~¶X1WDY, EP. 2, 153TE CAMADTAN STATESMAN, EowmANvrLLp, O1TARTO Fourteen Exhibitors Took Part ýg Durham Couuty Black and White Day With 93 Head ai Orono Fair A. Muir & Sons, Courtice, won Rag Apple Marina a strong wel the Premier Breeder award for develoedheifer with a promis- the eievrnth crinsecutive year ing u=de A strong contender at the Durham County Black for the Championship was the and White Déy held Sept 12 in milking two-year-old daughter connlection with Orono Fair. A of Rooket Tone shiown by H. close contender for Premier Bruce Tink. Breeder honours and the Prem- The Junior and Reserve Jun- 1er Exhibitor of the show was ior Champion females were an 01 iaffes T. Brown, Newcastle. outstanding paid of well devel- Stai of 93 head were shown oped dairy heifers The Junior aïexhibitors, the quality award went to the winning Sen- m~ tlcuiarîy In the female class- !or Yeariing Glenariff Pauline es being excellent The awards Scepter shown by H. Bruce were plared by George R. Mc- Tink. While the Reserve Junior Laughiin, Oshawa was the first prize winner in the Pabst Walker Ollie. who was class of sixteen Senior heifer Junior and Reserve Grand calves shown by A. Muir & Champion hast year for the Cen- Sons, Eldersle Bessie Triune. tral Durham Bull Club, Orono, The class for best uddered this year took the Senior and fernàle brought out an excep- Grand Championshil after tionally fine group the top heading the two-year-old bull award and the A. J. Tamblyn ciass. He has developed into a trophy finally going to A. Muir strong, d'ý-ep, smo ith bull. on Elderslie Ray Apple PoMch, Browview Pabst Realization, the fourth prize miiking aged a son of the Grand Champion, cow. shown by James T. Brown, Juniors were praminent in made a strong Junior Cham- the shcw. Gerald Brown, New-1 pion~ and Reserve Grand Cham- castie, topping the Senior calf pion after heading the Senior section ujf the caîf show andý bull caif class. He has greatIplacing seconcd in the open I strength )f top, is well balanced class. John Cruickshank headed and Is grond on his legs. the Junior caîf section in the The winning Senior Yearling1 calf club and placed second in Bull Supreme Tradition, owned the open class., Merrili Brown jointiy by H. Bruce Tink, Hamp- won the special trophy for the ton and F. Roy Oritn best purebred Hostein caif, six Brooklin, was Reserve uno months and under one year ex- Champion hibited by a boy or girl. Elderslie Ray Apple Dellai In the group classes A. Muir headed a strong class for Aged & Sons won the Senior Get-of- cows in milk for A. Muir & Sons Sire on the Get-of Progressor and then followed through to Kenevelyn Barry, the Junior the Senior and Grand Chani- Get-of-Sire on Get-of-Elderlie pionships. Muir also had Re- Triune Sir Heilo. the Graded serve Senior anao Reserve Grand herd and the Junior herd class- Champion taking this honour on, es. James T. Brown had the the dry two-year-old Elderlie' winning Progeny of Dam. "ANOW LETS 52- - 140W CAN W! CAMOUFLAGE THS ONE?" Don't oveaiond yeur eloetrie eimceult. When you bulld or moderniz. provide ADEIJUATE WIRING. HEGOON ELECTRIC ELECTRIC WIRING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION AUTHORIZIO .~flICIN STEOENEAL@EET I ox 360 -42 ING T.E.ENERL 0 LECTI Wlncnvillle" Phione 438 HOME APPLIANCE DIALSR -Onttario Why chili warm friendships with cold floorsP W. have the *nmwar te this often embarrasding situation: a compact, besutifully-designed Lennox Aite-Flo h.ating systemn, which taures you of bmlanced wsrmth ftom floor toe eelhng. And wifh c.ld we.f heur ihtsround th. - corne, itstim to be thik bu your home's beatlng probiemo. Why mot lot aur many yearu oftaxperence i the home oasting field show you how te keep your friends-and yoursef-im perfectcomfort this winter? 1h.,'a stili time for you to have Lennox Aire-FIe Heatlng experthy installed in f'our home to assure complots comifort o our famnily and guelte when "~Id westher arrives. Came in toitay for .omplate detailh, or eaUl us for a e, b«elfls urvey et your home. Warm Forced Air Furnaces for Every Need1 Heari & Bothwell PLUMBING and HEATING 26 Ontario Street B owman Phones: Noon Hour 3473 - Nizhtç 2085 and k44vilie1 Tour CortlieId Mff NESTLETON Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at tile home of Mrs. Ken- neth Sanielîs Sept. 17 with meeting in charge of Mrs. Sam-1 ells' group. Devotional was giv- en by Mrs. Samelis with "Faith ànd Trus ' " for the topic. There were 19 ladies, Rev. Hutton and some clildren present. Roll cal Was a diqcussion on gambling. Study book was rcad by Mrs. W. Jackson. Mrs. L. Malcolm gave an instrumental. Ladies dccided to have a pot luck sup- per. Mrs. Hutton gave a won- derful talK on her trip to Daw- son Creek. The group served a dainty lunch and Mrs. Samelîs and ahl were given a vote of thanks for another splendid meeting. Next meeting in charge of Mrs. Allan Suggitts group. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bate- man, Caeýarea, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mr. anci Mrs. John> Hall, Osh- awa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Samells. Mn. and Mrs. Victor MaicolmI and family visited Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr, Yeiverton. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Malcolm and family Yeiverton, were sup- per guests with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm. Miscellaneous showcr andý dance tor Mr. and Mrs. Harley Jackson in C.O.F. Hall on Sat- urday nicht was well attended. They received many lovely and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Vine visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Vine. Mrs. Frank Crossman, Taun- ton, and Miss Rose Mountjoy, wvere dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Xenneth Samelis. BURKETON (Intended for hast week) W.A. was behd at the home of Mns. Harry Strutt, Sept. 10tb, with a Pood attendance. Mrs. Walter Vaneyk, Tyrone, gave a mast interesting talk on their recent trp by plane ta their homehand. Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Vaneky h-ad flot returned ta Holhand ho ovar 25 years. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Newton Taylor and family in thein bercavement. Funenal ser- vice was largaly attended at the church for the late Mn. Taylor. Mn.IL eonard Gatchaîl and Joanie Dean, vifiited fricnds in Toronto. Mrs. E. Caughill callad an Mns. C. Ryan and Mrs. Carnegie, Pont Perry. Mn. Lloyd Slingerhand, Nia- gara- on -the -Lake, with Chester and William Haskins. Mrs. C Shackhady, Las Ange- les, Cahif. with ber sisten, Mns. Ben Hub bard. Mr. Ron and Irene Cochrane, Oshawa, with the Hubbands. Mn. and Mrs. Art Tampkins and Gardon witb Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Tornpkins. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cochrane with Mn. and Mrs. H. Strutt Mn. anfi Mns. B. Hanthnone and family witb Mn. and Mrs. Cliff, Kn.-pp, Lotus. Mr. and Mrs. H. Trick in Lindsay with friends. Miss Darathy Campbell, To- ronto, is teacher at the public Scbool and making her home with Mn. and Mrs. W. Bnyan. Mn. Jack Smuith, R.R. 3, un- denwcnt an oparation at Part Penny Hospital. Best wisbes forý a speedy necovemy. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Smith moved from Mount Forest ta Mn. Alvin Bell's farm early this spring. Mrs. J. Carter, attended the wedding af her nephew, Mn. Douglas E. Coates, and Muriel L. Gifford, at St. George's Church, Osbawa, Sept. 12. Though 1 bestow ail my goods to feed the poor, and though 1 give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing-l Corinthians 13:3. Love is to the moral nature what the sun is to the earth.- Honore de Balzac. NE WTON VILLE Rav. Lawrence Turner of Newcastle took aur service on Sundav, n.nd as usual, gave us somathîng wartbwhile, flot only ta 'Lake home with us, but ta pondan ovrer tbrough the week as weil. His theme, wbich be said might well be headed, "Gim- micks and, Gadgets", urged us1 ta try ta remamben ta "put first tbings finst'", nat only in the sanse of ecanamic values but alang the ine of true Christian- ity, also. Next SUnday, Sept. 27, at 9:45 Stundard Tîma wa are hold- ing aur Sunday Scbool Rally Day wher ail parents are invit- ed ta be present Rev. T. A. Morgan ai Bowmanville will speak ta the children. Special musical numbers 'oy the scbool. Mns. Ncirman Scott is spand- ing afew days witb ber daugb-. ter, Mis. Ken Newton, Hamil- tan. Mrs. Don Vinkle bas finîsbed helping witb the tobacco bar- vest and neparted back at Clarke Central on Monday. Allen Laing and lady fiends, Taranto spent the waekend with bis uncle, William Laing. Richard Glaver underwent an operatian at the Civic Hospital, Peterbonough, on Thursday. Mrs. Etta Clarke spent the weekand with Mn. and Mrs. Jack Raid, Orono. Mr. andi Mms. Clcland Lane attended the 25th wedding an- nivcrsary af Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Moore, Hamilton, on Satunday. r I M900e m " cd -&ibbow r Of course, when a new bridge or highway is compieted, it's tradi- tionai for some prominent citizen or government official ta cut the ribbon in the opening cerenlany. .And yet .. . Often this bonour might be awarded with gond reason ta any one of the nation's l14e nsurastcs polir ybolers. Why shouid they descre rhtis distinction? Because it is flhet, prem-ium money, part of which is invested for tbem by life inàurance com.- panies, which makes it possible ta build many such useful public works. Not only road# and bridges, but electnical power sta- tions, waterworks, stores, homes, office buildings and industnial plants are built with the help of life insurance dollars. Sa here's to the ife insurance policyholders! W bile they' pro- vide finunciai security for their famniies and themselves, thes' also belp inake Canada a better land ta live in! AT YOUR SERVICE! A trained lif. underwriter - reprebenting ue o f the more thon 50 Canadien, British und United States lifs inmwrance companles in Canada - wilI gladly hslp you plan for your famIy's security and ysur own needs in later yeors. RoIy en himi THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA '"if is Good Citizenship to own Vie. lnsuranc." -2D 1 THtMSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1953 Surprise Shower For Wanda Clarke About 20 friands and relatives sunprisad Miss Wanda Clarke, bride-to-be af Oct. 3, at ber home, Kiog St. East, and show- ered ber with many lovaly gits an the evening of Sept. 1l. Thej surprise sbower was coovene d by Mrs. Melbourne Hawley. The brida-ta-be was seated benaatb the archway and as she opened ber gifts, gaily coiored bahloons were punctured ta ne- lease their shawer af confetti on Wanda. The bride tbanked' everyone for their gifts and gaod wisbes, and tha namainder af the evening was phcasaotly spent in vaniaus games. A deli- clous lunch provided by the convenon. Mms. Hawley, was served by several friands, bming- ing an enjayable evcning toaa close. In Canada only the federal government may colleèt indirect taxes.% Mr. and Mrs. David Aberna- thy, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Ken- dlli. Miss Drury, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. Ernest Eley. Mastr Kenneth Whittaker, Toronto. with his grandmother, Mrs. John Pearce. Miss Bertha Thompson spent, a few days with the Misses' Thomp5on. Toronto. Bud Jones entered Queen's, Kingston, on Tuesday for bis final year. Jack Ellioff Is niaking ready 1,0 haVe lils cottage hricked up.1 Mrs. S.,die Lamb, Toronto,I spent the weekerAd with her, niece, Mrs. R. S. Johnston. 1 Mr. John MeCrea and hisi daughter, Miss Jessie McCrea,ý Toronto, are spending a few, days wdth Miss Annie Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ormis-1 ton and two daughters spent the1 weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J.' R. Emorir.s-ham, St. Catharines. Mr. arnd Mrs. Lennox Vasev. Port McNicol, who have been on a trip to Ottawa stopped off! with her parents. Mr. and Mvrg.l Williarn Stapleton, on the way h ome. Nesileton Station Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf were Mi. and Mrs. Douglas Jones. Judy and Marilyn, Fene- Ion Fahîs, Mr. W.Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman' Harrison, Omemee. Mrs. (Rcv.) Peter Jamieson, Uxbridgc, vlsited Mrs. John Dickey. ïMiss Joyce Reid is attending Niagara Business College. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Smith, Elmsdaie, visitcd Mr. and Mms. H. McComb. Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson werc: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross and Larry and Mrs. Hamilton, Lindsay. Mrs. Hanna Crossman, Osh- awa, visited her niece, Miss Rose Mointjoy. Mrs. T G. Langfeld and her mothen, Mrs. William Jerry, mo- tored to Woodstock on Tuesday. Mr. Kitchener Burton and Mr. Jas. Emnerton visited Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Goodwood, former- ly of Cadmus, Who is Ml. Congratulations to the Hicks twins, i3etty and George, who celebnated their fifth birthday on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Camp- bell, Bailieboro, were Sutnday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. Mrs. Frank Symons, 'Joan Pnd baby daughters, Bowmanville, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mns. Nelson Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son cehebrated their siiver wed- ding anniversary quîetiy on Sept. lst and treated thcmsclves ta a television set. Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers, Bert, Jerry and Ralph, attended the air show at the Exhibition grounds on Saturday and wit- nessed the jet plane accident. They motored ta St. Catharines and brought home a load of peache&. Mrs. A. G. Fowlcr, Oshawa, visitcd her daughter, Mrs. Wal- ter Lawrence. Mrs. Fowien is necovering fnom an accident ne- ceived when motoring frorn Montreal aften welcoming her grandson, Clarence Hartsand, Oshawa. Clarence has been on an extenc-d trip with the Boy Scouts ta Switzeriand. Two of our oldest citizens celebrated birthdays this month. Congratulations ta Mr. Joseph Noon who was 88 on Sept. 8 and ta Mr. Robent Riddell who is 85 today, Sept. 21. Several Car Accidents OBITUARY Send Motorias to R.w LA SEPR M emorial Hoopî.tal The death occurred on Sept. il, inP..rt Hope Hospital, 0af A Bowinanvillc- man, Jack Mrs. Wmn. Sheppard of Ehiza- Maffatt, Liberty St. N., and a bethville. wha was in her 9Oth Toronto man, Bill Munro, 24, ycan. Mrs. Sheppard enjoyed1 werc tak(-:n ta Memorial Haspi.. good health until two days prior1 tai, Bjwmanville, Tuesday night ta her passing, whcn she fell of hast wezek following sepanate and broke her hip. accidents on the cast and west High'.y respected in her com- appraacbç's ta town. munitv, Mrs. Sheppard was a Mr. Molfatt suffered a frac- life-iong resident of Elizabeth- tured collar bane and cuts and ville. She was born Nov. 18, bruises wbcn his car ]eft No. 2 1863, the daughtcr of the late Higbwiy an the long curve one- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Taylor. Hem quarter mile west of Shaw's busband predeceased her on Schooi, rolled over twicé, knock- July 20, 1932, and sincc that ed down a mail box and ended time she had made ber home up against a tree. The accident with hen son Henry at Eliza- toak place about mnidnight as he bcthvîhhe. was driving west towand Bow- Funeral service was conduct- manviiie / Moffatt told O.P.P. ed on Sept. 14 by Rev. E. L. Canstable Ron Chittim, who in- Udeil at the George Funcral vcstigated, that he had been Chapel, Port Hope. Palîbearers, [1 forced off the rond by anothcr ail grandsons of the deceased, car.. were: Messrs. Oswald Pethick, The other accident occurred Alian Sheppard, Jîm Anderson, about 9.3o p.m. at the Sauina Clifford Pethick. Wiibcr Dickin- noad, when Munra's car going son and NMunroc Sheppard. west and containing two other The many flo*al tokens were Toronto mien left No. 2 highway evidence of the respect and af- on the south side. It rolled twice fection la which the deccased cnd-oVer-end, hit a tnee about was heid. Flower bearers wcre 30 feet fram the noad and bounc- Chas. Prouse, Harold Sheppard, cd over a fence ino a fanmer's W. J. Anderson, Harold Whit- field. Mlunna was taken ta hos- mer, Freu Wheeler and Morris pital 'iuff,2ning fnom shock and O'Neil. Interment was in Port a bad c:haking up. The other oc- Hope Union Cemetery. cupants vierc not seriousiy in- Lef t Us mourn ber passing1 jured, but the car, a 1953 model, are ber two sons, Walter, was comnpletely wnecked. 1 Brantford Henry, Elizabeth- Munro toldinvestigating offi- ville; thiiee daughters, Florence cer Pat Corneli af the Bowman- (Mrs. Ehinen Dickinson) Osha- ville O.P.P. detachment that he wa, R'ina (Mrs. Sheiton Peth- bad taken the ditch ta avoid ick), Ennîskiiien, Norma (Mrs. 1hittinga a truck tunning out of Fred Anderson), Ennismore; the Sauina road, Charges will also 15 grandchildren and 15' be laid against Munra pcnding great-grandchildren. further investigation. Also on Tuesday eveninga c~a wned by Stanley Bruce, Newtonvllle W. I. placeStn.front fo Stls as Maesilnsfrge tpuanfronihefBruce was ins t an truck a Bca p arked in siefrontl n f r e and ta heprpard & GinLumber opany. eiterd of thLe rs At Ploughing Match Ceompan.ioulydaed hefeptmbe mctinrs One ermiowaus italzed and I N ewtî ile l wsmedngat aBnetom an scsiaed undNt wovleWI. a eda a a sertis ofac cdn ovov-the home of Mrs. F. Gilmner, in sele ofaccdets nvov-with an attendance of nineteen ing motonists from this district. members and six visitars and On Sept. 15, Robert F. Burge, chiidren. an Im.cerial Oul driver, received The foliowing committcc was seriaus hip injuries after being appointed ta look after aur part' iovolved in a second accident in the afternoon tea, ta ha serv- whie inspecting damage of a cd at the International Plough- previosîs one. ing Match on Friday, Oct. 9. Mn. Burge's original miishap Mrs. Wada, Mrs. Sowden, Mns. bene on Highway 2, when he was iovolved in a minan sida- Mr. Sowden agrecd ta bc swipe with a light truck drive I aur dehegata ta the Area Con- by Eric D- Groot of Orono.n vention in Toronto on Nov. 4, After the two vahicias had 5 ,rd 6. parked, the two men bad retir- Convenor Mrs. C. M. Jones cd' ta the rear of De Groot's took the chair for the program, truck ta exchaoge information. which cornmenccd with a vivid As they talked, a third car, description by Mrs. S. Lancas- dnivan by Robent Eade of King; ter, af ieha impressions af "Can- Street, Bowmanviile, approach- ada Day" at the necant A.C.W. cd from the east, went out of W. gathiering in Toronto. Cun- contrai on the slippery pàve- rent avents ware givan by Mrs. ment and skidded sideways Ormiston foliowiog which Mrs. stnikîng Burge, and hurling him George Campbell af Wahcome, direetiv aven the top ai De providcd a highly intercsting Groot's light truck. and at times humorous travel- In an accident an Sept. 12 ague an the trip ta Engiand she James Harris, Burketon, liad a and bier husband enjoycd this close esc,-pe but emnergad un- past stinnrer. scathed alter his car went out A spirited piano salaon twa af contrai and ovarturnad on the by M-s. Campbell was also curved Enterpnise Hi, several rnuch appreciatad. The rail cail, miles oortb af Orano on High- ',A chîldliood ambition" con- way 35. His car was damaged ta! cluded this part ai the meeting, the extent of $350.'1 after which lunch was senved Maurice Pedwell, Newcastle, b y the hôstass end hien gnaup. and George Lee af Oshawa, Next m*ceting will be held at sideswiped at the jonction ai the home of Mrs. Sowden, New- Highwavs 2 and 401, on Sept. 12, castle. witb minor damage ta bath ve- bidles. On Saturday, a car driven bv, In July af this ycar Canada's Harold Crawford, Hampton, andi labour force reached the record a truck dniven by Bernard high af 5,515,000 pensons, ai' Crawley R. R. 1 'yrone, wene1 whom about 1,150,000 wcrc* involved in a minon mishap. trades union mambers. OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT, The Cnadïa Ban of ommrc ATTENTION Mr. Fruit 'Grower!l DURHAM GROWERSI' COmOPERATIVE COLD STORAGE Newcasâle, Onario Are Now Authorized Distributors for OAK VILLE WOOD PRODUCTS Oakville, DRI. Makers of Improved Hampers, Six-O.uarf Baskets, Excelsior Pads, Etc. PHRIE2121 IRWIN COLWILL, Preident NEWCASTLE HOWARD> GIBSON, Manager BuAE88aa8.aa- -- - ----------- - a*nmaa*muaaan*ma.au*UUUUEUUUUEUE WESL Y VLLE Bibleand Marie AuMW uloading There was no church »rvlco On Wednesday, Sept. 16 the here on Sunday li defererite te Womnens Association met at the Morrlsh annlversary WhlIch wau home of Mvrs. Reeve, and spent attended by several famiies a very busy afternoon at two from this church. Sunday School quilts, which were completed got off to a lâte stirt but had that evening. The constant re- 42 in attendAnce. A ftply w.. ports and pictures of the home- read from une ai oui, mission- less peopies of the world create aries in Angola, toialetter ask- a feeling that work to relieve ing f or information about liter. distress should form a part of ature needia. Becluse of language Association meetings. The pro- difficulties it wasn't thought gramn was in charge of Mrs. Tuf- practiral ta contact aniy indivi. ford, group leader, who read~ a dual In the native churches, but paper enlarging on the scrip- rather offer this he1l, ta ait ture lesson. This was read by English speaklng persan po"- Mrs. Harold Austin and the sibly in Canadian mission chapter on the study book given schcols. by Mrs. Carroll Nichols. All A bus load of boys trom T.C.'o were led la prayer by Mrs. Hold- spent thé very pleasant Sunday. away. at Barrowclough's beach. The business was in charge Wild geese have been seen go. of Mrs. Rr-eve and besides rou- igsuh rs a oce h tine work, concerned plans for mn othderostihas inuthed the cleaning the church, time for the metenaer vies coingthe gr- annual pot luck supper, and den, appes dandbeoing veryth orders for quilting and making frsty hefcdand Mhday is tha a new quilt for customers. frtdyo alb h aedr There wete about 12 memn- bers ard one guest present, all y of whgm enjoyed the day of M n o e!Oda fellowship and work ending M n o e!Oda with the refreshing cup of te.' l On Friday evening the 'eun-40 50 6 ! e N..% day School was present at the I annual- rafly heid at Welcome FeelYearSYounger, Fullof Vin and was p)resented with the at-I-rou'âdv tendance banner. The devotion-î Dont blaine exhaustedwo-nt ndos feeling on your aBM.. housands aniazrd nt al part of the raily was conIduct-i what a little ppin p with Ostrez ToniO ed by the superin tendent, Mur-! beswl "p.nlintonie, hérnie timiu. ray Payne. assisted by Ronnie Iîd because lacking iron, A 78-year-c.îd dot% Dinner reading the cali to woi;- tor writes: -1 took it myseif. Results fine" ship, Bonnie Austin reading the Introductory or «"get-acqrttainted" sire 0111Z 600. Stop feeling oid. Star to feel peppy -ci scripture, Helen Austinradn younger, toddy. At aU dniggists. some thoughts on the use of the lhe known way Saving is the sures t patit to personal opportunity 1 ýUUU UUU Dealer