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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Sep 1953, p. 3

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f" ?!RV A', SEPT. 24, 1953 f!M.TÂT AW 4'rT'WMVAW uri'w, .&w£4v?àL9'AUW i _____ ________ M ______ _______ _____ M ______ ______ _______ M ______ M M M * M * BUILDING MATERIALS * M M M * * M * N * N * M M a * a * M * M * M * M * E * M. * M * M * M * M * * a * -"A * ~ I*II' E * * M * v-I M M * M M M M M M M M M M MSHEPPAR ~~je coiipAND OIIL * M LUMBER Co. ~' LIMITZp * ~.-------- a M *wlwvw- M M M ! 96 Km! Si. E. Bowmanville Phono 715 ;.....U...U.U..U..UU.UU..UUU.UU.UUUU..U.UU.EU.U..UUU..UUUUIUU.EUUU.UUUh~~ - C '- .u-1111L! in slJiJ LUÂUI. THE DAY AFTER a ire... if you mweren't insured.*. you'll either lose your homne or spend your bankroll (ifj you're lucky enough te have one) rebuilding. Obviously, lU's much betterj to be insured. ('ail on us today. Stuart R. James INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone: Office 681 Res. 493 - King Street - Bowman-vile IS THE ANS WER BEy. C. B. TEMPLETON CONSTANCE TEMPLETON Soloist Thrilling Gospel Music Sunday Services SEPT. 27 3] jm OCT. 41h f~pm OCT. il1 8 p.. MONDAYi Io 8p.. FRJDAYSI ALL ARE WELCOME Auspices - United Church Friday Nigbts Youth Nights with navy accessories and red rosecorsage. Following the reception, the 0 bride and groom left on a wed- __ ding trip to Northern and East- YVL(dings eZ4~ ern Or.tario, the bride choosing - for travel a red ottoman cord suit with black acoessories and corsage of white carnations. On their return the young couple 4 will reside. in Nestieton. R EYNOLDS - CRAIG On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 12, in Tyrone United Church VANCAP MLCLM Rev W. Hutton. Mrs. Lloyd Carol Mildred Craig, eldest VAN AMP MALOLMdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Hunter played the wedding mu- bert E. Craig, Salem, became Blackst3ck United Churcb sic, and Yiss Beryl Larmer was the bride of Douglas W. Rey- was the s:,ene of a pretty wed- soloist. nolds, you.ngest son of Mn. and di*eon Saturday afternoon, The bride, givern In marriege Mrs. Clifford Reynolds, Clare- by ber father, was charming in mnont. The chuich was beauti- Sci.t. ?, Wen ormaW. a floor lengtb gown of wvhite fully decorated with autumn colin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. slioper satin which fell grace- flowers foi the ceremony pen- >Norman W. Malcolm, Toronto, fully to a slight train et the formed by Rev. D. J. Lute. Miss becemne the bride of Merrili W. back. The bodice was fashioned Mary Nicklery, Hampton, play- 'Van Camp, son of Mr. and Mrs. with a boat rîcckline outlined ed the wedding music, and Mr. Percy Van Camp, Blackstock. with Fre1-ch lace. Accents o! Bob Craig, brother of the bride, Yellow and m.uve gladioli de- lace also appeared on the long was soloist. corated the churcb for the cere- sîceves wnich camne to a point Given in merriage by' her mony which wes performed by over the hands. Her fingertip fether, thu bride chose a floor _________________ - veil of nylon was caught to a lenath gown o! Chantilly lace cap trimnied with pearis and over ivorv slipper satin with French lace. She carried a cas- stand-up coller and longi cade bouquet of W-hite glediolus, sleeves. The full skirt feetured pink carnations and stephano- a front inseirt o! net tiers. Her FALL rni*ç fiflger tip veil of tulleand lace o oos oo! Gay1d ress and she carried e cascade ! bridesmaid, and Miss Aileen Van 1 o! white baby 'marms. Camp junior briciesmaid. They The bride's only attendant wore simnJarly fashioned waltz was ber sister, Miss Joan Craig, lenath cow-ns, the maid of honor who wore a floor length gown and bridesmaid in green and sil- o! mauve net over teffete with ver iridtýcen. taffeta and the fitted lace bodice Pnd brief lace -junior "ýridesmaid in copper and bolero. She wore a matching silver. Brie f boleros with tiny bat and carried e cascade of yel-_ Mstand-up collars xvere worn loxv baby 'mumis. -over the strapless. fitted bodices. Mn. Jim Reynolds, North Bey, Al vore miatching bats and brother of the groom, xvas best Mrs. Cliff Peterson of Toronto who showed Terra gloesan SJVrSiPCr.TeYmari and ushers were Mr. Har- Beau at Orono Fair. The horse is owned by Philips of i crrid fn buqetsof et nd ldHopkins, Cleremont, and Pr oe yelloxv gladioli. David Craig, Salem, brother of PotHoe M r. K eitb V an C am p perform - the bride 0 e s th s a d u i h i h o e a s a l h t o * ed the cluties cf best man, and A reception in tbe church par- feta an-i bo1eros witbsadu ibi h oeesalhto Ralph NMai olm and Roy Stinsdb lours followed the ceremnony, collars. Ticy \vore smiall bats, lace and ruffled net, and the' were uishý-rs. 1 the bride's mother weering a of matching tulle and taffetagro'; ifa heesan A recertion xvas held in St. street length dress of copen bloc and carried semi-cascade hoLi- grogfatresrn Jobn's« Hall, Blackstock, tbe crepe with navy accessories and quets ,-,lg1adioli petals in Pinoc- necklace ot pearîs. Sbe carried bride',; m w~rxearing a dress cor-sage or pink rose buds. She Icbii tore,. a cas.-,de bouquet o! white of royal bluc lace over taffeta waq assisted by tbe groom' Now is the tiine to with navv accessories and cor- motber wbo wore a street lengtl l\Ir H. Alvin Tait was Shasta 'mums. sage of . vell(Jw roses. Tbe dress of. 1-avy crepe with navy groonisiiiii and tbe usbers were Miss Je-an Elaine Moffat xvas start knitting for grocm's miothcr aise assisted, and wfritte ccessories. She also r. ceRolpb ilîsadrMr Law-ber i's onîy attendant, Winter. wearing a dress off navy sheer wore a corsage o! pinlc roserecRo-î. wearing a waltz lengtb strapless ____________________ buds. Tbe reccption was lield in the gow-n of turquoise nylon mer- Following tbe reception, the Cburr'h Hall, the bride's 1motber quisette ivec taffeta witb taf- bride and groom left on a wed- w-cre a gown cf ccppergio silk, feta trim. Sbe wore a tiny jac- Wide range of shades JusI Arr1ýved! ding trip te eastern points, the black accessorics, eggshell glcves ket and matching beaddress of bride cboosing for travel a blue and corsage of Lestra Hlibb'ird mar7qu.ise(te. Hec bouquet was in 3 and 4-ply wool faille suit witb black velvet ac- roses. The groomn's mothor %wore a casenide cf ligbt rose gladioli. ~ 1 n mcessories m.ýd corsage of red ro- a gow-n c! navx- blLiîcti icotina, Mr. Geraid Finnie, brother o! andnyon LIl ftses. On their return, Mr. and naVY accesOries andi corsage cf the groon: acted as best man. an nln.E E J ETS Mrs. Reyniolds will reside et R. creamy-yellow and sheli pýink For the reception, beld et the _____VITAMINS R. 3. Bowmenville. near Maple roses. brid&'s hone, the hride's mother Grove. Out-of-town guests et- For trav.elling the bride wcore wore a rust crepe dress wt I lIINEPtALS tended the wedding fromn North eaxvhite coat over niav b lue black uci -ssories andorsageio! Ru Cnvs ndWo!LIVER Bey, Maple Island, Goderich, boucle suit, %vjtb navy and red yellow roses. Sbe was assite IRONnasan oo Owen Sûund, Madoc, Clae- accesso"ics and corsage o! deep byth'?ro'smobr b for hand-hooked rugs. mont, Toronto and Osbawa. red roses. wore a dress o! blue crepe with 60 Capsules Tbey will reside ut Chapel black ana silver eccessories and ninth supl WILKINSON - FOSTER Hill, Northi Carolina, U.S.A. corsage of pink roses. Firt Bptit Curc, NrthBotb bride and groom attended Tbe briQe and groom left later J. W. JEWELFiratBeatist y dCrch, Nortb Queen'ý University, Kingston. on a weddîng trip to western Beybeauifuly dcoOued wthf townî guests includedj points, tne bride cboosing for, J. B.igEW LL0"~ huge standards o! gleds, esters Rev. m7ýd _Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, travel- a medium blue corded1 27Kn S.WB 20"and chrysantemums, was the Mis argaret Wilkinson, Oak- suit witb navy accessoies and 27Kig t.W. Bwmnville ê V l setting for the marriage o! Hel- Wood; Mr. and _Mrs. Albert corsage of pink Sweetbeart PHONE 556 Jurynd Mrs. T. R.a Foster, Ntrofrh Hilîs, Mr. and Mvrs. Wesley Hilîs, rdses. Oit their return the and MrhonT.7R. BosmanvNort Mr. Ralph Hilîs, \lîiss Elizabeth young couple will reside on the PhnI78Bwia le Bey, to John Wesiey Wilkinson Hls Enoiskillen; Miss Ma- groom's !arm in South Monag- -~ _______________________of Oakwood.Hus- ar The offitiating clergymen wes jonce Couce, Miss Eileen Cochcb ban. the fether o! the groom, Rev. J. Mrs. Howard Coucb, Bow.ýman _______________ W. Wilkinson, essisted by Rev -ville,- Mn. ard Mrs. Earl M\,cMi- ___ ~Harold Bridge. Tbe weddinc eO~aa music was played by J. A. Wea- Aittend t he therston and Miss Margaret Wil- FINNIE - MOFFAT kinson, sister o! the groom, as A prettv wvedding teck place TE LE O soloist, sang "Wedding Hymn et tëhe ore off the bride's par- E P E O and "Oh Perfect Love". Give inmarieg byberents, Orono, on Sept. 19, w be Dawn M rieaeIderedaugbte father, the bride xves gowned in n edI auhe f EVANGELISTIC aredingote o! imported scaîîop- Mr. and Mrs. D. Sheldon 'Mo!- - a fat, btcarr.e the- bride cf Keîtb Get quickrelief ored nylon lace and tulle, iong George Hall Finnie, ycungerMISO aching muscles, the easy .~~ pointed sîceves, oven e streplesssoofMnadMr.GreM a oohing ucewh ay ub-loor-length gown o! white te! ine alibr.Rv n sotigwy u nfete. Her tingertip veil o! tulleFnneBaEebLLEVI'LLETT'TTT1 illusion fell from a smell bat of dre\v E. Eustace off Pembroke, BL L VL t fastlaceiand shercerriediaesemi.per!ornried the ceremony in a lac ad he arie a em- ettngfomedbvstndadsofMemorial 0, cascade bouquet of white glad stig!rc b-sadr-o ioli ptlseheoi n1white igladioli. Wedding musc petal, stehanots andwas plax-cd by Mrs. W.E.C sweetpees, with Pinochie roses. Wonknia.n. Sbe also accompan- rn 'SORE MUSCLES ? "IGOFPI"tron of bonor and Miss Marilyn Chatt-rtoli w-ho sang 'Tbe jFoster, sitter o! the bride, asLod Prxe"ad Bcae LIN IM EN TI inidsorilnghwergwnke ble k Given in' marriage by beri nylon tleoe matcing tef- father, te bride chose a spark- 1 TO M'asw-n a mateliing lace and C , I t Am- A .u-"m e acket ficn!rtmcd a nrcd______ HAYDON* Mn. end Mrs. D. MacKenzie and !amily, Toronto; MisK Moore, Bojwmanville; Mn. and Mrs. Douglas Moore, Oshawe, et Mn. and Mrs. A. MeNeil's. Cpl. and Mrs. B. D. House- man, Camp Bonden; Mn. and Mrs. H. Gay, Robent and Elean- or, Oshawa; Mrs. Russell Aun- ger, Enn'-skillen, et Mn. and Mns. Chai-lie Gannerd's. Mn. andi Mns. Bert Asbton and femily, Toronto, et their cottage on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Earl Tbompson and femrly, Bowmanville, et Mn. Roland Tbompson's. Miss Doneen Rabm, Ty rone, visited Mn. and Mns. Roy Grne- hem and ±emily. Mn. anci Mrs. Harold Avery and Honnie, Mi and Mns. Clan- ence Avey and family, Burke- ton, et Mr. and Mrs. Normen Aveny 's. Mn. and Mrs. Wîlfred Bow- man and femiiy, Mr. A. Ban- denheuven Enfîeld; Mn. and, Mns. Frank Werny, Bethesda;i Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston,I Miss Joyce MeGilI, Enniskillcn; j Mrs. Fred Temblyn, Mn. Johnl Tamblyn Orono, et Mr. and I Mns. Lloyd Asbton's.4 Mn. and Mrs. S. Phillips %vitb Mn. and Mrs. Aikenhead et i their cott:;ge.i Mn. andI Mnrs. D. Bleck et-! tended the tentb wedding an- nivensary o! their niece, Mn.I and Mrs. L. Stinson, Cedmus, on Fric3ay evening. Misses May and Winnifred Tnewin spent the weekend et Ottawa. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Potts and! famiily and Mns. W. Marttn I visited Mn. and Mirs. Cliffond Myles, Coîborne. Mn. and Mrs. D. Caeron motored tri Bale on Sundey and celled on Wilbert Mark at Gnaenburst. Thev tene tee guests ci! Mr. and Mrs. Jxm Bennett et Or-lie. Mns. W. Thompson bas ne- turned te Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Arthun Bell and family x-i.rîted telzitîves uatKer.- TURNER - HAT The mai rnage took place on Saturday afternuon, Sept 12, in Newcastle United Church, o! Beverley Frances Hay, daugh- ter of Mrs. Hay, Newcastle, and the late William G. Hay, and Samuel Robert Turner, Mgn of Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Turner, Bowman- ille. Bouquets of gled- joli fonmed the background for the cenemnony which wes per- formed by Rev. Lawrence Tur- ner. Mn. Neil Stewart played the wedding music and Mr. Murray Osborne wes soloist. Given in merriage by berý brother, Mn. E. G. Hay, the bride was lovely in a floor length gown o! white nylon tulle with accents o! guiper lace. It wes feshioned wîth square neckline, tiny cap siceves and a shirred bodice. Her fingertip veil o! tulle illu- sion wes held by e cornet and she carried a cascade o! red roses. Mrs. E G. Hey, Tborncrest Village. Islington, sister-in-lew o! the bri de, wes metron-of-hon- or, and bfidesmaids were Miss Tienne Beefore, Toronto and Miss Helen Turner, Newcastle, cousin )f the groom. Tbeir gowns wene fesbioned similarly to tbet o! the bride in dark green, cerel and pale green, respectively, and they wore mnatching bandeau heeddresses.j All cerried cascadles o! white pom-pom 'munis. Mr. Ji m Bernes perfonmed, the duties o! best man, and ush- ehs were Mr. Alec Martin and Mr. Robt $tephenson. Fer the. reception held in the Sunday Sehool Room, the bride's mother wore a dress o! powder bloc taffeta with match- ing bat and eccessories and cor- sage o! bronze pom-pom 'mums. The groom's mother essisted1 bier, wearîng e dress o! figur- ed lilae and wbite taffeta witb white bat and accessories and' corsage of white carnations. The bride and groom left on a wedding trip te Gayond, Michigan tbe bride chysn for trevel a navy gabardine suit with red biat and navy accessor- ies. She wore a corsage of red roses. On their return Mr. andi Mrs. Turner will reside et P.R. 4, Bowmanville. CORDINGLEY - RUNDLE Timothv Eaton Memonial Un- ited Choit-b, Toronto, decorated - witil stenîiards of wbite glad- iol, xvas the setting on Satur- day efteri.oon, Sept. 19, mien Mary Eleaiion Rundle, daugbter o! Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Rue- dle, beceine the bride o! Davidi Coover Cordingley, son o! Mrs. Cordingley Brandon, Man., andi the lete J. B. Cordingley. Bey. Andrevi Lawson of!icieted et the ceremony. Tbe brice, given in marriege by ber fether, chose a gown o! white Chantilly lace and satin. The bîgh-necked bodice featur- ed a net yoke offset with pearl- traec lace scellops, long point- ed sleeves and corded waist and the full skîrt !lounced witb lace feli te a scelloped chepel train.,- Her fiî'gertip veil o! tulle illu- sien was caught te a pearl stud - ded cap and she cerried a bou- quet o! white roses and stephan- otis. Attending the bride were lier, sisters, Anna Rondie, Les Ange- les, Cali!., who was meaid o! honor, and Ruth and Canol Hon- dle. AIL wore faille taffeta gowns in veried shades o! aque- marine and matcbing scelloped ceps. They carnied bouquets of pink roses and ivy. Groomsmen wes Joseph Cord- ingley. Ushers were J. A. Hul- bert, C. J. Cannon, 1. R. Dut- ton and C.J. D. Scott. At t 'i., cburch neception room, the brides mother recie h goests in mink bnownlaewt featbered bat, assisted by the groom',; mother in bloc peau de soie witb mnatcbing beeded bat. The couple left for New York. Bef9ne benvesting began on our 1953 wheat rop, wbct in stenage irn Canada totalled, 423 million itushels, sufficient teO meet decmestie necds fer tbe next tv7c and a bel! yeers. Photofilm is made from wood pulp. staff ul t einîoic e Proleutii where -Aie was emiployed, and was the t ecipient cf e beautifuil and unusual so, o! yellow', band- painted cnv' stal. In Bowmenville, she xvas bon- ored et a miscellaneous shower given for lier by Mrs. J. J. Flett. et ber hoine, Centre St. Walker Stores for,(OLD WEATHERAHD! $7z98 Toddlers' poplin snow suits, quilted Kaslhe lined througho-ut, knitted cuffs and anklets, shirred elas- tic waist, double zipper front opening, reindeer on front, helmet is lined with quilted Kesha, elas- tic fittin1g back and adjustable royal. 'Sizes 2, 3 and 4. chin straps in red or ASK ABOUT DUR LAY-AWAY-PLAN Snow Suits, Coat Sets, Station Wagon Coats and Bunting Bags in ail sizes. Choose 110w froni our large selection and use our lay away plan. Salve Your Gifi Prohlems This Easy Way Wih.. KENIWO .OD BLANKETS ...Join The Kenwood Club Ail you do is choose the dreamv Kenwood colour you went, make a small deposit, t'hcn wcek hy week watch the balance dwindle til the blankets are yours Whether you're coliecting a trousseau or wish to buy lovely all-wool Kenwoods for your home or for gifts, this by-the-week plan is designed for your con yen ien ce. A personel Kenwood Pass Book will record your payments and show you how fast you cen huy in this budget way. Drop into our Blanket Department for further information - and join now. "TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP" PIIONE 451 BOWMANVILLE KING ST. F. --s 1 ---------- - -% 1PAMIL IIRKFI. 5 dal on Sunday.Brd Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton Bieof Saiurday and family attended the serviceH et Enniskillen and were tea Honored by Frîends guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. W" i McLaughlin, Burketon, on Sun- 1111 Several Showers day.____ W.A. met at the home of Mr. Prior to her marriage on Sept. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon onl 12, Mrs. Tom DeGeer, the Ifori- Thursday. Devotio~nal wves pre- sented by Mrs. Charlie Gerrard. mer Shirley Maxine Moore, was Mrs. Lloyd Slemon presented guest of honor at a number of this program: reading by Mrs. showerz. The bride has been Lute; solo by Mrs. Charlie Han-1 employed in To)ronto for the kine. Mis-s Aked, Tyrone, gave j past foi 'r years, and was entcr- a talk on colors and showed1 tained tlbcre by Miss Dorohy several slides. A short contest 1 Quinn and by Mrs. J. Under- was h2ld and ail enjoyed thei wood, the latter an aunt of the lunch. bride both of whomi held mis- Sunday Scbool et 2 p.m.1 cellaneouF showers at their Cburcb service will be wit - home. drawn on~ account of Salem The bride-to-be wves also en- Tbank-Offering. tertained et dinner by the office THE CANADIAN STATESMAlq BOMMANVffTM nlqTAlfft%

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