TEURSVAY, SEPT. 24, 1953 -PAGLP TWEtTE ANDA ATMA.OWAVLE NROv Gordon Agnew, Editor Phone 3111 Thrsay Misses Lynda and Janie Pol- Socia -an Per onallard of Courtice spent the week- ___________end with their grandparents, Recent visitors with Mr. and, Mrs. A. W. Reid of Beamrsville Mr. and Mvrs. H. C. Deonis while Mrs. Marshall Pickerng. and has returned to her home after their oarents were holidaying faroilv were Mrs. J. Vo]krnar spendiný1 the past fe\v days with at Lake Roseau. and young son Bob«v and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Phîlp. Reeve ;,nd Mrs. John Riekard R. D. K cith-Parkinson, ail of, Mrs. Stella Anderson has and famnil y spent the weekend Montreal P.Q. spent the last couple of weks at Minden. Ont. Mrs. H. R. Pearce,.Mr. and visiting w.'th friends in Col- Mr. and Mrn, P. F. Hare spent M.Nrs. Albert Pearce and famil.v lingwood and Toronto. Sunday in Toronto. were Sunday guests with I Messrs. S t a n 1 e,v Grahamo, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pollard of and Mrs. S. E. Powell and Mrs.: George W alton and 'H. S. Brit- Bowmanville visited on Mon- Toms. ton of the local h dro attended day, with' Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miss C. Butler and Mr. Geo. the annuai convention of the Dennis. Butler wcre in Peterborough Eastern Divisio)n of the Ontario last Thursday. vwhere they at- Hvdro held last wveek at Gilmar teoded tl'e Exhibition. Lodg-, nor'th of Lindsay. FinsipCu of Grrs,ý,wr eetget day to resurne his stiidies at thePln Bke ae with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. XW. UniverAltY of Toronto.Pln aeS e Philp. Mr. andi Mrs J. E. W. Philp,Tofn civle Mr.Nei Bittr.entertaineci accomprnîed bv Mrs. A. W. T pnA tvte the memocrs of his Sundayý Reid anid Mrs. L. Turner spent School class of 13 boyvs at hi.' a daY last w'eel-: in Cobourg. The Fricndship Club of New- hoteon'[urLii-cia.v evcifg. Little Diane Kinial of New- caste lUnited Churcb resu med ho Me ts meetings after the summer r.MA. Pickecrîng spent a tooville is visiting with lier un- few avslas wek inNewYor cl andaan, 'Ir.andMrs. bolidavs on Wednesdia y evening City dGeorg we n e Yr e ad int. Mr.and September 16, in the Lions CityGeore KîbaliRooro of the Conimunity Hall Miss V Fuîller anci Mr. George Mr. -md î. Neil Wood and with 22 n,ýember-s in attendance. Arthur. 'ormer proprieto.rs of faniil, of Lakefield and Mr. and TeoeilnMs hrot the Knsa Lunch. visitecl Mlrs. Chas XXoo~d of 0Orono0were 1RTcearsd enedt, she rlomeetn friendis ij the village on Mon- Siindav guesfs with Mr. and' witha rd of elothemetios day. M~~~~Nrs. W. George Crowther andprstadcoutetebs- Mr. atiim Mrs. George Wplton famil 'v on Sunîda..peetadcnutc h u visited in Bowmianville on Sun- Mrs. J *ck Nesbitt anid John ness period. The treasurer*s re- da-. w;th MVi'. and Mrs. L. Nîch-- Paul visîted wîth her miother port revpa.ed a balance of $216.- 0o1 s. Mrs. A. C. L.\cett in Oshawa on91itebak ocm neth ______________________________________________________faîl activii es. Reporting for Mrs. ________________________________ Rena Meg'ts; group. xt'hich was in charge of visitiog the shut- ins and R-'st Homes. Evelyn AI- ]in revepled that ail who were able were taken for a drive and al] others received boxes of fruit etc. During the business discus- sion. the members decided to bo]d a Home-Baking Sale on ZE ATE *W ANILESatuirda '.v October 3, and pos- siblv a Ruminage Sale to coin- inence at 3 pr. The club accepted an invita- FRIDAY SATURDAY SEPT 25.-2 t ion to be tie guests o h Woman's Missionarv Societ. ,ati its ALtumn Thank-offering ALL A BOREmeeting on Friday evening Oct- ALL ASORE b:ra2nd. MICKEY ROONEY DICK HAYMES Followîng the business meet- VINCENT EDWARDS YVETTE DUGAY bY the mnenhers followed by. the - in - serving of refreshmenls. Mrs. Ji Betty Browns Group wcre in charge of the latter part of the 1AWATHAmeeting. (Color) MONDAY - TUESDAY WEDNESDAYI SEPTEMBER 28 29 - 30 WRITE WITCH DOCTOR ROBERT MITCHUM SUSAN HAYWARfl THURS. -FRI. -SAT. -OCT. 1 -2 -3 Francis Covers the Big Town DONALD O'CONNOR YVETTE DUGAY PROCLAMATION By Resolution of the Councili of the Village of Newcastleî Dacylighi Saving Time will End at 2:00 a.m. SUTNDAY. SEPTEMBER 27 when Eastern Standard Time wili again be effective jn*ý the village. Please set clocks back one hour. John Rickard, Reeve. New Westingliouse 17"I De Luxe T.V. Sets Mode! as illustrated ONLY $27 9.50 The 'BEIL-VUE" Model 17TV8T flceies fLIII- t coi i cd 17' periornaiac(e in tit-tiý-, 'on pac fo in, Pride <il owne shi) is buii rili 1into ili -Belv e * in he(1is.('ia mo er line of lle cét ill t, L'a til l1ý fiisi'.h d Ili %V11111. iialog w , or lo d oak. AlDuLx eabe adhiîi-in antnna Av ila le ,vili natliig base. FULL YEAR WARRANTY ON THE PICTIRE TUBE If w il h in i 1e \ ca loni date of (ru igina. sale of Ibis WTeîgui.cllevi'.ion Re t .r iw p ctiiro liihe orig j nalilv scippl cd wît h thi s Rececver faîls to opera1 r dîme Io0 (lft,ýt in vni kiaiiship or~ iraiciial. ' il i ' ie, refliiid [o the origýinlimrh. ii î \r ilhtliuelaigr f retniiied lu tIle point b",g~te h ' 11w nanliîamtdl(Ii n'oaj 'vith tliic i îî'aiîf lii. s maim furilniPrnpeil vi fil led ont aid a .se Y t lie purchas - er-in.er and the dealer. Thin extra pr-1 teolion be'.ond 11lPh dyo90 llguai- aoîee doesnont represent an obligation for tlhe ricalcrti' nsiî.all the repýlace- ment tube wi[bout charge. Low Down Payment Easy Terms WUPHY'S FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE STORE -In Bowmanville In l Oshawa - PHONE 811 92 KING ST. W. PHONE 3-86.14 117 SIMCOE ST. 9. Harvest Festival Ai United Church This Sunday Harvest Festival services wil feature th'e diet of warship in the United Church, Newcastle, on Sunday moroing aod even- ing. September 27th. The Sanc- tuary wbli be chastefully adorn- cd by fruits, flowers and veget- ables evoking a spirit of thank- fulness. As in past years it is the ex- pectation that the Young People of the church will hold thero- selves responsible for the de- corimting of the church. Guest p.'eacher at the marn- iog scrv.ice will be the Rev. Har- old A. Turner, B.A., B.D.. of St. Paul's United Church, Bowmao- ville, with the Rev. A. E. Young, B.A., of Pickering preaching at the evening ser- vice. The &îtîday School is off toaa good start. the registration in the second Sunday since re- opening numbering 92. It is the expressed hope [bat the Scînday Scbool registration will refleet the parallel increase in oui, Day School attendance. Parents who particcîlarize in attendance at Public Worsbip are rieninded that the Juinior Congregation is once more in eviden'ýe possessed of excellent leadership. You are cordially invited ta bring your children ta the Hoîîse of God. Durham Breeders Top Winners ai Pelerboro Black and White Day The annual Black and White Day held September 16 by Pc- terborou County Holstein brecd- crs in connection with the Pc- terboro Exhibition was the larg- est and best showing of Holstein yet in the Caunty with 95 head brought cmut b;' Il exhibitors.1 Top cattie fram Peterboro, Dur- ham and Ontario Counties were in competîtian and displayed ini great bloom., Pabst Walker 0111e headed a strong bull show and was Sen- ior and Grand Champion foi' Central Durham Bull Club. This bull was Reserve Grand Cham- pion last vcar. Ira Robson & Son. Peterboro had the Reserve Senior anid Reserve Grand Champion bull, Donwood Ma- jor. Royhrook Admirai of the Senior Buil Caif class was Jun- ior Champion for F. Roy Or- niiston. while Browview Pabst Realization was Reserve Junior Champion for James T. Brown, Newcastle. An exceptionally stroog pa- rade of ou standing animais was exhibited with R. Roy' Ormîs- ton's dry cow. Segis PoschLoh- invar, repeating ber wio at Part Perry as Senior and Grand' Champion. N. W. McConkey's Mary Pietje Colantha was a close contender as Reserve Sen- ior and Rcserve Grand Cham- pion. Close run for Junior Champion female was James T. Brown's Senior beifer caîf Mur- co Sovereign Dutchland gaining over F. Roy Ormiston and E. Oyler's Senior Yearling Heifer, Lynn B a r o n e s q Sovereigo. Brown's caîf is a 4H club entry and is a very typy aod strang dairy cati. N. MI. McCloskey won the Premie- Exhibitor award whilc the T. Eaton Special was won b ' Francis Jose of the J. H. Jose & Son, Newcastle, partner- ship. Toe T. Eaton Special for best h mo was also takeni by Franicis Jase. EXPERT W AT CH REPAIRS by Certif led Watchmaker as authorized by the RAIL WAY TIME TABLE CHANGES effectiv@ SU7NDAY, SEPT. 27, 1953 Full Information from Agents Whai the Ashions Caughi in B.C. The O. C. Ashtons of Enniskillen made the news page of the Victor-ia Colonist in British Columbia with the above photo. Now that they have returned home f rom a four-weeks trip to the Pacific Coast they do not have to exaggerate when telling their friends back home about their fishing success on Vancouver Island. Mrs. Ashton, who caught a 45-pound Tyee (king salmon to we Eastern- ers), was assisted by her husband in a haif-hour battie to land the above beauty at Campbell River, B.C., about 8:30 p.m., on a spoon and 60 feet of line. Mr. Ashton said he would not experience any more difficulty holding a fat steer on a rope than trying to play out another Tyee. Mî-s. Ashton is the proud possessor of a silver pin and a full-fledged member of the Tyee Club af B.C. as a reward for her success. Guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Dalton of Ash Road, Victoria, B.C., the visitors are shown with David Dalton holding up the catch. Please don't think this is just another f ish story as you can see the f ish in John Slemon's Cold Storage room at Enniskillen. W.C.T.U. Members Hear Report of World Convention in Vancouver Mrs. W. H. Rowe Addresses Union After a vacation of twol service and closing the meeting moîîths dumation. members ofj with [he rendition of the Halle- the NewcastIP Womnan's Chris- 1 lujah Chorus. tian- Temperance Union gathe#- Mrs. G. Allun moved a hearty cd in thc Boaî d Room of the vote of thanks ta Mrs. Rowc for United Cburch on Thuirsday af- ber inspirational address, and lernocon in goodiy numbers t0 I at the close of the meeting, ce- hear the report of the World's freshment.s werc served and a Convention given by Mrs. W. social time enjo.ved. H. Rowe of Orano. Wth the President Miss Blackbur'n in charge, a brief ~ business peried wa.s conductcd folloxved by a fie worship ser- vice with Seripture reading and meditaf ion b.' Mr&. C. R. Car- veth, prayer b.y Miss L. Tren- wbtb and a beautifulbv rendered vocal soio by, Mrs.. J. E. W. vt Pip, wth piano accampani- ment by Mis. Turner. - Mis. Re wc, who was a dele- ~ gate ta the Worlcls W.C.T.U. Convention held in Vancouver 10 lune. gav.e an iitere-)ing and inspiring addres-, teliîng of bei- plane trip Ia Vancouver' ber visit ta Sfanlecv Park and some hîghliglîts of the convention. ~ Two thousand delegates were registered frro ai! parts of the world. Mziîs' '.ere in their nae tive costume leiîding colour and inccrc..t ta the asseînbl.v. The delegates brought displa.vs of native handicraft posters and* literatur e. -it was thrilling" said the speaker, "I hear ne- pi'esntatri(es froro ail avec the world eacl, tell of the accoinp- lishiments in Temperaiice wcîrkRI and the hapes ai ber own coun- [iv. Viv.icil ' the speaker' describ- cd thie impressîve Sunda ' Wor- shîp S--r'. tcc bcd.idnbthe aftcî- 00(10in Arnîoury Hall. The eightv-foot platforro, whic'h was moast bcatîtifull.v dccorated with flo'.'ers flags and bunting, was WM. A. ROGERS SectiooalSi Sl' occuiîdbo' 7 a choir of sixt'v cN criav on roosi used pieces, pl men. 'l'he Rev. G. Vellette of paîuîcrn'in shades of cool grcen. Alberta Coilege preacbed a very 4 uESriefr8Cni forcible scrmon.42PEESriefr8Cnst In tlle evcoing, tbe Young Forks e 8 Dinner Forks e 8 Teaspc .People lîeld an inspîrirng praver Spoons e 8 Dinner Knives ce 1 S and praise mîeeting with about Butter Knife fi'. tlioîi.and personsin 10al- tendance. A choir of over eightv led in the iînging and rendered ~n e several sclections duriog the ACo Bantam Play-off Again Posiponed Memi- 'ers of the Newcastle. Bantaro Basebaîl Club and a few of the'ir supporters made the long trip to Atwood in '.estern Ontario or. Satiîrday for the sec- ond ganie of the OBA. Ban- tain Pla'\ -off scrim's, onl 'v ta find [bat a hleav '.' dovwîipoiîr of nain a> Itarairive x'erv short lv after ihmýir arrivaI. The ram' nmade i'ic nIa'.ing of the game an iintri-. 1ii \it' nd so the garile \&*.e'!tloi Wediîesday (vesterdax' )afteriîuuii. As the ï4ame w.as plav.ed too lati" [o <ai i b [is i 's' e.ful] i(d,- ta1alidre'. , ;c of ithe ganie will be published next week. Dear Donald Orono, Ont., Sept. 24, 1953 Donald McLaren, Sky Harbour Airport, Goderich, Ont. Dear Donald: Was in ta sec Dr. McKenzie t'other day, ran't help but admire the swell Job Bill Irwin did on that place with Ten-Test panels and ceiling tule, arborite, xnouidings and a few Monodoors, ail from our stock. Having my pressure taken and said: "Doc. since taking your littie red puIs amn a bit goofy in the head ai times". He gave me a keen look and said: "Oh yeah, but don't blame the puis". So 1 toak a coupla days off, and not ta be in the way around here, went down by train ta see Uincle Harry at Prescott. Sunday evening we drove to Ottawa to return Lamna ta ber studies at Normal Schoal there. 1 was amazed and proud of the beauty of the Capital ai dusk. The Rideau Canal through the city with its pleasure boats and reflected lights was a very pleasing sight that quiet evening. On Monday 1 .just kinda hung arnund while Harry unloaded a car of sheetrock and lime. Had a good chance. down by the railway, to inspert a retailer's fuel ail depot so, gave it a good going over. Nathing as modemn as aur new outfit, but interesting. The engineer who is ta instali aur 'new 'strage tanks was in on Monday to look aver our site so 'twon't be long naw. In the meantime, we are dragging in the ail from Dale ai an ever Increasing rate. We have a visit ta make In London %bis week, so may drap in on you Saturday. Cil be seein' you. SEE McLAREN, 48 r 16, Orono. verplate b'.'ONEIDA LTD Thi-, iq qualirv. silverwarc 'xid' an extra plus a Dînner , et io omîr 'I falirron 'De.sîgn. a delighr folI AUIUmn in adds charm ta your entrtaining. stsOf... 8 Salad aoons a 8 Dessert Sugar Spoon e 1 40 PIECE Breakfast Set Conisus0f . . . 8 Dirner Plates 0 8 Brecad & Butter Plates 0 8 Soup or Cereal Bowls 0 8 Cups & Saucers on your table to-nigjht omplete setting for eight $49m95 Y OUR CHOICE 0F * RIO OR *LIDO PATTERN *TRADI MARKS 0Ol ONEIDA ITO. By CANADIAN WM. A. ROGERS LImItod Division of ONEIDA LTD. Hoaper' s Jewellery A.dmhýl ýVE visit of Queen Elizabeth and the KENDAL Duke of Edinburgh to Canada. Please note that films are being Neil Curtis and Mrs. R. Sut- held on Thursday thisyear. cliffe and family visited Mr. Our local teachers. Miss Steix- Wm. Cirtis, Bill and Argus. i art, Miss Powell, Miss loch and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Byers and Miss- Copping, attended the Marion, Toronto, spent the teacher's meeting at Newcastle weekend at their farm here. Public Sciool on Monda;' aftcr- Mrs. Mary Luxon. Mr. and noon. Mr. Webster. our inspec- Mrs. Ray Hughes are spending tor, was present and gav~e the the week at her cottage on Lake teachers some worthwhile in- Kushog. ; formation coocerniog oral ex- Saiturda> evening Kendal and'pression in our schools. district wère visited bv a severei Mr. Russell Cockburn spent thunderstorm accompanied by a: MondaY in1 Tot-onto while the very hcavy downpour of rain. Mesdames Cockburn visited Bob The hydro line north of Ken-' Çockbirn ini Hrnilton. dal was again pet out of ser- An unfortunate accident oc- vice. curred at Brimaconib's Hill Sun- Mr. ar.d Mis. Earl Smith, day afterr-oon when Wilbur Udb&g Burbank, Calif., are visiting tbe duces car turned over loto tl' Thompsor. familv. On Sunday ditch and Kathiecn Jackson \vas evcning they will show colored, thrown out. She was taken ta pictures takien on their traveis! Memnorial Hospital, Bownîan- in the Sunda-.& School roorn. ville, suffering from injuries to Some are of people known ta bleir head. çhoulder and side. Per- Kendal foiks. Every~one will be, due w s shaken up and ankle welcome ta attend. injured. School is in ful swin gagain. Carsi.n Hill continues on . ha Those attending Bowmanville onfortunate lîst. The heavv High Sehool are: Joyce Low, rabns this bummer have washe d Ruth Rnd Kathleen Jackson, it badly requiring nunîcrous Ross Elliott. Bari Matheson. fIs The downpour of Satuirdav CarolYn Foster and Doreen1 night put l'Our more large wash- Langstff. Whîle Jannv Bos-'outs on east side, anc carirying graaf goes ta Orono and Betty the post with it, besides sonie Martineil attends Port Hope on the wcst. This week the High School. trucks arè on the job filling In the beginners' ciass at Ken- thero up again. dal school tbis vear are Jiminy The first gaiene f [le Keiîdal- Stev.ensz. Marie Little, Biliy Port Pr~pla.\-ot'fs -was plaYed Bail and .jacque Malfait, al Port Perry. Sept. 15, with We ar-e iooking forvard to sec- Port PerrY winning. îng the fîrst set of films sent i ____________ ouît by thie National Film Board 1 this senseli. The Thursdav even- iPLp and paper accounts for ing progrorn will inctude "rv ten per~ cent of rev.enue freight aI Jourtne.. an official motion! car ioadings in Canada each picture record. in color, of the1 year. TFR CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVrtLE, ONTARIO 1 ýý BO WiNIAIN IV ILLE ý 28 KING ST. W.