî's Dnug K N A ing guests with Mn. and Mrs. ment to eliminate the unneces-1 Sympathy is extended to Mn. Mn. anîd Mrs. S. Kinsman and Store. is now at Onono Branch Gondon Agnew. sany noise (aused bv transports and Mrs. Jini Ewing <nee Don- 1 sons Mor-ris and Jim. spent their of Canadian Bank of Commence. Misses Ruth and Kathleen Mn. Mclntyre Hood. Oshawa,' in 'villages and towns along No, othy Snowdenî, Scven lslands,1 vacation wîth MVr. and Mrs. R. Mns. James Dickson was vis- Jackson have i'etuîined from a managing Editor of the Times- 2 highA.av was discussedi by Quebec: on the death of his sis-1 Hopps of Oshawa, at Sparrow iting at Long Sault and took ill month in the resort area. Gazette, occupied the pulpit i J" members of the local council at ter, Mrs. George Isbester, Wiair- Lake. and was taken to Memonia] Hos- Visitons xxith Mn. and Mis. the United Chunch on Sunday its August meeting. ton. Mn. and Mrs. Ewing attend- Mn. and Mrs. Henb Hutton, pital, Bowmianville, last week. Norman Patton welc Monrris on Th lca ornîninenori. ed the funerat last week and M. and Mrs. Hanîry Huton and i ler family, M. and Ms. John Frday and M. and Mirs. Milton Rev L Ms. urerthe move, suggested that the spent the weekend with her par-j Mr. T. Kozak, motored to Cao-1 C. Milîson and family, Kingston, Lowes and Ronnie for the week- and Grace Marie spent a week par~king of transports in mnunici- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- ora, Sask., and visited Mn. and and Mrs. Herbent Turley and end. Visiting relatives in Detroit, palities during the night should den and other relatives. Mrs. N. Kozak during their two Rae Elizabeth. Ottatwa. have Mr. and Mrs. Ravmond Wood-BU FO Q ALT fom e uris ners aisoWvsted epn'bie ntilvadthat Mr. Keyes, Toronto, wo~-wesvcto.been here and visiting Mrs. ward with Mn. and"MsI Nîa forme panihiones in ester certainlv some action should be; cupied the pulpit on Sundav i n .adM.GerelosnDikn.Knd. Ontntoandi ef aetedalefofa ake 10elirnte he nteestaofth Bile oci-rw.h n.andMrs Wr. Mi- n. lieratbb, Dr.a toOliv.LuxîîGin.bbdM, Rd___ ___ __ W L E vii ihMrs. Turner's rela- sary noise. teuncs ty, gave a very fine talk. Two the ws, Long Bratich. formerly of Station St.,Onono, Hughes and Gloria were holi-' U I E tives in Spencerville, Ont. Lclrsdnslvn ntefn eetoswr unse Miss Phyllis Adams visiied passed away Aug. lSth. Mrs. O. day at Lake Ku.shog. - hghwy ûul cetanîvagreby the Harmonizers of Ebene-1 with Miss Lola Thackery, Peter- Gbbbs is a sisten of Ms.Ed Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs j Iwith an v such mox'e, as the nui- zen. accompanied by Mrs. Glenn bono. Graham, Onono. Wm. Mencer wei'e hen cousins, Mn. and Mns. Cecil Adanis, !Mn. and Mrs. Will Alton and Mn. and Mrs. Stanle\ Doble, Mn.; FREEST N For Expert, Fast . sance is becoming more and! Piekell. The young men will bel Miss,. welome agin ny ime Ph.vIis Adams and Miss' son Wendell. Winghamn, visited and Mrs. Robent Baker, Janey__ - more acute each vean. People wloe gi n ie Winnie Walters x'îsited Mns. E." Iheir sisten, Mrs. (Dr.) W. W..j and Johnny, Sunderland. L' m s H o E who are forced to' listen to the 1Re wll .be glad to welcome i MresLk Cuhchn. i Shewin îsOe Fg a~non i.AtCmbl - lon, vev M. . enrihtan sns Ms.Own agnan snPeterboro. visited Mn ___ day in the week should not be, his month*s holiday. He will 0d-1 Billv and Kenneth, have netui-KrePnEicalAwe nCisipne odn sujected to the whims of sel- icupy th pu it o S nd y a ed home aften vacationiog at Sotind. are holidaying with M . M. a d Mi îd ox a dB S O A N N SakE DRrVmpI. CEE I fsh ranpor dnx'es, ho ark11.0 an. akeDaîympe.and Mrs. F. O. Cooper. daughtens, Oxford. North Caro- ini towns to save themn the jobj Mrs. Robt. Jaîvie has return- Chunch service Sunday even- Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Mn. lina, have been visitîng in the 1 Every Basket Guarate of putting ont flares on the high- ed fnom a visit with Mn. and ing will be at 7 p.m. with Bey. and Mrs. Lyall Loweny are on a neighbounhood. _________________________ bing your slioes te wav, while they sleep comfort- Mrs. Wilmet Prouse at Clarke, L. M. Somerville in change. motor trip to the east Coast. Miss June Gordn seth I ably in the cab, allowing the Mn. and M rsHa r Wo d, M . and M rs. George Reynolds M n. and M rs. Virtle W ilson week end w ith M r. and M s.U , uu'w ~ u1 u r H ULUUENMKOS jgroanof the engine to disturb Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil'setawekvcto iat Red v insite'n.N. ndBre. ClaleB L U A L U ' akt S hoe Supply Store Reeve Rickand is investigat- M. PlunktJi, oot, aldo Congratulations to Mr. and berrv, Montreal. and Marlion, Tor-onto, are at their 1 ing to e what action mîght Mr.Rb. ave Mrs, Barry Johnson on the birth Miss Jo Armstrong. Hartford. summer home here. KING ST., NEWCASTLE taken by the local counicil ne-; Visitons with Mi. and Mrs. of a son Autgust 14 at OshawaI Conn., visited ber famnily and Ms ni civ exa Snow White - Lange diehenaber andterper Genenal Hospital. staved with Mr. and Mrs. John ket. is visiting Mn. a' MsC- r ii E!A 1 ' Bent Matenialeis miable a local bv-law mav be MsS. omn otPry n The aftennoon Ina hcld at the, Armstrong. CaFot e cil Glass. andMea.Ce passed pnohibiting al parking J Mrs. S. Mav, Toronto, also Mrs. home of Mîs. Cecil Adams ne- IMn. and Mns hs rser- M. and Mns. Thomnpson aind A L F O E Guaran eed - ocal sreeti te m n P r e nyon n c nl' xvs v r s c e.f l , urned hom e fom a tnip to W in- sons. N orth Bav, are visting lier Wok ~ lhp ofal trcks dro h ngt I and Mrs. E. Beech, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Clarncce Pen- nipeg. brother Eddie Couroux and his Red Malaga ____ ___ Ifound visited Mr. and Mns. Ru- Mns O'Neili. and Miss P. Kirk, wi fe. c~ A rELs I T Lfus Clarke, Brantford. Petenbrough, spent Sunday Mns. Fred Cornîsh. Morrîsh, SZ Y Skinny mon women MA LE CROVE ~'~w ~ Tommy and Sharon, and M. S. M. Madison Hall has been as- Tuanskv's had rather an, un- __________________ Mr n - - lnnyMNil eit Oshawa, retunned home sisting Mn. Jim Major build a welcomeviio recently. in- ainr. ands. Mrs. Bibi Lewis, ac- Mr and Mrs. ChleseyMNeil, Satunday aften a rnotor trip to sun ponch on hishbouse. stead of stopping at the pumpsY UR P KLNNE S CetAlw PpToo S Thiled Sleep, Bowmanvîlle. on a Mo-Ma and on Chnss, ini eg, and othen casterri points. ited in Pont Hope, Newtonvil1le touh the fence and sxxeet; Geto trip pbt. hrilgd an.hanSMisaEnisMceil Mn. and Mrs. Milgate and; and Elizabethville.tru tonke îPl thid . îg h t t s t ta a peas to repose ha f w x on the j C U C U NIB E R S -PH C L N O I N With Rsuits -or Pay Nothing Lakttacdwan. ane visiting Mn. and famnilv speîît a weeks vacation' Mis" Alma E. Cuttel iviisit- lawn. Luckily the chiidren wereî HOT PEPPERS SWETPEPR Vhat a thrill Bony arus, legs fil out; ugly M. MsCaon h iden- Gordon Martin. at East Lake, near Picton, also ing hér cousinr, Mn. and Mrs. not playing thene at thtme CE RY-T ATE olows Rit up; neck nu longer lrawuv; body hs n rnfn, jLaeSoeSho steMir. and Mrs. G. Linton, Mr. and Henry Junkers, Preston. Tohacco crops olusi be look- CLR ses half-starved, sicky look. Thousands, who hs and famih Batfrd .'- scene of an enjoyable occasion Mrs. C. Shtîton and Mn. and Mns. Miss Edith Shenwin is Î11 ait i go stnkl lvtn ever could a' before, are now proud of ited Mns. A.vlmer Beech. when Mn. and Mrs. Bill Jaynes Glen icolg.AI rpot heheahme b en pu nhaed andis hap * ly-ooking bodies. Ile>' ihank Gle a fîhnng gvod. AlMasttth er Lnv home. o- aetsi icut xi, he pY'ýlea vlgr-building Mi-. Albert Brown, Hamilton, were guests of honor at mis- j hn gn.i abegh PLoIn '-e sdad fic, Ostrez. Ift tonics, stimulants,. mvigoa- spent weekend with Mn. and! cellaneous shower. -.___ . h ato ok.n rs. iron, vtamin Bi, calcium, cnicisbood.jMns. C. H. Snowden. Mns. Brown Mrs. Ross Penfound. Calgary,copeO nprove app:îste andl digestion so food gives andnhihde. wo spet lat Ala., sfspedinga feOnay numresrnghad orshet ptfeq n cidrnwo pn ls lt. s pnin ewdy of the tobacco huyens anound i M m aebns r. aau d simeot aiwe ihhrprns hlý ihM.adMs hs i-qlooking oventhie cnops. said he eiuran leigits, Ont., writes, "I gained 16 1hs. Tired 1 the childnen attended vacation dred and Mrs. Paul Hatson. * aslae.Ms .Svrjwe ihhrprns hl ihM.adMs hs AIl- _____ neporcio i .ing. nervousness gone, ton." Another sser, h hl or oeae.1. 1 . . .D I! ces. arc Gagnon, Cap Chat, P.Q., writes:, school, rettirned home with her 1 Mr. and Mis. F. Wilson, u~ u M~@ thetaa he P BiblHoe L. Sa.e g ained 13 bs. Health fine. My rnudown usbn.adMs FakJhsad a-W .ae holding a ni ght Fr n fu ir BACO uý and gainer! 15 Jbs. New pep,'hsad n-i. rn on n a meeting Aug. 26, at Mrs. N. Ken- Don't fear getting ealiy fat. Sicr when1 Miss Marlon SnoWden. Toron- j uv and Mn. and Mis. E. Coppînndy.Foe cî Yunfaort iiiva gained tise 5, 10, 15 or 20 bs.. ou ho. abso spent Weekend at home. Oshawa, were guests on Sunday verys ol10l-Yu avrt ih. Money baclc if you'rc flot delighted. i,.-.a-lnCrHmtn fM.adMs .Bsevle ssi littie. Nem, "get-acqtiainted" size o rs, is C iov ar a pt n o n n r. W krile verseinheBible Rt eu oise r t i e.Osrf aii ,yfn u re s s Aylrn er gB e e coh .' i Mr. and M s. A f Brown and The first pla off basebal Loosp 3 5 Ç l b il. Reuse ubtoifiu ed. z a gn T- Is &sWig hr n is game was played Thursdav _______________ runds, this veydy tsf Ilornewvissd Miss Mildred Snowden has ne- visitedMis. H. Brown at the eeigi edlaantCm ______turnedi home much improved1 Queen Elizabeth Hospital, To-bon ihalrecwdnat TSHRIN A T . . . . . . .------------.1- onto, w.3MMeb mmumuumuumuumoeuuuuu0: Mrs. Don Coulte1r and familv, D A N C: Downsvew, are hoiidaving â *Mr. and Mrs. Sam Powell. 113 A V C EMr. and Mrs. Ernest Allun, i inhe1 Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mr. in theand Mrs. Chas. Alldred and Mrs. M~NEWCASTLE CONMUNITY HALL *Pu asn _ under auspices of the Board of Management, Cana salreppexot F KIIAYAUG. 21, 193, :30p.m. *RUTIÎ WILSON'S ORCHESTRA Go by Train to the * Admission . . . . ioc per person _____ _____TORONTO ~ Canadian National We Specialize ini~E HBTO ~$ AUG. 29to SEPT. 1la W * * * B~ B 5 S ~.Low R ail F ar« . Hair Problems Coach SGood going Thursday, Aug. 27 to Saturday. Sept. 1, Trust your child's delhcate hair inclusive. to our expert professional care. Return Limt-Sept. Id / Soft natural lookinga0 Permanent Wave, only- $4.95 OTiA SPECIAL FOR MOTHER! EHBTO hIdiv iduallv sty led Ai. 2t Permanent, only $6.50 s1O.75 Coach TCe teReturn Limit - Ai.3 Joa 's .e c utyPull information fo Joan' Bea tv C nt eany agent. 38 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE For Appointment Phone 45.1- Eveninus:w 3439 t.yca-mauc Food Freezer -Refrigerator There's nothing lke it onywh.rel Inside entd .utid., r, deuigned and huit for years of Iomting beau-y, Corefp.., etonomical food keepieig service. FvIIy outomati< LEVELCOLD throughout . . . Roll-*o-you Shoives und Automatic Defrostjn ng $5~U19 75 dm. Refrigeî'ator, â. MASON & DALE ardware - Sporting Gnods . Eleetrical Appliances 6KING ST. F. ROWMANVILLJ~ - PHONE 408 Get a safer ri GOODý LOOK FOR TIUS "HfGH SION" 0f QUALITY MOT IOMN softer, ide with VVEAR There', nm doubt about it-Rofter, smoother-running Super-Cushions! make any carý ride better. You'Ill find they're real mileage-builders too! Sec us aooni for youmI ISO IlR VL EOT NO SPOILAGIE - NO WASTE For Creaming Coffes SPRINKLE 40Ç 27% Buttenfat 4 oz. jar SPE(IAL BLEND DOMINO MOTOR TEA -1 Pg55 IL quart.$ $1.35 Cark's Fancy Qualî(t TOMATO JUICE - 4nz.31 SAVE - SAVE - SAVE - SAVE Richmello Products Saiad Dressing 24 oz. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN in the local store Fuil Time Work Availabi. Dominion Stores Ltd Sliced 'A Plain14 16 -o37 bar 2-lh. $L8 5 HO WMAN VILLE r i e - - - ~,. ~ eh; tm] en e Mé bu poil pou .4 r. r,£&qLrrl EN rHURSDAT. AlUGUS? ", IM THE CANADIAN STATESMA AN. BOWMANVnLE, ONTARIO PAGE NM ROWMANVILLE - PHONE 4091 i BREAD COFFEE