- - ý _- . 1ý , - - No ROER AUDREY *RE - WANE DALON RI- Jl pumm_ FL ------ *c*..~. TVÂVA~N V.LLAJ~ ~JÂ J.I.fLIJTEURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1959 -a,~,,..- ýWSANITONE' PAGETE CANADIAN- STATESW, Mauvers Township Council Sets- BLACKSTOCK me~~ resne hr Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stronl Miss Mona Ferguson was host- and famlly, and Mrs. Robei Tax Rate for the Year 1953 ess for the August W.M.S. iast Bruce attended Decoration sei __________Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Alex vices at Pleasant Point Cern Johnston, president, gave the tery, near Seagravç on Sunda: Manvers Township Council il mlis, S. S. No. 13, 14 rnills; worship from Matthew and gave Smah setne oM met at Bethany on August 4 S. S. No. 14, 18 milis; S. S. NO. a talk entitled "Who is Great- Malcolm on the passing of hE with ail members present and 15, 19 mills; S. S. No. 16, 16 milis; test." The rollCalil was well an- maternai grandmother, Mrs. E Reeve i the chair. S. S. No. 19, 9 milis: S. S. No. 20, swered by a scripture verse con- lins hwa91yr odT' Communications were read no mnilîs. taining the word "Peace" svwho was 91 thers old. T from Dept. of Municipal Affairs, These accounts were paid: evc a tteBoki h re:Assssentamedmnt ndS.S. No. 5, School money $ 250.00 Mrs. John Scott gave a very pel last Tuesday. Reforsesation 0f farm andfHdolcrcal helpful talk on "Peace". Miss Sympathy is extended ta Mr Hollis & Hollis, Jacob Kaplan, lights, -- .--- -------- 7.29 Sandra Ferguson played a love- John Scott whose mother, Mn Toronto, and R. R. Waddell, Or- Counties Treas, Hospital- îy piano solo "Rustic Song". Mrs. W. N. Campbell passed awa ono, Solicitors, re: tranfro ization,-------------------- 20.25 C. W. Hutton gave a very inter- after a stroke in Toronto. properties; Weifare Officers As- Road Voucher No. 9,etngacutohrrcnttp M.nd rsHarHllh sociation, ne: Conve'-ntion; Cyrusi Roads -------------- 7063.34 to Vancouver and Dawson1 lovely flowers on the Commun McGill, Janetville, ne: Hydro-. J. C. Cummiskey, salary 150.00 Creek. 1ion table at St. John's Anklica: Electric Installation; also 'from Relief, - ----------.103.60 Aften the closing of the meet-1 Church on Sunday in memory o ratepayers in Pontypool nequest-1 Council adjourned ta meet ing, lunch was served by Mrs. their son Alfred Hall who diei ing street lights on William Sept. 8th, at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Gordon Strong's group with a overseas in the last war. Street. social haîf-hour being enjoyed. Accounts were received from The Mission Band met in the The Hydro-Electric for Hall Assistant Ag. Hep. church basement on Monday af- ]PONTYPOOL lights. Bethany, Counties Treas- ternoon. Mrs. Roy Taylor took for Hspitlizaion, . s.Atteds Shrt Curse the worship and Mrs. Cecil Hill nuiDcnaina ~t urerfor ospializtion S.S. Atend Shot Corse gave the Study Book chapter, Ana eoaina qt No r orheScetay-TrealsrofA flia,'w V d , "Npengo Goes A-fishing". Nan- pool Cemetery was interruptei from he Scretry-Teasuer o At ueenLs Kinston~. cy Hutton sang 'Jesus Loves by rain and was held ini the Ur Emily Municipal Telephone Sys- tem with list of charges to be Me", John Hutton gave a read-,l ited Church. The cemetery wa added to the Collectons Roil. Jim Brown, assistant agricul- ing "A Song of Lovely Things".1 in excellent shape and the flora By-law was passedtoev tunal representative for Durham, Mrs. Taylor told a stonyor, rbtsweemn n eu and collect the foilowing rates: attended a short course in ob- new Canadian. Meeting closed ilfui. People from far and nea Counties rate 13.5 milîs; Town- jectives and methods of work- with singing and the Mission were present for the occasior shi rte 8miis;Geerl choling with people in rural areas, Band Purpose. W hile ail those at the cemeter: rate, 7 milîs; District HighI given iast week from August 10 Mrs. Harvey Ginn, Onono, did flot go to the church theri School, Maintenance rate, 5.2 ta 15 at Queen's University, stayed last week with Mns. 1 was very little space left in thý milis; Debenture rate, 2.3, milîs, Kingston. James Ginn while Mr. and Mns.1 chunch. Mr. Alex Monk of Bet1h and Township Road rate 12. The course consisted of lec- Glenn Tennant and the babyr any did a very fine job as chair milîs. i tures, group discussions and motored ta the Stdtes. man and speaker for the occa By-Iw ws p paelsin hic th folowng n. nd rs.RayMcGil îthsion. A lady fram the Salvatioi follwing Piascd to levy the panesithoteflown r ndMs a MGl i Army also gave a very fine gos follwin PulicSchool Tru stee authrities took part: Dr. H. W. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Poisnl t rates: S.S. No. 1, 15 milîs; S. S. Cunran, Dept. of Extension, Fenelon Falls.soa pel appeai. The Saivation Arm: No ,1 il;S .N.3 2QensUniversity; Dr. Olaf Band from Bowmanville render No.2, 0 mli; S S.No.3,12 uee'sCongratulations to Dr. R. P. ed special music for the occa inilis; S. S. N.o 4, 12 milis; s. S Larson, Corneli University; Dr. Bowies who ceiubratued his 89th . so.TeHryPetnC No. 5, 12 mills; S. S. No. 6, 12 Norman High, Director Diploma.Te ar retnCi milî; S S.No.7, 4 mlîs s.s. oure, .A , nd rln birthday on Monday, August 17.: munity Choir gave a fine servici No. 8, 17 milîs; S. S. No. 9, 22 C. Abeil, Economist, Canada Mrs. Robinson, St. Christo- 1Of song. Miss Jeanne Coultei milîs; S. S. No. 10, 18 milîs; S. Dept. of Agriculture. plier, sang two loveiy solos at the i and Mr. Harry Preston sang S. No. 11, 20 milîs; S. S. No. 12, In addition to agricultural rep- United Chunch service on Sun-1 duet. The offcning xvas not a: resentatives from througbout day evening. large as usuai but the Cemeter3 Ontario, the course was attended Mrs. Arthur Pritchard, Toron- B oard appreciate ail those wh( by representatives from the De- to, visiting Mns. Veiva Bailey. assistedinayw . SPENCELR patment of Education, Ontario dMrs. Tom Stewart has retunn- We are sorry ta leann that Mrs FedCperati vesof of OutarUio- rm iiig in Quebec. Ed. Cain was in very poor eli COR ETIRE dWo eIntitue B nanioh Mr. and Mrs. Austin Beacock and under a nurses- cane. (Registered since 1931) Ontario Depantment of Agricul-haertndatevitngfr M.Rb.Hlanaseun Mr. . . icars ture and Farm Radio Forum. twv weeks in Boston with re- eda1fter a recent visit ta Mon. BOX 3, OONOCanaianpulpmaks celo- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mar- Time and space does not per. BOX33.OROO anaianpul mkescelo-low and Bill and Miss Miriam mit nme ta mention out of towr Telephone 27-r-16 phane, explosives, film', and Sansetth ekn tvisitors at the Decoration bui _____________________ latis.Wiarton with the Rev. M. R. we noticed them from Black. Sanderson, Mrs. Sanderson and stock, Lindsay, Peterboro, To. L~UMUMUUUMUUMMMUMMUMUEUNUUEM.U.....~famiiy who are holidayîng there. ronto, Bethany, Millbrook, Or- , E& Congratulations ta Mn. and ono, Newcastle, Port Hope, Bow- :Mrs. Harold Crawford on the manville, Oshawa, and othe: a it of this daughter at Portpons *m Perry Memorial Hospital iast Af ter a very listless local cam- a *Wednesday, August 12. paign the two major parties put _________________________________________ M Mrs. Neil Malcolm and Gar- on a spurt at the last and liven- * di, Ms. A J.CookandMrsed the intenest Up considerably, «Rabson visited friends at Jack- Ago oewsrcre il -W]EATIB 1owàgx sn'sPoin onMonay.the Grits drawing in the odd * ETK OW Aj IL :sn' ont~Mody Tory vote and the Torys re- D.John Werry, Mrs. Werry sponding by bringing in the odd IFRIDAY SATUIRDAY - AUG. 21- 22: anciAnne, Mr. and Mrs. George Grit vote. From some other * *Carter, Bowmnanvilie, with Mr. parts of the county we don't rate * Mand Mrs. George Wolfe. too high in intelligence but we * ua~~m~a Mr. Wilfned Hobden, Boston, are proud of aur record that not TH RA EVEKIGLADES : visiting Mr. and Mrs. Austin one ballot was spoiled. The vote * eacock and other relatives. recorded Stephenson 104, James INDIAN WARS! We are very sanry. that Mrs. 67, Armstrong 21; much the *Vinginia May Arc her bad to saine as the last Federal election. *have an openatian and is in Osh- Uncertainty kept both camps un- Eawa Hospital. Hen many fniends decided and no celebration stant- a wish bier a speedy recovery. ed toa early. When the report * - a Rev. Fred Riding, Mns. Riding came in that the Torys had won M~~~~~~~g byabr n auPn. r 33 some of thein local stal- visitiangdMns.lW. PA.nVan e warts decîded to go eisewhene. to&f olý ý X)ian othr rlvs. C.A Vnamp On arrivai at Orono they bad 10y a ado rrltvs the Grits in with 18, but they * H Mn.andMns.Raih Lamerwent on ta Pont Hope where * U~~~~~~ entertained ail the immediate duta rvln tbt ..~CK HUDSON. brof tbihe aiy on bth o ee side anSatndayin ono ofter reports confirmed a Liberal MOUIN BARBARA HAL.MeMAnflhur motored to&Sratford Everyone worked in harmony AI N UN RICHARD CARLSON . Shakespearean Plays which are fights, or serious arguments. We *uuMuumm..muMUMMUuuud*(fot long) termi in office and * ~ -hope bie appreciates us drawing ~J~LJ .VJ. .L'I.i :in the odd Gnit vote. C O M IN G On Friday, Aug. 28 8 p.m. an :Induction Service wiil be held i A a at the United Church for aur AUGUST 31 - SEPTEMBER 1 -2 -3 4 inew minister.Laiswl rn luncna rgami e à Cfm. Fanl Richardson and *Mns. Richardson of Camp Bon- 0 M and Korean veteran. wm nmi* Alnother former boy,-Osca