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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Sep 1953, p. 13

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THUSDA, SPT.10.195 TF~ fAMAlTAI~? ~'A'V~lA~ IuIA~!m ~ - - - - '.V V£.LA~.d. .ONTARIOLt. Gordon'Agnew, Editor Phone 3111 lantams Eliminate Oak Ridge Pains. n I a "Ivt" vo«m& Social anc &aser V. a, a,. M 9 Maisu Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacLar- - en, Mrs. James Reid, Mrs. Rus- ~2IuuaI2v sell Briscoe and Master Donald >£]PlyAininU w od onR aud Reid, ail of Renfrew, visited Miss ekifig a 3 ta 0 lea d in the short, David McCulough tooka able vacation, Rev. Lawrence H. frtinning, Newcastle Ban- base on balis and advanced on1 Turner returned ta bis pulpit in tams went on ta take the third a single by Bill Brunt. Bath. the United Cburch Sunday morn- and final game o! their O.B.A.j runners scored on a triple by ing. He aiso took the service 3erni-final series with Oak Rid- Ron Dickinson, wbo scored on at Newtonvilie United Churdh ges in the local park on Satur- a single by Ross Dean. Bob at 9:45 a.m. Sundav. day in a closely contested, bard Brown struck out and, Neil Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn fught gamne, by a score of 5 ta Chard went down short ta first have returned home after a two 2. Thus they. Farned the right ta end the inning after scoring week'g vacation in Northern On- ta meet the Atwood Club of what proved ta be enougb runs tarie where they visited the Western Ontario for the O.B.A. ta win the game. IDame gold mines. at Timmins Championship witb the first The local boys were then hield and the Abitibi Paper Milis at gamne here on Wednesday, Sept. bitiess and scoreless until tbe 'Iroquois Falls. 9. and return gamne at Atwood fiftb inning when, after D. Mc-i Miss Ellen Ramsbottom spent on Saturday. Culiougb had struck out, Billithe week«nd with ber parents Abus bas been charteîed ta Brunt doubied, séori ng an at Hermon. take local fans to the game on single by Ron Dickinson. Ros i Mrs. Bihl Barchard and Mrs. Saturrday and further informa- Dean got a 'safety on an: error Henry Bowen motored ta Fen- tion and tickets may be obtain- bv the short stop witb Dickinson clan Falls last Tuesday ta attend ed fi-arn Mrs. Ross Embiey at scoring the final i-un o! the the funerai o! their uncle, Mr-. the Post Office. gamne. Isaac Taylor. o41l~ 1 ~The annual banquet o h Giving up only :3 bits in the, The Oak Ridges teamn did Newcastle Merchants Bail Club, seven inning game on Saturday,1 their only scoring in the second scheduleq for this Saturday, has Neil Chard pitched a steady 1 inning when a single, an errai- been postponed for. two weeks in game a'lowing no bases on: and a double shoved two runs order ta allow the club memibers balls and striking out seven across the plate. A!ter this ta attend the Bantam gamne at batters. His two adversaries second inning raliy, only twO Atwood. The banquet will be an the mound for Oak Ridges Oak Ridges batters reached first heid on Sept. 26. allowed 5 bits, gave up 3 bases base. one in the third on an Master Wayne Withers, Peter- on balls and struck out 9 battcrs. error and the other in the fourth borough, spent the past wveek In the big firat nning, Gary on a single. McCullough flicd out ta the Line Scores 1D - , - fl 7A;rqot;i Siafford Bros. Monumental Works Phone Whltby 552 318 Dundas St. E., WhitbY FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise workn-anship and careful attention ta detail are your assurance when yau choos-,fi!rm the wide selectian of impcrted and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. R H E: upen -air L)erviLo Oak Ridges ..-------- 2 3i. âewI2dsLA - ------- 5 2 Umpires--D. Barnes and J. Hobbs. Oak Ridges-Rule, Gailagher, Margerum, Geai-y, Boyle, Rab- erts, Wright, 'Qarnsdale Comfort. Newcaste-G. McCullough, c; D. McCuliough, 2b; Brunt, lb; Dickinson, 3b: Dean, r!; Brown, If; Chard, P;. P. McCuilough, cf; Lake, ss. Education is aur only political safety. Outside o! this ai-k ahi ts dciuge.-Horace Mann, Ail education shouid cantri- bute ta moral and physical strength and freedam. - Mary Baker Eddy. ~~~t~e ww tn "WHAT D'YE KNOW" is today more than a genial Greeting. It is indicative of today's pace in living. People KNOW more-have to know more-than then' forebeara of a couple of generations ago. Kids today in Primary School- students in University -Busines- men-Homemakers-ail have to learn mare, and know mare, ta keep abreast of the multitude of developments and progress ini the world today. As a requisite of good citizenahip, and in social lie, men and women simply have ta know, and be well-informed about what is going on in their local commun- ity and in the world at large. 'Mat is why Newspapers have ta supply more and more news and information. And what about newu and information concerning the things we ail need in the enjoy- ment of our standards of living today! ' l I f whatd 'eknowBOUTAWe EVERYONE-no matter what Income or size of Pay Envelope -is perpetually conoerned in getting the best merchandise, food, clothing, furniture- at the lowest cost! That is why the advertise- mente in this Newspaper are s0 useful, so informative. so valuable, so full of "KNOW". Merchants who advertise let you know they want your business. 0f course they do .; but they let you KNOW what's new-what's better- what's most economnical! Next time Vou plan to hop, think over that expression- "WHAT D'YE KNOW'"- and take note of how much ithe advertisemnents in this Paper can help you. nis Newpapr i.a dedicated to supply you with the best in News Services, and is proud of its contribution to your Local and World-wide information. It is also happy that it provides the vehicle, in Diàplaýy and (Cassified AdLertising, that carrnes the ansu'er to essential WHA T-D' -E-KNO W7-IN,ýFORMATION, thMueh which .vou get the beat in your, socuu andeholwd ne«lu. inI uL UII rarK Well Attended The annual united open air service sponsored jaintly by the Orono and Newcastle United Churches drew a large congre- ga*tion on Sunday evening as the assembled crowd formcd in a serni-circie ta enjay the service in the scenic bcauty o! the Orono Community Park. Orono Brass Band under thel direction of Mi-. Milton Tamblyn1 added greatly ta the service, as did the public address system supplied by Ted Woodyard. The service was under the direction o! Rev. John Kitchien, minister o! Orono Cburch. The pastoral prayer, the rcading of the lesson and the sermon en- titied "An Ancient Calvai-y" werc shared with the congrega- tion by Rev. Lawrence H. Turn- er o! Newcastle United Church. The portable organ, suppicd by Mr-. Hancock, was played by Mrs. Chas. A. Cowan o! New- caatle. The fine musical n2umbers auppiied by the Orono Band before and alter the service a,; well as tbe numbers interspel:seâ through the service was very much appreciated. d Personal 1 with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn. The Junior Congregation af the United Cburch will begin its fali activities on Sunday next under the leadership of Mrs. Jack Nesbitt and Miss Irene Rinch. Mrs. H. C. Bonathan hgs re- turned home after a visit with her daughter Barbara, in Vic- toria, B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney have returned borne alter a three weeks vacation with their daughter at Marysville, B.C. Mr. and Mirs. Percy Tamblyn spent the holiday weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wîthers in Peterborough. Mrs. .ýennie Robinson, Miil- brook, is visiting Mr-. H. T. Manes and famiiv. Mr. and Mrs. ýStanley Powell and family' vsýent the holiday weekend with Lieut. and Mrs. Joe Hockin, at Camp Borden. Mrs. G. Bonathan and Miss Doroth 'v Bonathan. Toronto, spent Labor Day with Mrs. Trudy Sallows. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Stinson, Marily'n and Linda, and Mrs. Wray Walpole, Chesley, visited Mrs. H. R. Pearce and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. "Where'er The Sun" Tille of New W.M.S. Sfudy Book Afternoon Auxiliary o! the United Church W.M.S. met on Sept. 3rd with President Mrs. W. F. Rickard in chargé. Mrs. C. A. Cowan and mnem- bers o! ber group were in charge of the devotional period whicb took the foi-m o! a question and answer period, the ansivers be- ing versions af Scriptural pass- ages read by Mrs. Sowden, Misa Oldfieid and Mrs. Floyd Butler. They then deait with the first chapter of the new Study Book. 'Wbere'er the Sun," the theme of the chapter being 'Cburch, the Household o! Faith", the life and task of the church around tbe world. Each o! the ladies, representing citizens o! variaus countries, gave news o! Christian Churches around the world, ln-r cluding India, Pakistan, Africa, Mexico, Canada ani Korea. In the latter country, big guns wip- ed out most o! the homes in one of the smaîl villages but tbree laymen carried an two cburcb services each Sunday and a prayer meeting everv Wednes- day night. They stili had their' faith. Plans were discussed ta hold a Faîl Thankoffering service, 30 's Sports Program DrawsorOte 2 Fair Crowd Despite Mr. and Mrs. T. Mane. Lahor Day Showers Honored on Occasion A large number of local and 0 5hA nvra~ district itizens gathered ia the O 5hA nvra' park on Monday afternoon ta see the threc-game sports pi-agi-arn Mr. Tracy Manes was hast and lincd up with the locàl Bantams Miss Mabel Oldfield and Mrs playing Leaside, the Ladies' Reta Embley, hostesses, ata Softball Club meeting Millbrook celebration in honour o! the Ladies an-d Newcastle Merchants twenty-fifth wedding annivers- piaying Port Perry. ai-y of Mr-. and Mrs. Tracy Manem n a lng, drawn out garne, o! Leaside on Saturday, Septem. cailledatwice on account o! rain. ber àtb. the local Bantarns hampered by Their imniediate famnilyý sat the drizzle, wet grouads and the down ln the early evening toa tact that they were saving their surnptuous feast at a table grac- star pitcher for Wednesdav's O. ed with gladioli. Before the din- B. A. finals. were a mucb dit- ner the guests o! hanour were ferent tearn fi-rn the anc piav - presentcd with a coi-sage o! rase- ing bei-e Saturday a!ternoon and buds and a i-ose boutonnicre i- pi-oved no 'match for the Leds- spectively by two niecea, Mrs. side Lions. Bantam "A" tcam, Tracy Embley and Muis. Ross xvbo, with their manager, Tracy Embley. rManes, were kiad cnaugh ta Mr-. H. T. Manes. father of the j make the trip ta Newcastle ta groom, asked tbe gueats ta rise j bclp with the local Labour Day and drink a toast ta the continu. celebrations. More than twa cd health, bappiness and pros. bours after the umpire called perity o! the honoured couple. '4play hal", the five-inning garne Afedierrena fM- 'ended with Leaside an the long and Mrs. Manes were invited te end o! a 17-6 score, have a part in the wcli-wishing. After the sun had came bai-k Tbey were efltcrtained by a ta dry up the grounds. Millbrook number o! tables o! progressive Ladies' provcd tbernselves ta be euchre. sti-anger than the local Ladies' During the evening Mr-. Ross Club by a 4-1 score.j Embley presented the surprised In the final gamne t h local' couple wath gifts bearing the best Merchants plaYetd gondi bail. tak- wishes o! the friends and roi- inz the lead in the third inning, atives gatbered ait this celebra- anIs' ta throw it awav ,vith -r- tion. These gifts were given ta rai-s in the final innings v.ith the couple by the youngest Port Peu-v boys coming out on guests. Jean and Lois Terwillig- ton 8 ta 5. au. Guests were present fi-arn Despite the rain which felI and Millbroak, Oshawa and New- threatened during the early af- castle. ternoan, the crowd who staved Ithrough fi-rn 1 ta 7 o'clock had the bpportunity ta see some eood Only the cducated are !ree.- 'exhibition basebaîl and softball.' Epictetus. The draw on a Wishing Woll Education makes a people table lamp. so)onsored b%, the easy- vto iead, but difficuit ta Ladies' Softball Club was *made, drive: easy ta gavera, but imn- Mrs. Ruth Irvine being the bold- possible ta enalave. - Lord ci- o! the winning ticket. Brougharn, Sale ai Coul iscaied Firearms The Dept. of Lands and Forests wîil hold a Sale of Confiscated Firearms at the District office, Lindsay, on the dates of Sept. 14, 15 and 16. Guns wilI be on display on these dates only, and ail bids vil'il be by sealed tender. Governor - General To Open World PlowingMatch at.Cohourg With crack plowmen fi-rn 12 fluai four-day International nations en band to compete in 1 Plowing Match. October 6 to 9. rolling back the firmest furrows, In their own division of the Governor General Vincent Mas- sey will open the world's pîow- International Match, the mayors ing championship at Cobourg, o a dozen municipalities wiil Oct. 6. it has been announced. once again test their plowing J. A. Carroll, Toronto, presi- prowess against Toronto's Mav- dent of the World Cbampionship! or Alan Lamport, winner of the Plowing Organization, bas add- «'Mayor's Ciass" last year. Sev- ed the United States, Denmark eral Ontario may ors have ai- and Belgium ta the countries ready pub]icly announced their, that have confirmed their en- intention of entering against, tries in the match. Tweive côun- Mayor Lamport. tries have now entered. The match will be held on the The piowmen will compete Durham -Northumberland Coun- for a golden troýpby, replica of an ties Home Farm near *obourg, 18th century plow. The world' and the local committee repres- championship contest is being1 enting the two counties has been held in conjunction with the On-j actively preparing the site for taria Plowmen's Association an- 1 several months. Expect Goveriment IoBoRad 40OOOOIN Pounds of Butter O f one thing the Canadian pile would be twice as big as the housewife may be sure: There approximately 19,000,000 paunds likeiy will be lots o! butter in the government had at the end Canada next winter - more, o! tbe butter year Iast spring. than the wilI require. Contributing ta the big .iump The federal goverrament. a, in supplies is the tact that pro- big buyer and seller tbrough its' duction bas clinmbed and the fact prlce-support pi-agi-arn, max' endý that the government still hasn't lip next sprir.g wilh a substan-' disposed of most o! that 19,000,- tial jump in its unsc.ld stocks. 100pudsrls Though the government keeps pudsrls its buying figures under wraps, Production during June jump- soedairy men estimate the I d ta 47,000,000 pouinds from 42,- sovmentmyhv le 000,000 last year. In July it in- built up a stockpile of perhapsî creased ta 41,800,000 from 39,- 50,000,000 pounds-a big jump 000,000. on the 30,000,000 it beld last Al told, Canada's creamery year. butter output during the 1953 And if current production calendai- year may rise ta about trends continue, it appears like- 310,000,000 pounds compared ly the government may have wlth about 280,000,000 iast year. about 40,000,000 pounds o! un- Consumption aiso bas increas- sold butter on its hands at the ed at about? the rate o! 1,000,000 start o! the new butter-produc- pounds a montb, but hasn't kept îng year next May. up to production. Stocks on That would represent an in- Aug. 1 totalled 77.196,000 - vestrnent o! about $24,000,000 o! sharply higher than the 59,215,- The Greatesi Showman on Earth Step right up, folks. and learn Sure enough, folks; ho did. ail about the man who arnazed With bis high black bat and a five continents. It's instrfuctive! ýtikei i vPiesBr Educational! Inspiring! Thisr nurn buit a museurn o! wonders way, ladies and gents. for tbe!i i e or iy n story o! the Greatest Showman there, for a srnali part o! a dol- o aTh.r h dmecn lar. you could see Sights that Thnes !nadvete omen o!g Beggai-ectDescription. There Une ofan dvetismen ofthe werc giants and mldgets. There Mutual Life Insurance Company were Fierce Grizzly Bears fi-rn o! Boston. The advertisemcnt the Trackless Rockles, and Or- cantinued: ang-Outangs fi-rn Darkest Afri- Ail this took place before the ca. There was a Camelopard, a movies, before radio, and before Wooly Horse, a Gila Monster, a television. Oui- ancestors, folks, Paddle-Tail Snake, a Fccjee didn't have aur opportunities ta Mermaid. behold the Wondcrs o! the World, the Beasts o! the Jungle, There were acrobats and ma- and the Oddities o! Distant gicians in Feats o! Daring and Lands. Life was bard and ser- Skill. And, in a room ail by ious for tbern, and few wcre the tbcmnsclves, there were Bible opportunities for Wholesorne scenes sculptured in wax - sa' and Instructive Enfertainment. real and exciting that they made Now there was a storekeeper you want ta go home and read in Connecticut, a man narnod your Bible all over again. Phineas T. Barnum. who got ta Eventually. for people who thinking about this. "'I sell peo- couldn't corne ta bis museum, pie food." said he ta hirnself ane Mr-. Barnum put bis show on the day, *'bVt people need more road - and you know the i-est than food. People need fun. I o! the story. We believe in hap- will show tbern things ta make pines:, an.d sa we shahl always them mai-vel and thîngs ta make bave a warrn spot in aur mem- themn laugh. I wil show tbcrn ai-y for men who, like Barnum, sights ta broaden thei.r minds bave addcd ta it in big or little and higbten thei- bearta." ways. hEITIU rDr'rT' Mi-. George Reynolds, Mi-. aa, UL'LIJ GR VLa Mus. Glen Reynolds, Mr-. J. KanE S. ___ Bowrnanville, spent the weekcn, 1: Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gi-cen- holiday at East Lake, near Pic - barn, Mrs. James Martin attend- ton. ed the wedding o! the former's Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gay, De -nicce, Miss Dorothy Greenharn trait, with Mrs. Essery, Si-., ano and Mr-. Stephen Wilson at other friençis. Scrbr o Strdy.'Mr. and Mrs. E. Milgate, Ruth a Mr. Elgin Gi-eenharn visited Irene and son Teddie, Mi-. an( Mr-. Bill Snowden, Toronto, an 'Mrs. Carman Tbornpson and son Sunday. Allen and Orvihle spent thý .e Mi-. and Ma-s. Chas. Greenbarn holiday weckend ait East LakE and Carole attended the Vesper near Picton, and report th Service at the C.N.E. grounds on fishing good. 9.Sunday and aiso Visited at West- ;s en.Clarke Council Gives e COURTICE Second Reading Io The Evcning Auxiliary was PlumLing By-Law held at the borne o! the pi-esi- dent, Mrs. W. Brown, on W.d- Clar-ke Township Council waa nesday evening. Devotionai was beld Sept. lat in the Counci] taken by Mrs. Sadie Courtice Chambers. Councillors preseni and Mrs. Pauline Elliott gave were A. McKay, F. Lovekin, J eseveral passages of sci-ipture ia Brown and Clerk E. H. Milison. connection with the new study Reeve H. Lowery took charge ai book Where'ci- the Sun" in a the meeting. venv interesting way with Mrs. With regard ta the neccssity t Anne Gay. Mrs. Mildred ?Muii-, fou completing the Lakeshore Di- -Miss Jean Gay, Mrs. Einora Muii- version it was maved that the - and Muis. Ede Gearing alI takingj Clerk be arjtborized ta arrange ) part. Mi-s. Fulton favoured us an appointmeaî with Mi-. Wad- f with the solo "My Task." Next! deli at 11.30 a.m. ait whicb time meeting will be beld at the' Cuclajundt i fie borneo Mrs. Mary Grills Oct., Everctt Brown and Alvin 7th. Meeting closed with aý Blewett reprosenting Durhamn social tirne. County Farmers Co-Opea-ative Sunday School will open again requested assistance ta have the Sunday. Sept. 13, at 1l arn. Dept. o!ý Highways repair the Caurtice Wornan's Association aprabt o 5Hgwy meeting will be beld Sept. 17 Counci agi-ccd ta supply culvert, at 2 p.m. equipmcnt and supervision on Mr-. and Mrs. T. GCaring, Mrs.j provision that the Dept. pay 50 J. Gearing and Mrs. C. Pen-11prcn ftecs.twsmv found attended Toronto Exhibi - pr en tothe coea.dt wadSum- tion. perintendent be a committce ta Mr. and Mns. L. Miller and son' e ntuhwt i.Misa Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. Prcy and Mr-. Anderson and make the Spanka, Middlepart, N.Y.. visit-' best arrangements for romplet- ed Mu. an-d Muis. W. Brown. in hspoethsyar Mr-. Wm. Harding and Mi-.P. n cothis project tis year. Routledge. Austin. Man.,,ai-cejan onchti o.n2witb he steep visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil!appoa dc taleNo. ighav i-ne, Adams and other friends and Lly lsaepuet.Nw relatives, j tonville, the Clerk wag reqiîest- Mi-. and Mrs. Fred Gay and cd ta correspond with the Dept. daughters. Barbai-a and Jean, ro! Highways, Port Hope. Due ta,ý Detroit, visitcd Mn. and Mrs.! No. 2 Highway' being raiscd' Carl Down, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil abov, the sidcwalk the gi-avelj Adams and Mi-. and Muis. George shoulders have now i-un backj Barber. and cavered tbe sidewalk. Cotin- Mr. and Mi-s. E. Shipman, Mr. cil therefore i-cquests the De- and Mrs. C. Pefound and Mi- partment to raise the appraach anmd Mr&. L. Penfaund, Wbitby; fi-rn the Clydsdale praper-ty and spent Wedneisday ovening at the also canstruct a new sidewalk in bomne a!Mr-. and Mrs. Sim Pen- place -o! the aid one along in faund and bad a very dehiciaus front o! the-same property. anniversary supper. ros .wi Council discussed a building A community coi-n oswil by-law and Chai-acter location be held at the borne of Mr-. and * By Law and instructed the Clerk Mns. W. Parker, Fridav. Sept., ta present the draft copies ta 18. Proceeds in &iîd of Building solicitor W. R. Strike and report Fund. , bakta the next meeting of CLASSIFIEI3 ABS Notice Io Credibors 1 CARD OF THANKS 1I1 %vsh to express my sincere IN THE ESTATE 0F ARTHUR appreciation to ail who sent MARK HARDY, deceased. cards, flowers and other things Ail persons having claims while in hospital, aiso "«.A. and against the estate of Arthur W.M.S. Mark Hardy. late of the Town IN, Taylor, Nestieton. of Bowmanville, deceased, who 37-10 died on or about the 29th day of March, 1953. are hereby notified Mere words are inadequate to to send in to W. Ross Strike.'express my appreciation ta my Solicitor for the Executors, Bow-j many Iriends, neighbours and manville, Ontario, on or before fellowv emioyees for their cards, the 15th day of September. 1953, fruit and letters wbich made my full particulars of their claim.j stay at Sunnybrook Hospital a Immediately after the said pleasant one. 15th day of September. 1953, the Ed. Willatts. tributed amnongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only Tom and Ruth Sheehan and ta dlaims of which the said so. family wish to thank Rev. H. licitor for the executors shall Turner,' the doctors. and nurses then have notice. . of Memorial Hospital, friends, DATED at Bowmanvile this ebus and relatives, alse 25th day of August, 1953. Mors Futieral H*ae for their kindness, syrnpathy, cards and W. R. Strike, help in the recerit loss of their Solicitor for the Executors, -beloved baby, Michael. 37-1 Bowmanville, Ontario. 35-3 1 wish ta thank my friends and neighbours for the fruit, dandy, Council. flowers and cards sent ta me By law to provide for the pav- during my stay in the hospital. ment of a fee for the inspecting Special thanks ta Dr. Rundie and of pl.umbing and rewers was nurses of Memorial Hospital. to ffiven fir-I â'., . ! nn, v .t r .q L t pn mn.-.. .A given iisi and e,UIIu It'duIIg and tabled for the inext meeting. Council authorized Durharn Central Agricuitural Society ta poi]Ce Orono Streete on Sept. 1Ilth and l2th during the animal Fair. Amouint of Road Voucher xvas $6.375.23. School opened Tucsday morn- ing with severai new faces, the teacher. Miss Wallace, and several beginners. Mrs. Chas. Glenney is teacb- ing at Enterprise School and Bob Martin is teaching at Canton Scbool. Miss Helen Turner is in train- ing at Çivic Ho spital, Peterboro. Miss Claramae Fisk returned home hast -week after spending the holidays working at Birch Cli!! Lodge, Baptiste T*ake. Mrs. Bill Barchard anid Mrs. Henry Bowcn attended the fun- eral o! their uncie, Mr-. 1. Naylor in Fenelon Falls last Tuesday. Don't forget Home.and Scbooi next Tuesday evening and tbe Ladies' Club at Mrs. Tucker's an Sept. 28. Master Geraid Gibson spent a few days with bis grandparents, Mr-. and Mrs. H. Henning, Osha- wa. Mr-. and Mrs. Chris. Barchauid and Sharon, Newcastle, with bis mother, Mrs. A. Fisk, Sunday. Mr. Max Fisk, St. John; Mr. John Piunkett, Peterboro, were ýrecent visitai-s with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisk. Muis. Henry Bowen and Dar- lene. Muis. A. Fisk, Mrs. Bihl Barchard and Lois spent Wed- nesday with. Mrs. Stan. Kelsev and family and Mi-.. John Kclsey o! Woodvilie. Several in the Community spent a day at the C.N.E. Talk about peculiarities in the news. This is anc for the book! Tire specialist Frank Jarniesonj visitcd a local dentist hast weck ta have samfe choppers rcmoved. After suffering for sorne timne, he was allowed ta hcad back for his office ta resume work, bis mouth stili frozen, and like a lIump o! iead wben be tricd ta taik. What do you tbink the fi-at man he i-an Into wanted ta know? He wanted ta know whcre he cauid find a dentist in town. Frank sa ' s be lad quite a time trying ta tell him tbrough those For Low Prices Evcry Day Shop at Cawker 's' I. G. A. Supermarket i mysiser, vir. r. wovU$, ancid iMrs. Wm. Barrett for acts o! k n n s . M a rg a re t .J e ffe ry . IN MEMORIAM BOWEN-In loving memory o! a dear wife and mother. Emma Bawen. who passed awaY Sept. Il. 1943. Ten years have passed aod gone Since one we loved so wel Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ ta dweli. The flowers we place upon ber grave May wither and decay; 'But the love for ber wbo sieeps beneath Shall neyer fade away. -Ever reernbex-ed by husband and family. 37-i' MONEY wanted on first mort. gages, good investment 6% ,,in- terest. Write Box 62, c/o The Canadian Statesman. 36-tf THREE or more rooms or bouse for couple with s5maI] cbildren, on or before Oct. lst. G. M. em- ployed, Write Box 65, c/o Can- adian Statesman. 37-1. DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptiy for sanitary disposai. Telephone coiiect: Co- bourg 1266 or Toronto EM3-3636, Gordon Young Limited 1-52 Better is the frugal inteliec- titai repast with contentment and vu-tue, than the iuxury of learning with egotism and vice. RAIL WAY TIllE TABLE CHANCES SUNDAY, SEPT. 27, 1953 Full Information fi-rn Agents p ~. ~ I " MEAT SPECIALS " Peameal Collage Rails Lean Minced Beef Nqe aly ]Blade Roaui Blade Remeved -3Lb. Fer$10 m i b. 33c Sm oked Nidget Rails m a I h. 69C Sliced Beef Liver ** Open Saturday Evening for Your Shopping Convenience. L,,. 29c Cawker's L.A. Store KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE ~UUUIIKEEEURUKUREEEEEEEJUIJEEEEIII8RuERR1UUIEI, "a 'I vt '1] ,m THLTRSDAY, SEPT. 10, 1953 THE CANADUN sTATPsmA*- iinwv,&mvff.T.v. emmàvm effective Lb- 35c XE THMTEEN m Lb. 49C BOWM.ANMLLLM

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