THURSDAy SEPT. 3rd, 1953 C.N.R. President Informs Publisher Company is Spending' $50 Millions To Improve Passengfer Car Service Wthd'eliveryof. $50 million i For I can say in ail sincerity thý worth 0 e equilpmnNt now your published criticisms ai being built. Canadjan National,! nvestigated promptly, and thý Railways' passenger accommo- it is flot infrequent for us to fijr dation wîi be as modern and your knowledge of local cor comfortable as any in North ditions a guide to appropriai Amnerica, Donald Gordon, chair- and corrective action."' man and president of the rail- Nwppreditosaeqi way, told delegates to the Can- esae osaeqi adia Wekly ewsapes As to praise constructive railwa sociation convention at Saska-acinadpocesMrGrd toon Thursday night. said. "Our dieselization prograr is one example of this," he saic Speaking at the openlng din- 'We embarked on it after'carE ner of the three-day meeting fui study because it made ecor attended by editors from across omnic sense; because it offere Canada, Mr. Gordon said that an opportunity to improve ou. the improved passenger car services and to cut Our costi rtandards would apply not only Nevertheless, the thoughtft to trans -continental service, but analysis which accompaniei to ail principal trains. "Our old- much of the press and editoria est branch line equipment, which comment have been most help lias been pleading for retirement ful to raiiway management il for twenty years will be set preparing the public mind fc gently on the scrap heap, and the inevitable re-adjustmenl wi]l be replaced by cars now in which were bound to corne il znainline service," be said. the wake of sucb fundamenta Delivery of the 302-car pur- change." chase, wbich is composed of 161 Turning to the matter 0 coaches and 141 sleeping and freight rates, "the railway topii parlor cars, will begin thîs faîl, which has accounted for mor he stated and a car or two a day tons of newsprint and pounds.o will be received from then on ink than probably any other sin until the order is completed. gle item of public discussion," hE "Once this bas been done," said that this problem is boumc Mr. Gordon continued, "some up inextricably with question. editors may miss a favorite topie affecting Canada's industria' for editorial discussion-the cri- structure, its geographic charac. ticism of railway equipment. teristics, its cbanging pattern oJ Objective and constructive news- economic activities and othei paper comment, however, is ai- factors including road-rail com. ways healthy and wortbwhile. petition. "I1 WOULDN'T HAtVE ANY PART 0CF IT # l'And neither would my Dad. He knows the value of trust Company experi:ence in looking after an estate. He wouldn't be without it!", So many wise men ta-day rely on the experience and co-aperatian of a trust campany. Write for free boakiet headed: "Blueprint For Yout Family", cavering some aspects of estate ad- miaistratian. THE STERLING TRUSTS CO0R POR A TIO N HEAD OFFiCI 372 Bay S., Toronto BRANCM OFFICE 1-3 Dunlop Si., Barrie THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE, ONTARIO rs NE WTON VILLE Mr. Frank Calver, Bowman. ville, Bruce Calver, Mr. Harr3 Robinson, New York, visitec Mrs. R. Stacey on Sunday. Miss Winnie Stacey spent tht weekend with Miss DeloreE iat'Gibb at Mr. and Mrs. A. Gow Ire land's Garden Hill. lat Mr. Sidney Stacey bas a new nd 1953 Dodge car. ýn- Mrs. J. E. Van Allen anc 'te daughter Phyllis, left on Satur- day ta visit an uncle, Mr. F. J. k Moore, Hagerstown, Maryland. ay Rcentovernight visitors with i-M.and Mrs. Frank Gilmer, m were Fligbt Lieutenant and Mrs. d. Raymond Gilmer, and son, Stew- ,-art, formerhy of Centrahia. n- Flight Lieutenant Gilmer is d leaving the R.C.A.F. in order ar to join the Air Service Branch, s. Dept. of Transport, at Ottawa, ul wbere they are taking up resi- ýd dence, and will complete bis re- al tirement from the R.C.A.F. with- P- in the next few months. in Miss Drury, Toranto, spent, r the weekend with ber sister, .t Mrs. Ernest Eley. nl Mis s Annie Nesbitt commenc- ied the fali millinery season an Monday with Miss Jean Scott, f Oshfwa. ic Mr. and Mrs. Garwood Day- 7e nard, Kitchener, spent Sundayý )fwith Mr. and Mrs. James Day- d Miss Bertha Tbompson left Ion Frîday to spend a week with friends at Selkirk. whun )f derwent an operation at Mem- ýr orial Hospital, Bowmanville, an -Tuesday, returned home on Sat- urday. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry aine, Dun- dalk, spent part of their holidays with bis mother, Mrs. William Lane. 1 Mrs. Wilis Jones spent Sun- day with her mother, Mrs. Da- vid Merrill, Dartford. Her sister, Mrs. Zena Carlaw, returned home with ber. Mrs. John Pearce, accompan- ied by ber daughter, Mrs. Eari Walkey and grandson Johnnie Walkey, left on Monday to spend a week withbher daughter, Mrs. Walter Grayson, Montreal. Mrs. Clinton Farrow and Mrs. Etta Clarke, spent Sunday witb friends at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stevenson and family, Cooksville, are holi- daying with Mr. and Mrs. George Ovens. Mrs. Williams Milligan, Mrs. Sidney Lancaster and Mrs. Wil- fred Cox were the local W. I. members who took in the ses- sions of the Associated Country Women of the World beid at Maple Leaf Gardens on Friday. We are lasing one of aur Dutch families, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius de Mooys have pur' chased the William Layton pro- perty on the fourtb line and are moving this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Veleke and family who have been living ini part of Mrs. Bessie Walkey's1 bouse have bought the Williami Burhey property from Mrs. Ma-( bel Langstaff and are moving( in at once. Mrs. Cecil Walkey spent a few1 days with Mr. and Mrs. Aif Holdaway, Port Britain.s The Sunday morning congre- gation wa.s not as large as usuai but those who braved the exces- sive heat beard a good sermon delivered by Rev. T. A. Morgan r of Bowmanviile. Next Sunday c Rev. L. H. Turner of Newcastlea xiii take the service at the sameI time, 9.45.f Mrs. Margaret Day, Toronto,z and Mrs. Patterson, Orono, withc Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown. i The puhp and paper compan- ies rent or ease their woodhands on an annual basis from the Crown. Do you know this man? .4 George Wbiite, C.L.U 25 Ontario St. Bowmanville George White, C.L.TJ., is a Prudential repre- sentative in Bowmanvilie, and h-4s business is provid- lng protection for families like yours. Thoraughly trained and experienced. George wilI be glad to discuss your life insurance and sickness and accident needs. He'l1 also give you Prudential's free Po1i--yho1ders'. Service to make sure your insurance is doing the most for you. If yau don't know George White, CLU., get in touch with him today. He'il heip you plan a secure tomorrow for you and your faniily ... wvith Prudential Insurance. Oshawa Office 2nd Floor 104 Kinig St. F. Phone: 3-4222 Seo ypur PRUDENTIAL AGENT For complete family security Imtcluding Prudcntial's great ,gew Siciness and Accident In.suranco M ___ s e. c 9 'a * '1 .9 w -w-- - I Pretty Wedding at Zion Wed in Zion United Church recently were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sulas Williams. The bride, the former Miss Jean Bell Cameran is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reford Cameron of Zion, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Harold Quarry of Hampton. -Photo by Ireland Studio, Oshawa. Bla cksiock W.A. Plan Turkey Supper On Fair Nighi Contrlbute'd by Mrs. Russell MountJoy The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association of Biackstock United Church met on Tuesday, August 25 at the home of Mrs. Roy Taylor with the president, Mrs. H. Short- ridge, presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of the theme song and the repetition of the Lord's Prayer in unison. The devotion- al was very ably taken by Mrs. Alex Jobnston who took as ber subject, "Believing Together"l. The minutes of the June meet- ing were read and approved. The treasurer gave an encouraging report of our finances which in cluded a splendid addition from our recent Variety sale. Several cards of thanks for fruit were read from the sick. Letters of thanks are to be sent for the free services of Mr. Ted Jackson, auctioneer, Mr. Giilbert Marlow, clerk, Mr. Mel- ville Griffin and Mr. Harold MIartyn at the Vaticty sale. This representation of ladies of the congregation were in favour of a turkey supper on fair nigbt. Discussion was carried on re food sale at lake, date for ba- zaar, some extra equipment for church kitchen. A substantiai amount of mon- ey for the Renovation Fund was received from Mrs. Gilbert Mar- ow, as talent money, made from the sale of ber very beautifui gladioli. It was decided to continue adding to our Renovation Fund until time to decorate came. The program was in charge of Virs. R. Mouintjoy's group and consisted of piano solos by Miss Kathrine Bailey, "Sabbath Chirnes" and Miss Doris Griffin May Basket Party", also a read- ing of "Twelve Commandments For Present Day Living" by Mrs. R .Mountjoy. The meting was losed witb the Mizpah benedic- ion after xvbich a "Titles Con- test" was beld. A bearty vote of thanks was xtended to the hostess and al those who took part. Attendance lî adults, 4 children. A bounti- Li lu w ~as serv'ed and a so- laIa hat? bouc spent together. r L t c BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Port Per- ry, gave a trousseau tea at bier home on Saturday afternoon for bier niece, Miss Norma Malcolm in honor of ber approaching marriage. Many relatives and friends from here attended. Mr. and Mrs. James Hall, Newport, U.S.A., and Mr. and1, Mrs. Robert Hall, Goodwvood,I wîth Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smit h.ý Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hlerman Samelîs on the deathl, of Mr. Samelîs hast week. The! funeral was on Saturday. 1 Mr. Vincent Archer, Mr. andý MVrs. George Lane, Mr. and Mrs.1 Stuart Carson, ahi of Bowman- ville, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W'ilbert Archer. On Frîday ovening in the Community Hall Mr. and Mrs. i Blake Gunter (nee Jessie Van Camp) were honored by their friends with a shower. A collec- tion had been taken and tbey were presented with a bridge set in red and black and a lovely yellow leather hostess chair, aiso other gifts. Mr. Gary Ven- ning was a very able chairman for an interesting program. Our best wishes are extended to the happy couple wbo xill reside in the village. .Sorry that Mrs. Albert Wright is in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, suffering with erysi- pelas. Her many friends wish ber a speedy recovery. On FridaY evening a very suc- ce5ssul ratepayera' xmeeting was held in the Recreational Centre to discuss building a new Public Sobool. This will -be started early Dr. John Werry, Mrs. Werry and Anne, Bowmanville, witb Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cobble- dick, and famihy, Leamington, witb Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Behyea and Nancy, Bronte, witb Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mountjoy on Sunday. Misses Joan and Patsy Hoskin returned home after spending last week at Bronte. Miss Effa Wright, Oshawa, spent hast week with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge, who toak ber back home on Sunday LESKARD Miss H. Loucks, Toronto, and friend were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. H. Duvaîl and son. Orono, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Duvaîl. Mrs. M. Chandier and Rev. A. Markham were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Green and famiv Weli folks, the newlyweds pulled a fast one by leaving Fridaýr instead of Saturday, but don't worry, they'll be back! Best of huck Gert,and congratu- lations Harry. Don't forget ladies, W.A. wil be held mn the Sunday Scbool on Sept. 9tb. Everybody wel- coin e, Mr. James Cameron is home from hospital, but xiii bave bis leg mn a cast for at least two montbs. Ghad to see you around again Jirn, and don't forget to take it easy! Earlier this year there was an epidemic of meashes, then chick- en pox, then 'flu; now I don't like to be pessimistie, but from events this past year I think a warning is called for, so bache- lors, watcb out, they do say it's catching? Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins and Gail, Toronto, were week. end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ArtRobbins. Jean E. Syer, Orono, and Misg JenSyer, Toronto, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Syer. Rol a r 4 Co-op 18%/ Lay Mlash For severai years we have featured an 18%/ Protein Lay Mash as being the most practicai iaying inash to use under most circumstances. _ -1 Co-op patrons both large and smaIr Wini testify that Co-op 18% Lay Mash niakes themt the most money. CO - OP 18% LAY NASH CONTAINS: 1. The hlghest quality tested Ingredients on the market. 2. A perfect biend and percentage of Anima! and Vegetabie Protein. 3. The trace minerais, lodine, Manganese, Coppe, Iron and Cobalt. These have been incorporated in ail Co-op Feeds for over 6 years. 4. The correct ration of Phosphorous and Calcium and a high level of Vitamin D-3 for proper egg sheli development. 5. A high level of Vitamins Including Vitamin B-12. Ail the above factors are of first importance i getu ting and maintaining economicai egg production. ) "~~' MARATHON SUPERaCD$RI1ON SIZE 6:70k*15__a MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES IVAN ON ANT OTHER KINO ( 0 and visited Mr. and Mrs. Javz The energy conter. Wright. produced in the 0&'ery with end of the Mr. 'and Mrs. Alex Manson western Canada eac home at t] and family of Montreal, visited about 18 tJ.mes the Dr. J. A. McArthur, Mrs. Mc- energy generated at flu are- Arthur and family. Ki ber of The fori Mr. Sam Ferguson is visitingAna num cm&h can a thîrd of Mr. end Mrs. Tenny Samelîs. Pulp an Mr. and Mrs. Harold Craw- In are one thirdc ford had a television set installed u h "t er consuni at their home hast weec. wu" dustry. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy, Clare- mont, visited Mr. and Mrs. PercyE u B Pugh. U AL Misses Valerie and Jane C ou n t Faint are visiting their grand- parents, MrO and Mrs. O. Wright. Phone 37-1 Sympatby is extended to Mr. Ray Snooks on the death of bis grandmother who xvas buried Saturday at Sunderland. fixed for a classroom until the new school is built.- k4O PAGE ELEVEN te twn and have their the north end for sale. rests are the sourcè* of fali Canadian exports. Ld paper accoUnts for of -ail the electric powv- nption ln Canadian in- e7--m