,.----. N 4 Klý CýliA CTAL?' L 'TaÀT À?t Mflr 1AVTT LII.T. VIN 1 ÀArnE have returned fromn a two weeks' holiday in Detroit and I ~ III L A D P RSO ALWindsor with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trimm, and mo- PHONE 3303 ther, Mrs. Robert Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey accompanied 1them home and will spend a few days in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Clemn D. Perey, 1 children have returned from Mr. and Mrs. Arl Clark, Wa- Ottawa, are guest of bis sister, their cottage at Limestone Lake, 11terloo, and their two sons George Miss Beryl Percy. in Parry Sound District. and Sandy. were visitors on Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers Mrs. W. I. Smith and Alan Thursdav and Friday of last have returned from holidaying have returned fromn three weeks'i week with Mr. and Mrs. Gorelon at Hart Lodge, Minden. holidays with her parents, Mr. Badger and Molly Badger. Miss Mr. W. Lloyd Nesbitt, Port and Mrs. J. W. Wil son, Perth. Haze i Jennings, Hamilton, a Arthur, bas been visiting his Miss Larrane Jamieson andI cousin of Mrs. Badger's, is a vis- çusin, Mr. Fred Willan. Miss Charlotte Austin are visit-1 itor this weck at the same home. 'tMr. and Mrs. Chas. Knight, ing Larrane's aunt, Mrs. C. L. Mr. W. J. Berry has returned .4hawa, were guests of their Upper, in Peterboro this week. from his annual trip. This time ýOusin, Mrs. Seward Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hunt and he took the Saugenay and St. Mrs. Ross L. Penfound, Cal- daugbter, Ottawa, have been Lawrence boat trip and then gary, Alberta, is visiting Cbas.visiting her mother, Mrs. R. spent a couple weeks exploring and Maude Penfound, Shaw's. Witheridge and other relatives. Canada's new province, New- Mr. and Mrs. Ben HailT-eMiss Kay O'Neill bas ret7urn-' foundland. We hope when time ronto, spent last week visiting d to Winnipeg after enjoying prish ilaangv iher ousnMr. Hrr Sith. three weeks holidays with lier Statesman readers a running lher cusi, Ms. arr Smth.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe comment of his trip>. Miss Allie Bragg bas returned O'Neill. Mn. and Mrs. Jesse Weston of :fromn a few days at the summer Mr and Mrs. Wmn. B. Nichols Frant, Kent, and Miss May camp, Ancaster, for blind per- and daughter Patricia, Stouff- Wood of EaPtourne, Sussex, sans,.ile spent two weeks' vacation1 England, are visitors with Mr. Miss Catherine Teeple and ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mns. Colin Taylor, Bowman- Miss Ruth Bragg have returned W.- H. Nichoîs. ville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood, fromn a week's vacation at Mid- r n Ms .S.Dl.n Tyrone, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry land.Mran Mr.MS.Dlad Wood, Oshawva. Mrs. Weston Norma are vacationing at Brit- adMs odaesseso Mr. Geo. Laidler, Hamilton, annia, Lake of Bays, where Jan-aMss Woyorad aMessrs ofan Vsted bis sister, Mr. and Mrs. et is spending the summer as a M. WoTaloroan k Mesr A. an Will Henderson, at the Lake for memnber of the staff. Hlan d. he e f ofroal Anr- a few days. Mrs. J. Legenaan, Lemmer,lapo r eg r.eted at DorvaloAr- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wessels The Netherlands, is visiting ber pod rt . and Mrs. TaylorMit and Denise have returned fromn sister, Mrs. J. Semplonius, Silver andllMr and . W.CH.M- tw ek'holiday a"TeOdSt., 'fr goingontAlea Sunday visitors with Mr. and Ml"Carnarvon. to visit other relatives. Mirs. H. B. Gilmer, Concession Miss Donna Mackay, Smitbs Miss Laura La Belle and Miss St., were their son, Mr. and Mrs. Falls, is holidaying with her Helen Fraser have returned to Clarence Gilmer and family, aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Toronto after spending an en- Starkvilie; daughten, Mr. and 1. Smith and Alan. joyable two weeks' vacation in Mrs. Bert Stapleton, Town; Mrs. E. J. Hawkey retunned and around Bowxnanville, guests daughten, Mr. and Mrs. Jac k to Edmonton after spending two of Mrs. W. 0. La Belle. Butler, Toronto; Mrs. Gilmer'sj weeks witb Mr. and Mrs. Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Russell Allun brothcr, Mr. E. Harris, Calgary; net McCoy and Jack.- and Raymond, Peterboro, andi Mr. Harris' sons, Mr. Stanley) Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moffatt, Harris, Toronto, and Mr. an d Czar, Alta., are visiting Mr. and Vincent and Gail, spent the Mrs. Walter Harris, Lethbnidge, M4rs. Orville Osborne and other weekend xith Mr. and Mns. A. Alta: also Mr. Wiilard Eflison, relatives and friends. E. Moffatt, Prospect St. Cameron, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. E. Ives. Stayner, is Mr. George Greer, Elkhorn, Marvin, Port Hope. vitnbeautMisEaHl-Man., after an absence of 33 Miss Olga Tod received word yar, a nd sister, Miss Harriet yeans from bis native county, last week that Ler uncle, Rob Ba rtlett, Division St. bas been visiting bis sister and! ert Muir Tod, bad died in Van- Miss Stella Bolton, Ottawa, brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.1 couver General Hospital on Aug. jand Mr. Delbert Giooms, of Flin Fred Lewis, Statesman Apant- 12tb. He w'%as born in Bowman- lIon, are bolidaying with Mr. ments. ville being the youngest son of and Mrs. L. B. Nichols. The Counties' Health Unit re- thd late Charles Tod and was in Mr. and Mrs. M. Vetzal and port for weekend Aug. l5th re- teiwleybsns nVn ports 4 cases of polio, one adult couver for many years until bie case in Bowmanville, and a retired several years ago. His cbild in each of Cobourg, Dar- wife, the former Jean Wright Of Ww U~ lîngton Township and Haldi- Owen Sound, peeesdhm SMT. jw IMIS mand Townsbip. He is survived býy two sisters, Misses Jennie and Marlon Tod The $50 jackpot at the Cana- and one brother, Wm. J. Tod, all dian Legion Bingo on Wednes- -of Toronto. Interment was in CHUKIdyngto atwe awo VacueonAi14 dy ight ro ast we ewas o (Anlicn)tle. His mother had been one of Durbam County bas neyer the winnens of the last jackpot boasted of being in the Banana REGULAR SERVICES which was split between two1 Belt of soutbern Ontario, but at 8 a.=. and il ar. ayr. we can produce peaches here on Mlyrs.DaiPakadGen a par or better quality than -.1 rs.Davi Pak an Glnnathose grown in the Niagara Pen- insula. That is judging from the sample of peaches grown in thej garden of Mrs. Harry Rice oni Concession St. wbich. the edi- tor's familvý, were privileged to Minister: Rev. T. A. Morgan, B.A. Rice informs us the tree was grown from an Early Blood Red Peach stone planted 5 years agu and pnodured 3 dozen lusclousf peaches this year. UNION SERVICES WITH ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH AT TRINITY 11 A.M. - "Facing Facts" Due to alterations there wiII be no Stnday School tintil Fail. Mr. D. C. Peters, L.T.C.M., Director of Music. Phyllis Challis Barrett, A.T.C.M., Organist. UUMMUUMMUMUEUUMUpMMUMMUUSUU Grocery Specials Royal Instant S flavours Stokley's 20 07. tin Puddings 2 FS- 29c Toma&*o Juice 2/25e' Tressweet Club Ilouse 16 oz. jar Lemon Juice 2/27c Peanui Butter 41c F RES H PEACHES Arriving Daily ai Popular Prices Kraft Robin Hood WVhite Dinner - 2 Pg 29c Cake Mix - Pkg. 29c Durhamn Sunn> brook 2-lb, tin Corn Starch '2/3ýv White Honey 45C BROILERS and CAPONS FREE DELIVERY YEO'iS Keats and Groceries 55 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 33.67 GROWTII EXCEEDS CUT Averaged over its imits, the pulr> and paper industry takes an eighth of a cord of wood per acre per year. All :ientific mea- surnmlit., lu date indicate an average grovtb iii exccss of this figure. Farm woodlots pay large divi- dents. Specia1 SALE!l Boxed Christmas CARDS HALF PRICE To mnake rooni for New 'Stock AU, BOXES 1/2 Price Coronation Viewmaster Reels are in. J. W. JEWELL "Big 20" 27 King St. IV., Bowmanville PHONE 556 Wed in Double Ring Cereinony Mr. and Mns. Arnold Clarke Williams sign the register following thein marniage in a double ring cere- mony in Nestieton United Church on Saturdav, August lst. The bnijie :s the former Marjonie Jean Bowers, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, and the groom is the son of Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Williams, ail of Nestieton. PLAYGROUND CLOSING Fniday, Aug. 21, will be the of- ficial closing of the Bowman- ville Recreation Depantment playground prognam. The clos- ing program will take place at Memorial Park with races, tugs- of-war, contests and the like starting about 1.30 p.m. AIl the othen playgrounds pen- sonpel will converge on the one park for the afternoon's celebra- tion.* PLAYGROUND PATTER At Franklin Park, Mrs. Mar- jorie Shane is reputed ta be do- ing excellent work and is keep- ing the playgnound activities right up to par. Each Friday she has had a special event pro- gram and here are some of the winners. Parade on Wheels and Decor- ated Costumes-Best decorated tricycles: Fneddie Whitehand, v. si IL seli Coates, Shirley, with Mr. ENNIS ILLEN and Mrs. Fred Toms.1 Mns. E. C. Ashton is at berS Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowland, Mrs. home here accompanied by ber W. Rowland, Miss A. Johnson, granddaughter, Miss Beth Tra- Mn. and Mrs. Brackenridge and vell, Oshawa. a children, Millbrook, called on Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Wright, Mn. and Mrs. R. McNeil. and children, Toronto, with Mn. Mrs. John Hendershot, andr and Mns. Norman Wright. e Mr'. Ear1 Henry, Oshawa, called Miss Nancy Wood is holiday-I on Mn. and Mrs. Albert Oke. ing with ber mother, Mers."Verna l Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, Wood, at Alcona Beach, Lake le New Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Bradley, Bowmanville, Dr. John Lackston and Joy, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs Verna Wood, To- ronto, witb Mn. and Mrs. Shel- don Pethick. r Mn. and Mrs. H. Collacutt and Jo Ann, Bowmanville, Mn. and Mrs. G. Yeo and family, visited at Sturgeon. Lakée. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter, Hampton and Mn. and Mrs. Edwin San- dencock, Orono. Mn. and Mrs. L. Stainton and family with Mr. and Mrs. H. ~ .edn Stainton, and Mr. and Mrs. E. jbe -dn Carlson, Hampton..Duo$ Miss Marguerite Wright, St, tAlIionce Catherines, Mrs. Jack Bradford, Toronto. with Mn. and Mns. Nor- man Wright, Master Bruce Brad- fond, returned home to, Toronto after spending a week's holiday f~f~f Mn. Roy Spry, Victor, N.Y., UO EPEM NET visîted Mn. and Mrs. E. Wrigbt HO EPR A NT ~nd is othe, Ms. FankCHOOSE THE ONE TONI andy. ohrMs rn JUST RIGHT FOR YOUR HAIR Miss Berty Page, Honolun, * VIns. Etta Page, Enniskillen, call ed on Mn. and Mrs. Fred Toms. ,ORORAHII Mr. and Mis: O0. C. Ashton, .., *. Lois and Charles, are visiting bhe latten's brother, Mr. and *.'.. , Vins. J. A. Dalton, Victoria, Brit- ish Columbia. The Service Club %vill be beld '*ORHR.OWV at the home of Mrs. Earl Mas- ters on Sept. 1. Thee will be election of officers. Would like .~viA> 7 ali -members to cor-ne. ~ ~ IL Miss Shirley Avery, Bunrke- 0 frAST. ton, holidayed witn ber grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert OL Mn. and Ms. S R. Petick visited with friends in Toronto, QV and Mr. and Mns. O. R. Peth-V ck, Barrie. GIVES YOU A CUSTOM-MADE Mn. and Mns. Don Stainton PERMANENT JUST RIOHT FOR YOU and boys, Bowmanvilie, Mn. and VIns. Jim Simpson and family, ['rentgn, witb Mr. and Mi-S. Leonard Bnadle. BRY CR Mr. and Mrs. W. Howelis and R L EE family visited at Campbellford, Wellington, Trenton and King- THE PERFECT ton. Miss Phvlîs Howells ne- ___ HAIE DRESSING urned borne with tbem after - pending a few holidays at Tren- ' dsin jars ton. - Mr. and Mns. Geo. Hubband __ nd Ronnie, Raglan, Miss Violet Trainer, Mn. Geo. Tramner and JJ hondy tubes Doreen, Oshawa, witb Mn. and M. Walter Oke. Mn. and Mrs. D. Yeo and1 Lonna, Oshawa, with Mn. ande Mrs. G. Yco. Misses Brenda and Patsy Ellis mat@ mon 'ith MissLinda Stainton.. boy BRYLcfEIN Mn. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, thon uny othr hair dressing in the world .NIr. and Mrs. E. Wright and aimilv, visited Mn. Jabez Wrigbt, Dshawa, who continues quite I I ilMr. and Mns. L. Wearn and - - U - X amilY are bholidaying at Pau- lash Lake. Mrs. W. J. Stainton, Oshawa, ' ltb Mr. and Mns. Lonne Lamb. Il SOTER Mn. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- SRN E mn with I\Ir. and Mis. ArthurnTON E rckson, Toronto, on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. H. McGill and IE os Toronto. Mns. John McGill, nniskillen. wvith Mn. and Mns. iarve v McGill. Congratulations to Clark Wen- yson of Mn. anm'i Mrs. E. A. TerrY on passing bis upýpen chool exams. Clark will go to niveirsit\- in Toronto this year. Mn. and Mns. John Siemon pent a pleasant holiday in New PCANO (ork Citv. "Wis934#x# 0 Miss Jean Gniffin is on ber 20u tissues 91, x oldays this week.MASIZ12M35 Mn. and Mrs. Cameron Oke MNSSZl2x" 35 id Master Alfie Bender, Osb- wa, spent the weekend with nr. and Mrs. Albert Oke. Mn. and Mns. M. J. Stainton, nr. and Mrs. W. J. Stainton, On- 11. Mns. J. D. Cole, Helen and an, Bowmanville. wvere Moh- a' evening tea guests with Mn. e x Mn. and Mns. Wilbert Toms, felen and Wihnig, Mn. Kjth - 'Ne Deliveyr t SI tc a] I l w C il] dî w R( E, Sc Y( an av M Mi Je da an Pu Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Walker and Daîphine, Bowmanville, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- ell Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashtori and boys visited with Mn. and MIrs. Jack Lyon, Eramrpton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke and Wayne, Osbawa,. witb Mn. and M'rs. A. Leadbeater. Mrs. E. )rinkle returned home with them. Sympathy is extended ta Mns. R. Mitchell in the passing of ber ister in Saskatchewan. Miss Lena Moore accompan- id Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore, who visited thein cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Goodman, Oshawa. Mrs. E. Drinkle in company vith Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeat er, Georgie and Tommy, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown and Mrs. M. Allin, Courtice, on Saturday vening. Boracic Acid Dianne McMullen, Gary Clarke. Most Original (Dutch Girl): Tina Kooey; Gipsy, Francine Wynne. Most comical: Bruce Lunney, Frankie Shane. Best decorated bicycle: B e v e r h y Wright. Danla Shan.. Pioneer and Indian Day-The cbildnen made thein own teepees and the 'settlers" nigged ur> a tent and fireplace with a big black iron pot suspended by tw'o upright posts with a piece of greening over which hung the Phylhis Nimigon ail dressed up with long dress, gloves and col- orful umbrella was tbe perfect Pioneer lady and Bnian Martin acted as the pioneers scout xitb Bobby Sleep and Michael Shane as bis trusted cowboy s. The ln- dians had Bannes Norton as thein Chief with Bob Osborne and Allen Osborne as bis Braves. The lovely Indian Princess was Jessie Barre and the rest of the childnen wene either Indian war- rions, squaws on pioneers. The costumes were ahl made on tbe playground in the craf t period. Lynn Lunney and Mary Mun- day were particularly good squaws with their papooses. Mrs. Nimigon supplied the corn for a corn roast one day on Mns. Sbane's lawn and Mns". Kayý Samelis helped serve whicb were botb very mach apprecia- ted by Mns. Shane. The children brought in a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Mrs. Sbane on the occasion of ber birtbday hast week. Last Fniday tbey wound up the week wîth a field day and it was reported a' bowling suc- cess. (I think we know who bowled the most). Fifteen par- ents attended and 69 cbildnen took part. Mr. Lukas Nichols helped with the races and Mn. Leslie Nichais bnought oven some lovely glads to give the r was owned by Ralpb Clanke. 16 ounce, reg. 45e Epsom Salt reg25e 19C Idol-Agar reg. 79c, $.59 59c, $1.29 'ith glass rod, Mercurochrome re.20 4c I.D.A. MILK 0F MAGNESIA 16 oz., reg. 35-~ 32 oz., reg 60C 29c Ob49Cg I.D.A. MiIk of Magnesia Tablets 100O's, reg. 39c-33c; 300's, reg. 89c-69e HAY FEVER ]RELIEVERS Allergitabs - ------- $1.00, $2.50, $7.OO! Ciba's Pyribenzamine, 12's .. 65cr Cushioned Face-Elle -__23c, 2 for 45cr Ephazone Tablets ---- $1.65, $2.751 Idaphedrin Aqucous Nose Drops . 65e Frosst's Pyrithen Compound Tablets . 65c, $1.90 ABSORBENT COTTON "VAL-U" B3RAND- Hospital Grade one pound (gross xvi.) - ---- I.D.A. Brand WAX PAPER .00-ft roll of heavy grade paper ln box wlth netal <'utting edge. Reg. 34e TASTING 28v, 2 For 55vc____ Drugs Phone 792 - a.. e,. - Recreation / (il evues by DON SUAT The playground ebjîdren stant. ed their field day Friday, Aug., 14. witb a parade around the block and gave some of the sur- rounding bouseboldens some- tbing different Io look at in their regulan routine of the day. The most original soap box car was won by Larny Taylor and Wayne Leech came in sec- ond. The "Sleekest" looking car SOlNAL SERVICE ýS FOR THURSDAY DAY PELOR CE FE With 10 Gillette Blue .- CS Moades In GIN PULLS Relieve bockoche, rheunatic pains, s-olfe'.in, ons deranged kidneys. Reg. Size »- Balanced 8vFitness IIHURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 193 .1-;, "J park an added toucb of beauty. Champion irn tbe field day was Paul Rombough with 175 points. Bennie Hodgson was second with 150 points. Masie Perrain was the lucky guesser on beanu in the bottle Misses Munday and Ken Nich- ols wvon the ladies' lucky spot race. Mrs. Pat Fielci dropped the most clothes pins in the bottle and Mrs. Betty Nichols and Mrs. Bud Moses won the balloon fi- ed with waten toss. MEMORIAL PARK Still see Norma Henning giv- ing Miss Pundon a helping band and Sebastian Sweep uttering forth with voluptuous tongue shattering the tranquility ta the four winds. LIONS CENTRE Last Wednesday afternoon, Pat Smith entertained'some 30 parents and friends with a play- grounici production of "Who Killed Cock Robir" witb the following childnen taking speak- ing parts: Cock Robin, Paul Parker; The Sparrow, Inwin Col- well: Magpie. Lorraine Jamie- son; Fisb, Randy Dewell; The Eagle, Judy Brough; Owl, Pe- ter Buekler: Tbe Rook, Danny Hughes: Lark, Evelyn Hughes; The Kite, Freddie Witvoet; S w a ni, Yvonne Anonichuk; Wren, Nellie Witvoet; The Bull, Erie Lawvson; The Martin, Betsy Pbillips; Commentaton, Berta Higgon. Ail the costumes were made in the cnaft perinds by the child- ron and the programn included varions songs and singing gamnes. Berta Higgon welcomned the visitons and it was apparent that everyone xvas enjoying their af- ternoon's outing. q; * * CENTRAL SCHOOL COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PER SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDER FRIDAY AND SATUB 1. D. A. BRAND SPECIALS SoId on a Money-Back Guarantee PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MerGregor, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store 1 THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN. IOWMANVILTr. e)wTAlqTn "Aeq.v RV.VM 33c ý For