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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1953, p. 14

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TOURTEEN TK~ 6ANADIAN STATESMAW. ~OWMA~@VITX.1? n?~¶9'Aw~ - -- ~l ~ ~S11JI~JJftZ, ~1PT. ~, ~N3 * PHON~ g 4 3303 I - - --- I - I Ati'-cles For SaUe BEACH cookstove in goode ditian. Phone 3153. 39 SIX bags cernent $5.00.1 Stephenson, North ShelI Ser Station, Maple Grove. 39 30 HAMPERS pears, How Clairgeau, Beurre Bosc. L. Squair. Phone 2223. 3 ONE u'ied 1/ h.p. electric mo in excellent condition. Ap 294 Scugag St.3 9-PIECE walnut dining ro suite, good condition. Pl( 2904.3 ONE "Warm Morning" bea stove with jacket of metal,n hogany. Phone 2874. 3 QUANTITY of apple barrels. E. Whitney & Sons. Clai 31-12.38 YOUNG lady's green coat,s 14, in good condition. Phc 3172.39 DUO-THERM space heat medium. Gaad condition. Phe 2946. 39. con - Earl -vice 19-1 * 6vell, A. otor pply1 39-1 one 39-1f ,ater ma- 39-1 D. rke 833* sizeC ioneE ter, tonec 9-l*E Articles For Sale ONE pair of Iady's figure skates, size 51/2, reasonable. Phone 3647. 39-1 LARGE used chesterfield in ex- cellent condition. Phone 3395. Mrs. R. Kent. 39-1 SAVE on lurnber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf BOY'S Winter suit, blue, with zippered front, size 3; Sparton radio, in good condition. Phone 764. 39-1* 50 CORDS dry hardwood, 4 ft. length. Apply to Ivan Kellett, R. R. 1, Pontypool. Phone Beth- any 10 r 131. 39-2 ACE bottom International three-, furrow tractor plow on rubber.' P. H. Hinton, Orono. Phone 14 - 12. 39-l* BROWN fur coat in gaod con- dition, size 16; alsa sand colaur- ed wooi gabardine suit, size 14. Phone Clarke 4123. 39-1*' rwo-wheel cabin trailer, year 1ld, 16" tires, wired and insulat- ed. Price $250.00. Phone New- castle 2576. 38-2* ICE refrigerator, good condition, $5.00; one brass bed with springs, 4' 6", price $3.00; four venetian blinds, cream wooden siats, 2 1 inch, $1.00 each. Phone 3186. 39-1* PRE-CAST cancretë septic tanks, delivered and installed, any size from 300 gallons up. Sold through all plumbers. Brooklin Concrete Praducts. Robt. Mc- Coy, Manager. Phone 155, Brook- lin, Ont. 37-12 BRADBURY piano, Tudhope electric stove, 2 persans apklap bed, enz. Roason of sale, mav- ing ta the States. Apply G. L. Van Klaveren, 2 miles East of Bawmanville, Highway No. 2. 39-1 * 1942 SPECIAL deluxe Dodge coach, one owner since new; four new tires this spring, heater, custom 9-tube radio, turn signals, windshield washers, cigarette lighten. Pnîce $475.00 cash. Phono 482 or 573. 39-1 ONE caokstove equipped with ail burners, warming aven and rosorvain, in good condition, also oneoail drum with tap; dining room extension table. Phane 2248 Bowmanville or 51-3 Orono. 39-1 * HOUSE burned, Nestletan, Ont. Furnace, pressure tank, radiat- ors, bathtub and band basin will be sold as aid iran. Cbicken bouse and othen buildings must be moved. Submit offers ta M. G;. Fallis, R. R. 1, Nestieton, Ont. 39-1 TILE CERAMC - PLASTIC ELUBBER - MARBOLEUM H. G. HEAL Phone 2902 Bowmanville l4tf. 'For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Paints *For the Best Workmanship VEALE-Bev. and Jean Veale GIRL'S white skates, size 4, in are happy ta announce the ar- perfect condition. Phone 2680. rival of their son, David Arthur, 39-1* on Friday, September 18, 1953, CHILDSpaenndcrig at Murdockville, Quebec. A i oD'Sopdaypnahn Carkae brather for Jacqualine Ann. ingoo coditon.Phoe 9Cark ONE large Quaker space heater ENGAGEMENTS in gaod condition. Phone 2342. 39-1 Mn. and Mrs. Arthur G. Brooks LADYS white figure skates, wish ta annaunco the engage- good condition, sizo 51/_. Phono ment af their daughter, Gladys59.91 Marian, ta Jerold Chipman 39 Kean, son of Mrs. B. Carletoni DROP-HEAD sowing machine in and the late Mr. Evan Kean, the good condition. Phone 404 after marniage ta take place at Trin- 6 p.m, 39-i ity United Church Parsonago on -_ Saturday, October 10, 1953, at ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, 3:00 p.m. 19-1* delivered in Bowmanville. Phono 2473. 31-tf Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones,CU bomgadou,$0pe IR. R. 3, Port Hope, Ont., an- dozen mgldols $.0 e riounce the engagement of tîîemr d . Daily' delivery ta hos- only daughter, Gwendolyn Ilene. pital. Willow Acres. Phone 2456. tai Harold W. Bost, son of Mr. 38-tf and Mrs. Richard Best, R. R. 3. ONE Duo Thermn space beater; Part Hope. The marriage will one Sulent Glow radiant beaten, take place in Newtonville Unit- one coal heater. Phono 2575 ed Cburch an Satunday, October after 6 p.m. 39-1 lOth, 1953, at 2:30 p.m. 39-1* COOK stove, cneam enamelled, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Pat- with ail burners, water front field wish ta annaunce the on- and ail storage drum. Price gagement of their eldest daught- $35. Phono 2883, 39-1* er, Gwyndolyn Yvonne, ta Ron- ald Ellis Evans, only sonl of Mr LARGE steel crib, high chair, and Mrs. Robert E. Evans, The toidy seat, good condition, reas- inarniage tai take place quietîy onable. Mrs. M. Yourth. Phono en Saturday, October 3rd, 195j, 3448. 391* et Trinity United Church. TWO-burner electric range, 39-1' $5000; smali ail space beater, DEATHS$15-00. 15 Orchard View Blxrd. CLARK-At Memorial Hospital, QUANTITY of woad shavings. Bawmanville, on Tuesday, Sept' You pick up, n charge. Paul H. 22, 1953, C. Menzo Clark,'88 On- Simpkin Cabinet Ca. Ltd., 160 tario Street, aged 66 years, ho- Chunch St. 26-tf loved husband of Nina Clark. 70FE e r ic ubr Restng t te MorisFunral1-inch, $35.00; 300 foot good used Chapel, Bowmanville. Service V-joint, pino, $10.00. G. Badger, in the Chapel on Thursday, 205 King St. E., Bawmanville. September 24 at 2:30 p.m. In-3911 termnent Bowrmanville Cemetery. 91J 39-1 CONCRETE and cinder blocks, - new style, f ull 8" high, at re- ,COOK-In Li7ttle Britain, an duced prices. For free estim- T1uesday, September 22nd, 1953, ates phono Bawmanville 846. Minnie S. Cook, beloved wife of 18-tf the late George A. Cook in ber 85th year. Resting at Northcutt ONE Cocksbutt 33 eight-blade & Smith Funeral Home, M3 tiller, power lift, $22500; one Division Street, Bawmanville, Cockshutt 10-ft. double disc for service on Tbursday, Sept' 8 140.00; bath in gaod repair. 24 at 2 p.m. Interment Bow- Phono 2539. 39-1 mnanville Cemetery. 39-1 WHY stîffer the agony of rheu- D matir pain, sciatica, lumbago CI MOOREY-At the residonce. En- when Rumacaps xii help you to - niskillen, on Sunday. eSoptember welcome relief. Ask your drug- v 20, 1953, James Maorey, aged 86 gîst. 39-1 W years, belaved husband of Eliz- ai abeth Ashton. Mr. Moorey rest- VENETIAN Blinds, 25 different ti ed at bis late residance until clours of tapes, 15 slat calours, st Tuesday noan, thon at the Marris Flexalum, Aluminumn or Steel, Li Iiuneral Chapel. Bowmanville, moasured and installed free of Ti far service at 2:30 p.m. Inter- charge. Phane 3121. Weber's 3E ment Bawmanville Cemeterv. Fabric Centre. 17-tf- 39-1 HEAVY-dt lctric range, C WILLIAMS-In Memorial Hos- IMaffat, width 45", height 45", pital, Bowmanville, on Wednes- aven .19" x 13"', three burners, day, September 9th, 1953, Percy warmning aven and storage spaco, Williams, beioved husband of aven automatic control. Reasun- Edna I. Roxve and dear father of ably priced. Phono 879. 39-1 Geraidine, (Mrs. Fred Good- inan), Peterborough, age 65 SINGEIR vears. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funenal Home. 53 Division Sale s an Service Street. Bowmanxville. Service %vas heid an Frida 'v, September Get a Froc Estimate on your old- litb. at 2:30 p.niî- Internient treadle for Repair or Trade-in ]Bowmanville Cenîetery. 39-1 on a NEWV SINGER. Higbest Wantedpossible trade-in allawance paid Wcmtecl for machines, regardless of age N __ or style. 'fWO deen hoîinds. Phono Oýzh-Da1 w nvle34 awa 5-1450 after six p.m. 39_2 Da o m nvle34 MONEY wanted on first mort- Mr. Pogue, your local Sales ROD- gages, gaad investrnent, 6er in. rosentative, will give you the terest. Write Box 62, c/o Th, best of service and satisfaction. Canadian Statesman. 39-tf He is a member of aur staff For Rent from your Singer Sewing Centre BROOM, furnished, office or bus- 47 Walton St. Port Hope iness man; moen onlv. Phono 39-1B 2379.3-l LARGE unfurnished room, suit- TRADE-IN SALE able for housekeeping. Phone 883. O-l F IROOMS for soung nîarried ]Radio Combinations couple o girls. Vacant Oct. ist. Phono 3586. 39-1I dio TWO medium sized om,cen- trally located. Apply Box 69. -RCA Vco c/a Canadian Statosman. 39-1' A *co SIX-roomed brick hause i - Westinghouse an Orono district. Apply Box70 c/o Canadian Statesman. 39-1' - PhiIps p TWO heated roonis .with sink Walnut ,nd Limed Oak Finish and cupboard, bot and cold wat- 49-tf DRAPERIES and vonetian blinds ustomn made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our ropresontative ,'ill caîl at your homo any time eith a complote range of samples nd suggestions witbout obliga- on. Free estimates and free in- 3tallation witbin 35-mile area. .aowest pnicos in tawn. Fabric rown, 59 King St. W. Phono W09, Bowmanville. 8-tf ustom Made ALL ALUMINUM COMBINATION Storm Windows and Doors M. JURKO PHONE 2753 36-tf ROSES iW IS THE PROPER TIME TO PLANT VOUR Rose Bushes right in the Nursery. F. MA]RTI NURSERYMAN c/o F. Heyland PHONE 676 or! 3485 ' ý Mile East of BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL 39-1 :ourfice Hardware Phone 5-5057 Supplier of your Household Needs Dealer in Martin Senour Paints id the faxnous Rubber Base Super Kem-Tone in Daily, 8 a.m. to 9 p.mi. F ree Delivery 19-!. Custom Work 7NBI.NING hukwheat and ier. Phone 2947. 39-1 Work Wanted DARLIMGTON Abattoir, Ha ton, for custom killing. Ph 3243.à FARMERS, attention! Sta' sprayed and disînfected. Ph 2785 Port Hope. IF YOU nave corn to pick do it. D. E. Whitney & S Clarke 31-12. 31 BULLDOZING, grading and cavating. Gravel, f iii and Io Gerald Balson, Hampton. Ph 2733. 3ý IF YOU have any carper work or intend to remodel, bi or like layout assistance for y, new home, give us a call, no too big, no job too szmall. For:1 estimates and a guaranteed Phone Don Brooks, 3670. 3- BULLDOZING ani EXCAVATING Lmp- hone 32-tf ibles hone 39-2 we aons, ý8-3* ex- am. ione ý94* rtry 'aur job free job 4-tf Turu Page for Additional Classfied BIRTHS BROWN-Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Brown wish ta announce the birth of their daughter, Susan, a sister for Sandy, an Saturday, September l9tb, 1953, at Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. 39-1* CRAWFORD-George and Ruth Crawford, Leaside, wish ta an- nounce the birth of their son, George Virtue, at the Wonen 's College Hospital, Toronto, on September 20, 1953. 39-1* SAYWELL-At Oshawa General Hospital an Tuesday, September 22, 1953, ta Mr. and Mrs. How- ard T. Saywell, a son, Mark Taylor. A brother for Bannie, Jill and Joan. 39-1 VANSTONE-In Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Sumday, September 20, 1953, ta Mr. and Mrs. Morley Vanstone ( nee jean McCormick), a daughter. 39-1 PAINTING PAPER HANCING Full selection of PARALAC PAINTS and - FREE ESTIMATES - Howard S. Brooking PHONE 2702 42-tf BULLD OZING EXCAVATING COMING EVENTS 1 Real Estate For Sale[ Real Estcrte For Sale AUCTION SALE Dance in Newtonville Cam- munity Hall, Friday, Sept. 25, sponsored by Ladies' Softball Club. Admission 50c. 39-1 Dance in Tyrone Cammunity Hall on Friday, September 25th. Music by Ruth Wilson's Variety Band. Sponsored by Hall Board. Goodyear Employees' Recrea- tion Club first euchre of the season, Friday, Octaber 2nd, at 8 p.m., in Goodyear Hall. Ad- mission 35c. 39-2 Watch for the 4tb Annual Doli Sale at McNulty's Sparts and Cycle on Friday and Saturday, October 2nd and 3rd. Dolîs on display in windows at less than haîf price. 39-1 Dance in Solina Community Hall on Friday, Oct. 2nd under auspices of Solina Foatball Club. Dancing 9-1 ta Bryce Brown's Sevenaires Orchestra. Admis- sion: gentlemen 75c, ladies 50c. 39-2* Turkey banquet. Leskard United Church W. A. are hold- ing their annual turkey banquet and concert on Wednosday, No- vomber 4th, commencing at 5 p.m. Hold -this date. Further details later. 39-1 Beehive ]Rebekah Lodge Penny Sale, Friday, September 25 at Lions Cammunity Centre. Penny sale and hame-coaking sale at 2 p.m. Afternoon tea at 3 p.m. Drawing for prizes at 8 p.m. Articles on display in Hydro window this weekend. 38-2 Prince of Orange Band will hold the annual corn and wiener roast on Saturday, September 26. They will have a band concert along with the corn and wiener roast. To be held at the Col- bary farm betweon Tyrone and the Guideboard Corners at 8 p.m. 38-2* The Salvation Army will be holding its annual Thanksgiving1 turkey ýupper an Wednesday,1 October 7th at the Lions Com-2 munity Centre. Supper will be r served from 5 o'clock until alls are served. Tickets will be $1.00s per adult and 50c per child. Salem Harvest Home Services will be beld an Sunday, Sept. 20 at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Rev. H. A. Mellow, Oshawa, will speak in the afternoon and Rev. D. Lute in evoning. Mn. Ross Met- caîf will ho soloist in afternoon and Maple Grave Choir will as- sist in the evening. 39-1'1 Camera fans-Toronto Movie Club members will show films and answen questions; local "still" camera enthusiasts will present their best colon siides, at the Legion Hall, Oct. 2nd at 8 p.m. No admission. Your do- nation ta aid establishment of centre fan cerebral palsied child- non of this' district. Auspices Oshawa and District Cerebral Palsy Parents' Cauncil. 38-2 Notices As of August 3lst, 1953, the firm of Higgon Electnic bas be- came a Limited Company and aIl accounts incurred prior ta August 31. 1953 are ta ho paid by Septemben 30, 1953. 39-1 THE HARVEY DANCING ACADEMY Register SAT.. 9-12 Noon for TAP DANCING LESSONS' CANADIAN LEGION HALL 84 Queen Street Student Teacher, Dawn Joncs 39-2* CLARENCE GIBSONi formerly at White Rose Service Station, Maple Grave, wilI be at F. S. Allen & Sons R. R. 3, Bowmanville I arn equipped to SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F CARS. 39-1 NOTICE During the past few weeks we have been beselged by people brlnging in bargain watches to be repaired. These watches have run for a short tirne and then stopped. We find that the ma- jority of these watches have a number of jewels but where a pin lever is involved, jewels do flot add any advantage. lVe have refused te repair these types of watches for we know that any repairs we make will only be temporary and sorne-1 thing else wiIl break down in the near future. 1 We would advise any prospect- ive watch customers to buy a nationally known watch from their jeweller, who will stand HOOPER'S Jewellery & Gi Shop 28 King St. W. Phone 747 39-1 Rooms to Rent TWO unfurnished raoms, suit- able for hotusekeeping, in Hamp- ton. Phone 2444. 39-1* BUILDING lot for sale on Cole- man St. Les. Anderson. Phone 2215. 39-1 LOT 50 x 150, with cellar foun- dation 24 x 24. Price asked, $ 1,000. WilI accept best offer.1 Phone 2578. 39-1l NýEW house on lot 15, concession six, Darlington Township, near Hampton, also tractor used one season. F. J. Clemens, R. R. 2, Oshawa. 38-2* NEW 1954 Colonial Homes cat- alogue, prices quoted with or without erectian, 1/5 down, monthly payments. Yau supply lot and foundation. Represent- ative G. Badger, 205 King StE. Bowmanville. Colonial Homes' Ltd., 39 Prince St., Oshawa. 37-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Bungalows and two-storey build- ings for sale. Mrs. A. P. jansen Bowmanville Il Duke St. Local agent for John F. DeWith, Realtor 39-i* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE- Properties Sold, Rented, Managed and Appraised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks nartb of traffic signal, Newcastle. 100 ACRES good land, 80 acres ideal for tractor, on Bobcaygeon highway 5 miles out of Lindsay. Hydro available, 8-roomed bouse with hardwood floors; wood and car shed, goad foundation under barn;; pig pen and bon bouse; one steel driving shed, two good wells, windmill on one; all well fenced; machinery ipcluded. Mrs. Gea. Endicott, Lindsay, R.R. 6.1 38-2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Five-roamed bouse on Liberty St., 3-piece bath, 3 bedrooms, ýlarge lot, $5,000. Large salid brick bouse, slate roof, 6 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, 2 fireplaces, bot water heating, newly decorated, double garage, spaciaus landscaped grounds, suitable for a rest home. 75-acre farm. an good road, 8- roamed solîd brick bouse; good dainy farm. We bave bungalows, 1 ½-storey houses and 2-storey bouses. Consult us before buying F. A. Bruce, Broker, Toronto Local Agent, M1rs. M. E. Leask, Bowmanville Phone 919 65 Ontario St. DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE t$1,000 down will handie thîs un- 3funnisbed 4-raomr bungalow, I -miles west of Bowmanville or fNIo. 2 Higbway. 60-day passes. sion. 17-nooarn rame bouse, insulated, >hydro, hardwaod floors, garagE 1 and largo lot, 4 miles from Bow- manville. Total price $5,900. Terms. Immediate possession. $3,000 down for this modern seed cleaning plant on higbway. $3,000 profit oach year. Fully equipped with cleaner, treater and buffer. $6.000 total pnice. $3,000 down will purchase this 221. acre farmn 6 miles tram Bow- manville, 12-raom solid stone bouse with bydro and water. Large hip-roof barn with cement floors thraughout, also large double dock boen bouse. Can ho bought with al] implements in- ciuding combine, tractor, discs, plow, tomato planter, etc. Easy terms. New six-room bungalow five miles tram Bowmanville on highway, 3-piece bath, insulated, heavy wining, bard and soft wat- or on tap, automnatic bot waten heater; eveny convenienco. $4,500 down. Immediate possession. $9,000 total pnice for this 10- raom solid brick, centnaliy located bouse. At present in two apartments. Can easily ho made ino four. Oil furnace, heavy wiring, built-in cupboards, two 3-piece baths, two bat water beaters, large lot, easy tenms. Drap in and see us at 85 King St. East fon many other homos, farms and choice building lots. H. A. Philp, Salesman Dial 713 Residence 2620, Oshawa, Dial 3-2612 9i jDeWITH REAL ESTATE 115 acre farm, dlay loam, with 8-roomed brick house, bank barn, hydro throughout, 1 mile from school, church and store. 1'100 acres workable land. Price $13,500. Terms. 150-acre dlay loam farm with 10-raomed solid brick house, every convenierice, close to high- way, school, etc. Bank barn for 40 bead of cattie, double garage, implement shed, etc. First class farm. Price $20,000. Terms. 100 acres dlay loam, right on newly built highway, 2 wells, 6- roomed frame bouse. 2 barns, etc. Price $5,000. Down pay- metarranged. 155-acre loam farm, commuting distance fram Oshawa, with 8- roomed frame bouse, hydro tbroughout. Bank barn, good stabling, good water supply. Price $12,000. Terms arranged. roomed brick bouse, batbroom, bot water tank, hydro through- out, 3 bank barns, 100 acres of workable land with pond and springs. Asking price $12,000. Terms arranged. 5-raomed insul-brick bouse, main street, Newcastle, with bath- raom, waterworks, heavy wiring. garage. Price $5,000. 7-roomed frame bouse, furnace and 5 acres of gaad land. Pnice $4,000. Easy down payment. l0-noomed frame bouse, centre Newcastle, hydra througbout, fui] cellar. Price $7,000. $2,000 down. 8-roomed brick, bouse on high- way, full collar, 3-piece bath, garage, ail beated, hardwood floors, running water, barn. $7,500 will bandlo. 23 mare farms ta choose from, also homes, in Newcastle. Bow- manville, etc. Drap in and make your choice. John F. DeWith, Realtor Newcastle, Ont. Phono 3341 NIXON REAL ESTATE Ranch type frame 5-room bung- alow, all conveniences, hot air heating, laundry tubs, garage, gardon, 30 days' possession. $9,000. Ternis. Approximately 1/ acre gardon sou, close ta 401 highway, 8- raam brick bouse, 3-piece bath, 2 fireplaces, ail heating, bard- wood floans, possession arranged. $8,000. Easy term%. 5 rooms, 11 ½-storoy brick dwel- ling, 4-piece bath, sunroom, furnace, hardwood floors, laun- dry tubs, storm scneens, awnlngs, garage, coment drive, gardon, small fruit, landscaped; extras, vacant. $7,500. Terms. 6-room solid brick, 2-piece bath, insulated, 3 bedooms, do0uble garage, immediate possession, gaad residential street. $7,000.1 5-room brick bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, 4-piece bath, funnace, in- sulated, built-in cuphoards, ga- rage, 2 extra lots, landscaped. 4-r nom solid brick semi-detacb- ed 3-piece bath, tull basement. $4,000. Terms. 4-noam insul-brick dwelling, 3- 1 pieco bath, hydro, heavy wirinL, ail heating, starms. screens, floaýr cavering, attached garage. $6,000. Terms. 5-roam frame bungalow in vil- lage, ¼/-acre, hydro, 3-piece bath, built-in cuphoards, beavy wiring, niroly derorated, new roof. Immediate possession. $5,- 200 for quick sale. Valuable propenty an No. 2, in- cluding 8 rooms, insul-brick homo with 3-piece bath, immac- ulate condition. Attached ga- rage, sunnaunded by trees, land- scaped with perennials, small fruit, etc., 1 acre. $5,0G0 will handie. Now is vour chance ta buy a modern self-serve store in Bow- manvillo, cannying tresh fruit and vegetables, graceries, frozen foods and meats at a reasonable pnice for quick sale, good turn- aven. Ill-bealth reason for soîl- Grist mill and 9-raom frame bouse, grinder, ro]Ier. feed mix- er, seed cleaner, large storage, water pawer, bydro, garage, ap- proximately 5 acres. Owner re- tiring. $7,500 for this complete business. Terms. 1ýdt on Liberty St. N., 60 x 120 ft.$325. James Nixon, Broker 160 Liberty St. N., Phone 682 39-1' jLivestock For Salè NUMBER of light Sussex pullets, laying. Phon 2157. 39-1 * 285 LIGHT Sussex X New lay. Phon Oon 86 r 16. 39-1' 0f every 100 Canadians, 67 Il PIGS, six weeks aId. Chas speak English only, 20 apeaitte Bedwi. Phoe Clake 1nr l3s French anly, 12 speak bath Eng-v Bedwn. Pono lank 19 lish an-i French. 3-' Average incarne of the 2,777,. PUREBRED Yorkshire boars, 950 Canadtians Who paid persan- four months nid. from imported aI incarne tax last year was $3,. stock. P. H. Hinton, Orono. 149 and their total incarne tai Phone 14 - 12. 39-3 I payýmelit was $1,225,275,562. I,- d Real Estate Wanted We have cash buyens waiting for goad farms. If you are think- ing of selling, give us a ring, 713,' on drap in at 85 King St. East. H. A. Philp, Salesman Donald Scott Real Estate m 3 7-tf RED caw, strayed fram Lot 17. Con. 4, Township of Clarke. Phon Clarke 16 SL. 39-1'* MAN'S wnist watch, King St. W., on Wednesday, Sept. 16. Finden please phon 3241. 39-1'* BLACK wallet containing sum of money, lost in King - Church St. area on Saturday. Reward. Finde please phon 2657. 39-1' LADY'S wrist watch, "Certania", aval shape, gold, a keepsake. Lost between the Dominion Store and Glony Ann Shoppe. Phone 2140. 39-1 AUl the household furnishlg9~ many antiques; white bra house and lot, in vil!a&e Blackstock, on Friday,, 2nd, the property of Johh ,ce. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 191' Private sale - Solid walnut rocker, sideboard, hall rack; also stretcher, mattress, large radio, victrola, large oul painting, tables, cupboards, chairs, Jewel Quebec il heater and cook stove with oven, 1 120-gal. il drurm, 172 King St. E., daily from 3-6 and 7-9 p.m., Sept. 24-Oct. 3. Terms cash. 39-1 Help Wanted rMAN for mink ranch, must have own transportation. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Phone 2679. 39-1 A STENO-TYPIST with some experience, full or part time, Apply in persn, Specialty Paper Products Ltd., 63 Temperance St., Bowmanville. 39-1' AN experienced dressmaker, with flair for style, for schoo- aged children's clothes. Apply Mrs. M. A. Pickering, R. R. 2, Newcastle. Private telephone ClreNO2534. 39ted- TEpnGaPH cERic ated hor- typingoandcericlabt; e hanrt handtintinelcesaryoffermanent ptastin in cl office. Appl. iftatinsxprnce, ifay, qual-e ifiti os ad1saaryoxee Cnd.i W]te Bo 71 co Te Cnair' Staesn. 39-imeda lfo MEl Nf- riateimmedi toeyfor fli pinrktanhowteihbsi- lis j proita be Rawe usi ni es Y othwill be uried at blig reutoers se ecussr.te selling experin cedeessryGole start uiy on credt.Gold bprusniy to biisd p solI- business. nraleih'Dpt8- 140-143, Monteabuines 3Ful-o BUILD in e busness! Foul or spellcotie. Len hoyu ct toselimets, omicproducts, etanc,liniments, faree poutas, eotc.y We ofercoummreeseniand thmancey ofhighcomisinandus iness of your own. Details on request. Familex, Dept. 4, 160 Delorimier, Montreal. 39 Cars For SaIle 1936 BUICK sedan, 44 se in good condition. Apply Scugog st. '49 PONTIAC coach, Silve Streak six, good condition. Tel phone 2707. 39-1* 1948 DeSOTO custom sedan, maroan, fluid drive, 2 heaters, chrome rings, visor, gaod tires, Lifeguard tubes. $1150. Phone 2417. 39-10 2 195P Hiliman Cars 1949 Hiliman Car FRANK'S GARAGE PHONE 3231 S9-20 USED CARS 1947 Studebaker Commander Sedan, radio, air conditoning 1940 Buick Sedan Super, Underseat Heater, runs wel 1941 Chev. Sedan 1940 Fargo 1/-ton Pick-up, heater GRAHAM'S GARAGE PHONE 2730 HAYDON 39-1 Room and Board FOR one or two ta share. Phone 3232. 39-1 ROOM and board available. Phono 3172. 39-1' PRIVATE room for rent with board. Phono 484, Bowmanville. 39-1* SEED wheat, registered No. i and Government Standard No. i Carnell and Dawbul. Treated with pangen ta control srUy. REPAIRS to al makes of rej erators, domestjc and camr~ cial; milking coolers. Higgou Electric, 42 King St. E. Phone Pets For Sale TWO beautiful saddle mares, agod four and five yeans. Phono 2162. 39-1' TRENCHING and LOADING BY HOUR OR CONTRACT - Froe Estimates Given - W!.. TRIPP PORT PERRY R. R. 2 PHONES: Res. 109r42, Office 392 22-tf S. G. PRESTON & SON PHONES 2417 - 912 e GRADING SAND AND GRAVEL PROMPT SERVICE LILLEY BROS. R. R. No. 3 - BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA DiaI 5-4902 34- NAPLE GROVE SERVICE STATION Ray Gibbs 1Gas m Oil - Tires1 and Repairs Phone 934 39- Concrele and Masonry Work -1 IGENERAL CONSTRUCTION j AND REPAIRS fFoundations - Floors I Sidewalks, etc. I Don't Wait until Fal for requirernents Free Estirnates - Prompt Service L. TURNER P.O. Box 177 Bowmanville Phone: Evenings 3231, Days3 FURNACES Air Condifioning Oul Burners Sheet Metal Work EXPERIENCE COUNTS Eavestroughing DAVIS & CO. 2 Mill Lane Bowmanville Phone - Day or Night, 3412 - 691 16-tf W. A. KILPATRICK COIWPLETE Plumbing and Healing INSTALLATIONS - REPAIRS for Bowrnanville and surround- ing district by skilled tradesmen No job too large or too smail to be appreciated Up-to-date Plurnbing Equipment with Latest Styles Plumhing Accessories Call us for Free Estimaies PHONE Dowmanville 3613 24-tf Wanted To Rent THREE-roomed or largor apart- ment or housp wanterl before October là. Phone 2273 . 39-1 - 1 1 - 1 -. 1 - 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 t rAGE POURTEEN "M eA'NADUN ISTATEMUlq. 30WUANVn=. MTAIM . leMTvbgffl A qp «Iý - --- - 1 WHAT'S IT COST? i

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