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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1953, p. 11

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1953 T!~E CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVTLLE, ONTARIO PAGI ELEVEN Oshawa Truckmen League Games Will he Played ai Nemorial Arena Deei il ame Wilh Barrie Fivers This year big time hockey in1 ]Bowmanville Arena will start Saturday, October 3rd, when the Oshawa, Truckmen meet the Memcýrial Cup Champions, earrie Fivers, in a benefit game. This will be the first of the rnany ganies Bowmanville hoc- *keyr fans will be privileged to M 4L,jhis winter with the Truck- ýjé ,.~using the local arena as t1ké>ir home ice. In an agreement with the managemFnt committee reached Monday night the Oshawa Sen- ior "B' team will be playing ail their home games here, either on Saturday or Tuesday nights. This year it is expect- ed that at least three local men will be on the line-up, Playing Coach Ernie Dickens, Sonny H-ooper and Maxie Yourth. Yo0U can own and operate a Drive-in Theatre in your district - consult Constellation Theatres Ltd. 2487 Bloor St. W., Toronto Telephone MUrray 0875 Blueprints - Construction - Operation-Picture Contrlacts- ail arranged by Canada's most experienced Drive-In rheatre Builders. Investigate this new and profitable bus- iness while locations are still available. Contact us now and you can OPEN NEXT SPRING Arena A In an interview with the: president of the club, Wren Blair, it wvas learned that if the Truckmen find that playlng1 here is sîîccessful Bowmanville!4 Arena wiIl likely be thair per-' manent home. They plan on not oniy looking after their own teair., bUt are willing to heip in any way with the Minor Leagues in Bowmanvilie. This fi.;st benefit game is to help replace the equipment the' Truckmer- lost in the Oshawal Arena fire last week. The Fly- i ers, coacned by the famousi 'Hap" Ems are donating their. services to the cause. Tickets for this game will likely go on sale the îirst of the week at Osborne's Sports & Cycle. It is expected that Hamilton Tigers will play a second exhibition game here before the Senior "B" league games start here on Saturdn-y, October 24th. This year the Truckmen are groupedl with Orillia Pontiacs, Peterborough Petes, Belleville Glen Roys and Kingston Good- yaars. The league sehedule will be drawn up the end of this week. Practice started last night and will continue mest of this week. Spectators are cordially invited to watch these workouts Thursday and Friday, 6 te 7:30 p.m., Saturday 12 noon to 2 p.m. Anca Sunday 10 to 12 a.m. Se that ail Bowmanville fans may get a fair share of tickets for the league games, subscrib- ers tickets will be issued with0 a large share remaining in town if the fans want themn. Ltivities i I Bowmanville Base bail Team Back in 1895 We are indebted to Cecil (Gooze) Osborne for Charlie (Puck) McClung, If; Carl B. (Bean) Kent, man- bringing us the above photo of the Athletic Basebail team ager; Fred (Standard) Burden, lb; back row: Irwin of 1895 which won the league championship that year. Osborne,-'cf; Charlie (Kido) Keith, sec'y-treas.; Harry I'hey are, front row, left to right: Jack Sinclair, 3b; Clark Weekes, rf. Only four in the group are stili living: Sin- (Shine) Morrison, ss; Fred Osborne, c; AI (Si) Osborne, clair, in Syracuse, N.Y.; Morrison, in Toronto; Kent, in p and 2b; Norman (Barney) Jennings, p; second row: IBowmanville, and Weeks, in Rochester, N.Y. Recreat ion Revues by DON SBAY ART CLASS Bowmanville Art Class wilh start its fali activity on Friday, Sept. 25 (to-morrow night) in the Lions Community Centre. Mr. Arnold Hodgkins is again angaged as lnstructor coming from Toronto to instruet the class. The group is planning a show- ing of the work accomplisbed by its members during the sum- mer months and precading year In tha Lions Comnmunity Centre on Saturday, October 3. The art display will be opan in the afternoon and aven ing and members of tha class are ra- quastad to bring their f inlshed paintings to the class this Fri- day for appraisal by MD&. Hodg- kins.. PEE WEE CHAMPIONSHIP The final game In the Pe Wee Basabali Town League wilI be played this Saturday, Sept. 26, at B.H.S. grounds, at 9:30 a.m. Don Wrelsh's team coached by Murray Me 'Knight and Bill Bates' taam coachad by Gao. Piper battla for the honour of Pea Wee Basebaîl champions for 1953 season. TRACK MEET Bowmanville High School Track Meet will be hald at the school grounds on Sept. 30th. Activities start at 10 a.m. and continue throughout the day. On Oct. 7th at B.H.S., Bow- manville High School play host te Cobourg and Port Hope in the annual Ti-School Track Meat which gats undarway at 10 a.m. and continuas untîl 4 o'clock. Last year the meet was hald In Port Hope and Bow- tmanville %;walkpd away with the championship. Good luck te 'em this yaar. PUBLIC SCHOOL TRACK MEET At the Ontarie St. School starting at 1:30 p.m. the annual track meat of the Bowmanviiie Public sehools will take place on Wedniesday, Octobar 7. Net onlv will thare be running and jumping avents but tha public school children usuallv coma ip, with a refreshment booth and a booth laden with fresh vege- tables whxch they salI and seem te enjey being the seller rather than the custemer. Tt is unfortunate that the Public School and the Tri- School meat are on the samne day. Hlowaver, that's the case and if you want te taka themn both in, voni had better get eut your hiking boots or have a wall turned thumb. REGISTRATION NIGHT Registration night for the Bowrnnnville Recreation De- partment's faîl activity classes' has be-n set for Oct. 8, which is a Thursday night. Varions booths \vill be set up displaving the work which is carried on in eacY. particuïar ciass and in- formation pertaining te ail the activities will ha available. The aisplav xill be set up in the Lion,; Community Centre and vou are invited te attend any tirne after 7:30 p.rn. te see, for ' ourself just what is in- volved in the various activities. .IRENA NEWS Bv now veu should have yeur' skates ,hwrpened for the cerni ing seasori and soe of ' eu wiii have tried the ;ce eut last night for the lu-st. timne t"i year. Next public skating sessions will ha on Saturday afternoon from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. and Sat- urday evanling from 8 te 10 p.m. The admission for afternoon skating will be adults 35e and children 20c. In the evaning the admission is 35c to children and adults. BOWMANVILLE'S PARK 1 enjoyed Elsie Lunney's "Current and Confidential" col- umn last week where she gave her thoughts on the vacant land down behind the Arena which she cor.siders would make an ideal town park. This 1 thoroughlv encorse and it has no doubt beer thought of by a lot of people and in some cases I believe it bas gone beyond the thinking stage and somne concrete work has bern cione on the planning. It might be worthwhile to stir tip a few of these embers anc see just why the fire stoppec where it did. It would be a big job but if each organization in town were given one specifie job to, do il shouldn't cost any oe organ- Izàtion toa much money and it would be something which would bring ail the organiza- tions into one town activity which is expressly what they were organized for in the first place, to help in their own way people in the town. We woulc like to hear fromn anyona whc bas any ideas on the subject or who lias delved into the idea more than is ganerally known. PEE WEE HOCKEY Plans are well underway for the Bowmanville Pea Wee Town Hockey League which is due to start Oct. 17. In order that the league operate more efficiently, it is necessary to have two adults coach and manage each team. We expect that there will be six pee wea teams and four baritam teamns all needing coac~hes and managers. There- fore we need 20 aduits whc would ha willmng to coach taams CASH DINGOS will be held by LIONS CLUB OF Newcastle comninencing THURSDAY Ocloher 81h, 1953 at 8:00 p.m. in CONIMUNITY HALL Proceeds for Welfare Work l in the pee wee and bantamn 100p. The tfime element involved would be one hour each Satur- day morning at the Arena and any other time you wish to spend with your team in chalk talks or backyard drill sessions. Your teamn would play a three-quarter of an hour game sometime between 8 and 12 noon which would mean an hour of your time each Satur- day morning. If you would like to join up with one of these teams please give me a cali at 761, 728 or 3401 before Friday, Oct, 4. The appointed coaches will pick the teams at a general meeting of the coaches from players certificates which have to be in by a certain date which in ail probability will be Oct. 10. Please don't hasitate to cail, this is the enly way I know that you are interested, and if you're interested 1 know you will enjoy it. Canadian waather observers are in permanent residence at Alart, on Ellesmere Island, less than 500 miles from the North Poe. 0f 177,000 British emigrants hast year, 44,000 went to Can- ada, 23,000 to the United States, 52,000 to Australia, and 58,000 to New Zealand and South Africa. Eastern Canadlas highest mountains are the Torngats in Labrador, just over a mile high; Western Canada's highest moun- tain is Logan, in the Yukon, nearly four miles high. s Jack and Jili Club Draws Up Bowling Schedule for 1953 Ail Jacks and Jills wishing te bowl are requested to get in touch with Anna or Allan Strike. We have drawn up these teams li.sted fromn the names of those who have al- ready exoressed their desire to bowl but if your name is flot on these teams just come te the bowling ailey and we will have you Rddedl to a team. The first name appearing on each team will be thse captain. Bowlers are requested to be at the alley by 8.45 p.m. Please note. Teana No. 1 - Ted Miller, Frank Jamieson, Leroy Shortt, Ralph McIntyre, Ray Stacey, Art Constable, John Kerr, Doris Akey, Aura Trewin, Ali e Plummar. Eva Hockin, Hilda Jackson, Joan Mann, Helen Preston. Team No. 2-Mat Harrison, Rex Walters, Stan McMurter, Stu Crago, Russ Taggart, Lloyd Preston, Hon Alder, Jean Sle- mon, Evelyn Jamies8n, Bea Vanstone, Ida Goddard, Fran- ces Abbott, June Bragg, Gwen Black. Hilda Bradan. Team No. 3-Dick Markley, Geo. White, Deac Goddard, Or- land Plurnmer, Keith Jackson, Herb Coliner, Bey. Burgess, Anna Strike, Ejilen Maguire, Jean Darch; Mary Walters, Phil Shurtt Lorna Constable, Marion Kerry. Teamn No. 4. Ernie Hanson, Vince [eathewson, Earl Thomp- son, Elmer Banting, Harold Ab- bott. Jack Eîston, Doug Bryant, Mary Harrison, Helen White, Lee McIntyre, Marie Moses, iDorothy Morris, Jean McMur- ter, Lou Besteman. Teamn No. 5-Cal Breen, Ken Maguire, Harry Akey, Barney Vanstone. Bud Moses, Bill Bragg, Al Strîke. Veda Thompson, Jean Bryant, Rosemary Merkley, Ada Richards Evelyn Alder, Dot.- othy Ross, Nancy Colmer, A. Stacey. Team No. 6-Clarence Hock- in, Jack Darch, Keith Siemon, Ace Richards, Sam Black, Don Morris, Ted Mann, Neya Han- son, M. Crago, H. Taggart, Vel Miller, Elgie Elston, Lynne Oke, Barb Breen. Sept. .6 29-Team No. 1 vs. Ne. 2J-Team No. 5 vs. No. 29-Team Ne. 3 vs. No. TI1CK E TS TO EVERYWHERE Air, Rail or Steamshlp Consuit JURY & LOVELL Bowrnanville 15 King St. W. - Phone 778 Oct. 13-Team No. 1 vs. No. 3 Iý13-Tearn No. 2 vs. No. 5 6413-Team No. 4 vs. No. 6 44 27-Team No. 1 vs. No. 4 di27-Team No. 2 vs. No. 6 4427-lIeam No .3 vs. No. 5 Nov. l0-Team No. 1 vs. No. 5 :' l-Team No. 2 vs. No. 4 4 0-Team No. 3 vs. No. 6 "24-Team No. i vs. No. 6 "24-Teamn No. 2 vs. No. 3 24-Teami No. 4 vs. No. 5 Déc. i8th wilI be open bowling with special prizes. It says " You get the best decil ifs town at Robson Motora!" See us for IEW LIFEGUARI SAFETY TUBES by GOOD/VEAR Famous Blowout-Safe LifeGuardo now Puncture-Safe too! See us soon for LifeGuard Safety Tubes, the on/y 100,000 mile re-usable procectiont LOOK FOR THIS 0F QUALITY e * e .. PUBLIC SKATING SATURDAY, SEPT. 26, 1953 3 - 5Sp.m. - Children 20c - Adulis 35C 8 - 10 p.m. - Children 35c - Adulis 35c Fail and Winter SPORTS EQUIPMENT Our stock of Fail and Winter Sport@ Eqslpment la now complet.. Corne ln and look over the best in C.C.M. Skates Figure Skates HOCKEY. E QU 1PNlqEN-T Footballs Hunting Equipment Drop in and look &round. OSDORNqE'S SPORTS AND CYCLE 26 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone 897 <v LONG BRANCH Jusi Off Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway 27 WEST OF TrORONTO STARTS 1:30 P.N. WEDNESDAY SEPT. 30 Admission (Including Tax) - $1.15 CHILDREN UNDER SIXTEEN NOT ADIMITTED Ample Parking Space FIRST CLASS RESTAURANT Full course meals from 75c el.a nSec wag YMORS LTD. 'A ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE e THE APPOINTMENT 0F i. MiM TMCWAN t. (Farm Equipment and Automotive Co.) iAi as the Dealer in M BOWMANVI LLE floi IFORD* MONARCH CARS FORD TRUCKS GENUINE FORD PARTS NOW - IN A HURRY! MService by Factory Trained Experts PHONE 689 RESIL.&MCE 3312 m ffl THURSDAT, SEPT. 24, 1053 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTAPJO PAGE ELEVEN

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